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Chapter 22 20. Homecoming

my cheating career 腾飞 1394Words 2018-03-04
On the train, Tie Jun and I had a brief exchange of views: We were fucked by the two big brothers.But what can be done?This is a loss, so I have to admit it.It was already midnight when we returned to the city where we lived. Tie Jun didn't dare to go home, so he followed me back to the house I rented. The next day, I got in touch with Sanyuan and the little boss.When we met, everyone laughed at me. The little boss was very particular. He knew that I had no money, so he immediately raised 30,000 yuan for me to use first.Sanyuan and the others mobilized some buddies to look for Xiaonian everywhere, but after searching for a long time, they couldn't find him, and he just disappeared.

After staying at home for half a month, the wound on my face was basically healed, and I went out.Then it was the same old thing, going around to catch up with the game, with Sanyuan and the others as their backing, the beating this time did not leave any shadow.When the Chinese New Year was approaching, I saved a lot of money in my hand. I bought a mobile phone and added the original number.Chinese New Year is approaching, and I miss home very much. A few months ago, I worked up the courage and called my second brother.On the phone, the second brother said that life at home has been very difficult for the past two years. The night when I cheated out of 20,000 yuan from distant relatives, the matter was revealed.My relatives didn't call the police, but went directly to my parents. My parents said countless small and good things, and my mother almost knelt down to them, so that the matter was suppressed.My parents didn't have any money, so they sold the building to pay back the 20,000 yuan from relatives.Parents used the remaining money to repair the old house in their hometown, and continued to live in the old house.My mother is not in good health and has been thinking about me very much. My father always said that I should die early and raise such a son for nothing.

That casino moved away in the summer of the year I left. My second brother went to consult and said that the IOUs for the money I owed were nothing. Even if I filed a lawsuit, the court would not support it. sue i mean. Suddenly knowing that the foreign debt was gone, I felt a little liberated, but I also felt very uncomfortable.At that time, I wanted to go back to see my parents, but I had no face to face them, no face to go back.I asked my second brother for an account and called 150,000 to my family.The second brother asked me what I did for work and where did I get the money. I lied to him and said that I found a job here, which was very good. I was a long-distance truck freight distribution company. He also said that I would send money to my family from time to time.

The second brother said that he wanted to find a time to see me, but I excused that I would go to Guangzhou for a business trip, and I would keep in touch with him when I had time.I didn't dare give him my phone number, because if my mother called, I really didn't know how to tell her. At the end of the year, I talked to my second brother on the phone again. He said that my family wanted me to go back to celebrate the New Year, and my father also passed on the message that I should let the past go and come back to celebrate the New Year. Thinking of going home for the New Year.I couldn't help feeling a little nervous, after all, I had been away from home for several years.I dolled myself up from head to toe and bought everyone in my family what I thought was classy presents.

I am going home. When I heard that I was going home, my mother went out to look around every day. She sat at the gate and looked at the road into the village for a long time.I got up early that day, rented a car, and packed a small car full of New Year's goods.As soon as I arrived at the entrance of the village, I saw my mother waiting on the side of the road from a distance.The car stopped next to my mother, and my mother was very happy.Later, I heard from my sister-in-law that my mother watched people entering the village by the side of the road like this every day. I followed my mother back home and watched her go about her business, and felt uncomfortable. It was me who made the family feel like home in the past few years.And although the father had a straight face, he was busy with the inside and outside, never mentioning the past.No one in the family mentioned it, as if those things never happened.My heart was heavy and I felt very sorry for them.

Before I came back, I made up a set of words, saying that I found a pretty good job in a big city, and I stopped gambling at all, and I brought something for everyone in the family, and I also gave my nephew a few thousand yuan as lucky money.When I think about it now, I was like a wealthy local rich man. During that time at home, I was happy and carefree, sleeping until I woke up naturally every day.My mother has a lot to say to me, and she always looks at me silently when I sleep.Seeing that I woke up, she immediately turned her face away, as if she was afraid that I would find out.I know my mother's heart, she always carefully inquires about what kind of life I have lived in the past few years.I also always use words to fool the past.

My father was also very relieved that I got better and stopped gambling. They thought it was time for me to find a girlfriend.When mentioning Xiao He intentionally or unintentionally, I always sigh lightly when I mention it, and always say that I am sorry for others. During the Chinese New Year, there are still gambling in the village, but I never go there.I think, I have to pretend until the New Year is over. During the Chinese New Year at home, I was a good person.
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