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Chapter 9 Seventh Bone and Blood

The old man left with the child. "Where are you taking me?" "Take you home." "Go home? Where do I have a home?" "You have it." The old man said, "I believe you will be proud of your family, and your family will be proud of you." "Proud of me? A bad kid like me who's broken from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet?" "You're not bad." "I'm not bad? How can I be bad?" "It's a bad person who can do that vile and shameless thing." The old man said, "But you can't."

"How do you know I can't do it?" "Because you are from the Li family, the blood of the Li family." The old man's attitude was more serious. "As long as you can maintain this backbone, I can guarantee that no one in the world will dare to treat you a little bit." So Li Huai went home, it was the first time he went home, and that was nine years ago. Now Li Huai is back home again. Things change and people change, and time goes by.Nine years a child has grown up. In nine years, a unique skill that is unparalleled in the world has been practiced. In nine years, a treasure that was as rich as an enemy has been found.

Nine years, how much has changed in nine years?
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