Home Categories martial arts novel The Legend of Double Dragon of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 55 Chapter 10 Characters Chengdu

The further north we went, the colder the weather was, and the ground was covered with knee-high snow. The six of them advanced at full speed in the endless forest, sea and snow field, while Susu was carried by Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling in turn. After the battle with Tuobayu, they all became more careful, not daring to be as careless as before. The heavy snow stopped, and the world was lonely. Occasionally, wolves howled and beasts hissed, which made one's hair stand on end. After walking for two days, I came to the dense forest area on the south bank of Tongji Canal at dusk. The dark brown trees are like a wall, layered on top of each other, everywhere. If you are in it, you will lose your way if you are not careful.

Even with a body made of iron, everyone would be tired from running like running for their lives.I don't know who slowed down first, and in a blink of an eye, everyone turned into ants walking slowly, looking for shelter from the wind and snow. There is silence in the mountains and forests, only the soft white snow rustling under the feet. Occasionally, the breeze blows, and the snow on the branches is scattered and flutters on the head. Finally, everyone stopped in a clearing among the trees, and Liu Heita said: "It seems that I can't find any shelter like a barren house or a cave tonight, so why don't I light a fire here and sit until the end of the day?" I’ll be on my way in the morning, according to my estimate, I’ll arrive in Yangwu tomorrow afternoon.”

At this time, Su Su fell onto the snow from Xu Ziling's back. Although she was wearing a cotton robe, she was still shivering from the cold. Liu Heita took off the sheepskin jacket without hesitation, and covered her with love, and said softly, "It won't be cold if you light a fire." This tough man made such a thoughtful and considerate action, which is very touching. Susu said gratefully, "Brother Liu, isn't he afraid of the cold?" Liu Heita smiled and said, "I've been fighting for many years, I haven't experienced any hardships, sister Su, don't worry!"

Xu Ziling took off his outer robe, spread it on the snow, and said with a smile, "I'm really not afraid of the cold, not as great as Brother Liu. Sister Su, please sit down." Susu knew that the inner energy of his "Longevity Jue" was not afraid of cold and heat, so she sat down happily. Kou Zhong stretched his arms around Liu Heita's shoulders, and said with a smile, "Let me warm up Brother Liu! Hey! You're the same kid, call Su-sister like us, you should be called Su-mei. " After getting along for many days, everyone has become familiar with each other.For Liu Heitai, a brave and resourceful young general, they are very happy from the bottom of their hearts.Cui Dong doesn't like to talk, but he is a bloody man.On the contrary, Zhuge Dewei, Liu Heitai's brother-in-law, is smooth on the surface, but in fact has a gloomy personality, which is not very popular with them.

Seeing that Liu Heizai was very interested in Susu, Xu Ziling deliberately matched the two of them so that Susu would forget about Li Jing, and said to Susu: "Sister Su's legs are bent all day long, and now they must be sore and numb. Go get the firewood, brother Liu will rub it for you, okay?" Su Su was startled, and exclaimed: "I'm fine, don't rub it!" Liu Heitai blushed, and said: "I'll go get firewood." Cui Dong and Zhuge Dewei went on their own. Su Su said: "You guys also go to help!" Xu Ziling sat down beside her, shook his head and said, "Let's go, if a hungry wolf comes, who will protect sister?"

Susu shuddered, but she still dared to persist. Kou Zhong sat down on the other side of her, and murmured, "I don't know if Xiaoling has the same feeling, but since yesterday afternoon, I have been feeling jittery. This feeling fluctuates from strength to strength, as if someone is hanging on our tails." Su Su said in amazement: "Then what should I do?" Xu Ziling showed a look of shock, and let out a cloud of mist and said: "I thought I was suspicious, so you also have this feeling, then there must be some masters chasing us. Seeing that we are so many, we have to wait for the opportunity to strike."

Kou Zhongdao: "If his target is the account book in our hands, the one he wants to support must be Sister Su, and use it to threaten us, so no matter what happens, we must have someone by Sister Su's side." Xu Ziling said: "If the enemy is in the dark, we will be in the clear. We will only suffer losses. I don't know if we are going to cast doubts on him. Let's lure him out!" Kou Zhongxi said: "What method did you think of?" Xu Ziling said: "Dugu Ba plotted against Shen Luoyan that day, that is, he buried himself under the snow and attacked her when she passed by. We can imitate this method."

At this time, the cry of wild beasts came from far away, Susu heard the shuddering, and leaned on Kou Zhong's back. Kou Zhongdao: "This person can follow us for a day and a night without being discovered, which shows his skill is extremely high. Besides, he will never happen to walk on top of you, so we need to join hands to deal with him." Xuan said in distress: "How can I bury myself under the snow?" Xu Ziling proudly said: "I've thought about this problem a long time ago, look!" After saying that, he moved away a little, lay down on the snow, closed his eyes and exercised, after a while the snow on the sleeping place melted, and the whole person sank in, and Xu Ziling disappeared under the snow layer after a while.

When Kou Zhong knew that he was expelling the heat from his inner strength, he felt wonderful, Liu Heitai and Zhuge Dewei came back with a pile of dry branches, the latter asked in wonder, "Where did Xiaoling go?" Kou Zhong and Su Su laughed triumphantly, Kou Zhong also said: "Give it to the wolf!" Liu Heikai angrily unloaded the branches in front of the two of them, and said with a smile, "Call him back to scrape the snow off the branches, Su... hey... Sumei is going to be so cold." Su Su asked, "Where did Uncle Dong go?" Zhuge Dewei said: "He is afraid that the vegetarian girl will not be able to keep out the cold by eating dry food, and he will hear the neighing of animals, so he will go hunting!"

Liu Heikai sat down on the snow where Xu Ziling was not, and said unconsciously, "I'm the best at barbecue, I guarantee that Su Mei won't be cold after eating it!" Kou Zhong remembered something, jumped up and said: "Not good! Call Uncle Dong back quickly, I can't teach him to place orders." Before the words were finished, a wild hiss sounded from the southeast. The branches in Zhuge Dewei's hand shook to the ground, his expression changed, "It's Uncle Dong!" Liu Heitai jumped up, pulled Kou Zhong who was about to go, and said, "You protect Sumei, where is Xiaoling?"

Kou Zhong had no time to explain, and shouted: "He's fine! You guys go!" Liu Heita and the two were so anxious that they didn't have time to think about it, and they went away like arrows. Kou Zhong's heart moved, and he said to Xu Ziling who was under the snow: "Don't come out, this must be a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain." As soon as this sentence was finished, a group of black shadows descended from the sky, with an astonishing palm force, pressing down on the top. When Kou Zhong wanted to roll away with his arms around Susu, a strong wind came to the top of his head, he had no choice but to raise his fists to the sky, facing the opponent's palm. "Peng!" With a strong sound, Kou Zhong's arms were about to break, his mind was struck by lightning, and he was sent flying horizontally by the opponent. He already has a lot of combat experience, and when he was still falling, the true energy in his body circulated for several weeks, dispelling the enemy's heartbreaking energy. Barely standing still, Su Su cried out coquettishly and fell into the hands of the intruder. Such martial arts is indeed astonishing. This person embraced Susu with one hand, and covered her celestial cap with the other, and said with a big laugh: "Stop me, boy, if you move half a finger, your sister won't have to live." At this moment, Kou Zhong saw clearly that the other party was a handsome and majestic middle-aged man, but his nose was too big, which made his eyes look much slender, and the inner eyeballs flashed a gloomy and cold gaze, which made people feel uncomfortable. See and chill. Kou Zhong pulled out the iron that Cui Dong gave him to defend himself, and shouted angrily: "How dare you hurt her?" But he prayed in his heart that Xu Ziling, who was under the snow behind him, would not get out at this moment, otherwise he would only kill Susu.He made a plan and shouted again: "Boy, don't move, you must not move without my approval." How could the man think that he was ordering Xu Ziling under the snow, and said with a sneer, "You are so frightened that you are crazy, then when you come to speak, immediately hand over the account book of Dongming faction, otherwise this girl will die." Kou Zhong winked at Su Su, telling her not to panic, and when he was about to speak, Liu Heitai and Zhuge Dewei rushed back, seeing Su Su falling into the hands of the enemy, they all shouted angrily, forming a formation with Kou Zhong. A triangle encloses the visitor in the middle. Kou Zhong called out, "Where's Uncle Dong?" Liu Heikai's eyes flashed sharply, but his expression was surprisingly cold, and he said slowly: "I have been murdered by this thief." Kou Zhong said sadly, "Who are you? What enmity do we have with you?" The man calmly said: "I'm just Wencheng, how can I have no enmity with you? Don't gossip, I will count from one to ten. If I don't hand over the account book, I will make your sister's head bloom." Paused, "Hey" and said: "Where did Boy Xu go?" Everyone felt stunned, one must know that among the four masters of the Zi Wen Clan, Zi Wen Chengdu's ranking is only below that of Zi Wen Wen, although they may not be able to beat all of them together, but it is impossible to stop him. Afraid that he might become suspicious of Xu Ziling's whereabouts, Kou Zhong took out the account book and held it up over his head, saying, "Let go of Sister Su, and I'll throw the account book over to you." When Zi Wencheng saw the account book, his eyes immediately lit up, his eyes rolled around, and he snorted coldly: "If I let her go, but you don't hand me the account book, will I suffer a lot?" Kou Zhong mocked: "Whether your head is stuffed with grass? You can't figure out such a simple thing. Now I step back two feet, and the account book is left on the ground. You can teach my sister to lift it up and throw it away." Here you are, but remember that you must not move a single step until my sister gets the ledger, or my two companions will attack immediately." Zi Wencheng thought to himself that if this is the case, he can kill Susu first at any time, nodded and said: "That's it, you must not play tricks, or I will kill your sister with a single palm in the air." In his heart But he made up his mind that when Susu threw the account book to him, he would kill Susu conveniently, so as to make Kou Zhong feel sad and panic. Kou Zhong shouted: "You must obey my orders!" This sentence was naturally addressed to Xu Ziling. At this time, Yuwen Chengdu would not care about the tone of voice with him. Seeing that Kou Zhongzhen put down the account book and retreated, he pushed Susu impatiently, and ordered: "Go pick it up and throw it away!" Of course Susu knew Kou Zhong's big plan, and staggered towards the account book with weak feet. Kou Zhong retreated half a foot and then stopped, ready to wait. When Susu came to the ledger, her knees softened and she sat down on the snow. Yu Wencheng shouted anxiously: "If you want to die, throw the account book here!" Su Su didn't know what to do. Looking at the account book in front of her, Kou Zhong shouted, "Do it!" Yu Wencheng thought that Kou Zhong asked Su Su to pick up the account books, suddenly a wave of snow came rushing towards him, and the fierce heat was imprinted on his back, only then did he realize that he had been plotted against, spurting blood and rushing forward, he slapped back with his backhand Going, I took a shot, knowing something was wrong, so I hurriedly got up. At this time Kou Zhong had rushed to Susu's place, Liu Heita and Zhuge Dewei also shot up into the sky, attacking Yuwen Chengdu in mid-air one by one. Xu Ziling succeeded in the first move, but hit the empty space with the second move. This Yuwen Chengdu is indeed a first-class expert. Although he was caught off guard by Xu Ziling's slap on the back, the wound was so bloody that his mouth spewed blood, but his body protection was really good. Xu Ziling's blood was surging and it was difficult for him to take advantage of the momentum to chase after him. The three of them exchanged moves in the void, and Yu Wencheng let out a scream. Although he blocked Zhuge Dewei's iron fan, he was hit on the left shoulder by Liu Heita, who hated the attack so much, his bones were broken, and he flew away . But this person was so amazing that he was able to lift his breath and land on a branch of a big tree. With a flick of his strength, he flung himself into the depths of the dense forest like a bird, and disappeared in an instant. Cui Dong was hit in the chest with a palm, his sternum was shattered and he died.Everyone was heartbroken and vowed to avenge Cui Dong.That night, Liu Heikai found a secluded place with a relatively high altitude, dug a deep pit, laid large stones, and buried Cui Dong on the spot, so as not to let the wild wolves smell the smell and dig up the body and eat it. Susu recalled that Cui Dong wanted to find wild game for her to barbecue to keep out the cold, so she was killed by Yuwen Chengdu, and she cried until she cried; Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling thought that Cui Dong died because of the account book, and they felt very sad. Uneasy, but also depressed and puzzled. On the other hand, Liu Heikai was open-minded by nature, and after kneeling down, he said loudly to the grave: "Uncle Dong, take a step ahead, and wait for Xiao Hei to take advantage of the chaos in the world to play his mother's game for a while, and come down to the spring later to find you to play boxing games." liquor." Then she came to Susu who was being supported by Kou and Xu, and said with a smile: "Sister Su, don't be sad, summer goes to winter, birth, old age, sickness and death, life is just like this." After saying that, he went ahead casually. Zhuge Dewei said with a blank expression: "Let's go! Either people will kill me, or I will kill people. After a few battles, you will see through everything!" Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling felt a little more comfortable hearing this.He picked up Susu and followed them to continue towards Yangwu. At noon, they cut into the official road to Yangwu from the mountains, and saw that the road was full of people fleeing from Yangwu, people and cars fighting for the road, crying loudly, making people feel sad and flustered. Liu Heitai and Zhuge Dewei looked indifferent and asked someone what happened.Only then did I know that Li Mi captured Liyangcang again, and Wang Shichong led an army to rescue him, but Li Mi was defeated.Li Mi recruited a large number of soldiers from the Sui Dynasty, and was about to march into Yangwu, so the nearby residents abandoned their homes and fled. After hearing this, Su Su said in amazement: "Li Mi is here, let's run away!" She turned pale when she heard about Li Mi. Liu Heikai led them into the woods beside the road, and said with a smile: "If you think these people want to avoid Li Mi, you are very wrong. These are farmers from several counties near Yangwu. They are afraid of Li Mi. After the defeat, the officers and soldiers scattered and looted, and Yang Wu closed the city gates to prevent anyone from entering, so they had to flee first." Zhuge Dewei said: "Li Mi knows how to buy people's hearts best, he only sends food to help people, how can ordinary people be afraid of him?" Kou Zhong frowned and said, "If that's the case, wouldn't we also be unable to enter the city?" Liu Heikai said confidently: "This is on me. Some officials in Yangwu have secret contacts with us, and I have an official passport. As long as it costs a few bucks, it will be no problem to bring two or three more people into the city. " Zhuge Dewei said: "We have a lot of friendship with the gang there. If the three of you still insist on going to Jiangdu, we can make arrangements for you to take a boat, which is better than walking!" Xu Ziling said: "I'm really afraid that Yuwen Chengdu is waiting for us there. After all, it is under the influence of his Yuwen Clan." Liu Heikai said: "Before entering the city, I will dress up the three of you as father-in-law and mother-in-law. We also need to change our appearance so that we will not attract attention." Zhuge Dewei suggested: "It's best to enter the city in two batches, so there will be no openings." Kou Zhong clapped his legs and applauded, and said: "I've heard that there is a technique of disguise in Jianghu. It turns out that the two of you are great experts. Can you pass on the two tricks to our sister and brother, so that we can also use many excellent skills to defend ourselves when escaping." Liu Heikai said happily: "I only know superficially, the eldest brother is the real expert, and he is firmly in the top position in our army. If you want to learn, you can only ask him." Zhuge Dewei said with a smile: "What's the use of this little trick asking me to fight so hard, we are friends in need, I don't know how honored I am to be appreciated by you." The three of them had a great affection for Zhuge Dewei, chatting and laughing, and walked against the flow of people to Yangwu. The mourning for Cui Dong's tragic death was temporarily put aside and revived.
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