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Chapter 34 33. No leaks to pick up

My Crazy Life II 腾飞 1667Words 2018-03-04
If I don't play tricks, I will definitely lose money, and it will be the same this time.When I found out that the bad guy was playing corn, he had already lost the 5,000 won earlier, and also lost his own 5,000 yuan.I have been observing bad players and people who may be his accomplices on the court. They play brilliantly, and it is not as simple as simply taking the big and losing the small (if they miss that way, they will be easy to pick).I randomly bet on the money and slipped the game, looking for ways to pick up the leak. I first observed the relationship between the amount of money bet on each door and the result of the dealer, but I didn't find out anything.It is possible to add a corn to the cup at any time, and it is possible to turn single into double, double into single, or 1 into 2, or 2 into 3, 3 into 4, and 4 into 1 at any time.This grain of corn is the biggest variable in the game, it can change the outcome and at the same time change the fate of the gamblers below.I won the bet but lost, because there are too many people betting money, and it is really difficult for me to judge who they are and who they are trustees in such a short period of time.The superficial phenomena in the casino cannot be accurate at all, because sometimes even though it is obvious that Xiaomen is killed to accompany the gate, and the banker loses money, it may not necessarily be that the money is lost to the trustees, it is still in the pockets of their gang in circulation.And this game has existed for so long, the cooperation between them is not easy to see.Sometimes cheaters can perform better than actors, and a powerful cheater can compete with any famous actor in acting skills.Acting is a must-have talent for a cheater, so it's not that simple to see it in a short period of time.Although I have doubts about several people, I am not very sure.And I really don't have time to make detailed judgments.

I thought it was a winning game before I came, but it turned out that it was not the case at all.I was obviously a defeated winner in the game. I can't blame Wang Li for this, after all, he can't understand these things in detail.Maybe this game is very clean in his eyes. He said that this game has been going on for a long time. Although the place is often changed, the gambling method and dealer have always been fixed.They all choose a house like this courtyard house, and they pay a rent of 1,000 yuan a day, and they change places after renting for a few days.The selected location must have a back door, and the front door must be hidden—in case something happens, everyone can disperse directly from the back door.When I found out that it was an old game, I didn't want to continue playing.But I really don't want to leave right away. I have come all the way, and I have lost money because of the fatigue of the car and horses. I have to take some before leaving.At this time, it was already midnight, and the game ended at dawn. I didn't have much time to make a judgment. I had to use the existing conditions to win money, and I didn't win too much, as long as it was enough for round-trip expenses and pocket money.

As I was thinking this, there was a new situation soon.A kid might be in a hurry to lose, and he got a stack of counterfeit money from somewhere, mixed it with real money and bet it on the table.If it is said that there are more than ten cards mixed, then one or two cards are not easy to be found (such things exist in many gambling games), but this kid is obviously impatient. There are only four or five real money in the 2,000 yuan, and the rest are all fake money. .He won the bet, and the young man who paid him was going to pay him money, and he found out a little money.Immediately, a few people came over and dragged the kid away, and he gave him a good beating in the yard.The game was temporarily suspended for a few minutes. I wasn't in the mood to watch the fight, and neither was the bad guy.I saw that he was looking for a lighter with a cigarette in his mouth. I lighted it for him with my own lighter, and took the opportunity to chat with him. It was nothing more than some words about how much you lost or won. It's a familiar face.At this time, the other kid may have lost everything. He had a big bet in front of him, and he probably lost more than 80,000 yuan. He sat there and sighed helplessly. Not reconciled.He said dejectedly to the banker: "Brother, I've lost. Give me a little money and I'll take a shower and eat." The banker was also a cheerful person, and motioned to the young man next to him to order 500 yuan for him.For such regular customers, this requirement still needs to be met, no matter which gambling den they go to.The boy fiddled with the 500 yuan in his hand, as if it was very precious.People are so cheap.I lost 70,000 to 80,000 yuan to others, and I didn't even blink my eyes. At this moment, I regard 500 yuan as a treasure!He compared the action of continuing to bet, and the banker said: "I won't take you." He also told the person next to the account: "He wants to bet the 500, and he won't pay if he kills." The boy hurriedly picked up the money, Even said he was joking.After talking, put away the 500 yuan and left.Taking advantage of this situation, I whispered to the old man, "Brother, how much did he lose?" The old man said, "Probably less than 100,000." The man said, "That's why you backed the bet. Look at me. After playing for most of the night, you still kept your capital." I deliberately flattered him and said, "Brother, I'll bet with you. Be gentle, don't put me in it. "The superficial meaning was: "I want to bet with you." In fact, I wanted to tell him: "Please don't mess with me." But he didn't understand at the time, and said: "Don't bet with me, you lose I'm not responsible, if I'm sure I can win, I won't play here, I'll go to Macau to play."

When I saw it, people still regarded me as Kaizi.It seems that he is a little unconscious with words, and he can't be broken, which is really annoying.But without going through him, I really can't get my capital back.
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