Home Categories martial arts novel Bingshu Gorge

Chapter 3 In the third round, the top night lives in the water vapor, the dark wind, the wind, the evil, the rare treasure, the pirates, the clouds, the waves, the mighty sword, the light and coldness

Bingshu Gorge 还珠楼主 43494Words 2018-03-12
In the previous article, the three little brothers Heimole, Jiang Ming, and Tong Xing set off from Huangshan Mountain to go to the ten-day agreement with Ge Ying, the seven-fingered thief. They traveled to the woods and fields near Bingshu Gorge, defeated the iron fan Fan Qiu, and rescued Tang Shu and Tang Suyu. Brother and sister, and reunited with Tieniu master and apprentice.Followed by the seven-fingered monk Faleng who hides in secret, because he hates Fan Qiu's betrayal, he chases after him and lays down his murderous hands. Cha Hong the Venus Hedgehog, Cha Meng the Black Skull among the Seven Friends of Zhongtiao, and Di Dun, the hero of Tianshan, chase after him one after another. arrive.Di Dun flew straight down from the top of the high cliff, and knocked down the vicious monk with his palm in the air. After meeting and talking with the heroes, they went to Bingshu Gorge for a small gathering together.Jiang Ming and Tang brothers and sisters left first, and everyone mentioned the murderous monk behind, and they talked and acted, but Ge Ying suddenly stole the murderous monk, pointed Hei Mole, and wisely stimulated Zhuang Heng, a stranger in the gorge, and just explained his words , and everyone also arrived from behind and went to the Tang family together.Ge Ying and Zhuang Heng's good friend Huang Yunhu were already there, and the treasure of the Snail Emperor, which was robbed before Ge Ying tortured the monk, was there.The vicious monk was sinister and greedy, and instead of telling the truth, he used his poisonous hands to plot against the heroes, which enraged Ge Ying, and he used the Qijue hand to touch the death point of the vicious monk's Liuyin and seal his mouth.Everyone felt that the rare treasures robbed by the fierce monk had not yet been donated, so how to hit his deathbed?Unexpectedly, Ge Ying's master and apprentice had already seen that the fierce monk relied on his excellent internal strength to suck the Snail Emperor's treasure into his navel, wrapping it tightly with skin and flesh, covering up the treasure, light and treasure.The fierce monk qigong will enter the realm of transformation. When you don't move your hands, you will look skinny, thin and dry. With a little force, your whole body will immediately swell and become strong and solid, full of energy.At this time, after being seriously injured, he fell to the ground and pretended to be dead. The front half of his body was loose and wrinkled, except for the navel, and the skin was stretched tight.If I hadn't concluded that the fierce monk was suspicious by nature, I wouldn't worry about storing the treasures and rare treasures I got through adventures elsewhere.In order to try Aitu's eyesight and mind, I didn't ask Ming first.Hei Mole guessed what the master wanted, and immediately stepped forward to make some sarcasm, then pulled the belly of the vicious monk and forcefully pulled it out.The murderous monk was tapped at the Liuyin acupoint with Qijue hands, and when a piece of paper was brushed off his upper body, it felt like a knife cut him, and the itching and pain pierced his heart. Usually, to prevent his precious energy from being exposed, his abdomen contracted, tight and deep. When you are lost, paralyzed, and unable to speak, how can you resist the strong hand of an expert?At that time, it was extremely painful and itchy, piercing to the bone, more uncomfortable than a thousand knives, thinking of what I had done in my life, I was rewarded with such evil, and I had no regrets. Die fast, unable to speak.At that time, the anger was overwhelming, and the blood flowed upwards, and he passed out from the pain.Seeing the fierce monk in pain, Hei Mole was sweating all over his body, thinking that although the bald thief had done too much evil, he deserved this reward, which was enough for him, so why did it go too far?As soon as he thought about it, the treasure in the navel had been taken out, and when he got it, it was a strange clam shell, less than two inches in size, in the shape of a six-pointed star.It is full of colorful halos, reflecting the sun and flowing, and it is not transparent, but inside it reflects a ball of brilliance about an inch or so, which is also in the shape of a hexagon.But one corner is dark and dull, and it seems to be changing alternately, light and dark successively.Just looking at the outside, I already feel that the clouds are shining and dazzling.Because I heard Tao Yuanyao said that there is a treasure box outside the strange shape, try to open the clam shell about a few inches, the size of the clam shell, it looks like a big hexagonal clam pearl inside, it may not be the treasure of the snail emperor in the golden basin of Yuanjiang, and I was born in my heart. Doubtful, he flicked it with his fingers, seeing that the shell was tightly seamed and tightly closed, fearing that it would be difficult to open it, he tried a little harder, but unexpectedly the clam shell seemed to be alive, and it came out easily.I saw a piece of golden glow that was hard to open, and I couldn't see anything clearly. The large area in front of the building, and even the mountains, rocks, forests, streams, and springs outside were all reflected in gold.Just as he was amazed, everyone rushed over to watch, when he suddenly heard someone yelling: "A strong enemy has found the door, why are you so reckless?" When they arrived, they snatched the clam shells and treasures and put them together.

Hei Mole, who is so sharp-eyed and quick-handed, is good at responding to the situation, was shocked when the opponent snatched the clamshell without realizing it.The visitor has calmly stood in front of him, closed the clam, and invited everyone to enter the building to talk again.Taking a closer look, I saw that the old man was tall and tall, with a voice like a bell, white hair and a beautiful face, a silver beard floating in the chest, and hands as white as jade, even young people are not so delicate.He is wearing white clothes and red shoes, his whole body is like snow, clean without any dust, he is so fast, but he is like a normal person, with a serene demeanor, elegant demeanor, and a kind face, which makes people naturally feel amiable and respectable towards him. meaning.I thought to myself that this old man is similar to the eminent monk I saw in the thatched tent of Huangshan Mountain, but he is different in height, short, fat and thin.There is no outsider here, Xu is the brother of Monk Yunluan that Uncle Sikong said, how can martial arts be so good?Zha Meng already pointed at the old man and said with a smile: "This is the stranger who has lived in seclusion for many years in this mountain, and the mother and son of the Tang family rely on him to keep him alone—Ruan Chengxiang, Mr. Taibai." It was the first time I even met Cha Hong and Ge Ying in the old diplomats.

Hei, Jiang and Tong had heard from their teacher about the miracle of this old man's life and his astonishing abilities. They never thought that this old man was the one who saved Tang's mother and son in seclusion in Bingshuxia.When they arrived in the building, they took their seats.Ruan Chengxiang closed the doors and windows, then took out the clamshell, opened it slightly, and covered it with his hands, so that everyone could watch.Everyone saw that the clam pearl in the shell was about an inch in diameter, and it was hexagonal in shape.After careful observation, only five of the six star corners are illuminated, and one corner is dark.Under the strong reflection of the precious light, the dark corner is like a phantom, which gradually changes with each other, from light to dark, shining one after another, looming and appearing non-stop.Jiang Ming knew that the orb was closely related to relatives and enemies, and he cared the most. He smiled and asked: "This is only a one-inch hexagonal orb. It looks strange. How can it be useful? Why does everyone value it? How many lives have been hurt because of it? Listen to my teacher." Said, there is a jade box outside this treasure, and the bald thief has taken it all away. The former ancient treasure box is never willing to be willing to destroy it, so why didn't it be found?"

Di Dun replied with a smile: "At first, I didn't know the details. Since I was plotted against by the fierce monk who used the method of picking leaves to hurt people and shot a cold arrow secretly, I was looking for a place to recuperate. I accidentally met Qiu Xuan, the third eldest disciple of Tianmen, and then I realized that this treasure is called the God Turtle. Bao, also known as Luozhu, is the inner alchemy of the ten thousand-year-old tortoise. It was born at the same time as Hetu Luoshu, and was taken away by Emperor Wa. The dark corner of the bead, before it is about to shine, is aimed at the wound, and the whole body feels cool, the poison is sucked out in a blink of an eye, and the mouth recovers. There are many other magical effects, and I can't finish them. The outer shell is shaped like a clam, but it is actually magical. Turtle essence is formed, this treasure must be maintained by it, it is not a real clam. However, this treasure is most afraid of blood stains, only a little stained, the brilliance will be dark, and it will take 24 days and nights to recover. When treating wounds and poisons, you must pay attention to it. It's just close to being stained with blood. The treasure jade box was added by later generations to prevent the treasure from being exposed and accidents. Although it is precious and not a common thing, it doesn't matter if you have it or not. The bald thief may be a strong enemy under the tree. Afterwards, I was disappointed, and relying on my excellent qigong practice, I came up with a way to hide the beads in my belly. Although the beads are well hidden, I still fear that the enemy and the victim will find them. Is it not to put a fake bead into the original box to attract people to steal it? To lose it is to pretend to hide a secret place, show some signs on purpose, attract people to steal it, and play a little trick, as this treasure is lost and lost, it is not in his hands. Otherwise, the old thief in Furongping is better than him. He must be more greedy and ruthless. If he knows that this treasure is in his hands, he will fight with a party and will not let it go. It is a pity that Brother Ge is still impatient and quick. If you slow down, you will be able to find out where the jade box is. From my guess , even if the hidden treasure jade box has fallen into the hands of the old thief, I don't know."

Ge Ying said with a smile: "Although I am ill and quick-witted, I will never be reckless. If I hadn't concluded that the treasures hidden in the bald thief's stomach could be taken by hand, in order to follow him for several days, seeing him is fierce and cruel, which is better than people say, I am really angry He just used words to surround him, so that he will suffer for himself. I will never do that to him. I just didn't expect that there is a jade box. It's easy, you can ask, otherwise it will be on me .As long as there is such a thing in the world, sooner or later the pearl will be returned to the wall?" After speaking, he turned and left, and Hei Mole hurriedly followed.Zha Meng laughed and said, "These two are really difficult teachers and disciples. The most surprising thing is that there is a disciple named Tie Niu. Where can I find a second part of the three generations of master and disciple?"

Tie Niu was greedy for rare treasures and was waiting by the side, when he heard the words, he suddenly remembered that the master hadn't paid attention to me, and he had a lot of things to say to the master, he didn't want to look at the treasures again, turned around and left.Jiang Mingfang yelled: "Tie Niu go slowly, you also open your eyes!" Suddenly Tong Xing exclaimed: "Why is Brother Ming's arm so red?" Everyone saw that Jiang Ming also learned from other elders when he looked at treasures. Like this, cover it with one hand and look inward.Unexpectedly, it was opened a little wider unintentionally, the sleeves were short, and the precious light was strong, shining on it, even the inner bones and the flow of essence were illuminated, and it looked like a blood-red arm with a white bone and five arms in the middle. A skinny little finger, looked very scary, Baoguang withdrew, and it returned to its original shape.All the little brothers, ask why in surprise.

Ruan Chengxiang smiled and said: "This is also one of the magical effects of this treasure. No matter the human body, mountains, stones, metals, irons, etc., you can see through it. What kind of disease is there, what is hidden inside, you can know it at a glance. It has many wonderful uses for saving people and helping the world. , so everyone values ​​it. Otherwise, we people outside the world, no more than thieves and wicked people who see wealth, how can we take it to heart? It's just that the brilliance of this treasure is strong, so we don't open the shell. In the eyes of experts, we can see the treasure from a long distance No matter how careless you are, if you take it at will, you will be naked, and the sky will be full of golden light, which is the most likely to cause disasters. Those who do not have great merit will surely kill themselves if they get it. We will use it to catch big fish in the future. The scented bait is indeed excellent, but it is unknown whether it can be kept for a long time after the incident is over. The bald thief was captured alive by the third brother of Di. It is said that this treasure should be kept by the third brother, but the third brother is wandering outside, and the return date is still far away. It is not a good thing to bring rare treasures by your side. If you ask Brother Ge and his apprentice to keep them on your behalf, with their temperaments, even Nephew Hei's Lingchen Sword, I am still worried on his behalf. I suspect that Brother Lou Gongming has ulterior motives. How can the treasure be carried with me? Let’s first listen to what Di Sandi told me when he came here. He was told by Brother Tao that the old thief in Furongping was sinister, vicious, and extremely witty. After that, the two sides will inevitably contact each other. The old thief can do all kinds of bad things, and his nature is suspicious and jealous. Our time has not yet come, people have not gathered together, and the situation is still weak. Although I have heard for a long time that the old thief is good at using power and tactics, and his heart is deep and ingenious. He can gain the belief of his party members and be used by him. I was furious for a while, and I didn't have any deep friendship with Zhu and Bai. I only met the rebels once, and I didn't communicate with them. I also know that Brother Tao Tao is mature and prudent, and he has been cautious all his life. He said that he was a little worried about each section, and he didn't believe it. Later, he looked at the peak. , I realized that the old thief was really dangerous. He only placed great trust in the evil monk, and knew that the evil monk was capable of the job, so he still sent his confidants to follow him down and guard him secretly. In case of any accident, don't ask if the two little brothers and sisters are Zhu and Bai. The orphans of the two families were killed first, and they made the idea of ​​Ning Zai Wu Zong. Not to mention, since last year it was reported that someone found two capable boys and girls in Bingshu Gorge, they sent a few minions to pretend to be woodcutters Picking, divided into two hidden homes of the natives seven or eight miles away from here, to spy on the whereabouts of the two little brothers and sisters. The old thief has many people, and he uses them according to their aptitude, so they don't necessarily have to be good at martial arts. Although the spies sent are very cunning, Because of his lack of skills, his honest appearance, and his very similar appearance, he could never tell that he was a spy. The two little brothers and sisters have met him several times. If Fei Bingshu Gorge is remote and dangerous, the spy's martial arts are limited, and he can only fight ordinary beasts. They are not good at climbing cliffs. The two little brothers and sisters are under the strict orders of Naimum and me. They are very secretive and will never talk. They have even found out where they live. One of them, named Deng, is the worst. I have seen it before. He rescued him, thinking he was a hunter near the mountain, and he didn't see his presence. There were two people following the murderous monk, both of whom had a good foundation in martial arts. He knew that the murderous monk and Fan Qiu still had half a day's delay, so he wanted to take the time to find the two The spies inquired about the recent situation of the orphan. Not long after they left, the two men exchanged hands, and at the same time the murderous monk was captured in the gorge. I saw these four thieves hiding in the forest and acting secretly, and I recognized the twoThe woodcutter and hunter became suspicious, and went to spy secretly, only to find out that it was the spies and thieves sent by the old thief.I also heard that there are three powerful people in the back, they are the henchmen that the old thief has recruited in recent years, half of them are doing too much work when the murderous monk and the old thief broke up. A special person sent a letter to these three murderers to spark a fire, and they robbed and killed the two little brothers and sisters, just in case the predictions were true, and the murderer monks regarded them as rare goods to live in and threatened them.These three murderers live in seclusion in Tiehuawu, Jiuhua Mountain, and their abilities are very high.In the spring of this year, I overheard someone say that they have become a party with the old thief, fearing that there will be troubles in the future, and they have been wanting to explore for a long time, but they have not found it convenient.If he is found, there will inevitably be many troubles in this mountain.I captured the four thieves, asked about their crimes, dealt with them separately, and hurried back to Shangji.Nephew Heixian has already taken out the orb, fortunately I am still early, otherwise, wouldn't there be another problem if the precious light rises up and alarms the enemy? "

Jiang Ming hurriedly asked: "Old Shibo Ruan said, but are the three murderers in Tiewu? My nephew heard from my teacher three years ago that the three murderers were named Qiu, two men and one woman. They had a relationship with the Furongping old thief. Enmity, forming a party, I think it is a matter of recent years." Ruan Chengxiang replied: "The brothers and sisters of the Qiu family and the old thief had a grudge in the past. Later, because Qiu's sister, Molan, visited friends and enemies in Xiangjiang, they met her enemies on a narrow road. They were outnumbered and humiliated. They happened to meet the old thief's concubine Ran Jinyu, who was going to Hengshan and passed by the thief. The woman was very witty, and she heard that the trapped woman was the tigress among the three murderers of the Qiu family. She remembered that the old thief was serving as a guard and accidentally hurt Qiu Da's beloved woman. It's not convenient for people to resolve it. It's rare to have this good opportunity, and immediately led the party to help. The thief woman was originally good at martial arts, and the seven men and women who traveled to the mountain were all experts, and two of them knew how to use hidden weapons. If you plan to fight, you will win. It is as if the other party is also a famous martial artist in the world. He is cruel and evil for the sake of the three evils. He is ruthless and hurts too many people. Public indignation arose. None of the people who made the appointment was mediocre. The leader was Heiwen Hou Shen Tianjue. He used a pair of Liuyang halberds, which were unique weapons of the Kongtong sect that had been lost for many years. Their martial arts were even higher. They fought for half a day. , Qiu Molan had to turn the crisis to safety, the two sides only drew a tie, and one person from the bandit party was injured. At last, the thief was alert, and after hearing Shen Tianjue's own name and the history of the feud with the three murderers, it was not easy, just keep it safe , still fearing that it would be difficult to win a complete victory, he secretly ordered the accompanying party to take the old thief's letter and go to the vicinity to find help. At dusk and on the moon, the appointed reinforcements arrived one after another, fighting each other, and killing one was inextricable. At that time, Shen Tianjue and others also added two good hands, and they were adding power to themselves. Unexpectedly, the thief's lover, one of the four great thieves in Jiangxiang, the thief Tianyan Wang Yunhu came here. Although Wang thief and the thief's wife Ran Jinyu are old friends , because I was afraid that the old thief would be difficult to provoke, I only met privately when the thief's wife went to the mountain. Seeing the crowd of entourage, I was afraid of being seen through, so I didn't even dare to leave. After breaking up, I must be in love. Flying to help, he only cared about pleasing, and didn't ask who the enemy was. After looking at it later, he found that there was no weak person on the other side, and Shen Tianjue was among them. It was predicted that life and death would be decided, and Xingzang had been revealed. Don't say he was defeated, and he was the leader of the enemies If you don't get rid of it on the spot, there will be troubles from now on, and there will never be peace. In front of your sweetheart and the gang of thieves, you can't say hello. The mother's serial shuttle was ready, and then she stepped forward to call for battle. Shen Tianjue is evil in nature, seeing that it was a famous gangster who stole Tianyan Wang Yunhu who slipped under the hands of his friend Bao Feihong in the past, he was first angry, and hurried forward to meet the enemy. Shen Tianjue originally knew the origin of the king's thief and the poisonous incense and poison he used. He was also ordered by the Death Star. Relying on his pure martial arts skills, he took the upper hand and secretly lucked out. He planned to seal the seven orifices immediately when the incense appeared Nose, pretending to be defeated on the one hand, using the killer, first remove the serious harm in front of him, and then make up his mind. Who knows that the king is very cunning, and he knows that the opponent's martial arts are amazing. When he sees the intention, he will not attack first, relying on his agility, blindly Dodge, don't fight hard, Leng Bufang flew far away, first took three incense bombs, and shot at the other enemies separately. Shen Tianjue was only a king thief, knowing that he knew the details, and the incense used was difficult to achieve, so he dared not act rashly Use, take advantage of the situation of evasion to plot against others, the enemy and us are fighting in a hurry, fearing that our comrades will be injured, so we hurriedly call everyone's attention, and at the same time rush forward to chase.When it fell, the six crescent steel rings on each of the six sun halberds had turned into a silver flower, with thin chains, and flew out from the halberd.Seeing that the enemy's whole body has been shrouded, and there is no physiology, unexpectedly he is angry and hasty here, and he passed on the secret of his master, and he was ordered by strict orders. 'June Flying Flowers' was cast.Wang Thief is also well aware that the enemy is formidable, and it will be difficult to survive after a long fight. With the tendency of sticking to the ground, turning and rolling, the backhand hits upwards with a series of loop shuttles.Shen Tianjue didn't expect Mixiang to be hidden in the shuttle, and when he was about to succeed, he was caught off guard. When he saw the enemy, he rolled over on the spot. The nine rings on the long shuttle opened together, and nine strands of colored smoke shot out immediately. He knew he had been fooled. He was so busy that he held his breath and couldn't do it anymore. At that time, he felt dizzy, irritated, and comatose. In the midst of his busy schedule, he even swept towards the king thief with a pair of halberds, and fell to the ground. His mind was already fainted. , the oncoming situation is extremely urgent.Ordinarily, the king thief would not be spared, but by coincidence, the one who confronted the female thief was an expert, and was first hit by the incense bomb and passed out.The female thief had just killed the man, when she saw that the king thief was in danger, she flew over and blocked it with her sword.Shen Tianjue tilted the halberd in his hand, and he hit the ground empty, and he fell to the ground, only a few cracks of different sizes were broken on the ground.Although the king thief had to escape, he was still almost disabled by the crescent moon on his right arm.The two thieves, male and female, immediately killed Shen Tianjue.Once the two leading martial artists die, the bandits will become powerful, the king will be lost in the fragrance, and the middle man will fall. It becomes a one-sided situation. How can we fight again?Before he could escape, he was forced forward by the gang of thieves.There were only two people who escaped alive, and one was injured.The female thief was grateful for this, and reported to the two brothers, and then she and the old thief settled their suspicions and repaired.The teacher must know about this matter, maybe he hasn't mentioned it to you yet.Sanjiyuan lived by Poyang Lake, and for some reason, moved to Tiehuawu, Houshan, Jiuhua in recent years.The three brothers and sisters were all short and lean, with particularly brisk feet and golden eyes.Males have small noses and big ears, making them easy to identify.It is inevitable that we will meet him in the future, so we should not underestimate the enemy. "

While the two were talking, Hei Mole suddenly walked in, and asked Tang Shu with a smile, "It turns out that on the boat on the Jinhua River, Senior Sister Lu Buqi said that Uncle Sikong had invited the younger brothers of the Jiang family to ask for an ancient treasure borrowed by Master Lu's predecessors. The leather garment made of the black yak skin of a strange beast, because he asked about his origin and name, begged Mr. Lu, and asked him to ask him to see you, was it you who said that the leather coat had fallen? I went home to see my mother for two days, and then went to Huangshan together. Because the governor must be careful, brother Ming and I are like brothers and sisters. We talked about everything, and we didn't open it. Maybe we were ordered by the teacher not to reveal it. Later, I met Xiaolei Ni, listening to brother Ming's tone, it seemed that he didn't know what happened before, and he prevented him from asking me back, but he didn't mention it until he got to the bottom of it. I just heard what Master Ge said, and then I realized that sister Lu said that my brother is Zhu Sanshu's cave. A young man lying in bed recovering from his wounds, you two are brothers of your own family, I already know that your alias is Tang Shu, why do you have the same name as Brother Ming?"

Tang Shu replied: "I heard that my aunt lived in Yongkang in seclusion, and Uncle Sikong was also there. I followed my mother's order and went to visit. Unexpectedly, there were many bandits on the way. For some reason, I became suspicious. I was outnumbered and hurt by him. When Uncle Zhu defeated a group of thieves, he was going to take him to Yu's house in Yongkang, but he suddenly remembered something on the way, and changed to Jinhua Beishan, where he rested in the back cave for half a day. Uncle Zhu then said that Uncle Sikong and all the seniors were in Jiangchuan Let me go to see you. Later, Lv Shibo talked about the leather clothing. I knew that my aunt had misunderstood my mother in the past, so I asked her to lead me to meet each other. At this time, Lu Shisister was also present. Lv Shibo knew that she was sexually rigid. Evil, bold and self-willed, when he said it, he avoided it, and his voice was quite low. I know that the third brother changed his name to Jiang Ming, and Uncle Sikong once mentioned that Ming brother asked him to inquire about his origin and the name of his enemy from the leather jacket I cried and begged Lu Shibo for help, and had a quick meeting with Lu Shibo. Lu Shibo only said that I was the son of an old man he often mentioned, your younger brother; when I was walking, I was vague in my answer to Lu Shibo, and it was not troublesome. Suixiangbeishan and other words. According to this, it is not that sister Lu Shi misunderstood and confused me and younger brother Ming, or that Lu Shibo feared that he would cause trouble and had ulterior motives. The elder sisters had just walked out when Lv Shibo explained his intentions. When my aunt heard that my mother and Yu brothers and sisters were still alive, and that the borrower was my father's old friend Ruan Erenbo, they were pleasantly surprised. Out of an accident, my mother's previous suspicions were resolved early, and the original intention was returned. He wanted to stay with me for two more days before leaving. Uncle Lu said that my injury has healed, and I still have important things to do, so I can't stop for a long time; especially the enemies are fierce, and there are many gangsters, so it is impossible to guard against. I moved to avoid hurting good people, and I was so terrified that even my sister didn't have the time to wait, so she urged me to get up, sent me back to the mountain overnight, and warned me a few more before we broke up. He and Aunt Chai were especially rebellious. When my mother heard about the whereabouts of the aunt and aunt, if it wasn't for Lu Shibo's instructions when he left, he said that the enemy had recently discovered that the orphans and widows had not been killed in the past, and many suspicious young men and women had appeared. There were quite a few at the Beishan meeting. The fourth aunt Hua, the female thief and beggar, must die tomorrow. If you go to Yongkang, you have to leave after seven days, and you can't go at this time; my mother will definitely leave immediately. After hearing the words, she knows that she is like a god in making judgments, and she dare not be negligent. She barely survived until the seventh day. He said that only three or two days after the Beishan meeting, there were traces of the enemy's minions in the Yongkang and Jinhua areas. The fourth uncle Hou, the little iron monkey, was plotted against by the villains several times. The guardian is the daughter of Su Banpiao, a lonely old man. She decided that the orphans of our two families would not marry a rich man as a concubine. It was already all right, but my sister Jiang Xiaomei had a grudge with two thieves in order to refuse the marriage, and finally leaked the news. Fourth Uncle Hou The injury has not healed, and I don't know that the crisis is coming; although my sister is believed, she has no place to go to for fear of her aunt's distress, and her sworn sister, Sister Lanzhen, is pregnant and is about to reach full term, and Uncle Hou is injured. Fearing that the enemies of the Su family would come and plot against them, they couldn't abandon them, and they were extremely anxious; fortunately, their aunt, Xiangjiang heroine Chai Suqiu, brought her sister A Ting and a brother named Chen Ye, togetherI found them, and followed Chen Shixiong to attract two more people, one Pu Hong and one Mo Zhun, they are both sons of famous families, both martial arts are good, and their grandfather's prestige is overshadowed, I heard that they came here by order, just in case, When they came, they were very secretive, and if something happened, they all stood up.Based on this, young and old, unless the old thief leads his own party to make a large-scale attack, it is enough to deal with it.The host and his wife are also very righteous, and they didn't take it seriously when they heard my sister's statement that they were in a difficult situation and they might be involved. After persuasion, they separated the back garden where they lived and divided them into two families according to my sister's wishes.The more my mother thought about it, the more worrying she became, and she rushed out before it got dark, hoping to welcome my aunt and the others to live together in Bingshu Gorge.One is that the terrain here is secluded, and it is difficult for outsiders to penetrate deeply, and the more than ten elders living in seclusion in the gorge are all outsiders. Even if the thieves came, but the time had not come, they made the matter clear, so that the enemy would be more on guard, and they had no other worries, not to mention that they had the permission of the elders in advance to make an exception to allow foreigners to live, and to order the whole gorge to stay at any time. Help, as long as you pick people up, you'll be fine.Brother and sister Yu wanted to go with them, but Ruan Enbo resisted, saying that my skill is not strong enough, and my younger sister is younger, walking together will easily arouse the suspicion of the thieves, but it will be more burdensome.My mother has encountered difficulties in her family to work harder and harder. For many years, no matter whether it is cold or hot, she has never stopped for a day. She is alert, travels alone, and travels quickly. The thief party can also deal with it.The Yu brothers and sisters also know that these old people are very strong in martial arts, so the sisters and brothers are not easy to bully. Recently, my sister was given a good sword by a stranger, so this trip will definitely be fine.For some reason, after my mother left, she was always restless. Last night, Sister She had another scary dream. She dreamed that my mother was entangled by a black python. This morning, she was asking Zhuang Shibo for advice. Feeling anxious, she went outside the cave together to climb a mountain. look out.When Fan Qiu, an iron fan, was about to capture us, he reluctantly supported us and made a tie. He wanted to escape and seek help, but he was afraid that we would be weak, so he had no choice but to meet Brother Ming and find him.As soon as I escaped back, Brother Hei, Tong and other uncles also arrived one after another, drove Fan Qiu away, got rid of a big evil, and got the most precious treasure of the Snail Emperor, the Luo Lingzhu, which is really lucky.First of all, because of the black yak leather clothing, my mother is not allowed to disclose it to others. Knowing that my younger brother is a brother of the family, my mother still wants to take him here. There is absolutely no reason not to allow him to come here. His life experience was hidden, and he was strictly ordered by his mother and teacher repeatedly. Without permission, he was not allowed to spit out to anyone, and what's more, he didn't know all the details.Brother Ming felt his father's hatred, asked me repeatedly, and burst into tears, it's really pitiful.Fortunately, the two uncles Di and Zha have agreed to make the decision, so they rushed back with Ming brother.I intended to introduce Old Enbo Ruan and ask him for instructions. Unexpectedly, Old Enbo had already found out what happened today, and he had a plan. He concluded that the thief wanted to capture him alive. Looking from a high place, he saw Brother Hei Ming coming. The two uncles Zihe Di and Zha discussed how to eliminate the harm, and checked on the top of the mountain to see if there were any other remnants of the party, who were in charge of the overall situation and were never at home.The three of us rushed to nothing, Fang felt disappointed, and waited to go back to look for it.Unexpectedly, Brother Ming's fate is really good, Mr. Dayi, the first elder in the gorge that I have only met twice since I was a child, came suddenly, praised Brother Ming greatly, told the truth on my behalf, gave advice, and even gave me advice. A very useful thing was given.But don't tell outsiders about the past, otherwise it will be useless and harmful, or even mislead others and yourself.Although the two brothers Hei and Tong are not outsiders, one thing is too long, and the other thing is that Mr. Taiyi predicts things like a god, and he is not under Lu Shibo. He lives in seclusion on the high trees on the dangerous cliffs of Houxia. Suddenly personally came to Qianxia to give instructions, there must be deep meaning in it, brother Hei, don't mind.At this time, recalling what I said just now, it seems that it was just for Brother Hei.If Brother Hei is following Senior Ge all the way, he should be careful when encountering troubles. "

Hei Mole saw that Di Dun was discussing secretly with Zhuang, Ruan Erlao, and Cha's brother, and replied with a smile: "Although you don't know everything about Brother Ming, I heard that Uncle Sikong revealed a little bit. Your Furongping enemy, I heard it earlier. Your brother has something to hide for the time being. I don’t like to ask the bottom line. I don’t want to talk about it. I am ordered by heaven, and I like to help the weak and eliminate the strong. The righteousness lies, regardless of safety and danger. I am just a vicious person , Ren is so powerful, I will never let him go, and I will not be bullied by others. If Master Ge hadn't ordered me to find someone, I must find someone, and I have followed the company just now, and left without saying goodbye." Zha Meng tilted his head and asked, "Shall the master leave first?" He Mole replied, "Master Ge took the bald thief outside, removed the restraint first, and asked him where the treasure and jade box is. The bald thief can't suffer." , my heart was already cold, I just wanted to die quickly, and all the usual fierce spirits were purged, I answered every question, and I was not stubborn. As expected by Master Ge, he knew that the emperor's treasure was coveted by many people, because of his natural instinct, he did it madly. But he is jealous, although he is being used by the old thief, he is not angry, and he is afraid that the rumor will spread, which will be bad for him sooner or later, and intends to blame others. It happened that he got a small bronze mirror three years ago, and he saw that it was not It's common, but unfortunately I don't know how to use it. I put it in a jade box, and the size is just right. I took out the orb, sucked it into the navel, put the bronze mirror in the box, and exchanged many treasures from the old thief. Although the emperor's treasure is precious, he is alone in his family and has many enemies. He was afraid of causing trouble, so he sold it to the old thief at a high price. Heavy, there are no more people. Although I hate the villain, I really can't bear to see such a miserable situation, so I gave him a good time and threw the body in the mountain stream. Ge Shi said that he wanted to meet the old thief, and acted on camera. I have an appointment to go first, and I have no time to come back, so I told the seniors that although the terrain in the gorge is very secret, it is difficult for outsiders to fly through only the entrance of the tunnel; it is not very good for the old senior Zhuang to open this exit for the Tang family. It is hidden deep in the crevices of the cliffs, and it is covered by grass and trees outside, but it is actually useless, and anyone with a little discernment can see it at a glance. The old thief has a lot of talents, so we must pay more attention to it in the future." Zhuang Heng said with a smile: "Master's words are not bad. I thought that the time for revenge for the orphan is approaching. In the paradise on earth in the gorge, there has been no murder for many years. I don't want to be stained with blood, but I want to make things clear. The Tang family The mother and son must move, and they will not stay for a long time. I specially opened this hole for the purpose of capturing and killing foreign thieves. Just now when I was chasing the commander, I was suddenly stopped by Mr. Taiyi for a few words. Revenge, relying entirely on Bingshuxia as the base camp. Not only will the orphans not move away, but many people will come one after another, and even the elders who have been practicing for many years will also take action. Since cause and effect follow each other, things will reverse in extremes, in the midst of pain and sorrow , often contain a lot of vitality; once the difficulties are over, you can sit in peace and comfort, but there are hidden dangers in the future, disasters happen suddenly, and you can't deal with it immediately. Useful. Prosperity leads to decline, and the trend is bound to come, so only those who help others can help themselves. It has been nearly two hundred years since the ancestors took refuge and emigrated here. It has been a long time to rely on the right time and place, good law and good intentions, and peace and happiness throughout the year. We are prepared for danger in times of peace, and we have long been on guard, not to mention that the CCP only has a limited basin, and it does not accept outsiders on weekdays. It is not all selfish, and half is forced by circumstances. In recent years, I have often discussed with the old brothers. Although outsiders cannot come in, our own population has increased every year. If this continues, the production in the gorge will never be enough. If we don’t plan it early, there will be no foreign troubles. There are also internal worries. I think of my ancestors who came here to avoid chaos in the past, and found that the place is surrounded by high mountains and hidden in fertile soil. There are not many people who came here for the first time, and they can support themselves. From here, they settled down and isolated from the world. People's legacy has already foreseen the future, saying that although the descendants of future generations follow the mountain regulations, no matter who they are, they must cultivate and feed themselves. Capable people, with their intelligence, take it from outside, not to invade the public property, to surpass others, or to be thrifty by nature, to cut down on food and clothing, and save only as far as they can, not to leave their children and grandchildren, to develop dependence on laziness and selfishness There is no such thing as luxury and luxury. After all, the ancestors created hardships, were blessed by nature, and were limited by the terrain. Once the number of people increases, the land in the gorge has been fully exploited. Few live, and many eat. How well-planned a term is , It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. Except for the basin in the gorge, there is no land to be cultivated. Before the crisis returns, we must try to follow the legacy of our ancestors as soon as possible, and still use the method of abandoning others and taking others. Half of the people come to find fertile wasteland, cut weeds and weeds, divide farming and cooperate, and start a business empty-handed. Fortunately, the farming and hunting tools in the gorge will be metabolized, and there will be surplus every year. At that time, you only need to go to the mountains and fields near and far to find places that can be opened up. If you go to a land with sufficient clothing and food, it will take less than a year to achieve results. From this point of view, not only the land is vast and the population is endless, but also a group of unemployed and poor people will rise up after hearing the news. , looking for uncultivated barren mountains and wild land, and gathering people to reclaim them. Over time, not only will the wealth of the people of the country be increased, and millions of hungry and cold will be fed and clothed. Otherwise, you will only care about your own comfort and enjoyment, from youth to old age, except for self-sufficiency in intelligence, you will live a mediocre life without doing anything.What's the point of living for decades, going away as soon as you mess around, and rotting with vegetation and insects?The ancestors originally said that Kang Ji was in dire straits, but only because of the unfavorable time, the loss of life, the old age, the incompetence of ambitions, and the force of the environment, they led their families into the mountains temporarily to escape the chaos, so they settled down and lived alone. My original intention is to look forward to the future generations, to look up to the ancestors and to push forward the will of others. After the chaos, before the number of people is large, first divide the development by yourself, and put the strategy of enriching the country and the people into ordinary farming, so that you can have your own. Stand on the foundation of your life, and then subtly influence and promote yourself and others.If there are no hungry people in the world, how can there be disorderly people?Even though we have never met the right time, we have to serve the country and serve the welfare of the people. After all, we still have to help many poor people.And these dozens of descendants, with hundreds of people, are self-sufficient first, and there is not a single gangster who gets something for nothing. This kind of approach seems slow, but it will pay off after a year.Life has an end, and the fate of a country has no end, as long as the officials don't come to exploit and hinder, the atmosphere will open up, follow each other's example, and those in power will promote rewards and encouragements a little bit, and the benefits will be like a thousand streams returning to the sea.The people have great potential and vital interests. They don't need to be supervised by officials, and they will go to it naturally.What's more, our country has a vast land and people, and the geographical advantages are infinite, so there are many things that can be done.稍具毅力气量的有志之士,便不当政,照样也能做出许多事业。为了人情喜逸恶劳,安土不愿重迁,本山可耕地少,势须去往远处开辟。虽然先人立有好些法规,耕读并重,务使明理,一切重在身体力行,不尚多言,仍自因循下来。我们为首十余长老,每读遗训,必生惭恨,外人多当我们是些与世无争的自了汉,其实不然。前些年,早就暗中分人出山查看准备,打算遵照先人遗训试办一回。只为官贪吏污,到处土豪恶霸盘踞横行,峡中居人,十九终身不曾出峡一步。这里风景明丽,气候温和,四时如春,过冷过热的边荒之区,沃土虽多,恐非所宜。他们第一次分人出山开垦,近城市的恐为贪官恶人所欺,因而生事;如使置身蛮荒邪寒之区,多受瘴气酷暑、狂风大雪与毒蛇猛兽之险,就能忍苦奋斗,也有伤亡,易使后去的人畏难却步。故此第一次定要寻一风物良美,和这里差不多的好地方,一面自耕,一面招人同垦,循序渐进,随时倡导;我们再同分头主持照护,拼耗二十年心力,比先人所拟加上一倍,必有成功之望。以我们近年查看所得,只芙蓉坪左近山中,到处都是沃土森林,更有不少药材矿产,后谷一带,经过朱氏父子多年经营开辟,更无庸说。可惜老贼只知奴役佃人,穷奢极欲,以为前主人准备光复故物的多年厚藏,一百世也用不完,除却兴建园林房舍外,连昔年寓兵于农的大片肥田,均被填平了一小半。佃户旧人多是朱家子弟兵,除却屈于凶威假意降顺的,还能在他暴力监压严防之下苟延残喘,余者不被惨杀,也必逃亡。当年准备起事作根基的三千子弟兵,至多剩下十之一二,又都老大,只管怀念遗孤、人心未死,已不似昔年那么英勇,怀有远志了。老贼阴险忌刻,决不容人在他时腋之间居住耕种。本想等他恶满自毙再去,恰巧遗孤母子来投,正好助人自助,一举两便。我昨日已和诸长老公议,除不相干的外人暂时仍禁入境外,只与唐氏母子有关的人来此,任凭居住出入便了。我知此老人中之龙,智计绝伦,轻易不出见人,今日竟为此事亲身寻我,可知事关重大,必有远计。另外还有些话不宜先说,只知令葛师此去芙蓉坪,未必尽如人意。你们今夜明早均要起身,路上均要小心而已。 " 狄遁接口笑道:“我和庄、阮二兄原是至交,峡中十六位长老。也有四位相识。近日在此小住,便奉家叔梁公之命,为护两家遗孤,并代划策而来。这些世外高人,寻常决难一遇,诸位贤侄何妨多留两日,由我与阮老兄先容,同往拜见如何?”黑、江二人,一个奉有师命,又惦记芙蓉坪之行,意欲随后赶去;一个知道母亲、姊姊踪迹已泄,仇敌正想暗算,叔母往接未归,心中愁虑,恨不能当时迎去。闻言江明首答:“家母尚在途中,小侄不大放心,少时便要迎上前去。好在三叔暂时不走,小侄又寄居在此,等家母家姊到后一同拜见,也是一样。”狄遁还未开口,阮成象插口道:“你去无妨。万一途中有事,你来时大夷先生所赐铜符不可忘却。黑贤侄过了明日再走如何?” 黑摩勒已知峡中诸老多是师门至交,庄恒也是一位前辈异人,连忙躬身答道:“葛师行时,原防贼党生事,令弟子暂留两日,候到江伯母来再走,狄三叔既肯暂留,又有诸老前辈在此,多小侄一人并无用处。葛师又令伯母到后,速往武夷,为他代寻一人,事未明言,关系却大,行时还给了半个金钱以作凭信。那人乃葛师好友,性情古怪,不见生人,最难寻到;走得越快越好,偏又要等江伯母来再去,难得狄三叔在此,弟子只好先走一步,改日再专程来此拜见诸老前辈了。”狄遁闻言似想劝阻,刚一开口,被阮、庄二人止住,朝查牤看了一眼,同声笑道:“天下事勉强无用,令师之言本有用意,既想先走,索性此时起身倒好。” 黑摩勒随口应了,因铁牛武功尚差,欲令留下,事完再带他。铁牛不舍师父,苦求同行。查牤笑道:“你带这样好徒弟,还怕遇敌累赘么?”黑摩勒一则好胜,又见铁牛恋师意诚,只得答应。江明立起告辞,童兴也要同去。查牤道:“你两人并不同路,童贤侄令师日内要来,何必都走?”童兴因知唐氏兄妹也要一同迎母,想和江、唐三人同去同回,诸老也未再劝。这几位小侠全都性急,酒饭先已吃过,见夕阳未落,天气良好,又是中旬月光,正好赶路,便同告辞起身。黑摩勒行时,微闻诸老谈话,仿佛前途有险,语声甚低,也未听真。因唐母归途另有捷径,途向不同,又急于把事办完去追师父,料知江氏母女许多能手同行,决可无事,用不着自己,才出洞口,便提议分路。江、童二人知他心意,各订后会而别。 黑摩勒途中考验铁牛,果是灵慧内秀,进境甚速,最难得是天生快腿,轻功虽未到家,如论脚程,竟是飞快,能够追上自己,越发高兴,怜爱异常。师徒二人全部形貌丑怪,又都年轻任性,童心未退,喜事好奇,常把面具套向头上,乍看直似鬼怪之类,不似生人,好在深山僻境无人发现,一晃赶了二三十里。因抄近路,所行多是山径,又当夕阳西下,将近黄昏之际,空山无人,到处水流花放,山鸟飞鸣,静荡荡的,连个樵夫也未遇上。 铁牛见师父走了一段忽然住口不再说笑,一味加急飞驰,好似有什急事,心神不宁情景,忍不住问道:“这条路和我来时所走不同,师父以前常走么:今天大暖,何不把皮面具取下,歇上一会再走?” 黑摩勒不知铁牛对师忠义,知道乃师胆大气豪,向不畏难,多厉害的强敌,从未放在心上,当日不知何故,神态失常,心疑所办的事不是寻常,意欲乘机探询,只当铁牛初次走这急路有些力乏,想要歇息,心疼爱徒,暗忖:他年纪大小,学武日期不多,今日一口气随我急驰了三十来里,全未歇脚,也未落后,即此已是难得,如何能与我比?便把脚步收住,笑间道:“这条道还是前随你司空师祖走过一次,虽非熟路,但我久惯山行,善查途向,记性又好,照此走法,决无差错。先前原想试你脚程和轻功进境,正走之间,忽然想起师祖行时命我武夷之行,也许别有用意。我自来言出必践,既已奉命于先,又向师祖一口承当,自无不去之理。但是芙蓉坪老贼本身就有惊人武功,加上千百成群的厉害徒党。当朱家小主和那几家义士遇害之时,各位师长前辈虽觉小主晚年违忠拒谏,受人蛊惑,好些咎由自取,仍都激于义愤。只为老贼多少年处心积虑,部署周详,根深蒂固,发难共只一日之间,便将小主苦心经营的三处根本重地全数篡夺了去,并还同时杀害好几家亲丁戚友二百多口。被害人无论男女,十九都是一身极好武功,朱、白两姓更多能者。这类叛主逆谋,以小主那么智计多疑的人,老贼随在一起,朝夕相处,事前不现一点反迹。三处大寨田庄,相隔最近的也有六七百里,同时发难,事情做得那么干净。如非小主好客,礼贤下士,无意中结交了几位高人,手下又有两个忠勇之士,机缘好些凑巧,未被老贼一网打尽,休说那几家寡母孤儿,无一能够幸免,便是后因小主惑于金壬,倒行逆施,与他疏远的一班前辈高人,急切问也必以为当道约集能手,多年埋伏,突然发难,才致败亡如此迅速,未必便知底细。老贼杀主背叛之后,本来还想将计就计,把事情推在当朝敌人身上,自己暂时隐避,作为临难脱逃,假装好人,后因周折太多,一手不能遮掩世人耳目,性又忌刻多疑,不放心别人代为掌管,加以最关重要的朱、白二家遗族孤儿,是否斩尽杀绝,尚有疑点,小主晚年受了所荐梵僧蛊惑,更多外宠,风闻已有两子初生。这两处侧室,又均智勇双全的女子,为防嫡室得知,居处十分隐秘,几次命人四出穷搜,只搜得了两个未生育过的女子,并且还是老贼特意奉献的女奸细,另两处感恩呈身的名家之女,一个也未寻到,情知势成骑虎,索性明来。一面勾结当道,为虎作伥,专与合谋,残杀先朝遗民志士,以增他的威势;一面把平日勾结的那些死党爪牙聚在一起,把小主三处大寨,只留芙蓉坪一处,每日集众教练,到处物色能手,仗着财产众多,天时地利,把芙蓉坪老巢布置成了铁桶金城。休说所养死士和各派的能手,便那由外而内的许多层的埋伏,不是本领极高的人,便无敌人拦阻,插翅也难飞渡。诸老前辈虽然痛恨老贼,动了公愤,为了大乱之后,人民好容易才得休息,老贼逆谋已成,官私两面势力甚厚,防备又极周密,行事稍为疏忽,便要激成大变,贻累善良人民;再者遗孤也未成长,有的尚还不知下落,经陶师伯在黄山始信峰顶四处传书,把小主昔年那些旧友全数请去,互相商计,把内中几位和小主私交最厚,不是陶师伯往请已快动手的,婉言劝止。最后议定,各尽各心,暂时表面隐忍,暗中布置,分头行事。首由陶大师伯把你江明师叔救上山去教养,一面查访王妃母女和朱、白两家遗族下落,欲等孤儿成长,时机到来,助其报此血海深仇,并为人民除此大害。不料这两家遗族遗孤,多有男女异人暗护,本身又极机智,行藏隐秘,除陶、吕、司空诸老外,余者只知尚在人间,不曾遇害,不知隐藏之处。老贼先颇害怕,也为穷搜数年毫无迹兆,诸老前辈也无一人出头作对,寡母孤儿逃亡未死,本在疑信之间,以为昔年反间计成,这班异人高士已被小主自己得罪,认作邪恶一流,遇害由于自取,不再过问,只管芙蓉坪老巢戒备仍严,心已放了不少,本已松懈下来。近年老贼忽然发现好些警兆,先是听人传说,江东出一侠丐,名叫金线阿泉,貌相神情,均与昔年情人死党女铁丐花四姑叛主手刃的小主手下大将白守忠一般无二。当时命人查访欲加暗算,后来去人归报,说此人年纪虽轻,武功极好,尤其行踪飘忽,机警万分,出没无常,不可捉摸;再一打听来历出身,竟是前明三异丐中王鹿子的得意徒孙,如何敢于冒失下手?老贼闻报,已是忧疑,不料疑心生暗鬼,又听徒党相继密报,说在湖北黄冈大侠莫全八十生日会上,以及武当山、黄山、南明山等地,发现几个形迹可疑的少年男女幼童。老贼知道这些遗孤必被小主所交高人奇士救去,既敢出现,必非偶然,心更发慌。正忙着密令手下徒党到处搜擒杀害,忽又发生北山赴会之事。那么凶横厉害、党羽众多的老花婆花四姑,竟会一日之间身败名裂,遭了惨报,一班有名贼党凶徒也自伤亡殆尽。我料老贼得信,定必魂梦难安,戒备越严。师祖孤身一人,深入虎穴,以他性情为人,此行实是凶险。我本打算跟去,他老人家许是知我对他忠心,未必听劝,表面不加禁止,却令我为他代约一人。此时想起,才有一点明白,但又不能违命不去,意欲赶往武夷,先照所说行事,看看有无此人,把话交代,立即起身追去。方才途中寻思,我素不怕事,不知这次怎会神志不宁,仿佛有什预兆神气?其实只是担心师祖,本身并无什事。你尚年幼,功力不深,随我跋涉长路,恐难胜任。如往芙蓉坪,更是虎穴龙潭,危机密布,连我和师祖能否深入尚无把握,你更万去不得。最好仍回南明山中练功等我,不可无故冒此奇险,还要累我分心劳神,无力兼顾,自找苦吃何必呢? " 铁牛恋师情切,胆子又大,始而再四哀求坚请同行,到时听命行事,哪怕不能同进,守在外面,决不冒失行动,说什么也要一路,不肯离开;后见黑摩勒力言利害,固执不允,已有怒意,不敢再强,暗忖:师祖也是不令师父同行,师父照样偷偷追去,何不学样?假意应诺,暗中跟去。只是师父人太聪明,尾随在后难免觉察,跑得又快,未必能够追上;芙蓉坪是在何方,相隔多远,如何走法,全不知道,岂不是糟?知道当时一问必露马脚,便装心烦不再开口,行至途中再打主意探询。 黑摩勒见他气闷,知其依恋自己,不舍离开,心虽怜爱,无如事大凶险,不是儿戏,只得安慰他道:“你不要难过,你现在本领不济,随我犯此奇险必致两误。这次如非老贼自来生事,双方已将短兵相接,恰巧七指凶僧和所派几起爪牙全数伏诛,无一漏网。师祖想在老贼未得确信以前,将计就计,往探虚实,就便把那盛宝珠的玉匣盗来,给老贼送上一个警号。如以前些日,便我不奉师长之命,也不敢如此冒失。乖乖回山,照我所传用功,只要稍有成就,定必把你带在身旁历练,不会离开了。与其行动牵累,见人就躲,吃亏受气,还给我添麻烦,何如学成本领,从此游行自在,无人敢欺,我还多个得力帮手呢?” 铁牛也觉师言有理,心终不舍,方答:“徒儿遵命。”忽听玱的一声,宛如龙吟,一道寒光起处,那口灵辰剑忽然无故自呜,出匣数寸。黑摩勒近在黄山得了剑诀真传,虽是初学,尚难由心运用,但已深悉微妙,知道匣中神物不会化去,照此情势,前途必有警兆,忙将剑柄按还匣内,不令铁牛取视。四顾暮霭苍茫,云雾满山,并无人影,因知铁牛年幼好奇,匆匆见面便同起身,好些活没顾得说,便把剑的来历和到手经过(事详)略为告知,重又起身上路。虽有剑鸣出匣之警,艺高胆大,以为应在芙蓉坪之行,并未十分在意。 走出不远,云雾越浓,四山一片白茫茫。大半轮初升起的明月,浮沉云海之中,时隐时现,宛如一个大白玉球,跳掷涌现于万顷银涛之上。光影变幻,明晦无定,映得那些蒸腾浮涌的白云齐幻霞辉,云海上平添了许多冰绡雾毅,光景却又不甚明亮。天风过处,云涛齐飞,聚散起干重纨绮,更是奇绝。二人方自停步赞妙,忽又一阵风过,波涛浩瀚,越发汹涌。就这转盼凝望之间,白月浸波,银赡匿影,眼前倏地一暗,全身已被云涛包没,只觉光景迷茫,头脸身上全是湿阴阴的,什么也看不见。 黑摩勒忽然想起,云未大起时,曾见当地乃是一条窄斜陡峭的岭脊,两边均是绝壑,削壁千寻,下临无地,形势奇险。这大云雾,如何走法?好在山风尚大,不久必要云开月现,重见光明,忙令铁牛小心,试寻山石,查探好了附近形势,一同坐下,想等云散再走。 谁知那云越来越浓,先还有风,云层时被风吹散,刚把上半身露出,有了一点指望,后面的云又似雪浪山崩,狂涌而来,全身重又沉埋云涛之中。过了些时,风势忽止,眼前暗影沉沉,伸手不能辨指,走是没法再走。通身阴凉湿润,冷还好受,那水湿之气却是难耐,遇到云雾最浓之时,连气都透不转,实在闷人。 铁牛忍不住喊道:“师父!我见云和棉絮一样,白得爱人,只说是好东西,先前月亮浮在云上,好似一口刚开锅的大蒸笼,当中涌起一个银球,又像好多层细纱裹住一个玉盘,何等好看!想不到被它包住,这等潮湿气闷,我身上衣服全都湿了,坐在云里真个难受。师父不说那口宝剑还有尾巴能够照亮么?何不取出试它一下?如能照路,寻一较高之处,坐上一会,岂不好些?” 黑摩勒一则心疼铁牛,又想这里荒山危崖,形势险僻,决无人迹往来,况在夜间,这么浓厚的云雾,就将宝剑拔出,不会被人发现。再说此剑已蒙娄师允许长日佩用,不过剑术还未练成,命我小心,不许无故炫露而已,以后还要仗以御敌,也怕不了许多。云中枯坐,委实阴湿气闷,不如取剑一试,真能照路,破云前进,索性起身也好。心念才动,忽又想起行时匆忙,又当刚吃完了酒饭之际,身边忘带干粮食物,前途尚远,所经多是深山僻境,难见人家,何处寻找食物?自己还好,铁牛夜来非饿不可。这一发急,更想早点冲出云层,到了无云之处好打主意。方喊:“徒儿莫心焦,等我拔剑试试!”猛觉身上一冷,寒气逼人,通体皆湿,好似整个身子浸在水里,五官七窍几被堵住。耳听铁牛急喊:“师父,云中有水!”知道大量湿云已然化雨,再待下去更难忍耐,忙伸左手拉住铁牛,口呼:“徒儿留神脚底,随我前行!试好实地再走,把气提住。万一失足不可心慌,有我拉住你,决无他虑……”话未说完,右手剑已拔出,初意剑上芒尾光华甚强,黑夜行走,虽能仗以辨路,云中却未试过,岭脊又窄,云雾浓厚,必须试准实地才能前进,左手还拉着铁牛一个累赘,事情定非容易
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