Home Categories martial arts novel Seven Star Dragon King

Chapter 9 The ninth chapter: Gamblers do not gamble their lives

Seven Star Dragon King 古龙 4918Words 2018-03-13
April 17, night. The lamp has been lit, and it has just been lit, one hundred and ninety-six palace lanterns made of pearl gauze crafted by hand. Boss Tang Da of "Ruyi Casino" has always been a person who pays attention to ostentation, and has always believed that most people like to go to places with the brightest lights. Therefore, although the old craftsman who was in charge of renovating and decorating this casino thought that eighty or ninety lamps would be enough for the hall at most, Boss Tang insisted on using one hundred and ninety-six lamps. He is not wrong. Ruyi Casino earns more money than the other eighteen casinos in the city combined.

Boss Tang has always been a person who rarely does wrong things, and now he doesn't need to do anything anymore. The only thing he has to do these days is to sit at home and collect the silver. If there is no silver, gold will do. The light of one hundred and ninety-six lamps is bright enough. Under this kind of light, even the wrinkles at the corners of the eyes of a thirty-five-year-old woman who has spent a whole afternoon of careful makeup can be clearly seen. Xiao Jun didn't seem to see anything. There are all kinds of people in the casino, some good-looking people and some bad-looking people.

All kinds of things often happen in the casino, some are fun and some are not. Xiao Jun couldn't even see it. Of course, there are all kinds of people in the gambling house, all of whom come here to gamble, even if they know that they may lose their wives at any time, they still want to gamble. No one knew what he was here for, and no one dared to ask him. His face was terrifying, and it looked even more terrifying under the light of one hundred and ninety-six beaded gauze palace lanterns. In this light his face seemed transparent. As soon as the lights were lit, Frog Boy came with Wu Tao and Yuan Bao.

Of course everyone in Ruyi Casino recognizes Frog Boy. He is by no means the kind of gentleman who does not eat, drink, prostitute or gamble. He is a good friend of Boss Tang. If people in this business want to gain a foothold in Jinan City, they must be friends of Citigate, otherwise this hall with 196 palace lanterns has been smashed at least 196 times. So when Frog Boy came in, he was very proud, and everyone wanted to say hello to him whether they knew him or not. It is definitely a matter of face to be able to say hello to Frog Boy, and it is even more face-saving to be able to call him "Chicken Brother".

There are not too few people with face, and a large group of people gathered around to greet him: "Chicken, what do you want to play today?" "I don't want to play today." Frog Boy shook his head and said, "Today I specially brought these two friends here to play, they are all my distinguished guests." People who can be regarded as distinguished guests by Brother Frog are of course people with great face. Although Wu Tao and Yuan Bao are not quite alike, everyone has to treat them differently. Xiao Jun couldn't see it. He couldn't see them, and they didn't seem to see him either.

He always seems to be living in another world, and all he sees are things in other people's world. What he saw was a pai gow. Pai Gow is fun, as long as you don't lose, it's fun. Every bet is fun, as long as you don't lose. The only regret is that out of ten bets, nine lose. —perhaps more than nine. "What do you two like to bet on?" "Pai Gow." So Brother Ji's two distinguished guests were immediately brought to a Pai Gow table where the gamble was the biggest. "Which one do you two like to bet on?" "Tianmen." So those who were betting on Tianmen immediately let go.

The dealer is not someone in the casino. The person who runs the gambling house must not gamble, otherwise the gambling house may also be lost. The casino only draws. The dealer is a big fat man with a big stomach, a big wallet and a big head. If you are not being taken advantage of, how can you be the banker in Ruyi Casino? Yuan Bao bet all of Frog Boy's property at once, and then raised his head to look at the dealer. He hoped that the banker would also be looking at him, showing some admiration for him, admiring his arrogance and magnanimity. The only thing the banker wanted to express was to slap this little beggar out with one slap, and invite back those who just lost two consecutive bets on Tianmen.

It's a pity he didn't dare. No one dared to be so rude to Brother Ji's friends. The dealer only has to roll the dice, and the one that comes out is three points, Tianmen goes first, and the dealer takes the third hand. The third hand was against the Plum Blossom Leopard. If it wasn't for this little beggar to disrupt the game, the banker could win at least a thousand taels of silver from Tianmen with this hand. Yuan Bao lost, lost everything. Only Tianmen was left on the table and hadn't placed a bet. Everyone was waiting, and so was the dealer, waiting for him to place his bet with an expression that he couldn't cry or laugh.

The only thing he can bet on is himself. Frog Boy suddenly asked him: "Why don't you bet yourself? Have you forgotten that you are an ingot?" The dealer is stupid. Since Brother Ji said so, what if this little beggar really lay down on the gambling table and insisted that he was an ingot? Unexpectedly, this time Yuan Bao actually shook his head and said: "I can't do that." "why?" "Because my ingot is too valuable, I'm afraid they won't be able to afford it." The dealer heaved a sigh of relief, and everyone heaved a sigh of relief, but Frog Boy still wanted to ask him:

"What are you betting on?" "I want to bet some gold." "Gold?" The little beggar didn't even have a speck of gold on his body, and even the frog couldn't stop asking, "Where is the gold?" "It's nearby, it's everywhere." Yuan Bao said seriously, "As long as I go get it, I can get it anytime." "When are you going to get it?" "Go now." Yuan Bao strode out: "Wait a minute, I'll be right back." Who is willing to wait for him? Who believed that he really took the gold?Who believed he could really get the gold back?

The dealer was all smiles: "Now Tianmen is empty anyway, who will come to gamble first?" Wu Tao suddenly stood up. "Me." He said, "I'll come, you go." The dealer couldn't help laughing: "Why do you want me to go?" Wu Tao said lightly: "Because I want to bet you can't afford to pay, and you can't afford to lose." The dealer was stunned, and suddenly heard someone behind him say: "You go, I'll come." As soon as he turned his head, he saw a pale and transparent face like that of a dead person, like a dead person who had been frozen in the ice cellar for three months. Who wants to mess with this kind of person? The dealer left, and the people from the upper and lower doors also left, but they were reluctant to go too far. Everyone can see that these two people must have a good bet. Of course Frog Boy will not leave, because only he knows that the bet between these two people will not only be very exciting, but extremely exciting. The only regret is that he still doesn't know who can kill whom. At this moment, the lights of one hundred and ninety-six palace lanterns seemed to be shining on the faces of the two people. The faces of these two people still look like dead people. Wu Tao sits at Tianmen, Xiao Jun pushes Zhuang. "You are here, so am I." Xiao Jun said, "If you want to bet, I will accompany you." "very good." "Can I afford to pay?" "You can afford it." Wu Tao said, "The only thing I want to bet on is you who can afford it." "What do you want to bet? Bet on your life?" "Gambling your life? How many lives do you have?" "One." Xiao Jun said, "One is enough." "not enough." "Why is it not enough? No matter how many lives you have had before, isn't there only one left now?" "Just because we all have only one life, it's not enough." Wu Tao said, "So we can't gamble." "why?" "Because as long as you lose once, you will never have a chance to make money." Wu Tao said: "This kind of gambling is neither fun nor addictive." "How do you want to bet?" "I have always only bet on people, not on life." "The gambler?" Xiao Jun didn't understand: "What's the difference between a gambler and a gambler?" "That's completely different." Wu Tao said: "We all have only one life to bet on, but there are many people we can bet on." "The person you want to bet on is not yourself?" "of course not." "Who are you betting on?" "Bet on him." Wu Tao stretched out a finger and pointed at a man with black hair and blue face in gray clothes: "This time we will bet on him first, whoever wins will be his." The face of the man in gray was already blue, but now it was as green as grass. But he still stood there without moving. Frog Boy suddenly laughed: "This kind of gambling is really perfect, it's absolutely perfect, the people who gamble and gamble have nothing to do with me, and the output is other people, it doesn't matter even if they are losers." "It's related." Wu Tao asked him coldly: "If you lose, are you sure you can catch that person to pay me?" "No." Frog Boy admitted, "I'm not sure." "Then what if you lose?" Frog Boy didn't speak, Wu Tao asked Xiao Jun again: "And you?" Xiao Jun didn't open his mouth, he rolled the dice and divided the dominoes. One set of cards was four points, and the other set was ten points. It is not too easy to get the other ten, this time Xiao Jun actually got it in one go. Frog Boy suddenly jumped up and shouted at the man in gray: "Run! Run! People have already lost you to others, so don't run fast." The man in gray didn't run away, instead of running away, he walked over and walked in front of Wu Tao, with a smile on his bluish-green face, but the smile was a bit creepy. "Have I already lost to you?" He asked Wu Tao seriously. "yes." "Then I'm yours now, so you can accept it." Others bet on him for no reason and inexplicably, but he still seemed to think it was a normal thing, and he didn't even look unwilling at all, yet he wanted someone to accept him. Frog Boy was dumbfounded. He had never seen such a terrific thing in his life, and no one had ever seen it. What's even more amazing is that there were twelve other gray-clothed men who were dressed similarly to him and walked out of the crowd. They all walked up to Wu Tao and said in the same strange voice: "Then you take me down." "I only won one person, how can I accept you all?" "We are one person." The thirteen men in gray said at the same time, "It's just that we are a little different from others." "what is the difference?" "Others have only one life, and even you have only one life." "What about you?" Wu Tao asked, "How many lives do you have? Thirteen?" "We have nine hundred and ninety-nine lives." "Nine hundred and ninety-nine lives are all one?" "yes." Wu Tao sighed: "No matter who has so many lives, he will not be afraid of death." The thirteen men in gray nodded at the same time, and suddenly shot at the same time. They are all left-handed, but none of them are left-handed. The left hands of the thirteen people had all been cut off, and a strange-shaped steel tongs gleaming with cold light had been fitted.It looks strange, ugly, vicious, and flexible. No one has seen them stretch out their left hands before, and no one has seen this kind of steel tongs. Now these thirteen people suddenly make a move at the same time, which is even more indescribably strange and terrifying. The moves of the thirteen people are very simple, and they seem to use the same move, but the parts of each person's shots are very strange, and they cooperate very well. The thirteen steel tongs seem to be pressed by the same machine button. Manipulated, the thirteen people are like a complex and delicate machine. As the cold light flickered, thirteen steel pliers had pinched Wu Tao's left and right ankles, left and right knees, left and right wrists, left and right elbows, left and right shoulder blades, Tianling, the back of his neck, and throat. At this moment, Wu Tao's vital joints were under their control, and all escape routes were blocked. If he is a wooden man, he will be crushed immediately; if he is a stone man, he will be crushed immediately. Even if he is an iron man, he can't withstand this kind of steel pliers. Everyone thought he was dead, but no one knew whether he was dead or not. Because at this moment, the one hundred and ninety-six palace lanterns in the hall suddenly went out at the same time. The brightly lit hall suddenly became dark, not only could you see your fingers, but you couldn't even see the thirteen steel tongs that were shining with cold light. Some people like darkness. Some people can only do things in the dark that they don't want to do, can't and can't do. Some people can think only in darkness. In the history of mankind, there must have been many profound philosophies and careful plans conceived in darkness. But the darkness is still scary. Humans have always had an unexplainable fear of the dark. In the darkness, the people in Ruyi Casino were screaming and screaming, but they quickly subsided. Because of the one hundred and ninety-six palace lanterns in the gambling hall, thirty-six were quickly lit up. As soon as the lights came on, everyone found that the thirteen men in gray had disappeared.Wu Tao also disappeared. When the other thirty-six palace lanterns were lit, everyone heard the steward of the gambling house declaring loudly: "Big Boss Tang has prepared one hundred altars of good wine, and one hundred tables of flowing water seats to impress everyone. The people who come here today are all VIPs of Boss Tang, and they don't charge a penny." When all the one hundred and ninety-six palace lanterns were lit, everyone had already seen people carrying food and wine into the hall, and at the same time, they also saw the little beggar who slipped away just now carrying a large and heavy burden. No one can extinguish one hundred and ninety-six palace lanterns at the same time in an instant. No one knew how the palace lanterns went out, no one knew why the thirteen men in gray and Wu Tao suddenly disappeared?No one knows where they went? But everyone saw Yuan Bao walking in with a bag, and with a "bang", he threw it on the gaming table. Just hearing this "bang", no matter who you are, you can tell that the things in the bag are very heavy, as heavy as gold. This little beggar actually came back to gamble with gold. Where did he get so much gold? Xiao Jun was still sitting there, his sitting posture was exactly the same as before the lights went out, and his face was still completely expressionless as before the lights went out, as if nothing had happened. Altars of good wine and plates of good dishes have already begun to be delivered. Frog Boy shook his head and sighed, and murmured, "This person must be a treat fanatic, and he also has a fear of the rich." As soon as Yuan Bao put down his burden, he heard this sentence that no one could understand, and immediately couldn't help asking him: "What do you mean by a treat?" "It means that a man loves to treat like a maniac." "What does Phobia mean?" "It means that this person is afraid that he will be too rich, so he treats guests desperately." Frog Boy sighed and said, "It has nothing to do with him when the lights go out, and he wants to treat guests." "Who are you talking about?" "Who else is there besides Boss Tang here?" "Okay." Yuan Bao held out a thumb: "This Boss Tang really looks like a big boss, I like him." Frog Boy sighed again: "You'd better not like him." Of course Yuan Bao asked, "Why?" "Because he will definitely not like you." "How do you know he won't like me?" Frog Boy seemed to want to say something else, but suddenly changed his mind and said: "Your friend suddenly disappeared, and you didn't even ask a question. Who would like you if you don't have enough friends?" "Although he is gone now, he will definitely come back. Why should I ask now?" Yuan Bao said confidently: "It won't be too late for me to ask him when he comes back." "You are wrong." Frog Boy also said very confidently: "Your friend will not come back." "why?" "If a person dies, how can he come back?" Yuan Bao laughed so hard that he bent over: "Why do you think he will die? If this person is going to die too, more than half of the people in the world would have died long ago." After he finished laughing, Frog Boy asked him: "You think he won't die? Will he come back?" "must." "What's in your bag?" "Of course it's gold." "Do you want to bet with me?" Frog Boy asked Yuan Bao, "Just bet on your bag of gold." "All your property has been lent to others. If you lose, how can you pay for it?" "Take someone to pay for it." "Okay." Yuan Bao said, "I'll bet you. If he doesn't come back within half an hour, I will lose." Frog Boy also laughed loudly: "Then you are doomed."
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