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Chapter 2 The second time I accidentally met a good friend and wandered around the rivers and lakes.

Venerable Beggar Wood 还珠楼主 17524Words 2018-03-12
Mingyuan hurried home to make some arrangements, then left.First of all, I asked my teachers and elders, only to know that Venerable Mu has been famous for a long time, but I haven't heard of it for many years, let alone seen it, and some of them don't even know their first and last names.Later, I asked Venerable Chumu if he was from Hunan, and he used to be seen in the Dongting area of ​​Sichuan and Hunan. He thought to himself: "I have searched all over Kaifeng, both inside and outside the city, and I asked someone to search, but nothing was found. I know that I have left. I have a Dragon Boat Festival appointment. Before the deadline, I must go to Song, Luo and other places. The famous mountains and scenic spots of Dongting in Sanxiang, there are many strangers living in seclusion. There are swordsmen in the world, not only Venerable Mu, why not take advantage of this year to go to Hengshan Dongting and other places to find someone Half a year? If we really don’t have the chance to meet each other, I will invite a few friends who are good at martial arts on the way home, and then I will go to Songshan Mountain to look for and wait alone. If I meet people before the date, I will have hope.” The idea is made, and we will go to the hometown of Yuezhou, the Venerable Mu first. look for.The original idea is that the other party is idle in the clouds and wild cranes, the flight has disappeared, and the sea of ​​people is vast, where can I find it?However, Venerable Wood has a strange appearance, the wooden stick he is carrying is unknown, it is strong and heavy, it is a symbol.I travel all year round, and my friends along the way are all experts, so it is easier for ordinary people to visit.I didn't dare to expect it to come true, I just yearned for it sincerely, just in case.But by coincidence, the governor just arrived in Yuezhou, and before he found a house, he met a good friend Yang Yumin whom he hadn't seen for several years.

This person is from a local civil and military family. A few years ago, Ming Yuan was a bodyguard. The two met in a hotel near Tongguan, and hit it off at first sight.Yang Yumin, a rich and noble son, went to Xi'an to visit friends. On his way back, he intended to visit Song, Hua and Taidai.Luxurious attire, rich in pocket money, traveling far away for the first time, inattentive in speaking, offended a villain unintentionally.Seeing that the other party will come home, the three servants all seem to know how to fight, and they specially dated a group of water bandits on the Yellow River Road, planning to ambush them in the future, and they have been following them for two or three days.Yang Yumin didn't realize it. Although he was warned by Mingyuan, he still didn't take it seriously.Mingyuan expected that he would be outnumbered, and would have to part ways tomorrow morning. He often walked around the rivers and lakes, so it was inconvenient for him to have grudges against those strong men for no reason.After thinking and thinking, I finally felt that my friend was loyal, and I knew that I couldn't stand still.At that time, it was not said deeply that there were still two days before the disaster was decided. On the one hand, we divided up the people, and invited Bao Yi, the iron palm Jinwan, who had been in trouble in his life, to go secretly to help him out; Inside the hotel, he drove 200 li alone on a small road, and rushed to the place where the thieves were ambush on the outskirts of the village, and the two sides had already started fighting.

Although Yang Yumin's four masters and servants are highly skilled in martial arts, heroes can't beat many people. Seeing that they are outnumbered, Ming Yuan put on a mask and appeared on the stage first, but they only drew a tie and took off the crisis.Following Bao Yi's master and apprentice came, did not go on stage, as usual, the three masters and apprentices fired three hundred and twenty-seven continual bombs, a sound of slamming, golden nines in the sky collided with each other, sparks splashed everywhere, and they were the first to catch everyone's attention. After suppressing the bandits, he jumped into the arena and shouted: "Yang is my friend of Bao Yi! Please see Bo Mian and stop, let's go our separate ways, otherwise please answer to my surname Bao."

Bao Yi is a wealthy chivalrous man who lives in seclusion in Shanzhou. He is not only skilled in martial arts, he is more generous than wealth and righteous.Having been famous for many years, even though Weizhen Heshuo, he never embarrasses the people in the green forest, and asks for something, as long as the other party is not an extremely vicious, greedy and murderous person, but instead has help.The group of thieves knew that he had been taught by an expert, in addition to excellent internal and external martial arts, the three masters and apprentices all practiced unique iron palms and forty-nine life-threatening golden pills.When encountering an enemy, first send out nine specially-made flowering bombs as a signal to arrive.If the other party is willing to buy his favor, it will not hurt others lightly, otherwise, if they make a move, they will never get justice, and the leader will be injured even if he is immortal, how dare he provoke him?The person who was robbed was not a deep enemy, so he stopped immediately and retreated with apology.A good friend of Bao Yi, seeing Yang Yumin as a young hero with a good personality and martial arts, asked him to stay at home for a while.Yang Yumin wanted to ask for advice, so he lingered there for three or four months.It wasn't until Mingyuan came back from the incident that they got together for more than a month, and then went to Kaifeng to play and lived in the escort agency for a few days before we broke up, so we have a very strong friendship.

Mingyuan went to Yuezhou first this time because he always likes to make friends with strangers, so he inquired if he wanted to get along with them.Just because three years later, the address was forgotten, and I was thinking of investing in a store, so I will look for it again.Unexpectedly, I met on the way, and I just came back from a trip recently, and it took a few days to get home.When a good friend reunites, it is naturally kind, and now I will stay in the lakeside garden of Shuiyun Village where I live.The host is hospitable and has many close friends in the local area. When he got home, he ordered his servants to go out to invite him to accompany him and welcome his good friends from afar.Ming Yuan saw a lot of visitors, none of them were mediocre, especially those who knew martial arts accounted for more than half.During the banquet, he was about to ask the public about Venerable Mu's whereabouts, and before he could speak, Yang Yumin set up a diversion in the words, so as to understand the meaning, and he didn't want to say it again, because he knew the reason.And when Xi asked, he only talked about the appearance, but he was stopped before he could tell the name of the person. He kept his mouth shut at that time, it is expected that the master must know some details, so he is very hopeful.

Waiting for the individual guests to leave, Yang Yumin suddenly retreated and said to Mingyuan: "Second brother, you ask that the man who holds a heavy black wooden stick, looks thin and strange, and looks like a down-and-out literati, is he Venerable Wood?" "It's the old man Mu. My virtuous brother is from the same town as this gentleman. Do you want to know how he is doing?" Yang Yumin first asked why he was looking for him, and Mingyuan explained why he came.Yang Yumin said: "I don't know, my uncle is a sword fairy, and he is currently practicing Taoism in Qingcheng Mountain. Venerable Mu is my uncle's best friend, and he came here to drink all night the day before yesterday." Ming Yuan was even more surprised: "Daddy Uncle and Venerable Mu are both Flying Immortal Swordsmen, and the third brother belongs to his nephew and nephew, they are close to the water tower, and they just happen to ask for advice, why do they often ask foreign people for help, and never mentioned it before?"

Yang Yumin sighed: "I'm ashamed to say that. When my uncle was not a monk in the past, he behaved similarly to my younger brother. He only did good deeds for the Han family. Due to his great meritorious deeds, he met several sword celestial beings under Qingcheng and Wudang sects. Since then, he has devoted himself to Taoism and worshiped under the sects of Zhu and Jiang, the leaders of Qingcheng sect. Before entering the mountain, my younger brother was only four or five years old. The parents are still alive, and there are three brothers. The uncle loves the younger brother the most. When he was sixteen years old, there was a great epidemic in this place, and his parents died at the same time. Just after the burial, the uncle came back suddenly and said that his parents were middle-aged. Returning early, Jing Fei is irreversible, but he is limited by fate, but he was ordered to collect medicine overseas, and he did not catch up. At that time, I saw that I was very hardworking in both civil and military disciplines, and I once hinted that I would learn from him and go to the mountains to practice Taoism. I am overjoyed, I want to go with me, like my uncle's own bones are not superior, fortunately, he met the fairy fate, it was all caused by that great good deed, he has just achieved success, and has not yet been ordered to accept disciples, so he must ask for orders in another day, and dare not do it alone Just ask me to study hard and work hard to build up my accumulation, and then I will go. When I leave, I will leave a letter and a piece of jade talisman, on which I will mark the year and month of my opening, and I will be ordered to open my eyes when the time comes. Five years after my response to the matter, although I wanted to obey it respectfully at that time, I still left secret marks in the study and bedroom. After a long time, I was negligent, and I had to be careful. I was not allowed to open it when I was not allowed to read it, but I met my previous life again. fate evil.

"In March of the fifth year, I went to visit friends in Wuchang by chance. There were still a few months left in the original intention, and I stayed back and forth. We had just moved back to our hometown in Wuchang in the past one or two years. We love each other more than flesh and blood, and we are both young at heart. It is a pleasure to meet each other. It was originally planned to only get together for more than a month, and then we will say goodbye. Nearly a month, suddenly there are two martial arts. Good friend, I made an appointment to go hunting in Jingshan Mountain in the southwest of Nanzhang County. I figured out that the date was still early, so I went with me. A group of nine masters and servants spent seven days in the mountain and hunted many animals. Unexpectedly One day, I was chasing a big musk deer alone. I lost my way and strayed into the depths of the back mountain. It rained heavily at night, and I found a dangerous cliff to take shelter. I woke up in the morning. Fortunately, all my friends saw that I was missing, and they searched in the rain since last night, and they found me, but I did not die in the wild. After driving back overnight, and delaying medical treatment along the way, needless to say, when I arrived at his house, it was as good as The condition of the disease is extremely dangerous, and it took more than three months to recover.

"Not to mention, the worst thing is that sister Zhu, Wenzhen, is very smart. She was born in a family, and they were often together when they were young. Although I have envied my uncle's immortal career since I was a child, I have no other thoughts. The relationship between the two is quite strong, and the years have grown. It's not common. His brother and sister are young and orphans, and they only have one old mother, who died of illness three years before I left. Brother Zhu has only one sister, and he is usually friendly. She often compliments me on weekdays, and I know that she has something to belong to. My sister is willing to marry a good friend, but I know my heart and will, and I never want to have a family. I think that men and women are older, and they are familiar with each other. This is the reason for getting together. His sister is not a vulgar fan, and when his mother died, his brother didn't like the old family's etiquette and law, let alone pretending to be fake. So they met each other every day, and even went hunting, but because the girl was arrogant, she didn't want to I just saw the timing and didn't spit on me. I have always regarded her as my own sister. At first, I fell into a coma from cold and heat. I only felt that I lay unconscious for more than ten days from the road to home. I only opened my eyes, regardless of morning and night. Brother Zhu occasionally left. But she must be in front of the couch, unconscious, and she didn't care. The crisis has receded today, and people gradually understand, only to see that her eyes are red and swollen, her face is haggard, and she has lost a lot of weight. There are two small couches next to her , I felt strange, I just asked if the second sister was also sick? She suddenly blushed and walked out, and then asked Brother Zhu, only to find out that after she was sick, she led the second maidservant to set up a couch to serve the sick, with clothes untied for seventeen days, and said I Chasing the fragrant deer was inspired by her jokes. If something unexpected happened, Fang wanted to sacrifice himself to thank him, so as to avoid suspicion? People are not too good, how can they forget their feelings? Hearing the words, I was already moved, and then I heard that one day I will die Passed out, after she took her breath away, she swallowed a newly invited famous doctor's special medicine soup, and then she was saved, and she became more enlightened.

"Following the famous doctor Lu Laoren came, he also said that my disease was not physiological at all. Although he had prepared a life-threatening medicine, he came too late. After Brother Zhu and her begged, the dead horse was treated as a living doctor, and finally he was able to recover from the disease. If you are very weak, after taking the medicine for clearing evils for the first time, the thief goes to the city, and dies at nineteen. The poisonous hair is even more hopeless. It is not the girl who has practiced internal strength to save her, but he has to teach her to mix her pure yin and zhenqi thoroughly. After taking the medicine, the patient will have diarrhea. It is only by pouring medicine with Qi that there is only one or two points of hope, and sister Zhu is willing to let it go, so she can come back to life and so on. After receiving such kindness and kindness from someone, knowing the other party's intentions, how can you be heartless? You can have a wife like this, you can have no hatred, for example Wild death, sickness, death, what should I do? I am extremely grateful, and the next day, Brother Zhu gave me a signal, and I immediately agreed, and I have a name, and there is no taboo. I am very weak and need someone to take care of me. She is beautiful, see me He recovered from the illness and felt at ease, his face gradually recovered, and the two fell in love with each other on the sick bed. The time passed quickly, and it took more than three months before he recovered and got out of bed. This illness has actually forgotten the past.

"It's been a few days, and I'm planning to go home, ready to meet in person. Suddenly, I heard people say that the Dongting Lake burst, and the Xiangjiang River flooded. I suddenly remembered the past, and it has been two days since the limit. First, I suspected that I had some adventures Missed by me, I bid farewell to my home, took out the card and took a look, only to find out that my uncle wanted to lead me in, fearing that the leader would not allow me, so I happened to be on my way back five years ago, and I overheard someone saying that in the past, the monsters taught in Zhushan were thieves. King Yu, the treasure of Zhenhu Lake, once found an evil dragon from overseas, and wanted to use it to attack the hidden treasure in the eye of the lake from the bottom of the water, but the orthodox swordsmen set up a net in advance, and all the monsters and evil dragons would be killed together. But this poisonous dragon is a female, and she jumped into the depths of another spring at the mouth of the lake to lay her two eggs that had been pregnant for many years. At that time, no one paid attention, and an old man passed by recently, and found that the color of the water was strange. The difference, I just figured it out. It could have been removed at that time, but it was not like the last catastrophe. The family has already informed the family uncle, and the immortals of Qingcheng and Wudang used human power to eliminate the catastrophe. This Jiao is still the aftermath of the last time, and it is difficult to completely reverse the number. If I want to make a little response, it will be five years later. My uncle asked me the details, and wanted me to build this merit, just like him, still relying on human determination to overcome the sky, and forcefully averting disasters. I know that in the fifth year, I am a fellow of the Immortal Mansion. The regular meeting of going back to the mountain to make alchemy, you can't come here to help secretly. Fortunately, the climate of the poisonous dragon is still shallow, and there are no evil spirits. It is different from the last time, and the time and place have been calculated accurately. Sanwan Qiangang Shenlei, and borrowed a jade talisman from my fellow apprentice to protect me, just in case. He ordered me to go to the lake mouth to lurk in Japan, and wait for the poisonous dragon to come out of its hole, first use the magic talisman to break its way back, Then rely on the jade talisman to defend myself and kill it with Qiangang Shenlei, it will surely succeed, and I also have the hope of getting started. "After reading it, I regretted myself. The most angry thing is that the date is only two or three days away. If I don't go out or come back early, nothing will happen. Even if it is delayed due to illness, I will recover five or six days before the event. I just want to be with my good friend and future love. My wife had a happy gathering and left without giving up. His brother and sister left me for a few more days because of my recovery, otherwise they could catch up. Fang Xing's wound was not big, the water only grew for three days, and when the water receded, he found a small half of the poisonous dragon The corpse did not become a disaster. Not long after we got married, my uncle asked someone to bring a letter, to the effect that he had spent countless efforts on this matter, but it was so absurd that he could not stay at home for more than a hundred days. If he hadn't been a human being Be careful, in case I was timid on the spot when I first saw the vicious monsters, and enlisted the help of a fellow Taoist, several catastrophes will happen. Although this is a definite number, but when a monk encounters such a thing, regardless of success or failure, he must go all out. Now that you know it, you should report it to your teacher or ask someone else to do it for you. It's selfish to ask me to do it for you. If it becomes a disaster, it's no different from your uncle's crime. Finally, someone else was entrusted to remove the monster. Although it was not a disaster, but that fellow Taoist has limited mana, so he is more careful. Since he can't find me, the time is running out, and there is no magic talisman to break the way back, fearing that the flying sword will force him to return to his original lair, which is even more serious. I had to let it go far before killing it. Although it didn't hurt anyone, the water in the river and lake has risen and flooded dozens of hectares of fields. In the future, the leader will find out that he will inevitably be punished. It seems so unbearable, and I hate it. The jade talisman is borrowed from people. , and asked the messenger to bring it back, but the three Qiangang God Thunder and the magic talisman were not mentioned. "The old man who brought the letter is Venerable Mu. I am young. Mu Shibo became famous decades ago. Since Emei went down the mountain for the second time and walked alone, his traces are very obscure. No one has mentioned it for a long time. Only letters I asked Mu Shibo to hand over this letter, and there is no other words. I didn't know the truth, but it happened by chance. On the day of the wedding, an old martial artist among the congratulators accidentally mentioned the prestige of the Xiangjiang Five Heroes in the past, so he learned that he was the Five Heroes of the Xiangjiang River. A wooden chicken among chivalrous men. When I met, I was seeing a guest out. He was always funny, and he was a man of old age. If you were not a high-minded man, you would never miss it. At last, I never despise the poor. The servants are usually very strict in discipline. I saw him walking along the river. Come, I didn't hand over a letter to express my intention, and when I arrived, I said: "Call Yang Yumin out, I have something to say." I suddenly remembered the strange appearance and the iron-wood stick I heard before, and besides, I am quite famous in the local area. Since he came to look for me, he would not know, but with such a tone, his heart moved, and he immediately answered, "I am Yang Yumin. What's your name, old man? Can you tell me about my humble house?" Seeing that I was very respectful, he replied, "My surname is Mu. It's not worth talking to you about such a worthless child like you, but I still know how to be superior and inferior, so I will tell you inside." I heard the words and guessed that it was probably him, and I still didn't know it on the surface. Entered, and prepared wine for reception. He didn't show courtesy, and got very drunk that day. During the banquet, he asked about his intentions, but he ignored him at first, and asked again after a while, but was reprimanded. Not to mention asking again. As a result, I drank with him for three consecutive days and never went back to the room until he was drunk. I was never tired. I got up early on the fourth day, but he disappeared suddenly. , Already succeeded and walked away, intending to check whether there was any theft, he yelled and cursed at me, sealed the door, and went out to search for several days, but there was no clue, and he couldn't guess his intention. "One day, I went to Yueyang Tower to play. On the way home, I saw people shouting and beating at the Huju Winery. When I asked about it, I was poor. I went to the restaurant to eat wine. When people saw that he was dressed in shabby clothes, I was suspicious of cheating, but I also asked for everything. It's famous wine and expensive food. Although it's inconvenient to ask for money first, I was careful in secret. Unexpectedly, the amount of alcohol is amazing. From breakfast to night, I haven't finished eating. I have already calculated a lot of money. The spring clothes are thin. The visitor did not bring a wallet, so it is clear that he has no money. Pay the bill. Just because the store is famous, you can’t be rude to the customers when you come up. At first, you can’t bear the anger and feel distressed. So he beat him up to vent his anger. Unexpectedly, the visitor was very ingenious. When he first entered the door, his tone was tough and reasonable, and he was stopped when he opened his mouth. After eating in the afternoon, his demeanor suddenly became more modest, and he did not serve food or press for arguments. The famous wine Yueyangchun in Piansheng shop is also good, he had already asked for a jar with excuses, although the food he ordered later was not served to him, there were still a lot of food left over from the wine to the glass After a little deliberation, I became more and more convinced that I was cheating on purpose, trying to pass the time, and slipped away. How can this kind of behavior be tolerated in the eyes of ordinary people? On the one hand, they ordered people to pay more attention to surveillance, and barely stayed until night. I am about to come to the door to pay the bill, order to pay first, and leave quickly after eating. The visitor hesitates, first saying that there is no reason to ask for money before he has finished eating, and then he said that he forgot to bring the money, "The person who wants to pay the bill for me, go elsewhere now." Drinking, I'll be there in a while, and I won't miss you coming to the door. What are you busy with? You are stingy, and you look down on others. Those who want to pay the bill on my behalf will be very happy.' How did everyone believe him, and they concluded that he was a liar The drinker who hadn't finished walking commented: "If a person is poor and wants to eat, he will give him some food and wine. It's not like he has been eating from early to now. He only asks for expensive ones. A single wine is two jars, big and small. He has nothing. He clearly intends to deceive Eat, but also curse. Gentlemen, there is only one person who says he is right. If we think we are unlucky, we should let him go. Otherwise, murder is pardonable, and it is unreasonable. He must be good-looking.' The drinkers have great eyesight, I don't even think about how one person can eat what ten or twenty people may not be able to eat. I heard it a long time ago, and I have prejudices. I talk a lot and say that the visitor is unreasonable. There is a kind-hearted man surnamed Ding who just talked to persuade , ordered him to apologize to the shopkeeper, and left. Before he finished speaking, the diner spat in the face. "When I heard about poverty, I suspected it was this man. I wanted to see how he ended up. After listening to him, I went upstairs and asked about the image again. As expected, I quickly caught up. Those who are willing to do it at first must be sure." Injured, after seeing it, some of the drinkers were holding wooden sticks because of their accumulated anger. There were seven drinkers, originally two cases, but I knew most of them. There were beatings, shouting and scolding. Although the momentum was vicious, Venerable Wood still sat upright, eating and drinking freely. The opponent had many hands, either A beat down and was blocked by B, or C's stick was blocked by Ding Ding, the magic is No one ever noticed that the one who was spat not only did not make a move, but led his fellow drinkers to persuade him. It's just that everyone was angry and couldn't break it up. I had already learned the details, so I rushed to the table and opened three or four pieces first. People, shouted: "This is my teacher Yang, waiting for me here drinking, why rely on the crowd to be rude!" Then they saluted him. When everyone heard that this person was my teacher, they rushed into the well of the two drinkers. People, first scared away, and the rest of the customers also slipped away one after another. The guys knelt down and begged for mercy. I knew this old man was wrong, so I couldn't help reprimanding him. I was concerned about his face, but I didn't appreciate it. Instead, I said: 'Do you know that I'm here? I obviously want to cheat and wait for the time to pay the bill. You are willing to take the time to settle the account for me. At such a young age, why do you have the heart to force these ignorant people to be kowtow ghosts? Here Good wine, I haven’t had a good time yet, I’m so angry that I can’t take it anymore after eating your fake, I’ll find you to settle the score when I’m young!’ The more I said, the more angry I got, I shook the wine glass, got up and left. I could hardly get off the stage , and was afraid that he would slip away and be difficult to chase, so he hurriedly said to the drinker: "He thinks he is drunk, sorry for your ignorance, and he will come to my house to get money tomorrow." Venerable Mu spoke, he pushed him away with his palm, and followed behind. After chasing outside the door, no one was there. "The man surnamed Ding should be my teacher. He asked me for a meeting. When I asked why, I found out that he was walking in the mountains and fields a few days ago, and saw a cloud of colorful clouds on the road ahead. , found that two snakes were mating, and at the same time it was strange and pungent. Fortunately, they retreated quickly and were not alerted. What's more, Fang Yousu wanted to leave, but suddenly encountered a dispute between the two parties, he had a lot of money and was unable to pay it back, while he was persuading him, Venerable Chimu spat, at that moment, a gust of hot air rushed towards his face, his mind was cleared, and his thirst was gone , but there is still a fishy smell in the nose. Feeling strange, while blocking the injustice of the companion, who is persuading, intending to ask for the name, the wine bill for the meeting, and the camera to pay, I catch up and say that when Venerable Mu was going The palm is hitting the mouth and nose. It doesn't hurt at all, but it seems to have suction. Even the heart is sucked. The smell in the nose is clear. It must be a different person, so I want to see him. I presume that I don't know each other, and because Seeing the difference, he first asked if he was waiting to join the account, deliberately saying so, and then said goodbye. "When I got home, I saw that the person was already there. When we met, I began to exchange letters, saying that I was cunning, but the boy was still teachable. He was poor and only met in the wind and dust. Although he was addicted to alcohol, he never disturbed others easily. I have the hope of entering the Tao, but because of the sins of the past, I missed the opportunity. My uncle has something to do in the mountains and he doesn't want to see me again. He wants the jade talisman. I ask him to pick it up and bring a letter. See me later He is smart and respectful, and fulfills his original intention. He no longer accepts disciples. He only said that the four or nine heavenly calamities of the immortals have passed. There are still people like him who use scattered immortals to hide in the wind and dust or to practice in famous mountains. As long as you have ambitions and pay attention to finding things, you are not hopeless; the three thunders and one talisman are very useful, unless you encounter enemies with evil methods or monsters. Don't use it indiscriminately. I have repeatedly asked for advice. Except for the instruction of martial arts, Taoism and swordsmanship have not been taught. But every three years, he will return to Xiangjiang to sweep the tomb, and he will live in my house when he comes. Because of this, my brother and sister died after only two years of marriage. Fortunately, I left a son who has never remarried. Although Xiang Dao is very sincere, he has not met for many years. Every year when Venerable Mu visits the grave, I must I rushed back and waited, repeatedly asked for quotes, and pointed out the way, and all of them answered that they had aspirations, and they knew it, but they refused to speak out. I came here suddenly yesterday, and during the dinner, I only said that I would go to Songshan for the Dragon Boat Festival next year. Five or six days before the festival I have to come here, but I didn't say why. Knowing that every time he foretells the opportunity intentionally or unintentionally, it will all be fulfilled afterwards. I suspect that it has something to do with my learning of Taoism. Would you like to visit with me? He said who would like to go It's all right, we only meet in Songshan, and we can't go the same way, so we won't talk anymore. The second elder brother came today, and I found out that he made a contract with someone. This old man has a strange temperament. In recent decades, no one in his hometown has known him Come and go, unless you meet voluntarily, it is extremely difficult for you to find him, publicize it, and commit other crimes. I guess he may have some intentions for you, and you must know where you are, otherwise, this year is not the time for grave-sweeping , how could you come one day before you, such a clever way? "In my opinion, the second elder brother has lived here for a while. If he sees him as he wishes, he will definitely come again. If he doesn't see you within a month, it is hopeless. Fortunately, I will also go to the Songshan appointment. I will see you before the date. Thieves There are a lot of people, although there is only one old man, but he will only be able to deal with monsters and monsters during this trip, and he may not be able to attack ordinary people. The thieves also rely on their martial arts, so there must be many people fighting each other. You and I must make more appointments. Break up In five years, although I haven't found another person, I have still made a few capable friends. After a month, you and I will leave. While making appointments with friends, we are looking for another person. Fortunately, you and I have the same heart, at most It's a waste of time to trek, and you will see this old man before the end of the period. Although he may not accept disciples, seeing that you are sincere to the Tao, pointing the way, and even me will be honored, maybe there is hope." Mingyuan heard Venerable Mu refused to accept disciples, although he was disappointed, he finally asked the details, to no avail, he could always meet him beforehand, maybe there is a chance, so he agreed casually, lived in Yang's house for a few days, wood The Venerable has not come back yet, still hoping in his heart, and forced Yang Yumin to search for Venerable Mu's hometown and the Dongting area of ​​Xiangjiang River, but he has never been seen. In the blink of an eye, the two got up together and went to Sichuan first to find Yu Min's good friends, Fang Mingju, the Tie Zhuo, Ma Zhi, the Hand of the Giant Spirit, and Lu Yu, the Flying Hong, among the Twenty-Three Heroes of Northern Xinjiang.The three heroes Fang, Ma, and Lu occasionally visited Dongting the year before last, and it happened that Yu Min accompanied Venerable Mu on a boat trip on the lake. The three heroes all knew Venerable Mu and crossed the boat to ask to see him, so they became very close friends.The two found the vicinity of Guihu Lake in Chengdu, where Sanxia lived in seclusion, and they both happened to be there, and they both agreed to help each other out.Mingyuan studied as a teacher when he was young, and he heard that the father, son, uncle and nephew of the Northern Xinjiang heroes and Tianshan Flying Hero Di Lianggong were famous, but unexpectedly, the three heroes were famous people in Peiping Lake Zima Mountain, and they knew many swordsmen and strangers, and they were When I hit it off at first sight, I asked for advice again and again to show me the way. Lu Yu said: "It's not that we don't want to quote the master, it's just that we need our own heart and mind for this matter, and we also need to be blessed and long-standing, or we have already been destined to be born and come. It's very difficult to say, easy to say, It cannot be forced. That is to say, as far as the three of us are concerned, not only the five elders of Eastern Sichuan who live in seclusion in Damozhuang are all gods of the land, but also the mentor Zhou Shanzhu, the six friends of Yanshan who are good guests on the seat, and even brothers and sisters among allies of the same generation. There were also quite a few people of Taoism who disappeared from flying. Later, the five elders ordered people to take back the rare medicines that failed in the past, and each brought a few children of disciples with good roots and skills to become enlightened and ascended. The teacher listened to the advice of the five elders , dismissed most of the people, took the rest of them, and found another paradise to live in seclusion. This group of swordsmen also went their own way, each with their own achievements. I have seen a lot of strange people, old and young, and the benefits are inherent. If you want to follow the toddler, you can do it Not yet, so far I am still the same. Even if I meet by chance, I can only get some help and care for things, and I still can’t help when I seek Taoism. And as far as Young Brother Yang is concerned, his uncle is a swordsman. As soon as I arrive in Yueyang, I will live in his house for a while. I can imagine the affection, but why has it not been cited? This can prove it. According to the knowledge of the three of us, there are many strangers and people with Taoism in the world. Is there such a thing? Roots, blessings, and fate are of great importance, since they come from sincerity, gold and stone are open, and if you can really pray for each other, you will never return, and it is not hopeless, but I dare not say for sure. "In my opinion, Venerable Mu was born with evil nature. It must be that a few years ago, when he helped the three elders of Qinling and the eight palms of Qiankun and Tao, the elders of Xingxian Tao, to kill the remnants of Wutai and Huashan sects. A few people were timid and did not arrive, so they slipped through the net. The year before last, Tao Yinjun and the Sanlao and more than a dozen famous figures in the orthodox religion either went to become immortals, or they closed their holes and diligently corrected the fruit, and they were no longer born. The group of evil spirits became arrogant again, and suffered Some thieves went to the rich to make offerings, and they helped each other with evil, and they became more and more rampant. They wanted to take advantage of this time to get rid of them. Since the thieves dared to make a contract with this old man, they must have some confidence, and they wanted to take advantage of this moment to knock down the town Tiger, an act of becoming famous. According to what I have heard recently, I am afraid that it is not only Brother He’s bodyguard agency, but your opponent alone does not have the courage. Although the landlord Cai and his wife are big bandits who wash their hands, they are not compared to ordinary thieves. If you are willing to borrow a place, you must There is a reason, maybe the matter was decided in advance, Brother He and others happened to be meeting. He knew Venerable Mu's formidable enemy, and he had an acquaintance with the host of the meeting, so he attracted them, and it was not necessarily a trick to bring trouble to others. "In my opinion, the three of us must go, but it's useless if there are many people on this trip. There are different people on both sides. If there are casualties, it will be difficult. The two of you will go back down the river. There is no need to make appointments along the way. Since he is determined to find a teacher and learn Taoism, Venerable Mu is willing to pay attention to it, there should be a reason. But there is a meeting in Songshan, and there must be an expert rushing secretly before the meeting. As usual, an appointment has been made to accept the post. It's not necessary to do anything. Why don't you two play together, go back to Kaifeng first, and stay in the Songluo area during the Chinese New Year, wait for the opportunity, and find out the real situation of the enemy, isn't it good?" The two also had a long separation because of Bao Yiliang, the iron palm golden pill. They live near Songshan Mountain and have wide eyelids.Yu Min's young son, who has no experience, only sees that the martial arts of the three heroes are very high, but he doesn't know the bottom line. On the way, Mingyuan told him that half of the twenty-three heroes in northern Xinjiang are sword immortals. There is a teacher's true biography, he has practiced Taiyi Gangqi or Shaoyang's magical skills, and has been taught by Tianshan Feixia Di's father and son, and learned the seven-bird palm technique. How can everyone in the appointment compare with it?It's really unnecessary, and the matter is dangerous. If you lose your mind, you will end up with good friends, so you will abandon the previous discussion.First went to Emei, Qingcheng and other famous mountains for unannounced visits, but still did not meet a stranger.Finally, I found the Golden Whip Cliff where the elders and young immortals of the Qingcheng School lived in seclusion. I saw the cliff Qianxun, covered with clouds and mist, and the moss was two or three inches thick. After waiting for three days and nights, he piously knelt down and begged many times. Yu Min even asked his uncle Yang Yongwei for forgiveness, and gave him special mercy, but there was no response.The hearts of the two people are still not dead, and they looked near the peak, suddenly the clouds opened and the cliff appeared, it was an extremely steep peak and cliff, there was no vegetation, the scenery was desolate and cold, how could there be a place where immortals lived?I had to go back disappointed.It seems that I lingered around like this, and it was almost the end of the year when I returned to Kaifeng.On the way, I have already heard that the enemy is holding a hero meeting, and all famous bodyguard martial artists, as well as people who can be named from the water and land, are among the invited.When I went to the Escort again, Liang Chengdong was in a hurry.When I asked why, I realized that things were exactly as San Xia expected. It turns out that Cai Wei and his wife, the landowners of Songshan Mountain, are both highly skilled, heroic and righteous. They are known as chivalrous robbers and enjoy a high reputation in the Jianghu. He has also practiced excellent martial arts, but his parents are too pampered, perverted, and extremely arrogant, no matter what he thinks of, he will do it, because he is arrogant, and looks down on those who are slightly worse. He is about 20 years old and has no in-laws.The Cai couple was already worried about this. When they washed their hands in the past, they once said that they would never go out of the mountain again. The mountain is remote and dangerous, and there is no way to find a good husband. Although there are many guests and proposals, the daughter's vision is too high. Refuse to accommodate.In desperation, it happened that Lao Cai's former friend Wan Zhang visited last year, and he took a fancy to this girl and asked for marriage.Lao Cai Zhi Wanzhang's son Wan Quan is nicknamed Fan Bawang and Jin Dart Invincible. Although he is skilled in martial arts, he looks quite heroic.It's just that Wan Zhang has already become rich, not only refused to wash his hands, but because of Nai Zi's actions, he became more and more rampant, and did whatever he wanted; he felt that eating green forest food would not end well, so he didn't want to, but said: "My daughter has a high heart and can't strengthen each other. My husband and wife don't know Because of this, I made a lot of idle air and offended my friends. This spring, I have repeatedly enlightened me before I told her mother what was on my mind. The first is because my husband and wife have no children, and I am reluctant to leave, so I must marry here; The ability is good, and the martial arts must be better than me, the old and the young, and she is willing to obey. Of course, if the visitor beats the little girl, it is only her wish, and my husband and wife are just a story. But the little girl is not special to me. Professor, and with the guidance of an expert, there is still some knowledge. It is not easy to convince her. Therefore, it is scheduled for this year's Mid-Autumn Festival. I will invite friends and relatives of the matchmaker to come here. Anyone who is willing to be my son-in-law can give it a try. Otherwise, it's up to you, and everyone will win based on their character, and the rabbit will have something to say in the future." Wan Zhang is very insidious, knowing that the woman's family is rich and has no children, he not only wants to gain both money and wealth, but also wants to use this to make his son famous and powerful, so he deliberately caters to him and says: "You and I have been close friends for many years, and we have nothing to discuss. She is unparalleled in appearance, she should not be wronged, and what she said is the most reasonable. But although you and I have many friends, most of them are of the same kind in the past, I think young people are young, and there are not many talents. It is rare to choose a son-in-law like this. If you don't like it, wouldn't you offend others for nothing? Why don't you choose a son-in-law first, next year's Dragon Boat Festival will be the double celebration of your elder brother's 70th birthday, so we will simply postpone the date to this time, and a group of our friends will come forward to issue birthday invitations on behalf of guests, friends and bodyguards from all over the world. Martial arts masters, all famous people are invited to attend. Apart from birthday celebrations, set up another table to make friends through martial arts. Your father and daughter secretly choose to watch. If they like it, they will play immediately. Otherwise, I will never hold any prejudice against my son. If the two children fall in love with each other, I will wash my hands and go back to seclusion, let alone marrying the child. You and I love each other better than our compatriots, we seek justice in everything, and we will never propose marriage for the sake of the child, and have any selfish intentions." Cai and his wife lived in the mountains for ten years, they felt uncomfortable, and they were honest and tall. They originally wanted to have a good time next year to show their popularity and prestige when they were old.Went in to discuss with his wife and daughter, it was a happy event for the daughter, she first insisted on it, Wan Zhang then instigated it with clever words, took over the whole matter, sent out invitations, built a new hotel, and invited a few buddies who were familiar with the owner , Moved to Cai's house under the pretense of preparing, and instigated day and night, making the scene so big that it could not be stopped.The thief did not let his son come to the door beforehand, to show that he would propose marriage solely based on his character and martial arts, he would not give up, and he had no selfish intentions.The Cai couple has no scheming and stubborn nature. Once identified, they don't believe in loyal words, and they are very careful in guarding against all thieves, so the conspiracy has not been leaked yet. The two demons who made an appointment with Venerable Mu, a Dragon Claw Arhat Fayuan, and an evil mage Ni Changhe, were originally arranged by Wan's father and son to assassinate people.Because Hu and Meng Erxie worshiped the demon way as their teacher and used it as a talisman, they also wanted to make a name for themselves for a while.This year, at the Dragon Boat Festival, I met the Dragon Boat Festival, but unexpectedly met Venerable Mu. He was quite aggressive at first, and when he caught it with a flying sword, he knew he was invincible, so he made the appointment at Songshan Mountain.It is said that there is a master uncle in the Yao Dao, who is a Taoist nun, and there are a few other demon gangs who not only want to avenge Venerable Mu, but also want to subdue all the escort martial artists present so that they can do evil in the future .In addition, there are many pirates who are good at martial arts.本来阴谋甚秘,乃是梁成栋自明远走后,越想越觉不妙,设法买通胡、孟二恶家中贴身小童,问知底细,因已答应那人不为泄漏,未便传扬。明远久出,不知踪迹,正自愁急。何、杨二人便将三侠之言告知,成栋心始稍安,断定事决无害,还是寻人要紧。 欢聚到新正十六,仍是何、杨二人起身,先往陕州双桥镇鲍义家去。见面一谈,鲍义已接到请帖,不过是个寿柬,未提比武之事。鲍义刚直好义,又和蔡家交厚,闻说前情大怒,欲往告密,吃二人力阻,说对方有妖人相助,防备甚严,主人已为好党所惑,说必不信,甚或取辱,方始中止。恰好嵩洛一带均有鲍家田庄,由此二人商定,往来各地寻访,有时也分道各行,一连三数月均无所遇,时在鲍家遇到一班接帖赴会的人物,也只接到帖,并不知底。好在机密早得,异人不见,除盼期前能寻见木尊者外,更无良策。眼看四月将尽,各地入山祝寿赴约的人,日常都可见到两三起,料木尊者必在此时到来,二人移居山脚不远田庄内,终日奔走访寻,至夜方归,正自苦盼。 这日二人又出,分路寻访。明远志坚心苦,每出必先背人向空祝告,至为诚敬,独自一人由麦拢中走岔了路,先想折回,继一想,仙人难测,如有缘福,终可遇见,现在嵩洛城邑市镇已然访遍,朕兆毫无,反正渺茫,只以至诚感格,莫如就此寻去,到了前面再计,便往前走,忽然溪回路转,折向入山路上。明远先因鲍义说,当地离后山近,来客多由此出入,迁来才只三日,地理不熟,鲍义为友心热,虽被二人劝止,未去告密,终想约上几个能手,到时暗助主人免祸,连日正自筹备接待。二人又再四谦谢,不令命人陪伴。管田人恰是鲍家老仆,两耳重听,二人所问地理不详。 明远只见山口形势险峻,遥望内里山凹中还有一座庙宇,但都占地不大,也无什人来往。不知此处虽非去后山剪刀峡的正路,却是另一入口,敌人会场便设在最前面一片峰崖之后,由此入内,路虽崎岖,还可抄近一些。因为主人当日将至,近山各城镇旅店均经通知,派有专人接待,万氏父子并还派有眼线,以为来人行近嵩山,便可得知。没想到二人早来,先是住在鲍家,近月又移居近山各田庄,恰在各路迎客范围以内。而这条山路,由当地入山,自近处来,却须绕越,又极荒僻,算计来人,不问敌友,均无由此走入之理,主人又说后山只一小庙,自家也轻易无人涉足。万氏父子只知主人不曾生疑,事情既多,自信又深,就此忽略过去。 明远先是无心巧值,见山势奇秀,又有好几处果林,不觉信步走进。行约十里许,刚想往前面山坡小庙走去,忽听左侧危崖转角处风声呼呼,又猛又急,隐闻呼叱之声远远传来,仰望晴日当空,树叶均未见摇动,方自奇怪,忽听头上有一少女口音低喝:“你还不躲进岩底藏起,不要命么?”明远久经大敌,常行山野之中,一听风声,便料有什猛恶之物出现,只为杂有人声,还拿不准。闻言心中一惊,情知有异,猛又想起,此正后山,焉知不与剪刀峡邻近?又听怪风已近,势更猛急,道旁果有危岩低覆,匆匆仰望,不见发话人影,忙即低头钻向岩内。 刚掩向石后立定,那东西已挟着一阵怪风急驰而至,这才看出,来的乃是一只从未见到过的怪物。身子不大,长仅四五尺,头如赡蜍,额生四目,双红双碧,凶芒若电,一张阔口狂喷血色火焰。通体翠色密鳞,脚短而粗,其行如飞,走起来好似一条绿影,似凌空不凌空,朝前直射,翠鳞映日,闪闪生辉。也看不出有多少腿足,晃眼便由岩外电一般往来路左近驰过,一张阔口狂喷火焰,其赤如血,股背上好似盘有一条长蛇,却不见尾,后股另有一蓬尺许绿毛,凌空飞起。如非练就目力,藏身岩石正当怪物来路,过了岩口又忽改道往斜对面山坡驰去,换了常人,连这大概形相也难看出。最奇是怪物身后还跟着一个矮胖道童,手持一根长鞭,背插一叉一剑,紧随在后,竟是一般快法。知道不是什好路数,那出声警告的少女定必知底。 待了一会,怪物早穿林越山走远。赶向对面回顾,并无少女踪迹,遥望前坡小庙,门前有一小尼姑的影子,似由高处纵落,身法快极,一闪不见。暗忖:“此庙背山而建,小尼来路低下,怎会由高下落?两地相隔也有里许,少女遍视无踪,如是这小尼,本领不小,庙主也定是个异人。适才语意不恶,荒山之中有此尼庵,也实奇怪,何不前往求见?万一遇见敌党,索性借口拜山,公然入居宾馆,仇敌既甚拿稳,定必当众逞强,也无期前暗算之理。”心中一定,便往庙前走去。 那庙不大,三面修竹环绕,独空正面。刚到山脚,正要沿坡走上,猛瞥见坡侧一株古松之下有一磐石,上放一个小风炉,旁坐一个须发雪白的红脸矮胖老头。手里拿着一柄小芭蕉扇,形制精雅,用年大久,色已全黄,却无丝毫残破。炉上坐着一把陶质茶壶,连同茗杯,均是难得见到的精细古雅的茶具,壶水已有沸声,茶烟袅袅,隐声清香。老头倚松傍石而坐,两目眼皮下垂,手中扇子也似坠未坠,仿佛正在听松煎茶,忽然停挥入梦情景。 五月天热,日中走了大段山路,本就觉着有些烦渴,意欲求饮,继一想,这里深山僻境,先见果林,当有人家,到后只此尼庵孤悬,并无居民,这老头面似朱砂,肤色如玉,衣履茶具无不精洁雅致,照这形势,直和画图一样,深山之中怎会见到这等人物?尤奇是先前怪物就在对面不远横驰过去,那么猛恶的声势,竟会无觉。终日寻求异人,心中本有成见,再看出许多异处,越发留心,情知庵主与这老头均非常人,只不知顾哪头是好? 方自盘算,猛觉口渴心烦越来越盛,老头已然睡熟,不便冒失惊动向其索饮,便往庵前连叩了几次门,并无回应。不特烦渴难耐,并还头昏眼干,胸际胀闷,作恶欲呕,四肢绵软无力,大有重病将临之兆。心中优疑,料是山中尼庵闭户清修,不容外人走入,未次叩门,婉言求水未应,只得重回老头身侧,望着那壶茶,直如甘露一般,口里渴得似要冒出火来。无如素日耿介,又断定对方不是常人,执意挨到老头醒后求索,决不自取。似这样又强忍了一会,人实支持不住,病象已成,对方如是异人,定必相救,不致为此见怪。方想低声唤醒,猛觉喉已失音,知道不妙,心中一惊,当时晕倒在地。觉着鼻孔似有一丝热气冲入,同时耳畔闻得先闻怪风与后随怪人呼斥之声去而复转,同时身侧有一少女,口喝:“妖物敢在这里猖狂!”话未说完,又一老年口音笑道:“玄姑何必盛气?容它多活几天,免将妖师惊走又费手脚。” 明远人虽倒地,心仍明白,听出少女似要出手除那怪物,吃老头阻住。这一老一少定是异人,寻访经年,好容易无心得此机遇,偏又病倒,不能起立拜见,眼都难睁。忽又听先前崖上警告的少女口音道:“那么这中毒的人呢?”老头道:“此人倒还志诚,适才藏处正当下风,恰值妖物受你捉弄激怒,狂喷丹毒,中了一点毒气,虽不甚重,也须调治。我料他受人指点,有意寻来,如若料中,此人自不收徒,却代人到处多事,一时有气,不为施治,看其是否现身,故此未理。不想来人性行颇好,我料那人也细查无踪,我自峨眉开府盛会之后,久欲物色门人,不再坚持成见。我收徒不计根骨,重在性行心地,似这样人,再多一两个我也肯收。先抬进庙里去,由我救他便了。” 明远闻言,自是惊喜交集,老头末句话未说完,忽然远远有入接口道:“既然如此,我再引进一个如何?”老头笑骂道:“我早料是你闹的鬼,不然怎会有人知我在此?此人我已心许,你引进的我决不要。”随听两少女向人礼拜问候,那人也来在身侧答道:“你这老头,怎成了老而无耻?怎刚说的话就不算数?并且以前还答应我代你物色一个徒弟,好容易为你寻来,又不要了。”老头道:“木花子休得无赖!我知你外作孤僻,内实和易心软,自不收徒,却把凡人不要的弃材到处引进。不错,我答应过你,收这一个,不就交代了么?”那人笑道:“能不赖,收我一个,话就好说。等你把此人救转一问,如其经我指引而来,不特我引进的你不必收,任凭处罚如何?” 老头道:“我虽在暗中防止妖物所喷丹毒随风害人,匆匆不暇推算,但是此人来处恰与妖物行处迫近,为防惊走妖孽师徒,只率事后挽救。先当寻常山行,巧值妖物走后,因已有人提醒,令其藏避。正想察看中毒也未,他竟在毒未发透以前向我走来,对我又极虔敬,极似受过指教。我自与余蜗师徒释嫌以后,久未出山,只你知我日内要来,又有舍妹在此隐居,必先晤聚,此外决无人知。料你记我前言,有心戏弄,如非他毒发口渴,曾叩庵门求水,直想不理。后看出他心意志诚,方始转念。仍料定你在左近,果然一引就来。我一向言出必践,只问出与你无干,我必照办便了。” 明远听出来人是木尊者口音,心虽喜极,人却堪堪待毙。先一少女道:“师伯和木老前辈只管谈话,这病人呢?”老头道:“你们知道什么?此非常毒,我已在他倒地时下手,现虽多受苦痛,正好借此连体力浊质并毒一同去尽,异日修为便易,忙它作什?可搭向庵中,你师入定回醒,说我新收弟子便了。这两丸药也带了去,再过半个时辰与服,纵令晕死无妨,不可提前。我与木道友还有话说,你们去吧。” 明远随觉身子被人捧起走去,心如油煎,通体血脉债张,胀痛欲裂,除知觉未失,还能听话外,余均火热痛苦,失了效用,暗忖:“此是转祸为福之机,仙人也许相试,万不可畏慑悔急,索性把诸般苦痛视若固然,强以虔心毅力忍耐过去。”明远也是福至心灵,秉赋既强,武功又好,本来一息奄奄,念头一转,竟于万分苦痛之中强自镇摄心神,咬牙忍受,当时不曾晕死过去。虽然多受苦难,但与道家守心摄神,战胜内魔要旨暗相吻合,又与异人投缘,一见垂青,以法力和乾罡真气清除内体浊质,以致得了许多益处。两少女均是行家,看出他心性如此强毅,也是称奇。 待了片时,明远渐觉痛楚减少,越发心安。半个时辰过去,痛竟全止,只是身同瘫废,骨髓皆融,口仍发渴,已不似先前厉害。正想能得点水饮才好,忽觉丹药进口,跟着有人灌上一大杯水,当时口鼻皆生异香,烦渴立止,心胸逐渐爽适,反倒神倦欲眠,就此睡去。隔了些时,忽听少女急喊:“师弟快起!”腹痛欲裂,知要大解,身在庵榻之上,一着急,赶及睁眼跃起一看,身已全好,面前站定一个年约十四五的小女尼,未容开口,便先说道:“师弟邪毒将下,快去庵外觅地解完手来再说。”明远也觉难忍,接过手纸,应声忙往外赶。因恐污秽净地,仗着人已复原,又精内功,强提着气,一直赶往坡下,寻一隐僻之处。解完一看,下了大堆黑血淤块,奇臭无比,身子反倒较前轻快。仙师已得,尚未行礼,松下无人,不知可在庵中?急欲回庵探询,又想刚解完手,打算登高察看何处有水,净手之后再向小尼探询。不料地理不熟,一时找不见水源,身上沾了一点污秽,必须洗去,心慌意急,不觉岔入一处山凹之中,忽闻水声滴沥,忙即寻去。 到后一看,当地乃是一座危岩,山石低覆,内有流泉,正可洗濯,好生欢喜。刚把污秽洗净,忽听岩顶剥啄之声甚巨,随有大小山石由上滚落,砂砾纷飞,似甚惊人。心中奇怪,忙由岩侧裂缝悄悄攀升上去,探头向外一看。原来离伏身穴口不远,有一大块岩石,上面立住一个怪鸟,红喙蓝睛,兽头红羽,目光如电,爪利若钩,脚底踏住一块二尺许长半尺见方的玉石,正在连抓带啄。因为鸟性刚烈,又具神力,玉质甚坚,并未断裂,却将脚底山石抓碎,纷纷滚坠。有时用力稍过,两翼展开作势,健羽横张,足有一丈七八尺长,爪嘴到处,石火星飞,四下迸射,声势猛恶,从未见过,知道厉害,哪里还敢招惹?方欲退却,怪鸟好似有什发现,忽然舍了脚底玉石,振翼飞起。日光之下,只见一片红云由头上飞过,一晃不见,带起来的狂风,左近小树多被刮倒。心想这是什么东西,如此坚硬?侧顾怪鸟飞远,只剩天边一点红影,飞入云中。 走过一看,所啄石条,已有一头被其抓裂。石质透明如晶,色作深碧,内中隐现出一支短剑。知非常物,好生惊喜,试伸手往穴口内握住剑柄往外一拔,铮的一声,一道尺多长的寒光随手而起。知道自己无意中得到一口神物奇珍,心中狂喜,只剑囊尚在玉内,暗忖此剑定能断金切玉,试用剑略向玉条一砍,果然应手而裂,剑囊出现,毫未损伤。心正喜慰,忽闻狂声呼呼,遥望怪鸟横空飞来,知非可以力敌,匆匆将剑入鞘。刚逃回原处,眼前一暗,怪鸟已自临头下击,所幸身已入穴,不曾击中。只听咔嚓一声大震,穴口山石竟被击碎,纷落如雨,溅得满头满身皆是,几受重伤。方觉不妙,忽闻远远一声清啸,紧跟着又听怪鸟一声厉叫,由近而远,似已飞走。忙即寻径而下,走出岩外,四顾并无踪影。以为怪鸟既知此剑珍贵,必是妖物一流,飞行那等神速:恐被发现追来,相隔又远,存有戒心,一路掩藏前行,直到庵前。方喜未生变故,杨于敏忽由内走出,相见惊喜,互谈经过。 原来于敏与明远分手后,走出不远,便遇木尊者。于敏自是喜出望外,拜见之后,意欲回寻明远。木尊者笑说:“无须,他另有遇合,你如寻他,反而有碍。多日不饮酒,且与我同往酒家一醉,再引你去拜一老友为师,明远也在那里。此老收徒。但凭心性为人,不论根骨,日后好自修为吧。”于敏大喜,陪往酒家吃完,便往当地走来。到时,明远已先中毒倒地。松下老人,便是南疆红菱瞪散仙银须叟之弟雪叟,正在救治明远。木尊者随引于敏拜师之后,同去庵中。庵主人也是一位仙侠异人哑尼姑谢无尘,救明远的小尼姑名叫明玉,是她门徒,年纪虽轻,武功剑术均有根底,乃师与雪叟兄弟同门至好,隐居在此已有多年。另一少女名叫玄莹,乃哑尼师侄,新来探望,为后起仙侠中有名人物。上说诸人均在庵中。于敏久候明远不归,木尊者将有行意,恐其错过,欲出寻找。一听巧得仙剑,甚代喜慰,说起方才也得了一剑,乃木尊者所赐。说完一同入庵,见雪叟、木尊者、哑尼、玄莹四人正在谈笑,那哑尼满面皱纹稠叠,又瘦又干,坐在一旁,只她一人不曾开口。忙即上前
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