Home Categories martial arts novel The Legend of Double Dragon of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 65 Chapter Eight Let go

The two left Danyang City in a hurry and ran for more than ten miles before stopping at a hill. Suddenly there was a thunder, followed by thunder and lightning, and the torrential rain poured down. Kou Zhong simply took off his shirt, turned his back to the sky and shouted loudly: "What should I do now? God teach me Kou Zhong!" Xu Ziling opened his mouth on his back, swallowed a few mouthfuls of rainwater happily, and said, "Du Fuwei thinks highly of you so much, why did Young Master Zhong let go of this great opportunity. As long as you call Dad, the Jianghuai Army will be yours."

Kou Zhong smiled and said, "It's called cheap, don't be greedy, and the matter is not so simple, don't forget that there is a Fu Gongyou." Xu Ziling laughed and said, "Don't lie to me, there must be other reasons." Kou Zhong sighed: "It's really hard to hide it from you. The Jianghuai army is too traitorous, and its bad habits are hard to change. It's not the material to fight for the world. But the most important thing is that I, Kou Zhong, don't want people to say that I started my career by relying on Lao Du." Then his eyes lit up and said: "There is nothing more moving in this world than life itself, and the reason why life is meaningful is the moving journey and experience. Success or failure is not important, but the process of struggle is the most fascinating place. My good brother, do you understand?"

Xu Ziling nodded and said: "Of course I understand! But Du Fuwei is right, you and I are two types of people, and the goals we pursue are completely different. Maybe one day, when you rise up to fight for hegemony, it will be my two brothers who broke up. It's a moment." Kou Zhong fell silent, and suddenly laughed loudly again: "In the future, let's deal with his grandma's business. What should we do now? It's impossible to go back to Danyang. Could it be that we just got separated from Sister Su?" Xu Ziling pondered and said: "When we meet in life, we are talking about fate. Although everyone persuades us to be a turtle, so as to avoid Li Mi's hunting order, but what's the fun in being a human being? Let's find something to do." Let go of it and make it known to the world, and when Boy Xiang finds out, he will naturally bring Sister Su to reunite with us."

"Boom!" A bolt of lightning split the void, and the sky and the earth were completely white. Feeling the power of nature, the two were speechless for a while. After a while Kou Zhong said: "What are we looking for to do?" Xu Ziling laughed loudly and said: "You are so forgetful, you even forgot our batch of salt cargo waiting to be transported, we will go pick up the cargo and transport it to the most salt-deficient place in the northwest, as long as we can overcome the obstacles along the way and do it successfully. In this matter, we will truly become masters.”

Kou Zhongxiong trembled and said: "Good idea, along the way we will deliberately publicize the matter, whoever wants money and lives, just come and take our heads or give us their lives." "Boom!" Thunderstorms became more violent. After the thunderstorm stopped, the two immediately set out on the road, heading to the old place called "Xueyi Beach" that they will never forget. Apart from the small valley where Fu Jun's bones are buried, this place can arouse their feelings the most. Since this trip was by land, it had to rely on speculation and exploration along the way, so it was not fast, but the two of them were not in a hurry and concentrated on practicing martial arts along the way.

The two already had a lot of actual combat experience, and under the terrible threat of the "Pusan ​​Gong Order", they also knew that this journey of salt transportation was extremely dangerous, so they paid special attention to it.Both of them talked less, and tried to avoid going into towns and cities, only relying on wild fruits to satisfy their hunger, and practicing day and night without distraction, which was quite ascetic. Of course they didn't know that it was during this period that they made an astonishing breakthrough and established their status as invincible masters in the universe in the future.

That day, because the clothes were so tattered that it was difficult to cover their bodies, the two had to enter a small town passing by and bought two sets of clothes to change. This small town in the south seems to be completely unaffected by the flames of war, and it is lively and peaceful. It just happens to be a festival, every house is decorated with lights, everyone wears new clothes, and firecrackers and fireworks are ringing non-stop. After all, Kou Zhong was more curious than Xu Ziling, so he went outside to inquire about it, and when he returned to the inn, he said to Xu Ziling who was contemplating, "It turns out that this is Lin Shihong's sphere of influence. The begging uprising was killed in just a few months, and he held a hot fried dumpling in cold hands, and became famous for beheading Liu Ziyi, a fierce general of the Sui Dynasty. This guy also proclaimed himself emperor, the country was named Chu, and Yuzhang was the capital. Several big counties such as Jiujiang and Linchuan fell into his hands. Hey! There are other news, why not go to the tavern for a big bowl of wine Let’s talk after eating the meat.”

Xu Ziling frowned and said, "I've been eating wild fruits, cassava, and sealwort for many months. My stomach is used to being clean and peaceful. I'm afraid eating meat and drinking alcohol will make me uncomfortable." Kou Zhong pulled him up and said: "It is for this reason that we have to return to the human world. You have a tendency to be born into the world. I am afraid that you will become a monk and Taoist priest. It seems that you have completely lost interest in my sister. Like." While talking, he took out two daggers from his pocket, stuffed them into his hands, and said, "I bought them from a man who set up a stall with a lot of money. That one is called 'Broken Jade', and mine is called 'Hui Jin', how funny it is to spend gold and break jade."

Xu Ziling looked closely at the dagger in his hand, and there was indeed the word "Duanyu" cast in the ancient seal on the handle, and said, "I don't like to use weapons, what are you doing for me?" Kou Zhong patted his vest vigorously, laughed and said, "It's for you to shave, go and look in the mirror! See if it's Xu Ziling." Xu Ziling was puzzled and said, "Then what's the matter?" Kou Zhong said angrily: "Why are you so stupid? If you don't recognize who we are, no one will come to settle accounts with us. How can we make matters worse and let Sister Su know that we are still alive?"

Xu Ziling scraped off his beard and beard with the dagger as fast as he wanted, and sighed while scraping: "It's really a precious blade!" Kou Zhonggang shaved his face clean, making Yingwei's face look bright again, he stared at Xu Ziling in surprise and said: "Your appearance seems to have changed, but I can't tell the difference. Maybe it's a change in temperament, like a bit or two of extravagance?" Xu Ziling looked back indifferently, and said lightly: "You are more like a martial arts master now, you can bluff people even if you don't fight."

Kou Zhong scolded with a smile: "Go to your big-headed ghost!" Drag him to the tavern. The lobby of the tavern was almost full, and only two of the more than 30 tables were vacant. They were either business travelers or people who traveled to the world. When the two entered the hall, they immediately attracted the attention of most people, and some of them showed expressions of surprise and uncertainty. Kou Zhong sat down at one of the empty tables and said, "Give Kou a couple of catties of good wine first, and I want the best." The word "Kou Mou" came out, and the bodies of those people trembled immediately, with joy on their faces. Xu Ziling saw it in his eyes and said: "Be careful that someone poisons the food and drinks." Kou Zhong said with a smile: "Don't forget that we are invulnerable to all poisons, the poison of Mrs. Shen can't do anything to us." Xu Ziling said displeased: "Even if we can really detoxify, it will take a lot of work and trouble, so we'd better be careful." Kou Zhongdao: "There should be no colorless and odorless poison in this world. Just give Lao Tzu a glimpse of his spiritual eyes and a sharp nose to make sure that no poison can leak through his Dharma nose and Dharma eyes." Having said that, this kid personally went to the kitchen to monitor the staff pouring wine, and ordered another dish, mainly dumplings and green vegetables, and only a plate of braised pork.It can be seen that although he said that in his mouth, he actually took Xu Ziling's likes and dislikes into consideration. The two ate and drank as if no one was around, and when the wine was hot, Kou Zhong lowered his voice and said: "Li Yuan heard that the emperor was killed, so he forced Wang You to give him the emperor's throne. Ha! Another emperor has come out." Xu Ziling said: "It must be Li Shimin's idea." Kou Zhong shook his head and said: "It's hard to say, Li Shimin's elder brother Li Jiancheng is also a powerful figure, and his other brother Li Yuanji is brave, and his martial arts is better than his elder brother. Sigh! Li Xiaozi is really miserable. After fighting so hard, the world may finally be It’s all cheaper for Li Jiancheng.” Xu Ziling said: "He has a deep brotherhood and shares wealth, how can he be so fussy?" A scornful smile appeared on the corner of Kou Zhong's mouth, but he didn't speak. Xu Ziling cared more about Li Shimin than he did, and asked, "How is the situation in Guanzhong?" Kou Zhongdao: "No one wants to eat this piece of fat in the capital of Guanzhong. Li Mi and Wang Shichong would have had a great chance to snatch the Chang'an Hengdao from Li Clan's hands, but they restrained each other and couldn't move. Do you still remember that Xue Ju?" ?” Xu Ziling had an excellent memory, nodded and said, "Is that the idiot who wanted to imitate Qin Shihuang and claimed to be the Overlord of Western Qin? His territory, the Golden City, is in the west of Chang'an. Do you want to compete with the Li Clan?" Kou Zhongdao: "Boy, you are so clever that people like it. You can guess it right. This fool claims to have 130,000 people, and he looks down on Li Yuan. He dared to attack even a fortified city like Chang'an, and was smashed by Li Xiaozi." Outside the city, I couldn't finish eating and walked back to my hometown, and my reputation also plummeted." Xu Ziling wondered: "This place is so far away from Guanzhong, why do you speak vividly as if you witnessed it?" Kou Zhong proudly said: "At least a quarter of the people in this small town have fled from the north, and with a little imagination, it will naturally make you smile." Xu Ziling said: "It's inevitable that Wang Shichong and Li Mi will fight, but we don't know who will win." Kou Zhong said with a sinister smile, "So you haven't forgotten Mrs. Shen." Xu Ziling laughed and said, "I'm afraid you are suffering from a terminal illness of using your imagination absurdly. I am only concerned about the situation in the world. If this chaos continues, the common people will not know how much suffering they will suffer." Kou Zhongdao: "Since the death of the Hunjun, the situation has become even more complicated. Shen Faxing, who is known as one of the five masters of the Sui Dynasty, is another family with the same surname besides the four surnames. In the name of Yu Wenhuaji, he gathered 60,000 soldiers from the Sui Dynasty and occupied Kunling, and his momentum suddenly rose. He claimed to be the general manager of Jiangnan Road, and directly threatened Li Zitong and his father. Most of the hatred is deep, and water and fire cannot be tolerated." Xu Ziling said: "That said, the fact that the Li Clan's defeat in Xue Ju's battle is really the key. From then on, the Li Clan no longer fears the threat from the west, and can sit back and watch the heroes of the Central Plains kill each other." Kou Zhong smiled and said: "I know you think highly of Li Xiaozi, but he and his brother Li Jiancheng once wanted to attack Luoyang, but in the end they paid back in vain. In the current situation, no one can do anything to the other side." Xu Ziling followed his drink and said, "Don't drink so much! There may be something tonight." Kou Zhong pushed his hand away, drank it all in one gulp, with a strange light in his eyes, said: "This is the last cup." Knowing that he had aroused Li Xiuning's thoughts, Xu Ziling sighed secretly and dragged him back to the inn. Sure enough, that night, a group of people from the rivers and lakes who did not know how to live or die came to make trouble, and they beat them to pieces, and fled with broken hands and feet. , headed towards Xueyi Beach. Of course, they are not just people who show off their bravery, deliberately wandering whereabouts, and sometimes practice the Longevity Art for two or three days in the wilderness, so tired that the people who followed them were helpless. On the one hand, they devote themselves to practice, and on the other hand, those who are greedy for Li Feng's appreciation come to them one after another as practice targets, so that they can thoroughly integrate and master the exercises they have learned, seen or comprehended by themselves, and become a master. It is more comprehensive, and it can control the true energy in the body more freely and bring it into full play. On this day, the two arrived in Yuhang talking, and entered the city according to the rules and taxes.Kou Zhong laughed and said, "I don't know if those bastards from the Haisha Gang are still there? Now that the Yuwen Clan can't protect themselves, and the Haisha Gang can't become more aggressive, why don't we dismantle their Yuhang sub-rudder and force them to donate a big ship?" , hundreds of sailors, thousands of packs of private salt, and tens of thousands of beauties, ha! It’s very comforting to think about it.” Xu Ziling looked around, the scene on the street was not much different from the past, but there were many more people from the world, but no one dared to look them in the eye, obviously they knew who they were, and some people even walked around to avoid them.Haha laughed and said: "Preemptive strikes can really save a lot of trouble. This should be Shen Faxing's land. After all, it's different for those who have been officials. They manage the place in an orderly manner and don't mess around like the old man." Kou Zhong stopped, pointed to a shop across the street and said, "Remember? It's here. Look! The group of people at the door all have fierce eyes, and their expressions are not good." Xu Ziling looked over and remembered that Tan Yong, the sub-rudder of the Yuhang sub-rudder of the Haisha Gang, walked out from here that night. Like that night, more than a dozen Haisha gangsters gathered in the store, each holding their weapons and glaring at them, as if they were about to strike at any time. Kou Zhongdao: "That stupid dragon Han Gaidi must have voted for Shen Faxing, otherwise it would be strange if he didn't get swept out of Yuhang. Steer." Xu Ziling took the lead and strode across the driveway, walked towards the shop, and greeted Kou Zhong: "Attacking those who are not prepared is the best strategy! Good brother." Kou Zhong smiled and followed, as if playing an interesting game. At this moment, they all felt that they had grown up and were no longer two punks.
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