Home Categories martial arts novel The Legend of Double Dragon of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 150 Chapter Eight Changbai Wang Bo

The three of them put on masks and changed into the costumes of ordinary people from the Jianghu. They sat in the seats facing the street of a restaurant on the street opposite the Manqing Tower, enjoying the dessert after Manqing. At this time, Kou Zhong had already relayed Wang Shichong's words without missing a word.Ba Fenghan first said: "It turns out that Heshibi is so weird, but Ruocihang Jingzhai and Ning Daoqi can't detect its secret of transformation, I'm afraid no one in the world can do it." Kou Zhong grinned and said: "I don't think it has any strange uses and miracles. The most important thing is to destroy Shi Feixuan and Li Shimin's good deeds. When I get into trouble in the future, I will use it as a handsome seal. Thinking about it is also very enjoyable! You two Can people help me?"

Ba Fenghan said solemnly: "It's okay to help you, but after I get the treasure, I have to study it for ten or eight days." Kou Zhong laughed and said: "Of course there is no problem. Since we are brothers, we must share our blessings and share our misfortunes." Ba Fenghan smiled wryly: "You know how to hit a snake with a stick. Huh! Why is Ziling frowning?" Xu Ziling sighed: "Brother Fenghan has extensive knowledge and knowledge, but he seems to have never heard of the Jingnian Temple. Only from this, we can know that the people in the Temple are really masters of the outside world and don't care about worldly affairs. We want to disturb their purity , How can my little brother be happy?"

Ba Feng snorted coldly: "If they really don't care about world affairs, they shouldn't touch He's Bi. If they touch He's Bi, they can't blame us for stealing treasures." After a pause, he patted Xu Ziling on the shoulder and smiled, "Don't worry, Ziling! Let's try to make sure that He's Bi is hidden in the temple before stealing or robbing, so you don't have to feel uneasy!" Kou Zhong said in astonishment: "I never thought Lao Ba would be so sympathetic to Young Master Ling." Ba Fenghan said: "I, Ba Fenghan, seldom make friends with other people, but I do not know why I fell in love with you. Since we are friends, we should be considerate and considerate of each other. This is the way to make friends."

Kou Zhong frowned and said, "It's not that I don't want to think about Xiao Ling, but the method you proposed just now is easier said than done. Imagine a large Buddhist monastery, unless one of the monks is disturbed and tortured, how will he know?" Is He Shibi in the temple?" Ba Fenghan said confidently, "To untie the bell, you need someone to tie it, you should listen to my deduction first!" The two asked in surprise, "What inference?" Ba Fenghan said spontaneously: "Assuming that Qin Chuan is really Concubine Shixuan, then she may have just received Heshibi from Ning Daoqi, and then went to test Li Shimin's qualifications to be the future emperor. So Ziling felt that She has a treasure..."

Kou Zhong was startled and said: "I understand. So as long as Ziling wanders around Jingnianhui Temple for a week, he can find out where He's Bi is hidden, or maybe it's not in the temple at all! It's a good plan." Ba Fenghan's eyes sparkled, and he said in a deep voice, "However, our wishful thinking may not come to fruition at all." Xu Ziling nodded and said: "Master Concubine Xuan has assuredly handed He's Bi to Master Kong Chan for safekeeping, and she is convinced that he has the ability to protect treasures. It only depends on what kind of 'closed-mouth meditation' he is practicing, and even Wang Shichong can't see through it. From his depth, one can tell that his cultivation is not trivial."

Kou Zhongdao: "If it was easy to steal treasure, Wang Shichong would have already done it. Huh! This is a bit inappropriate." Both stared at him. Kou Zhong showed an expression of reminiscence, and said: "When I asked Wang Shichong why he didn't send someone to steal the treasure, he showed a bitter expression, as if he had suffered a miserable loss from being dumb. Maybe he had already sent experts to investigate Exceeding the false and the real, but returning in defeat, that's why we were asked to take action." Both Ba Fenghan and Xu Ziling's brows were furrowed, because if they startled the snake, even if the master and concubine did not move the treasure, the Jingnian Temple would be more vigilant, which would greatly increase the difficulty of stealing the treasure.

Xu Ziling nodded and said: "Your conjecture is reasonable. I don't believe that Wang Shichong would trust you so much in such a short period of time. And everyone can see that you are a careerist who is extremely ambitious and unwilling to give in to others. So maybe it's him It's a plan to kill with a knife. He Shibi is not in the temple at all, this is called the cunning rabbit is not dead, the running dog cooks first." Kou Zhong smiled wryly, "Brother is playing tricks on me again!" Ba Fenghan laughed dumbly and said: "There's really nothing you can do about it. But Ziling's speculation is very reasonable. The whole thing may be Wang Shichong's design to frame you, I knew it would be like that. Huh! Shangguanlong's carriage has arrived! "

Ba Fenghan walked to the street with big strides, was about to cross the bustling avenue, when Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong held him back, he wondered, "Why are you pulling me?" Kou Zhong said embarrassingly: "I forgot to tell you that the two of us have always owed luck to the brothel, and there has never been a good result when we went to the brothel." Ba Fenghan laughed dumbly and said: "It's such a thing, so should we go home and sleep now? Or I will send Shangguan Long down the street, and you will clean it up." Xu Ziling said decisively: "Of course we will do it tonight, but at least you should tell us your battle plan!"

Ba Fenghan said calmly: "To deal with a leader of the Yin Gui Sect, why do you need any means? Just use the way of horse thieves to kill people, come in quickly, forcefully break in, and find a place to let him go after he is kidnapped." If I execute torture and interrogation, he will even tell the whole story to his ancestors." Kou Zhongyan said: "Isn't this the plan? Among the thirty-six strategies, this is called using the quick to attack the slow, and attacking the unprepared. But it seems that you should tell us which courtyard and side room Shangguanlong's long room is in, so that we don't get it wrong. door."

Ba Fenghan smiled wryly and said: "I'm sorry I can't do it, because I don't know. So I'm going to search from house to house, make him turn upside down, let's relax." Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong were shocked. Ba Fenghan smiled and said: "I'm doing business, you two brothers, please don't worry. I'm just joking with you! Come on! Brothels are places where anyone can enter as long as they have money in their pockets. First find four or five wonderful girls to talk about." Let's talk about the heart and then discuss the long-term plan!"

Kou Zhongqi said: "We only have three people, why did you find four or five to accompany us?" Ba Fenghan stared at the main entrance of the Manqing Court across the street, and said spontaneously: "This trick is the thirty-seventh trick in addition to the thirty-six tricks. It means that there are too many monks and too little porridge. Under the competition of a group of women, it will be easier for those who are sexually inclined. Gentleman, like your first brother, you must learn this trick." Both Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling thought it was funny, thinking they would have so much knowledge again. The more I get in touch with Ba Fenghan, the more I feel that he is not as cold and ruthless as he appears on the outside, but also much more humorous than ordinary people. At this time, several people came to the Manqing Courtyard, stopped for a while, and walked in boldly. One of them was handsome, and Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling shouted at the same time: "Song Shidao!" It turned out to be Song Shidao, Song Yuzhi's second brother, Song Yuzhi's long-lost master. Thinking back to the day when Song Shidao felt admiration for Fu Junchuo and invited them to go west by boat, the scene at that time is still vivid in his memory, as if it happened yesterday.Can't help feeling. When the three of them were crossing the street, two or three more martial arts figures entered the courtyard, as if they had made an appointment. Ba Fenghan said in a low voice: "The situation is a little bit wrong, something will definitely happen in the Manqing Court." Both Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong nodded in agreement. But because he had already arrived at the gate of the courtyard, it was inconvenient to talk, so he walked in silently. Several burly men guarding the door stretched out their hands to block the three of them and said, "The Manqing Courtyard is reserved for the Prince of Changbai tonight, and those without an invitation will not be entertained. The three of you, please go to another house!" Kou Zhong was stunned and said, "It's not uncommon for Luoyang to have an 'Emperor', but what kind of 'Emperor' is there in Changbai?" The big man who guarded the door saw that the three of them were majestic, with one scarred face, one pockmarked face, and one black face. They were obviously not good men and women, but he explained angrily: "The prince is the 'Zhi Shi Lang' Wang Bo, not some emperor." All three of them were shocked. Wang Bo is the number one master in Changbai. If you only talk about martial arts, he is famous in the north, especially above Li Mi, Du Fuwei and others. Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling even fought against his son Wang Kuijie, and his martial arts can already rank among the first-class masters s position.From this we can push Wang Bo's wisdom. What is puzzling is that Wang Bo has always dominated the Changbai area, why he suddenly came to Luoyang, and made a big show of packing up the Manqing Court to entertain his friends from all corners of the country.Doesn't this mean that Wang Shichong is regarded as nothing.But thinking deeper, Wang Shichong really has no time to deal with Wang Bo right now. Kou Zhong laughed, and seeing the wind sailing, he said: "Of course we know who the prince is! Just kidding! We are here tonight as promised, but because it is convenient to go, we walked half a step slower. Brother Song Dao who went there was with us, and our invitations are all on him. Don’t you believe it? Please take us to meet him, brother, so we can find out!” Those big gatekeepers are all old Jianghu, so it would be so easy to be deceived by him.One of them said with a smile: "It turns out that they are friends of Mr. Song. May I ask the names of the three Gaos? After the villain has asked Mr. Song, he will guide the three gentlemen." Kou Zhong had already calculated this work, and said happily, "Tell Master Song that Fu Renzhong has arrived!" The man went in a hurry. The three of them wisely stood aside, so as not to hinder other guests from entering. There was an endless stream of visitors, and they were all dignified figures in the Jianghu. Kou Zhong took the opportunity to inquire about the news, and first knocked on one of the door handles and asked sideways: "How many girls are there in your Manqing Court? What's your eldest brother's name?" He was asking an older man, who usually has too much experience and is unwilling to offend others for trivial matters. Sure enough, the man replied: "The villain's name is Li Xiong, you must have arrived in Luoyang for the first time. There are more than three hundred girls in our Manqing Academy, and they are all selected one in a thousand." Xu Ziling was not interested in listening to their conversation, he dragged Ba Fenghan away three or four steps, and said in a low voice: "Everyone should know about Wang Bo's banquet here, why didn't the princess tell you?" Ba Fenghan frowned and said, "She didn't know that I would attack Shang Guanlong, but if she didn't tell, there would always be something wrong." At this time, another group of more than ten people came into the courtyard with invitations. Xu Ziling glanced out of the corner of his eyes, and one of them was Li Jing. Knowing that he recognized his scarred face, he hurriedly turned around in fright, and bent his body again. Kou Zhong, who was trying to collect information, was also frightened and kept silent, fearing that Li Jing would recognize his voice. Li Jing and the others thought that the three of them were guarding the door, so they went in without paying attention. Ba Fenghan moved closer to Xu Ziling's ear and said, "It's such a coincidence again, as soon as a question arises, there is an answer." Xu Ziling asked in astonishment, "What answer?" Ba Fenghan smiled wryly: "Just now Wan Jing put on men's clothing and came in next to the boy Li Shimin, do you understand?" Kou Zhong came to the side of the two and said in a low voice: "It turns out that there will be two grand events here at the same time tonight, one civil and one military, do you think it is exciting!" Ba Fenghan's expression returned to normal, and he said with a smile, "Let's listen." Kou Zhongdao: "Wen's one is that the well-known talented girl Shang Xiufang will perform a dance here, and Wu's is under the auspices of Wang Bo. Two masters from outside the region will fight to the death." Then he said mysteriously: "One of them is still our old friend!" The two asked in surprise, "Who is it?" Kou Zhong laughed and said, "Isn't it Qu Ao, that old boy." Xu Ziling and Ba Fenghan looked at each other. "Qu Le Flying Eagle" Qu Aonai is closely chasing top experts like Bi Xuan, it's a blessing if he doesn't come to trouble you, now someone dares to confront him in a decisive battle, it's unexpected. Ba Fenghan said in a deep voice, "Who is the other one?" Kou Zhongdao: "The other one is from Tuyuhun, but the name has not been found yet." Ba Fenghan was startled and said: "It must be Fu Qian, the son of Fu Yun, King of Tuyuhun. I heard about this man when I was in northern Xinjiang. He is good at wielding spears, and he is unparalleled in the battlefield. Only he has the courage and qualification to challenge Qu Ao. " Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling also remembered that Liu Heita had mentioned this person.He also said that Tuyuhun and Tie Le were mortal enemies, no wonder they still refused to let each other go in the Central Plains. Kou Zhong muttered, "So it's that kid who has a beard since he was a baby. Ha!" Song Shidao's voice came from afar: "People! It turns out that you are here!" Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling turned around and met Song Shidao who was coming. Song Shidao obviously couldn't recognize them who had changed their appearance, so he stopped in astonishment. Kou Zhong went up to meet him, and whispered: "It's me! But wearing a mask, alas! My mother is dead." The two of them used to have childish jealousy towards Song Shidao because of Fu Junchuo's relationship.But now that Fu Junchuo is dead, seeing Song Shidao's original black hair, a little frost on his temples, and a gloomy and incomprehensible look in his eyes, he felt touched, like seeing his relatives, with an unspeakable feeling . Song Shidao's body trembled slightly, he looked up at the sky, his eyes were filled with tears, he let out a long breath, and lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "Is it Yu Wenhua and that traitor's hand?" Kou Zhong nodded dejectedly. Song Shidao said harshly: "Good! Good!" Then he looked up to the sky and yelled, filled with inexplicable grief and indignation, and said loudly: "Let's go in and talk!" Turning his head and leading the way, he walked staggeringly, obviously excited and unable to control himself. Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, who wanted to have Song Shidao, who had a romantic and elegant appearance, had such deep affection for Fu Junchuo, they were both regretful and sad. Just as he was about to walk, there was a soft sound of footsteps behind him. Looking back, Shen Luoyan, who is as beautiful as a flower, has moved her delicate body between the two of them, and a pair of jade arms penetrated into their arms, and said with a charming smile: "It's hard to find you! Master Zhong, do you only have a mask?" ? Is it a masterpiece made by Lu Miaozi?" Ba Fenghan moved behind the three of them, and it became Song Shidao and Ba Fenghan one in front and one behind, with Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling and Shen Luoyan in the middle, walking towards the main hall of Manqing Academy with their own concerns.
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