Home Categories martial arts novel The Legend of Double Dragon of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 61 Chapter 4 Confidentiality

Kou Zhong came back through the window, and said dejectedly: "Those two bastards are also vicious, and the guards are so tight that even flies cannot fly out." Their sojourn is located in the garden in the southwestern corner of Linjiang Palace. On the southwestern sides are open fields, high walls and sentry towers.To the east is a large garden, and to the north are more than a dozen clumps of large bamboo forests with no roads, so the only escape route is the garden. Xu Ziling came back one step earlier than him, and also got a clear idea of ​​the situation, and sighed: "The only way is to break through the high wall and kill the generals to get out, but there is a distance of thirty feet from this small courtyard to the high wall, and I'm afraid it hasn't reached the foot of the wall. I have been shot to death by random arrows from the sentry tower, or I have been intercepted by the opponent's masters, how is the situation in the garden?"

Kou Zhong smiled wryly and said: "Look at my expression, you should know what's going on without asking; there are four sentries in the garden, and the lights are brightly lit, trying to slip away without anyone noticing is just a dream, it must be It was arranged by Dugu Sheng himself to prevent us from escaping." Youlang said cruelly: "If we can't leave like this, it will really damage the reputation of our Yangzhou Ssangyong. We will be underestimated by those two bastards." Xu Ziling murmured: "Have you ever thought that even if we escaped, we still have to break through the barrier of the city defense, and we still don't know if we can find Sister Su in the city?"

Kou Zhong smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry! Master Meiren'er dare not lie to me. He made an appointment with me to spread secret marks all over the city so that we can easily find where they are. This is called the benefit of unscrupulous methods." Xu Ziling was speechless. Kou Zhong analyzed: "The guards here seem extremely strict, but we know that the imperial guards are disorganized, and everyone wants to sneak in or escape. Hey! Imagine if we suddenly disappeared, what would the guards guarding us do? ?” Xu Ziling's eyes lit up immediately and he said: "They will think that Yang Guang ordered Dugu Sheng to guard us. If they are so derelict in their duty, it's not surprising that they all beheaded by Yang Guang? Naturally, they deserted collectively to join the ranks of deserters."

Kou Zhongdao: "My strategy may not be useful in normal times, but right now people are in a state of panic, because they are worried about each other, so they dare not act rashly! Anyway, there are still a few hours before dawn, we simply wait for his mother's two hours, Wait until those guards are cold and tired before proceeding with our plans." At the end of Yin time, at the beginning of Mao time. "Hoo hoo!" Two sounds, two black shadows swept out of Kou Xu's house one after another, and threw them towards the bamboo forest, and several nearby wind lanterns went out at the same time.

Then there was the chaotic sound of bamboo branches breaking, which alarmed all the guards. Among the guards that Dugu Sheng sent here to guard the two people, there are many good ones, more than ten people rushed to the bamboo to hunt down the two, but they couldn't even find a ghost. Everyone in the imperial guards was familiar with Yang Guang's temperament, and they didn't dare to ring the bell to show alarm, they just searched around one after another, some people also entered the two people's residence, and made a hasty inspection to make sure that no one was there before joining the search and arrest operation outside.

Half an hour later, several leaders gathered together to discuss, and someone said: "This time is terrible, what are your plans?" Another person said: "If you stay here, you will definitely die. There is still a chance to escape, so I forgive you for not being with me." In fact, everyone has this heart, and after telling him at this moment, more than a hundred guards dispersed in a hurry, climbed the wall and walked away cleanly. At this time Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling got out from under the bed, the former said with a smile: "I should be in time to eat the steamed stuffed bun made by Mrs. Zhen!"

When Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong got into the city from the secret waterway, their genius shone. When the two returned to the old place, everything was familiar yet strange, and they both felt inexplicably excited. Kou Zhongqi said: "Back then, Yu Wenhua and his hunting dogs followed us, so we should have found this secret exit, why didn't people block this exit?" Xu Ziling was trying to force his wet clothes to dry, and said casually, "Maybe he wants to leave this secret passage for his own emergencies!" Kou Zhong pushed him, and said with a smile: "What kind of merit are you doing? Let's go to Gu Yi Chen to steal two sets of clothes! It would be good to make this miser feel bad."

The two laughed triumphantly, before the sun was fully bright, they scrambled up to the ridge of a private house, and ran across the house, facing the cold wind, towards the old shop with old clothes in the east of the city. Their wishful thinking actually came to nothing. It was only then that I learned that Guyichen and more than a dozen houses nearby had been requisitioned as the lodgings of the Sui soldiers. Kou Zhong sighed and said, "These thieves are like locusts eating away Yangzhou with holes and scars. Sigh! Sister-in-law Zhen is so beautiful, I hope the thieves don't fall in love with me."

Without saying a word, Xu Ziling rushed out of the side alley and rushed to the market. As expected, Sister-in-law Zhen's stall disappeared, and it was replaced by a fruit and vegetable stall. The market was still so lively, but all she met were people with unfamiliar faces and foreign accents. Xu Ziling grabbed the owner of the fruit and vegetable stall and asked, "Where did the aunt who sold steamed buns go?" The boss sighed bitterly: "Of course I'm leaving! Only I, who has nowhere to go, will stay here to die, but if I snatch all my goods again, I will try to rush to the city gate tomorrow."

The old man from another stall next to him said, "Is the guest officer asking about Old Feng? Are you their relative?" Kou Zhong hurriedly said, "It's his nephew." The old man shook his head and sighed: "The steamed stuffed buns they make are so famous. When the Holy Majesty arrived in Jiangdu, they were conscripted to be cooks in the palace. I haven't heard anything about them since then." Xu Ziling clenched his fists, turned around and left. Kou Zhong chased after him, turned left and right with him in the crowd, and shouted, "Where are you going?"

Xu Ziling said angrily, "I want to rescue Mrs. Zhen." Kou Zhong grabbed his arm tightly and said, "Calm down! Have you forgotten the bright moon in the well?" Xu Ziling stopped in shock, and immediately someone pushed behind them and said, "Don't get in the way." The two hurriedly squeezed out of the market and left the crowded and clamorous place, they both felt a little clearer. Kou Zhong suggested to heal the stomach first. After sitting down in a nearby restaurant, Kou Zhong said, "No matter what you do, I will support you, but you must not be reckless. We must first solve the problem of Sister Su before we can let go. .” He sighed again: "The Great Sui Dynasty is really over, and the world will become a mess. If no one rises to rule the world, the common people don't know how much suffering they will suffer. If a bad Turkic enters the Central Plains, we Han people will be ruined." Under the cruel rule of foreigners, as long as you are willing to help me, we will come out to fight the country and try to do something good for the innocent people." Xu Ziling said: "You seem to be thinking too far, and now is not the time to discuss this matter. We slipped out like this. Do you think Dugu Sheng will let us go? It is right to save Sister Su quickly." Kou Zhong grabbed two meat buns, stood up and said, "You are responsible for buying two sets of clean clothes. I will go to the secret recorder and gather at the exit at the east end of Magong Lane." Xu Ziling looked at him and said, "Why don't you go together, if something happens, we can take care of you." Kou Zhongdao: "It's too annoying for two people to be together, and it's easy to be recognized by old acquaintances, it's safer to separate and move around." Xu Ziling had no choice but to let him go. Kou Zhong walked swaggeringly on the street, and from time to time, he came across groups of Sui soldiers. Women almost disappeared from the street, some of them were just elderly.This alone explains why so many people want to leave Yangzhou. In the hearts of common people, Sui soldiers are more terrifying than any rebel army. Suddenly someone shouted: "Young Master Zhong!" Kou Zhong was startled, followed the sound and saw someone hiding in the side alley waving to him. Kou Zhong hesitated for a moment before walking over. A dark and solid young man who seemed to have a lot of martial arts skills grabbed him by the shoulders and said, "So it's really you. At first I wasn't sure. Hehe ! It seems that you eat well and live well!" This man was named Gui Xiliang, and he was a gangster of the same generation as Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling. When they were young, they fought with another gang of gangsters several times, but they all ended in defeat.But the relationship between the few of them is quite good. Kou Zhong saw that he was wearing the costume of the Bamboo Flower Gang, with three pieces of bamboo leaves embroidered on the lapel, he was surprised and said: "When did you become the incense master? Didn't you climb many people's heads?" Gui Xiliang replied: "It's all because the leader of the gang thinks highly of him and accepted me as his apprentice, alas!" Kou Zhong pulled him to the other end of the alley, puzzled and said: "This should be a good thing, why are you sighing?" Gui Xiliang said: "Don't you know about such a big event? Where have you been hiding for the past two years? Where is Xiaoling?" Kou Zhongdao: "You answer my question first." Gui Xiliang snorted and said, "Everything I say is an incense master, who should answer the other party first?" Kou Zhong laughed and said: "Do you want to be the boss? I'll let you fill it up! In the past two years, Xiaoling and I went to the rivers and lakes to hang out. Du Fuwei and Zhai Rang both shook hands with us and drank. Ha! It's our turn you've said." Gui Xiliang obviously thought that he was bragging, and said repeatedly, "You little brat is bigger than me, but it's a pity that you still don't make progress like before. Sigh! Do you know that the leader sent someone to beat that stupid king two months ago?" He died because he refused to hand over Yuling from Tianxianlou and sent her away." Kou Zhong gave a thumbs up and praised: "Good guy!" Gui Xiliang smiled wryly and said: "The dead hero has his mother's fart. Now most of the people I help have fled, only a hundred or so people are left. I hope that when Du Fuwei or Li Zitong attack, they can serve as internal agents to replace the leader of the gang." The old man takes revenge." Kou Zhong's eyes lit up, and he lowered his voice and asked, "Have you chosen a new leader?" Gui Xiliang sighed: "What kind of ghost leader should we choose? Now we are in a state of disunity, but we agreed that after the death of Hunjun, we will gather in Danyang to see if we can elect a new leader." At this time, at the end of the alley, there is another street outside. Gui Xiliang stopped and said, "I can't see the light. Do you remember that guy Xing Rong's house? I hid there." Kou Zhongshun asked, "Where is Boss Yan?" Gui Xiliang said: "Why don't you ask? You two stole something from the official's house and implicated more than a hundred people. Since then, no one has seen them. It is said that it is related to Yu Wenhuaji, yes ?" Kou Zhong sighed and said, "Don't worry! I guarantee that Yu Wenhuaji won't have many days to live. Then the Hunjun is about to use him for surgery." Gui Xiliang sneered and said: "You really don't change your nature. Yu Wenhuaji doesn't take Hunjun seriously at all. Before his death, the gang leader had a good relationship with him, and he said that he even dared to steal Hunjun's woman." Kou Zhong turned pale and said, "Do you know which woman he stole from?" Bie Chang said: "Of course it is the most beautiful, otherwise why would you take the risk of stealing it? Don't you think it will take a long time?" Kou Zhong felt bad, the most beautiful people around Yang Guang were Concubine Xiao and Concubine Zhu, and Concubine Zhu was from the Baling Gang, so there should be no problem.But if it was Concubine Xiao, then Yu Wenhuaji should have known that he and Xu Ziling had made a special trip to Jiangdu to harm him. The more I thought about it, the more startled I became, that I was still in the mood to talk nonsense with this kid, and left in a hurry. Xu Ziling was waiting for Kou Zhong with empty hands, and the latter asked curiously, "Where are the clothes?" Xu Ziling said angrily: "All the silk and satin clothes and old clothes were looted, and the door was closed. Everyone said that there would be no law and order there if the emperor went there. He lost the popular support. I really wanted to punch him to death. Hey! Your face Why is it so ugly." Kou Zhong looked out, a group of Sui soldiers had just passed by.He lowered his voice and said, "Do you see anything unusual about these Sui soldiers?" Xu Ziling thought he was referring to Dugu Sheng and others sending people to capture them, and replied: "It seems nothing, as far as I can see, the morale of the army is now scattered, even if there is an order, no one will be willing to carry it out." Kou Zhong sighed: "I'm not worried about this problem, but Yu Wenhuaji may have heard the news and know his situation. Hurry up! Let's go to Sister Su, let's talk about it on the way!" Xiangyu Mountain is worthy of a man of wisdom. His hiding place is in the southern outskirts of the city, not far from the Yangtze River. If something happens, it is very convenient to leave by water or land. On the surface, it looks like an ordinary mansion, but it is the secret lair of the Baling Gang. When the two stepped into the courtyard, they felt a different atmosphere, and one of the leaders of the Baling Gang whispered, "Dugu Sheng and Fei Yun are here." Kou Zhong had guessed this situation early on, he laughed, and walked into the hall without fear. Xu Ziling, who was following behind, had a strange feeling that his good brother was no longer the boy he used to be, but could face any tough idea of ​​the tyrannical enemy. Dugu Sheng Da Ma Jindao sat in the middle of the hall, with Xiang Yushan, Su Su and Sister Xiao on one side, and Fei Yun with a bad face on the other.But Yun Yuzhen was not seen. Standing on both sides are five or six big men in brocade suits and robes, who can be seen as masters of the imperial guards at a glance. Dugu Sheng's eyes sparkled sharply, and he shouted in a deep voice, "What do you two mean?" Kou Zhong leisurely stopped, glanced around, and said with a smile: "My two brothers also want to know what it means. If you are happy, you will call us slaves and treat us like prisoners. Hey! Come and judge." Xiang Yushan looked at Su Su, who was so frightened, with concern, stood up and said, "Brother Kou and Brother Xu will be fine when they come back, this is just a small misunderstanding, come on! Sit down and talk." Showing off his official prestige, Fei Yun slapped the armrest with his palm, and shouted: "What's the misunderstanding? Yushan, please sit down for me and clarify the matter first." Xu Ziling saw that Susu was frightened, felt the same, sneered and said: "I don't understand why we still have to pester each other endlessly at this moment. The smart ones slip away now, and I'm afraid it won't be too late." Dugu Sheng heard something in his words, stretched out his hand to intercept Fei Yun who was about to explode, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Xu, can you explain it clearly!" Kou Zhong interjected: "I just heard the news that one of the Holy Majesty's favorite concubines secretly had an affair with Yu Huaji. So our plan is no longer a secret. If you were Yu Huaji, what would you do?" The pounder changed color at the same time. Fei Yun suppressed his anger and asked, "Where did this news come from? Do you know it's the concubine?" Kou Zhongdao: "It's from the Zhuhua Gang. I heard that the former gang leader who passed away was from Yu Wenhuaji, so I learned about it." Fei Yun cursed: "So it's this thief who doesn't know how to praise." Hearing his tone, one knew that if the death of the former Zhuhua gang leader was not directly related to him, it could not be separated. Dugu Sheng asked one of his subordinates: "Zhu Ming, did the generals of the Yuwen family do anything unusual today?" The skinny Zhu Ming shook his head and said, "We have closely monitored Yu Wenhuaji, Yu Wenzhiji and Yuchisheng's people, and they are all the same as usual." Dugu Sheng heaved a sigh of relief and said, "It's groundless, it's not without reason. And Yu Wenhuaji has always been free to enter and leave the palace, this is indeed possible. Fortunately, the old man has been prepared, and no one is allowed to leave the palace these two days..." Xu Ziling cut him off and said, "Now is not the time for self-comfort. Didn't all the people who guarded us slip away last night? If some of them defected to Yu Wenhuaji, and had secretly communicated with the concubine who is a traitor, Yu Wenhuaji should Know your situation clearly." Sister Xiao interjected, "Who is in the hands of the military right now?" Dugu Sheng replied: "The Holy Majesty's personal guards are all people who have followed the old man for many years, and there should be no problems. As for whether some of them have a different heart, or are bought by others, even the old man dare not guarantee." Fei Yun interjected: "Besides the personal guards, there are Jiangdu's own garrison and the imperial guards who came with the emperor. The former is in charge of Yu Chisheng, and the latter is under the command of Sima Dekan. Neither Yu Wenhuaji nor Yuwen Zhiji have any power." Ask about the military directly." But his tone softened, and he said: "I am indeed a little wrong. I sincerely apologize to the two little brothers here. It is not too late. Before Yu Wenhuaji knows about this, we must act first and put Yuwen's family in Jiangdu. The people who have been killed must be uprooted, otherwise there will be endless troubles. Please, the two of you, and this official, pay homage to the Holy Majesty immediately. The Holy Majesty has returned to the royal city." Xiang Yushan also persuaded: "The two elder brothers are also here to avenge the great revenge of their benefactor. Before Yu Wenhuaji is not aware of this matter, act quickly, otherwise you will never look back if you miss the opportunity." Kou Zhong said indifferently: "Is there really no sign of army mobilization or rebellion?" Everyone was astonished when they heard his tone. Su Su couldn't help but said: "What did Xiao Zhong think of? Tell me quickly!" Xu Ziling's intelligence was similar to Kou Zhong's, so he understood, and asked, "How many people did Sima Dekan bring to chase Dou Xian, and when did he set off?" Dugu Shengju said in shock: "You said he wanted to rebel?" Kou Zhongdao: "The sergeant's escape is entirely his responsibility. Is his relationship with Yu Wenhuaji good?" Zhu Ming changed his expression: "Before the commander set off this morning, he did go to the general manager's mansion to look for Yu Wenhua and He Yuchisheng." Fei Yun stood up abruptly, tremblingly said: "It's not right! He has no reason to bring 20,000 people to chase Dou Xian's hundreds of people." Xu Ziling said: "His pursuit of Dou Xian is just a bluff. According to my opinion, he will lead the army back tonight at the latest, and when Yu Chisheng and Yu Wenhuaji are properly deployed, he will enter the palace." Fei Yun's face became extremely ugly, and he said anxiously: "This matter is no small matter, we will enter the palace immediately and report to the Holy Majesty." Kou Zhong shouted: "Wait a minute! We can take this risk with you, but let our sister leave Jiangdu first, so that we don't have any worries." Dugu Sheng and Fei Yun exchanged glances, both hesitated to make a decision.Without Susu, the two boys will not know how to get back if they try to escape, and time will not allow them to do so. Su Su said sadly: "No! I will wait for you to come back before leaving." Kou Zhong smiled bitterly and said: "When there is an incident, no one can leave. This house is probably no longer a secret from Yu Wenhuaji." Xiang Yushan patted his chest to assure Dugu Sheng and Fei Yun: "My two big brothers are people who dare to do something, and they have a deep hatred with Yu Wenhuaji, so you two adults can rest assured." Dugu Sheng reluctantly nodded in agreement. Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling bid farewell to Susu and made good terms with Xiangyushan, then they went back to the city with Dugusheng and Feiyun with the feeling of not being able to enter the tiger's den and how to win the tiger's cub.
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