Home Categories martial arts novel The Legend of Double Dragon of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 353 Chapter 10 Shadows and Cold Water

The car drove into a Taoist temple, Kou Zhong pressed his curiosity to see who came out of the car, hid in the dark side alley, and waited patiently. Sure enough, in less than half a cup of hot tea, two figures jumped from the Taoist temple and another house on the opposite side of the street. In the quiet and deserted long street at night, they were actually two middle-aged Taoist priests. Then I know that martial arts are also very good. The two Taoist priests looked at each other and smiled, and one of them said in a low voice: "This method has advantages and disadvantages. It is more difficult to get rid of the enemy during the day, and it is easier to see if there are stalkers at night."

Kou Zhong's heart was shocked, he quickly fell down, put his ear to the ground, and vaguely caught the faint sound of horseshoes in the distance, secretly shouted for danger, bypassed the two Taoist priests, and continued to follow. This trick is indeed simple and effective. The carriage enters through the front door of the Taoist temple and exits through the back door, and then uses a secret sentry to see if there are any followers following.Fortunately, these two monsters got carried away and leaked the truth, which made him come to his senses. After skimming to the top of a house, Kou Zhong regained his vigilance and lay down again, yelling that he was almost fooled.

What he thought of was that Laojunguan's demon ways are all old treacherous and cunning old rivers and lakes, so he jumped to the middle of the street to speak, and the first sentence revealed the secret of the arrangement is really unreasonable, so it must be deceitful, if he If you chase after it recklessly, you will definitely fall into the trap. Moreover, the other party knew that there were no other vehicles and horses traveling late at night, so the sound of hooves could be easily detected, so how could they not try to remedy it.For example, changing to another car that is covered with cloth, or simply abandoning the car, are feasible methods that can easily get rid of the pursuer.

Kou Zhong wiped his cold sweat secretly, it was clearly a trap carefully planned by Old Demon Rong to deal with him, Xu Ziling and other enemies, and he almost fell for it. The two demons jumped up and disappeared into the courtyard wall of the Taoist temple. Kou Zhong took a deep breath, concentrating on it, gathering the qi in his dantian, and the surrounding scene became clear immediately. The golden moonlight seen from the reflection, and the changes in the air flow caused by the night wind, none of them could hide from his multiplied senses. At this moment, he heard the barely perceptible sound of the wind ripping through his sleeves, and he quickly approached from the left rear.

Kou Zhong jumped off the long street without hesitation, and rushed towards the Taoist temple like a ghost. Xu Ziling said calmly: "Master's proposal, please forgive Xu Ziling for not accepting it." Liao Kongbao looked solemn, whispered the Buddha's name, and said softly: "The almsgiver only has the root of wisdom and wisdom, can't you still see through it and let it go?" Xu Ziling shrugged and said: "Who can see through? Who can let go? What I pursue is a free life. I can go as I want, live as I want, without any influence. If I see through and let go, I will be imprisoned in the Jingnian Temple. What's the point of this?"

A smile escaped from the corner of Liao Kong's mouth, and he said softly: "No love for life, no fear of death, no pursuit of Buddha, no fear of demons, that is to say, freedom, which can be obtained by oneself. Not only does freedom have no shape, it also has no name. , There is no place. The more you are attached to and free, the more chaotic and confusing, and the reasoning is unclear. There is no presence, no place, no separation, no Buddha, there is a Buddha." Xu Ziling frowned when he heard this, but he couldn't say that his words were unreasonable. He sighed: "Xu Ziling is just a stubborn rock. The master wastes his words in vain. I will never follow the master back to the Buddhist monastery. We each have our own attachments. It seems that In the end, it will all be resolved by force.”

Liaokong said: "The only solid body, everything is seen in the dust, does the benefactor understand these two sentences?" Xu Ziling smiled wryly and said, "Master Lao will explain such a profound Zen theory." Liao Kong approached slowly, and said with a smile, "How about we talk as we walk?" Xu Ziling was stunned and said, "Didn't we go all the way to Jingnian Temple?" He smiled without answering, and passed him by. Xu Ziling had no choice but to walk side by side with him, only to hear the eminent monk say: "The only solid body is the Buddha's heart. Everyone has the Buddha's nature. The Buddha's heart is the essence of all things. That is, the heart is the Buddha, and this Buddha's heart appears in the world. Among all things in the world, if you put it into the world, you will be out of the world, and if you are persistent, you will not be persistent. It all depends on the heart. As long as the benefactor changes with a single thought, it will turn hostility into jade. How about giving alms?"

Xu Ziling carefully chewed his persuasive words that implied Zen. After pondering for a while, facing the cold wind blowing from the long street, he said calmly: "The disputes in the world are caused by differences in people's hearts. I understand the position of the master, and the master also You should understand my position. How could Xu Ziling want to fight recklessly." After passing through the empty collar, he turned left and entered the spacious square of a magnificent temple, surrounded by old trees, and the Daxiong Hall standing on the other side of the square was dimly lit.

Xu Ziling stopped and leaned his back against the main entrance. Although he asked himself that his spiritual awareness was far superior to that of ordinary people, he asked himself that he was not sure whether his senior sister Xuan and the Four Great Sacred Haters were hiding in the temple. After taking ten steps, he came to the center of the square and stopped, turned around, and three steps behind him was a bronze incense burner that was higher than his waist.I don't know who put two injections of fragrance in the stove, and the cigarette smoke curled up and was blown away by the cold wind.

The top of the hall reflects the brilliance of the stars and the moon, shining brightly. The entire courtyard of the temple was silent, cold and desolate. "when"! Liao Kong shook the small bronze bell in his hand, and said solemnly: "The geese pass through the sky, and their shadows sink to the cold water. Although the geese have no intention of leaving behind, the water also lacks the heart to cast their shadows. But it is an indisputable fact that the geese pass by and their shadows sink. Has benefactor Xu thought about the sake of the common people in the world?" Xu Ziling now clearly understands why Senior Sister Xuan would stop at nothing to prevent the two of them from going to Guanzhong to hunt for treasures. What they were afraid of was that the two of them would be able to leave with the treasures, because that was simply impossible.What she worries about is that the treasure will fall into the hands of Li Jiancheng. Now Li Jiancheng's reputation has grown, which is even more detrimental to Li Shimin, who is in the midst of the struggle between brothers and factions.Xu Ziling really wanted to tell Kong that he was willing to accompany Kou Zhong to take this risk, but he just hoped that Kou Zhong would retreat in spite of the difficulties and die to fight for the ambition of the world, but he didn't say it in the end.

Xu Ziling revisited his comprehension and understanding of dreams and reality before he met Shen Luoyan just now, and said in a deep voice: "Miss Shi is here, why don't you come out and meet." Kou Zhong slid against the wall into the forest garden of the Taoist temple, leaned over and ran quickly, bypassed a hexagonal pavilion, glanced around, couldn't help crying in his heart. This is the garden on the left side of the Taoist temple. Although it has small bridges, flowing water, pavilions and waterside pavilions, and is elegantly arranged, it is planted with sparse bamboo and potted plants, and there is no hiding place at all. In a hurry, Kou Zhong fell to the bottom of the bridge and sank into the stream below the bridge. Just as he hid his body, there was a sound of breaking wind above, and someone entered the main hall of the Taoist temple through the side door. For Kou Zhong, this is a gamble, the bet is that the other party thinks that no one is following, and he is negligent for a moment, and he takes advantage of the opportunity to enter. Although his senses are not as sensitive as Xu Ziling's, he is still sure whether he has been detected by the enemy or not, and he can produce a response. Now it seems that he has succeeded. The person who enters the temple must be the enemy's master who is responsible for dealing with the stalkers. Their speed is faster than that of Kou Zhong. Maybe they are people of Zhu Yuyan or Houhou's rank. Just trying to sneak in, the danger will be greatly increased. Kou Zhong slowly floated to the surface of the water, his ears gathered.Immediately, the sound of the enemy's speech in Guanyin was transmitted to the eardrum without any omission. Rong Jiaojiao's sweet voice resounded in the temple: "It's so strange, where are those three damned guys hiding?" Kou Zhong wakes up and realizes that the person who came here from Rongfu by car is Rong Jiaojiao, not Rong Laoyao Pichen, if he had known this, he would have killed this witch on the way. Another woman's voice said: "With Kou Zhong's character, he is absolutely unwilling to accept defeat, that's why the young miss guessed that he would persevere in assassinating Master Bichen like he did in Nanyang. Now he obviously didn't come after him. , really does not act like him." Kou Zhong wiped off his cold sweat again, secretly exclaiming that the demon girl is really powerful, it turns out that he is so easy to be seen through, no wonder he almost died in Nanyang. The person who spoke was Wen Caiting, the elder of the Yingui Sect. Kou Zhong was very pleased that she appeared here.Because of this, it shows that he is correct in speculating that Rong Fengxiang and the Yingui faction formed an alliance. Zhu Yuyan's voice sounded at this moment: "It's their fate, maybe it's because our plan is not implemented at the right time, or they have other important matters! But since Wang Shichong is willing to cooperate with us, the two of them are still unable to fly." Rong Jiaojiao said: "But Wang Shichong's condition is that we can deal with them only after Tuli is sent away. Does Master think it is acceptable?" Kou Zhong's heart was shocked, and he thought to himself that Rong Jiaojiao was Zhu Yuyan's other apprentice, so Lao Junguan had always been in collusion with the Yin Gui sect.I can't help but rejoice that I came here by mistake and eavesdropped on such an important secret.Of course, he hated Wang Shichong even more. Wan Wan's soft voice said: "Luoyang may be our last chance to catch them. Wang Shichong is an old fox who is unreliable, and he is an outsider after all. He has no scruples about us. My opinion is that as long as they expose Let’s take action with all our strength immediately, there is no need to worry too much, please master to decide.” Kou Zhong gasped and almost sank back to the bottom of the stream.It's just that Zhu Yuyan is more than enough to take care of him alone, not to mention there is a museum. Pi Shouxuan, who is a 'cloud and rain double cultivator', said: "What Wei'er said is not unreasonable. Now that the two of them are still ignorant that we have arrived in the Eastern Capital, we will kill them by surprise. If Shi Feixuan and the four major The thief arrived in time, and the situation will become more complicated." At this time, the old demon Bichen said in his original voice: "Alas! What I'm worried about is Shi Zhixuan, he sent someone to warn me not to interfere in the affairs of the two of them, it really made me very embarrassed." Rong Jiaojiao said softly: "Father! Now they kill Uncle Ke Feng, how is the situation different? No matter how domineering Shi Zhixuan is, he still has to abide by the rules of our sect." Zhu Yuyan snorted coldly and said: "Don't worry, Brother Dao, if Shi Zhixuan wants to blame you, let him blame me, Zhu Yuyan first! He is getting more and more unrestrained! Knowing that the holy relic is what I want, he still dares to come and fight with me scramble." Pi Chen sighed again, apparently because he had too much scruples about Shi Zhixuan, he was still worried. Although the temple is full of magic masters, Zhu Yuyan and Guan Guan are the only ones who can compete with Shi Zhixuan for a day. Hou Hou said: "Besides those three boys who assassinated Uncle Kefeng, there is another person. If we know who this person is, we might be able to find their hiding place." Kou Zhong's scalp went numb immediately, and he cursed at the witch in his heart. Pi Chen said with a sideways smile: "Who is this person? I already have an idea. Before the incident, Fuqian's people booked a box on the upper floor of the South Hall, but the person did not come. From this we can know the clue. But this matter You can't act rashly, Fu Qian's intelligence and martial arts are unfathomable, and his subordinates are as skilled as a cloud, and if he cooperates with those three boys, he will not be easy to deal with, if we fail in the first battle, it will destroy our cooperation with Wang Shichong." Zhu Yuyan said: "Brother Dao means..." Pichen said decisively: "Wang Shichong and I still need to use each other. If the venerable Zhu does not object, I think it's best to be patient and wait until Tuli leaves tomorrow before taking action against them. They can't guess To the delicate relationship between Wang Shichong and us." Zhu Yuyan pondered for a while, and then said: "Of course we respect Brother Dao's opinion, so let's do it this way! Let's meet again tomorrow to discuss the details of the matter." Wan Hou sighed lightly, and said in a low voice: "Oh! Master and suzerain, don't blame Li'er for worrying too much. Suddenly, an ominous premonition surged in Li'er's heart. If we wait until tomorrow night, they may have fled Luoyang. People who underestimate Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling never have anything to repay. Li Mi is the most obvious example. Of course, Shier understands the difficulty of setting up the suzerain, but as long as the suzerain points out to Wang Shichong that they are likely to see through his plot, Wang Shichong may change his mind. Original intention." Hearing this, Kou Zhong cursed again in his heart, but he had no choice but to inform Fu Qian as soon as possible, and everyone fled together. Pi Chen was silent for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "What Su Er said is not without reason. Alright! I'll go to see Wang Shichong right away, and tell him about my interests, to see if I can impress him." Kou Zhong's spirit was lifted immediately, and he wanted to assassinate Pichen Yaodao, this was a once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity. Concubine Xuan's heavenly voice came from the Daxiong Hall and said, "Since brother Ziling wants to see Concubine Xuan, why don't you come in and meet her?" Xu Ziling felt complicated emotions that even he couldn't understand from the bottom of his heart. After saluting to Kong, he slowly walked into the Buddhist hall. Although Xu Ziling didn't know what this temple was, but only saw the majestic construction of the hall and the exquisite layout, so the temple must be one of the famous temples in Luoyang. On the white stone platform at the opposite door, a great Buddha, Jiejia, sat down on the octagonal xumizuo seat with double lotus petals, his eyebrows were sculpted and raised, and the precious figure looked down solemnly slightly, as if he could fully understand the suffering of all living beings and was magnificent.The golden statue is covered with a one-shoulder coat, with a hand-made seal of fearlessness, and a subtle smile hangs from the corner of its mouth.The earth statues of heavenly kings and strong men lined up on the left and right sides not only have different shapes, but also their bearings, gestures, movements, and even the size of the body are scattered and colorful, and there is a certain harmony between the changes. unity. After that, I could clearly hear the fairy voice of Master Concubine Xuan, but when I entered the palace, it was gone forever. Xu Ziling went around to the back of the Buddhist altar, and was about to go out through the back door, when his eyes were suddenly attracted by one of the row of warriors enshrined behind the altar. This is like a short skirt with a waist, a chest ornament, thick limbs, broad shoulders and a thick spleen, bulging muscles, angry eyebrows and eyes, and an extremely tyrannical and violent aura. Xu Ziling suddenly thought of Kou Zhong, Kou Zhong's ferocity is restrained and reserved, with a cynical and free and easy look, but the domineering side gives people the same feeling. Shi Feixuan's voice came again: "Feixuan is waiting respectfully for brother Ziling's arrival." Xu Ziling calmed down completely at this moment. Infected by the otherworldly atmosphere in the Buddhist hall, he successfully put aside the distracting thoughts in his heart, without love for life, fear of death, and fear of evil. He knew that as long as he stepped on the threshold, he would face the biggest challenge since his debut.But he still stepped into the tree-lined garden between the main hall and the apse without fear. Sitting in the small pavilion in the center of the garden, Concubine Shixuan, the moonlight is shining all over the garden, and the shadows of the trees with fallen branches and leaves are gently cast on the garden. As long as there is a place where Shi Feixuan appears, no matter how vulgar the situation is, it will add a bit of immortality, not to mention the famous ancient temple that is originally a holy place for cultivation. Xu Ziling sat down at the table under the eyes of Shi Feixuan, and Shi Feixuan smiled and said: "After a few months in a hurry, Brother Ziling's demeanor is better than before. It is obvious that he has made great progress in practice, which is gratifying. Joy." Xu Ziling reported back with a wry smile: "If Miss Shi's so-called words come from the heart, wouldn't it be a bit contradictory, because of my advanced skills, it will be more difficult for Miss to capture me alive, right?" Concubine Xuanyu's face was as calm as still water, but her slender eyebrows that grew into her temples were slightly gathered and stretched, and she said with a smile: "Don't be so strict, okay? Feixuan just wants to invite you and your good brother, Marshal Kou Temporarily retreat to the mountains and forests. Live a comfortable and comfortable life, and practice martial arts subtly, just like birds in the forest and fish swimming in the water, how free and easy it is.” Xu Ziling once again felt the sharp words of Master Concubine Xuan Shen Hejian Dao.In fact, since Xu Ziling pointed out that Concubine Xuan was hiding in the temple, the two began to fight.It seems like gossip about reunion after parting, but in the heart it is looking for each other's gaps and vying for the initiative. Xu Ziling wants to maintain his fighting spirit and fight for his own freedom; Shi Feixuan is subtly weakening his desperate heart to achieve the goal of capturing him alive.The most subtle thing is that there is a lot of "love" between the two.make the situation more complicated. Xu Ziling replied with a calm demeanor, and said lightly: "Miss, the word 'please' is the problem. In the final analysis, we are all required to submit and obey your arrangement. Kou Zhong and I have been homeless wild children since we were young, and we are the most uncomfortable with it. Under the control of others, do you understand, Miss?" Shi Feixuan suddenly lowered her head, and said softly: "Of course Feixuan understands. So I decided to retire to the mountains and forests with you, will it make you feel better?" Xu Ziling's heart trembled violently, he suddenly remembered the relationship between Bi Xiuxin and Shi Zhixuan, and was speechless for a moment. Concubine Shixuan raised her pretty face, stared at the charming Yeyue, and said in a calm tone: "Mr. Yang's treasure is more extensive and far-reaching than He's Bi. It not only affects the struggle for who can rule the world, but also touches on the ups and downs of good and evil in martial arts. Kou Zhong has proved with iron-clad facts that he is not only a Gai Dai martial arts talent other than you, but also an invincible commander in wisdom and courage. If he succeeds in taking Yang Gong’s treasure as his own, he will eventually become a two-strong contender for hegemony with King Qin In this situation, the world will be divided for a long time, and the sufferings suffered by the people will be worse than today. It is the only choice for Feixuan to ask the two to withdraw from the dispute." Of course Xu Ziling understood what she meant, but he was shocked by her eloquent clarification. Yang Gong’s treasure is not only the key to the factional struggle of the Li family in Guanzhong, but also because it contains the treasure of the demon gate "evil emperor relic". Long, the situation is dire.Shi Feixuan's worries are not without reason. The treasure of Yang Gong was planned by Yang Su, the famous commander-in-chief of the former court, so as to use it as a conspiracy when Emperor Wen Yang Jian dealt with him.Lu Miaozi, the world's most skilled hand, designed the secret place of treasures for him. Of course, the hidden things are of no small importance, and it will have unpredictable effects in anyone's hands.All kinds of unpredictable consequences are what Shi Feixuan doesn't want to see. Xu Ziling knew that he was at a disadvantage, so he could only sigh: "Miss, do you think we are really capable of transporting the entire treasure of Duke Yang out of the Guanzhong? That is not a small Heshi treasure." Shi Feixuan's beautiful eyes brightened, and she said slowly: "If it were someone else, Feixuan would definitely think it was wishful thinking. But if it was Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong, anyone with a little brain would not dare to take it lightly. Li Mi therefore Ruined the country." He pursed his lips again and said with a smile: "Your past achievements are too scary!" Seeing her suddenly revealing her daughter's charming demeanor, Xu Ziling couldn't help but stare dumbfounded. Concubine Shi Xuan sighed softly: "The place where you look back is the door of liberation, from spring to new, Xu Ziling! What do you want Fei Xuan to tell you?" Xu Ziling smiled wryly and said: "Miss, Xu Ziling is very grateful for your painstaking persuasion. But the matter has come to this point, and no one can undo it. I promised Kou Zhong to accompany him to find the treasure. If you can't find it, everyone will return to the hometown to farm together: if you find it, Then we parted ways and went our separate ways. This is the most frank thing I have said, I didn’t want to say it, but I will say it anyway!” Concubine Shixuan said calmly: "Brother Ziling, how sure is he that he can find Duke Yang's treasure?" Xu Ziling said: "We're not even half sure, we only know the approximate location." Shi Feixuan said word by word: "Do you want Kou Zhong to successfully retrieve the treasure?" Xu Ziling shook his head dejectedly, and said discouragedly: "I just hope that he will die because he can't find the treasure." Concubine Shi Xuan's eyes flashed, and said: "But you know that as long as the approximate location is revealed, Li Yuanji has a great chance to find the treasure." Xu Ziling said: "This possibility is indeed very high. Not only does Li Yuanji not have to dodge left and right like us, but he can openly conduct a large-scale excavation and search." The concubine Xuan Surong said: "If we ask the young marshal to withdraw from this matter, can Xu Ziling sit on the sidelines and ignore it?" Xu Ziling replied decisively: "No!" Concubine Shi Xuan stood up pretty, and said softly, "Where did you come from, and where do you return to; you can't say nothing when you dream, and you can't say anything when you feel it." Seeing her graceful back disappear behind the gate of the palace, Xu Ziling knew that he had finally broken with this fairy-like beauty. He slowly closed his eyes, and a chanting came into his eardrums. The four holy monks are about to make a move.
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