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Chapter 12 The twelfth round of sweet-scented osmanthus and the picturesque autumn mountains

iron flute 还珠楼主 10354Words 2018-03-12
The three of them were talking while walking, Wan Fang frowned suddenly after listening to this, and said angrily: "Second brother, over the years, we and elder brother, brothers and sisters have also fought against injustice everywhere, and we often feel that there are some wealthy gentry who are called bullies. Household crimes do not end there, except for some extremely vicious people. When I think about it afterwards, I often regret it. I feel that although they are exploiting usuriously and oppressing the peasants, the host and guest were all voluntary at the beginning. Why are they so sinful? As long as a person commits a crime in the hands of the elder brother, every time it makes people feel that the punishment is too much, they feel uneasy. Until today, I heard Wangzi say that he was a young child, and he didn’t know much about the truth. What he said was all the facts. Suddenly realized. After living for several decades, I realized that this kind of very few rich and evil gentry are not cruel by nature and do evil openly, but their own system is a great harm passed down from generation to generation. How kind he is, because he specializes in depriving others of their beliefs The matter of owning one's own possessions and laboring others for the enjoyment of one's family will naturally follow this path of harming others. Just now I thought that people love what they have and want to live a better life. Nowadays, there are a lot of suffering everywhere. People, but there is no one to rest and live with them, and there is no way of making a living, all because of the lack of constant production and business. The good land has been occupied by a few people, and the barren areas have no funds to reclaim it. The bitterness is reclaimed, but it is plundered and robbed by these few people, so the common people will never have a peaceful life. People are born more and more, and naturally the more they suffer, the more bitter they are.

"If there is great power to divide the fields and cultivate them according to their ability, everyone will have a permanent property, and everyone will naturally know how to make progress. There will be no poor and no rich people. People who are intelligent and hardworking will enjoy slightly higher enjoyment than others. , is what he has achieved with his own efforts, and it is not an exaggeration. Unless ordinary people are lazy and give up, they can live a peaceful life. By encouraging each other and doing their best, the original land will produce more than this, and the newly reclaimed land will also be beneficial. It must increase year by year. As long as the population increases, there will be no need for food and clothing in this vast world. For the time being, we have no such power, so we have to do what we see, and save a little. Things in the world improve with the years, and there is nothing static Reason. If we stagnate forever, we are still living like the ancients drinking blood, how can we have today? According to my opinion, today the rich swallow the poor, the rich oppress the low, and the people are plundered for the sake of the limited people, so that the majority of the people will sink into misery and lifelong poverty We can't extricate ourselves from it, and the harm has reached the extreme. That is, we can't see all the reforms. After one or two hundred years, everything will be reversed. Sooner or later, this day will come, so that all people can live and work in peace and contentment without distinction between rich and poor. Everyone gets what they get with their intelligence, there will be no competition and killing in the world, and the world will be peaceful from now on, how wonderful it is.”

The three of them talked in low voices all the way, and walked towards Xinji Village unconsciously.This road is on the southwest corner of Zhangzhuang, half a mile away is a two-fork intersection, and the front section is full of ravines and wild fields. After walking seven or eight miles, we arrive at Jishang. The place is not the market season, there are still many people coming and going, and many things can be sold, which is different from other mountain towns.There are hundreds of households in the town, which are divided into front and back streets.The front street is mostly the warehouses of merchants from various industries, while the back street is densely populated and has more residents. There are twenty or thirty shops selling farm tools and edible items. There are also two restaurants and several inns. The inn on Northwest Road Most of the courtyards are spacious, equipped with stables for cattle and horses, and the largest one can accommodate dozens of carts in two or three sets.Among them, the Yuelai store is the largest, with five courtyards in total, which can accommodate more than 20 carts.The owner of the store is also a veteran of the rivers and lakes, and has the closest friendship with Wang Wanshan.The three of them also brought a letter from Wanshan with them.The other route goes west at the intersection of Sancha Road and walks on to the post road official road leading to Tianshui. There are many villages and towns along the way, not to mention that.Jiang and Wan probably went to Xinji because the old man heard that the two teenagers who had just started the attack and the gang of thieves went to Xinji, but the time was sequential.The bandits waited for the boy to leave, and only got up after half a meal. Although the road was another mountain road, there were no big villages and towns in front of it, and there were villages where poor natives planted the fields of the rich families like Zhangzhuang. Will stay, still have to detour to the fork in the end.Although it is uncertain whether this gang of thieves went to Tianshui, it seems that they are following behind the two teenagers.The two were eager to find out the whereabouts of Shen Hong, to see who the two young men were and why they were fighting with the bandits, but they didn't go to the mountain pass.Thinking about it again, when I met the two thieves at the door of a shop in Xinji, I decided to go to the local area first.Because Liu Liu, the shop owner of Yuelai, has very complicated eyelids, he must be able to find out some clues, and the round trip is only about twenty miles away, so he rushed to Xinji when he came up.

I saw that after the rain stopped, there were many people on the road, and it was inconvenient to perform lightness kung fu, so I had to talk and do it. When I entered the ravine, there was no one in front and behind, and the road was wide. There was a small stream on the left, and the ground was full of gravel. The rainwater had already flowed into the stream In the middle, the torrent was rolling and galloping.The ground in the middle is slightly raised, and the road is very easy to walk.The wild flowers on the two cliffs are in full bloom, and there are many pagoda trees on the top and bottom of the cliff. After the new rain, there is a lot of rain on the trees. .The setting sun has never shown up, and there is smoke and fog everywhere, and the birds on the branches pluck their feathers and comb their feathers, singing up and down.Although it is approaching the Mid-Autumn Festival, the heat of autumn has not subsided for several days. Just showing a little autumn, there are remnants of cicadas swaying by from time to time, and the mountain wind blows in one after another, with the scent of various wild flowers in the middle.The three of them walked against the wind, feeling light and cool in body and mind, and the scenery along the way also had a natural taste, which was much better than the road full of concrete mess.The ditch was long and wide. When I was happy at that time, I quickened my pace and galloped forward.Jiang Fei saw that Wang Zi was able to catch up, although he did not exert his full strength, it was not easy to achieve this achievement at a young age of less than a year.He was praising him repeatedly, telling him to do what he could, and if he felt it was difficult, don’t force it. Suddenly, he saw that the cliff across the river was relatively low, and there was still a slope to walk up. There were many trees, and many wild chrysanthemums were already budding, and they had the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus. With the wind blowing, I remembered my beloved wife's favorite cinnamon, and said with a smile: "Second sister, there is an osmanthus tree on the cliff. Let's walk from it, so how about picking two branches of it?" , two gentle ups and downs to the cliff.Wang Zi was a child at heart, when he saw his uncle complimenting him, he was naturally happy, and wanted to show off his skills, so he said yes, and followed him along.

Wan Fang wanted to stop them, but saw that the two had passed by first, so she had to follow and chase them. They reached the forest on the top of the cliff one after another, when suddenly a gust of wind came, and the water accumulated on the branches was poured down like a torrential rain, making the three of them covered their heads. All wet.Wan Fang just complained about Jiang Fei's ignorance: "It's good to go to places like this on a sunny day. At this time, there is a lot of rain on the tree. If one is unfortunately wet by it, wouldn't it be annoying? It's been a long time since I went there for two years. , I don’t know if Big Brother Shen is there, and my sister-in-law hasn’t come yet. The three villains and two monsters are extremely sinister and cunning, and the Zhang family’s thief, Mr. Hei, has been found. Although the senior brother is very capable, we are human Little, why do you still have such a childish temper, and you don't care about the powerful enemy at all."

When Wangzi said that his eyes were sharp, he caught a glimpse of a figure behind a big pagoda tree about ten feet away, and there was an osmanthus tree next to him. He pretended to be picking flowers, and hurried over. Wearing bamboo hats, wearing straw sandals, a strong man who looks like a native. At the same time, he found four other people behind the nearby trees.Because they don't look like bandit attire, even though Jiang and Wan saw it, but also because they all look like natives, bandit bandits don't look like this. Walking on the cliff, meeting each other unintentionally, unwilling to show signs of it again.Just as I was signaling in secret not to run too fast and make people suspicious, I suddenly remembered how these five natives were all dressed in the same way, the clothes were all clean, there was no patch, the straw sandals and bamboo hats were all new, and they were all so young and strong.There are many forests on the cliff, and sometimes there will be big canopy water blowing down, why don't you take the ready-made bamboo hats, and carry them all on your back, and your heart is moved.Suddenly Wangzi approached him with a skill of sweet-scented osmanthus, and said in a low voice: "These five people are quite suspicious. They all have weapons on their backs, and they are covered with bamboo hats. If you don't pay attention, you can't see them. They are following us again. The two of you Uncle, pay attention."

Wan Fang couldn't help but look back, and saw that the five people had followed, and they were within two feet of each other, pretending to be joking on the surface, but their eyes were fixed on her own side, and the bamboo hat on her back was also larger than usual, among them was a short one with a There is also a corner of the knife point two or three inches long.If you say he is from the green forest, he should not be dressed like this, his hands and feet are so thick, and his skin is so dark and purple; if he is a master, his appearance should not be so majestic and powerful, and his body and footwork are also different from ordinary people. It is clear at a glance that he has practiced martial arts, and he is very different from ordinary natives who are bowed and hunchbacked. Either their faces are sad or their movements are slow, and they are not lively.At first he wanted to turn around and inquire, but Jiang Fei had heard from Wang Zi that since he was eight or nine years old, he had herded cattle and sheep with others, and wandered around in nearby villages. The five of them had never seen each other before, and they all carried hidden weapons, so they became suspicious. They guessed there was a reason, so they hurriedly pulled Wan Fang back, and whispered: "It's important to look for the eldest brother at this time, don't worry about it. If these five are enemies, they won't be around." Our hearts are in our hearts. The future is all in the mountains, and no one is seen. Since he has been seen through, he might as well walk faster. If he doesn’t show his strength and attack, let him go. Let’s talk about it after finding the eldest brother, what do you think?”

Of the two couples, one was eager to see Shen Hong, the other missed Shen Hong's wife Fan Yin very much, and Wang Zi was also eager to meet these two uncles, and they all wished they could come to Xinji at that time.Wan Fang didn't want to walk slowly at first, and saw that the abilities of these five people were all on the outside, they were not powerful enemies, so there was no need to take it to heart. Hearing the words, he smiled and said hello. Go to the place where there are no trees on the edge of the cliff.Jiang and Wan were always afraid that Wangzi would not be able to catch up with him, so they refused to exert their full strength. Later, seeing that Wangzi was not panting, and looked natural, he said: "Climbing mountains and galloping since childhood, good at walking long distances, and also experienced by the old man Weng's daughter-in-law." Just pointing out, I have learned most of the young kung fu, although I dare not compare with the two masters, I can walk faster." I didn't really believe it at first, but when I got up from the cliff for the second time, Wang Zi kept urging me to hurry up, and pretended to be Going forward, after careful inspection, it turned out to be much faster than before. Although young and aggressive, he was very flattering and not very reluctant. When he was happy, he hurried forward and caught up with Wangzi. The three of them went together at his speed. Before the same gallop.

The three of them walked faster and faster, looking back on the way, the five people behind them were also rushing to catch up, seeing that they might not be able to catch up, they cursed secretly: "Stupid thief, dare to come out to chase people with this ability!" Seeing that Wangzi was walking effortlessly, he simply urged him to hurry up, and waited for Wangzi to lose his strength before he stopped to take a rest and see if the five people still chased after him.This is of course faster.When he first started walking, Wei Wen seemed to yell twice behind him, the two sides were already ten zhang away, and the mountain wind was so strong that he couldn't hear it clearly.Jiang Fei secretly instructed again: "These five are definitely not our opponents. We don't plan to be troublesome at this time, so we simply ignore him." So the three of them didn't turn their heads back, and when they finished running down the cliff, they turned around for two or three miles. Entering the flat land, there are already pedestrians on the road, and there are fields, people and some scattered small villages. The three of them also turned from top to bottom and turned to the main road to Xinji.Looking back, the five people were no longer there, and I felt amused.Wangzi galloped along with him, covering three or four miles at a stretch. Although he didn't show any difficulty, he still blushed a little, so he slowed down his pace.Just as they were walking forward, two more people came to meet them. They also had the same attire and expression as the five people just now. There were also weapons hidden in the bamboo hats behind their backs, and they were all wrapped in coarse cloth. They walked in a hurry. They passed by without raising their heads. .Then I met two natives carrying small baskets on their shoulders and doing small business. Although the costumes were different, the bamboo hats were the same. There are many natives wearing bamboo hats on their backs, and it is difficult to distinguish them. The bamboo hat on the back is relatively large, so if you see a hidden weapon, you should pay attention first, and you won't be able to see it at all.

That day was the right day for the town to go to the market. For three days in a row, and the Mid-Autumn Festival was approaching, the natives used autumn grain and various farm and mountain products to go to the market to trade, and they were very busy.After the rain stopped, a lot of people went back and forth, and the main roads to and from Xinji were convenient by water and land, extending in all directions. Most of the way from here is on the Huajialing side, and there are few villages.All the land in the mountains is in the hands of some local tyrants and wealthy gentry. The local people are extremely poor, and the number of people who go to the market is limited.When we got to Rencun Road, only two miles away, we saw masters carrying carts on their shoulders, pushing handcarts, and driving cattle and ox carts in various fields. Those who know other people will transport the goods overnight, and prepare to trade and sell them in the Ming Dynasty. On the way, they yell at each other, laugh and talk loudly, which is very lively.

A round of slanting masculinity shines red in the cloudy clouds in the western sky, and the nearby clouds are reflected in gold, red, ink, and purple. There is also a long rainbow in the sky, which means it is sunny.More and more people went forward, more than half of them carried their own bamboo hats just now, and many natives wore them on their heads for convenience.Taking a closer look, from the front of the village to the town, I met at least fifteen or sixteen comrades who were wearing big bamboo hats and dressed in various local costumes. Most likely, they were driven out of the town and went to China Jialing walked along.A few of them pretended to be peddlers, and they all carried an empty loader, put a few vegetables and fruits in it, and went back pretending to be going to the market.The shoulder poles carried by the two people in the middle are narrow and heavy, with iron hoops in the middle of both ends. The three of them knew something was wrong, and wanted to inquire about the bandit gang, but suddenly saw the Yuelai shop in front of them, and there was a man wearing a bamboo hat, The tall and strong man hurried out with a shoulder pole. There was an old man in short clothes standing at the door, who seemed to be the owner of the shop. He even gestured to the man. Although he didn't speak, his expression was very respectful.When I asked for advice in the past, it was Liu Liu, the owner.I thought, this old man must know the origin of this gang of thieves, so I hurriedly handed in the letter as Wan Shan said. The three of them were dressed in very ordinary expressions, and they were so ugly that Liu Liuxian didn't notice them.Hearing Wan Shan's friend, he hurriedly let in with a smile, and made a few perfunctory sentences. When he got to the unoccupied room, he read the letter and couldn't help being shocked, and even said: "Damn the old man, he also ran around the rivers and lakes before. Years later, he was blind, and he couldn't even recognize the knights he admired the most, and it would be embarrassing to say it, but I hope the three don't take offense!" Then he hurriedly ordered people to prepare wine and meals.Jiang Fei hurriedly persuaded him, saying: "I just had a full meal, so you don't have to be polite. I just rest here and ask some questions. I have heard that the old man has contacts from all walks of life. The shop has been open for many years. Outsiders must be able to see some of the origin here. I want to know something, can you tell me?" Liu Liu repeatedly agreed.When Jiang Fei asked if the two teenagers had been here before, which bandit party the dozen or so strong men with bamboo hats on the way were, and why they were dressed in such a way, he hurriedly replied with a smile: "First of all, you say that these two look like teenagers. In fact, the age is not young. Not only have I been here, one of them lives in the store. I came here last night, as if waiting for someone, and it will be around noon. Because I can see that this person is not an ordinary person. Seeing I can afford it, hand me a note saying that a man and a woman may be found later. Although these two people are not on the same road, they are both his sisters and brothers. If they meet, you can give him a note saying that there is something nearby I will return before dusk at the latest, please wait in the backyard room for these two people, and do not leave, in case of conflict. Unexpectedly, after he had just left for a long time, a person walked by the door, who was in the same shape as the person inside. They are similar in appearance. I was entrusted by someone to guard the door in case I missed it. I hurriedly did as I said, and called out "Hong Xianggong", and I turned around and asked me why I called him. I said there was a Yin Xianggong. I have acquaintances, here is a note. As soon as he finished reading, he asked where he was going and where he was going. As soon as I finished speaking, I picked up the note and said that he must find this person at this time, I rushed to Zhangzhuang, but I couldn't keep it no matter how much I persuaded, the note was taken away again. I thought there was another female customer who wanted to get the note back, but he said it was unnecessary, only that the yin and yang were as good as returning. Wait, he will arrive before dusk at the latest, there is still something to discuss. The female guest is his sister, although she will arrive within a day, the heavy rain like today will never come, so she will leave after talking. There were a lot of people, and this man was wearing an old raincoat, and he disappeared in a blink of an eye. At first, we thought he was mixed into the crowd. Later, our buddy Zhu Yi came back from the village entrance, and said that he had seen a man galloping in the rain with an umbrella in his hand. The wind and the wind did not move, counting the time, people had already left the village in just this turn, such a speed has never been seen before. "In the afternoon, the Mr. Yin who stayed at the store first came back suddenly and rode a flower horse. He said that the two people had met, and he went back to the store to pick up the package he left first. Go look for someone else. There will be a visit later on. Only a middle-aged man with an iron flute hanging around his waist can tell him the truth, and the rest should not talk too much. He said that I also know the iron flute of this strange man. The old man is the lucky star of the poor. I heard about it 20 years ago. In recent years, I found out that he often changed his nickname. He met the father and son of the Jin family who were aliased as Old Man Wang. In order to meet his old man, he went to Huajialing last year. Brother Wan Shan stayed in the wine shop for several days before he got to meet him and got a lot of advice. These three men and women are his good friends, so of course they have a lot of history, so I told him. Mr. Yin heard that I knew each other, He became more and more happy, and because he refused to ask for his shop money, he gave back a few taels of silver to the clerk. "What a coincidence, Mr. Yin had just left, but just after dinner, Zhang San, the leader of the Tianshui group of swordsmen, Erdang Yema, suddenly brought a few people. The father and son are rich and unkind, and they do a lot of evil. His brother wanted to find him, but unexpectedly, this guy secretly made an appointment and hired many martial arts fighters, preparing to collude with the officials to search the mountains and wipe out all his brothers as rebels. He has always been violent. Hearing the persuasion of the head of the family, he selected more than 30 capable brothers to come here, intending to take advantage of the autumn fair in the past few days to spy on the other party's reality, and while buying the inside line, he simply preemptively preempted him, robbed him of everything, and sent Zhang The father and son went back to the mountain captive, and then acted according to the camera. There was a heavy rain on the way, and they went out to rob in the distance. As usual, they pretended to be traders and peddlers. People are also rich, corrupt officials and evil gentry. Occasionally they rob merchants, as long as they don’t hurt people’s lives. People who can’t afford to suffer will never do it. Occasionally, if you rob the wrong person, as long as you ask the truth, you will still be angry after you get it. But it’s okay if you don’t like it, as long as you are taken by them, you will never let it go if you have a clear investigation of your future whereabouts, strength and weakness, and your own strength. No matter how many people there are, how strict your defenses are, and how powerful you are, His strength is no match for his wisdom, and he will never give up until he has it. Half of the income is donated to the poor, and the other half is reserved for the fair distribution of his brothers, and some savings are used to support the new brothers. Almost all the people who were robbed have been inquired carefully and deeply. Knowing the other party's secrets, he even stole the secret in his hand and used it as a coercion. He did not want to kill someone rashly, and he did not come out lightly. He hid in the deep mountains, the terrain is extremely dangerous, and there are many forests. No one can do anything to him. "So it was less than ten years old, and his reputation was far-reaching. A group of local tyrants and tyrants were famous for their cowardice. They all thought that he would be a great harm sooner or later. They secretly colluded with each other and asked people everywhere to get rid of him. In the end, because the mountains were deep and the roads were dangerous, there were few people and it was useless. Too many people can't do anything, so they can find the place. They only see the east and west fields full of crops. Don't say that people can't find one. Because of their clever hiding, they live in caves or underground. Only the entrances and exits were blocked and closed, and even the door could not be found in a hurry. Even if the entrance was found, the inside was extremely dark, and there were fierce beasts and poisonous snakes ambushing in advance, no one dared to enter. It seems that many fields and crops are born naturally, and cannot be found. Go to a house. The first thing they want to do when facing the enemy is to preserve their strength, not to hurt themselves alone, to avoid the real and attack the weak, and to use special soldiers to win. When they see too many enemies, they hide them all, but they play tricks in secret, so that the people who go away will be angry. Horror, I feel that there are enemies in all directions, and the grass and trees are all soldiers. I will return it and not provoke him. At most, I will suffer a small loss on the way home and receive a warning. If I burn his crops, and destroy some unharvested farm tools, Either let him follow and chase him, beat him to death, or forge a deep hatred from then on, and the local tyrant and bully who are the masterminds will never survive. Naturally, the government is helpless. Fortunately, the traces are secret, and there is no trouble in Tianshui, so they just listen to it. Several times In the past, rich local tyrants in neighboring counties could not sleep at night and cursed him, but there was nothing they could do about him. They had to spend some illegal money and hire more martial artists to protect their families. In some places, there were even Lianzhuang Associations. They are erratic, come and go, and no one can be sure when they will come. The more people to be on guard, the better. All the big families in the counties and counties around Tianshui have many martial artists and thugs. "Although our county is relatively affluent, because the nearby mountains are rich in medicinal materials and other mountain products, most of them are foreign merchants helping drug buyers. The real wealthy gentry in the county are only two or three most famous in Zhangzhuang, and the fields near Huajialing are hundreds of miles away. Among them, more than half of the properties belong to these two or three families, and the Zhang family is the most, accounting for six to seven out of ten. Although it is the first richest family in more than ten nearby counties, because of its good location, it has many martial artists and thugs , both father and son are famous, and the head of the family is the most cautious. He feels that he is not strong enough, so he will never act rashly. Although he has long been favored, he is still waiting for the opportunity, and has not yet launched an attack, so he has always been quiet. This time the practice They are radicals coming out. Although their brothers have not made a move in this county, they often pass by. Because I know better, I don’t hide it from others. Even the poor people in the local area recognize them. I don’t know. They are all dressed like that. Don’t say that even other people in the green forest may be able to distinguish the Zhang family’s idiot martial artists. When I first entered the door, I was shocked when I saw him so aggressive. Later, I asked him what happened. Knowing that he came here rashly because he didn't listen to the advice of the head of the family, he didn't expect to be a few days late. It's good to come early, but this night the Zhang family colluded with a few famous thieves, not only not afraid of him robbing, but also looking for the door to fight against. If it weren't for the fact that a strange person rushed to the front and defeated the enemy on the way, they would suffer a big loss if they showed their signs when they went there. Although they were persuaded by others, they only watched from the sidelines and saw the strength, so they didn't rush forward. The matter is not over yet. At the same time, the other party is found. In addition to the three most famous old thieves, the three villains and two monsters who were famous in the past are also among them, and there are a dozen or so thieves who are not weak. "Except for his two brothers who are the most skilled in the mountain, there are only a few dozen or so brothers who have begun to be sworn brothers. After years of training in physical strength and martial arts, although they are not mediocre, the others are poor farmers who came from far and near. Although they were very brave when they went into battle, none of them was afraid of death. After all, these people were monks halfway through, and they were already old when they came here, at least in their twenties. He is self-sufficient in farming, and he seldom goes out to rob, but spends more time in farming. I heard that there was an expert who gave advice secretly the year before last. Very ingenious, there are not many new and old people who are really capable of dealing with powerful enemies. They are invincible thanks to their unity of heart, vigilance, meticulousness, and bravery. If you fight against each other with real skills, you will lose more than you win. They also cherish their comrades the most, and they don't want to kill or kill a single person. Then all the warnings were returned. I don't know who the two young men were, and at least one of the two guests must have been there. Hearing the tone of the second master, he was already very angry, and he would never stop for the sake of the enemy's strength. Come to me to rest for a while. After deliberating for a while, they went one after another. When he came, he only had a few brothers spying on the other party's reality and geographical situation. He just waited until he returned to the mountain, discussed with the big master, and thought of a plan, and then led others to attack. "I told him that there was a yin gentleman who came here just now, riding a fancy horse. Did you see him? Was he among the two teenagers who started fighting in front of Zhang's house? He asked carefully about his age and attire, and even said it was strange." It turned out that the two men had met a person on the way before they started. He didn't say his name. He was taught many things by him. He was very talented and much younger than Yin Xianggong. He was a beautiful young man who was riding this fancy horse. But it is by no means Yin Xianggong. In addition, there is another stranger who warns from the side. He has never done anything, and he refuses to say his name. He did not know each other before, but he did not pay attention to it. Later, he saw that the person was carrying a package on his back. He also said with a smile that the two of them were his good friends. Originally, he wanted to help each other, but because he met an old monster on the way back, he had a little sympathy with both sides. When he got up, he was about to fight the thieves, not necessarily today. And because the first thieves hadn't arrived, he was always unwilling to do things that were wasted, so he was happy not to show up first, lest the other party be vigilant and be on guard, which would be inconvenient. There is a group of thieves and that old monster who are about to arrive. They are all invited by three villains and two monsters. They wanted to grab Zhang's vote. They visited the house according to their rules. For some reason, they were detained by the owner. It seems that they have colluded. At the same time, I haven't found out the details. The second master heard the words, and saw that several thieves shot a hidden weapon at one of the people. The person didn't move. He raised his hand from a long distance away, and saw a silver light more than two inches long. It flashed like a needle, and the thief's hand was seriously injured and he couldn't lift it up. It was only later that he realized that he was using two embroidery needles. Didn't he just see him use three fingers to make such a small hidden weapon right next to him? It's faster than electricity, and no one will find out, so I feel admiration. He also told Zhang's collusion with the thief last night. The man laughed and said, "So that's it. I came a step late, so I didn't know. They The fight is almost over, we'd better go first, and don't be seen by the enemy.' After finishing speaking, he walked away. Then, a hunchbacked thin thief with a cane and a group of thieves arrived one after another, shouting at both sides. After a few words with the two young men, they each walked away. Although they stood much closer than other natives, they were seven or eight feet away from the battlefield. do not know. "I wanted to meet the two boys, but the rider on the fancy horse passed by, winked secretly, and blamed them for not watching the battle, so he urged him to leave quickly. Seeing his angry face, the second master didn't dare to act Seeing the enemy stalking, they had to go another way, retreated to a place where no one was there, and hurriedly chased them, while ordering people to chase them in four directions, intending to meet again, make friends with them, and ask for their advice. But I didn't know to search everywhere, climb up and look around , obviously there are only two roads, no matter how fast you walk, it will take a short time. Although they are not on the same road, they are in the same direction, and they are chasing after each other. No one sees the shadow of the two boys. Let me talk about the one Needless to say. Later, the gang of thieves and the first strikers retreated back, taking a small road with poor native villages in the middle. Zhang Sanliao and the others should rush to Xinji. In return, the gang of thieves had already diverted their route and crossed the mountain halfway, and their future was deserted. There was no other way on the other side of the cliff except to detour to Huajialing. "The strangest thing is that the old monster first helped the group of thieves to talk, and then got into an argument with the group of thieves for some reason, and suddenly left in a fit of anger. It was not because someone persuaded him, but he almost started to fight, and ran to Xinji by himself. It moves like flying. People who go there are afraid that they will be spotted by the bandits if they follow the past. Seeing the old monster waving at him from afar, they seem to be a little alert. They don’t dare to chase any more, so they rush back. No one of the three strangers before and after Seeing his shadow, only a dozen or so people were left behind to check out the enemy on this road. Unexpectedly, there was another person who rode his flowery horse, which was smarter than a human, and when he met, he saw that there was no one on the horse. Unable to get close, strong-tempered and powerful, it is expected that the four of them must be going all the way, eager to return to the mountain to deliver the letter; and because he met a boy riding a horse first and made him return to the mountain quickly, he found a companion, and he may take the time to go. It sounded like he knew everything about the mountain, and the more he thought about it, the weirder he was, he was eager to go back to the mountain, and he was looking for people on the way, and it took a while to arrive; he suspected that these strange people had already rushed to Tianshui, and hurried away. They The people had just left one after another, and the second boss left the store, and the three of them arrived. Unexpectedly, within a day or two, they met several heroes who had been famous for many years. A famous person." Wangzi hurriedly said: "My name is Wangzi. Your old man went to the foster father's hotel. I had never lived with him at that time. We didn't meet him, so we didn't know each other." Liu Liu was surprised when he heard this, and Fang said: " I've heard that my brother is going to worship under the iron flute, and it really does come true." Wan Fang smiled at Jiang Fei and said, "According to this, not only brother Shen and sister-in-law have been found, but Shen is the one who fought with the bandits. The elder brother and his wife, even my elder brother will arrive at the same time. The most gratifying thing is that my sister-in-law is more self-willed than Mrs. Shen, always going alone and unwilling to go with my brother. The teacher ordered me to go to Yunnan and Guizhou to have something to do, and it is expected that it will be completed at least this winter. My brother came to see her twice and was with her, and was driven back within a few days. Wouldn't it be a joke for people to be inseparable like that, and my family would feel embarrassed. My elder brother was even more obedient than Brother Shen. Although he didn't want to leave, he didn't dare to force it. He said she was no good, so he had to come back sullen. Seeing Brother Shen and us The husband and wife are always together, often complaining, saying that he is a lonely ghost, wandering alone for almost two years, many thieves and murderers have suffered bad luck, and we all expect that my sister-in-law will come back if she doesn't, and she won't come here , did not expect that his two husband and wife would meet here. "From what old man Liu said, it was clear that my elder brother came to stay at the hotel first, and now elder brother Shen came here, thinking that he got information on the way, thinking that my elder brother had gone to spy on Zhang's house, and in case Mrs. Shen came here to follow him, but unexpectedly, elder sister Shen was also there. Arriving here at this time, and met Tianshui and the swordsmen on the way. Somehow, they knew the reality of the mountains. Maybe the strange person that the swordsmen met and taught them in recent years was our good friend. Because we know the Zhang family's gang of thieves Great, persuade him. Since the little flower clouded leopard was plotted and injured by the gangsters a few years ago, Mrs. Shen will never allow it to play, and must send it away before the enemy. Before my brother arrived, his husband and wife had already met , and attack the thief. My sister-in-law must be playing tricks. She didn’t meet her brother. My brother arrived at the end and met Mrs. Shen on the way, so she asked my sister-in-law where she was. She borrowed her flower cloud leopard to rush back to the shop, took her bag and chased after her. I even found out about the fight with the bandits later. These two sisters are extremely beautiful, and they look younger than me. They are always bold, and people who are not willing to change their men's clothes will change their clothes at the same time, isn't it? The enemy is formidable, and they have too many eyes and ears, but they have ulterior motives. They knew that the senior brother would go to Huajialing, so there must be a reason why they are so close and have not even entered the mountain pass. Now Brother Shen and his wife don't know where to go, and my brother If you are one step too late, if you don’t catch up, where are you going to find them?” Jiang Feifang replied: "It's ridiculous that the five people I met on the cliff followed from behind, and there was almost no misunderstanding. According to what they said, there are two roads in total. I haven't seen anyone here. Why don't they all go to Tianshui?" Liu Liu The interlocutor said: "No, I'll go to Tianshui, at most, the heroine who hasn't made a move will go alone." Suddenly hearing someone coughing outside the door, he hurriedly chased him out, turned around after a while, and said with a smile: "Three The five brothers you met on the way were chasing you with no malice. First, under the order of his leader, he pretended to be a native to spy along the way, so he paid attention to the traces of the four heroes, and accidentally encountered a strange person, saying that the two of you are the same as The four of you are on the way. If you meet me when you go to Zhangzhuang, please go back to Yuquanya quickly. Before you can answer the question, you walk away. The appearance is very funny. When you think it’s funny, the three of you go up the cliff. Because of the age you said Inconsistency, and the two men only said that the two men would go to spy in front of Zhang's house, and they would send the message to them as soon as they saw them. The old man Wang who opened the hotel had a message and turned back immediately. Don't gossip, so as not to be leaked. "When the man said that, he also took out the most important token of their mountain as a proof. He was expected to be a good friend of the leader, so of course he did it. Unexpectedly, before he had traveled far, he met Jiang and Wan Er, who had another child, and they were surprised. , was following behind to discuss, the other party's soles suddenly accelerated, and at the same time, he remembered that the person he had just met had said that each of the two men had a small round bag behind them, which contained weapons, which were very heavy and easy to recognize, so as not to change their appearance, Changing into a strange appearance, I can't tell, and the appearance of these three people is ugly, Fang Shi came to his senses, and shouted twice, but he was already far away, unable to catch up, and he was not sure if he was in trouble. The companion rushed over, saying that the three of them had already gone to the Xinji side, and then met the chunky man wearing a felt hat and holding a plantain fan just now, and blamed the five of them for making mistakes, saying that the dog robbers had rushed to Yuquanya, Huajialing together. , wanting to live in the cave on the top of the cliff, the group of thieves came here to extort money from the Zhang family, and the old thief Su Wu used poison to fight poison, and it happened unintentionally. But he said that these two people brought an older child and a small child I will live there tonight, only one person is alone, and if I meet a bandit, it will be bad luck, so I ordered the five of them to report the news quickly.急慌慌沿途打听跑来,问出三位人在这里,不敢冒失入见,叫店伙把我请去,托我转告,并问见他不见。”三人闻言,想起王万山此时正往玉泉崖送饮食用具,扫崖洞,方才又听野马张三途中得报,说先和沈氏夫妻动手的群贼翻山往华家岭走去,放着山口的路不走,故意绕远,必有阴谋诡计,不禁着起急来。To know what happened next, let's see the next episode.
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