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Chapter 19 18. Black and black eat black that hurts both sides

My Crazy Life II 腾飞 4388Words 2018-03-04
We got together early the next day.Xiaoai brought four buddies, ready guys, Sanyuan also brought a few people.All of us scattered to sit and eat in a pizzeria near the hotel, waiting for Yang's second call.The waiting time passed very slowly, and most of the day passed, and Yang Laoer finally called and told me that the boy had come and was waiting for the opportunity to sit in the dealership.After receiving the news, we entered the hotel immediately, and only waited for Yang Laoer to tell us that the two boys had sat in the village before going in.I went in early, and it would be hard to catch them if I alarmed them.It's best to come to someone and get the stolen goods. It's not the ending I want to see if they don't pay a thousand dollars.

More than half an hour later, Yang Lao Er hung up the phone again and told me that they had already sat in the village.This half an hour is really long, and everyone is a little impatient.As soon as we heard that they had moved on and we could start right away, everyone was excited.When we entered the room, things were heating up.The man who sits in the bank hides under the quilt, and the boy who holds the account is still singing the account.Surrounded by many gamblers, they didn't notice that I entered the room at all. With so many strangers entering at once, the boy who opened the room immediately came over.He recognized Xiao Ai at a glance, and the two got together to talk.I don't care to listen to whatever I say, my goal is the box on the table.

The dealer's box has been opened, and everyone is calculating whether they will lose or win.According to my plan, the best timing should be the moment the box is placed on the table.This one doesn't seem to work, I'll have to wait.After paying the accounts on the table, the box is handed over to the dealer, and the dealer continues to make the next box.At that time, the box was on the table. If I ran over to grab it and smash it open to let everyone see the mechanism inside, even if everyone saw a hidden compartment inside, it didn’t seem to explain anything, so I couldn’t rush to smash the box. I can wait until Yang Laoer gives me the information, telling me that there are two sticks coming out together, then I will do it, and those red-eyed gamblers will give them a good look!

So I also stood far away to watch the excitement, trying not to let the kid who took care of the account see me.The kid's energy is all on the account.I waited for him to call: "The Baolai box is here (when the banker pays out the treasure, all the accountants call this way, which means that everyone can place bets)." After the accountant boy calculated the bets on the table, he handed the box to the banker.The dealer fumbled under the sheet for a while before handing out the box.The boy who took the account grabbed the box in his hand and yelled for everyone to deposit money.I looked at Yang Lao Er, and he nodded to me, indicating that two sticks came out this time.

I can act now.The gamblers bet their money, and they didn't even know that someone was making a thousand money, let alone two groups of people who made a thousand money.Qu Yu was emboldened by someone, and I was not polite, I pushed hard to push aside the crowd, and squeezed to the table.I took out 5,000 yuan, chose a 3 and bet it.Yang Laoer has already told the box that there are 1 and 4, and I deliberately chose to lose 4.The kid who kept the bill was a little surprised when he saw me, and gave me a vicious look.But seeing that I came up to bet money and failed, my expression softened a bit.It is estimated that in his view, I am making peace and deliberately losing money to them.Because I put 5,000 yuan in the losing position, he knew that I could see the treasure stick inside.Seeing that I didn't move my hands, and there was even a flattering smile on my face, he relaxed his vigilance.What's more, everyone's money has been bet up, so he can't return the box.When I opened the box, I didn’t go to grab the box, but just watched it. Since Kaizi on the field chooses to lose more than 4, if the dealer plays 1, then he can pay some. If he plays 4, Hao Zhuang can win some. So the dealer made a 4.My 5000 and the money of the other winners who chose to lose 4 were taken away by the accountant. There are also a few bets on 4, but not many. They are counting how much money has been bet on 4. When checking who bet, the opened box and 4 sticks are placed on the table.I took the opportunity to grab it in my hand and hugged it tightly.

The account boy saw that I was holding the box and stick in my hand, but he didn't care, and he was still concentrating on calculating the win or loss.With a cigarette in his mouth, there was half ash on the cigarette, and he said vaguely, "Are you going to be the dealer?" I said, "I don't want to be the dealer, but why do I feel like I bet 3 correctly, so why did I get 4?" ? Did you change the three sticks?" He looked at me, not knowing what I meant.I ignored him, and then said: "I have to take a look, I always feel that there is something wrong with this treasure box." Before I could finish speaking, the boy who took care of the account realized my purpose, stopped the action of settling the account, and stared straight at it. Looking at me very fiercely.

He suddenly stood up with a "thump", as if he was going to squeeze me, and then grabbed the box in my hand.Seeing that the situation was not good, I tried to move to the side, hoping to stay away from him.But there were too many people betting money around, and I couldn't escape to a safe place.As soon as he grabbed my collar, he raised his hand and gave me a big slap in the mouth, which made me a little dazed, with a burning pain on my face.Then, a pair of hands were grabbing the box in my hand.I can't let him take it away, I don't care about the pain, I protect the box vigorously.

That box is small and hard to grab.While fighting with him, I turned my head around to see where Xiaoai and Sanyuan were. At this time, Yang Laoer unexpectedly rushed up and punched the kid in the face. The kid probably didn't expect someone to show up and was beaten. I stumbled, and I took the opportunity to escape.It seems that Yang Laoer is also a fierce man, he is the closest and the most convenient to do it.Seeing someone attacking him, the boy took out a stick from his waist and pulled it apart into a stick with a "shua".At this time, the dealer had already come out from under the sheet, and the gamblers all backed away when they saw someone fighting.

As soon as the kid pulled the swinging stick away, Sanyuan and a few buddies rushed over, grabbing hair, grabbing arms, and immediately controlled the kid and the dealer.This is something we have planned in advance. At that time, we agreed not to hit people no matter what. Don't worry, we must first control people so that we can expose this situation.But one buddy might be upset, so he slapped the account boy hard, making a loud slap, it was really enjoyable to watch.The buddy of the boy in the room (the thug in charge of maintaining order) made a gesture of fighting, and Sanyuan said fiercely: "Whoever wants to help in fighting will be laid down." Then look at the buddies led by Xiao Ai holding him fiercely. At the door, he shouted: "No one is allowed to leave for the time being." The boy who booked the room hurried over to be a lobbyist or to reconcile, he dragged a boy who was holding the banker and ordered him to let go.Xiaoai called him a few words, but he didn't respond.Xiao Aihuo jumped up all of a sudden, went up to pinch him and said, "My Xiao Ai is not good at speaking, is he? Don't be so fucking shameless." Seeing that Xiao Ai's face was wrong, the kid was really scared of Xiao Ai, and kept saying Said: "Brother Ai, what are you doing?" The scene was very chaotic for a while, everyone was arguing, some were booing, some were looking for their own money, and some were saying that the dealer hadn't finished paying.

Sanyuan said loudly: "You all shut up, these two boys are out of the way." Sanyuan's voice really worked, everyone stopped talking, and the room immediately became very quiet.Sanyuan paused and said: "These two boys cheated you out of money, and I'll tell you what's going on right away. After a while, everyone will have a lot of money." When I saw the time was up, I put the treasure box on the table.Everyone squeezed over and watched curiously, as if I was going to do magic.I covered this empty box as everyone's face, and according to the previous research experience, I changed the direction of the rotating chamber inside, and then asked everyone to open it for themselves.A buddy who lost a lot of money opened the box with doubts, and there was a 1 stick in the box.Some of you understand a little bit, and some people still don't understand, and ask the people around you what's going on like a fool.I think Sanyuan's buddy is holding a triangular cone in his hand, and he is about to come over, pry open the treasure box in front of everyone, show everyone the rotating chamber inside, and then put the two sticks on the two sides respectively. In a rotating bin, it was operated again.The room immediately exploded, and angry gamblers rushed up to catch the two boys.Sanyuan and his buddies managed to persuade everyone. The two boys watched what happened in horror, and wanted to do something to save the situation, or turn into something to escape, but unfortunately they couldn't move.

Sanyuan was also straightforward, and said to the gamblers: "This is how you lose your money. This kid cheated my buddies of more than 100,000 yuan (actually, I didn't lose money on them, but Sanyuan wanted to blackmail some money." It just so happens that the two boys have almost the same amount of money in their hands), we are here today for this matter." As he spoke, he turned the two boys over, and even took the money on the table into his hands, Weighed it up and said: "It's almost enough to compensate us. If anyone of you loses, you can ask them for how much money you have lost, and I don't care." I still have something to do with this kid, and if you lose money, you can ask that (dealer) to ask for it." After speaking, he asked people to let go of the dealer, and only pulled the boy who was responsible for the account to the other side. The guy in the village kept trying to justify something, one of Xiao Ai's buddies did something wrong for some reason, rushed over and grabbed him by the neck and beat him violently.Those who lost money saw that someone had made a move first, so they couldn't help but talk, so they had to fight to relieve their anger before talking.The scene is chaotic again, and I can't control that much anymore.Sanyuan and I went to another room, and Xiao Ai and the boy who booked the room were also talking here.The kid holding the bill was pinched by someone's hair and couldn't move. When Xiao Ai saw that the guy was being framed, she walked up to the kid, squinted at him and said, "How can you be so good?" Pointing at himself, he said, "Do you know who I am?" The kid flatteringly said, "I know, it's Brother Ai." An old punch.The kid's face was quickly sealed by him, and Sanyuan held Xiao Ai to prevent him from hitting him.After being questioned by Sanyuan, the kid admitted that he had found someone to teach me a lesson.He also explained that those boys worked in a karaoke room in front of the train station. Sanyuan asked him to take everyone to find them.Sanyuan went to the bathroom to find a towel to wipe the blood off the kid's face, and after cleaning up quickly, we all withdrew from the hotel and went to the singing room.Before I left, I went to another room to take a look. Everyone seemed to have calmed down, and they calculated how much money they had lost in a civilized way, and asked the boy to raise money for compensation.The banker argued that he couldn't afford that much, and also said that no one had ever lost much money on him, and the amount was wrong or something.He also said how much he won in total, which didn't match the numbers everyone said.Seeing that they were arguing red-faced, I didn't inquire about what happened later. When we got to the song room, we only found three boys, but not the other two.They had a hard time beating in the singing room, the stereo and the door of the private room were smashed a lot, and there were glass shards all over the floor.Sanyuan and the others attacked quickly and fiercely. After a while, the three boys and the few who came forward were all beaten and unable to move. They lay on the ground like dead pigs, and the ground was covered with blood.Because there are a lot of beer bottles in that karaoke room, they beat people with beer bottles and greeted them fiercely on the head. a few feet.Worried that someone would call the police, I hastily pulled Sanyuan and Xiaoai back and withdrew.Thinking about it afterwards, the owner was quite unlucky. He smashed at least four large-screen TVs and audio equipment.The boy who took the account was also laid down in the karaoke room by everyone, and was stabbed twice in the buttocks. He probably couldn't sit still for several days. I have also seen a lot of worlds, and I have seen a lot of violent and bloody scenes.But seeing those three boys being beaten and crawling all over the ground, and finally lying there like dead people, I felt very excited, shaking involuntarily, it seems that I also have a bloodthirsty side.On weekdays, I get timid when I see taller and stronger guys, and I never dare to take the initiative to provoke trouble, for fear that others will look at me more.At the gambling table, I can only make thousands of money behind my back, and I never dare to pretend to be a gambler or something to scare others.Once you have money, you can't tell others how it came from, and you don't dare to openly communicate with others how to make money.So, when it was the first time I had this kind of real love and hatred, it felt so fucking good.At the time, I didn't expect at all that this wonderful feeling would soon be followed by a big trouble that made me feel guilty for a long time. When we returned from victory that day, several people triumphantly ran to a place to hold a celebration banquet.During the meal, I introduced Yang Lao Er to everyone.Sanyuan divided the stolen money among everyone, treating it as hard work.Yang Lao Er was also very happy, and paid for everyone to find a beautiful lady, saying that it was a reward for everyone.Then Xiaoai and Sanyuan both sent their buddies away.Seeing each of them leaving with a younger sister contentedly, the few of us had a good laugh together. After the meal, the four of us found another place to drink tea.Originally thought that this matter would be over, but it didn't take long for Sanyuan to have an accident.Once, when Sanyuan went to a restaurant for dinner, he happened to meet the guy who was paying the bill, and for some reason they started fighting again.There were many people on the other side, and Sanyuan was only two people. Sanyuan used a beer bottle with the bottom of the bottle off and inserted it into the back of the account boy, stabbing him hard. At that time, the boy was lying in a pool of blood.Sanyuan was also very frightened and ran away quickly.The kid went to the hospital, and it took a long time to save him.Later, Sanyuan was arrested, and I had a good meal with a few buddies, so that the case did not go to the procuratorate.Sanyuan was sentenced to two years of reeducation and stayed there for about a year and a half before coming out.I owe him a lot for this matter, which is why for a long time only Xiao Hai accompanied me to catch games everywhere. In order to get the 80,000 yuan, such a series of things happened, it was really not what I expected.The compensation alone cost more than 100,000 yuan, and there were also hospitalization expenses, medical expenses, lost wages, nutrition expenses, etc., and a large sum was posted instead.
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