Home Categories martial arts novel Seven Star Dragon King

Chapter 12 The Seven Stars of the Twelfth Round of Ingots

Seven Star Dragon King 古龙 5199Words 2018-03-13
April 18, dusk. Yuan Bao didn't know what time it was, nor where it was, nor what would happen in Ruyi Casino after the lights went out? He wanted to ask everything, but he didn't ask, the little girl who had bathed him asked him first. "I know that people call you Yuan Bao, but what's your surname? What's your name? Where is your home? Who else is there... have you married a wife?" She asked four or five questions in a row, as if she was about to go on a blind date for Yuan Bao. "My name is Yuan Bao, and I'm just a beggar." Yuan Bao said, "How can a beggar have a family? How can he marry a wife?"

"You're lying." The little girl said, "You're definitely not a beggar. I saw that when I bathed you just now." "How can you tell?" "You have thin skin and tender flesh, and your feet are more delicate than women's. How can you be a beggar?" The little girl giggled: "If you think no woman is willing to marry you, you are wrong. I will marry you at any time." I can marry you, when you were sleeping in the bathtub just now, I knew that I already liked you." How could such words come out of such a little girl's mouth?Yuan Bao smiled wryly.

"Did I hear it wrong? You didn't say those words just now. It's just that my ears are wrong." "There is nothing wrong with your ears. I can guarantee that there is nothing wrong with your whole body. You are as strong as a calf." The little girl was still laughing: "I can also see that you are no longer a child, you can already If you marry a wife, even if you marry three or five, there will be no problem." She didn't blush, and she didn't look shy at all. She actually sat down on the edge of the bed, and seemed ready to lie down any moment.

Yuan Bao is not a shy boy, neither timid nor thin-skinned, but now he has no choice but to quickly hide in the bed, change the subject quickly, and ask this little girl with a thicker skin than him: "Is it almost dawn now?" There was still light outside the window, it was indeed a bit like early morning. "It's almost dawn." The little girl said, "It will be dawn in six or seven hours at most." "Six or seven hours?" Yuan Bao was taken aback, "Could it be that it's just dark now? Could it be that I've slept all day?" "Don't you know that at all?" The little girl started laughing again: "It took me more than an hour to wash you before I washed you clean."

She brought up this matter again, Yuan Bao quickly changed the subject. "How did I come here?" he asked, "Who sent me here?" "He's such a scary, scary person, even I'm afraid of him." She was really afraid. At the mention of this person, she couldn't even laugh. "What's his name?" "I can't say it, even if I'm killed." "why?" "Because he told me not to say it. If I said it, he could cut off my nose anytime and chop up bibimbap to feed the cat." Yuan Bao could tell that she was telling the truth, because now even her face had turned pale.

He himself has experienced the horror of that person. Until now, when he thought of that cold hand and the smell of death, he still felt hairy all over his body. "He caught me as soon as he made a move, threw me out, and then went to catch me himself. Who is not afraid of this kind of person?" Yuan Bao sighed: "I just can't figure out why he sent me here Come on, why don't you send me to the gutter?" "Because he likes you too." The little girl smiled again: "This place is at least a little more fragrant than the gutter." "Where is this place? Is it far from Ruyi Casino?" Yuan Bao asked again.

"Not far." "How far is not far?" "Why do you ask so clearly?" "Now I can't even walk a step." Yuan Bao said, "I want you to go there and find out for me." "What do you want to know?" "What happened after the lights went out there last night?" "I only know that someone killed someone and someone was killed there. I don't know anything else." The little girl said, "I don't want to know either." She suddenly laughed happily again: "But this place is really not very far from Ruyi Casino, because this is Ruyi Casino."

Yuan Bao was stunned. "This place is in the back yard of the hall you have been to. It is where Boss Tang lives. I am Boss Tang's goddaughter. My surname is Cai, and everyone calls me Xiao Cai." Yuan Bao laughed again. "Xiao Cai? What kind of side dish is it? Is it a meat dish or a vegetarian dish? Is it fried kidney or shredded radish?" He laughed loudly: "As soon as I hear your name, I'm hungry. I can eat any side dish, even a horse." This time Xiao Cai actually didn't smile, she stared at him for a long time, and suddenly put her snow-white and tender face in front of Yuan Bao: "Okay, you eat, I'll eat for you."

Yuan Bao couldn't laugh anymore. This time he couldn't laugh, not because he was really afraid of this little girl who could do anything. This time he couldn't laugh because he suddenly remembered something, a very serious thing. "You bathed me just now?" Yuan Bao asked Xiao Cai, "Is it you who undressed me?" "Of course." Xiao Cai deliberately made an unbearable look: "How can I let others take off your clothes?" "Where are my clothes?" "It's all burned." Xiao Cai said, "Even the rags that the kid was playing with in his clothes were burned."

"What did you say?" Yuan Bao called out, "How could you burn my stuff?" "Why can't I burn it? Every piece of broken copper and iron can stink to death. Do you still want me to stay like a baby?" Yuan Bao couldn't even speak, his face looked as if he had just swallowed eighty or ninety rotten duck eggs, and he murmured, "You killed me, you really killed me." Xiao Cai sighed leisurely: "It's a pity that I haven't completely killed you yet." She suddenly took out an embroidery bag from her body like a magic trick: "What do you think this is?"

Sure enough, Yuan Bao came back to life immediately, grabbed the purse, and Xiao Cai sneered. "It looks like you are a very generous person, why would you treat this little purse like a treasure?" "You don't know what's in it." "How would I know? I haven't seen it before." Xiao Cai said, "I don't have the habit of peeking at other people's things." "You're a good girl." Yuan Bao became happy again: "Of course you won't have such a bad habit." "But if you must let me see it, I won't refuse." "I don't necessarily want you to see it." Yuan Bao immediately said: "I also know that you don't have to. What's so good about the things on a little girl's avatar?" "What if I must ask you to show me?" "I know you won't do such a thing." Yuan Bao said, "You are not this kind of person." "Now I know what kind of person I am." Xiao Cai said, "I'm simply a fool." She sighed deliberately: "Even if I am reluctant to burn your purse, I can hide it. Why do I have to return it to you? I am not a fool, what is it?" Yuan Bao thought for a while, then thought again, and suddenly said, "You're right, let me show you." There is no treasure in the purse, only seven stars. No one would treat these seven stars as treasures, not even a three-year-old child. These seven stars are not fun at all. No matter how you look at them, you will never see that they are worthy of being your treasure. If someone gives them to you, you will definitely not take them. If you accidentally pick them up, It will also be thrown into the ditch casually. Because these seven stars are not made of any good materials. Although one of them seems to be jade, the other six are not right. Cut out of cardboard. But there are characters on each star, and before Xiao Cai could see what the characters were, Yuan Bao had already asked her, "Have you read it now?" "yes." "Do you think it looks good?" "It's not pretty." Since it didn't look good, Yuan Bao immediately put it away, showing two dimples and said with a smile: "I told you a long time ago, there will never be any good-looking things for a beggar." Xiao Cai also showed two deep dimples. "Then you can give me a star." She smiled sweetly: "Just give me the one made of broken wood." ——A lucky star descended from the sky, turning iron into gold, she knew this star, did she also know what happened after the lights went out that night? Yuan Bao wanted to ask, but didn't. His mouth seemed to be stitched up with a needle suddenly, and he couldn't even say a word, because he suddenly found someone standing at the head of his bed looking at him. When did this person come?Where did it come from?He has no idea. He only knew that there was no one else in the room just now, but in the blink of an eye, this person was already standing by his bedside. This person is a woman, but no one can tell what kind of woman she is? In this world, there are not many women like her. Her forehead is a little too wide, her cheekbones are a little too high, and her mouth is too big, making her look very dignified and unapproachable. But the outline of her mouth is very soft, with the corners of her mouth facing up, as if she always has a gentle and charming smile, which makes people want to get close to her. Her eyes are not big, but very, very bright, full of mature wisdom, people feel that no matter what can be said in front of her, because she will definitely understand. She is not young anymore, and she is not very beautiful. But Yuan Bao stared blankly when he saw her, he didn't even know when Xiao Cai jumped out of bed. And his heart was beating, much faster than usual. No matter in the past or in the future, there is absolutely no other woman in this world who can make Yuan Bao's heart beat so fast. Yuan Bao never cared about other things, no matter what happened, he didn't care. He doesn't care what others think of him. But he seemed to care a little bit about this woman he had just met for the first time. He couldn't let this woman see him as a stupid little nymphomaniac, so he sighed on purpose. "Why is there another woman here? Could it be that all the men in this place are hiding from me?" "Who do you want to see you?" The woman's voice was low and soft, as if a teacher played on the strings when he missed his former lover. "Boss Tang." Yuan Bao coughed twice: "I really want to meet Boss Tang here." This woman smiled, and when she smiled, the corners of her mouth were raised, and there seemed to be a touch of sentimentality in the gentle, charming and joyful, but it was not the kind of sentimentality that would make people feel sympathetic. "You have already met Boss Tang." The woman said, "I am Boss Tang." She asked Yuan Bao with a smile: "Do you think that all big bosses in the world should be done by men?" Yuan Bao immediately shook his head: "I just think you should at least let me get dressed first, and treat me to a meal and drink! Then tell me who sent me here." Unconvinced, Xiao Cai hurriedly said, "Why do we invite you to dinner and drink? Why do you want us to invite you?" "No reason!" Yuan Bao said, "It's just that if you don't invite me, you should pay me back what you owe me." "When did I owe you anything?" "You owe me a bath." "I owe you a bath?" Xiao Cai didn't understand: "What does this mean?" "This means that you wash me once. If you don't invite me, you have to let me wash you once." Yuan Bao said solemnly, "I'm not a radish. You want to wash me. I have to let you wash it, I am a human being, I can’t just wash it casually, you can wash me, and of course I can wash you too.” Xiao Cai was stunned, her eyes widened, and she looked at him in surprise. "Are you speaking human language? Are you farting?" She turned to Boss Tang: "Aniang, do you think this brat has a thick skin? He can say such unreasonable things." Boss Tang Da smiled: "He seems a little unreasonable, but you seem to be similar to him." Xiao Cai pursed her lips and rolled her eyes, as if she was about to cry. She didn't cry, because she suddenly thought of another reason: "I am a woman, women are born to be unreasonable, why should he be unreasonable?" Yuan Bao sighed, smiled wryly and shook his head: "I am convinced by you, how can I not accept someone who can speak such a truth?" He said, "I don't want you to invite me anymore." Boss Tang smiled: "She doesn't invite you, but I will." Yuan Bao became happy again: "It's because you have a good eye. You can't even invite a guest like me." Exquisite and rich food and wine filled the table, and everything was very suitable for Yuan Bao's appetite. He was so hungry that he could eat on the table, but he didn't even move his chopsticks. He didn't eat it with his hands either.He just sat there struggling, swallowing secretly. The little girl who stood behind him and waited on him couldn't help asking him: "The food is already cold, why don't you eat it?" Yuan Bao said loudly, "I'm a guest today, and I'm not here to beg for food. If the master doesn't come to accompany me, how can I eat?" He said very firmly: "I don't eat, even if I starve to death, I won't eat." Although he has no strength in his whole body, his voice is not bad, and his voice is hard to hear. So he soon saw Boss Tang coming in, with a blush on his face, as if he had just taken a hot bath, his long black hair was casually tied up in a bun, barefoot, wearing a The soft silk robe sometimes covers the feet and sometimes exposes them. Her feet are slender, soft and round, as if carefully sculpted out of a piece of flawless suet white jade. Yuan Bao suddenly found his heart was beating again. "I'll accompany you." Boss Tang Da said, "But I can't eat anything, so I can only drink a little wine with you." "A little wine, how much wine?" Boss Tang looked at this half-grown boy, and couldn't help laughing again, as if he became younger when he smiled. "You really know how to drink?" "Why don't you try it?" "Okay." Boss Tang sat down and said, "I'll drink as much as you drink." "real?" "Why should I lie to you?" "You won't lie to me about anything?" Boss Tang Da smiled and said: "Adults will not lie to children. Adults who can lie to children are not good people. Do you think I look like a bad guy?" Yuan Bao shook his head, and said solemnly, "You are not a villain, and I am not a child anymore." He suddenly changed the subject and asked, "Who is that villain?" "Which scoundrel?" "It's the villain who sent me here in a daze, and made me lose all strength." Boss Tang waved the little girl out first, then poured a glass of wine for herself and Yuan Bao. She drank the glass of wine in one gulp. Her drinking posture is crisp and graceful, just like herself. "More than 20 years ago, there was a very secret organization in Jianghu called 'Tianjue Dide', because the two people who founded this organization were Gao Tianjue and Guo Mie." Boss Tang said : "They created this organization with only one purpose." "What purpose?" "Pursue the gangster who slipped through the net, and never let go until you catch him." "This organization is not bad." Yuan Bao said, "Why have I never heard of it?" "Nine years ago, Guo Mie disappeared suddenly. It is said that he died at the hands of General Laughing. Gao Tianjue also had an arm cut off. This organization also disappeared." She sighed: "Unexpectedly, they appeared in Jinan again recently, and their momentum seems to be bigger than before." Of course Yuan Bao couldn't help but ask, "Are they here for General Li?" "Of course." Boss Tang said, "Thirteen people with iron pincers on their severed wrists belong to them." "Gao Tianjue is here too." Boss Tang nodded: "He sent you here because he didn't want you to be involved in this vendetta. You are here with me. Not only will you be safe, but you will also not be found." Yuan Bao said loudly: "This Gao Tianjue is really a terrific person, why does he care about my safety? It doesn't matter to him if I die." Boss Tang agrees. "He is indeed a terrific man." She said, "He is utterly utterly utterly utterly utterly utterly utterly utterly utterly utterly utterly inhuman, and even more utterly unparalleled in martial arts. Even if Guo Mie comes back to life, he probably won't be his match." "So he sent me here, and you have to accept it." Yuan Bao deliberately sneered: "I believe you will never dare to let me go." "I really don't dare." Boss Tang didn't even have the slightest intention to deny it: "I don't want to die yet." Yuan Bao sighed: "Actually, I don't want to die either, not even the little beggar, let alone the big boss?" He drank another glass of wine, and drank it in one gulp, before asking the one thing he wanted to know the most. "Who killed who in your casino last night?"
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