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Chapter 198 Chapter Seven Long Bridge Talks about Zen

Before the two of them left the house, Kou Zhong had briefly explained the reason why he had to leave Luoyang immediately. Xu Xingzhi dragged him to the side hall where there was no one there, and said calmly: "Master Kou must not leave at this time, otherwise there will be no hope of competing for the world." Kou Zhong smiled wryly and said, "Am I the one who retreats before the battle, but I know that I can't do anything, and I will just give up our three little lives for nothing." Xu Xingzhi thought for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "The situation is quite strange now. On the surface, we seem to have the upper hand. But looking at the enemy's movement, they are well prepared and confident. How can Dugu Feng and Yang Tong face our superiority?" Is your army still confident?"

Kou Zhong was startled and said: "You are right, if you only rely on assassination, the success or failure is still unknown. Could it be that Li Mi's army has sneaked up secretly as a surprise soldier, and is preparing to join forces inside and outside to enter the city." Xu Xingzhi said with a smile: "If so, Yang Tong and Dugufeng are big fools, driving tigers out of the front door and wolves in through the back door." Kou Zhong thought hard, "Then what tricks are they playing?" Xu Xing's eyes were shining with the light of wisdom, and he said in a low voice: "The so-called self-discipline, the reason why we are afraid is because we can't understand the enemy's unusual situation. On the other hand, the reason why the enemy can If you have any confidence, it should be that you have a good grasp of our true and false wisdom pearls, and know them well, so that you are not afraid of us."

Kou Zhong changed his face and said: "Do you mean that there are traitors hidden among us? Have you reminded Wang Shichong?" Xu Xingzhi shook his head and said: "This is just speculation, and I'm new here, so there are so many jealous people, how dare I say it rashly without evidence." Kou Zhong was a little confused: "What should we do now?" Xu Xingzhi didn't answer and asked instead: "Mr. Huang has been here for many days, why is there still no movement?" Kou Zhong frowned and said, "Of course it's time to wait." Xu Xingzhi shook his head and said: "If you can't take the initiative, is it because of a wise man like Shen Luoyan? This further confirms my guess, that is, the enemy has already known our plan to lure the enemy tomorrow night, so he is going to use the plan and take the opportunity to kill Wang Shichong , then we're really screwed."

Kou Zhong took a deep breath and said, "I understand! Assuming we still can't find the traitor tomorrow night, Wang Shichong is required to cancel the banquet, then attack the palace with all his strength, and restore the previous situation of confrontation with Li Mi; and then we leave Shi Shiran In the future, it will depend on Wang Shichong's own fortune." Then he was startled and said: "Oh no! Didn't Zhai Jiao's affairs have been known by the traitor?" Xu Xingzhi calmly said: "Master Kou, don't worry, Shen Luoyan will never scare the snake before the assassination of Wang Shichong, so as long as Master Kou makes arrangements before tomorrow night, they will be safe."

Kou Zhong said decisively: "I will immediately seek help from the Green Snake Gang and inform Zhai Jiao. You should go back quickly, otherwise it will be suspicious." Xu Xingzhi whispered: "Master Kou be careful." After speaking, Kou Zhong hurried back to the hall and left the house to ride out of the city. Xu Ziling turned into Tianjie, and there was a sea of ​​people, where to find Kou Zhong's feeling of depression. The matter between Su Su and Xiang Yushan has become a big mistake, and now even his son is born, no matter how powerful he and Kou Zhong are, they are too weak to recover.

He has never had a good impression of Yun Yuzhen, and now he hates it even more, and feels contemptuous. A skittish woman is always skittish, that won't change. He and Kou Zhong have never done anything wrong to her, but she has repeatedly plotted against them with the most despicable plots, even involving the innocent Susu. To get to the bottom of it, we should still start with Li Jing's negative feelings. Before I knew it, I came to the top of Tianjin Bridge. Xu Ziling leaned on the railing and looked down at the Luohe River, completely ignoring the bustling traffic behind him.

Should he go back to Baling immediately to see Susu's condition, but deep down he is afraid to go back, so conflicted that he wants to cry out to the sky to vent his depression and grief. Why are there always so many people in the world who will repay their kindness and revenge, no matter to Xiangyushan or Yunyuzhen, they all have kindness without enmity. This makes me not offend others, but others offend me.Therefore, it is not entirely unreasonable for Kou Zhong to take the initiative to fight for world hegemony.Now it is clear that power is everything, and there is no place for morality and rationality.

At this moment, suddenly someone beside him came out, looked at Luohe with him, and said softly: "Brother Xu, why is he so sad and angry?" Only from the fragrant breath emanating from her fairy body, one can tell that it is Shi Feixuan, who is as elegant and elegant as a fairy.This peerless beauty is still dressed in men's clothes, she is indescribably handsome and elegant. Xu Ziling didn't leave to look at her, and said with a wry smile: "Now I understand why some people want to become a monk, because all living beings are suffering, once they are involved in this world, they will be entangled until death. The four talents are all empty. But the younger brother is now in the mud, and he can't stop."

Master Concubine Xuanyu didn't see any fluctuations in her face, and said indifferently: "Brother Xu, will you listen to Concubine Xuan tell a story?" Xu Ziling was silent. Concubine Shixuan said spontaneously: "The cold mountain is only white clouds, silent and dust-free. There is a family on Caozuo Mountain, with a lonely lamp and a bright moon wheel. The stone bed is next to the green marsh, and deer and tigers are always neighbors. I am envious of living in seclusion and enjoying myself, and I will grow up as an outsider. " Her voice is as soft as nature, with a moving tone like music, chanting in this busy city, it has an unparalleled appeal.

The poems can't help arousing Xu Ziling's associations. It seems that the cold mountains and white clouds, the solitary lamp and the bright moon all have new meanings because of her fragrant lips. Although the eyes of the two did not meet, they were subtly connected because they were both staring at the endlessly flowing river below. At this time, the sun was gradually setting, and the afterglow dyed the sky in the west of the city red. Xu Ziling pondered: "This doesn't look like a story!" A smile escaped from the corner of Concubine Shixuan's mouth, and said lightly: "This is just the prelude to the story, and I just want to cultivate the emotional atmosphere for Brother Xu to listen to the story. Otherwise, it will be a waste of words to play the piano to the cow."

Xu Ziling suddenly turned to another place and said, "Is there really such a thing as retribution?" Concubine Shixuan replied: "Brother Xu is not a person who cares about utilitarianism, why should he care about such things like a secular person?" Xu Ziling looked at her in surprise, and said, "You seem to know me very well!" Shi Feixuan didn't answer him, nor did she meet his gaze with her beautiful eyes, she just stared intently at the flowing water below. The outline of her side face is so beautiful that it takes one's breath away, as if the beauty of the heavens and the earth is reflected in the perfect lines of her face. Xu Ziling tried to avoid all kinds of worries, but he couldn't help but be deeply attracted by her, as if he was looking for a paradise to avoid the troubled times in the tragic world full of war. Concubine Shixuan didn't seem to mind being admired by him at a close distance of less than two feet. Her jade face was as calm as still water, and she said softly: "Someone asked the monk, 'Do you still work hard, monk?' The monk replied:' Work hard.” Ask again: “How to work hard?” The monk replied: “Eat when you are hungry, and sleep when you are sleepy.” So the questioner wondered: “Everything is always the same, is it the same hard work?” The monk replied: “Of course it is different , They refuse to eat when they eat, thinking about everything, thinking about everything, so they are different." Then Chengming's deep eyes met his, and he said softly, "Is this story interesting?" Xu Ziling looked at her deeply, feeling her spotless calm state of mind, nodded and said: "Miss's story contains profound truths, but the first condition is to completely separate yourself from the misery of everyone, in order to achieve this kind of infinite happiness. This is also the state of extreme liberation and freedom, similar to Zhuang Zhou’s natural inaction, the pursuit of nothing. But unless you can cut off the world like a lady, how can you be ruthless? ?” A look of surprise flashed across Shifei Xuanxiu's eyes, and she returned to calm again, and said softly: "Brother Xu is indeed a man of great wisdom, no wonder he can grasp the key points of "The Secret of Longevity", and also cracked the secret of He's Bi, which is buried deep in the ages. Brother Xu’s question just now is just that he doesn’t understand the true nature of his true knowledge, which is originally full of wisdom. Brother Xu, do you want to hear another story?” Xu Ziling smiled wryly and said, "I'm not in the mood to listen to a story at all now, but Miss's story is so beautiful that it makes me unable to extricate myself, so I can't help but listen to it." Concubine Shixuan looked away, and cast her gaze back on the flowing water below.Watching a small boat, carrying a family of men, women, old and young, gradually go away under the colorful clouds of the setting sun. Xu Ziling also followed her gaze, and his fluctuating mood gradually calmed down. Behind him was the frequent traffic and the flow of people gradually became thinner, and the noise decreased slightly. Tianjin Bridge is a must-visit place for tourists in Luoyang, so it is not uncommon for two people to lean on the railing side by side, and it will not attract attention. At this moment, Xu Ziling realized that Shi Feixuan had just seen him today, and now he suddenly appeared in the fairy trail, there must be a deep meaning that he didn't understand. Shi Feixuan's voice came into his ears and said: "There is a Taoist immortal leader who opened a furnace to practice alchemy. Everything is ready, and he owes a Taoist boy who guards the furnace." Xu Ziling said in surprise, "I thought that what Miss told would be a story about another Buddhist school." Shi Feixuan smiled and said, "What's the difference between Buddhism and Taoism? Just like you and me, we're just human!" Xu Ziling was puzzled and said, "Everyone is different, otherwise why would you call me Shi Feixuan, while I call Xu Ziling?" Concubine Shixuan replied calmly: "The heart is the Buddha, and it is not the heart or the Buddha. It is neither the heart, nor the Buddha, nor is it a thing. A person is a person, and the self is just a barrier and obstacle, so I don't know what to eat when I eat. !" It was Xu Ziling's first contact with a master of Zen until today. No matter what he said, Konghe or Shi Feixuan, although the words were simple and easy to understand on the surface, there were always hidden mysteries deep inside, so he had to humbly say: "I have to think carefully. Think about it, Miss, please continue the story, I won't interrupt again!" After Kou Zhong left the horse in the stable of Dong's restaurant, he began to walk towards the main altar of the Green Snake Gang at the pier.He was afraid of being followed and found out his relationship with Ren En, so as soon as he left the street, he started to move, suddenly ran across the side alleys, passed by the house, and used various anti-tracking methods to make sure that no one was hanging on him. When he was behind, he drove towards his destination at full speed. Under the care of the setting sun, the continuous houses and the green trees and flowers set off each other, while the temple tops and pagodas that can be seen everywhere compete to describe the wonders of the sky.It's a pity that Kou Zhong turned a blind eye and was only thinking about how to teach Zhai Jiao and others to avoid the catastrophe. Kou Zhong shed the main entrance and turned down from the roof, his expression changed drastically before he touched the ground. Concubine Shixuan said in an unhurried manner: "Finally someone came to apply for the Taoist boy who guards the furnace. The Taoist priest said: 'If you can not say a word from now on, you can be my Taoist boy. Willing to try Is it?" The man nodded firmly, then turned around and fell into countless reincarnations, but no matter whether rich or poor, princes, generals, traffickers or pawns, he can keep silent. speechless." Xu Ziling frowned when he heard this. This story has a mysterious and eccentric color, but he doesn't know what it has to do with the topic just now. Concubine Shixuan continued: "In the end, he became a married woman in a certain life, married her husband and had a son. Unexpectedly, the thief came before the son was born." Xu Ziling's curiosity was aroused, and he said in astonishment, "Then what should we do?" Concubine Shi Xuan said: "The thief killed her husband in front of her eyes and humiliated her, but she still insisted on not making a sound. In the end, the thief wanted to kill the baby too. She finally forgot the purpose of the reincarnation and screamed to stop it." Xu Ziling's tiger's body shook violently, and he understood. Concubine Shixuan said lightly: "So he woke up from the wheel and found that he was still standing in the alchemy room. Nothing had changed, only tears on his face. The immortal sighed: 'That's all! You still give up I can't break the bond between mother and child.'" Then he said softly, "Kou Zhong is here! Concubine Xuan is farewell." Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling sat on the slope of Luodi, roughly the same position as this morning, but their moods were vastly different. Kou Zhong was surprisingly calm and calm, and said in a low voice: "There must be only one perpetrator, but none of the twenty-five people in the main altar of the Green Snake Gang were spared. It can be seen that he acted quickly, ruthlessly, and accurately, at least close to the level of Wanwan. Count. But it was definitely not done by the Yingui Sect.” Xu Ziling's heart surged with passion for revenge for the leader of the Green Snake Gang, En and his subordinates, but his tone was very calm, and he said lightly: "Why are you so sure?" Kou Zhong said fiercely: "Because everyone's death and injuries don't look like the work of Heavenly Demon Kung Fu. Ren En and others have no scars on the surface, but their internal organs are all broken. The power of punching the air." Xu Ziling took a breath and said: "Although the martial arts of Ren En and others are not very good, if I want to kill all the people in the altar before no one escapes from the house, I'm afraid I can't do it. So this person's martial arts should be at the top of the list." Above us. There are only a handful of such masters in Jianghu, who could it be?" At this time, the night was just falling and the lights were just coming on. Compared with their gloomy and gloomy mood, the prosperous and peaceful atmosphere seemed to have a strong sense of sarcasm. Kou Zhong said dejectedly: "Frankly speaking, I really wanted to cry at that time to vent the misery and pain in my heart. But I knew it was absolutely impossible, and I had to be more determined to deal with the counterattack. Now my mind is full of their corpses. Can you analyze the miserable scene in Hengtan for me." Of course, Xu Ziling's mood will not be better than his, and it may be even heavier. He took a deep breath and said: "First of all, how does the other party know about our relationship with the Green Snake Gang? What good will it do him to destroy the Green Snake Gang? Why do people act alone? As long as you figure out one point, you can guess which side did it." Kou Zhong sighed: "The biggest suspect is still the Yingui faction, but I always feel that they are not the ones who did it." Xu Ziling nodded and said: "Could it be the Yin Gui Sect? If the perpetrator has contact with one of the local gangs in Luoyang, it should be easy to find out that the Green Snake Gang has been running for us in the past two days. After the Yin Gui Sect loses the Luoyang Gang , wait for Ruo to cut off all the eyeliner. So the most likely one is the Dugu Man, but after thinking about it, it's a bit wrong." Then he told them about Shen Luoyan blaming Duguba's death on them. Although Kou Zhong hated his teeth, he still shook his head decisively and said: "Dugu is confident, he will never be petty and make trouble, because after tomorrow night, they can do whatever they want, can't they wait for a day and a half?" ?” By the way, tell Xu Ziling about the suspected traitor. Xu Ziling also revealed all the information provided by Tongtong, but temporarily concealed Yun Yuzhen's betrayal of Susu, so as not to trouble Kou Zhong again, and did not mention that Shi Feixuan had talked to him. The two of them thought hard for a while, but they were still at a loss, Kou Zhong said distressedly: "What should I do? I wanted to ask Ren En to send someone to send a letter to Zhai Jiao, teaching her to be careful of Li Mi, who can help me now? " Xu Ziling said in shock, "I guess who did it." Kou Zhong was stunned and said, "What does this have to do with sending a letter to Zhai Jiao?" A murderous intent flashed across Xu Ziling's eyes, and he said in a deep voice, "Tell me, besides you, who else knows where Zhai Jiao has gone?" Kou Zhongdao: "How could I easily tell anyone about such an important matter?" Xu Ziling nodded and said, "Okay! Tell me, if you don't know anything about the traitor, how would you react if you saw Ren En and more than 20 of his subordinates being massacred?" Kou Zhong began to understand a little bit, he gritted his teeth with hatred and said: "This plan is really vicious, of course I will remind all those who have helped me overtly and secretly to be vigilant. Because if this person knows the secret relationship between Ren En and us, Zhai Fear is not immune." Xu Ziling patted his legs and sighed: "This is the key point, and logically, you are very likely to ask Wang Shichong to send someone to contact Zhai Jiao for you, and that will reveal where she is hiding. Tell me, who would be so scheming How about killing Zhai Jiao?" Kou Zhong stayed for a long time before cursing: "That woman Shen Luoyan is really worse than a pig or a dog, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence that she came here to warn you, but there is already a dead person over there. The one who made the move must be Mr. Huang A dead old ghost who made a mistake like that. With Zhai Jiao as a confidant, her boss can rest easy in the future." Xuan frowned again and said, "Your speculation is 90% accurate. But if I go down to inform Zhai Jiao at all, wouldn't Shen Luoyan only bewitch the snake?" Xu Ziling smiled bitterly and said: "Don't lie to yourself! We must be too concerned about Zhai Jiao's safety, so we will try to warn the police. Shen Luoyan understands us too well." Then he said coldly: "If we can follow the plan, we will definitely be able to lure the culprit out." Kou Zhong shook his head and said: "Wang Shichong is Shen Luoyan's number one target. But I can cast doubts so that she can completely miss Zhai Jiao's hiding place." Xu Ziling nodded and said: "You can use the strategy of building plank roads in the open and crossing the warehouse in secret. Wang Shichong will handle the open ones, and Bu Tianzhi will handle the dark ones." Kou Zhong lost his voice: "I completely forgot about Bu Tianzhi's date. Huh! Why did you suddenly mention him instead of Yun Yuzhen. I don't trust this woman very much." Xu Ziling pulled him to stand up and said: "Let's talk while walking! You go to Wang Shichong now and ask him to take care of the funeral affairs of Gang Leader Ren and others. And I will contact Bu Tianzhi. I don't need you to persuade me now, I will do my best to deal with it." Li Mi." Kou Zhong said in a low voice: "If you can't find the traitor, even if you are willing to help me in this battle, you will definitely lose." Xu Ziling was silent for a while, and said: "Then you and I will go to see Bu Tianzhi together, and then see Wang Shichong again!"
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