Home Categories Biographical memories Celestial Elegy·Shi Dakai

Chapter 27 Chapter Twenty-Seven

Celestial Elegy·Shi Dakai 寒波 5728Words 2018-03-03
A few days after "Heavenly Father Descends", Northern King Wei Changhui came to Yiwang Mansion on horseback with only ten guards in light clothes. King Yi opened the front door to welcome him and said with a smile, "Sixth brother, why don't you sit in a sedan chair and come here on horseback?" .” Changhui laughed and said, "It's been cloudy and rainy in the morning, but it's sunny today, let's go out to relax. It's boring to ride a sedan chair, but it's still refreshing to ride a horse. What's the big brother talking about!" Da Kai also said: "That's right, from now on, you don't have to make a big show when you usually go out."

The two entered the inner courtyard along the narrow path, Changhui said: "The outlying island in your lake is very quiet, let's go to the island to drink tea and enjoy the scenery." Da Kai expected that the King of the North was missing something today, so he had to tell him something important, so he ordered his maid to bring a pot of tea, and took a boat to the island.After entering the Lubo Pavilion, the maid poured tea, King Yi waved her back and said, "Sixth brother, today's trip may not be all for relaxation, is it?" Changhui looked out of the pavilion, saw no one around, and the maid had already stepped down in the boat to wait, so he sighed and said, "Brother, did you hear that the fourth brother is going to beat the second brother in the name of the heavenly father?"

Da Kai was shocked and said: "But I never heard of it, what is that for?" After Changhui told the story, Dakai was silent for a long while, then raised his eyebrows and said with a fist on the table, "Yang Xiuqing is too deceitful!" Changhui leaned over and said softly: "I came here today to discuss this matter with you. Last time I was beaten, and you came to visit, I proposed that you and I, plus Qin Rigang, the three of us Soldiers and horses united to surround the East King's Mansion and depose the East King to eradicate the disaster. You said it was not yet time, because the Heavenly King's secret edict was needed before the teacher became famous, and the Heavenly King was not willing to give us the secret edict as a last resort. Get rid of Dong Wang. This time the second elder brother has been greatly stimulated, and he must hate the man surnamed Yang to the bone, strike while the iron is hot, and propose to him that the monarch and ministers should unite to get rid of Yang, isn't it time?"

Da Kai pondered for a while, then shook his head and said: "Heavenly King was almost beaten. He must hate and be afraid of Yang. You can test his attitude. But the key now is to mobilize troops against Yang. The troops directly under the two of us , such as Wei Jun, Wei Yide, Shi Xiangzhen, Shi Zhenlun, etc., were all on the western front, and not many stayed in Tianjing. Qin Rigang was transferred to Anqing. The troops outside Tianjing were under the command of Yang Fuqing, the younger brother of Dongwang , if we send our own people from outside the city to attack the city, we will be discovered if there is any trouble along the way, how can we enter the city easily? So in my opinion, the time to get rid of Yang Xiuqing is still not ripe."

Changhui said impatiently: "Seventh brother, you are overthinking and worrying too much. Then tell me, under what circumstances can we get rid of Yang Xiu?" "My opinion is that first, we need to get the heavenly king to get rid of Yang Mizhao, and second, one of the two of us can escape to lead the army outside Beijing, and then suddenly lead the army into Tianjing City by night, surround the East Palace, and force Yang Xiuqing to step down. One must." Changhui thought for a while and said, "What you said is also reasonable, but we don't have the chance to go out of Beijing now. When will we wait? We might as well be more flexible, let Qin Rigang lead the troops to Beijing, cooperate internally and externally, and we can also get rid of that surnamed Yang." .”

"Although Qin Rigang leads the troops bravely, he is sometimes careless and always feels uneasy." Changhui said displeasedly: "Seventh brother, you have never suffered from the surname Yang, and you don't know the urgency of the matter. He wants to beat the second brother this time. I begged for mercy and sent me a killing stick." I haven't hit yet, and I don't know when it will come to me again, so the sooner the better. I talked to you today, and I will tell my second brother when I get back. After I get the secret order, I will send my confidants to Anqing immediately See Nikon."

Da Kai said: "Sixth brother, since you are determined to give it a try, then first find out the attitude of the King of Heaven. He lacks decisiveness. Although he has suffered a great humiliation, he may not be willing to take the risk of confronting Yang. Because maintaining the status quo, he can still do it." If his Heavenly King fails, he will lose everything, even his life. The same is true of our two families, so don’t be careless. You go to see the Heavenly King, it’s too conspicuous. There are so many eyes and ears in the Heavenly King’s Mansion. In the ears of the fourth brother, even if he doesn't know the content of the conversation, it will arouse his suspicion, why not ask Xuanjiao to go into the mansion and pass the word quietly, so that there is no trace."

"That's fine." Chang Hui said, "Please ask the seventh sibling (Chun'e) to talk to Wang Gu and try to convince the second elder brother to make up his mind. As long as the secret order comes down, send someone to Anqing to see Ri Gang. It's not about death, Even if the net is broken, fighting with Yang Xiuqing with your life is better than being beaten to death by him." Changhui drank and talked for a while in Prince Yi's mansion before resigning.Dakai went back to the inner courtyard and talked to Chun'e, and Chun'e said worriedly: "Bei Wang is too reckless, this is a matter of life and death! He is too frizzy, too dangerous. Why don't you persuade him to be patient and wait for another chance?"

"I persuade, he can't wait, you have to understand his fear of being beaten again, it's really like a year. I don't think the king of heaven will agree so readily, but it's just the heart of King An'an Bei. Tomorrow you go and Xuan Let me talk about it, Brother Six must be anxiously waiting for an answer." A few days later, Xuanjiao came to Prince Yi's mansion and told Dakai and his wife densely: "When you enter the second elder brother's palace, there will always be a few female officials in front of you and behind you. I don't know who is the traitor, so I finally got rid of them." .Talked with the second brother for a while, the second brother was very preoccupied and just listened silently. I was in a hurry and said, "Second brother, they are listening to the echo. It's really okay, you have to speak." Guess what he said He sighed a long time and said, "No, it's too risky. That person cannot be overthrown easily. Instead of getting rid of the evil and suffering from it, let's endure it." Force him."

King Yi sighed with a heavy heart: "You can't act rashly. I will go to the King of the North and tell him. It's a pity that we have only been founded for four years, and the internal division is so divided. The oaths of the year have been thrown into the sky!" Xuan Jiao said: "Second brother is too cowardly, you and Bei Wang put him aside and do it yourself. The East Prince's Mansion is not a fortified wall, so don't worry too much, the sooner you strike, the sooner you will be at peace!" Da Kai said sadly: "We will do it sooner or later, even if our family is destroyed, we don't care. This is not only to maintain the authority of the king of heaven, but more importantly, we cannot let Yang Xiuqing destroy the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom that we created with our own hands!"

Hearing that the Heavenly King was unwilling to kill Yang, King Bei couldn't help sighing in frustration, and angrily said to King Yi: "Second brother is too useless, I'm afraid that King Dong will go to this point! When I was in Jintian Village, I was punished by the government and the village. In order to protect my family, I participated in the Worship of God uprising against the Qing. At that time, the leader and the brothers of the Worship of God helped me. I lived in the big family of the Worship of God, united as one, and helped each other. Who Knowing that Nanjing is now the capital, our big warm family has changed and become extremely ruthless. I was persecuted by the Eastern King, and the Heavenly King could not relieve my worries. I live in fear every day, and I am precarious. I have a hunch that sooner or later that person will find me again, he will even beat the king of heaven, what kind of brotherhood is there! Humph, I will wait, waiting for another disaster to come, but as long as In one breath, as long as the opportunity comes, we must get rid of the villain Yang Xiuqing!" Da Kai comforted: "Sixth Brother, don't worry too much. In case Fourth Brother gets into trouble with you, quickly send someone to tell me, and I will come to rescue you." Changhui held Dakai's hand and said, "Seventh brother, the Eastern King is domineering, and the Heavenly King cannot protect himself. We can only join forces to save ourselves. I am grateful for your kindness. But this can only be done secretly, not Let that surnamed Yang be aware of it. Otherwise, in order to eradicate our threat to him, he will mercilessly attack us first with trumped-up charges." After Dakai left, Changhui and his wife endured melancholy until August of this year, when another catastrophe suddenly struck. On this day, the Eastern King summoned the Northern King, and with an angry expression on his face, he asked sternly: Do you know that Zong Weili bullies good people outside and acts recklessly?" Wei Li is Changhui's cousin. He was also a well-to-do wealthy family in his hometown.Changhui led the army and joined the army with his family. He also followed out of Guangxi, and half of his family died.He managed to save his life, and after he arrived in Tianjing, he was granted the title of Emperor of the Idle Kingdom. He was on top of the checkpoint. He didn't have much ability, but he could read a few words. .His habits have not changed, relying on the prestige of the Northern King to take advantage, who knows that he just ran into the tiger teeth of the Eastern King!At that time, Changhui didn't know what Wei Li had committed, and Xiuqing was so angry that it must be Wei Li's fault, so he hurriedly knelt down and said, "My little brother has a tender stomach, and he hasn't disciplined the brothers in the clan well. I hope the fourth brother will give me some advice." .” Xiuqing sneered and said: "I'm afraid it's not that the discipline is not good, but that they deliberately indulge them to do evil?" "My little brother dare not, my little brother dare not!" Chang Hui hurriedly argued, "Actually, my little brother and Wei Li rarely meet." "I don't care about this. Now that Wei Li is in my East Prison, I'll hand him over to you and let you deal with it. When it's over, just write a post and let me know." Xiuqing left proudly, leaving behind a gloomy murderous aura that made Changhui kneel down in a daze, terrified and afraid to stand up.Suddenly he heard the rattling of shackles and approached the flower hall step by step, Changhui woke up, stood up and stepped out of the hall, just in time to see Wei Li with disheveled hair and was escorted by the soldiers of the East Prison, and saw his cousin Wei Zheng, thinking that he was bailed out of prison, quickly knelt down and cried: "Brother, my brother was wronged, please save me!" Seeing this cousin who caused trouble for him, Chang Hui was furious, slapped his hand, and cursed: "What a ignorant thing, messing around outside, and still calling for injustice? Hand him over to the guards of the North Palace, and watch me deal with you!" " Wei Li was taken aback, but his brother also turned his face away, with tears and snot in his nose, but he didn't dare to make a sound. Changhui escorted Wei Li back to Beiwang Mansion. At this time, Tianwang Mansion has been expanded and Tianwang has moved to the new palace. Beiwang Mansion is still returning to its original ostentation.The King of the North got off the sedan chair and entered the mansion, and ordered the Chengxuan Hall: "Quickly open the hearing office, bring Wei Li into the hall, and wait for my military division to be promoted to the hall for interrogation. He will not be released, and no one will be allowed to intercede!" That Wei Li, who is not familiar with the Xuan officials in the Northern Palace, heard that something was committed in the hands of the Eastern King, which made His Royal Highness the Northern King angry, and they all sweated for him.Wei Li begged, "It's terrible, Your Highness is angry, old brothers, send me a letter to the old lady (Wei Yuanjie) and Wang Niang, and ask them to come out and talk about love!" Changhui came to the main hall of the hearing office, patted the desk and shouted: "Hurry up and take Wei Li to the hall!" Poor Wei Li knew that Wei Zheng was afraid of the Eastern King, so he had to be punished for misdemeanors and heavy sentences to please Yang Xiuqing, and he was determined not to escape with dozens of sticks.Therefore, dragging the heavy iron shackles, he intentionally walked slowly, one step at a time, and divided it into two steps, hoping that someone from the inner courtyard would come out to rescue him soon.However, there was a lot of yelling and urging in the hall, and no one came out from the inner courtyard, so Wei Li had no choice but to enter the hall. Seeing Wei Zheng's face full of murderous looks, the executioners on both sides had already waited on him with big sticks, Wei Li was so frightened that he trembled all over. Plopped on the ground, begged: "Good brother!" "Bastard, how dare you call him brother!" "No, no, Your Highness, for the sake of my ancestors, please forgive me this time, and avoid being beaten." "You annoyed Dong Wang, so you can see that the matter is not trivial. Tell the truth from the beginning to the end, and wait for me to deal with it." "I said, I said." Wei Li stammered, "When I entered Tianjing, all the good houses were taken away. It was Jundi (Wei Jun) who instructed me to occupy a small courtyard. There are only seven or eight rooms. I am the emperor of the state, and I have my own attendants and guards of honor. How can I live there! A few days ago, I fell in love with a large mansion in Hanxi Gate. There were thirty-five rooms. When the city was broken, most of Lao Daotai’s family committed suicide, and the house was occupied by a Chinese official who was in charge of mules and horses. He didn’t need so many houses, so I gave him some jewels and exchanged them with him. room." Chang Hui heard it was just a trivial matter, but he didn't know why Dong Wang lost his temper so much. There must be a reason for it, so he asked, "Is the house adjustment really consensual?" "To tell you the truth, Your Majesty, the official was reluctant when he saw that I was the Emperor of the North Palace, but he didn't dare to offend me, so he had to agree." "It turns out that you took over someone else's house!" "Your Highness, it wasn't me who really took over. I just pasted 'Guo Zong Wei's Mansion' on the gate of that house. When I was about to move in the next day, someone took the first step, tore off my note, and drove away the man. The Dianguan, forcibly occupied that house." "Who is it?" "It's the family of a young lady in the East Hall." Chang Hui was taken aback. It turned out that Wei Li had offended Dong Wang's concubine, and he couldn't help but slapped the table and said angrily: "You are so bold, you must be the one who offended Dong Dian, tell me quickly!" "Your Highness, I can't be blamed for this. They occupied my house. When I moved in the next day, of course I refused, and a fight broke out. There were too many of us, so we drove them away. Later, the Eastern King sent someone to take I was arrested and imprisoned in the East Prison. It was really not my fault. I beg Your Highness to look at my cousins ​​and ask the East King to let me go. Or beat the East King with a few sticks to calm down. I don't want the house anymore, let it go to Xiao Wangniang's family in the East Hall, admit your mistake, and it will be okay, right?" Chang Hui was angry and anxious when he heard that, Wei Li dared to rob the family of Dong Wang's concubine and even beat his family members, no wonder Dong Wang was so annoyed, he entrusted Wei Li to me to take care of me To save face, in fact, he wants to use my hands to kill people, lest he be said to be the king of the east who killed the cousin of the king of the north, which is not good to say.It's not enough to kill Wei Li for this matter, so I can't bear to kill my cousin?Don't the people in the clan scold me to death!But is it okay not to kill?He was in a dilemma, and couldn't help but slapped the table and cursed: "Wei Li, you bloody fool, you actually got into trouble for me! Do you think such a big case can be dealt with with a few blows of the stick?" Wei Li cried: "Your Highness, I shouldn't cause trouble for you, I can't make you difficult, you just go ahead and hit it, dozens of hits, hundreds of hits are up to you." "Huh!" Changhui was sweating all over in anxiety, his fair face turned from red to blue, he slammed the table and said sharply: "Wei Li, understand, don't even think about surviving, you must die today to atone for your sins!" Wei Li burst into tears, and met again and again: "Your Highness, help me, you can beat me with any stick, just leave me a breath, the whole family still counts on me to live." The blue veins on Changhui's forehead were protruding, his heart was beating violently, his face was covered with oil and sweat, and his expression was extremely tense.He gritted his teeth resentfully and thought to himself, even if I killed Wei Li and relieved the hatred of the Eastern King, but I could not show my loyalty and respect to him, it would still make him suspect that I usually instigated relatives to despise the Eastern King and hate the Eastern King. Dongwang, that's what led to the robbery of houses and beating people.So what to do?He quickly changed his mind, and only used capital punishment on the word "kill" to dismember Wei Li's body. Although he is sorry for this cousin and will be cursed by the world, it will surely make Dong Wang feel happy and think that Wei Zheng is a cowardly and useless person , I am so afraid of his Eastern King, why bother to be vigilant.The person surnamed Yang relaxed his precautions, so he could wait for an opportunity to attack in the future.Changhui made up his mind, stared at Wei Li with cruel eyes, and said sharply: "Wei Li, you are to blame yourself, don't blame me for being ruthless. After you die, I will take care of your family." After finishing speaking, he shouted loudly. "Come on, push Wei Li out and quarter him!" Wei Li was shocked, and simply sat down on the water-milled brick, waved his tears and nose, pointed at Changhui and cursed: "What a treacherous and ruthless Wei Zheng, what a serious crime I have committed, you will tear me apart! Wanting to please Dong Wang and that little goblin, he divided his cousin into five horses. You scum of the Webster family, I will fight you today!" After saying that, he got up, and rushed towards Wei Zheng with shackles and handcuffs. Wei Zheng quickly got up and avoided, shouting: "Take it away, take it away!" After saying that, he turned around and walked behind the screen. Supported by the boy, he turned out from behind the screen on a crutch, followed by Princess Wu of the North, who blocked his way, and said angrily: "I have heard it for a long time, Wei Li is my nephew, and the crime is nothing more than that, How can you divide him into five horses? Do you still want to enter Wei's ancestral hall in the future? Change the sentence quickly and beat him a few times. Wei Li and others occupy the house and fight each other. Both parties are wrong. What kind of criminal law are you in charge of? Sentence him to death! He was cut into pieces by five horses!" Changhui frowned and said, "Father, this is the place where my son handles political affairs. Family members are not allowed to enter the palace. Why did your old man break in? My son has no choice but to tell you about Wei Li's matter. I will talk to you slowly, so don't bother me." Hurry up and go back to the inner courtyard!" He blamed the third concubine and said, "Why did you come out too, women are not allowed to intervene in the affairs of the celestial dynasty, help dad in quickly." Seeing the two saviors approaching, Wei Li wailed and shouted: "Second uncle, sister-in-law, save me quickly, Changhui is going to tear me apart and go to the East Hall to make a contribution!" Chang Hui angrily said to the executioner: "Take Wei Li down quickly, anyone who doesn't execute will be killed!" Yuan Jie also got angry, and shouted: "Stop! Who dares to take my nephew away!" After saying that, he stumbled and ran towards Wei Li, hugged his nephew and whimpered, "Eldest nephew, if you die, how can I feel sorry for my dead elder brother? Changhui is now in a high position, and his six relatives don't recognize him anymore." Uncle, go to die with you. Die clean!" Changhui stomped his feet and said, "Go and make trouble, don't you want my life to be involved in the trouble, what's the benefit for everyone?" Mrs. Wu's Queen came to persuade the old man to let go, and the punishment soldiers also came to pull Wei Li. Wei Li pulled away the old man's hand and cried, "Uncle, I want to wear it, let me die! I'm dead, save Wei Li." As a family, death is worth it." He knelt down and said goodbye to Yuan Jie, "After my nephew died, my uncle and sister-in-law took care of my nephew's family." Wei Li was finally taken away, Yuan Jie looked at the back of his nephew staggering away, heartbroken, dizzy for a while, and passed out.There are crowds of people around the square outside Beiwangfu, watching the torture in Beiwangfu.People who have read history books know that in ancient times, there was torture such as dismemberment by five horses, but they have never seen it.They stood on tiptoes and stretched their necks to watch from the crowd.The prisoner Wei Li's head, hands and feet were tied to five horses. With a flick of the whip by the executioner, the five horses jumped up in fright and each galloped forward. Died tragically.In the mansion, Uncle Wei Yuanjie also suffered from a cerebral hemorrhage at the same time and never woke up again.Changhui beat his chest beside his father's coffin and cried bitterly: "Damn me, I'm unfilial, I killed my cousin, and I'm mad at my father! I'm an unfilial descendant of Webster's family. The sky is so dark, what can I do?" What is the solution?"
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