Home Categories martial arts novel wild man hidden

Chapter 20 Chapter Twenty

wild man hidden 还珠楼主 23215Words 2018-03-12
Yunyu replied: "We didn't pay attention, this is too strange. If it is thunder, there is not even a cloud in the sky, and I see it coming obliquely from Henggang on the East Road. I still think it is a demon." The witch was haunted by ghosts, and it was released to beat us. I was shocked. Afterwards, it was cleaned up so cleanly. The evil insects of flying insects all disappeared at once. I was with my father at the Dongting Lake when I was young, and I saw lightning strike people and trees. The scene tonight. If there are some immortals and strange people helping us, we looked around, but there was no one. When you two entered the cave, I thought it was too strange. When I ran back to the hill, the mountain people had already retreated to the vicinity of the Shenquan pool. One is not there, and I searched all over the hill. Only a large stalagmite fell on the top of the peak, which seemed to be knocked down by a thunderstorm, and there is nothing suspicious about it. I wanted to ask them to ask, because your tone just now seemed to make the mountain people fear We were happy to use this to show our magic, and stopped talking. Do you feel something strange?" Lin and Yu also felt strange, but they couldn't think of the reason.Think about words right now, and walk back together.

Cai Yeshen and his wife saw from a distance that the three of them had completed their work, and they had led all the mountain people to play music to welcome them.When everyone met, the three of them simply took the risk and said how powerful the witch is, and even the thunder and fire were caused by the three of them.Everyone recognized Gu Huo, and saw Lin Xuan let go of the flying sword to sweep in the air, and then the silver rainbow fell, and the fire Gu flew towards the hill in groups. Kong, shocked all the evil Gu to death, and then performed the full power. Hearing this, he naturally believed it, and couldn't be more grateful and afraid.Yunyu also said: "The evil Gus are all three to five feet long and short, grotesque and ferocious insects and snakes. They are all dead now and fall on the turf in front of the hill. There are also witches outside the cave and stone monsters in the cave. You can order people to incinerate them with fire immediately into ashes and bury them in the soil, so as to avoid future troubles." The Cai couple agreed repeatedly, and ordered people to deal with it immediately, as if flying away.

Seeing that the sky was getting brighter, the three urged them to go back to the village, eat a little food, and set out on the road that day.The Cai couple tried to persuade them to stay again, but they also led all the people to kneel down.Lin Xuan thought about it, at first she thought it would be successful, but she didn't want to make a fuss all day and night, except Yang's father and daughter who went to bed in the middle of the night, most of the rest were extremely tired and felt weak even when they went on the road.Three evils, two eliminations and two harvests, after all things are done, don't fight for this day, let's take a rest, let's keep up our spirits, and hurry up when we go, so we promise to only focus on this day no matter what, and don't do it tomorrow morning It will be annoying to let go.Everyone cheered in unison, and the stars embraced the three of them back like a moon.When they arrived at the village, Yang's father and daughter were also thinking about the three of them because they had not returned for a long time. They had no sleep all night and were looking forward to it.The three of them were exhausted last night because the extermination of demons was more strenuous than the journey of iron pot rushing. They were extremely tired, so they repeatedly urged them to rest their minds and sleep peacefully. At night, they moved a seat to use when they got up in the middle of the night. hit the road.Cai and his wife had to rely on each other, and they all slept in peace.The Cai couple brought the second daughter of the Yang family to help with the cooking and prepared for the farewell party. After everything was finished, they let the second daughter of the Yang family go to bed. All the queens woke up from sleep, and each of them recovered enough energy to wake up and turn around.The Cai couple was very grateful and never rested. They ordered everyone to collect wine, fruit and food, arranged for gifts, and waited outside the door.The guests and hosts had a good time, drinking heartily, and set this day as the day of grace for the whole family, called the Festival of Thanking Guests. do not mention.

Xi San, the three of them ordered the entourage to pack up their luggage, and the Cai couple presented gifts, which were two loads of salted fresh and dried pigs, cattle, sheep, deer, pheasants, etc., two loads of highland barley and steamed tsampa, fifty catties Six people, including Jinsha, one hundred catties of silver, twelve bolts of silk, Chuntao, and Qinqin's aunt and nephew prepared gifts, and sent ten healthy servants to accompany them to carry them.The three resigned again and again, especially refusing to send someone to see them off. After arguing for a while, they reluctantly accepted the food and fifty catties of gold sand, and thanked them for the silver and silk.It was agreed to tidy up, bid farewell to get up, and the genius turned pale.Except that Lei Sledgehammer was seriously injured and Yunyu deliberately said that he could not see the wind and refused to send him off. The Cai couple led more than half of the mountain people and sent them to a hundred miles away in person. Ten of them were sent to the front station, and Yiyi led the crowd to leave with tears in their eyes.

On this day, the group traveled more than 300 miles, went to sunset, looked for a place to pay their bills, ate and rested.The next morning, ten people were rewarded generously, and they resigned and sent back, and went on the road again.The morning light is faint, the breeze is blowing, and the road along the way is filled with weeping poplars. The scenery is very beautiful, with beautiful mountains and rivers, singing birds and fragrant flowers. Walking in it is like a painting.Everyone talked to each other about the different things they had experienced in the past few days, and none of them was a fluke, out of expectation.The two white-clothed young men and women who secretly helped to cut off the people in Tengzhai Village had already appeared unexpectedly, and the most puzzling thing was the big thunder fire that killed the witch's evil Gu that night.Afterwards, I asked Cai's couple and all the mountain people repeatedly, and they only said that Shan Zhenren came out of the cave before, walked along Henggang to the height of the isolated peak, and delayed on the peak waist for a while. The mountain people rushed to meet them, shouted and chased them up along the tail of the peak, and then turned back down the peak, waved the sleeves of their robes and dispersed the crowd, humiliating Cai, Lei and the other three and leaving.The place where it stayed seemed to be not far from where the thunder and fire started, but only a large stalagmite was knocked down, and there were no traces to be found.Everyone talked and pondered, and concluded that it was definitely not a thunder, but they couldn't think of the reason.

Yunyu suddenly remembered that the young men and women in white clothes once said that the fairy master's kit has a date marked on it, and the person who sees it can only open it on the day when he arrives at Wanliu Mountain Field. Nine out of ten people in the group have never walked this road. However, the name of the place is even more unclear. I know where Wanliu Mountain Farm is and who that person is. Recently, there are many willows and forests lining the road. This is the only thing I have seen since I entered the mountain. Don't miss it when you get close.I hurriedly took out the kit and took a look, and found that the date of departure was only three days.Everyone is careful, but the empty mountains along the way are lonely, and no human traces have been encountered. Although the relics of the villages and cliffs where the mountain dwellers lived are found from time to time in the valleys, it is thought that because the place is close to the iron pot, it has been tortured by the evil dragon. Most of it was burned and collapsed, and it became ruins. Except for the occasional exposed bones and remains, there was nothing, and it was almost impossible to explore.

We walked for another day, and there was a new wild burning in that area. It was different from the scenery of flowers, red willows, green water, beautiful mountains and clear mountains in the past few days. The forest is scorched and black, the branches and leaves are all ashes, only the trunks are left, like coke, tall and short, thick and thin, standing in the wilderness, and occasionally some green grass and mountain flowers are found, either because of the withered and wilted by the wildfire and no business, or The freshmen of Jingyu are thin and small, swaying in the wind, beautiful and pitiful, and these two set off the scene, making the scenery more desolate and desolate, which is depressing.After walking for a while, they didn't meet any creature, and everyone felt uncomfortable.I had no choice but to work harder on the soles of my feet, and walked forward quickly, not even thinking about taking a break from hitting the tip. I would rather endure hunger and thirst for a while, and wish I could walk through this section of poor mountains and bad lands.

I ran for tens of miles in one breath, and before I was born, there was an area of ​​lush forests and lush grass, scorched trees and dead grass, clumps and clusters, the ground area was very thick, the low places were already moldy, and there were a lot of ashes in the high places, and the pedestrians were rotting. Above, the dryness and dampness are different, and the tightness is different. If you accidentally step on a very bad place, your leg will sink. When you pull it out, it will always be dirty and messy from the knee down. All the same, and unable to clean it, it is extremely unbearable.In addition, the sky is also windy, and the ashes accumulated in the high places are blown by the wind, dancing all over the sky, often like a large black cloud under the hood, making everyone's faces black and dusty, and the luggage is covered with dust. , I couldn't even catch my breath when I came.Yang's father and daughter sit in the mountain pocket, the soles of their feet are fine, and they can be covered with cloth sheets, which is the cheapest.Lin, Mao, and Yu are all light in strength and light in fitness, and their swiftness is as fast as flying. Seeing that one person has been fooled, they know that the road is difficult to walk, so they each use lightness kung fu to boost their energy and move quickly.Only Chuntao and other seven men and women were suffering, and they carried the tents in the mountain pockets. There were clothes and utensils on the pockets, which were not light at all. The gifts of food and meat, six or seven hundred catties were added out of thin air, divided into two, but people only added one piece of celery.Ordinarily, the six of them are all good at walking, even if they add a few hundred catties, walking the extremely steep mountain road is not on their minds, but when they walk to such a dirty place, their feet are often on the soft Nowhere, no matter how powerful it is.All the way, they were exhausted, panting, sweating, and opened their mouths to breathe slowly. One happened to encounter a strong wind, and made a mouthful of stinky ash. Quite a few went in and complained to each other, the pain was unspeakable.

Lin, Mao, and Yu were afraid of the wind and dust, and saw the wind blowing from the opposite side. They could only run through this dusty place without any harm. Something happened.Chuntao and others are not walking fast, if they are waiting for each other, they will suffer more in vain.Yunyu first suggested: Yiren Chuntao waited a while behind, and rushed to the front to wait, so as to get out of the plight earlier.Lin and Yu also praised each other, and with a push on the soles of their feet, Rufei drove off, and Chuntao and others naturally fell behind.Even though the wet and dirty road is not long, after walking for two or three miles, we arrived at a dry place, and the wind gradually subsided, and we did not suffer as much as before.

Because of Lin Xuan's pity for his young age, Lei Xianjie didn't allow him to carry anything and just walked around empty.When the three of them started, he was walking with Qinqin, when he suddenly remembered that the three of them didn't bring dry food, because of the wind and sand accumulation, they only ate from morning till noon.Otherwise, how long will it take for everyone to catch up, wouldn't they be starving?Desiring to please the master, Qinqin happened to be carrying the grain and meat, said in a hurry, grabbed a bag of tsampa and a bag of cooked meat, put it on her back, and ran at full speed.Although Lei Xingjie was born with extraordinary talents and light body, how could he catch up with Lin, Mao and Yu?Adding silt, loosening and floating, accumulating filth to carry the road, will not lighten the power of lifting qi, and hinder the growth.When they were chasing first, they were separated by only twenty or thirty feet, and before they could utter a word, they were filled with foul-smelling sand, and they didn't dare to shout anymore. The three of them didn't look back at each other, and within a short while, they saw only three small black dots. Speeding ahead, the distance is far away, and gradually even the black spots can't be seen.Xing Jie was impatient, and when he saw his feet stepping dry, he ran with all his might and chased after him without mentioning it.

Let's say that the three of them ran for more than 30 miles.Seeing the high mountains blocking the road in the future, it is still dark up and down, and the road is happy with the wind, there is not much burnt wood on the mountain, maybe the wild fire will stop at the mountain.While walking, Yunyu suddenly remembered the past, called Lin and Yu and said, "Yesterday, there were willows all over the place, so I suspected that it was not far from Wanliu Mountain Field. Today, the whole place is scorched, and there is not a single willow tree. It would be bad if I missed it." ” Lin and Yu were reminded by her, and they were also afraid of going astray.After thinking about it, the direction of the road is not bad, and I have been raised many times to look out, and there are no people, and I don't seem to miss it.The three of them were unwilling to go back on this poor road, and discussed with each other that the front mountain was not far away, and they went to the top of the mountain to see it once before thinking about it, so they rushed forward again.When I went to the mountain, I saw that the mountains were chaotic, the grass and trees were scorched, and they were still the same as the way they came from. There were wild burn marks everywhere.Looking closely at the terrain, I found out that when I asked Cai Yeshen the other day for directions, the main mountain path leading to Yunlong Mountain, Tielian Mountain, also known as the Wild Bear Den, was exactly the direction of the path.Looking at the way again, no matter whether you climb the mountain or go around the mountain, you have to go through a mile-long valley in the chaotic mountain. match.I had no choice but to go down and investigate.The valley path is very narrow and cannot be driven side by side. The cliffs on both sides are getting higher and higher. It is expected that there are many rugged and steep mountain roads ahead. Make a right turn and go out, suddenly there is a strange scene. There is an isolated peak facing the valley, which divides the way into two.The one on the left is close to those chaotic mountains, the grass and trees are scorched, and it is black at a glance.On the right, there is a crisscross of rocks, sandwiched between the cliffs of the isolated peak. It is only a few miles ahead, and suddenly it becomes clear, the land is flat and the land is wide, the vegetation is lush, and there are weeping willows everywhere. The strange thing is that there have been no traces of people in the mountains for several days. In front of Guangyuan, there are luxuriant trees on both sides, lined up side by side, but there is a straight road in the middle.The three of them didn't listen to Cai Yeshen's explanation at first, they only said that the way out of the mountain and the valley is the right way, and there were wild people gathering before.You can stay here, but now I don't know if it will happen.Unexpectedly, I have never met a stranger, but I found a fork in the road, the two roads diverged, and I didn't know which way to go.The Health Committee will never let it go. Later, Yunyu found many willows, which fit the foreword, so he said: "The brocade bag is about to be revealed. Since Shan Zhenzhen has noted the date, he must have a foresight. This road must not be far from Wanliu Mountain Field." Lin, The two of them both felt that what they said was reasonable, but there were still many people who hadn't arrived, and they were afraid that they would get lost, and they wanted to wait for everyone to come together.Yunyu wanted to find out the whereabouts of Wanliu Mountain as early as possible. Seeing the gloomy weather in front of Guangyuan, it seemed that there was someone there.In the past two days, Lin Xuan saw Yu and Mao looking down, not as close as before, and was puzzled. Seeing Yunyu walking alone, Yu Du had no words, so she said: "There is a family here who is also first-class, with a very ferocious nature. It's okay for my sister to go alone, but she's lonely in the end, and if something happens, the people behind us won't believe it, so it's hard to be prepared. Since we have to go first, Brother Yu can go with us, and one more person can help, so it's easy to succeed. Seeing that the situation is strong, you can send someone back to report and make preparations early. I will go to the mountain and wait for them." Although Yunyu is smart, she is straightforward. At that time, she never thought that Lin Xuan would not go with her, so she ordered Yu to wait for everyone alone. But Ling Suiqian, with ulterior motives, was happy instead, and urged Yu Du to leave quickly.Yu Du can do whatever he wants, and leave as he pleases. Lin Xuan looked back from the top of the mountain on the way he came. After staying for a while, he couldn't see the shadows of the people because he was blocked by the corners of the mountain outside and inside.Silently remembering the way they came from and the footsteps of everyone, they went down the mountain and into the valley before they should have arrived.Looking at the cliff next to the valley, Mao and Yu Ye had disappeared into the lush forest and smoke trees, and they were nowhere to be seen. Knowing that they were far away, they had to turn back to the top of the mountain.After waiting for another half a cup of tea, knowing that it was too early for Liren to arrive, he stood on the left, feeling that the corner of the mountain in front of him blocked his eyes and could not reach far, so he wanted to rush back to Lixu and look over the corner of the mountain.Just after going down the mountain for more than half a mile, and approaching the front corner of the mountain, I suddenly heard the scream of the mountain boy, resembling Lei Xingjie's accent, and suddenly remembered that he was traveling empty-handed, could it be that he came alone to meet a snake or something?As soon as I was anxious, I ran forward.After running for a few steps, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Lei Xingjie with two bags on his back, yelling strangely, turning out of the forest at the corner of the mountain as if he was running.Seeing that there were no snakes or beasts chasing after him, he was puzzled, Fang Liding shouted: "Little baby doesn't walk with the adults, why is it running around and screaming?" The strange bird has wings like wheels, but its body is the same as that of a human being, and it is holding a piece of object in its hand. It flies so fast that it catches up to Lei Xingjie's head in a blink of an eye.At this time, the distance between the two strokes was about tens of feet, and they were so realistic that it was too late to step forward to save them.Lin Xuan yelled "Not good", took out the crossbow arrows in the bag, and jumped forward to aim at the strange bird, but she was too late. Seeing that the strange bird was approaching, Lei Xingjie stopped in his tracks and threw something upwards with his hand.The strange bird ignored him, and still pounced down, grabbing a pocket on Lei Xingjie's shoulder and soaring into the sky.Lei Xingjie saw that the pocket was grabbed by the strange bird, and with a strange cry, he grabbed the pocket and pulled it down with all his strength.The two strikes were fierce, one corner of the pocket was torn, many pieces were scattered, Lei Xingjie fell, and the strange bird was also hit by Lin Xuan's two arrows.When Lin Xuan pulled out his sword and chased after him, Xing Jie got up, hugged Lin Xuan's feet, and shouted: "Master, don't let the thunder and lightning go, let him go!" It's strange to say so.After a pause, the two arrows in the body of the strange bird did not fall, and it still circled for a week at high altitude, thinking that it saw Lin Xuan's sword, silver and rainbow shining in the sun, and the light was shining, which was not easy to provoke, so he turned around and said a human voice , roaring again and again, holding his pockets with both hands and flying towards the valley, disappearing for a moment. Lin Xuan saw that there were five or six pieces of cooked meat scattered on the ground, and what Lei Xingjie threw out was also a piece of cooked bacon, and hurriedly asked Yu Niao where he had passed.Only then did he realize that this kid Lei Xingjie is really naughty.In terms of his itinerary, Lin Xuan should have arrived early after waiting for this moment.After chasing the three of them hard, he felt hungry, so he opened his pocket and took a piece of meat to eat.Before I ate, I ate tsampa, and I ate a lot. I was very thirsty, and I wanted to find water to drink.After finally finding a stream, I buried my head down to drink a few quick sips, and suddenly heard someone laughing beside me.Looking up, a child about his height flashed behind the strange rock in the stream. He was wearing a big red bellyband and gold rings on his hands and feet. Splash, looked at Lei Xingjie and laughed endlessly.Lei Xingjie saw that the child was completely naked, his skin was as white as snow, his hair was draped over his shoulders, a bun was combed in the middle, jade teeth and red lips, and a pair of black and bright eyes.He grew up in the people's caves in the rattan village, and he has seen such beautiful and delicate people several times, and he liked it in his heart, so he called out twice in the local language.The child seemed not to understand, and shook his head at him.Reluctant to give up, he changed his newly learned Chinese, shouting and waving.The child seemed to understand, got up in the water, then came to the front and landed gently. When Lei Xingjie saw him standing up straight, the two things on his back seemed to tremble twice, he was eager to ask the child, but he didn't pay attention, he still said in Chinese: "We have been walking for many days without seeing anyone, where do you live? May I be your companion?" The child was fluent in Chinese, and blurted out: "My family lives in the front of the mountain field. What skills do you have, how dare you walk alone?" Lei Xingjie laughed and said: "We are very capable! My master can thunder and discharge, and even kill monsters, what are you afraid of? You are alone, how dare you leave?" After finishing speaking, I thought the child would have something to answer, but who knew The child seemed to regret, but also seemed to be annoyed that Lei Xingjie uttered big words, and he stopped uttering a word, and just pointed his hand on Lei Xingjie's shoulder, as if asking him what was in his bag.Lei Xingjie took a piece of preserved deer with him.The air-dried venison is a delicacy specially made by Jinhua Niang. It is different from the usual method. It is absolutely delicious. Although the child is small, he eats a lot. It is the first time he has eaten such a delicacy. He couldn't help nodding, smiling all over his face, and asked Lei Xingjie again.Seeing that he had eaten a lot, Lei Xingjie took one piece to eat himself, and gave him another piece.The child took it and asked for it after eating. Lei Xingjie saw that he was insatiably greedy, and he was only asking for deer breasts, fearing that his master would be offended by having too many, and refused to give any more.The child didn't ask indiscriminately, and grabbed it with his hand.Naturally, Lei Xingjie refused to accept it, so he slapped the child face-to-face.No one dared to provoke the child when he was young, and when he was caught by surprise, Lei Xingjie was so strong that he couldn't hold it back as if he were an ordinary person. Although the child was not injured, he was beaten a foot away. Lei Xingjie still loved him in his heart, seeing him Being hit by himself, Fang Zi regretted it, and wanted to run over to help him, but the child let out a cry, and the two things behind him merged and separated, and they spread out, they were two fleshy wings, with a slight movement, they separated. fly up.When Lei Xingjie encountered a monster, he was taken aback, he didn't dare to stay, and ran away, the child was naturally reluctant.Lei Xingjie could hear the wind above his head, and when he looked back occasionally, the child had already crossed his wings and was about to approach.In a moment of anxiety, he threw the uneaten piece of deer preserve in his hand towards him.The child stretched out his hand to catch each other, and stopped chasing after getting the meat, and flew directly into the slanting thorn, enjoying it. Lei Xingjie was shocked and rushed forward, fearing that the child would chase after eating, he took a piece of preserved deer and held it in his hand, and picked up a stone in the other hand for emergency use, while running, he looked back , Sure enough, the child came from behind again, and was overtaken when he ran close to the corner of the mountain.This time the child actually said that he insisted on thundering and discharging, otherwise he would leave a bag of meat, only one piece.Because the three masters were nowhere to be seen, they were far away from Chuntao and others, and he was alone and lonely, so he hit the child with a stone in a hurry, and threw the child away with one hand, saying: "You still dare to hit me, if you don't Be obedient, even you will be caught and eaten by the dogs!" Lei Xingjie didn't hear clearly, he was so frightened that he yelled strangely, and he was reluctant to give him the whole bag, and there were burnt dense forests at the corner of Xishan Mountain, so he hurriedly He jumped forward and fled desperately.The child saw that Cha Ya was obstructing him and he couldn't make a move, so he followed in the air, knowing that Lei Xingjie's strength was not inferior to his own, and the victory depended on a single fleshy wing. Slow down.Lei Xingjie saw that the child refused to enter the forest, so proud of himself, he thought running along the forest would be all right, but unexpectedly Jiaolin only had a patch in front of the corner of the mountain, and there was nothing beyond that, Fang Zi was anxious, and saw Lin Xuan coming ahead at a glance, Can't help being surprised, and rushed forward in a panic.The child had been following him in the air, and as soon as he came out of the forest, he flew over and jumped down.Lin Xuan was still far away, Lei Xingji had no idea what to do, he still wanted to use preserved deer to slow down the enemy's juice.The child was about to settle for his whole bag, grabbed it and flew away, being shot with two arrows. Afterwards, Lin Xuan asked what had happened, and thought to herself: There are such natural aliens.Hearing from the child that his family lived in the mountain farm, although Wanliu was not mentioned, it was quite similar, and according to his words, the expression of eating meat was by no means a monster.If I knew this earlier, I shouldn't have hurt him twice. If I had something to do with the person that Jin Nang said, it wouldn't be a big deal!Fortunately, he never let go of the fairy sword, and those two arrows were not poisonous arrows, so there were already waves, I hope the child has nothing to do with that person.Immediately reprimanded Lei Xingjie a few words.It was already Weiwei's time, feeling hungry, so he ate some cooked meat and tsampa, remembering that neither Mao nor Yu had eaten, and went forward without knowing if there were any others.Fearing that Lei Xingjie would go to make trouble again, it would be inconvenient to order him to chase him away, and the people behind him had not arrived, so he was in two places.It was so easy to hope that Chuntao and the other seven people came here in a state of embarrassment after carrying Yang's father and daughter. Although they were covered in dust and dirt, the journey was safe and there was no accident.Lin Xuan saw that the people were hungry and thin, and asked how close the stream was, so she ordered them to rest and eat.The seven of them went to the stream to wash their faces and change their clothes, and swept away the dirt and dust from the bags in the mountain pockets before setting off.After more than half an hour, everything is over.After eating and bathing, everyone regained their spirits and rushed out of the valley. As soon as I entered the square, I walked not far away. I saw mountains and mist surrounded by green mountains, all in the shade. A peach grove came out along the main road. There are several hugs, dense hanging silk, fluttering in the wind, mixed mulberry, oleander, peach and plum. Looking at the front, a large area is full of willows, just like thousands of hectares of green clouds, with light smoke cages, lined with green grass and mountain flowers along the way. , It's like paving the beautiful brocade, you don't feel the dust, and you are in a good mood.Seeing this, Danmei hurriedly asked her father to sit up and watched all the way, as if she was in the shadow of a mountain and was overwhelmed.They were watching each other when they suddenly saw Qingxi blocking the road, and the road suddenly turned right.Lin Xuan saw the occasional footprints of Yu and Mao in the white sand underground, and knowing that they had not crossed the stream, she ordered people to walk along the stream.Fang Zi wondered, the willow forest was on the opposite side of the stream, why didn't the two of them go straight across the stream?Suddenly, Bi Wa laughed and shouted: "Sister Lin! Look at a piece of flax rice floating in the water. We seem to have Liu Chen and Ruan Zhao on the rooftop." Lin Xuan looked down and saw that it was floating along the upper stream. A few vegetable leaves, where is there any Liu Ruan's adventure?Just as she was laughing at Biwa's naughtiness, she heard Dan Spider shouting: "Sister Lin! Look, that mustard leaf is not wild, there may be people in front of it!" Without saying a word, Lin Xuan had already seen the stream turning around in front of her. , Under the shade of the willows, a stone bridge appeared, which was about two feet long. There was a wanzi Zhulan on the bridge, and a small boat under the bridge.The beauty is that there is no one in the boat, the oars are blown by the wind, the lonely boat is swinging, the stream is gurgling, and the rocks are stirring into rhyme. The more you feel that you are in the painting, it is extremely beautiful.From this, it can be concluded that there are not only people in the area, but also high-ranking hermits. They are definitely not savages. There will be such a beautiful and unconventional arrangement, and the heart will be half relieved.The forest path across the bridge reappears, but it is not willows, and all the paths are mulberry forests and fruit trees.Looking back, Liulin is still on the left, about several miles away.Walking along the path through the forest, after a few hundred steps, you will see cooking smoke in front of you. Everyone is eager to arrive, and each hastened their steps.When they were about to arrive, they gradually heard the sound of cocks crowing and dogs barking. After a while, several houses appeared sparsely in the green shade like a curtain.Taking a closer look, all the houses are close to a small stream, with bamboo fences as walls, and houses in the middle. , Colorful, vying for beauty and beauty, the layout shows ingenuity, they are not the same.Only Xiangnan's family has a low circle of oyster powder walls and two white board doors on the wall. It seems that it occupies a large area and has many characters in the house.Lin Xuan hurriedly ordered everyone to stop and put down their mountain bags. Just as she was about to knock on the door, she could faintly hear the sound of laughter in the courtyard. Before the door opened, she saw two men and two women walking out of the middle hall. Inside.That pair of men and women were both about twenty years old, the man was born with the back of a monkey and the shoulders of a bird, handsome, dressed in a former court attire, mountain crown field clothes, very elegant and clean; although the woman was dressed in a thorn hairpin cloth skirt, she was quick in action and graceful in appearance. Illuminating people, one can see at a glance that they are all experts. The three of them looked at each other through the wall, rejoicing at each other, and shouted before the door opened.At the opening of the Banmen Gate, Yunyu first introduced Lin Xuan: "This is my new sister Chai, whose name is Longzhu. This brother Ding, the single name is the word Dong next to the single person. One of them is Liang, the other is Meng." He pointed at Ding and Chai randomly and said, "This is Sister Lin whom I just mentioned to you two, this is old man Yang and the two sisters of the Yang family, this little girl is Sister Lin's new Those who were rescued from the cave, the rest are mountain people who accompanied them." Ding and Chai finished their greetings with the visitors respectively.Yunyu said to Lin Xuan: "Brother Yu and I have only just arrived. There are many high-ranking people living in seclusion here, and the Wanliu Mountain Farm is not far to the west, so I asked about it. There is also Sister Chai's old man's house inside. We are going Talking about the sky, I heard noises outside. It is expected that you found it, so you and his two virtuous Liang Meng came out. After being hungry for a long time, Old Man Chai just ordered someone to make some snacks, and they haven’t eaten yet on the table. , let's go in together." Ding and Chai greeted the guests and entered. When they entered the door, they saw that the moss was not swept, and the pine needles in the courtyard were one or two inches thick.From the doors of the houses on both sides, I saw several wooden looms inside, but no one was weaving.Turning in from the house door, and passing through another courtyard, is the owner’s residence. There are six rooms in a row, bamboo houses with paper windows, several clear windows, and a row of bright corridors at the back, facing the stream, with curved sills facing the wind, twenty All the windows are open, and the wooden couches and bamboos are scattered around, which is very bright and clean.The owner is about fifty years old, and he wears Ketou field clothes. He is dignified. He sits on the wooden couch. Yang, Lin and the others finished their ceremony in turn. The host gave up his seat and said, "Old man Chai Meng is originally from the south of the Yangtze River. He has been avoiding the barbaric land for fifteen years. Because he lives in the middle of thousands of mountains, he is not suitable as a channel in southern Xinjiang. He is everywhere. There are steep and dangerous cliffs shielding it, let alone outsiders can’t see it, except for local residents, not even a savage. Last year, my daughter clamored to travel to the mountains to gain some insight. The old man rushed out of the iron pot because of what his son-in-law said. I killed the evil dragon Lala, robbed and killed the traveler, and the old man had another unfinished business. I was unable to go with me. I was afraid there would be a mistake, so I was not allowed to go. Later, the people in the Tengzhai village became more and more rampant. There were two barbarians near the entrance of the valley on the way you came. The tribe was also burnt and killed by the people in Tengzhai. More than a hundred people, men, women, old and young, were all killed and captured. Not a single one remained. The little girl was believed at that time, so she rushed to save her. Robbing and killing strangers is also a crime. I have been trying to get rid of him for a long time, but I have not found it. I have deserved this evil reward. In addition, there are two high-ranking people in the local area who are not in their early years and do not want to act rashly. That's all. "In the beginning, because of the remoteness and isolation from the outside world, the people from Tengzhai would not come here to invade. Unexpectedly, an earthquake happened the month before last, which knocked down the fairy cockroaches in Taniguchi and opened a passage. The local mountains are beautiful and the fertile soil is flat. The wild burning has not affected, and it contrasts with the scorched earth outside, which is even more moving. If outsiders pass by, they must come in and have a look. Especially the people in Tengzhai who robbed the nearby villages, and he did not leave a way for merchant porters, blindly Killing, everyone is hesitant to move forward. He has nothing to gain, and after a long time, he will inevitably go further to rob and kill. The mountain path at the mouth of the valley, whether it is to detour from the official road or pass through the side mountains, is the only way. Even if I don’t get rid of him, he will It is inevitable that they will not come to harass. I am weak and talented, and I am not an opponent. I even asked the two experts here for advice, and they all said that the number of people in the Tengzhai has been exhausted, so there is no need to do anything extra. "After lunch today, Shan's wife wanted to eat the swordfish produced in the Bailong Waterfall of Pingshan Lake, and ordered her son-in-law and daughter to fetch it. The lake is high on the top of Pingshan Mountain, and the mouth of the lake is a large waterfall, about 20 feet wide. The water source of eighty-one streams. Under the waterfall is a wide stream, with sandy rocks in the stream, and there are many strange rocks in the upper stream, so the water is a little bit rough, but the section near the waterfall is rushing. The situation is extremely turbulent. There are hundreds of local residents, and none of them can get close to the former. The swordfish is produced in the cool waves of the lake, and it only breeds for two months every year. This fish swims in the whirlpool all day long. If it is more than three inches long, you have to go up against the waterfall. The mouth of the lake and the Guangxi below are no less than ten feet apart when the water is high. The water in the upper lake is extremely deep. It is not easy to find, and moreover, the energy is exhausted, and the taste is not very delicious. It is only when it is shot towards the waterfall and it is about halfway. It was washed down into the stream by the waterfall, and it continued to fight until it died. There was so much water there that eight out of ten could not make it up. They either died of exhaustion, or they hit the strange rocks in the stream and split into several sections. Very few survive into the lake. "When taking it, one person must drive a special pointed boat with two iron oars, and the other person holds a double net bag. When you arrive at a distance of two feet from the waterfall, there happens to be a stalagmite protruding from the water. , kicked hard on the stalagmite, squatted down quickly, moved the oars like flying, and drove up the waterfall from the upstream. It’s empty. Because the two people in the front and back have to communicate with each other with eyes and hands. It’s fleeting. With brute force, you need to be smart. Knowing the terrain and water properties are indispensable. If one accidentally rushes up, he will be washed away by the flood When they got down, they bumped into the strange rocks in the stream. The people who went there were all water-savvy. Even if they didn’t die like fishes, the boat was smashed into pieces. When the boat reached the lake, it swung forward in a circle, and it slowed down a little. , turn the head and sail down, it is more natural and labor-saving to go up against the current, but instead, two people are all behind the boat, one is holding the rudder of Xin'an, and the other is moving the oars against the direction, flying down the current, and the distance is tens of feet. , can’t stop, even if there is a strange rock in the middle, it is easy to avoid. If you think you don’t get much, you can take it again after a while, and you can take it three times at most. It’s not easy, and it’s considered a treasure in the capital. Today, I want to come here with good luck. The son-in-law and his wife only went to the lake once, and they got more than 30. They were so happy that they went back to the boat and passed the stream. Just in time, Yu and Mao wanted to cross the river to Wanliu Mountain Field, but they were seen by the young girl, and they agreed to return together. I ordered someone to make some snacks, just in time for you to come. Heroes are destroyed, and it is really a pleasure to get rid of a hidden danger here!" Before he could answer, he asked Longzhu: "Have you seen some refreshments? Come here with some more food and wine." Yang and Lin all bowed hurriedly. He replied: "I have already had a full meal on the way, so save it for later." Chai Meng knew that the visitors were not polite, and said with a smile: "Because Mao and Yu didn't eat or drink on the way, the snacks have been prepared and served just now, and the little maid returned to report that there are many visitors. I thought that I was the same as Mao and Yu, afraid of the cold It's not good enough, so I ordered it to be removed and reworked. The mountains look wild, and the rough ones can only satisfy the hunger. I think it's done. How about adding some more?" Everyone had to thank.Chai Meng said to Longzhu again: "Your sister Mao is hungry, it's my fault, and she's tired and hungry for a while. If there is anything to eat, don't go and get it first!" Longzhu turned to leave, and the two Xiaohuan, a maidservant, walked in one after another.One person held a tea bowl and tea set and offered tea to the guests one by one, while the other held a plate of food and placed four plates of wine and dishes on the table in front of the corridor: one smoked chicken, one sausage, one cold cucumber slices, one braised bamboo shoots, and another small dish A bag of pickles, a small dish of bean drums, eight cups, and a porcelain jug of wine.Chai Meng didn't eat, and only the couple of Dragon Ball accompanied him, so there was an empty seat.Long Zhu remembered that there were eight people accompanying him, one of them was a child who was very healthy and strange, all of them were in the outer room, so he ordered the servant girl to fetch some food from the kitchen, and at the same time served wine to the guests. Seeing the utensils and pieces of official kiln fine porcelain, there are not many drinks and dishes, but the taste is exquisite, and the food is paired with beautiful utensils. They feel that eating is interesting, but it is a pity that they are full on the way.Lin Xuan is okay, Yang's father and daughter only ate a little and lived there.一会儿又端上两大盘南瓜、鸡肉,加笋丁、胡椒未做馅的烫面饺一盘,藤花、松仁、脂油蜜糕一盘,黑芝麻和百果脂油做的酥饼,另外每人一小碗鸡汤银丝细面,无一样不是色香味俱胜,精美绝伦。尤其难得是客来不速,咄嗟立办,休说隐居蛮山,便是寻常富贵人家,也未必能有此讲究迅速,大家赞不绝口。林璇笑道:“我因筠妹和余大哥未带干粮,偏了你们,不甚过意,谁知遇到这样贤主人,享此口福。这些好东西,我还能每样吃点,杨老伯和丹、碧二妹只干看着。早知如此,我们路上留着点肚子多好!”说得大家都笑了。 林璇猛想起女主人未见,忙对龙珠道:“我只聆听老伯谈话,还没拜见老伯母呢,真荒疏极了!”筠玉抢答道:“还用你提呢!我早请见过了。柴姊姊说,柴伯母原是四川人,大上前年冬天独自四川省亲,江中遇险受寒,得了半身不遂之症,好容易医好,前月地震之后又犯旧病,现须卧床习静,饮食非到午后不见外客,要明早才能拜见哩。你没听说老伯是江南人,而这些看点口味却有一半是川味么?”众人谈笑风生,余、丁二人更是莫逆。林璇见这家虽隐居蛮荒异域,饮食起居却是世族排场,初见不知底细,又不便问。自己原为赶往云龙山探亲,仙人锦囊偏要在此开视,日期应在后日,今明还要寄居两天。看筠玉和龙珠倾盖如故、亲热情形,主人必要留住无疑。万柳山场要会的人不知应在这里不在?寻思未已,毛、余二人业已吃毕,丁、柴二人让客入座。小鬟二次献茶,撤去肴点。方要叙话,忽从外面急匆匆跑进一个十二岁的英俊小孩,进门只朝众人看了一眼,便跑向龙珠身旁附耳低声说了几句,龙珠立时面容更变,也不顾给小孩引见,径向柴蒙也附耳说了几句。柴蒙面上神情却不似龙珠忧虑,低头想了一想,才对众人说道:“毛、余二位来得早些,谅必无关,林小姐在途中可曾遇到一个胁生双翼的怪童么?”林璇见龙珠面有忧色,知道惹祸,便把前事说了。 柴蒙微笑道:“这便还好。且喜其曲在彼,主人极讲理,此子顽劣素所深知,初见时没把他当作怪鸟,先下手放箭。总算还好,夜叉婆和主人又不在此,只要事前将伤医好,不被乃母回时发觉,此子好强,决不自己说出,早些弥缝尚来得及。”说罢,唤过小孩说道:“你速拿我一包珠尘粉、一瓶紫琼膏找飞儿去,去给他敷治。休说我和你兄嫂已知此事,拿话羞激他,等他央求你莫向人提说此事,你再教他娘回时莫说,以免闹起来众人皆知。平日在家蛮横,却为抢肉吃,被一个过路女子所伤,多么丢脸!顺便问他父母黔江之行,去时听说明晚赶回,确否?快去快来!”小孩领命,倍着龙珠取药余闲,才由丁侗引向众人一一见礼,药取到手,飞奔而去。众人才知那是丁侗之弟丁俊,俱赞他聪明英秀不迭。柴蒙笑对众人道:“小女本想留诸位在此住上几日,等乃母稍愈搭伴同行,这一来正好代我留客,诸位只恐暂时走不成了。”林璇虽知行期须过了后日,但也不愿久延,闻言大惊,连忙躬身问故。柴蒙缓缓说了当地详情,一会丁俊回转又提前事,果然前行凶险,不禁焦急起来。 原来那一带地方总名叫作洞天庄,又名碧山城,地居南疆乱山之中。四外危峰峻岭,蟑壁排云,里面却是一片盆地,万顷广场,形势僻险。地震以前,只有一条供庄中入偶然外出的秘径,经年闭塞,十年二十年轻易无人出入一次。入庄共为四五十处奇景,尤以平山湖、白龙瀑、万柳山场和主人所居清溪秋日对面的千丹岩、绣春坪等处为最胜,居人多南宋亡时迁来,宋亡以后,先有一家天演贵青同了两家忠臣遗老逃入蛮荒,无心中发现这么一个洞天福地,真比陶渊明所说的桃花源还要胜强十倍。由此避地躬耕,风景之区锡以佳名。因是土地肥沃,物产丰盈,凡百均能自制自给,无须仰给于外,门无催租之吏,地绝红尘之扰,安乐已极,共只赵、李、岳三姓,人口不多。 后来了众族繁衍,中间又出了一个能人,订立规条,在三姓中举出族长,轮流值年作主。为使均能自立,不以得天厚而懒废,男女成丁婚嫁之后,便由公项下分出应得的田产,使其自耕自食,暇日仍许随时归省亲族。到了四旬后,子孙成立,始许回到老家。佳节盛日,方全族全庄团聚为乐。未得值年长老之命,从不许他出一步。出必告假,期年累月,允而后可。一样讲究读书,只为明理,不求闻达;一样注重习武,只为居处究属蛮荒,意在保身御患,追飞逐走,不为功名;一样也喜琴棋书画、医卜星相,只为调剂身心,涵养性灵,防治疾病灾凶,为矜奇炫异,以薄技鸣高,甚而吹弹歌舞百工之艺,凡是有用或可及时为乐者,均都奖倡,所以数百年间,入无废人,地无弃地,十九多才多艺,文武兼通,绝没一个迂人莽夫。真个是人间福地,快活非常。 三姓中论起来自以赵姓为尊,住家平山,聚族而居,高高在上,平畴滨湖,碧波绿野交相映带,当全庄风景最佳之区。只惜人丁不旺,数百年来只有四五十房子孙。岳姓家住青蒻原,因泉辟地,拥有大片水田,人丁更少,才三十余家房头,大小百多个人口。只李姓不特族众丁繁,而且才能辈出,全族本住平山北面青女峡、离珠岭和仙灵境一带。因近数十年间,赵、李两姓各出了一个具有绝大本领的异人,为全山城人造福,御过好几次天灾洪水,经三族推戴,永为庄主,见万柳山场位居中央,二人各带妻妾子女移往坐镇,建了一所园林,备极美胜。 当地本无外人混入,柴蒙是江南世家,又是奇才异能之士,文学武功均臻极顶,又精星相与地之学,见天下将乱,携了妻女人滇避乱,行入南疆之中,偶然望气,知有福地在彼,探索多日,始行发现。三姓先不肯纳,因与赵、李二人相谈投机,立下誓约,永守规章,不得妄泄机密。柴蒙父女带有僮婢戚从多人以及许多人中需用之物,向主人分了应有的田业。自家人口又少,来时就打的是长处久安之计,百物咸备,既多且足,虽然计口受田,并不躬耕,一住十数年,宾主相安,渐渐成了一家。春秋佳日,居人多爱请他前去,聚拢讲那外间之事。 柴家守着前约,从不出山,只前年遇到三姓派人往山外采药材布样和别的需用之物,柴妻因龙珠小时曾许给她姨表兄丁侗,家在蜀中,久无音信,跟着出山了一次。在万县将丁侗寻到,已是父母双亡,只剩丁侗、丁俊兄弟二人,因奉乃母遗命,正要往江南一带寻找岳家下落,见面之后悲喜交集。柴妻只生龙珠一女,自己文武都是行家,见了女婿的仪表比起小时还强得多,并没变相,已是欢欣。再一考他所学,更是文武兼资,不在女儿之下,益发喜极,当时助他兄弟二人料理完了家事和葬亲的债务,准备带回庄完姻。谁知乐极生悲,船行江中触滩遇险。多亏丁氏弟兄俱精水性,从急流中将她救起,因在冬月,命虽保住,人已中寒病废,勉强回转南疆,到了地头,先打发走了脚夫,由丁氏兄弟抬进庄去。柴蒙早算出她有此一场水灾,如不放去,又误了爱女良姻,幸而五行有救,才会前来,屈指归期,早在要口外相候。到家仗着山场主人灵药,居然治愈,但要连治五年连犯四次始能去根,近日正是第三次犯病,方在眼药,卧床未出见客。 那山场主人一名赵野樵,年已八旬,最精易理,能知过去未来,生平未近过女色,孤身一人,只有一个行踪飘忽的好友。另一人姓李名半翁,年约五旬,本来博学多能,三十岁上出山办货,在青城山拜一异人为师,传了一部《洞玄经》,长于五行禁制、六戊遁形之法,尤精医理,有起死回生之妙。娶有一妻一妾,妻子赵氏,野樵从妹,人甚贤淑;妾名湘玄,湖南有名神巫罗太冲之女,会有一身法术,虽然有些左道旁门,但对正室尚知尊顺,只从小娇惯,性情不好。她有一个儿子,生具异禀奇资,年才九岁,因生下来就胁生双翼,取名飞儿,便是林璇所见怪童。半翁中年得子,即不与妻妾同室。湘玄对此子爱如性命,每犯了过,总想尽方法代他护庇。飞儿受了乃母遗传,性本刚暴,再被乃母一纵容,小孩子懂得什事,益发胆大妄为,幸而半翁也精易理,算出此子灾劫甚重,严禁乃母在十岁以前传他武艺道法,以免出山生事。平日虽爱在心里,因他能御空飞行,管束甚紧,轻易不许出山一步。就这样飞儿还不时在庄中惹事,到处闯祸。 庄人因他年幼,看在半翁情面,乃母又不好惹,好在无甚大害,先时十九隐忍,至多只向乃母悄悄提说,不向半翁告发。后来实不像话,不论尊卑长幼,一言不合,动辄将人扔入平山湖里,再不就仗他有力能飞,把人提向高空,强迫认错。居民十九会水,虽未伤过人命,但也被他吓个半死。知向乃母提说,不过听到几句安慰的好话,连摸都不会摸他一下。有时乃母要说他几句,还许再寻一回晦气。逼得众人无法,又不愿半翁有此顽劣之子,只得破除情面,亲自找向半翁告发。人去以后,湘玄还要护庇,代子巧辩。无奈半翁易术精微,一卜卦便知底细,问得湘玄理亏无词,飞儿自然免不了一顿好打,由此加了防范,常向卦中取求,并不准他寻人报复,犯了实打更重。半翁纳妾以前,受过湘玄救命之恩,拜师也出于湘玄所救,彼此感德爱好,成亲甚是恩爱,便是赵氏也视她若妹,不以侧室相待,多少年来从无闲言。为了训子,二人几乎翻脸。 半翁知此子不是凡儿,小时顽皮势所必然,虽然刚暴,性却慈厚,占得上风便足,不致闯出大祸。自己静心参玄,室人常相絮叨位诉,亦属难堪,也不愿过伤夫妻情好,最后才与湘玄约定,除对飞儿力加告诫外,此后不再以卦象相稽,可是无人告到便罢,如有人告发,仍要加倍处罚。这一来飞儿挨打次数虽少,可是顽劣难改,仍不免在外生事。半翁将他禁闭起来,过不两天,湘玄不是约好嫡室向半翁日夕软磨,便是偷偷给他放掉。赵氏本爱此子,又爱湘玄,也跟着在旁絮叨说:“娃儿年纪大小,你那大打已够受了,关禁断乎不可。”闹得半翁无法,终于放出。飞儿一开禁,过不两天故态复萌。人都知半翁不护短,飞儿又极守信约,只要当时答应不再寻人报复,决无后患,虽使他妻妾暂时无欢,却可免去多次侵害,便去告发。一告发,飞儿必挨打。 湘玄心疼理短,自知不能怪那告发的人,半翁房辈又小,来者非亲即长,未便公然挺身护庇,向人警告理论,自己又劝阻不住飞儿,知庄上百事有序,无为而治,庄人与庄主相见俱有定时。近来众人因知赵、李二人修道习静,除每季节月望照例约集外,终年无人相扰,十有九是为了告发飞儿而来,于是想下釜底抽薪之计,将围着万柳山场的一条小溪用法术封锁,去的人只一过界,阻碍横生,不是走一步跌两跤,便是恶鬼追逐,走了半日仍回原处,晚来必有夜又恶鬼入梦,说半翁为了全庄出生入死,学成道法,连救全庄好几次危难。妻妾不能再育,只此一子,何苦为了小事,和娃儿一般见识,害他毒打爱子,全家失和。日子一久,庄人知是湘玄闹鬼,顾念所言不为无理,再如认真,必使半翁难堪,除了忍受,别无善法。好在飞儿吃高帽子,受他害时,不拿出尊长的身份向他恫吓,用些软语央及也能打动,不致再扰,略微吃点亏,也就罢了。半翁明知就里,因飞儿稍长自有去处,湘玄只此一子,会短离长,母子相聚岁月无多,护犊爱子妇人恒情,并且不恤人言用心良苦,不愿揭破来伤了夫妻和美,只得睁只眼闭只眼,不再苛求了。 飞儿因极淘气,别家孩子有大人告诫,多不和他同玩,见了就躲,只有丁俊不但理他,柴翁和长儿并曾暗嘱与他结交。丁俊又是天资高超,幼承家学,三岁上就开始习武,年才十二,已练得水陆皆通,文武全才,每日除用功外,多去寻他玩耍。飞儿落落寡合,得此知己,自然喜极非常,成了莫逆,而且言听计从,与人为难时,只丁俊在侧,一劝即止。日久湘玄得知此事,命飞儿将丁俊引向家中相见,看出他彬彬有礼,博学多能,又甚通情知理,飞儿必能受他感化改去恶习。乃子众恶所归,何幸得此益友,更是喜出望外,便是半翁也觉高兴。庄人不使子弟与飞儿同游,湘玄因是儿子自不争气,隐忿在心不能出口气,这一来,益觉柴、丁二人看她母子得重,无形中加了许多情感。丁俊每去,不特优加款待,并偷偷地给了一面通行山场的符令,以便他不必与飞儿同行也可随便出入。 这次半翁、湘玄为了十五年前旧约,前往黔江去收乃岳罗大冲的遗骨。此行难免与人相争,飞儿顽劣,没有带去,行前并卜了一卦,算出飞儿先有小灾,却因此结下了一重好因缘,异日要得许多好处,只要不出山去,那小灾尚可避免,并不妨事。严嘱:“只许与丁俊同玩,不许生事出外,父母此行不过月余,不听话,归来定要重责!”飞儿已然允诺,本无出山之意,过了月余均未出生事,庄人都出意料,以为他受了丁俊熏陶,目前改了脾气。谁知这日天才发亮,忽然心动,要去寻丁俊玩。嫡母赵氏知他近日学好,寻的又是益友,只嘱:“你丁二哥不似你顽皮,这时想必正用早功,你去如见功课未完,须候一会,不可扰闹相强。”飞儿应了,数里之遥,展开双翼,晃眼就到,果见丁俊在从兄嫂习武,见他只互相招呼,笑了一笑,三人仍自用功。 飞儿一人无聊,他因自己能飞,一心想乃父教他剑术,刀枪拳脚学它无用,懒得再看下去,信步行至屋后,见旭日始升,晴光欲染,小溪弯环,绿波溶溶,方暗赞好,又一眼瞥见柴家朝霞、晚翠两个小丫鬟蹲身溪旁垂柳之下,一个洗衣,一个淘米,正在互相说笑。相对就是绣春坪,上面原种有各色各种的奇花异卉,近十多年来,又经柴氏父女搜罗培植,点缀得终年花开不断,四时皆春,绿野如绣,这时才含朝露,又浴晨曦,万紫千红,争妍吐艳,越显得花光明净,草色肥鲜,丰神朗润,生香欲活,再加上远山横黛,近岭摇青,茂林修竹相与掩映,又有这身容美秀的双鬟在溪旁垂柳下一衬,便是画儿上也找不到这般景致。飞儿本想吓那两个丫鬟一跳,奇景当前,不觉看得呆了,心想今天又是这么大好晴天,柴家不但人个个好,连住的地方也好,如非妈娘不肯,真恨不得搬了来与丁二哥同睡,便早晚看看花也是好的。边想边信步往前走去,忽听朝霞问晚翠道:“那孽龙就有那般厉害么?老爷怎倒不许姑爷小姐将他除去?万一走过山口杀了进来,才怕人哩!” 飞儿闻言,心中一动,忙跑过去问道:“你们说什孽龙?我怎没有见过?”两个丫鬟因听柴叟以前曾嘱丁俊,向飞儿莫提此事,无心闲谈,偏又被他闯来听去,好生后悔,便不肯说。飞儿见她二人支吾,不由性起,低声唤道:“好好问你话,你倒不说。休看你两个是女的,惹得我性起时,我照样也把你们提到半空中去活活甩死,再不就扔到平山湖里去淹你个半死!” 二丫鬟知他说得出做得到,有心想喊丁二少爷来救。飞儿业已防到,双手一扬,微耸双翅,便要扑上前去。二丫鬟无法,只得摇手告饶道:“幺少爷,不是我们不说,只你爱闯祸。那孽龙又太厉害,听说身上还长着逆鳞,刀斧都斫不进去。我家老爷曾经嘱咐二少爷,不许向你说,何况我们。对你说不难,你只不可招灾惹事,也不许说是我二人说的……”话还未毕,飞儿已不耐烦,抢答道:“我做事从不累人,你们只放心快说,迟却不依!” 二丫鬟被逼无奈,只得把前月地震野烧,危壁坍塌,多了一条明显的出路,庄人多半防到铁锅冲孽龙和手下缠藤寨人要来为害,去请二位庄主设法,丁侗夫妻也曾向庄主告过奋勇,均说孽龙行即伏诛,不曾应允等情说了一遍。飞儿又细细打听孽龙生相,心想这东西仍是一个野蛮子,不过身有鳞甲,力猛凶恶罢了,怕他怎的!自己能飞,他必奈何不得,今日正在无聊,何不寻了他去?这等该死东西就该杀了他也不要紧,还算为世除害呢。于是又问去铁锅冲的途径。二丫鬟几曾见过孽龙,所说俱是听来,哪里得知去向途径?力说不知。飞儿先还不信,后见二丫鬟誓神罚咒,方始信了。知道此事如若告知二丁等人,必被劝阻,莫如先和丁俊玩上一会,免去他的疑心,等他旁午读书时,先偷向山外探一回路去。当时仍往屋前去地丁俊,恰为习武已毕,二人玩了片时,自去读书。 飞儿假说嫡母等他回去,不在丁家留饭,等丁俊进屋,忙展双翅飞起高空,乘人不见,径往山外飞行,因为不知路径,径向相左一方飞去。飞了些时,见下面乱山杂沓,人迹全无,疑心不对,又改一个方向飞过一阵,杏无迹象可寻,以为铁锅冲必在近处,不会这远,觉出不似又改。似这样从早至午四面八方俱都飞到,始终没飞向正路。阳光甚暖,不停飞行,人却累了一身的汗。未后飞回原路,看见下面焦厚黑土之中竟有一湾碧水,想下去洗个澡,润润身上肉翅,凉爽凉爽。下去匆匆洗完了澡,把短裤穿上,踏着水玩,忽觉腹中饥饿,才想起过了早饭时候,清早至今水米不曾打牙。刚要飞回庄去,见溪旁急匆匆跑来一个身背口袋的山童,行走如飞,似乎渴急,一到便低头俯身捧水牛饮,狼狈神情甚是可笑,不禁出了点声。山童见他立在水里,用手相招问话。飞儿答了两句,猛想起父母行时再三叮嘱不许出山,尤不许与生人说话,说必有灾,好生后悔
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