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Chapter 5 The fifth time, Hongfei Gemu walks on the snow with two mandarin ducks, the lights are bright, and the five dwarfs meet in shock

Frontier Heroes 还珠楼主 21928Words 2018-03-12
The words said that the aunt, master and servant, together with Han Wei and his party of three, went to the deserted village in front of them to take a little breath. Because of the long way ahead, they wanted to buy some dry food to satisfy their hunger on the way.Helpless, the poor desert village has only a few households, and it is very barren. Even if you pay a lot of money, you can't buy enough to meet the needs of three people for a day or two on the way.Not bad, the villagers killed a goat that the two families were feeding for the New Year for the sake of money, and bought some wheat flour from the left neighbors for their own use, steamed and boiled, seven hands Eight feet, one after another to help.Although the three of them were afraid that their enemies would inevitably come in different ways, they rushed forward and it would take two days and one night at most to reach Ni Jian's house. How could they not prepare food?While watching the villagers cook food and meat helplessly, they prepared their retreat in case someone chased them.He also bribed those villagers with money and taught him a set of language. If someone came to ask how to deal with it, he would go out to look out from time to time.And Xitiangong helps the beauty, the snow is getting bigger and bigger, the road is adjacent to the Gobi, and there are often no people for thousands of miles, no matter which post road you go to, you can't get here.According to the villagers, apart from the occasional small caravans of green camels in summer, groups of 18 are greedy for small profits. It is a long way, and then from Huanglugang to Tale Nabi back to the city or to the grid Yandun, no strangers have traveled through it for many years, and even the natives of Hami do not know the name of this area in nine out of ten, Hugh said People from these three or a few villages who have been here before have settled here because there are dozens of acres of arable Susukida and a bitter well.If the masters are afraid of being chased by the enemy, just worry about Wanan.Although Han Wei was worried, he couldn't help it.In the end, money can pass through the gods, and it is always better to be prepared.The villagers are also loyal, but their hands and feet are too insensitive.The three of them were laymen, they were in a hurry and couldn't help each other, they saw that they had been in a hurry from dawn, and they managed to wait till noon before they got their meat rotten, yet they didn't see any trace of the enemy.The three of them fell to the ground with a stone, and hurriedly had a full meal first, and calculated about three days' food. Because the plan was too fast, they thought it was too hot in the room, so they ordered someone to take it outside and freeze it so that they could take it with them.The heavy snow is extremely cold, and the meat comes out at one end. It doesn't take half a cup of tea to freeze it and serve it to people.The three of them hurriedly wrapped it with Achnatherum splendens, put it in their bags, and gave a few more taels of silver, said goodbye to all the villagers, and set out on the road.

Ordinarily, since the enemy didn't come after them at that time, nothing happened, but there are only three families in these villages, A, B, and C. Their daily life is extremely harsh, and they don't have to eat meat once in years.The goat was originally a lamb lost to the flock picked up by families A and B on their way back from buying salt in Hami. They brought it back twice, promised to feed it together, and slaughtered it at the end of the year to eat meat together. There was no share for C.Bing's family was small, poorer and more greedy, and he was the one who went astray when he brought the meat to be frozen. He thought that it was the first time in his life that he had good luck today. He only used a little coarse grain and got ten taels of silver.A and B are not very close to me, but at that time, because the ready-made grains of his two families were not enough, the master had to use a lot, and he couldn't wait to grind them, so he had no choice but to take care of me. Already a little dazzled.As soon as the masters leave, there is so much fat mutton left over, which belonged to him, and will never be shared with me. Why don't you take this opportunity and hide a large piece in the snow, and take it out when no one is around at night. Eating secretly?Also taste what the meat tastes like.At the moment, no one paid attention to it while he was in a hurry, so he stuffed a piece in the snow.After the person left, A and B were really stingy, and only shared with him a lamb blade with a little bit of meat attached.What Bingzang got was a large piece of fat and lean hind leg meat, which weighed about 100 pounds. When I took a taste of it, the meat tasted really delicious. Trouble.

It turns out that Yu Tianzhu and Qin Xian are not only proficient in swordsmanship and outstanding in martial arts, they are also resourceful and resourceful, and they are only greedy and contemptible. Since they arrived in Hami, they have been alarmed by the same party, and they have brought the last group of people to chase them away. To Sandaoling.At this time, Feng Chun mistook Liu Huang for betraying himself and protecting his dear daughter, but he didn't do anything when he knew it.Liu Huang was so anxious that he could not help but laugh, when he heard that Yu, Qin and others had arrived, he knew that the two were greedy for money and lustful, they understood things, they were easy to separate, and they had a personal relationship. go out.After Yu and Qin met everyone in the village, they listened quietly to the two sides talking about yesterday's events.Feng Chun recited Liu Huang, and told them that the first two groups of people encountered many strange things during the day: they suffered countless secret losses in the vast snow field, and they were like ghosts, making everyone confused; The suspicious-looking young man started to move his hands. Seeing that the young man was captured, a dwarf suddenly appeared. He let the young man go against the crowd and did not directly hurt others. He only insulted and suffered countless losses; it was so easy The dwarf suddenly disappeared, and after a while, someone seemed to be talking to each other in the snow, implying that Sandaoling was suspected of collaborating with the enemy, but he disappeared after investigation. .When Yu and Qin heard the words, they didn't examine them carefully at first, and suddenly realized that they had fallen into the enemy's counter-questioning plan.How meticulous is the matter of collaborating with the enemy, how can there be any reason to discuss it loudly in the vastness of the snowy sky!She clearly framed her intentionally and pretended to leak it, so as to cause internal strife in her own family. Aunt Ming ran away at this time, or her father's behavior was not good, and she colluded with outsiders, and she must have nothing to do with Liu Huang. , The truth of self-harm.Aunt Ming is no longer just angry and forced to leave, when she is going to escape, if she is not running around, she will hide nearby.According to what Liu Huang said, this girl's skills are limited, and the maid is even more ordinary, how could she hurt three masters in a row?The perpetrator is a woman, and there must be someone else, otherwise it will still be a dwarf.Seeing him obliterate the footprints in the snow afterwards, it is even more false, as if deliberately making people suspect that he is a female murderer, otherwise why bother?Even if the dwarf asks back to make a fool of himself, maybe he is haunted again, and somehow forced Minggu to leave, and maybe he blames her again.On the contrary, what Brother Sha said about the place where the Five Rats were lodging in Zhou's inn was too suspicious.

The two of them guessed wildly for a while, but most of them were guessed by him.Seeing Liu Huang's anxious look, he wanted to take advantage of the danger, so he got some oil and water first, to show his friendship.It was agreed that they would not tell anyone, but pretended to be cross-examination, and invited Liu Huang to another room, and made a point of quoting, Liu Huang was old and cunning, so naturally he would reveal it.After finishing the deal, the two of them came out to share their misconceptions in public. They decided to search for the traces of the enemy criminals and at the same time send people to find Aunt Ming's master and servant, so as to get some clues.Because Niu Shan was nicknamed Tiangouxing, he had more than a dozen extremely agile and ferocious Tibetan dogs under his command. This time he went out, he chose the two best ones to bring, and immediately ordered Niu Shan to lead Luo Weigong, Zhao Xian, Six people including Tan Ba, Wang Shi, Gai Chengwei, and Liu Li took two fan dogs, Huaqing and Dahei, and the clothes and shoes of Minggu's master and servant, and went to the vicinity of Sandaoling to search for them.Those two Tibetan dogs have a keen sense of smell and have been well trained by Niu, they are really incomparably powerful, as in normal times, Ming Gu and the other three were forced to kill them long ago.One is that Niu Shan and others are not familiar with the path; the snow is too thick and the snow is too thick. The dog burrows in the snow, and finally smells a bit of human breath, and gets lost after walking a few steps; The snow trails were flattened with flying swords and scattered in all directions, causing the two Tibetan dogs to move from east to west, unable to find the right direction.

Niu Shan and the other seven people under Zhili Yu and Qin's subordinates have deep habits, and if they want to be lazy, they will be lazy. It got barking, but it didn't have any effect. It is expected that the footprints and breath of Aunt Ming's master and servant were covered by Chao Lai's fresh snow, so the dog had nowhere to look.Too lazy to procrastinate for a long time, everyone discussed with each other, this mission must be in vain, the world is freezing and snowy, no one lives anywhere, where are we going to arrest people?I can't make up my mind, I want to go to the village where the Five Rats stayed last night to find another family to rest, so I will try it out, wait until I finish my lunch and dinner there, I will pick a place where there are people to explore, but if I can go back and report Let it go, so as not to be in the vast expanse of ice and snow against the cold wind facing you without a target.Fortunately, Yu and Qin are in charge of everything, so they can't take much responsibility.The enemy's traces are hard to find, and the leader didn't tell the exact location, so he has no power to use, so why bother to suffer these wrongful crimes!After the discussion was completed, he led the dog to walk forward.Not three or five miles away, and everyone was running happily, the Huaqing Tibetan dog suddenly ran along the side of the road, put its head into the snow and sniffed, and barked, another big black dog also jumped over.The two dogs moved their mouths and paws at the same time, they arched and scratched a few times, then raised their heads and barked a few times at the same time.Sniffing and smelling like this, he pushed forward all the way without even turning his head, which is far from hesitating and wandering just now.Niu Shan knows the dog's nature, and knowing that he has found the trace of the escaped person, he is overjoyed, and immediately changes his mind and follows the two dogs.After all, the snow was so thick that Ergou sniffed and dug troublesomely, not as fast as usual, and it was almost at noon when Ergou led Niu Shan and seven others to the gate of Wei Shengzu's house in Hongshanzui.At this time, not long after Cai Ying left, the old postman, the owner of the house, closed the door and turned back to eat in his own house through the old small door in the courtyard. It is the place where the fugitives are harbored.Because three people were injured in a row last night, when they came, Yu and Qin had told them to be careful. They didn't know the depth of the enemy, so they were on guard and didn't dare to rush in.After carefully examining the terrain, four people were separated, each armed with hidden weapons, to ambush on the roofs on all sides. Niu Shan, Luo Weigong, and Tan Ba ​​first knocked on the door to attract people, and then brought two dogs. Jump over the wall, give a signal, strike at the same time, and attack together. After years of training, the two dogs are dumb. Facing the enemy in general.

After everyone was distributed, Niu, Luo, and Tan stretched out their hands to slap the door, then stepped on the wall, leaned down, and listened carefully, but there was no movement inside the door.Looking back, Ergou was sniffing on the ground again, as if he was going to go to the house, but he found out again, but since he had been to this house before, he would definitely stay here, he hurriedly glared and waved with his hand.Ergou was walking forward slowly with his head tilted, looking back, when he saw his master beckoning him, he turned around and ran back at a gallop, and ran to a distance from the door in a blink of an eye, squatted down, and shot like an arrow. Get up, cross the wall, and fall straight into the inner courtyard of the gate.Niu, Luo, and Tan also followed Zongluo. They leaned over the corner and looked. There were only three upper rooms, one bright and two dark. tidy.The furniture in the middle room is neat, there are piano books on the wall, a chessboard for the table, paper windows and bamboo tables are clean and dust-free, and there are gorgeous heavy curtains hanging outside the rooms on both sides.The terrain where I live is so remote and vast, the more I think it is not far from the topic, I am only surprised that there are many footprints and traces of skiing in the snow in the courtyard, ranging from shallow to deep, and none of them are covered by snow. There is still smoke from the furnace on the top, it is clear that there are people, and there are more than one, why no one comes out, and there is no sound at all?The dog was also strange, after landing, it just sniffed and dug around in the snow in the courtyard, raised its head and wagged its tail from time to time, as if it seemed to have something to do, but it didn't go into the room.The more he thinks about it, the more he suspects that the master is a strong enemy. He deliberately keeps his face quiet, and his attack must be hot. It just so happens that it is the murderer who hurt someone with the flying sword last night.Just as they were timidly asking questions, Zhao Xian, Wang Shi, Gai Chengwei, and Liu Li in the room got impatient and made gestures to ask.Niu Shan could also hear someone laughing "Puchi" nearby, at first he just thought it was someone from his peers laughing at him, but he didn't care at the time, thinking that it's not a problem to keep waiting for the enemy to come out, now that he's here, he will eventually meet He for a while.Just about to open his mouth to shout, Tan Ba ​​saw that he was hesitant to enter, and when he was half a cup of tea, he couldn't hold back, and first shouted: "We have already visited the house, friends in the house, please come out and meet!" He yelled twice but refused to answer.Niu Shanyi wanted the dogs to try to break in first, in order to avoid being plotted by the enemy. Looking back, the two Tibetan dogs were silent, and they were passing one after the other. It was like an enemy, but as soon as it reached the top of the wall, it seemed to be blocked by something, and it fell back. The dog was so anxious that it bared its teeth and stared, and its long and short hair stood on end.Looking closely, there was no one on the top of the wall, and felt strange, but was eager to enter the room to check the reality, thinking that the dog must have smelled something on the wall to be so anxious, otherwise there were four people lying on the room, the enemy of the Tathagata, would not Without being discovered, he called the dog over, but he didn't think that the Tibetan dog could jump five feet straight and cross a low wall of more than ten feet, how could it fail to jump up repeatedly?It was also Niu Shan and other seven people who were full of evil, and some of them should have been killed, so that they were neglected for a while.Don't check when you see danger, let alone mention it.

Seeing the owner, the dog stretched out his hand to greet him again. The enemy was so close, he had suffered a lot of hidden losses, he was forced by his master, and could not retaliate, so he turned back to the wall and glared at the wall before he bared his teeth, before he ran back and forth into the room. Go, it will turn out after a while.Niu Shan and the others saw that there was still no movement, so Luo and Tan rushed in first, and saw that the kang fire was still warm in the dark room on the left and right, only half of the bedding was removed, and the rest of the furnishings were as neat as the outer room, not to mention a single one. The figures are all strange, and they thought to themselves: Could it be that this person is unpredictable, and escaped by such a clever way, either sooner or later?After thinking about it, I had to call down the four people from the room, and searched together for a while.Seeing that there are no women's clothes in the room, it can be seen that the owner of the house has not brought any family members, so he must be new, and he does not seem to have abandoned his home and fled.Although it is not reasonable to break into someone's house without reason and rummage through the whole house, it is not reasonable to act like a bandit, but it is not without reason that Ergou has come here.Fortunately, both officials and private parties can run rampant in terms of power and power, and have no scruples. If they want to stay in the room and wait for rabbits, at least they will make trouble.During the discussion, Wang Shi suddenly looked out of the courtyard, and saw a small corner door made of clay and wood on the side of the wing room. There were many pieces of mud in the snow. It seemed that this door could only be opened that day. The wall was the same color, with a lot of sticky snow, so I couldn't see it at first glance, so I rushed in and whispered to everyone, thinking that the enemy was hiding next door, since I was avoiding people, it showed that my heart was timid, and my skills must be limited, so I couldn't help but feel courageous, and they came out of the house one after another , people and dogs were about to break through the pass and enter, when suddenly the small door opened, and a thin and short old man walked slowly.Thinking of yesterday's first two groups of comrades who had suffered a big loss in the snow from a skinny old man, knowing that the enemy came in, he was so calm when he came, it was by no means easy to deal with, he couldn't help but was surprised again.It's better to strike first, regardless of whether it's indiscriminate or indiscriminate, let out a big shout, and when all the weapons are raised, they will rush forward, and then they will strike.

This old man is the old postman of the house owner. After he cleaned up the remnants of Shi Caisha and Cui Erpu's messy clothes and shoes, he told his wife to know about it when he was eating. Believe me.The old couple discussed that it was a pity that many of the equipment in the room had been moved. Apart from hiding the valuables and preparing them to be sold in Dacheng when the weather was good, they wanted the whole family to move here from next door and enjoy the blessings for a few days.Naizi didn't come back from the post, but Nai's wife and daughter-in-law wanted to clean up the leftover kitchen utensils, and they wanted the old man to come together, but he was happy to come first, so he had this false alarm and almost killed his old man.In fact, he is too old to see people, but these seven daredevils have added the wrong love, which should be intentional and artificial.When he heard the shouts of the crowd, he rushed to the front with a flash of sword, suspected of robbery, he fell down tremblingly in fright, and shouted "Grandpa Wang, please forgive me".Niu Shan and others were about to beat him with both swords and whips. Seeing his pustules, he knew he was wrong, so he quickly stopped and started to question him.Finally, the dog had better eyesight than them, but he didn't come forward, otherwise he would have killed him if he pinched his neck.After a while, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law next door heard the sound and rushed over. Seeing the menacing behavior of the seven people, they also misunderstood the robbery by the strongman. They trembled in fright and shouted, "Grandfather, please spare me."Niu Shan yelled: "Who is Grandpa Wang! What the hell are you yelling about! We are the officials who handle the case. If you just tell the truth, you will be fine." So the old and young three changed their names to Master.At that moment Niu Shan began to cross-examine, and the three of them also told the truth, except for things they didn't know, such as the arrival of Aunt Ming and Wei Shengzu's arrest, etc., from the time when the Wei family rented a house to study and practice martial arts, until this morning when they didn't know when to go out, and then He ordered someone to send a letter and the second servant packed up the soft things and checked out. Later, a person with a northern accent came to inquire, and everything was said.

When Niu Shan and the other seven people heard about it, they expected that the surname Wei must be related, but after inquiring about the appearance and clothing of the northerner, it turned out to be Cai Ying, the ground mouse among the first group of Yanshan Five Rats. I understand much better, and after making trouble for a long time, I still walk behind others. I spent a lot of care in vain, and found nothing. Gen asked, he was hungry and thirsty after running for half a day, and wanted to give some money to the master to get a meal to eat. One was to pity him for being old and frightened, and the other was to be full so that he could go to work.It happened that the old postman was born stubborn, thinking of the many benefits of Mr. Wei, he believed that the seven people were a group of plague gods, and wished that they would leave early to be at ease. His own fortune was poor, and he came early to get a lot of clothes and utensils. He almost lost his life at noon. God of Plague’s money, obviously Wei Shengzu left him a lot of rice, dry meat, etc., insisted: "There is no surplus food, only three people, old and young, have some life-saving grains. Collecting money, afraid of being thundered, but usually eating and grinding, there are not many ready-made, not enough for seven people, you have to wait for a while, and there is no food and salt, I have to ask you to forgive me, I will eat it Fill your hunger with a little bit." After that, he urged his wife and daughter-in-law repeatedly: "Go and get it, and make it in front of the gentlemen." These seven people traveled all the way, knowing that the people on Gan and Xindao are extremely miserable, and what they eat is good. Coarse grains are often without salt grains all year round, and it goes without saying that it is hard to meet in a lifetime. People who are usually full of wine and meat, once they hear it, they will be hungry and don't want to eat.At first, there were one or two that wanted to eat something to fill their stomachs. When the two mothers-in-law and daughter-in-law took a look, they turned out to be coarse-raised wheat that was dirty and black, mixed with sand and mud, and had to wait for fresh grinding. When will this delicious meal be swallowed.Tan Ba ​​first yelled: "Enough is enough! Let's endure our hunger and find another place to eat. We don't need to bother anymore." Hearing this, the three of them, the young and the young, became more attentive and persuaded, saying: "There are people on the road away. It is far away, and the snow is so heavy, you are not allowed to meet people if you walk for a day, it is better to eat a little and go." Seeing his sincerity, Niu Shan felt sorry for his poor old man, and advised him: "There is no place to buy in the snow, Save some food for your own use." After speaking, he took out another ingot of five taels of silver to donate to him, and then he got up.The three of them didn't dare to take it, so they had to eat Tan Ba ​​and drink a few words before accepting it.

Niu Shan and the other seven didn't expect to be fooled by an honest man, and they went out together hungry, planning to use Wei Shengzu's affairs as a topic, explain everything, and rush back to the mountain for dinner. Unexpectedly, he burst into joy and ran down to the right side of the opposite side.Niu Shanmeng remembered that the dog wanted to go around the house just now, but refused to enter the door, because he was suspicious and hid in it. He wasted a lot of time, and the matter was not done at all; It seemed that the person he was looking for was not far ahead, without any hesitation.He didn't know that besides the lingering smell of escaped people, there were new causes in the snow, and after he told everyone, he couldn't help thinking about the merits again, and decided to tighten his belt, endure the hunger and try again.Coincidentally, this time the dog was traveling very fast, and the snow was also increasing. Against the wind and snow, the seven of them chased for dozens of miles without a hitch.The rush in the snow was different than usual, and I felt hungry and tired.Tan Baren has a short belly and is very hungry. He was watching Er Gou running away and getting angry, and wanted to call out to come back and scold him. Suddenly he saw Er Gou rushing forward like an arrow, and was covered by snowflakes in the blink of an eye. .Knowing the reason, the seven of them were busy and skating vigorously.It was only half a mile away, and I could faintly hear the sound of human voices. It was expected that there was someone there, and I was refreshed. I followed the sound and took a closer look. It was a small village. There were only three families in the village. There is half a dilapidated wall more than ten feet wide around the outside. The two dogs are coming out of the first earthen house, followed by four or five villagers in ragged clothes, each holding a hoe, a stick, and a nail. He followed the dogs and made a noise, neither of them dared to go forward, as if he wanted to throw the two dogs out of the village; knowing that these villagers had never seen such a big Tibetan dog, they were afraid, although the dog did not follow the orders of the master, it would not be possible. It hurts people, but if people violate it, they will definitely eat it and throw them down. The villagers screamed and chased it, which must be the reason.

Niu Shan was the first to go forward and shouted: "Don't be afraid! This dog belongs to my family. It's fine if you don't provoke it. Which one of you is the village owner? Come up and answer!" Seeing that the visitor was neatly dressed, the villagers all looked at each other and stopped for a while. Say nothing.Seeing this, Tan Ba ​​became more impatient, and shouted in the style of a northern bastard: "Grandson! The Ministry is asking you! Who is it? Talk!" The villagers heard his rude and aggressive words, and he spoke with a foreign accent. , became more and more timid, and replied hesitantly to each other: "Master, I...we are all farmers here, and there is no village owner." Niu Shan saw that they were afraid, so he stopped Tan Ba ​​in a hurry, stepped forward and said, "We are officials on errands. People, I know that you are all kind people. Don’t be afraid. I just want to buy some food from you because I lost my way in the heavy snow and I was hungry. How about borrowing a place to sit and leave?” The villagers knew what they said when they heard it When the son arrived, because Han Wei and the other three had given him a lot of silver taels, he knew he was the right man, so he wanted not to sell it to him, but Niu Shanzhi couldn't bear to be moved by the money, and said: "As long as you offer food, you will pay a high price." Everyone had tasted the sweetness before, and thought that the visitor was as generous as Han Wei, and there was half a cooked sheep and the rest of the steamed buns. It didn't take much effort to steam them now, so why didn't they sell some more money to support the family?Such a rare thing happened twice a day.He has more people, and he must have paid more, how can he miss it?Shi went to the three people only to tell the truth, not to ignore them, as long as they didn't ignorantly speak out, they would be wronged.The sheep is owned by A and B, and A and B still come forward to invite guests to the room, saying: "There is only half a cooked fat sheep for ready-made food, but the steamed buns are not enough for the seven masters. If you want, you have to grind it now. I'm afraid I won't get it until late, so I can't go on the road again." When the seven people heard that there was ready-made food and fat mutton, they were all overjoyed, and immediately followed them in.Because B has no meat of his own, and the ready-made wheat flour has been sold out in the morning, he sees that A and B have invited the God of Wealth, but they don't have a share for him, so he feels resentment in his heart, and he quickly returns to his home without mentioning it. When Niu Shan and other seven people arrived at Jia's house, they saw that the earthen wall and kang were abnormally polluted, and the villagers were even more ignorant.When he was seated, the host brought out a few tiles of cold mutton and a dozen pieces of steamed buns. They ate on a hungry stomach.Villagers from Yi village were envious and said: "After all, dogs in big places are blessed, and they also eat mutton. We ate this mutton today. It is less than ten times since it was born." Niu Shanwen said, Suddenly alerted, he thought to himself: The villagers on Gan and Xindao have always been poor, and they don't even want to use salt lightly. Today is not a festival, how can they be willing to slaughter a fat sheep and eat it?He only cared about his hunger, and forgot to ask him where the sheep came from. The more he thought about it, the more he became suspicious, and he was about to question him.A is older and careful, when he hears B talking casually to himself, he is afraid of going out of his way and causing right and wrong, so he quickly calls him out with winks, complains a few words, and Niu Shan sees something in his expression, it must be something wrong, Pay special attention to observation, because everyone is busy eating, it is important not to tell him anything, and it is not too late to ask him after eating.That person B was stubborn, and after a few reproaches, he stood at the door of the outer room in a fit of anger, looking out at the snow through the crack of the mud door, and refused to enter the house again, so A and his family went to collect visitors. It's the right thing to do, and B went back to the house alone, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he thought to himself: We've been neighbors for many years, so I don't have any food to sell!Let me follow into the house to help Zhang Luo Zhang Luo. When the master leaves, you can get a little bit of oil and water. It's okay to touch him for two rewards, and it doesn't cost you anything. How can you be so heartless!If you can't think about it, if you get angry, you won't get the benefits, and you always want to have the ready-made food.The piece of fat mutton that was secretly hidden in the snow earlier was outside the gate of Jia’s house. He was guilty of being a thief, fearing that he would see through it, so he never dared to take it. He planned to eat it after the black people went to bed. , must rush to serve by his side, why not take it and eat with his wife and son when he will never see the outside?I'm also angry with him, for the sake of money, you only have good meat for others to eat, I always focus on my own enjoyment, let's see who is better than whom?Thinking of this, he opened the door of the house without telling his family, and went to pick up the piece of mutton in the snow outside Jia's house.B was standing in the door of A's house and looked out the gap, when suddenly he saw Bing looking around and walking with his body down, stretching out his hand to dig in the snow, he felt strange, and thought to himself: This guy is not a good person at all. Don't even say a word of thanks, what are you digging into the snow now?In this cold weather, you are not afraid of freezing your fingers.First, it was a visitor from the room who dropped the money when he entered the door. He saw it, and waited for someone to enter the room, and quietly came to get it. Anyway, he didn't do his own business. Heck, from time to time, he turned his head and peeked in front of A's house, looking like a thief, and couldn't help being distracted to see what he had taken.At this time, B was turning his back on A's house, if he picked it up and left, it would be fine, but that piece of mutton was buried under heat, and the snow all around melted into ice, and when it was buried, it was randomly picked up and stuffed in. Fearing that it was not deep enough, it was not easy to take it out. It took a long time, and my hands were black with cold, and I finally broke the ice floe, and pulled out the ice and snow attached to the meat, and my hand slipped and fell to the ground again. .B saw Bing Lianxue pull out a big piece, didn't see what it was at first, but when the snow scattered the meat, B picked it up and wanted to run home, only to realize that he had secretly hidden a big piece of high-quality mutton earlier in the morning, and immediately got angry He bumped up and yelled: "Where are the meat thieves going!" He rushed to open the earthen gate, rushed forward, and punched Bing in the heart.B also became angry from embarrassment, refused to give in, and yelled at him, saying that the meat was sent to the guests, and he buried it in the snow because he wanted to eat frozen meat, and had nothing to do with A and B.Also hands and feet, hit together. The seven people in the house had just had their fill, and there was a fight outside, so why not come and see?As soon as Niu Shan was obedient, there was a reason, and he quickly twisted his mouth, Ma, Zhao, Tan, Wang and other six people rushed forward, separated the two, and took them into the house together, threatening one after another.The people in the deserted village have so much knowledge, A and B were so frightened that they forgot what Han Wei and the other three asked, and C was even more angry, why didn't he say anything?You don't need to shout and ask twice, you can tell the truth, but you can only tell the shape of the fleeing person and the route he took, but he doesn't know where he went to.Niu Shan and the other seven people asked about the desert before. They only heard that there was a place three or four hundred miles away from here called Qingshiliang. There was a rich man named Lu who had never been there. Are there any villages.Knowing that what he said was true, the fugitive decided to go to Qingshiliang.After discussing with each other, the dog has already smelled the scent. There are two women who are fleeing.There were no buns left, and in the future, to see if there were any homes, and then he thought about it, so he took the remaining bit of frozen mutton with him, and decided to chase after him when he was full.Because both A and B were bribed first, they wanted to help the fugitive to hide it, and they were unhappy, so they cursed a few times while they were going, saying that they should not hide the fugitive, Gu Niancun is ignorant and does not add any guilt.Only a tael of silver was given, which was counted as the price of half a sheep.I am ordered to grind the wheat quickly, and I may need to use it when I return, so there is no delay.Another one or two was given to C, and A and B were not allowed to quarrel with C again, otherwise they would have to deal with it again on the way home.After all, he took the two dogs and got up.A, B, and C saw that the seven were vicious and stingy, and they had to prepare food for him on the way home, so they regretted it, and complained to each other. In addition, Niu Shan and the other seven people found traces of fleeing people after eating enough. They were really happy and full of energy.Those two Tibetan dogs are half looking for enemies on behalf of their master, and half wanting to avenge the man who beat them several times with Geshan Da Niu Qigong just now; it just so happens that the man and the fugitive walked together one after another, the smell became stronger, and they saw their master again He stepped faster and ran forward more and more. It happened that the snow in this area was a little less, making it easier to catch up.When it was nearly dusk, the dog suddenly left the road and plunged into the nearby mountain valley.The seven people followed and descended for about three to five miles. Suddenly, they saw a faint light flickering in the snowflakes surrounded by peaks and valleys in front of them. Yifa has hope.Looking closer, it turned out to be a lonely big manor house, surrounded by a large wall, and the courtyard inside the wall was extremely wide, at least it could accommodate three to five hundred carts.The house is located in the center of the courtyard. There are no fewer than three to five hundred rooms. The whole body is covered by snow. I don't know if it is an earthen house or a brick house. There are lights shining through almost every room, and the large rooms in the middle are even more brilliantly lit. It seemed that the sound of laughter was brought by the wind, because the place was a basin, and the road was relatively high, so it looked very innocent. Niu Shan and the other seven were used to roaming the rivers and lakes for a long time. When they saw the situation of this house and the remote location, they couldn't help being startled. They guessed that this house was not an anonymous gangster, but also a wealthy, powerful, capable, and well-connected man. A rich man who can be called.They took the lead and did not dare to make mistakes. After discussing with each other, Tan Ba ​​said: "If you don't enter the tiger's lair, how can you catch tiger cubs? Since the dog led us here, there is no doubt that the fugitive will hide in this house. Don't be fooled by the large number of adults in his room." Stop, none of the seven of us are easy to mess with, why would he be afraid of him! Let’s go up and play according to the situation, or ask him for someone openly, or take advantage of him not to know, and send two or three brothers to spy on him secretly Ming the fugitive's hiding place, watch him to prevent him from getting away, and then send someone out to deliver the letter, and then you knock on the door to meet the master. This is not Qingshiliang, the fugitive may be passing by for a night, it has nothing to do with the master, it may not be the same Party. Let’s be courteous with him first and then fight. If we agree, let’s go to Beijing together. If we don’t agree, even the owner of the nest will be captured and returned to Beijing. It’s worth the embarrassment!” Niu Shan sneered: “Sixth brother Tan, you’re so eloquent. It's easy. You think that in this vast and poor valley, surrounded by hundreds of miles of uninhabited places, there is such a powerful family. Even if he is a serious businessman and landlord, how dare he live here if he doesn't have a big name and ability? If you are an ordinary person, even if there are 2,000 people, you will not be able to compete with the seven of our brothers. If you are a famous person in the world, now wash your hands, change your career to a business on the Gan and Xin roads, or still sit on the land and divide the spoils, and do that incompetent business far away, We have always had a lot of troubles with people in the world, and we have a bad reputation. Rabbits die and foxes are sad, and things hurt other people. Even if we have never hurt him, we will never get a good face if we only name him when we meet! We are strange and powerful. Hou, do you know what kind of capable people are there? One can't play well, just like the brothers of the first five rats and the second batch of Feng Chun, who traveled thousands of miles to Xinjiang to lose troops and generals. Needless to say, how to explain when you go back? How can I meet people with face? The first thing is that the opponent's origin, name and the depth of reality have not been touched a bit, how can you not ask three thousand seven hundred and twenty one, and go to the side of the crab!" Wang Shi said: "Second brother is right But then again, regardless of whether the family is a friend from the rivers and lakes or a wealthy businessman and landlord, anyway, 80% of the fugitives probably stay here. Why are we here? We have to shout for whatever we sell. Anyway, it’s getting dark, and you brothers are running hungry. If you can’t meet someone, you can’t help it. Since there is someone, you have to disturb him once, right? Let’s just say that we got lost in the snow and call the door. Stay overnight, see the owner first, and after the stomach is cured, what should I do? What do you think?" Luo Weigong said next to him: "You said these two dogs are really strange! They ran so happily before, and they have been running around for a long time. In front of us, I couldn't even stop for a while. When I saw this man at first sight, when he was running down the slope, he went straight like an arrow. Later, when he came here, he suddenly saw something and turned around together. It turned its head back. Let us go, it just pawed forward, and it stopped moving forward, and it didn’t run anywhere else. It was the same as before Fangshan County chased a pony and met a big python on the road. I think it’s a bit Xie Xing, don't tell me that the owner of this house is really a bit tricky, isn't he?" Niu Shan has more ideas than the other six, because he is a small boss, he loses his face and looks bad, let everyone discuss without answering, but only goes to the certain family to check the situation carefully and plan a way to get started.I also saw that the long row of houses with few lights on the left side of the courtyard was a row of huge camel stables, so I dared not make mistakes.After thinking about it for a long time, he decided to knock on the door and stay overnight according to Wang Shi's words. After meeting the master, he thought about Cheng, and then checked his tone.If the fugitive is just an ordinary guest, and has nothing to do with it, then show his intention slightly.It would be better if he knew better, otherwise he would act according to his ability and be able to deal with it. Both are wonderful.In case of a sticky hand, simply use a steady strategy.If my family is the owner of the nest, I move troops overnight, secretly write an urgent letter, and send the dog back to Sandaoling to deliver the letter to Yu and Qin, asking them to come overnight, and the round trip will only take three or two hours at most.No matter how powerful our family is, they are no match for Feijian, so this move will surely succeed.假使本家不是窝主,又不愿献出逃人,再关碍着别的情面,不便破脸,逃人少不得还要投奔青石梁去,那便跟下去监查行动,等逃人次日起身,暗中尾追,到了中途再行下手。主意想好,和六人一说,齐声称善,便一同下了坡麓,往那人家走去。 这番两条藏狗只是在七人身侧随行,仍然不肯先跑。七人俱觉奇怪,因一路互商与主人相见时如何应对,走得稍慢了些。谭霸最是性急,不耐烦道:“这般冰天雪地,还不早到他家暖和去?老啾咕什么劲!你们总怕漏了马脚,胆子这小,难为这多年来怎么活着!见面时我少开口还不行吗?我要先走了。”这时雪势渐止,行离那家墙外不过一箭多地,雪光辉映,除沿途坡陀微有高低外,越近那家路越觉平坦,积雪平铺,四顾全白。谭霸说完就走,牛善未及拦阻,又不便过于高声唤止,恐他叫门不善应答,忙即滑雪追去。两下相隔也只丈许,正行之间,忽见前面雪势微微凹下去,成一个两丈来宽、不知多长的圆圈,猛一动念,暗道一声“不好”,脚底加劲,快追到与谭霸伸手可接的间隔,人已到了凹圈边上。踏雪滑行不比平地,一经看出前面有险,一面要忙着收紧脚步,一面要顾拉人,又是一个急劲,当然不易兼顾。牛善一把未拉住,谭霸冒冒失失,脚底一加劲,竟朝前滑飞出去。 那凹圈原是一个围绕庄院的大深沟,宽约两三丈,沟底另有一条小溪,宽只数尺,乃坚石筑成,环庄而流,流不到别处去。那家主人因为沙漠中水贵如金,知这伏波呷山中有不少山泉,只惜源流大细,几经苦心熟计,相度地形,造了这么一条沟渠。一面将那十几股清泉不择细流,大小都用竹筒铁管引向涧中;一面利用每年春夏间积雪融化而成的短短十数日山洪,开了几条支渠,引水入涧,另设水车风轮,以为灌溉和全家数百人食用之需。平日除用大批驼马远出经商外,轻易不和人说出地名。即使路上有人动问,也只说是放青采药,设词掩饰。地非孔道,四外隔有沙漠戈壁,再加僻处深谷,形势险秘,不是自己人,隐居已历十年,谁也不知道有此一块世外桃源。但是主人智深虑远,本领超群,因当年名头太大,短不了有人寻访,除因势利导,开辟垦植,生聚旧日朋友外,又在全庄内外设下许多布置。那沟由上至下深约五丈,涧深也有三丈,水最大时也难与涧岸相平。为防风沙污水,涧岸上种着数千株天山中所产的刺冬青。此树名为冬青,实与冬青不类,直干挺生,虬枝怒出,盘屈行伸,专生沟壑涧谷之中,有一特性:树繁叶密,见孔就填,又极易生长,能承重耐寒,经冬常绿,叶上有刺,故有此名。主人为了护涧,自建庄以来,便在沟底两边涧岸上沿着各种了一圈。五年过后,此树便高数丈,繁叶依荫,将全沟遮了个密不透光。可是此树长有一定高度,过此专一发枝添叶,上长便缓,所以隔了十年还未长齐上面沟沿,相差约有数尺。主人又另设了两条上下涧底之路,每值夏午炎热,便率领宾客家人前往沟底涧岸上避暑饮宴,绿荫如幕,不见纤尘,临流浮觚,引为至乐。这场雪落到树上积有数尺,恰好将沟遮没。 谭霸心粗气豪,专练硬功,脚力又极沉重,事前要是知道下面有沟,由沟沿上面用力滑出,那刺冬青极能载重,这两三丈阔的间隔,凭他本领,踏雪飞行尚不难一滑而过,不致坠落,偏是毫无所觉,以为沙漠中哪有河沟?只当平地中的低凹之处。那雪积得大厚,树已压得够劲,哪再经得起有好硬功的人在上面用力滑起再重踏下去!无巧不巧,正踏在一块枝叶较薄之处。本来雪就没多乘得着,先漏落了好些,上面只虚浮着一层,下面却是空的,无论何人经此也要漏了下去,何况谭霸,当时觉着脚底一发虚,踏在空处,知道不妙,百忙中没有主意,想往上纵起,用出来的力量当然更重,一个猛劲,再也抓捞不住,连身带那一片浮雪直朝下面漏去,一下正从有刺密叶中穿过,觉着手脸奇疼,身已入险,更不知下面是刀山还是绝壑,惊心破胆中忙一运气功,身已穿叶而下,噗咚一声坠落涧底,仗着有些水性,涧又不宽,仓猝中只喝了一口凉水便冒了上来。先还以为陷身雪窖,及至上了涧岸,觉着四外空空的,身被水浸,奇寒刺骨。总算那涧深在地下,比较气暖,积冰甚薄,否则任他硬功多好,硬碰硬,不死也带重伤了,这一来手脸的伤吃寒泉一激全都冻木,反倒不觉得疼。惊魂乍定,忙伸手一摸夜行火筒,且喜革囊避水,尚未曾湿,拔了筒塞放出火光一照,才看出下边情势。一寻思,只有缘木而上最安,免得出声呼救丢人。当下把火筒插向腰间以备应用,颤巍巍将两只受伤带血的手勉强搓了几搓,脚在地上顿了几顿,手脚臂腿一齐运用,忍着奇冷往上援去。 他这里入了寒冰地狱,却把上面六人急坏,已然发现前途有险,业已陷落一人,更猜那人家既设有翻板之类,益发不好相与,雪地无痕,知道还有什么别的埋伏!一面还得加紧搭救谭霸。中间是虚的,更无落脚之处,不知怎生救法。想了想,只有隔着那条长坑高声喊出来人,明说无心入险求他救出才较稳妥,但又不知主人是敌是友,一个不巧,徒惹怄气,白送了谭霸性命,还丢大人。正自为难,忽见前面坑边的雪无故微动,起伏不停。六人因那不当人落之处,万想不到下面是个空的,人已缘木而上。谭霸声音不高,又被冰雪遮住,透不上来,可怜他好容易上到树顶,手脚又被刺伤了多处,无奈枝繁叶密,积雪又厚,不会轻功,再上恐枝柔难已载人,更不能破雪冲起,急得取出腰间短鞭朝上乱打,轻声连喊了十几声“我在这里,快救我上去”,上面终无回应,人已冻得支持不住,这一冷反倒急中生智,有了救星,猛想起这里不知离上面还有多高,身旁现有火筒,何不取出将这树枝点燃?雪一融化,透出火光,难道他们还看不见?这主意虽亏他想得好,其中还有若干不好之处:第一,那刺冬青虽有油性易于点燃,但是上面压着厚雪,融化成水流将下来,正好将火泼灭;第二,天气奇寒,火灭之后,融雪立时成冰,将密叶冻结一片,势更难上。谭霸通没想到这些,头一次将雪下面近处树枝晃开火筒点燃,枝上油重,发出浓烟,呛得他几乎闭过气去。正屏气强耐问,头上一根烧断了的小残枝忽然断落,正坠在他的头颈里,还算好,衣服冰湿没有点燃,可是冻皮肤上滋的一声已烧了一下好的,同时上面的雪业已烘融,化成水雨一般往下淋来。火势业已延开,这才想起火在头上,近隔咫尺,有些不妙,万一顺势延烧下,岂非才离雪窖又人火海?心里一惊,一抬头,屏不住气,连雪水带浓烟吸了一满嗓子。刚想离开,忽听头顶轰的一声,上边带四外先融化的雪水齐往火盛之处聚拢,似龙泉飞注,大瀑布一般当头泼将下来,眼前一暗,火灭烟消,人却连烫带浇,闹了个水火既济,又被大量寒泉一激,差点闭过气去,若非跨身虬柯之上,几乎被水冲落沟底。惊急迷惘中二次强自挣起,幸而点燃树以后,无心中把火筒入了革囊,没有淋熄。经了一险,本不敢再用火攻,但是此外又别无良策。想了又想,因看出树有油性容易点燃,便将原策略微改变,先晃火筒相好形势,找定栖身之所,再从原处起绕树猱行,一路点了约七八处。心想:只要湿技能以着火,便不怕水大,屡灭屡点,迟早能将积雪融尽,冒出火烟求救。 这一回火势更大,雪融越多,可是上面六人已有了觉察。头一个罗为功听王时说,脚前坎中的雪无故微微起伏,走过来看,正赶上谭霸头次放火,底下层的雪消融了一大块,上面的雪自然压将下去,陷下一个深坑,方自猜疑,牛、赵等四人也赶过来看。隔一会下面二次火起,虽仍被水泼火,初燃时枝上浓烟已从雪缝中透出了几缕。王时道:“冰雪里冒热烟,够多新鲜!这家子下面不定使的什么损主意呢!谭四大爷自从掉在芦坑里,一直没点动静,别是真到了姥姥家吧?”赵显性直声高,平素独和王时谈不到一块,闻言有气,不禁嚷道:“咱们都在患难之中,这都到什么节骨眼上,你还玩笑啦!”牛善听他说话老大嗓门,连忙低声喝止时,这密雪一漏空,声音便能透下,恰被谭霸一耳朵听见,也不顾寒泉浇注、淋漓满身与叶上的刺扎伤,一手持着火筒,一手当先遥护面目,慌不迭的绕向原处,朝上叫道:“我在这里!没有淹死,待会可活不成了!快想法把上面的雪打开,用绳子系我上去。”六人闻言,惊喜交集,立时住了争论。其实那凹地积雪也不过三四尺厚,再被火一融,陷塌大块,所余无几,极易施救。当下六人手忙脚乱,一齐动作,先听明上下间隔和谭霸存身之所,各使兵刃一路乱掘乱杵,顷刻工夫便弄开一个雪洞。谭霸又请众人先缒下一件皮大衣去,连头带手全蒙住,用绳系好,以免再受刺伤。从密叶丛中拉了上来,打开一看,连冻带伤,周身水湿,外加许多血迹,简直不成人样。 大家忙分衣服,就雪地寒风中与他穿上。潭霸还真不含糊,战击着满口二十八个好牙齿,一说涉险经过,俱知那人家决不好惹。依了牛善,恨不得知难而退,免得找上门栽跟斗,无奈说不过去。再者谭霸冻伤得那个好人样儿,长途雪路,怎能行走!总算知道下边虚实,没有埋伏,尽可由这岸到那岸踏雪飞过,无庸先唤主人,示人以不武。当下命两条狗先过去试一试路,犹恐蹈了人的覆辙,身上还系了根绳子。那狗不知怎的,行时偏又是迟迟疑疑,露出前行畏怯之状。众人料定凶多吉少,事已至此,没有退理,经牛善向狗发了一次威,两狗才缓缓踏雪过去。牛善、罗为功、王时三人俱精轻功,当先滑行,施展踏雪无痕的功夫,两丈宽沟一跃而过,众人也都相继飞身越过,脚踏实地,这才放了点心。牛、罗二人二次翻回,双双挟了谭霸双臂,再飞向对岸。这一来大家都存了戒心,谁也不再抢先,径由牛善、王时两个会耍花舌的上前叩门,余人立得稍远一些,暗中戒备。 牛善行近庄门,见二狗没有跟来,方自诧异,忽听墙里面嗡的怒吼了一声,立时百吠齐鸣,势如潮涌,其声似犬非犬,听去猛烈异常,甚是惊人,怪不得二狗胆怯不前,想已早就闻出气味。七人闻声越发气馁,勉强一叩门,那门竟是铁的,虽有铜环,并无门缝,正端详间,似闻远远一声呼叱,吠声立止。接着一片铃声,门内有一极重浊的川音说道:“门外头是谁个?既会上这里来,就不晓得拉沟边的通报铃?亏得李幺爷今天因有生客到此,叫把花儿们锁起,不放出屋。要不的话,不把来人咬死喂啦才怪。我才吃了点酒,又犯病啦,打摆子一样尽抖,上头都知道啦,躲不得懒。快看看,乖儿子们!”牛、王二人听这人说话太已含糊,连气都不喘。这倒不错,人还未进门,先成了他的儿子,心中有气,又不便于发作,只得耐心等候,以为门就开了,谁知过有顿饭光景,门内笑声隐隐,门却没有动静。王时忍不住又拍了两下,门内换了一人发话道:“你们大远跑来,多的都等啦,这一会都等不住!个老子还要到上头请钥匙去啦,忙些啥子?”王时耍惯贫嘴,听门内人说话似有心似无意的,先把来人当儿子,还可作为话不留神,说连了宗,这位竟以老子自称,气实忍不住,刚想还他两句,忽又听一人远远由内进跑来,高喊道:“诸位快到后院去看看大金、二金进栏没有?李么爷说,这里经年没得外客来,客人大雪天远来不易,已喊上厨房准备上等酒席款待。花儿们叫得太恶,怕来客披毛带皮带有两三个。花儿关在屋里没啥子事,万一大金、二金把他们伤了,不好意思。”牛,王二人先听传话之意甚善,刚听出主人有好客之心,底下的话却又连了宗,拖泥带水,有点成心骂人似的。总算这回来得倒快,话声甫止,铁门上便有了响动,连二人寻思的工夫都没有。先是门内铮的一声,跟着丁零零一片铃声,门便滋滋移动,一会门当中底下先现缝隙,晃眼分两边缩入墙里,当中还有一整块铮光明亮的钢铡,也由门当中缩了上去。这才看出那门竟是内外层铁板,当中还夹藏着一面与门大小相同的钢铡板。门既如此,那围墙的坚固不用说了。 门开人现,面前已换了一副境界:数丈宽二十来丈长一片驰道,当中的雪已然扫开,仅剩薄薄一层雪底,两旁的雪积有人高。由外到内点起两行纱灯,不下四五十盏,俱都由反穿豹皮短衣裤、头戴皮兜、足登牛皮雪靴、手穿皮手套的精壮汉子举着。那开门出来延客的是一个少年,也是那等打扮,只帽子是雪貂皮的,一见面便问道:“二位尊客雪天黑夜老远驾临,有啥子事请说出来,好替二位回禀家主。”牛善见主人在顷刻之间布置成这般势派,纵非先知来意,也是成心炫露,否则对于一个寻常投宿的生客决不会如此待承,哪敢怠慢!便恭身答道:“在下等共是七人,带着两条狗。原来新疆访友,今日乘兴出来行猎,不想雪中迷路,误涉宝庄。雪厚天黑,无处栖身,为此登门求见,但请借一席一餐之地,暂度今宵,明日早行。劳驾给回禀贵上一声,感谢不尽。”那少年闻言,便问:“还有五人二狗现在哪里?”王时往后指道:“就在前面不远。雪天黑夜,人数又多,打搅贵上,心实不安。”还要往下说时,少年已向侧门房前站定的一个长衣大汉喊道:“崔头儿!你照话请示幺爷一声吧。”王时不便再说,回顾那大汉,正是那第一个发话的人,听少年把话说完,答道:“要得。虽然先前有话,还是回一声的好。莫怪花儿们叫,果不然客人是有狗在里头。”边说边往门房里走,却不往里边去。牛、王二人见上房是数百间群聚正中,靠墙两面虽有两排马厩和住房,俱与那门房间隔甚远,毫不相连,他人不入内,怎生回法?难道由外通内,还另有地道不成?方自纳闷,又听门房中一片铃声和那重浊门音在回话,听不甚真。说没几句,那长衣汉子便走出门房来,遥向少年喊道:“老二!么爷还是那句话,叫客人狗全请进去。今晚没我的事啦。”说完又缩了回去。 牛、王二人连听那大汉说话永没分家,一较滋味,简直有心骂人,好生愤恨。少年见二人面带不悦之容,似已瞧透,说道:“还有五位尊客和两条贵狗,都请随我进去吧。适才尊客来意已由管门的回过了。家主人五位都上了几岁年纪;这多年来照例没迎送过客。还有那管门人是我家老人,跟随家么爷都有四五十年了,性情不好,说话颠三倒四,有时再喝上一杯酒,格外连混一片。外客不知,还当他安心挖苦人哩。其实他人却是个滥好人,久啦就知道啦。请二位尊客多包涵点吧。”王时一听这小子说话客气,嘴里更损,不点明还可故作不知,这一点明,连他自己人都听出,更可见他成心坐实了骂人不是?越想越有气,当真当假都不合适,只得装未听见这一层,与牛善一同答道:“贵上年高有德,我等素昧平生,雪夜登门打搅已自不安,怎敢劳动?太已岂有此理?只不知五位贵上是否一家?尊姓大名请阁下说出,少时相见也好称呼,免得当面失礼。”二人原因这家形迹可疑,气势不凡,又有五个主人,想先探出名姓来历,以便通名报姓时或真或假作一准备。谁知少年看去不过十七八岁,说话却极老练,闻言便知用意,存心给二人一个闷葫芦,接口答道:“这倒不消。家主人隐居这山里头已有多年,不遇对心的人,哪怕和他在一堆盘桓个十天八天,也未必肯说他自己的事。不过知道他五位的人也多,尊客都是北方大地头的人,久在外边跑,见面总该知道。不消问啦,请走吧。” 二人无奈,只得召手喊过五人二狗,由少年当先领路,一同往里走去,快要走到当中大门,两条藏狗忽将长尾夹人二股,立定不行,露出十分害怕神气。牛善先听群吠之声和对方语气,已知这家必养有恶兽猛大之类。二狗久经大敌,曾遇见过好几次猛恶之物,连虎豹长蛇都敢拼命上前力斗取胜;近门时屡显胆怯已觉奇怪,忽又这般从未见过的畏葸之状,若非有极厉害无比的克星,决不至于如此。自己带了那么威猛出名的藏狗,却在人前示怯,脸上无光,正低声喝进间,忽见门内风雨廊上灯火光中,有一条金黄色毛茸茸的长影一闪。少年便抢着跑进,奔了过去低喝道:“二金,你还不快滚回栏!吓得人家可怜都不敢进来了。”牛、王等七人听来老大不是滋味,那唤着二金的仿佛是猴非猴,不知是何猛恶之物,狗都如此害怕,凶恶可想,各自面面相觑,心里打鼓。少年已然快步走出,悄对众人道:“这是家幺爷在天山跟朋友借来与大金配对的一只金星碧眼狒狒。因它喜食兽脑,尤其和狼狗之类的东西过不去,所以贵狗见了害怕。今晚尊客叩门时,家幺爷已然想到。大金怀孕,命人关了起来。只这二金,来才二三年,野性未退,制它的人没在家,家主人们又爱它,不舍得用强,见它力说不惹事,就由它在外,没收进去。如今我已赶开了,只管连贵狗一起请罢。” 七人闻言,也不知如何答才好,只得拉起两条夹尾巴的藏狗,相率同进。入门一看,门内是一条风雨走廊,连那数百问房子围住,又宽又高,当中二门,重帘低垂及地,适闻笑语之声已听不见。牛善心中不禁又是一动,暗忖:这里与适才沟对岸来路相隔不下里许,回廊深屋,重帘低垂,虽然雪势渐止,湿气甚厚,便站在院外大声疾呼也难听见,何况密室中笑语之声,那是如何听得?越想越怪,不觉身已随入。二门里形势更奇:当前一条甬路,宽约三丈,长有一二十丈,整齐齐直通到底,现出第三座门,两旁相对着有不少间房,外面俱有门帘挂住,地下全是磨砖对缝的大块细砖,当中丈许和与每一间室门相通处全铺着寸多厚的软毡,四壁俱上有淡青色的油漆,估量也是砖的,壁间镶架着各种兽头,通体整洁,净无点尘,加以明灯辉煌,三五步便有一盏,俱是薄如蝉翼、上绘各色彩花人物山水的大宫灯,宏丽壮观。都中王侯第宅虽然比此华贵,也没有这样雄伟的气象。七人才脱荒寒,经此奇遇,几疑身在梦境,不由目眩神摇起来。尤可怪是这么长大的地方,不见一个火盆炉炕之类的东西,却是其暖如春,比起院外几差了一两个季节,都料越这样越非善地,但也无法,只得硬着头皮随了少年又走。一会行入三门,少年口里微哼了一声,门里走出两个短装皮衣的童子,将帘打
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