Home Categories martial arts novel Longshan Four Friends

Chapter 13 The Thirteenth Snow Mountain Rescues the Female Spiritual Infant

Longshan Four Friends 还珠楼主 10849Words 2018-03-12
While Youxing was on his mind, the master suddenly turned around.It was a ninety-year-old old stranger who lived in seclusion in the deep mountains. Seeing her calm down, her reading intelligence greatly increased, and she saved two more natives, she was very happy.She lived in the cave for three months, and taught her to read and practice martial arts as usual, and told her the origin of the local tyrant's name and the character of the Dongshan knight one by one.The tiger girl was outraged by righteous indignation, and urged her master to get rid of this great harm.The old man strongly said that the time has not come yet, since you have the ambition to eliminate violence, you will surely succeed sooner or later, but you need to find two more powerful helpers.It is not useless to save the natives. One is that there are few people, the bully is very capable, and there are many powerful accomplices.Not only should you not act rashly at this time, but you must also be cautious if you want to save someone, and you must not show your signs.It is not a last resort, nor should the natives be lured to the mountains casually.He also said that his business is not over yet, and he will get up within a few days.The bully already knows that you are his enemy. You are old, and you have learned the truth recently. The higher your ability, the more intelligent you are. You are not as brave as before. You have no intentions. You are born with intelligence. For human use, the more it can be used, the better.This is not what it used to be, and I no longer restrict your actions.You are a hero by nature and extremely smart. After I go, just do what you want, but you must be cautious and always pay attention, so as not to suffer from others.If there is anything to do, the two tigers had better take them out together, so as not to be in a hurry, they can be used as a response.Seeing that Master's mood changed drastically this time when he returned to the mountain, Hu Nu was even more happy because she didn't restrain her, but rewarded her more.Determined to save these thousands of natives from the fire and water, he refused to give up.

One day I suddenly found Tie Han, and I remembered that Master told me to find a helper, but I never met him. This person seemed to be useful, so I met him.As soon as we talk about it, I feel that this person is not bad, but it is a pity that he is not as good as himself, and there are too few people.At this time, quite a few natives were rescued and fled, but more than half were rescued by the tiger girl.Tie Han had heard about it for a long time on weekdays, and when he met suddenly, he was overjoyed and helped to do a lot of things.Tiger Girl felt that his ability was not enough, although he was brave, he was not alert and intelligent, so he always wanted to find two good helpers, but couldn't find it.Although I heard from my master that Dongshan lived in seclusion, there were a few heroes who were far away from each other and never knew each other.The people on the other side all lived in seclusion in the deep valley, and the master had a strict order not to go deep into it casually, even the bully's village was not allowed to go, so that's all.The day before yesterday, it was tested that the hero was loyal to her, and on the third day, he rescued the mother and daughter of the Chen family and ordered him to ride a tiger to pick up Chen Mei.When Tie Han first arrived in Anledong, where Hunv lives, he heard that the natives lived so happily that they also wanted to move there.The tiger girl said with a smile: "You live in the territory of Dongshan, where you are not harmed by bullies. You just happened to investigate the movement of the enemy for me. I have a teacher's order in my place, and no outsiders are allowed to come in and out at will. The people who saved the land were agreed in advance, and each depends on his strength. Ask for food and clothing, and I will help them if they can't. Just be free, and never bully them. There is only one thing, you can't leave after two or three years, and you can't leave the local area, so as not to leak secrets. If I see You are not serious, you are only alone, already here, even if you want to go back, you can’t do it. It’s just because of how powerful the enemy is, and there are many things that I can’t come forward to. It will be very useful to have you as an eye and eye in the future. You still come back It’s the same place, let’s see what’s going on, and we’ll decide in the future. Fortunately, I already know the way. If you need to find me, just blow the bamboo pipe I gave you on the small peak outside the woods on the way you came, and the tiger will pick you up. There is also a secret path, I'll tell you next time, let's go back first." Tie Han took the bamboo pipe and rode away on the tiger.After this, he became more courageous.The tiger girl is erratic, and she often goes far away from the cave, looking for everything without asking, and finding everything by herself.Whenever the iron man encounters the danger of the nearby soil entering the real world, he asks for advice, and the tiger girl does not agree immediately.Tie Han treats her like a god and never dares to disobey her.The tiger girl often wears a tiger leather cover, with a special mask made by Naishi on her face, with a few gold stars nailed on her forehead, and only a black and white pair are exposed underneath.His eyes, mouth and nose are full of heroism, his smile is sweet, and his teeth are as white as jade.Wearing a short white dress with close buttons, a white cloak, a leopard skin skirt around the waist, two bare legs and a pair of feet with plump shins and flat fingers.He wears a pair of special rattan shoes and sometimes a pair of tiger leather short boots.In the cold weather, half of her legs are still exposed, and her waist and ape's back are more and more slender, her skin is like jade snow, her heroic posture is heroic, and she is so beautiful.But the mask has never been taken off, and the iron man ignored it.

Lou Gongliang had heard about the many miracles of Hunv last year, and when he heard that the Chen family father and daughter were rescued by Hunv and Tiehan, he couldn't help thinking about it.Because Hu Nu's actions are always secretive, no one would know if it wasn't Xiaofeng's word, and she wouldn't dare to tell anyone else.After hurriedly asking about the past, I went to look for it in the Dongshan boundary.After looking at it, the person has gone away.Knowing that her whereabouts were uncertain, Fang wanted to turn back to Dongshan and come back another day. Suddenly, there was a shower of rain on the way, and he saw a rock in front of him, so he rushed to shelter from the rain.Unexpectedly, after the rain, the mountain torrent broke out, and the road was cut off, and the ground was flooded, so we had to find the way on the cliff, planning to turn over.Unexpectedly, he lost his way, walked farther and farther, and fled into the forest.Because of the proximity to home and the lightness of work, the mountain road of more than 30 miles can be reached in a short time, so there is no dry food prepared.After avoiding the rain for most of the day, I was already hungry, and then I ran around in the forest, getting more and more hungry and tired.It was getting dark early in the morning, Yigao was bold and didn't feel any danger, thinking that this forest seemed to have been seen before when climbing a mountain, and it didn't occupy a very large area.Because it is on the northeast corner and separated by a cliff, it has never been there.There is a thousand-mile torch by my side, as long as I look in the right direction, walk straight, and go home through this forest. I never know that this place is the border of Anle Cave where Tiger Girl lives.The forest is a long strip, if you go to the north, you have already passed through it; if you go to the east, after you finish walking, the forest in front of you is getting denser, the vines are tangled on the ground, and the bushes are overgrown. Women who have lived here for a long time have never been here.I got lost on Gongliang Road early, mistakenly thought that the small forest I saw in the day, and tried to force my way through, how could it be done?When we see that the future is extremely dangerous, we can’t go any further, we’re hungry, and we’re exhausted, then we become vigilant, and we’ve gone a long way.Thinking that the future is not far away, you can still go out, but you are not willing to go back, just wandering around the trees, retreating and advancing, but never thought of going north and south.I was flustered and anxious, when I heard a tiger howling in the distance, I thought to myself, I am hungry at this time, why not look for the sound of the tiger, kill the tiger, light a fire with a tree branch to eat it, and then make up my mind. Find the way to the sound of the tiger.After walking a long way, the sound of the tiger seemed to be nearby, and there was only one tiger.Thinking of the sharp sword in your hand and the hidden weapon around you, as long as there are not many tigers, you will definitely get your wish; if not, with your lightness kung fu, you won't be hurt by tigers.Seeing that the trees on the road ahead are thinner, the road is easy to walk, and there are still moonlight shining through in some places, my heart moved, I rushed to a big tree with withered branches and leaves, walked out of the tree layer and looked around, I couldn't help but let out a cry lucky.

It turned out that Gong Liang looked everywhere, and he could see that the forest was dense and boundless, I don't know how long or wide it is, and there are at most two or three miles before leaving the road.There are large peaks and cliffs in front of the cliffs, and there are flat streams in front of the cliffs. Under the moonlight, the sound of tigers has stopped.I thought, as soon as I walked out of the forest, I could try to dig out mountain grains and hunt to satisfy my hunger.At dawn, looking for a way back to the village, there are many dangers, not as dark and gloomy as in the forest. Always be on guard against poisonous snakes and ferocious beasts, and every step is dangerous.When he regained his energy, he saw the way to go; he jumped down and rushed forward, seeing that he could get out not far away, and there was moonlight on the ground in front of him.Fang Xing was about to get out of danger, when he suddenly heard another tiger's roar, which shook the mountains and valleys, and the trees rustled like a tidal wave.The tiger could be heard not moving at the same place, but the whistling sound was extremely violent, which was different from what was usually heard, and it was a very majestic tiger.After walking all day and night, I was hungry and tired, and I was not sure whether I could defeat it.Just a little wary, I looked back suddenly and saw two groups of golden lights the size of wine glasses beside the side tree, which flashed and then disappeared, and were quite high from the ground, and I couldn't help being shocked.I thought to myself: What kind of beast is this thing, how could it be taller than a human?If it is a poisonous snake and a boa constrictor, it must be surprisingly bigger, and manpower is by no means its enemy.In such an ancient and uninhabited forest, there is something vicious and vicious hiding in hiding. These two golden lights must be its fierce eyes. I wonder if it has seen it?There was nothing to provoke in the dark, so he ran out in a panic.All the way, he noticed that there was no movement behind him, and he was secretly fortunate that the thing was probably a rare big python, because he had no intention of hurting anyone, so he didn't chase it.If it is a beast, it will not be so high.

Just thinking about it, while rushing through the forest, I suddenly felt that I was breathing not far away, and I knew that there was a beast ambushing beside me, and the secret path was not good.It happened that there was an open space on the right side, and people were about to walk out, there were still six or seven zhang, and after a row of woods, they were outside the forest, and the moonlight had already shone in.At the same time, I saw two balls of golden and blue light coming from the shadows. It looked like a tiger. It was very big, but I didn't see it clearly.Looking back on the ground, it turned out to be a big tiger that has never been seen before, and it came over quietly.The ground in the forest is tired, and the scene is dark. He plans to escape to the outside of the forest and kill him.Holding the sword in one hand and throwing the thousand-mile torch in the other, he immediately took out the hidden weapon, and while going out of the forest, he was about to hit the tiger's eye with a single iron ring arrow.As soon as he fell under a big tree, he was outside the forest in a few steps.Looking back in the moon field, the tiger also followed and ran. It was much more majestic and powerful than the usual tigers, but it didn't run very fast and didn't show its strength.As soon as he raised his hand, he heard another tiger roar from outside the forest, only to realize that there was more than one tiger.This shock was no small matter, before the sword in his hand came out, he felt a gust of wind rushing towards him in his busy schedule, so he didn't know what was going on; he didn't care about beating the tiger, and he didn't have time to look back. , Prepare to land and look back to see what is clear, so as to meet the enemy.Gong Liang is very good at lightness kung fu, his movements are like flying, he is alert and has the sharpest eyes and ears.A little vigilant and then I dodged. I never dreamed that the thing was coming like lightning, faster than him, and before it landed, my arms tightened. Like a hoop, with extraordinary strength, Gong Liang's high martial arts skills can't even make a slight struggle.Looking sideways while busy, he caught a glimpse of the thing that looked like a human being but not a human being, with golden light shining in his eyes, just like what he saw in the forest just now.The person is bound tightly by it, and both wrists are caught by the long claws, unable to move.The tiger as big as a buffalo shot its eyes and walked towards it again.Secretly said: "My life is over!" I was trying to use some method to suddenly get rid of the monster on my back, once I got out, I would be alive.Man imitating such a monster, a fierce tiger, in order to fight for himself, set up a fierce fight.I wanted to get up, but it was nothing like running a long distance. I was so hungry and tired, and the monster behind me was so powerful that I couldn't break free easily.

Using strength in the dark, intending to display the true strength and true energy of the inner family, and fight it unexpectedly.The tiger came in front of him, stopped suddenly, stared at him, his expression was fierce and vicious at first, but now he became tame, growled a few times, then turned and walked forward.The monster behind him first grabbed hold of himself, without any movement, and he couldn't see what his intention was.After the tiger roared and turned around, all four claws were loosened suddenly, and he got up from the body.Gong Liang had just used his inner strength, when he saw the tiger leaving, he thought that the tiger was afraid of the monster behind him, and had already retreated, only wondered why this thing made no sound, and did not move to hurt anyone.Just about to use the inner family's two-character "stretch unloading" formula, first use the bone shrinking method to loosen it, then make a forward pounce, suddenly launch, throw the monster behind you, and then fight it with the hidden sword weapon, unexpectedly the monster will retreat by itself .At that time, I felt my body was light, and I hurriedly looked back. Under the moonlight, I saw a black shadow in the shape of an ape. The two golden lights in front were its eyes; In the middle of the sky, he went straight, and jumped into the forest in a blink of an eye, without knowing where he was going.I have never heard the sound, and I don't know what the intention is.Seeing that the tiger didn't go far away, it was still looking back halfway, as if it was treating each other.

Gong Liang is a witty man, he thought about it carefully, and suddenly remembered that he had heard from the natives that the tiger that the tiger girl rides never hurts people, it is very docile, and it is much bigger than the regular tiger.Just now I was caught by the monster, the tiger rushed over, not only did not intend to hurt anyone, it roared a few times, and the monster let go and retreated.Now it seems that the future is waiting for each other. Could it be that the tiger girl lives here?Only then did my mind move, and I took a closer look at the front. On both sides of the stream, there were many crops growing up and down, east and west.There are houses on the cliff slope near the foot of the mountain on the left.There are people living in the place, but the tiger roars and roars here and there calmly, no one is alarmed, the more he knows it is as expected.But according to the way the tiger came, he walked tentatively, and the tiger turned around from time to time to look back, as if seeing Gong Liang chasing him, he began to gallop away.In front of it is a row of peaks and cliffs, very high and steep. In front of the cliffs, there is a forest of big and small rocks, the lowest one is one or two feet high.Gong Liang was sure that he was not bad, so he became more bold and cautious, and just followed along.When he was about to arrive, he saw that there seemed to be a cave looming in the forest of strange rocks. The tiger had already entered, and no one came out.Running for a day and night, encountering dangers, never resting, hungry and tired.I have seen someone on the way, but I forgot to find someone to ask first, it is already far away.I was regretting when I caught a glimpse of two peach trees beside the road. The mountain peaches were just ripening, and I could smell the fragrance of the peaches from afar. I looked up and saw that they were very fat. Fang, fragrant and crisp.I thought to myself: With the internal strength I have practiced, it’s okay to be hungry for a few days, just because I’m eager to go on the road and have no time to work hard.It was late at night, and the owner didn't know where he lived, so he didn't disturb him.I think this is a tiger's lair, it doesn't hurt people, and these two peaches quench my hunger and thirst, so I don't even disturb those two houses, just find a place nearby and sit down, spend some time, and put my energy first. Reply, it's the same to wait until dawn to see the master again, so as not to be disturbed in the middle of the night.Although the other party is a stranger, she is a woman, which is quite inconvenient.After making up my mind, I saw a stalagmite about ten feet high facing the pile of strange rocks not far from the tree, which was similar to the strange rocks in front, far away and isolated on the ground.Because the tiger was psychic, and the owner was a strange woman, he greeted the cliff, told the origin of the name and came here by mistake when he got lost in the water, but he still hasn't seen the owner.In order to be hungry and thirsty, it is inconvenient to be alarmed late at night, so I had to take some peaches from the tree without telling me.Now I am going to sit until dawn, and I will come to see you, please don't blame me, etc. After I finished speaking, I picked two more peaches because they were delicious.If you look at the stone, you can see that the surface of the stone is flat, and the top is rich and the bottom is sharp. Even if the prediction is wrong, there is a danger of infringement, and it is more convenient to deal with it from a high position.Once you have made up your mind, use your energy.

I just closed my eyes and used my true energy to walk for a few weeks, when I suddenly heard laughter from the opposite side.Busily opened his eyes to take a look, and couldn't help being surprised.It turned out that there were several protruding flat cliffs and large and small cluster holes on the opposite side of the cliff, but they were blocked by the many strange rocks below, so they could not be seen.There are many rocks on the cliff, little soil, no vegetation, and many caves standing on the upper and lower walls. The situation is very dangerous, but it cannot be seen on the surface.The original idea is that it is so late at night, if the master is there, he has already seen him, so there will be no movement.The tiger walked in from the strange rocks at the bottom of the cliff, and there was another cliff inside, thinking that someone was also in the cave below, so he didn't pay attention to the top.When I got to the top of the stone, although I saw the beautiful scenery around the opposite side of the cliff, and the majestic caves and gullies, I didn't take a closer look. I was eager to work hard, keep my spirits up, and went to see the master at dawn.After glancing at it, he closed his eyes and worked hard, ignoring the past.When he heard the laughter, he saw that there was a flat cliff two or three feet long and more than one foot wide on the side of the cliff not far from his head. rise.There is a flat rock in front of that flat cliff, and a large clump of depressions in the back. The rock on the head protrudes forward, as if it is about to collapse.There is a cave more than ten feet high at the bottom, and there is a natural rock on one side, a few feet above the ground, with a small orifice and a flat top, which is beside the cave.Because the cave is indented quite deeply, it is not easy to see without looking closely.Leaning on the rock beside the cliff is a girl in white clothes. Her figure, clothes and the quiver and needle bag inserted in her waist are similar to what the natives call the tiger girl.There is also a fierce tiger lying beside the stone, which is more majestic than what I saw just now, and there is also a big tiger squatting outside the entrance of the cave, the same as what I saw before.The girl wore a head of hair, the mask had been taken off, and the tiger skin hat was hanging on the stone corner beside her.Half wearing a white cloak, holding the rock behind him with one hand, and with the other on his hips, lying on the rock with his lower body, revealing a pair of pink and curved jade feet, looking at himself, smiling uncontrollably, looking like a heavenly man under the moonlight, busy walking on the rock Standing up, he bowed and said: "I have heard the name of a chivalrous woman for a long time, and I wanted to see her very much, but none of them got my wish. Today, because I heard that the Chen family couple and his daughter Xiaofeng were rescued by a chivalrous woman, I wanted to find a hero to introduce her, but unexpectedly I did not return from the hunt. , I don’t know where the person is. I wanted to go back, but on the way, I encountered a strong wind and rain, and the mountain torrent broke out, blocking the road. I ran into the forest by mistake, hungry and tired, and finally got out, but was caught by a monster from behind. Fortunately, the chivalrous woman sat down Shenhu rescued, frightened away the monster, and attracted this place. It is inconvenient to be alarmed late at night, and I want to ask for a meeting at dawn. I didn't expect that the chivalrous woman is opposite, and I don't know if the iron man is here? May I have a meeting?"

Before he finished speaking, a girl suddenly dressed up like the tiger girl, came out with a plate of food, and when they saw each other, they called out, "Why doesn't Father Yu come over?" Gong Liang recognized Xiaofeng, and his heart became happier.After speaking, I was about to say hello.When the tiger girl first saw Gong Liang talking to her, she bowed to her in a very respectful manner. She grew up in the mountains and had never seen such a gentle and polite person. Instead, she thought it was funny.Later, when he heard about the monster, he seemed quite surprised, and didn't answer, first whispered a few words to Xiaofeng, then leaned over and hugged the tiger's head and said a few more words.Gong Liang saw that she was ignoring her and she was getting stiff. The tiger girl suddenly raised her head and said with a smile: "I grew up in the mountains and was raised by tigers. I was educated by my teacher and never interacted with people outside the mountains. I don't know etiquette. Please don't be offended. I have Knowing that you are a good person from Dongshan, I want to make friends with you. You haven’t eaten yet, please come to my side, how about eating?” Gong Liang heard that, only then did he know that the tiger girl grew up deep in the mountains, innocent and simple, not proud , Thank you as soon as you are busy.Just as she was asking where the road was, Xiaofeng had already put down the wooden plate, and jumped down along the cliffside mountain road above.Gong Liang saw that the road was on the opposite side among the strange rocks, and the distance between the two sides was only two feet away. He thought to himself: My family lives in Dongshan, how did she know?I heard that this woman is very talented and has the ability to subdue tigers, so don't be underestimated by her.Fortunately, his energy has recovered a bit, and he hurriedly shouted: "Xiaofeng doesn't need to come down, I have already seen the way. You wait for me on the north cliff to lead the way, so as not to have to trek up and down, the mountain road is steep and difficult to walk." Qi, using lightness kung fu, jumped two feet high, and lightly landed on the first row of rocks two or three feet above the ground in front of him.The tiger girl was already blocked by the cliff, and Xiaofeng had just run to the middle of the cliff, there were still three or four feet away from the cliff, and there were several uneven rocks in the middle.Just as he was about to pass over the stone, he suddenly heard the laughing praise of the girl above him.Looking up, it is the tiger girl who has walked from the rock to the edge of the cliff, looking down with a smile on her face, Fengshen is more beautiful, and the person is more innocent.Neither blame the person who came to show off, nor surprise.When we met for the first time, we were naturally kind, and Fang felt that this girl was really beautiful.The tiger girl has already called out coquettishly: "Xiaofeng, you lead Mr. Lou up from the top of the stone on the left, so that people who are tired from walking will not have to jump up and down." When Gong Liang met for the first time, he didn't know the depth of the other party. Yihong quickly replied: "Little brother obeys."

Xiaofeng didn't come over, and just followed what Hunu said, pointing Gongliang to go around from the side.Only then can I see that although those strange rocks are tall and low, like sword trees, they are mostly connected in the middle, and even if they are separated, they are not too far away.Because of the natural demeanor of the Tiger Goddess, she didn't take it as a surprise, and deeply regretted what happened just now, and that a misfortune would still be taken lightly by others, so she had to pretend that it wasn't intentional, and walked past calmly.Approaching the front of the cliff, a gap suddenly appeared, but it was close to each other, and with a light stroke, we could reach the opposite side.Xiaofeng has walked around, and the tiger woman also retreated.Xiaofeng said in a low voice: "Godfather is now looking for a hero, and my master is right there. Seeing that the sky is about to change, I started to ride a tiger back. On the way, I saw the godfather on the cliff, and I knew that by some misfortune, he would encounter obstacles." , I didn’t expect to come here today. Before I went to bed, I remembered that there was a gully in the middle of the place. If I was looking for a way from the top of the cliff, I would have to walk into the forest. , called Xiaohu to come back. Later, I heard that the echo had been found, and he was walking towards us. After a long time, I didn’t see him again. Master was anxious, and asked the tiger’s mother to call the tiger again. Then he heard the tiger roaring in a low voice. Raised by a tiger, he can understand the tiger's language, but he didn't hear it clearly. He followed the little tiger back and knew that the man had been attracted. After a while, he went up and went out of the cave to check, and saw his godfather talking to himself on the opposite stone. The master usually encounters rough people. He has never seen such a godfather before. He thought it was funny and hid himself at the entrance of the cave and did not come out. Later, he saw that the godfather was the same as the master. He simply meditated after eating two peaches. It’s funny, and said to me: “This man is very nice. I must be hungry and tired after wandering around in the forest all day and night. Prepare your food quickly and call him over to meet you.” My master has also saved many It's the first time I've seen someone who is as happy as today."

The happier Gong Liang heard the words, the more he felt that he shouldn't show off in person.As Xiaofeng walked up the mountain road calmly, the tiger lady returned to the original place early, still half leaning and half lying down.This meeting, the more I feel that the other party's face is radiant, bright and beautiful, the person is more sincere and generous, naturally dignified, does not stand up when seeing someone, draws two jade legs inward, and points to the leopard skin Shanshi smiled and said, "Master Lou, please sit down. Since I grew up in a cave, there were only two masters and apprentices. There were no chairs and stools, and all I sat on were ready-made rocks. I don't know if there is a guest coming today. Please sit next to me." Tomorrow, ask the Chen family for a bench and you can sit on it again." Gong Liang saw that the rocks on the mountain where he was lying had a radius of Zhang Xu, and he imagined that people used to sit and lie on them all year round. .The tiger girl stepped aside and sat at her feet.One is quite wide, and I know that the other party is a strange woman, there is no suspicion, I don't like women in my life, I haven't married a wife at the age of thirty, somehow I hit it off, the more I look at it, the better.Wanting to be humble, she changed to sit on the rock where Xiaofeng put her things just now, but she couldn't bear to refuse, so she sat on it as said.Fang was about to speak, but the tiger girl laughed first and said, "Mr. Lou has been hungry for a whole day. If I never have such patience, you should eat your fill first. Fortunately, it will be dawn soon, so you can sleep on the rock first. How about staying here for two days before leaving?" Gong Liang had never heard this from a young woman, so he was surprised and suspicious, and he secretly noticed that he was doomed by the beautiful eyes of the tiger girl. Tiger Girl sleeps at night and wakes up early since she was a child, and sleeps very little.I have gotten up before dawn, and I am more happy to have a good night with flowers and moon.On a moonlit night, I often get up in the middle of the night and never sleep again.Just after dusk, I lay down with Xiaofeng, while sending Xiaohu to look for Gongliang's traces, I just woke up not long ago, and I didn't sleep anymore, so I was relieved.Fortunately, I have used my work just now, so it doesn't matter if I don't sleep.The tiger girl prepared a lot of food, and when she was hungry, she was full.The tiger girl first persuaded Gong Liang to sleep on the rock for a while, and then talk after waking up, Gong Liang said that he would not tire.It was the first time Tiger Girl met such a speculator, she felt that the words and actions of the visitor were right, and the words were more pleasing to the ear, and she was very willing to chat with him, so she stopped persuading him.The two talked to Yueqing on the stone, and they became more and more speculative, and they hated seeing each other late.At the beginning, Gong Liang was a little wary because he saw that the tiger girl was too generous and informal.After talking for a while, at the beginning, I thought it might be Hunv's intentions, but when I saw that the other party was purely innocent, just speculative, and had no other thoughts, I felt admiration instead, and couldn't help but fall in love.Although she has always been tidy and reserved since first meeting, she is actually very fascinated, and after hearing about Tiger Girl's background and background, she respects and loves her even more. It turned out that the tiger girl Yunping was an abandoned baby, who was carried into a cave by a tiger and raised with tiger milk.Growing up in the mountains since childhood, he has strong muscles and often eats tiger milk and fruits from the mountains without using fireworks.First, he grew a whole body of green hair, was strong and light in body, and was naked all day long, and he never met a single human being.Relying on the tigress to love her so much, they go out and go together all day long, never leaving each other.The most strange thing is that even the cubs born by that tiger don't eat meat, and Yunping has never eaten raw meat or fireworks.At the age of nine, the mountain was suddenly covered by heavy snow.Because the snow fell too early this year, the whole mountain was frozen, and there was nowhere to ask for food. They were so hungry that one person and two tigers braved the wind and snow and went out together to find food. Unintentionally, they and the tiger slipped into the ice ditch and were unable to come up. I was hungry for two or three days.The tiger girl is naturally bold, gifted, smart, quick-witted, thoughtful, and dexterous, so she asked the tiger mother to wait there. After a lot of effort, she managed to climb up. She was cold and hungry, and her strength was exhausted. Falling down in the snow, never getting up again.Seeing that he was about to die, he was discovered by a stranger living in seclusion in this mountain, and rescued him into the cave, where he was fed first.At this time, the tiger girl couldn't understand people's words. Seeing that the rescuer was an old man with white beard, who was similar in appearance to her. Although she was grateful and very attached to her, but seeing the tiger skin on the stone, she thought that he was the enemy of the tiger. Unable to express his thoughts, he took advantage of the old man's disappearance, stole a lot of food, and ran out. Looking back, the old man did not come after him, and he was secretly happy.At this time, the snow began to fall again, and snowflakes the size of goose palms were flying all over the sky.Eager to save the two tigers, I grew up in the mountains since I was a child. The area in front of the old man's cave is blocked by forests and cliffs, so I have never been there. Thanks to my innate privileges and years of training, I am able to withstand the cold and have very strong eyesight. As soon as she picked her up, she was wrapped in animal skin. As soon as her body warmed up, the old man used his hands to rescue her. After walking a few steps, she woke up. The snow just stopped. Clothes, and hastily made an apron and a leather sheath for her from animal skins, much warmer than before.The man was full again, regained his energy, braved the oncoming wind and heavy snow, jumped and galloped all the way, and heard the sound of the tiger roaring, and it didn't take long to find it.Just as he was about to fall down, he suddenly heard someone's voice, which was similar to the old man's voice just now, and the two tigers were also roaring happily, as if they had been rescued.Quickly looking around, the old man had arrived first, although he had the weapon he saw just now on his waist, he did not kill the two tigers, but took a lot of food with him, and quickly fell down.The old man ordered her to ride on the back of the tiger, drew out the sword beside her, drove a slope out of the slippery and steep ice cliff, and went up.Except for the two hunting deer legs, the food the old man brought was mountain grain. Seeing that the tiger refused to eat meat, he was even more happy.The two tigers were full and refreshed, so they both went up and lived together in the cave for a few days. Because that place is much warmer than the old residence, and the mountain food is easy to dig, even people and tigers are unwilling to leave.The old man is very capable and kind. The tiger girl is very smart, and she can learn the human language in a few days. The old man named her Yunping.Seeing that the tiger girl had green hair, she made a suit of clothes for her. Yuemin bought some elixirs and told them that they could be used for water and fire. The tiger girl used both meat and vegetables, and often ate fireworks.The tiger still ate the roots and wild vegetables and all kinds of mountain grains, and refused to eat meat.When the tiger girl asked about her rescue, she learned that the old man was surnamed Yun and had been hidden in the mountains for decades.There are still relatives in my hometown in Chengdu, who go back every ten years. They only rest in the mountains on weekdays and often go out to collect herbs.Recently, I found a green-haired girl riding a tiger for a trip. Because she had never seen it before, she felt strange, and she went to spy on it when she heard the roar of the tiger.The tiger girl didn't live in the area originally, but she didn't intend to come here a few days ago, and found that there were a lot of grain and fruit trees in the area, so she stopped. As soon as she found a cliff cave to live in, the mountain was blocked by heavy snow.Within a few days, the old man went looking for it, and happened to walk away, only to see a little tiger trail.After freezing, he thought that the girl was passing by, and he had already gone.Fang Jue had something to do that day, so he didn't chase after him to find out his whereabouts. Is it human or strange? Do you have parents and teachers? Why don't you even wear a piece of clothing when you ride a tiger?Hearing the horrific roar of the tigers from a distance, he hurriedly followed them to find them, and just saw two tigers landed in the snow ditch, howling relative to each other.When I looked back, I saw a green-haired girl struggling and rushing away in the ice and snow on the opposite bank. She looked embarrassed and hurried away, but she fell into the snow and passed out.Knowing that she was cold and hungry, he hurriedly picked her up with a leather coat and looked at her. Her features were very beautiful, and she was rescued before reaching the cave. Knowing that the tiger girl was riding, there must be a reason, and she wanted to kill the girl first. Rescue it back to the cave, and check it after it is full. If the tiger is not vicious, he rescues the two tigers together.Unexpectedly, the girl didn't understand human words, but she looked extremely intelligent. She was about to question carefully, but as soon as she turned around, the girl stole some mountain grains in a bamboo basket and fled quickly. She was expected to save the two tigers.In case the tiger is not a vegetarian, I took the two dried deer legs from the cave, fearing that it would not be enough, I packed some wild vegetables and mountain grains, relying on the familiarity of the road, I walked fast and rushed ahead.When the tiger girl fled, she was flustered and blinded by snowflakes, so she didn't see it.When the old man arrived, he saw that the tiger was very docile. Although he was extremely hungry, he didn't eat meat, and only ate up the mountain grain he had brought.The big tigress was the first to stick to her side, shaking her head and tail to express her affection and gratitude. She raised her head and screamed sadly from time to time, and jumped up the cliff.The other tiger, which was a little smaller, also roared and ran wildly, but because the ice and snow were too slippery, it slipped and fell down at the same time, and the two tigers howled in distress.Knowing that he wanted to find a green-haired girl, he immediately called to stop, telling her that she had been rescued and had enough to eat, so she would come and bring food.The two tigers actually understood, stopped their roar immediately, turned around and roared at the old man in a low voice.Follow the tiger girl to find it, and turn around together. Soon, the green fur all over the tiger girl's body and even the thick skin on her feet were taken off, and her whole body looked like jade snow, making her appearance even more beautiful.The old man loves it very much, so the man and the tiger stayed in the cave and never left.Because the old man is both civil and military, very capable, and has two excellent swords, several hidden weapons, and an extremely long lasso.The tiger girl learns martial arts again, knows how to hunt, and has two tigers to help, which is more convenient.At first most of the animal skins and horns were discarded. The old man laughed and said: "These things are useful." The life was hidden and washed with herbal stone powder to prevent decay, and the pile became more and more.The tiger girl only meets a tiger and refuses to hurt her. Even if she does, she will be frightened away by the two tigers without touching her.If it wasn't for the tiger girl Xijie, the old man didn't eat much meat, and he didn't want to kill more. The local beasts had been killed by this one and the two tigers long ago, so they were so scared that they fled away, farther and farther away.Two years later, the old man suddenly took out a few handwritten books to force him to read and teach him how to be a human being.The more Tiger Girl knows, the more she thinks of the kindness of the old man, and she insists on worshiping him as her father.The old man said: "I don't want to have any more children, so it's the same to worship me as a teacher." The tiger girl couldn't please, so she had to worship her master.Those two tigers were previously raised by another stranger in this mountain. The female tiger was trained to urinate since she was a child, and she never ate anything with blood.It was originally a foreign species in the snow mountain, but it was brought up by that foreigner in the mountain since it was born. It is extremely dexterous, powerful and mighty, much stronger than Chang Hu.The shape is also different. Compared with Changhu, the head and neck are longer, and the legs are also thicker. When running vigorously, the long tail stands up, and the small tree that is close to it can be broken with a single whip, just like a steel whip.Needless to say, the beast was marked by it.From the old man's cave, because the tiger girl was raised by a tiger, she knows the tiger's nature and can speak the tiger's language. Then, under the order of the old man, she trains harder every day, and becomes more alert than before. At first, because the old man felt that the tiger girl was young and had too much courage, there were only two people facing each other in the cave.I am diligent in studying every day, and apart from teaching her to read and write and practice martial arts, I don't know many things.There are many words that have not been said, and it is another Sichuan accent.There are many natives in the east and west of this mountain, and there is also a family of bullies, fearing that she will not understand her language and is beautiful, and she will go out to cause trouble, so she specially made some new clothes and a tiger skin hat cover for her from the fine white linen that she had hidden.a mask.When he came out, he ordered him to wear a hidden weapon with a sword, and simply pretended to be a monster riding a tiger in a strange costume, so that the enemy would be timid before seeing him, so as not to suffer from others.On the one hand, he warns at any time, saying that other human beings are mostly dangerous, if you are negligent, you will be captured and killed by him, and there is no hope of coming back, so you must not go far, at most, you can only walk within a radius of more than ten miles from east to west.The second circle of forest and the western cliff must never be crossed.Otherwise, you will be seen through by Xishan bullies and their subordinates. Not only will you be dangerous, but you will also cause trouble for me.Although there are a few heroes living in seclusion in Dongshan, it doesn't matter if they see through.One is that it is not time for you to meet.They live deep in the valley, and there is a paradise of Taoyuan inside, which is not easy for outsiders to enter.They are far apart, and there is a barrier in the middle, so you can't go there unless you go out of the forest to the west.It is also dangerous to meet the wicked.After seeing you, the heroes of Dongshan will come here if they need to follow them, and they also want to disturb my study.Therefore, he often regards Xishan as a daunting way, and Gengbo is a stranger, not knowing that Master has other deep meanings.It wasn't until the old man returned to his hometown in Chengdu the year before last due to an incident that he repeatedly told people to be careful when he left. The tiger woman is the most intelligent, remembering that she once killed two leopards with bare hands, fought five wolves alone, and ordered the two tigers to avoid each other, and they all succeeded in killing them all.Three months before the master left, not only did he intensify day and night to teach martial arts, but he also took out the seven-star needle, the unique skill in his life, and instructed him to practice diligently.With my own ability and the stone-like rotten sword bestowed by my master, no matter how powerful a poisonous snake or beast is, it will die if I encounter it, and it will never hurt me at all.Since he was a child, he has mastered the hand arrow passed down by his master, and he can shoot with both hands continuously, within a hundred steps, even the Liuying firefly in Xia Ye can hit it.Even the master usually said that this martial arts has few opponents, and it is clear that there is more than enough self-defense. Why do you have to strive for excellence when you leave, and order you to work hard, and did not mention that you are not allowed to go to Xishan. , and became comrades, thinking that it would be a plan to eliminate harm in the future.But if you want people to come by themselves, or meet unintentionally, and speculate with each other, you can't force them, let alone go to his Xiangsu Village.对于西山这些恶人反倒一字不提,莫非暗示不管,随我心愿? 本来洞中人少,老人在时用功时多,难得说笑,有此一人相对,还不觉得。及至老人一走,老虎虽通人意,不会开口,连个说话的人都没有,越来越寂寞,连书也无心再读。暗忖:师父虽说恶人可怕,不许我离此远出。但听平日口气,常说我是天生异禀,又吃虎乳生长,身轻力大,与众不同。再经他老人家全力传授,此后当少敌手,稍差一点的人再多也休想近身,前后之言好些矛盾。师父已走了好几天,昼长无事,实在寂寞心烦。师父还说将来除害,那恶霸见都不曾见过,如何除法?何不前往一探,看看那些人到底有多厉害,便去和虎商量。虎女从小被虎养大,视虎若母,喊它虎妈,人、虎最是亲热。初意虎妈平日最听师父的话,每次想要走远一点它都不肯。有时赌气步行前往,二虎必要抢前拦阻,不放过去。不忍心打虎妈,便拿所骑的虎出气,常时打得那虎乱跑乱叫。结果,不是被虎妈强阻为难,便是老人亲身赶到,迫今回去。满拟师父走前必向二虎嘱咐,和以前一样不令离开。正打算虎如不肯,便想法子,到了森林前面将虎支开,偷偷掩去。再要不肯,师父不在,无人拦我得住。虎妈对我怜爱,假意向它哭闹,也必勉强答应。哪知刚一开口,母虎便令骑上,不许骑那小虎,但令同行,越料师父走时有话。到了西山境内,看出当地虽有多人,都忙着在田地里耕种,一点也不凶恶,与预料不符。而所做的事好些均与师父平日所教的字意思相同,初次见到,觉着新鲜好玩,不舍离去。藏处隐秘,虎也不令再进。一直看到天黑腹饥方始回转。
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