Home Categories documentary report return to the wolves

Chapter 33 Chapter 32

return to the wolves 李微漪 10883Words 2018-03-04
Early in the morning, Yifeng and I divided and wrapped the leg of lamb roasted yesterday and a piece of lamb chop, and took a small piece every day to eat with compressed biscuits.Green couldn't wait for us, so he went out on his own patrol. It seemed that he was relieved to have us guarding the dead sheep, or maybe he had other things to do. Yifeng and I divided the food, and sat on the top of the mountain, looking at me and looking at you, there are no sheep to herd, and I don’t worry about food for the time being, there is no movement from the wild wolf, even if something happens at this time It's good to do it, people are like this, once they are full, they start to get bored.I saw that there was still a lot of firewood and cow dung that I picked up yesterday, and I suddenly remembered something, and asked Yifeng happily: "Would you like some wolf smoke?"

"Okay!" Yifeng hit it off immediately, "Let's pick up wolf dung separately?" "No need!" I ran back to the small room in a gust of wind, and took out a plastic bag.Yifeng opened it and was surprised that it was full of wolf dung.I proudly said: "There are more in the car, remember that big dog food bag? Accompany me to get it." Yifeng vaguely remembered that there was such a big bag. When I left the mastiff field, I mysteriously carried it and put it in the trunk.He thought it was dog food at first, but he didn't expect it was all wolf dung!Yifeng was speechless.

It is said that there is a reason for the collection of these wolf dung. When I was still at the mastiff farm a few months ago, one day, I was kneading tsampa in the kitchen with the workers of the mastiff farm.Hearing the muffled noise outside the window, I stretched my neck to see that Green was pressing against the iron wall under my window, rubbing his butt, enjoying and feeling uncomfortable at the same time. "What happened to him?" I wondered.Because Green's movements have been very strange for the past few days. He often sits down suddenly while walking, raises his hind legs, walks on the front legs, rubs his buttocks on the ground like a slide, or puts his back buttocks on the ground. Hitting the iron railing always feels like sitting on pins and needles.

"Butt itches." Nima's words are equivalent to saying nothing, the question is why Green is itchy? "I haven't wiped the poop clean, just wipe it for him every time." The old sister said. "It's a joke, who will wipe the wolf's butt in the wild?" Nima smiled. "That's right, I haven't seen any wolf shit with toilet paper." Everyone also disagreed with this statement. Old Xiao coughed dryly twice, and greeted me: "Eat the tsampa first, and I will tell you after eating." I said "Oh" and stopped asking, so as not to affect everyone's appetite.But I still have some doubts in my heart that I can't solve. Seeing Green's current appearance, these questions came to my mind again.

Since Green was a child, his feces have been blackened like sticks of clay.At that time, I had been observing Little Green's physical condition, and Yifeng and I had been pondering for a long time about his black feces. Isn't the legendary wolf dung gray and white?For this reason, I also specifically read the description of the poop of the little wolf in the book. The book describes that the fresh poop of the pup in front of the wolf cave is "thick as chopsticks, about two centimeters in length, black and shiny, like small pieces made of Chinese medicine honey pills." Pills".I compared it, that's what happened.I think that since the poop of the native coyotes is also black, then Green should be considered normal, maybe he will only pull gray-white poop when he grows up.Little Green has always been healthy and lively, so I didn't take this issue too seriously.

Later, Green grew up a lot, but the feces were still not gray and white, but golden yellow or dark brown like the Tibetan mastiff.I thought it was because the wolf dung was too fresh, and it would turn grayish white after it dries.So, I collected Green's wolf dung continuously, placed them in time order on the wall of the front yard to dry, and checked the color every day.But after waiting for more than a week, all the feces were air-dried, but they were still brown or dark brown. Is it because the wolf dung that dries up during the day is wetted by the night dew again?I was not reconciled, so I used tongs to pick up a piece of wolf dung that I picked up earlier and baked it by the stove. It was impossible to have a trace of moisture, but the wolf dung still did not turn white.This is a real "wolf made".I've been confused by this.Green, on the other hand, was intrigued by my strange habit of following his ass all day and night collecting poop.Sometimes when I didn't pay attention when he finished making it, he would stand next to the poop and yell at me, as if yelling: "Hey, manure collector, why don't you come pick it up soon?"

I made detailed records of the color, smell, size, shape, weight, etc. of the collected wolf dung, and sent them to Yifeng in Chengdu, asking him to consult a veterinarian friend in the animal hospital to see whether these "products" are correct. normal.The veterinarian laughed and called this record "The Story of Shit", and asked Yifeng to say: Don't worry too much! Although everyone thinks there is no need to compete, I just can't figure it out, why can't my wolf pull out "wolf dung"? Now, Green is rubbing his butt so strangely again, why on earth?Am I really "unnecessary to worry about dung"?

Everyone finished eating tsampa, and Lao Xiao drank enough butter tea, so he wiped his mouth and greeted me: "Bring your wolf out." I opened the door, put Green in the front court, knelt down and hugged Langtou to comfort him, telling him not to move.Old Xiao bent down, held the base of Green's tail with his left hand and rolled it up.Green's anus was red and swollen, even bleeding.Lao Xiao took out a tissue and stuck it directly to Green's back, pressed and squeezed it with his right thumb and index finger, and squeezed out some pale yellow toothpaste-like stuff, which was extremely smelly and pungent.Old Xiao wiped clean for Green, and applied some cooling and anti-inflammatory ointment.Green wagged his tail, his expression much more relaxed.

"Okay." Lao Xiao stood up and said.I covered my nose and asked curiously, "What is that?" Old Xiao laughed, and asked me to scoop up a ladle of water to wash his hands. While washing, he said, "It's the secretion of the scent glands. If it can't be discharged, it will be blocked and inflamed. Dogs sometimes do this, but it's as serious as Green's." Not many." I asked the bottom line: "Why can't it be excreted?" Yes, a dog has an inflammation, and people can clean it up for him, but if wolves in the wild are also inflamed and bleeding like this, who will squeeze and apply medicine for them.

"Most dogs don't need to clean up, they can pass it out by themselves, the key depends on whether the food he eats is suitable for him." "Green eats good food every day, which is nutritious and comprehensive." "If it's too detailed, it doesn't mean it's really suitable. He's a wolf, but he eats dog food every day. Can he be suitable?" I realized something in a daze. When Lao Xiao went to the city, he asked him to carry half a sheep back, and specially told him not to skin it.Every day, I cut off a large piece of hair and bone and gave it to Green, intending to make him drink blood.Two days later, Green really stopped "sliding down the slide".Four or five days later, Green actually pulled out the standard gray-white feces, which were light and fluffy after air-drying. When I opened it to see, the sheep bones were digested until only ashes remained, and the wool was tangled into a dead pile like it had been squeezed dry and skimmed. A lump, broken into pieces by the wind.

Only then did I deeply realize that the body structure of each animal has its own reasons.Take the stomach as an example, the wolf's stomach is born to digest flesh and skin, and even the scent glands are absolutely compatible with this diet.The scent glands are on both sides of the wolf's anus, and it secretes irritating scent gland fluid, which is the wolf's "liquid ID card". Each wolf family has its own unique taste.When wolves meet each other, they will smell each other's buttocks to distinguish each other, and what they sniff is this ID card.Every time a wolf defecates or rubs on a marker, this smell will mark the territory of the wolf, which can be identified by wolves two kilometers away. The wolf chews the bone, swallows the meat and swallows the fur, and the wolf feces pulled out must be solid hair balls and dry bone meal, so that the coarse feces have enough pressure to press out the wolf's scent gland fluid.However, Green has been eating dog food and selected beef for a long time, the powerful digestive juice is useless, and the soft feces tends to be like a dog, and he can't bring out his wolf identity.Dogs and wolves are of the same ancestor, and they also have this kind of liquid ID card. However, after being domesticated for thousands of years, most dogs’ stomachs have weakened, and they have already adapted to the life of dog food. The "identity card" can be squeezed out with great effort.Although it is difficult for people to identify, there must be a world of difference between this weak dog ID card and the tough wolf ID card in their sensitive noses. Every insignificant detail of Green's body marks him as feral.Since then, I have tried to let Green hunt and scavenge as much as possible, and I have been collecting his feces to monitor his health.Even all the wild wolf dung I found when I camped in the Wolf Mountain Territory became part of my collection. Unexpectedly, there was a big bag of dried wolf dung after a long time.When I finally left the mastiff field, I was reluctant to throw it away. At this moment, Yifeng accompanied me to the other side of the river bend, and took out the bag of wolf dung from the car.Seeing that Yifeng has been shocked by me, I feel a sense of accomplishment. On the way back to the observation point, I was so excited that I blushed when I thought about lighting the beacon fire on the top of the mountain.Yifeng is by my side like a big brother. Although he knows that I like to mess around a lot, he also lets me go and rarely criticizes me for not doing business. In his words: There is no There are only things you want to do and things you don't want to do.If you're serious about what you want to do, it's business. Seeing how excited I was like a doll, Yifeng said cheerfully, "Don't blame me for spoiling your interest. Wolf dung can't burn any smoke. Chen Zhen has already tried this." "I know this, but things that haven't been verified by myself can't convince me. In my opinion, how much wolf dung did Chen Zhen collect? It's just a small half of a schoolbag. I have more than three months' worth of dung! Plus the wolf dung The wild wolf dung accumulated on the mountain weighs more than ten catties, and Chen Zhen’s is simply incomparable. Maybe he just failed because he didn’t measure enough.” Seeing the top of the mountain in sight, I was full of confidence: “He has his own opinion, and I I have reason - what are the ingredients of wolf dung? Bone meal and hair balls! Bone contains phosphorus, and phosphorus is a wonderful thing that can spontaneously ignite will-o’-the-wisps. Since wolf dung contains phosphorus and dry Hair balls are fueling the fire, so why is there no reason to talk about wolf smoke?" After listening to my analysis, Yifeng became a little bit moved, and then doubted as he walked: "Phosphorus has a low ignition point, which is obvious at night. If only the burning of phosphorus is used to explain it, why is it called wolf smoke instead of wolf fire?" It is said in ancient books that it is black smoke soaring into the sky." "The digestive tract and gastric juices of wolves are special, otherwise why would there be records? Maybe like cat poop coffee, phosphorus will have a wonderful effect of burning black smoke after being combined with strong acid in the wolf's stomach! And the most important thing The amount of phosphorus must be sufficient!" I patted my big pocket.Yifeng's curiosity was completely aroused, he quickly followed up a few steps and asked: "Then the job of burning wolf dung is..." "Of course you did it!" "Oh, I knew..." On the hilltop tens of meters away from the observation point, I supervised Yifeng to pile up the dead grass and firewood, and then took out the dried wolf dung and put them on the firewood pile.The fine and compact hair balls in the pale wolf dung are tightly wrapped with a handful of bone meal, which looks like dragon beard crisps, or like a handful of freshly harvested silkworm cocoons.Some wolf dung rolls lightly on the ground when it hits the ground, and some have been crushed into pulverized fluff, and when they are taken out, they will melt into white smoke with the weather.The wolf dung at the bottom of the bag was crushed into ashes over time.Yifeng opened the bag and took a look: "Let's get rid of these ashes." "No, no, that's the essence, and the phosphorus is in the ashes." Yi Feng simply picked up the bottom of his pocket and dumped all the ashes on the firewood pile.The firewood and wolf dung are placed in front of them like a big snowdrift, which is very imposing.Yifeng and I were so excited that our hearts were pounding. How many people can see such a magnificent pile of wolf dung?I quickly handed Yifeng a box of matches, and he lit a handful of hay to start a fire. This fire is much more difficult to burn than the pure firewood last night, especially the last ashes attached to the firewood, which is quite flame-resistant like the principle of dry powder fire extinguishing.Not only do these ashes, which I imagine contain phosphorus, not have the flammable effect of phosphorus, they don't even have the blue light. After the wind blows away some of the ashes, Yifeng finally ignites the pyre.The flame struggled under the ashes for a long time and finally gradually flourished. The first thing to burn was the crushed dross, and sparks floated up lightly along the flame, which was quite beautiful.Soon, a burnt protein smell penetrated into the nostrils, the same as the smell of burning hair, mixed with a pungent wolf smell.It is probably the smell of the "liquid ID card" on the wolf dung being baked. Wisps of yellow and white smoke came out.There is a door!I clapped my hands excitedly: "Next is the moment to witness the miracle! Take a picture!" Yifeng let out an "oh", conveniently put the match under his arm, started to adjust the camera, and waited for the fire! The wolf dung in the fire was very difficult to ignite, and the wolf dung slowly turned into black charcoal, lifeless and unable to catch fire.There was a little yellow and white smoke from the fire at the beginning, but then there was no white smoke at all... Yifeng's hands were sore, and my face was scorched... When the firewood was ignited, the wolf dung finally came out. All burned up.However, there was no soaring black smoke coming out, only a little bit of water vapor and white smoke from burning wet grass, mixed with some light blue smoke and light brown smoke from burning hair. Gao was blown away by the mountain wind.It is far inferior to the smoke of straw burning by farmers, the cypress smoke of smoked bacon, and even the smoke of farmhouse cooking. The flames began to rise to the height of a person, and the people standing opposite the fire looked a little hazy.The surrounding weeds dried up and began to crackle, threatening to catch fire!I felt a sense of fear: a small fire can start a prairie fire, if my big fire spreads in the pasture, the consequences will be disastrous!The more I watched, the more frightened I became, I hurried back to the house and carried the bucket of water that Yifeng brought back yesterday to the fire, and my heart was a little more at ease. I kept circling around the fire, stamping out all the burning grass outside the fire!Keep praying like a witch dancing god: the fire will burn out soon, and the smoke will come out soon! The wolf dung has been burned into an open flame, flickering like rubies, but there is still no wolf smoke.The fire was getting smaller and smaller, and it was about to go out.I pulled out a few pieces of burning wolf dung, and as soon as I left the fire, the wolf dung was quickly extinguished. It can be seen that the wolf dung is completely passively burned.Wolf dung is not only non-flammable, but a large amount of ashes are also flame-retardant!Isn't it asking for trouble if you choose this thing to burn for important military alarms?According to Yifeng's speed of lighting firewood just a long time ago, and the transmission of messages from beacon towers one by one, the foreign enemies may have reached the capital for a walk. The fire is almost finished, and the smoke we have been waiting for seems to be gone.The ashes blown away by the wind scattered on the surrounding ground like a layer of hoarfrost, and the ash of plants and trees fell on our heads, and I was disappointed and relieved.Yifeng and I were sweating profusely from the heat, we shook our hair and patted the ashes on our shoulders, and began to take off our coats. All of a sudden, there was a bang of "哧", and a clump of flames surged up like a flash of light in the dying fire, with blue in the red and purple in the blue, like a lotus flower blooming in an instant, and then a burst of flames rose from the fire. A puff of black smoke! "Wolf smoke! Wolf smoke! Wolf smoke!" I screamed and twisted Yifeng's arm violently. The wolf smoke is fleeting, and the rise is not high, but it is indeed obvious black smoke! "Did you see it? Did you see it?! There is really wolf smoke, the ancients didn't talk nonsense! It turns out that the smoke will only come out when the wolf dung is burned out! Let me just say, wolf dung always has its wonders." I said a series of words. Shouting, bouncing and amazed, my blood is boiling! I was a little confused again: "Is there too little smoke? Is there not enough wolf dung? How much wolf dung do you think we need to collect to burn out the sky-high smoke like the old demon in Montenegro? Doesn’t the smoke delay the fighter plane? What’s the reason for this?” Yifeng has been unable to get in the conversation, and now he finally speaks, he squeezes out a little smile: "Are you finished with excitement?" "Well, it's over." "You'd better forget about the burning of wolf smoke..." "Why? I still want to write it in "Shit"." Yifeng pointed to the armpit and smiled awkwardly: "I accidentally dropped a match in it when I was taking off my clothes just now..." I was taken aback for a moment, and looked closely at the match ashes, like a scoop of ice water on my head, which made my heart feel cold.The fire exhaled the last light smoke and went out.I pushed the ashes away with my feet, and I burned a large fork-like crack in the ground, as if scoring the results of my experiment. Months of collection were burned, but the joy was in vain. Why can't wolf dung burn smoke?Ten catties of wolf dung burned to ashes is not even as obvious as the black smoke from the last box of matches.Matches are also composed of sulfur and phosphorus, so there is some phosphorus in so much wolf dung, right?Is our burning method wrong?Or need to extract the phosphorus from wolf dung?However, how much wolf dung is needed to extract enough phosphorus?Can phosphorus burn black smoke?If you can't, it's easier to burn sulfur oil directly.Or, are the tangled hairballs of wolf dung used to absorb grease when burning beacons?However, instead of collecting so much wolf dung to absorb the grease, why not just bring a sheep, and the shaved wool is much more than the poor hair in the wolf dung?Yifeng and I have discussed and discussed, but none of the reasons are tenable. During the debate, Yifeng heard me say that the ancients said that "the smoke of wolf dung goes straight up, even though the strong wind blows it." He finally couldn't help laughing: "I am ignorant. Even a volcanic eruption is just a thick smoke that cannot be blown away by the strong wind. I never I have never seen any smoke that can be blown by strong winds without slanting. Have you ever seen it? Besides, where did you find so many wolf dung in the tens of thousands of beacon towers in ancient times?" Being laughed at by Yifeng, I didn't say a word. Some "ancient sayings" are really worth pondering. The "Feng Shi" of the Tang Dynasty stipulated that the transmission speed of police beacons "must travel two thousand miles a day and night".If one beacon tower is ten miles away, and two hundred beacon towers within two thousand miles are calculated: one beacon tower only uses ten catties of wolf dung, and this information transmission requires two thousand catties of wolf dung.And a wolf that is fed all day long can make up to two manures a day (except for diarrhea), one manure is less than 30 grams, and the amount of dry manure in a week is less than one catty, and it is scattered all over the mountains and plains and it is difficult to collect.I am guarding a wolf, and the collection in a month is only more than three catties, thanks to the cooperation of Green, who almost never falls behind.If you want to collect two thousand catties of wolf dung, you need at least 666 wolves with strict discipline and strong protection, and all the "patriotic dung" for one month will be confiscated and turned in, which is enough for a war!Collecting "army dung" is more demanding than "army rations" by the director of military supplies.In ancient times, beacon towers were spread all over the country. More than 130 ancient beacon towers and remnants have been found in Dunhuang City alone. , without the police, the "Safe Fire" must be released every day.Such a large demand is enough to drive the trade of wolf dung, and even trigger the largest energy crisis in the country. Importing wolf dung is imperative!If we encounter the era of frequent wars, I am afraid that pulling all the wolves in China will not be enough for the war. Is wolf smoke really made of wolf dung?How did the wolf obtain the naming rights of "Longyan"? The earliest interpretation of the word "wolf smoke" is the "Youyang Zazu" by Duan Chengshi, a writer of ghosts in the late Tang Dynasty: "The smoke of wolf dung goes straight up, and the beacon fire uses it." The late Tang Dynasty was an era of extremely developed imagination, and Duan Most of Cheng Shi's works are about immortals, Buddhas, ghosts and ghosts flying to the sky to dazzle. Han Xiangzi Chengxian and Wu Gang Facing Gui compiled them into his "Youyang Zazu". In "Youyang Miscellaneous Zu", Duan Chengshi wrote it himself, and there are also hearsay. "Siku Quanshu Zongmu" commented on it as "a lot of weird and inexplicable talk, absurd and nonsensical things, and the posthumous secret books are often wrong, so although the commentators are very exaggerated, they have to quote them." .Duan Chengshi did explain some strange things, but this explanation does not rule out the literal meaning.Duan Chengshi's family has been officials for generations, and his father Duan Wenchang is an official prime minister. His explanation does not rule out the taboo of the ruling class. Not bluntly speaking of wolf smoke is a warning of "the smoke of wolf invasion", because people are not afraid of wolves. Yes, the sheep are afraid!Therefore, the smoke from wolf dung is used instead of the smoke of "Wolf is coming" to avoid panic. Many explanations are for better governance. However, Duan Chengshi's theory of "wolf dung smoke straight up" has a novel idea, and more and more people agree with him, and the theory of wolf smoke has become more and more mysterious: some people say that wolf dung smoke "does not slant despite strong winds", while others It simply proves that "wolves have straight flanks and straight intestines, and their dung and smoke are straight, that's why" (meaning, the reason why the wolf smoke is straight is because the wolf's intestines are straight).Most of the records echoed and even included in the future are similar, but more vivid.No one wants to say that wolf smoke is just smoke from mugwort, stems and leaves, reeds, grass knots or other fuels, because the truth is far less exciting than rumors... If these "ancient clouds" are true, then we will face two major problems in biology and physics: First, when did the rectal wolf become extinct?Second, what is the principle that the smoke column does not tilt when it is blown by the strong wind? Is wolf smoke real wolf dung smoke, or is it a big trick of the ancients?A simple question, once passed on to the ancients, seems to become an indestructible truth, and experts and scholars everywhere cite the classics to hold their own opinions.It's a pity, whether you fight or not, the wolf dung is there... What is worth pondering is, why no one burns the billions of people in the country? The words of the old ancestors caused the future generations to fight and fight everywhere, cheating grandchildren... It wasn't until the fire was burnt out that Green came back from his trip slowly.He sniffed the ashes of wolf dung, then looked at us, wondering what these people were thinking? The leisurely days soon came to an end.After about ten days, the sheep ran out, and life began to tighten again.It's finally time to eat compressed biscuits, but apart from the howling of wolves in the distance ten days ago, the wolves still haven't appeared, as if the noise that night was just our illusion.Our mood was even more depressed, and I even suspected that my original judgment was too hasty and too idealistic.If you can't find the wolves, you can only take Green back. However, you don't have to worry about food and clothing back in the city, but can Green, who has already experienced freedom, still live in the city?What should we do if the wolf doesn't come? "Go back?" Yifeng asked.I frowned and said nothing, but my hands gripped his arm tightly. Yifeng gritted his teeth and sighed: "Then wait and see..." Yifeng and I counted the food stored in the car. There was no meat at all, and the potatoes and radishes had been eaten long ago. There were only a few compressed biscuits, oil cakes, barley noodles and brown rice tea left.These foods that we don't want to touch in the city are precious here. Yifeng found an apple in the corner of the trunk, and it didn't know when it rolled down in the trunk.He was ecstatic, and quickly brought it to me to eat, but I was also reluctant, the two of you pushed me for a long time, I finally couldn't hold back Yifeng's persistence, and picked up the apple and gnawed it.I just took a bite and found that something was wrong. Through the gloves, I couldn’t feel that the apple was frozen solid. After taking a bite, my teeth were so cold. His upper and lower lips were stuck to the frozen apple, bleeding when he tore it off.I had no choice but to endure the pain and breathe out to my lips, and then used my tongue to lick the part stuck to the apple. It took a while to free my lips, which were already swollen with cold.Yifeng didn't expect this to happen, he held the apple in his arms and held it under his armpit like an egg hatching. After the apple hatched a circle, the two of them gnawed it bit by bit.When he gnawed the ice lump in the apple again, he wrapped the apple in a plastic bag and hatched it again. He did not forget to take the last piece of apple back to Green. Yifeng said that the compressed biscuits are very high in calories, but I can feel full after eating one of those biscuits a day, but I have never seen much calories generated.There is no meat, no vegetables, no oil and water, and there is no way to resist the cold on the plateau, and there are problems with metabolism.I dare not eat too much. After eating compressed biscuits, I must drink a lot of water. Once the biscuits swell, I will be full of water.Living on dry food for a long time, our hands and feet began to swell, lips, palms and heels were cracked, and the tiger's mouth was so cracked that we couldn't hold things with strength.At the beginning, Yifeng could still tease a few words, "The bird faded out of his mouth, and it would be nice if a mouse passed by."In the end, the two of us could hardly talk about eating meat. When we mentioned eating meat, we couldn’t walk. We were so hungry that we wanted to gnaw our own thighs.Sometimes when we see Green chewing things, we can’t help swallowing. Our eyes are as constricted as watching our neighbors eating meat. We are vegetarians and starving. The feeling of hunger for meat cannot be appeased by reason. One day when I was picking up cow dung, I accidentally saw a little bit of furry rabbit leg protruding from the snow nest where Green hid food. My two feet seemed to be welded to the snow and I couldn't move anymore.The hiding place is like a strong magnetic field, pulling me forward.I peeled open the snow nest, revealing a wild rabbit. The head of the rabbit was gnawed off, but the body was intact. I was so hungry that I picked it up and left without even thinking about it.After walking a few steps, I suddenly became entangled in my heart, this is stealing my child's food storage!In this world of ice and snow, it is so difficult for Green to hunt prey, how can I do it?I turned to stuff the rabbit back into the snow nest again, but now I couldn't move anymore.Green also wanted to give me rabbit legs, but I never received it. It shouldn't be too much to accept it now, right?My intellect could hold back, but my body's craving was overwhelming.Whether I take the rabbit or not, I squatted in front of Xuewozi, my head was about to be smashed. I gritted my teeth and picked up the rabbit, saying: "God decides, if the rabbit points to me, I will take it away, if the rabbit points to Xuewozi, I will leave it to Green." After speaking, I threw the rabbit into the air... ...Pfft, the rabbit fell down, pointing at Xuewozi with its front legs, and pointing at me with its hind legs.I swallowed sharply, and it was decided, half of each person.I was afraid that "God" would change his mind, so I grabbed the rabbit and ran towards the house. I peeled off the rabbit skin as quickly as a sock, cut off the lower body of the rabbit, and boiled a pot of rabbit meat soup.Watching the dots of oil in the pot slowly rise up, I thank God and Green for giving me this meal of meat. Yifeng came back with a bundle of willow stubble on his back, and he heard his footsteps running on the snow from afar.Panting, he opened the door and shouted, "I smell meat!" Unable to wait for the soup to be cold, the two impatiently reached into the pot, each grabbed a rabbit leg and gnawed on it.The bones that could be chewed were all chewed and swallowed, and the thigh bone that could not be chewed was chewed like bagasse.I scooped two spoonfuls of barley noodles and mixed them into the rabbit soup, and cooked them into a paste-like porridge with a little salt. Although it was "naked cooking" without any ingredients and side dishes, the two of them had never tasted so good The meat porridge I ate, I drank it to the bottom in one go. After appeasing our stomachs, we regretted it again.What about Green?Will this doll act violently if he finds out that we stole his food?Will you be angry?More importantly, if he was hungry, would half a rabbit be enough to eat? Yifeng and I stared wide-eyed, and finally came up with an idea, turn the rabbit skin over again, stuff compressed biscuits and the rest of the rabbit meat inside, tie it up again, like making a stuffed specimen.Then bury the "biscuit rabbit" back to the hiding place. In the evening, when Green came back, I lay down by the window and saw Green's withered stomach from afar, and I blamed myself even more.Green went straight to the hiding place, and his pace slowed down—wolves are very good at sensing changes around them. Green circled around the food storage point, seeing that there were no other traces on the surrounding snow except my footprints, he thought for a while, then lowered his head and sniffed with his nose, and they all smelled like acquaintances.He breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out his nose to open the snow nest, grabbed a bit of rabbit fur with the tip of his teeth, and dragged the rabbit out.Suddenly, Green stared suspiciously at the rabbit in front of him, and sniffed the rabbit from top to bottom. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the hut.I quickly buried my head, and when I leaned my head to the window again, Green was still staring at me, I think he must have found me. Green looked away and continued to observe the rabbit. At least Green believed that I would not harm him.He finally couldn't bear the urging of hunger, picked up the rabbit, and shook the wolf's head to shake off the residual snow on the rabbit meat... Green just shook the rabbit a few times, and the compressed biscuits inside fell to the ground with crackles, and Green was stunned , fell straight on the snow, and within three seconds, he quickly got up and devoured all the rabbit skin and biscuits. Yifeng and I are extremely guilty. Although we have shared the sheep killed by Green before, but this time the wolf food is extremely dishonorable. Moreover, if you steal it, you can steal it. It is like borrowing millet. The bran was returned, which made people almost faint. However, we are also worried that Green will not have enough to eat... At night, Green walked around the house, scratching the window and the door after scratching.Yifeng and I wondered, should he settle the score with the "thief"?There must still be a strong smell of rabbit broth in the house.We both did bad things during the day, and we were most afraid of wolves knocking on the door in the middle of the night. Green came into the room calmly, shrugged his nose, and slept beside us as usual, until then, we were ashamed to let go. Before dawn, Green opened the door and went out.Apologetically, Yifeng took out two compressed biscuits and buried them together with the packaging in the snow nest where Green kept food.But Xuewozi remained untouched for several days.According to the habits of wolves, once the hiding place is discovered, it will never be used again. Green has been the same since he was a child. He was very vigilant when hiding food and never leaked the secret.I just discovered this point by accident. Green probably didn’t care about it based on his trust in me. Who knows that “house thieves are hard to guard against.” A few days later, one morning, Yifeng woke me up: "There is movement outside!" I got up and looked out under the light blue light. Green kept digging at the old place where Xuewozi hid food. Beside him was a hare that had just been hunted at night, and the rabbit's legs seemed to be still kicking slightly.Green planed the snow nest, dragged out the compressed biscuits we buried and put it aside, picked up the rabbit and stuffed it into the snow nest, quickly pushed the snow back with his nose, covered the snow nest, and pressed it everywhere with his paws , as if giving a password to the safe. Green finished all this and turned to look at the cabin.Even through the window slit, I still clearly felt that pair of bright yellow eyes penetrated the window slit and looked at me with deep meaning. Green watched for a while, then lowered his head and sniffed our compressed biscuits.He stepped on the biscuit with one paw, tore open the plastic wrapping bag with his fangs, dragged out the compressed biscuit and chewed it.After eating two compressed biscuits, Green licked the biscuit powder on his paws, shook his head and neck, and walked briskly down the mountain with wolf steps. I put on a cotton robe, grabbed the binoculars, and followed out.I watched Green's figure go down the mountain through the telescope and walked to a small ditch on Langdu Beach.He lowered his head and gulped water... My camera was blurred by tears... Since then, Green has been like a child who works from dawn to dusk to support his family, and that Xuewozi has become our family refrigerator.We bury biscuits in it, and Green buries meat in it.Although Green's meat is not much, and sometimes there is not a whole prey that can be buried for many days, but this is enough. I will chop the prey and mix it with green noodles or brown rice tea to make a big pot for a family of three. Can be full.Green would lick and eat the skin, bones, internal organs, and even the residual blood of the prey I peeled off every time, and we couldn't help but have the habit of being grateful for every hard-won food from the bottom of our hearts, although there is no need to pray before meals form, but eating it clean is the best thanksgiving.Think about your previous life, think about the feasting and feasting lifestyle of modern people, most people have no respect for food at all, who can feel the most simple and true treasure of wolf life for food. After living such a life, I vaguely realized why Green would greet me with a passionate welcome every time he came back from childhood, because it is not easy for wolves to survive and find food. Every time you go out, you may face desperate fights, hunters, traps, natural enemies... countless unknowns and dangers, and how difficult it is to bring food home. Every time the wolves part, they carry deep concerns and worries for each other. Going away may be parting for life and death, and meeting again will surely be the rest of our lives. How can we not be filled with sorrow and joy every time we meet again, and weep with gratitude?Therefore, whenever Green came home from hunting, I would greet him triumphantly with the most intense and enthusiastic hugs. However, after eating wolf food, our mood became heavier.I am gratified that Green can support himself and even take care of us, but I am also ashamed that the survival ability of the two adults in the wilderness is far inferior to that of a wolf cub for a few months. Without the carload of food brought by Yifeng, we Already starved to death.And every time he secretly sees Green burying something in the snow nest, Yifeng's face is full of embarrassment: "He buried it outside to save face for me." You can't always count on Green to hunt.Since he can find food, we can try too, after all we are "homo sapiens". I used the old method to catch pikas, but the pikas in winter were not as busy collecting food as they were in summer. After I blocked the hole, the pikas huddled in their nests and didn't bother to come out at all.好不容易有只鼠兔出洞的时候,我已经冻得脚僵手麻了,棉袍上落满的雪花也结成了冰壳子。 亦风拔下车里的两根缸线,做了两个钢丝圈。我引着亦风找野兔洞。亦风说,小时候看见大人在田里就下这样的钢丝圈套野兔。亦风的道理说得是很到位,可天天查看钢丝圈,也没见一只野兔上套。最糟糕的是,有一天,我们再去查看的时候,钢丝圈少了一根。亦风脸色铁青:“没有了缸线,车子可就别想开了。” 感谢上苍,正当我们最着急绝望的时候,我发现叼着猎物回来的格林步态很别扭,仔细一看,他后腿上套着的赫然是我们丢失的宝贝缸线。这根缸线是如何缠在格林腿上的呢?我们到现在也没想通过。亦风自嘲道:“忙活了半天,总算套着一只狼。” 重新装好缸线以后,亦风再不敢卸车子的任何零件来谋生了。毕竟,有车在,我们心里总怀有一线生机;有车在,我们似乎离现代文明仅有一步之遥。我和亦风成了困在蛮荒和现代夹缝中的人,拥有着诸多现代设备,却延续着一种人们早已摒弃的生活方式。 亦风不止一次地说:“我们已经成了格林的负担了,不是我们在养他,而是他在养我们。” 是啊,在这里又冷又饿日子难过,我们早已弄不清是我们在野化格林还是格林在野化我们。可是我们怎么舍得离开?努力那么久,格林的群体还没找到。虽然格林已经完全有生存能力,用亦风的话说,“这孩子就是捡破烂、吃腐肉,他都活得下去”,格林完全可以抛开我们这个累赘,独享食物,远走浪迹,可是他为什么总会回到我们身边,或许他最渴望的是一份精神的慰藉,一个家。 人有人道,狼有狼道。我真后悔当初没有让他一直追随大狼而去,反而因为他回到我身边就愈加疼爱。此刻,我想让他回到狼群的愿望比以往任何时候都强烈。
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