Home Categories martial arts novel Seven Star Dragon King

Chapter 8 Chapter 8: The Unstoppable Sword

Seven Star Dragon King 古龙 7336Words 2018-03-13
April 17, before dusk. The strongest cell in the Jinan City Prison known as the Iron Wall, "Dizi No. 1", suddenly collapsed mysteriously. In order to build this prison cell, it was specially transported from Shigang Mountain, and each rock weighing hundreds of kilograms was completely buried by some kind of rock. The mysterious force that no one can explain so far destroyed and shattered, and one of them was shaken more than 20 feet away, knocking down two firewood houses and a 300-year-old locust tree in the backyard of the yamen. The two condemned prisoners who were imprisoned in the room also died suddenly and mysteriously. According to Ye Laoyan, the foreman of the big house, they both died after dawn, long before the cell collapsed.

No one knows how they died, let alone how the cell collapsed. Although the government really wanted to suppress this matter, in less than half an hour, the news about this matter had already caused a sensation in Jinan. The braided girl probably wasn't the first to know about it, at least a little before most people. When the news came, Mr. Tian was taking a nap, and immediately after getting the news, he sent Xiao Jun, the head of the punishment hall of the Beggar Gang who was staying in the guest room, and his young master, Tian Jizai, to the small hall of his bedroom.They also knew why he had called them.

At this time, Mr. Tian, ​​who hadn't slept all night and drank a little wine for lunch, was fully awake. "Have you heard of this?" "yes." Mr. Tian pointed to a piece of gravel that his disciple had just brought and placed on the table. "This is the stone used to build the cell. Originally, each piece weighed about three to five hundred catties." The stone is thick and solid. Its original thickness was about one foot and five inches, and its length and width were about the same. Mr. Tian picked up a pinch of stone powder from the debris and rubbed it with two fingers.

"This is a rare stone. Although the quality of the stone is a little worse than that of granite, it is almost as hard. Even if a strong blacksmith uses a big hammer to hammer it, it will take half a day to break it." Frog boy started to ask his question again: "Isn't this smashed with a hammer?" "no." Mr. Tian said again: "I heard from the old Zhao who was on duty in the cell today, that the cell was destroyed in a flash, and all the stones were shattered and sent flying in that instant." He asked Frog Boy, "Is there such a big hammer in the world?"

"No." "Of course there are none under the sky, but there might be some in the sky." Mr. Tian said, "If I were also a bastard, I might think that it was the power of ghosts and gods that destroyed that cell." He sighed: "It's a pity that I'm not a bastard. I know that besides the power of ghosts and gods, there is another kind of power that can do this kind of thing." Of course Frog Boy would ask: "There is another kind of power." "Human power." Mr. Tian said, "Sometimes the power of people is much greater than you imagine."

"Who has such power?" Frog Boy would always ask questions in line with his father's words. "Of course there are not many such people, and there may be only one at present." "Who is this guy?" Old Man Tian became angry again, staring at his son and asking, "You really don't know who this person is? You are really an idiot." Frog Boy is not an idiot, he has already figured out who this person is. "Others wanted to arrest him and put him in prison, but he went to the cell first." Frog Boy smiled wryly: "This kid really has a way."

"He's not a kid, he's a general, the Laughing General." Mr. Tian said with a straight face, "He doesn't only have one set, he also has at least seven or eight hundred sets." He pointed to his son's nose and said sharply, "You must remember this, or you will die!" "yes." "You must remember that no one who underestimates the Laughing General will live long." "Yes." Frog Boy said, "I have never forgotten what the old man said." Xiao Jun finally spoke. "Can the old man be sure that he must have done this?"

"It must be him." Mr. Tian said firmly: "There is no one else but him." He can be so sure because he has grounds: "In today's world, only he can combine the most yang and strong external force with the most yin and soft internal force, and only this kind of kung fu of heaven, earth, sun, moon, yin and yang can exert such great power." "Since he feigned death and fled because of fear, and even hid in the dark death row cell, why did he suddenly use this unique skill to expose his whereabouts?" This is also a very pertinent question, and it was asked by Frog Boy.

Mr. Tian thought for a while before answering: "Because his whereabouts have been exposed, and he himself knows that others have found out that he was not the one who died, so he hid in that cell, maybe it's just because he needs to rest and refresh himself." physical strength." After saying these words, the complexions of Xiao Jun and Frog Boy changed a little, and there was a strange light in their eyes. They all understood what Mr. Tian meant. ——General Laughing did this, no doubt in order to recharge his batteries and fight head-on with his opponents. The brutality of this battle can be imagined.

Old Man Tian sighed, found a half bottle of wine from under the table, took a sip from the bottle, and said leisurely, "Fortunately, his opponent is not me." "If it wasn't for the old man, it wouldn't be me." Frog Boy seemed relieved. "Of course not you." Mr. Tian sneered: "You are not worthy." "Who deserves it?" Tian Jizai asked, "Is it the one who killed Zheng Nanyuan's twenty-six masters?" "It's not a single person, it's a group of people, an organization." Mr. Tian said, "The people who infiltrated Qiu Budao's guards are all from this organization, so even the methods used to kill people are the same."

"That method is terrible?" "Do you want to go to them and try?" Old Man Tian sneered again: "Then I'm afraid you will really sit in that precious wheelchair of yours for the rest of your life soon." Xiao Jun stared into the distance again, as if he was thinking about that matter that no one else could guess, but suddenly said: "Perhaps I don't deserve it either." "What are you not worthy of?" "I'm not worthy of being the opponent of the Laughing General." Xiao Jun said flatly, "It's a pity that I must do it." ——Is this because of some unresolvable deep hatred between him and General Li?Or is it because there is something hidden in it? Frog Boy didn't ask this time, the last thing he wanted to do in his life was to pry into other people's privacy. Xiao Jun suddenly said: "Why didn't you ask me?" "what?" "Ask me why I must fight General Laughing?" "I know you're here for him." "Why don't you ask me why I'm here?" Frog Boy smiled, although he didn't really want to laugh, and he wasn't really laughing, but he always seemed to be smiling. "Should I ask you these things?" Xiao Jun looked into the distance again, and it took a long time before he answered. "I still have hands, and I still have life. If I can fight General Li, I can live up to my life. What's the matter with life? What's the matter with death? What should I say, and what should I say should not?" He stood up slowly: "Now I only hope that I can find him before others." "Can you find it?" "Maybe we can find it." Xiao Jun said, "Because I already know a little about Qiu Budao." "Oh?" "The biggest weakness of this man is gambling." Xiao Jun said: "The only way to take advantage of him is to start from this aspect, so the thirteen people who sneaked into his guard must have recognized him from gambling." In fact, this sentence did not fully express his meaning, but Mr. Tian was already sighing, looked at his son and said: "If you can be half as smart as Hall Master Xiao, I will be happy." Xiao Jun didn't hear this sentence. At this moment, his people had arrived outside the high wall of the small courtyard outside the hall. Frog Boy suddenly asked: "Can he really find him? How?" "Thirteen people were able to use Qiu Budao to infiltrate Sun Jicheng's guards because of a bet. Sun Jicheng is General Laughing, their enemy. If General Laughing wants to find them, how should he find them?" Mr. Tian asked back. "Find it from the gambling." "Now that General Laughing is determined to fight, of course he is looking for them." Old Man Tian asked again: "Xiao Jun wants to find him, how should he find him?" "It should also be found from gambling." Mr. Tian sighed: "This time you finally understand, and you are not too stupid." Frog Boy also sighed: "But if I'm really half as smart as Hall Master Xiao, the old man might be unhappy instead." "why?" Frog Boy gulped down the half bottle of wine left by his father: "Because I still remember that the old man once told me that people who are too smart usually don't live long." "Zhao Dayou" is a small restaurant, but it is very famous, more famous than many big restaurants. The boss of "Zhao Dayou" is neither big nor fat, and his surname is not even Zhao. The big, tall, fat man with the surname Zhao is not the boss, but a buddy. The sign "Zhao Dayou" came from this guy. Many people think that he is the boss, and the boss is the buddy. ——A small restaurant may not be inferior to a large restaurant, and the status of a guy may not be inferior to that of a boss. It just depends on how you do it. There are many things like this in the world. April 17, around dusk. "Zhao Dayou" didn't open the door today because Zhao Da was tortured all night last night and needs to rest today. If the guy wants to take a break, the boss has to take a break. If the guy quits, the store will have to close. So when the guy was going to sleep, even if there was a fire in the kitchen, he would still be asleep, and no one could wake him up. But today he was called out all of a sudden, and he didn't even dare to fart. Because the ones who woke him up today were the two drunkards last night, one big and one young, that is, the two people that both Citigate and the government were looking for. This kind of person must not be offended, otherwise, he might die in his pants, which was so frightened that he peed wet, like Mr. Wang from Citigate. So he took whatever they wanted, and he didn't dare to delay even a little bit. Although Zhao Da has a lot of airs, he is not very courageous. These two people actually ordered eight big dishes, eight small dishes, twenty steamed buns, plus a whole jar of good lotus white, and they ate them all at once, as if after eating this meal, there would be no next meal. paused. Wu Tao ate desperately, and Yuan Bao also ate desperately. But Yuan Bao couldn't take it anymore, he had never seen anyone eat more than half of Wu Tao's. "Sleep well to have energy, and eat well to have energy." Wu Tao said: "Even if you just want to pick up dung, you have to get enough energy first, no matter what you are going to do." "Are you full now?" Yuan Bao asked Wu Tao. "It seems that there are already seven or eight points." "Are you going to pick shit?" "No." Wu Tao said, "There are only three things in my life that I have never learned." "Which three?" "Play chess, embroider and pick shit." Yuan Bao didn't smile, but stared at him with big eyes, and asked again: "What else do you do besides eating and drinking?" "What else do you think I will do?" "Killing people!" Yuan Bao said, "I see that you have enough energy to kill people." Wu Tao suddenly laughed. He seldom smiles usually, and when he does, he laughs out loud, as if he is utterly happy. But there is an indescribable irony and pathos in his laughter, and it often ends abruptly. He suddenly asked Yuan Bao: "Do you believe that sometimes the dead come back to life?" "I do not believe." "You'll soon believe it." "why?" Wu Tao poured a large bowl of lotus white, and drank it all in one gulp: "Because a dead person is about to be resurrected right now." Yuan Bao stared at him for a long time, poured a large bowl of wine and drank it, and then asked him: "Are you the dead man who is about to be resurrected?" "Yes." Wu Tao actually admitted: "I am the dead man." "But you're not dead yet." "You are wrong." Wu Tao said: "You should say that Wu Tao is not dead yet." "Aren't you Wu Tao?" Yuan Bao couldn't help asking. "Sometimes yes, sometimes no." "Who are you when you're not Wu Tao?" "It's a dead person." Wu Tao's eyes suddenly flashed with light: "It's a dead person who is about to be resurrected." Yuan Bao suddenly smiled: "I don't understand." He said: "Through the ages, the only one who dies is death. Since you have died so hard, why do you want to be resurrected?" "Because someone wouldn't let me die." "Who won't let you die?" "Enemies." Wu Tao drank another big bowl: "Enemies who can't be killed." "Since it is your enemy, why not let you die?" "Because I'm more useful alive than dead." Wu Tao said: "It's also because they thought I died too quickly and easily last time, so they want me to die slowly again." He continued calmly: "Unfortunately, no matter who wants me to die this time, I'm afraid it won't be easy." Yuan Bao suddenly slapped the table hard: "Good! I agree." "In favor of what?" "I agree with you not to die too easily this time." Yuan Bao said, "If you want to die, at least you have to kill a few inexhaustible enemies before you die." Wu Tao laughed again, and patted Yuan Bao on the shoulder forcefully: "Okay, I like it." "what do you like?" "I like you." Wu Tao poured a cup for Yuan Bao: "In a few years, you must be a good man, I respect you." Yuan Bao doesn't drink, so ask him first: "Am I not a good man now?" "You are." Wu Tao drank another bowl: "Now you are a good man." He put down the wine bowl, picked up a pair of chopsticks, hit the wine cup with bamboo chopsticks, and sang loudly: "The wine in the cup that can't be drunk, the farewell song that can't be sung. The sword that can't be put down, the tall building that can't be climbed. The hero's blood that can't be shed, the enemy's head that can't be killed." The tragic and desolate singing suddenly stopped, and Wu Tao suddenly shouted: "go!" Saying this word, the bamboo chopsticks in his hand also flew away, and nailed to the door panel with a "ding". The restaurant was not open yet, and the door hadn't been opened yet, the pair of bamboo chopsticks pierced through the door and flew straight out. Immediately there were two screams outside the door, and someone was shouting: "It's him, it's him." "Since you know it's me, why don't you come in?" No one came in, no one dared to come in. Wu Tao suddenly stood up and took Yuan Bao's hand: "They won't come in, let's go out." The door was still closed. Wu Tao seemed to be closed, as if he couldn't see it, and strode over, only to hear a "bang", and the door panels were scattered and cracked. The long street outside the gate was silent, and pedestrians had already avoided it, because this small restaurant was surrounded by many layers. Two people were moaning being carried away by their companions, each with a bamboo chopstick on their shoulder. In Wu Tao's hands, an ordinary bamboo chopsticks could penetrate the door panel and nail into human bones. It was nailed into the same part of the two people's bodies, and the distance from their hearts was also the same, as if the nail was measured by hand. . They haven't died yet, not because of their fate. They haven't died yet, just because Wu Tao never wants the life of such a person. Yuan Bao can see this. But he didn't understand how one person could hit a pair of bamboo chopsticks on the same part of two different people through a three-inch thick door panel. —Can he see through the door panel?This is impossible, absolutely impossible. ——Could he be able to tell the parts of these two people's bodies just by their breathing? This is also impossible, but not impossible. As long as something is possible, someone can do it, maybe only one person can do it. This is something ordinary people can't see or think of, but besides Yuan Bao, there is actually someone else who can see it. Among the crowd surrounding the restaurant, someone suddenly applauded. "You can't see with the eyes, but you can tell the position by listening to the air. You can fly through flowers and pick leaves, and you have the power to pass through walls." The man said, "I never thought that there is such a kung fu in the world. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, the bastard would believe it." What this man said was terrific. In the first half of his speech, he spoke very elegantly, very, very elegantly, and only the suzerain of the Confucian chivalrous school of the predecessors could say it. The second half of the sentence is not elegant enough, especially the last sentence, it seems to be spoken by a little hooligan. The person who spoke was also very good. He was wearing a wide and large robe made of cotton cloth, with at most five or six of the twelve buttons buttoned up, and two feet in worn hemp shoes were exposed underneath. But what he wears around his waist is a belt that only princes, aristocrats, rich, young, and nouveau riche would use, the kind of gold belt inlaid with twenty or thirty pearls and gemstones. He doesn't look good at all, but he doesn't look ugly at all. He is not young, tall and tall, but he smiles like a child. Yuan Bao thinks this person is very interesting, and suddenly finds that Wu Tao seems to think this person is also very interesting. ——Annoying people are always annoying, and interesting people are always interesting. Although this truth is as simple as "eggs are not duck eggs", some people still like to do some annoying things. The man was still smiling when he came out of the crowd, and said to Wu Tao with a smile: "I have seen quite a few martial arts masters who are famous all over the world. It is really an eye-opener to see your kung fu like yours today." He deliberately sighed: "Unfortunately, I still feel a little regretful." "Oh?" "Unfortunately, until now I still don't know how to address you?" The man said, "Should it be Mr. Wu? Or Boss Sun?" He smiled again: "Maybe I should still call you General Li." Wu Tao asked back: "How should I address you as?" "I'm fine." The man smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you call my grandson a bastard." Yuan Bao suddenly smiled, revealing two deep dimples. "If you are a bastard, what is your father? A bastard?" Someone in the crowd was already shouting angrily, but this person suppressed them.Still said with a smile: "You call me a bastard, but I'm not necessarily a bastard. Someone who isn't called a bastard may be a bastard instead. These are completely different things." "That's right." Yuan Bao asked him, "Are you a bastard or not?" "Do I look like that?" "Not like." Yuan Bao blinked, "You look like a bastard at best." The man laughed, really happily, without even a hint of anger. "You don't really look like Yuanbao." He said, "Even if you do, it's just like the kind I made from flour and mud when I was a child, and it's moldy." Yuan Bao laughed too, but he didn't look angry. "One is a moldy clay ingot, and the other is a medium-level bastard. It turns out that we are both the same, and neither is a good thing." "You are a good thing, I am not a thing." The man also blinked: "I am a human being." Wu Tao kept staring at him, and suddenly asked him, "Is your surname Tian?" "Yes." This person could only admit it, because his surname was indeed Tian. "You are Tian Yonghua's son Tian Jizai?" "I am." "Why have you been refusing to speak out?" "I don't know who you are yet? Why should I let you know who I am?" Frog Boy said. "You know enough." Wu Tao said, "I know enough." "What do I know?" "I see that I am the person you are looking for." "What do you know?" "I see, you are the one who came looking for me!" Wu Tao said. His eyes flickered: "I also know that you have a broken hair in your belt, but it is just yet flexible Burmese knife, and you also have thirteen hidden weapons that Tian Yonghua became famous in the past, flying Huaqi hidden in your arms." Frog Boy sighed, smiled wryly and asked: "Is there anything in the world that you don't know?" "There is one." "What kind?" "You are looking for me, and I am the person you are looking for. You have a knife at your waist and a hidden weapon in your arms, and you can pull it out as soon as you reach out." Wu Tao asked coldly: "Why don't you make a move? " "Because I don't deserve it." Some people refuse to say this sentence, but Frog Boy said it with a smile, and said: "Even our old man said that I am not worthy to be your opponent, how dare I make a move?" "Why are you here?" "I just want to see what kind of person you are." Frog Boy said, "It's a pity that your real opponent has gone to another place, otherwise he will definitely come." "Who is he?" "Xiao Jun." Frog Boy said, "His heart is like a stone, his moves are like lightning, Xiao Jun is the new head of the punishment hall of the Beggar Clan." Wu Tao sneered: "Do you think he is worthy of being my opponent?" "He himself said that he might not be worthy either." Frog Boy sighed, "It's a pity he has to try." "Why didn't he come to me?" "He has already gone to look for you, and he has been there for half a day." "Where can I find it?" "He guessed that you would go to the casino to find those people who bought Qiu Budao." Frog Boy said, "Maybe they are still waiting for you in that casino." "Why don't you go?" Frog Boy sighed again: "Because I'm relatively stupid, I can't always figure out such things, so I just sat in the room and waited. Unexpectedly, a fool is lucky. He didn't find you, but I waited for him instead. " Wu Tao's loud laughs and elegiac song are probably not heard by very few people. Yuan Bao suddenly asked him: "Shall we go?" "Where to go?" "Go to the casino." Yuan Bao said, "I haven't seen what a real casino looks like." Wu Tao's eyes were bright again, and he said lightly: "You will see it soon." Yuan Bao immediately became happy, as if he didn't know how many enemies and murderous intentions were lurking in that casino, and he seemed to have forgotten how terrifying Xiao Jun is. All he wanted was to get there as fast as possible, and to have a good fucking bet. Frog Boy is also happy. "Okay, I'll take you there." He said, "If you don't have the gambling capital, I can still lend it to you." "Are you rich?" "Of course there is." Frog Boy said, "A lot of money." He actually took out a lot, but it's a pity that they were all copper coins and scattered silver. "You only have a lot of money like this?" Yuan Bao looked very disappointed. "This is already all my property, how little do you think?" Yuan Bao smiled wryly and shook his head: "It seems that you, a rich man, are not too different from me, a little beggar." Frog Boy suddenly put on a serious face, and said solemnly: "A person's property must never be too much. You have to take it in with your left hand and spend it with your right hand. Only then can you spend it happily. After spending it all, you have nothing to worry about, and it's even more enjoyable. " "That makes sense." Yuan Bao agreed. "If a person has too much property, and the flowers are too much to spend, and he feels distressed to give it away, and he is afraid of being stolen or robbed, and he is afraid of being cheated, and he is afraid that others will borrow it. Not happy anymore." "rational." "As long as you can spend it happily, you are a rich man." Frog Boy said, "So I am a rich man." "You absolutely are." "That's why I, a rich man, only have so much property. I'm not afraid of being stolen or cheated, and I'm not afraid of others borrowing it." Frog Boy said, "So as long as you ask, I will lend it to you." It's always nice to have someone willing to lend you money.Unexpectedly, Yuan Bao suddenly became cautious again, and asked Frog Boy: "Do you want a mortgage?" "don't want." "Do you want interest?" "Neither." This kind of generous condition is rare, and Yuan Bao unexpectedly asked again: "Can I not pay you back?" Frog Boy smiled.What he asked Yuan Bao was worse than what Yuan Bao asked him: "Can I ask you to pay it back?" "Can." Yuan Bao answered very happily, and took all of Frog Boy's property at once. People who borrow money like this are rare in the world, and there are probably even fewer people who lend money like this. But both of them are very happy. "If I were Boss Sun, we wouldn't be so happy." Frog Boy said, "Because if I had as much money as him, I would never lend you all my property, and you wouldn't dare to ask me about it." borrowed." Yuan Bao laughed loudly: "It's a good thing you're not Boss Sun, you're just a mid-level bastard." "Not bad at all." It's a pity that Yuan Bao was still wrong! He didn't need to borrow gambling money at all, because when they arrived at the casino, they would never gamble money. What they want to bet is their lives!
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