Home Categories martial arts novel Poetry of Martial Arts 8·Six Swords of Breaking Doors

Chapter 3 Chapter 2 Gentle Fighting

Jing Lie's thin body was curled up in the narrow cave, tightly holding a wooden knife full of dents, staring at the dark sky outside the cave with bright eyes. The patter of rain.It was too dark to see the raindrops.But he still stared intently, as if he could see something. He knew that in the distance across the coast was Lie Islet, his birthplace—it should be said that it was the place where his father discovered him. His real parents are a mystery; and no one knows why he was abandoned on that shore.He has nothing to do with the world. He could only continue to hold the wooden knife tightly.

"Little devil! Get out of here!" The mighty roar came through the sound of rain.It was his father's voice that could be discerned. He poked his head out to look. Just in time for lightning.Jing Zhao's burly figure with bare upper body flashed at that moment.The rain hit his shoulders and back, and was turned into mist by the body temperature.He holds a cane in his right hand and a jug of wine in his left. Jing Zhao took a sip from the pot, and then shouted: "I know you're hiding here! Get out!" That hoarse voice was full of fury. Of course Jing Lie knew the reason of his father's fury: when practicing martial arts in the "Hushan Hall" in the evening, Jing Lie was too excited and wounded an index finger of his unrelated brother Jing Yue with a wooden knife.It was nothing more than practicing fixed moves, and of course there was something wrong with Jing Lie who made random moves; but Jing Yue, who was much older than his righteous brother, couldn't avoid that knife, and was embarrassing in front of all his classmates—— He is not someone else, but the future leader of the South Sea Tiger Sect.

Jing Zhao yelled, while running freely between the dark rocky shores.Although he has been addicted to things in the cup in recent years, his skills have not been greatly affected-the nickname "Rolling Thunder Tiger" is not because of the promotion he got when he became the head of the Tiger Master Sect, but because he was famous in Fujian Wulin when he was young No. It was hard to see in the torrential rain at night, and he couldn't find Jing Zhao everywhere, and his mood became even worse. He drank the wine in one gulp, threw the jug away, and howled like a beast. At this moment, Jing Lie crawled out of the hole by himself.

Another lightning bolt. Jing Zhao saw the drenched boy from a distance, and immediately ran over at full speed. Jing Lie didn't run away. As soon as Jing Zhao came in front of him, without saying a word, he swung his cane across his left shoulder. Jing Lie held both ends of the wooden knife with both hands, and raised it to his side to block the cane.His weight was not even half that of his father's. Under the strong impact, his body knelt down to the other side, almost rolling off the rock. —but he did parry the blow. Jing Zhao was even angrier, stretched out his other hand, pinched Yizi's throat, and pulled him up into the air.

Jing Lie was suffocated, his head and chest seemed to be about to explode.But he didn't struggle.He didn't let go of the wooden knife in his hand either.He stared at his father with bloodshot eyes, fearlessly. There wasn't even hatred in those eyes.Instead, there is a sense of anticipation. Although the pain was so painful that he was about to faint, Jing Lie felt an unusual joy in his heart: every time he only offended his father, his father could not ignore his existence. This is something Jing Lie has understood since he understood sex.On weekdays, in his father's eyes, he seemed to be inferior to the watchdog raised at home.Whether it's a fall, sickness, or hunger... my father never dismisses it.The only exception was when he did something that made his father angry.

After several years, Jing Lie gradually realized that what would most annoy his father: when he was too mischievous outside and got into trouble; Rooftops, or other daring things; when he beat the children of the neighboring villages to the point of bleeding... That is, when he showed his true colors every time. Although he would be beaten badly every time in the end, he would deliberately do these things again after a while.Because only when he was beaten and scolded, he could quietly feel close to his father. Jing Lie is determined: To attract his father, he must constantly become stronger.

——Stronger than my brother... No, one day, stronger than my father! Jing Lie, who was about to lose consciousness, thought so, his eyes still staring at Jing Zhao. Jing Zhao suddenly felt a strange emotion in Yizi's eyes.He didn't know what it was.But the palm holding Yoshiko's throat unconsciously relaxed. Jing Lie's body went limp, and he collapsed uncontrollably on the rock. Jing Zhao looked down at the adopted son who was not moving for a long time.The heavy rain continued to beat on the top of his head.Then he bent down, hugged Jing Lie, turned back and walked away from the shore along the way.

At this time, Jing Zhao didn't know that Jing Lie, who was in a coma for a short time, was actually woken up by the rain. Jing Lie closed his eyes and curled up in his father's arms. In the rain, he felt that broad chest was extraordinarily warm. Jing Li woke up from the short memory dream. He opened his eyelids.The brilliant morning light from outside the tree hole was dazzling. The first thing Jing Li did when he woke up was to prick up his ears to hear if there were any sounds of pursuers outside. Before dawn, the black-clothed master Mei Xinshu personally led the Shu kings down to the foot of Qingyuan Mountain, and took a torch to search for the cracks that fell down the cliff.For the past two hours, Jing Li has been fleeing and changing hiding places.

Mei Xinshu seems to have a strong commanding ability, the hunting net of the Shu Wangs is very tight, Jing Li was almost trapped by the encircling net at one point, if he knew how to smear mud and stick leaves on his body for protection, he would never have been able to get out of here. Shu Wang's disciples sneaked past under their noses. After confirming that no more human voices were heard, Jing Li relaxed a little, and then began to check the condition of his body.He tried to take a deep breath, but still felt that the breath could not be fully lifted, his head was dizzy for a while, and his vision became slightly blurred.

His left rib had been injured by the overhang of the rock when he fell, and now every breath he took felt like being hit by a knee.However, he was suffocating, not because of this injury. Jing Li touched the side of the right side of the neck, where there was a cut wound, which was light purple in color.Last night on the mountain wall, although he decisively let go of the iron chain and fled down, he was still scratched by a poisoned sleeve arrow shot down from the top of the wall by the Shu kings when he was in midair. Jing Li knew that the poisons of the Juwangs were very powerful, so he immediately squeezed out the blood from the wound as soon as he landed, and took two first-aid medicines hidden in his belt, but the poison quenched in the arrow cluster was really fierce, although it was only shallow. After passing, the poison still entered the blood; in addition, Jing Li kept running away, urging the blood to accelerate, and the tiny amount of poison soon interfered with the meridians. of strong physique.

——The dream just now was also due to poisoning, right? ... Poisoning wasn't his only crisis.Jing Li was lying in the tree hole, trying to tighten the muscles all over his body in turn to see how other injuries were.When he applied it to his left shoulder and right knee, he felt severe pain. It was as if his joints had been deeply penetrated by long, thick, sharp needles. He felt soft and numb for a while, and he was almost unable to move at all. Jing Li frowned.These two contusions were suffered when he fell from the height of the mountain wall and fell to the bottom of the mountain.Although he used the branches to slow down several times during the fall, the impact force when he landed was still very strong-no matter how good Jing Li's martial arts are, he is still only human. Practicing martial arts, the injured are the inevitable "partners" on the way, and Jing Li is no stranger to it.Collisions, cuts, flesh lacerations and fractures are not the most feared. The first fear is that internal injuries affect the function of viscera, qi deficiency and blood are weak, so that they cannot move energy; Ability.How many outstanding martial artists ended their martial arts career just because of a knee or hip joint injury. Jing Li tried to move his strength again, the pain was still very sharp.He thought that his own pain perception had been much dulled by poisoning, which meant that the actual damage to his shoulders and knees was more serious than what he felt now... Jing Li was like this. With one foot and one hand injured, his consciousness disturbed by poison, and only a hunting knife left in his whole body, he lurked and sneaked in the rugged mountain forest, evading the siege and arrest of more than a hundred people.Even he himself forgot how he got here. ——This is by no means a fluke, but a survival instinct engraved into the bones after years of adventures in wild places overseas. Although he has temporarily gotten rid of the pursuer, Jing Li knows that he must never stop. ——That guy... didn't give up so easily. Jing Li thought of the "tiger" who was all in black and made the chains fly when he met last night in "Qinglian Temple".At that time, he even wondered if this guy was the true self of Bolongshu King?However, it does not match the appearance described by the residents of Luling County.He should be one of the four masters under the throne of surgery. ——This kind of guy is just a subordinate; that wave of dragon art king is unfathomable! Jing Li couldn't deny that yesterday, because he took the lead in confronting Erhan and Han Sidao, he had indeed slightly underestimated the strength of Shu Wang's group of evil spirits, so he paid the price. He repeatedly warned himself in his heart: Never underestimate any people and things related to the word "Wudang" in the future! Jing Li took a deep breath again, endured the pain and changed into a half-kneeling position, with half of his head sticking out of the cave at the root of the big tree. The sunlight taught him that there was a floating image in front of his eyes, and he had to concentrate to focus on the object.The residual poison in his body made him feel like he was suffering from a serious illness, his chapped lips turned white, and cold sweat flowed from his back and neck. Escape on foot seemed unlikely.Even if you escape from the foot of the mountain, you will be easily spotted and chased by the enemy as soon as you reach an open place.What's more, he dragged an injured right leg, and he didn't know how far he could go. Jing Li thought, if only he had a horse to ride.Whether fleeing or fighting, he was much more sure in the saddle. Xue Jiuniu must have left a horse for him in the woods.However, at this moment, it might have been discovered by the Shu Wangzhong who went down the mountain to search, and Jing Li would throw himself into the trap at any time when he went to fetch the horse. But waiting any longer is not an option.On the one hand, Jing Li was worried that the plum heart tree had been found again; on the other hand, since he hadn’t returned to Luling County for a long time, Hu Linglan and his companions must be worried that they might rashly come to Qingyuan Mountain to look for him... He decided he had to take a gamble.He looked at the sun in the sky, identified the direction, and then walked limping among the mountains and forests, towards the small slope in the dense forest where the horse was left last night. Every time Jing Li took a step, there was sharp pain in the joints of his hands, legs and waist, which actually made him awake, so that he could resist the poison that made his mind dizzy.Along the way, he picked several leaves and bit them in his mouth, letting the bitter leaf juice flow into his throat, which not only quenched his thirst, but also cleared his mind. Jing Li looked around while walking.The Qingyuan Mountain is covered with greenery, the sunlight casts down among the branches and leaves of the tall trees, the scenery is very quiet and deep.If it weren't for such a situation, it would be really refreshing to go for a walk alone.Jing Li couldn't help smiling wryly. ——It’s been a long time since I’ve been so embarrassed… After finally getting out of the dense forest, Jing Li felt dizzy and out of breath, sweating profusely all over his body.After all, the Shu Wang's sleeve arrows were poisoned with deadly poison. It was very lucky that the thorn crack was only slightly stained. There is a quiet path outside the forest.Of course, Jing Li was not so stupid as to jump out immediately, but lay down in the bushes beside the road to observe. Along the way, Jing Li has been listening carefully to the movements in all directions, and has not found anything unusual for the time being; until now at the side of the road, he vaguely heard a sound in the distance at the northern intersection. It's the sound of hooves. Jing Li crouched under the branches and leaves, motionless, his right hand tightly grasping the wooden handle of the knife.His body shivered intermittently, and he suppressed it with willpower. He listened attentively.The sound of the hooves was not too loud, it was just pacing slowly, and it could be heard that there was only one rider. ——A single enemy? ... Either way, it's a great escape opportunity.After being chased all morning, Jing Li had already held back enough bad breath; it suited his temperament to snatch the horse away in one fell swoop. With the goal of the battle, Jing Li suddenly regained a lot of vitality, and his breathing became deeper and more stable. He waited for the rider to arrive, squatting motionlessly among the bushes, his left leg was already gathering strength for jumping; the backhand knife on his right was slightly raised at the height of his chest and abdomen, ready to stab at any time. Jing Li's posture at this moment is like a protective poisonous snake, quietly entrenched at the bottom of the tree, ready to stretch out and bite at any moment. The small figure of the man and horse gradually appeared at the intersection, passing through the beams of sunlight in the forest, approaching here. Jing Li's eyes were still a little out of focus, and when the knight came, he vaguely felt a little familiar: the figure on the saddle was tall and tall; the wind was blowing her hair, and it could be seen that it was a woman; blade…… ——Is it... Hu Linglan? ! Jing Li burst into ecstasy and excitement.But he still resisted not jumping out of the road immediately, but waited for the figure to get closer. When seeing it more clearly, Jing Li's heart cooled down, thankfully he wasn't overly excited just now. Although the female knight in black is also plump, her riding posture is not as relaxed as Hu Linglan's; her face reflecting the sun is very fair, not the wheat color of Kagoshima's daughter; Same. Huo Yaohua bent over and sat on the saddle and swayed. Rather than saying that she was riding a horse, it was better to say that the horse was carrying her.Her eyes were out of focus and hesitant, as if she didn't know where she was, and her mind hadn't recovered from last night's "Zhao Ling Pill" medicine and Hu Linglan's slamming of the knife handle. Huo Yaohua ran out of Luling County in a frenzy last night, got on the saddle and left without saying a word, but she didn't know the direction at all. She just urged the horse hard, and soon she sat on the saddle and fell into a coma, relying on the horse to recognize the way , and brought her back to Qingyuan Mountain.Not long after she woke up, she felt a splitting headache and didn't know where she was. Even the memory of last night was very vague, and she just let the horse carry her for a walk.The knife wounds on her body have dried up and stopped bleeding, and she is not life-threatening, but under the influence of the medicine, it feels like her limbs are about to be disconnected and fall off at any time. Suddenly something rushed out from the nearby bushes, breaking the tranquility of the forest. With disheveled hair and a body covered in mud and leaves, Thorn Crack jumped up like a wild beast, and pounced on Huo Yaohua on the saddle! ——His arm and leg were injured, this pounce was already unreserved, he gathered all his strength on one left leg and jumped up, and the knife in his right hand took advantage of the momentum to thrust forward! After all, Huo Yaohua is also a female swordsman who has entered and exited the field of life and death countless times. In an instant, she was aroused to fight. She raised the saw knife as a shield to block the thorny knife, and grabbed his hair with the other hand! Jing Li has a strong figure, and his flying power is also fierce. Although Huo Yaohua caught the tip of the knife, the pounce continued, and Huo Yaohua was entangled with each other. The two fell from the other side of the saddle to the ground! Jing Li's lurking pounce was too fast and too sudden, the horse only had time to hiss and jumped a few steps away.The saw knife in Huo Yaohua's hand fell off the roadside grass because it collided with Jing Li. The two wrestled fiercely on the ground, rolling over and over again. They were under the influence of poison and drugs respectively, and their minds were not completely clear. They relied on bodily sensations and primitive instincts, intending to suppress each other with brute force. Jing Li didn't know who Huo Yaohua was, and he couldn't think of the female devil who was described by the county residents yesterday under the throne of Shu. He only knew that this woman appeared at the foot of Qingyuan Mountain on horseback with a knife. Ninety percent of them were enemies. It is unforgiving to make a move. There is no need to stand while wrestling while lying on the ground. The injury to Jing’s cracked right knee is less of a hindrance, but the left shoulder is difficult to exert strength. With one right hand holding a knife to fight against the opponent, the left hand can only barely hug Huo Yaohua’s back with the bend of the elbow. ;Although Huo Yaohua has two hands at her disposal, Jing Lie holds a sharp blade, which is very dangerous in this hand-to-hand combat. She desperately used both hands to hold Jing Lie's right arm, and the two became evenly matched for a while. They were already seriously injured, and after a long period of entanglement and fighting, both of them felt panting and tired, their movements stagnated and twisted into a ball, neither could win the other, and their consciousness became more blurred due to fatigue.If there is a third party who doesn't know where they are, they will have the illusion that this pair of fit men and women are hugging each other... Pressed by Jing Li's sweat-stained, tattooed strong body and hugged tightly, Huo Yaohua felt a familiar feeling in her mind. ——Brother... Memories from a long time ago came flooding back in an instant. Huo Yaohua, who joined the Chu Lang Dao Sect, is very precocious, and has admired those men in the sect who are stronger than herself since she was a girl.Among them, the one who gave her the strongest feeling was third senior brother Weng Chengtian.At that time, Weng Chengtian was the best in martial arts among his peers. He was tall and strong, with a beautiful tattoo of a wild wolf on his left shoulder. Huo Yaohua was hopelessly attracted to him. Weng Chengtian also felt the admiration of this little junior sister, and the two secretly formed a couple without telling the teacher, and Huo Yaohua lost his body to him not long after. Huo Yaohua will never forget those days: In the dark and unlit forage field, Brother Weng's hot body exuding male body odor and dripping with sweat hugged her vigorously; her fingers slid across his rock-solid shoulders with chest... But they have only been together for less than a year, and Weng Chengtian was ordered by his master to marry the daughter of a local wealthy merchant in order to consolidate the status and financial resources of the Chulang Sword Sect.He didn't even say goodbye to her, for fear that she would pester him.Huo Yaohua could see clearly: hidden in that strong body was such a cowardly and cowardly heart. Since then, Huo Yaohua has given up on her body.There was only one thing on her mind: ——I am stronger than these despicable men! She began to use her beauty to seduce other senior brothers, and used the Chulang Saber martial arts that she hadn't learned; even her master Su Qishan couldn't resist her in the end, and taught her all the secrets of the sect in bed. At that time, the belief in her heart was more deeply rooted: ——Everyone in the world lives only for their own desires. A few years later, in an internal competition, Huo Yaohua beat Weng Chengtian until he couldn't get up.Looking down at his hurt, painful, and ashamed face, instead of the expected pleasure of revenge, she felt sad for her past self. ——I actually once fell in love with such a weak man. She is disgusted by all the men around her.In the next ten years, Huo Yaohua has never met a man who is stronger than her—except King Bolongshu.Shu Wang is a terrifying character, Huo Yaohua is not so much admiring him, it is better to say that he is surrendered by his strong sense of terror.Although Huo Yaohua was accepted as a concubine by Shu Wang, she never had the slightest admiration for him. Occasionally, she still couldn't suppress the fiery memory of embracing a male body for the first time at the age of fifteen... Huo Yaohua, who is unconscious at the moment, is entangled with Jing Li, who has the same shoulder tattoo as her senior brother, and her nostalgia pours out like a burst embankment, and Weng Chengtian's figure faintly overlaps with Jing Li. Huo Yaohua softened her arms and gently hugged Jing Li. At the same time, a wave of coldness hit Jing Li's spine.It was the poison, he shuddered, and suddenly felt the warmth of Huo Yaohua's embrace. ——Just like when his father held him in the rain that day. For a brief moment, the two hugged each other safely. The wind blows the leaves, and a beam of sunlight shines through, reflecting on the blade in Jing Li's hand. The strong light reflected into Huo Yaohua's eyes. She suddenly woke up from that very short dream. Huo Yaohua scolded lightly, firmly grasped Jing Li's right wrist with both hands, pressed the back of his hand tightly with two thumbs, and twisted that wrist joint! No matter how strong Jing Li's arms were, he couldn't resist Huo Yaohua's joint grabbing with both hands. He had no choice but to let go of the handle with five fingers, twist his arms and elbows, and forcefully retract his right arm. As soon as the knife was released, Huo Yaohua ignored Jing Li's arm, stretched out her hand into the air, and caught the falling knife! Taking advantage of the moment when she received the knife, Jing Li hit Huo Yaohua's face with her right elbow! The elbow was too close, Huo Yaohua couldn't avoid it, so she could only raise her left shoulder to meet the elbow; when she touched it, her body swayed and fell backwards, but the killing instinct like a beast was still there, and she held the elbow in her right hand. The knife swung towards Jing Li's face and cut it out! Jing Li is no longer in place.His elbow didn't really intend to injure the enemy, and it is estimated that Huo Yaohua must be able to block it; he just wanted to take advantage of the rebound force of the elbow to retreat quickly. ——Defeating the enemy is not the most important thing in front of him after all. The blade sliced ​​through the air a few inches in front of Jing Li. He rolled back on the ground, squatted on the ground and turned around, pressing the ground with his right hand, with a posture like a frog, using all the force of his hands and feet to jump towards the horse parked by the path! Before the horse had time to startle and struggle, Jing Li stretched out his right hand to grab its mane in mid-air, turned over with one arm, and sat on the saddle all at once! The elbow that Huo Yaohua was hit was just for Jing Li to take advantage of, the strength seemed to be squeezed more than penetrated, she was not injured.One miss, the other party has already snatched her mount in a blink of an eye, Huo Yao glared furiously, gritted her teeth and rushed forward, trying to pull Jing Li off the saddle! But as soon as Jing Li got on the horse, he seemed to come alive. He immediately turned the horse's head and kicked Huo Yaohua with his heels, forcing her away! Huo Yaohua was quite sober at this moment, and carefully looked at this wild man with braids and blood, sweat and dirt all over his body. ——This person is...? Huo Yaohua raised the knife she had snatched, and raised it towards Jing Lie, signaling: ——Take it back if you have one. Jing Li looked at her and smiled.He hadn't smiled all morning. "I have to hurry. This knife is temporarily sent to you, and I will return it to me later." As he spoke, he rode his horse and galloped along the road. Huo Yaohua knelt down wearily, staring at Jing Lie bitterly.However, after he disappeared, she recalled the warm touch of hugging this man just now.Her brows gradually loosened. She lowered her head to look at the small knife in her hand that came from a foreign country, and caressed the strangely curved handle with her fingers.If it weren't for the fact that I had this evidence in my hand, I really couldn't be sure whether everything just now was an illusion or reality. She couldn't describe how she felt at the moment.This kind of confusion has not been tasted for many years. After an unknown period of time, many footsteps gradually sounded from the depths of the forest behind her, and immediately brought her back to the ruthless world of swords and swords. Huo Yaohua took off the black mask wrapped around her neck, wrapped the hunting knife, and gently hid it under the clothes on her waist and abdomen.
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