Home Categories martial arts novel black ant

Chapter 24 Chapter Twenty-four

black ant 还珠楼主 12678Words 2018-03-12
Fengzhu saw that Siyin was lying on the cot after taking the medicine, she was already fast asleep.Hearing that it was dawn, he also followed.When we arrived at the edge of the forest, looking at the sky, the clouds in the sky were getting higher and higher, the wind had already stopped, and the rain was still surprisingly heavy. The water vapor was transpiring in front of us, and the raindrops were still dense and heavy. The rainwater on the top of the trees was pouring down like a waterfall , two or three feet away from the body, the water is seven or eight feet deep on the flat ground, and the torrent rushes down from the height.People stand under the big trees by the forest, look around, and there is no distinction between land and water.The sandbar is separated by water and vapor, and there is no shadow to be seen. It is expected that although the sky is a little higher, it will be some time before it will clear.After a little calculation, even if it rains and the weather turns sunny, all the houses on the sandbank have been burnt down, and there are no people to live in. I decided to go back to the cave to rest for half a day. After the weather cleared, I would find another residence nearby and use this piece of lake and mountain as my future foundation.On the one hand, he was preparing to subdue Guitouman before the moonlight next month, or turn the enemy into a friend, and on the other hand, Zaixing led people back to Xiaojinniu village to investigate the survival of Lanhua, and sent the two female soldiers and the old man from the old village. Those barbarians were allowed to come in batches at their own will, and together they opened up wasteland and started businesses.Zaixing and Ji Tang praised in unison, and returned to the cave by the same route.

Zaixing is eager to know Wang Yi's current situation, but also feels that this large area needs manpower most, if Lan Hua is killed, Wang Yi will no longer be able to gain a foothold.Meng Long became the head of the village again, the old people are better off, the barbarians who escaped from the old village will find it difficult to live in peace, this is what I and Feng Zhu insisted on, so we should plan for it.This move has two benefits. Fortunately, all the equipment is ready, the evil of witches has been eliminated, and there is a large hole in the ground for temporary residence. I want to take advantage of this month's time to make preparations before Guitouman's sixty-year deadline expires. So he asked Feng Zhu for orders and went first.Ji Tang also wants to go with her, fearing that Feng Zhu will be lonely, she won't let her go with her.After sleeping in the cave for a while, he got up with eight barbarians and rushed to Xiaojinniu village.

At this time, the rain stopped early, and the weather outside had to be changed.After Fengzhu and Jitang sent Zaixing away, they heard that the weather outside the forest had receded, so they went to check.After such a heavy rain before dawn, half a day's time has receded completely, the ground is full of sand, red and black, and the grains are distinct, as if washed.The floating mud and dust have been washed away by the flood, and the water on the top of the trees near the forest border is still dripping randomly.In the low-lying area near the lake, there are two rapids flowing down the slope and pouring into the lake.The water of the lake has naturally risen and is almost flat.In addition, I only feel that the clouds are blue and the sky is clear, and the scenery is vivid, which makes people feel fresh.The mountain wind blows, and the mind is refreshed.There were only a few fallen trees by the lake, and the earth-shattering changes yesterday seemed like a dream, and even the ashes on the sandbar were washed away by the heavy rain.There were not many houses in the first place, but they had been burned long ago, and the evil god worshiped by the witch was burned away by the fire. Only two caves were destroyed by the earthquake, and no other traces were left.The rope bridge was already broken when the crater erupted, and it was knocked into the water by the violent wind and rain, and drifted away with the current.There is only one wooden pile left on both sides of the strait.

The two girls saw that there was a big cave under the hill, and there seemed to be a white light flashing inside, so they rushed to the lake together, and ordered the female soldiers to take out the lasso and throw it to the opposite bank, and they went there first, and ordered the men to split up the bamboo and wood. Build a floating bridge while checking whether people can live on the island in the future.Suddenly heard a strange sound coming from the ground, Fang suspected that yesterday's ground fire had not finished spraying, and was about to start again, he was startled, and ordered everyone to wait, a white light reflected the sunny day and shot straight up from the crater on the island, rising from the ground .When I looked closely, I couldn't help being overjoyed. It turned out that the white light was a fountain. Looking at it under the sun, the sprayed water column was as high as six or seven feet, and it was about six or seven feet thick.

Since Fengzhu arrived yesterday, she has taken a fancy to the local water, clear mountains and green mountains, rich products, and great geographical advantages, and she has long made up her mind to establish a stable business.Once you see some wonders on the island, the more you look at the local area, the better.After the fire and the heavy rain, all the traces of poison and filth left by the witches were gone. I was very happy, so I rushed back to discuss with everyone. First, I built a house on the island as a place for everyone to enjoy the scenery in the future. A suspension bridge is used for travel and to prevent the beasts and poisonous insects in the forest.At that time, they called people together, cut down trees, and started to work.Relying on complete tools, many people and quick hands, before midnight, a bungalow was built on the island, all of which were built with trees with a radius of about a foot.Because I wanted to build a building above, I first used a whole bamboo branch as the roof on the first floor, and spread thatch on the branch for temporary residence.Wait until the local situation is found out, and there is something better than this, and then worry about it.Fortunately, there are a lot of walking beds, and bamboo and wood are inexhaustible, so just saw some tree stumps and planks to use.I was so busy until it was almost dawn, but it was almost ready, even people and luggage were transported over, and I had a little rest.When I got up, I was optimistic about the place again, and built separately.Like this, in less than three days, the houses where everyone lived were all built.

With a place to stay, Fengzhu originally wanted to wait until Zaixing brought her to make overall plans.After breakfast on the fourth day, Ji Tang sprayed the fountain a total of six times a day, and when the time came, it would fall down. It was not continuous day and night. When I saw it for the first time, I was amazed. I love water and love it.Suddenly, I found that the shore of the lake in the northwest corner was the most disgusting, and there was a precipitous cliff with many trees up and down, and there seemed to be flashes of water.Thinking of the heavy rain that day, the water on the flat ground was about Zhang Zhang, and the surface of the lake was only on this side. If there was no way out, how could it retreat so quickly?The lake water flows up to the northwest corner again, but the large cliff is not easy to pass, and the vegetation is extremely luxuriant. It seems that no one has ever passed by. He suspects that there is a water hole hidden behind the cliff in the northwest corner. Knowing that everyone is busy with construction for days, they never care.Remembering that Siyin's condition was slightly better last night, she wanted to ask about it.

Later, when talking about the past, Fengzhu was joking with Siyin and asked her about her background. The foley heard the words, but did not answer, and said: "Ghosts are divided into two surnames, and there are more females than males. In the past, the two The family takes turns to elect the queen, and the queen is changed every ten years. They have always lived in peace and have never had any accidents. Sixty years ago, the family was supposed to be the king, but some evil people from outside colluded with the treacherous king and lost the ancestral treasure. Expelled. Not only could she not be king, but she was also told by the divination of the gods: if the lost gold is not recovered, even the whole family will be implicated. Therefore, in the past sixty years, the people of the same clan have fled to the forest with the former king and lived in seclusion to avoid disaster. Except for a few people, they have suffered all the year round. Now the treacherous king is dead, because he has monopolized the throne for many years, his power is growing, and no one dares to resist, and he did not follow the ancestral rules to select talents from the two surnames to take over the throne; Controlled, monopolized the power, and passed the throne to his own daughter before he died. It wasn't because the clansmen respected and believed in the hexagrams of the gods in the past, that the gods would return when the time came, and that they were not allowed to cross the border of the Murder Cliff after sixty years. The former Wang's family had been killed long ago. Now that the 60-year deadline is about to expire, the enemy's plans are getting more urgent. When the deadline is up, they must send people across the border to search and kill the former Wang's family, and go to Xiaojinniu Village to find the whereabouts of Shenjin, so that Passed down from generation to generation, always occupying the throne. Because of the excessive tyranny and betrayal of people's hearts, not only our members of the same clan, but also other clansmen are also resentful, wishing to return to the previous ancestral rules and live a fair life.

"The traitorous Prince Xiang, who is newly succeeded to the throne, is not only adulterous and brutal, but also has ambitions. He intends to take this large forest as his own, and kill all the foreigners to satisfy his wishes. Knowing that the people will not accept it, he uses heavy punishments to establish his prestige. At the same time, he colluded with the witch Gang and the witch, and originally planned to let her come forward to plot against the fleeing enemy. A few months ago, I suddenly heard a secret report from the witch, saying that the enemy who was expelled because of losing treasures was hidden within a month before he took the throne. In the forest. The former king was young when he fled. Although he is in his eighties now, he has not died yet, and the number of children he gave birth to was more and more with those who fled with him at that time. Every day, he tried his best to take revenge and regain the throne. He also said that Lost spirit gold industry was found, only owed to the four masters, and the whereabouts were also found out, and it was about to be obtained, and preparations were required. It was very popular. At that time, the two clans discussed together, and temporarily the sub-clans would elect in turn to act as the throne. When the former king or his clan recovered the god gold, they would still give up the throne. Later, because there was no news for a long time, the people of the two clans were extremely worried and hated each other. The traitorous king was tyrannical, and took advantage of a grand event to cry to the traitorous king in unison, using the name of searching for the gods to start, saying that the people are suffering too much, and asking them to help. It is the most embarrassing thing for Wang to make use of the topic. Under the common grief and indignation of the two clans, they did not dare to commit violence at that time. They comforted them superficially and promised that there is no one in charge at present. I also hope that the people of the two ethnic groups will be lenient in the past. I will follow the public will to do evil and follow good, and I will retreat to the virtuous within three to five years at most. But the divination of the gods, before the gods and treasures are returned, my son must be named king. It's just a disaster, and I hope everyone will allow me to correct it.

"This kind of crying is originally a unique ancestral rule of the two clans. It has been passed down from generation to generation. It is not the queen's dictatorship, who has done too much evil, or relied on her existing power and her minions to serve three consecutive terms. Everyone can't do it, it won't happen. It's a shame and humiliation for the Queen to encounter this matter, and she must go; if she is a little bit unambitious, she will commit suicide in public to show her heart. But ordinary people are not angry enough, and they don't take offense lightly. This kind of The thing is that the people have suffered too much. Taking advantage of the spring and autumn sacrificial festivals, or on the night of the moon, when the whole clan is singing and dancing, only one person stands up and makes trouble. The people in the whole mountain don't care whether they are of the same clan or not, as long as the love is true and the crime is true. When they felt sympathy for each other, they immediately responded together. Although there was no other action, the cries of the people on the whole mountain shook the mountains and the valleys.

"But the leader intentionally made things difficult, or the queen's merits and demerits were mixed, and there were not many people who agreed. After the queen made public comments and asked for an arbitrariness, after a heated debate, the function was remedied. There was nothing wrong with it, so it was agreed. If the number of people is less than one-third, it is also the person who is the queen who thanks everyone herself, and then changes for the better. After the deadline, she will retire. If the leader is looking for a gap, or is entrusted by others, and framed by an excuse, even if it is arranged in advance, Form a good party and respond from the side. People have their own opinions. If you are dissatisfied in your heart, there will never be many people who will agree. A queen who is in trouble, because she is supported by the people, should make all the people happy. If someone makes things difficult, it is I did not do well, at least it was an unintentional mistake, and I felt humiliated. As for the leader who wanted to be bettered in the future and ask the Lord for forgiveness, he asked the other party to make excuses, only a few words of admonition, and did not care too much However, the local customs are fair and upright to the Lord, and they hate the most hated people. They must investigate and inquire about that person afterwards. Only when they find out that there is a conspiracy and intentionally frame it, because the queen is elected by the public and is usually a good person, she will be wronged for no reason. Treat the leader as a public enemy, and never give up with him. Because of the importance of the relationship, without the sympathy of the public, he becomes the evil of the public. It is rare to meet once in a hundred years. If the person who made the trouble is not in great pain, he can see that the public's resentment is boiling , Responding to all calls, it has nothing to do with one's personal grievances, and no one has ever dared to act rashly.

"At the beginning, the crowd was furious, and almost all responded except for the gangsters of the treacherous king. Unexpectedly, the treacherous king used a soft method. At that time, he admitted his mistake and agreed to all requests except for lifting the god ancestor out and refusing to abdicate. It's nice to hear, everyone thought about the hexagrams in the past, and it turned out that she was in charge of the throne, and there was no word of replacement. Because of the deep superstition, they were willing to suffer, thinking that the imitation clan could not be restored unless the god gold was recovered, and the members of the sub-clan They all have no plans and no talents, and they all want to rape the king. They are wise and brave. If they can correct their mistakes, it will be a good thing. At this time, under the heavy pressure of the enemy, the imitation clan is precarious. They only care about resentment and cry along with them, and dare not advocate. The people in the clan were moved by the treacherous king's clever words again, wanting her to repent, humiliating, and not persistent, so the good party led them to persuade the king according to the old rules and settle the matter. "But the traitor king pretended to be a good man on the surface, came up to agree to everything, and secretly used tricks to provoke both parties to leave. On the one hand, he colluded with the sorceress, used evil methods to confuse people's hearts, and used gods to establish his prestige. Worrying about perishing, in the name of military training, buy party members, secretly monitor, come up with various methods to disperse the crowd. When everyone is under control, then give the throne to her daughter, who presides in secret, although she has died for twenty or thirty years Because of the harsh laws and careful planning, all the ghosts are in trouble now, and they hate her very much. Now the queen is tyrannical and cruel, greedy and poisonous, and the witch has been on the cliff for more than ten years. She went to the old Jinniu Village to take revenge. The year before last, seeing her heart disease, he said that he could eliminate the harm for her, and take back the divine gold recovered by the former king. At that time, the four root masters will be handed over to find it, and the young It is still useless to lose one, and the offspring of the treacherous prince can live on the throne forever, so it is natural to say it. "The sorcerer originally had dozens of flower wolves as apprentices. She somehow crossed the murderous cliff, found the secret underground path before, and hid it inside. First, she went to the southwest to search for my family's whereabouts, but she didn't harm me. , only secretly captured me and a few sisters of the same clan and forced them to be her apprentices. If I don’t agree, I will kill all my fleeing clan members. We were forced to agree. We have been under her door for more than three years, I am in extreme pain. I recently heard the secret words of the sorcerer and apprentice, and learned of her murderous plan. I just wanted to risk my life to escape and return the letter. There are many secret things that I don’t know, because I like to play the scenery. Inside, the rest can play at will. I have been to the northwest lake shore that Erniang just mentioned. From a distance, it seems that this is a whole lake with no way out. In fact, there is a water mouth under the cliff, and the road is extremely difficult. Blocked by cliffs, you can’t see it if you are not in front of you. If you go around the top of the cliff, there are beautiful mountains and rivers, but there are many snakes and insects at the turn of spring and summer, and the scenery is much better than here.” The two daughters were all happy when they heard the words.Since Siyin was able to sit up and was willing to lead the way to accompany her, she ordered the female soldiers to send them off quickly, and went around the lake to find them together.Checking the situation along the way, I saw that the lake was shaped like a curved tadpole, and the gap in the northwest corner was its tail.The two cliffs are one big and one small, sandwiching it in the middle.Because there is a lake bank about Zhang Xu wide under the cliff, with luxuriant grass, trees and shrubs from top to bottom, only one corner of the whole circle of lake bank is impassable. The exit is a deep and narrow stream, shaped like a bottleneck, only Zhang Xu wide, covered These cliffs, rocks, grass and trees are tightly covered, and the waves are rushing all day long, and the water is extremely violent here.The water is big and the mouth is small, and the water of the whole lake is vented from it. After the heavy rain, it seems to hit the shore of the cliff lake on the surface. , the raging current is rolling, and the waves come one after another, often rising by Zhang Xu, overflowing the lake shore, and hitting the cliff.Standing dozens of steps away, one feels the cold air invades the muscles, and the face is cold.Those shrubs are often impacted by bad waves, and they are unique, very strong, with strong roots, great elasticity, and poisonous thorns on them.When I asked Nenyin, she said that although the witch has a greedy heart, he has been lurking here for several years. He only wants to annex the two Jinniu villages, subdue Guitouman by force, and establish himself as king. The place is only a temporary residence.Usually, I only pay attention to the southeast forest, but I don't seem to pay attention to the northwest Shuikou area.During the three years under her school, I have been there several times with two other monsters, the road is extremely difficult, there are many insects and snakes since the beginning of spring, and there are many strange poisons, so I dare not go there even in winter.At this time, the vegetation is flourishing, so be careful. While talking, the two girls talked to each other, and realized that thousands of years ago, this place was originally a mountain, covered by forests. I don’t know when an earthquake and landslide sank into this lake. Shuiyunzhou is the remaining cliffs, so the surrounding lake A large circle is an open space, and all the trees are not very thick, which is far different from the big trees in the forest.This water mouth is also a crack left by the earthquake. It is known that there must be streams and plains to open up in front of it, so the female soldier Daigi was busy to open the way.Foley was pointing at the side again, and it didn't take long to open a road about three feet wide.Looking over the cliff, I can't help but be overjoyed. It turns out that the stream below has widened, crossing a rocky mountain more than half a mile wide, descending from a dangerous cliff, and a large basin is in front of me.There are not many trees, streams everywhere, beautiful mountains and deep waters.On the right is a densely forested highland, but it is only a few miles around, ending at the bottom of a row of stone mountains.The mountain is high and steep, standing out from the clouds, and it is extremely majestic and dangerous. It winds from the southeast.On the right side there is still a large gully, black and bottomless.In the plains, there are many solitary peaks and boulders standing on the ground, covered with flowers and plants everywhere, colorful, compared with the roads and lakes, it has a unique and majestic charm. Siyin led the way, passing through a sparse forest, rounding an isolated peak, and suddenly saw the water shining brightly, and a lake appeared, smaller than the lake he came from, and the water was clearer and deeper, and there was a small island in the middle. It is much larger than Shuiyunzhou, and looks like a big blue snail floating high on the water.It is only one or two feet away from the shore on all sides. There is a kind of flower tree that has never been seen before growing on it. The flowers are in full bloom, shaped like plum blossoms, but twice as large, and there are thousands of trees scattered on the island.It looks like a rocky reef, but it has an extremely thick upper layer. At least three to four hundred acres of land can be opened up, not including those flower forests and stone land.There are many large and small caves on the high ground in the back corner, which seem to be very deep and can be entered by people.The second daughter wanted to move here.Si Yinli said that those flowers and trees are still open in winter, because there is an undercurrent fountain across a large area of ​​water, which is blocked from other streams. I only look at it from the other side, but I have never been there.The last time I found a group of weeds, I knew they were very vicious, so they were few in number, so I found them early and fled back.The first idea is that a catastrophe is coming, no one can fight against it, and poisonous insects will flood in in a blink of an eye. Although Shuiyun Island is surrounded by water on all sides, it will be trapped on the island. The witches must be panicked and eager to escape.Who would have thought that the sorcerer believed it, but just grinned grinningly, as if thinking of something on his mind, but didn't move, the weeds (that is, the black ants) didn't come, and he was worried.When I got up early the next morning, I thought that the poisonous insects had covered the opposite bank. As soon as I walked out, I saw the witch and two confidants, each holding a torch made of weeds and wearing a grass coat. Talking and laughing along the shore of the lake, there was no trace of the scorpion, and the way was on the northwest side of the water mouth. Knowing that her master and apprentice were mysterious, she hurriedly retreated when she was prying at unwanted people.When the sorceress came with her, the torches in the straw clothes were all gone. It was only said that she had great magic power, no matter how powerful the poisonous insects and beasts dared to come here to invade. Si Yin has long seen that witches and witches are false, although she doesn't believe it, she just wonders that the poisonous insects here are the most intelligent police, no matter whether humans or animals are discovered by them, they will come in droves immediately.Since coming here, it is rare to meet a wild beast, which must be related to poisonous insects.He wanted to spy on the cliff, but as soon as he reached the cliff, he found that there was a big poisonous python coiled below, which was threatening people, and he retreated in fear, so he didn't dare to go again.After careful inspection, I accidentally found a kind of ointment hidden in the stone box, which was the same color as the fragrance painted on the witch's torch that day.Not two days later, I heard the sorcerer and his apprentice talk about the magical effect of the ointment, as long as you burn a little, any poisonous insects will be far away; otherwise, if you smell the fragrance, you will smoke and kill it at the time, and then you understand.Si Yin said: "I don't know if the various elixirs in the stone box were snatched after the fire the day before yesterday? Although the scenery in this place is beautiful, there are no wild animals, which is really suspicious. The other side of Shuiyun Island can also be reclaimed. There is hissing, but it is extremely dangerous. Good lady, don't be careless, and wait until the future investigation finds out." Feng Zhu had heard that the black ants were vicious, and Ji Tang and the remaining barbarians were even more terrified. Hearing the words, his colors changed, but he was reluctant to part with the favorable scenery; Not enough, my heart is hesitating.As soon as Fengzhu asked if the medicine could be taken out, Jinhua said: "When the stone box was robbed, there was a violent earthquake, and people were already unable to stand on their feet. The master was making urgent orders again and again, so only a small half was taken out. There were two big bowls of white ointment inside, dripping. It's sticky, smells bad, and it's hard to handle, so I hurried back and didn't take it away." Si Yin said: "It's exactly this thing, and there are many other white medicine pieces that haven't been snatched away, what a pity." Feng Zhu After thinking for a while, he smiled and said, "Whether there are poisonous insects or poisonous insects that have been killed by the witch is unknown, but if you have been here for three years, if there are poisonous insects, how can the witch master and apprentice stay for long? You only saw it once. The witch returns at dawn, and clearly rushes away overnight to kill the poisonous insects. To show his magic, he also makes the poisonous python scare you away. Most of the poisonous insects will be removed, and you may still find relics. I really like this place; not to mention how dangerous it is Everything can be overcome by manpower. If there are poisonous insects, with our minds and abilities, we will sooner or later find a way to get rid of them. With this circle of floods, as long as we store more food, we can surrender our insurance in case of danger. I If you don’t believe mere poisonous insects, you won’t be able to resist them. Since this is the case, let’s pay more attention to it in the future.” Those female soldiers are all extremely loyal and courageous, and they all grew up in old villages: I have never seen such a vicious thing, and I am not convinced at first.After listening to Siyin and Ji Tang talking about the benefits and harms of poisonous insects, and persuading Feng Zhu not to come and live there for a long time, and then asking that the poisonous insects hissing and tearing are common ants, they became less concerned, immediately dispersed and went to the four-faced grass Searching among the trees, rocks and soil, only a few stood by.Fengzhu is strong in nature, ambitious, and greatly stimulated. She is more determined to give vent to the woman, and leads the barbarian female soldiers to make a career, to help Zaixing succeed, and to repay his infatuation.I made up my mind that manpower can conquer the sky, and any difficulties and dangers can be overcome with perseverance, but I have a very careful mind, and I always take precautions before they happen. I am neither swayed by everyone's persuasion, nor negligent for the sake of victory and boldness.While checking the local situation, how to develop and build in the future, and thinking about how to defend in case of poisonous insects. Fengzhu made up her mind and said to Jitang with a smile: "This is a piece of fertile soil, with abundant water and grass, infinite geographical advantages, and even better scenery. It would be a pity to be scared off by mere poisonous insects. According to what you say, except for this piece of land Abandon all Jinxiu rivers and mountains, go back to the fence, wait for the enemy to invade, there is no good way; even if you live in Shuiyun Island, there is only a dangerous cliff between you, and you are still found by poisonous insects in the early days, and you are killed. How can I get this piece of land in the midst of it, but I have not seen the shadow of the poisonous insect, but just heard about it, and then discarded it? If the second brother is here, he must have the same thoughts as me. Sister Tang must not be timid. I intend to bring enough food for three years. For the purpose of the month, if it is cultivated on the opposite island, it will not be eaten until it is ripe. The nearby mountain grains and wild fruits are countless, if not counted in it. The wood is inexhaustible, convenient for building houses, and can be burned in the future Brick. As long as everyone works hard, they will be able to support themselves in everything, and they will have surplus money every year. Even if the poisonous insects invade within a few days, with this circle of floods, they will be able to protect themselves. Si Yin hasn't seen much, and the witch has lived here for several years and hasn't been harmed, so should I be the one to suffer?" Everyone respects and loves Fengzhu, and when they heard the words, they felt that they were reasonable, when they suddenly saw two female soldiers galloping towards them, saying that they found an ant nest near the way they came, and there were many poisonous ants in it, all of them were dead.Hurrying to look together, the ant nest was hidden in a pile of rocks, shaped like a tower, as high as Zhang Xu, deeper underground, full of large and small holes from top to bottom, dense like a beehive, built very solidly, and was The female soldier knocked it down with a weapon, revealing the deep hole below, with many dead ants inside, about half an inch long, purple-black in color, different from what Ji Tang saw that year.The ant nest also seemed to be much smaller. The dead ants were all entangled with each other, crowded together in clumps, and had dried up, about a dozen clumps in size.There are still some sporadic dead ants in those small caves.The other two dead snakes were also extremely poisonous, about five or six feet long, with incomplete scales and many dead ants attached to their bodies.When Ji Tang calculated the number, it was only one ten-thousandth of what he had seen before.Even if the entire ant nest is filled, there is a huge difference from the previous ones.Seeing all the female soldiers discussing one after another, they all said that the poisonous ants are really powerful. Seeing this air, there are thousands of them at least, and said with a smile: "You have never seen it before. It is much worse than the one that me and Sister Lan and the others burned to death with fire that year. When it comes, it is like the tide, and the ground is often covered for several miles. It looks like a large black wave. How fierce Lu Lu will run away when he sees it from a long distance. When it rushed up, it was brutally killed, and its flesh was eaten away by it. Such a majestic and ferocious rhinoceros turned into a pile of dry bones in a blink of an eye. It is not really powerful, how can such a small insect be so scared?" Si Yin suddenly said happily: "Have you smelled the fragrance? This is the fragrance ignited by the ointment. Only the boa constrictor is not afraid of this thing. The two dead snakes were raised by the witch and disappeared suddenly. According to the demon, the snake and python When encountering poisonous ants, as usual, they devour them with all their might, and at the same time, they rush forward and bite them desperately. They rush up and never retreat. As a result, the snake and python are not yet full, and the bones of the whole body have been eaten by poisonous ants. But the snake that has eaten poisonous insects The excrement is extremely poisonous, it is used as medicine, and it can fight poison with poison. No matter how powerful the poisonous insect bites, as long as it does not die at the time, it will be good, and its effect is like a god. The poisonous insects are vicious and bite one after another. We also have a lot of elixir, but they are useless. We were screaming to death, when the witch suddenly appeared and healed up. Because of his skillful technique, the medicine was used very little, and the wound was too big to be used. When people see the flaws, they only regard it as a magical power, so she is like a fairy. Looking at this scene, it is clear that the poisonous insects were first smoked to death with medicinal incense, and then swallowed by snakes and pythons. These two poisonous snakes are extremely fierce, and the poisonous ants are still Before they were dead, they rushed in, and the poisonous ants fought desperately with them before they died, and they all died together. At that time, there must have been a lot of poisonous insects, all of which were swallowed by another big python. Because the ant's nest is small, the dead ants shrank together. The upper and lower groups are too deep, not all of them are sucked up, and they are left here. No wonder the witch went back for less than three days, and took a lot of snake dung from the snake cave to make medicine. The good lady just expected that the poisonous ants here are not bad. They have been killed by the witches, so it's okay." Everyone was happy when they heard this.Although Ji Tang felt that the number of poisonous ants was the largest, and the size of the ant nest was different from what he had seen before, but seeing that Feng Zhu was happy and followed the original plan, he still took precautions, and he was not negligent because of this, so he didn't say much. Fengzhu was optimistic about the terrain, and after discussing with everyone, she took Shuiyunzhou as a temporary living place and named the small island Cuiluozhou.Because the land is relatively large, the scenery is the best, and there is a lot of land that can be cultivated. Preliminary calculations, the large basin in front of the continent is not included, and more than 300 mu of fertile land can be cultivated on the continent alone. There are also large flower forests and several The Baiwen houses are not included in the many towers, pavilions and pavilions that are going to be built in the future to have fun with the public and to visit and enjoy.Thinking of the beautiful future and the happy years, everyone was elated and eager to be the first.In order to establish a permanent foundation, a grand and complete plan was made at the beginning, while the land was reclaimed and the house was built at the same time.In the future, the kiln will be opened, bricks and tiles will be fired, and great things will be done. There are fifty or sixty people in Fengzhu, eight of them were taken away by Zaixing, and they focused on cultivating the fields. The planned houses and gardens are only in a rough scale. Starting from the second daughter, they are working day and night, and it is rare to rest. .One day Siyin recovered from his illness, and opened dozens of acres of land to build a bamboo building. Fang felt that the manpower was not enough, and the two female soldiers who served Lanhua suddenly brought eighty or ninety young men and women barbarians together with livestock utensils. Came in the tunnel.Seeing that Zaixing did not come with them, the two daughters were shocked and asked why.It turned out that after Feng Zhu and others left that day, Wang Yi rushed back in the middle of the night. Seeing Lanhua, the two female soldiers were crying and sad since Feng Zhu and others left.The two female soldiers were in a mess for two days and nights because they saw their master up, and they were a little tired. They wanted to stay with Lanhua in the same bedroom, but because it was already late at night, they managed to persuade Lanhua to sleep soundly, fearing that the luggage would be disturbed, and there were two more in the room. One of the barbarian women serving is Yao Tao.Although the master had asked to keep an eye on her when he was leaving, he started to turn around at dusk this day, and he hesitated in answering, a little suspicious, but he only thought of her having an affair with Wang Yi, and didn't think of anything else.Seeing that it was late at night, I planned to go back to the original place and sleep for the night, and then move back tomorrow morning.Unexpectedly, the bedroom where I live is far away from the orchid bedroom, and it is almost dawn when I suddenly hear the men and women in the orchid room yelling, cursing and crying. , Wept so hard.Downstairs, there used to be strong men who were on guard in shifts, and several people stood aside, arguing about what happened just now. According to the barbarian girl, after the two female soldiers left, they talked with Yao Tao in a low voice, and then they all fell asleep.In the dream, I suddenly heard an urgent call that there was a thief. When I woke up, Yao Tao was calling downstairs, saying that Uncle Wang had just come back. As soon as he woke her up, he saw the master lying on the ground with his clothes torn. thief.I hurriedly looked outside the building and saw a black figure on the other side, which seemed to be followed by a chimpanzee, speeding. It was expected that a strange person came here to assassinate. At that time, I was very angry and chased downstairs.At this time, the watchmen downstairs, for some reason, fell unconscious on the ground as if they were fascinated by someone, and none of them got up.Uncle Wang seemed to be in a coma from anger, and he didn't bring his silver flute with him, and he ran out of the distance to hear the sound of people chasing thieves.Yao Tao still thinks that the owner is still alive, so she rushes back to rescue him. After a careful look, the man has died, with a poisoned arrow stuck in his chest, and there are bloodstains on his hands, as if the thief has been scratched.Thinking of the master's kindness for many years, he wanted to fight the thief desperately, and the people downstairs couldn't wake up, and wanted to chase her, so they woke her up and so on.After speaking, he ran downstairs. At this time, the sky was not yet bright, and there was a cloudy fog, and no one could be seen on the opposite side.The barbarian woman had an unexpected accident and was extremely panicked, so she had to report to the other side.When Yulong started up and started the signal, he was so angry because Yao Tao only said Uncle Wang when he left, he forgot to call for someone, and only heard the call for someone to chase after the thief after running a long way. He jumped into a rage, sounded the alarm repeatedly, searched everywhere, and came to check while spraying people with water, only to find out that the thief had stunned the person with incense and assassinated him secretly.Two of the four leaders left first, Lan Hua was killed, Wang Yi and Yao Tao never returned, and there was no one to preside over the mountain, it was very chaotic.Although the two female soldiers felt that things were suspicious, there were still two lions downstairs, if they were spies from outside, how could there be no movement?But because the relationship is so important, I dare not speak too much.Thinking of the tragedy of Lanhua's death, I felt sad and indignant.On the fourth day, Zaixing rushed back. Meng Long had abused the barbarians before. He was old and sick, and the crowd was violent. He no longer had the ability to lead.Fortunately, since Lanhua became the head of the village, the people in the whole mountain have been helped by Wang and Shi, and they have returned to peace. Except for a dozen barbarians who suddenly disappeared and refused to believe Meng Long, they only hoped for Wang and Shi. When people come back, there is no difference.But after Lan Hua's death, Meng Long was violent and beat the guards indiscriminately, almost resisting and causing murder.Fearing the retaliation of the barbarians, he stayed in the old village with some old people every day, and dared not come out easily.As soon as Zaixing arrived, it was like a savior descended from heaven, saying that he would not let go. Zaixing knew that Feng Zhu had just discovered a piece of land, and just as he was employing people, another monster escaped with injuries. Lan Shan originally said that he would see him the next day, but he had never met him before, so he wondered if he would get rid of the monster.In case a ghost head is attracted, Fengzhu has few people, shouldn't it be worried?Each other is not at ease.However, being treated favorably by Meng Long's father and daughter, at this critical juncture, he couldn't let him go; he knew who the murderer was, but he couldn't reveal it.Yu Long was still looking forward to Wang Yi's return to help him preside over it, but in fact Wang Yi was guilty of a crime, and seeing the situation, there was absolutely no reason for him to come back.He stayed for a long time, but he didn't want to, so he summoned all the mountain barbarians and sincerely advised him, saying: "Although the village master is dead, the old lady is still alive, who will be the master in the future, after I get the trust, I will make my own arrangements. For the time being, the old village master will still be in charge. I also helped from the side. The beating that day was a heartache for my beloved daughter, a moment of anger. Your defenders knew that a strong enemy was about to attack. Madam worked hard and took the risk to go to the forest to get rid of the harm, and half of them did too. For you. If you can't feel at ease, and have the intention of betraying, there will be no good results in the future. Besides, you all have wives and children, and you have always been happy. It was all created by the female village owner for many years. How can you resist her father?" On the one hand, he took out the tooth card letter and said, "by the order of my wife, Meng Long is still temporarily acting as the head of the village. Everything is the same as before, and no changes are allowed. The head of the village will never oppress you like before for no reason. If he violates it, we will not come out." Someone will come to punish you in three days, but you are not allowed to disobey at all." And said: "Madam is brave and you all know it. In order to eradicate the great harm forever, as soon as you enter the forest, you will kill all the old witches and apprentices who have been hiding near the murderous cliff and assassinated you many times. Remove it, and open up a piece of land. When I come back today, I will move to select people. Tomorrow, the selection will be made in public. Whether to go or not is completely voluntary and not forced. I have explained it just now. If you are not at ease, I am afraid that the old village master will oppress you. Help him here for a few days first, and choose someone from among you to help him manage. Although the whole mountain is headed by the old village master, each has its own management. When things happen, everyone discusses and acts. Only more than half of the people have the same opinion. Even the old village master may obey and cannot disobey. You may not be used to this kind of method. From now on, let me lead the teaching, and tomorrow you will separate the affairs. Although he is the master of the whole village, in fact, everything will be discussed in the future. You can't do it willfully. Anyone who doesn't want to, just say a reason, and then he can speak." Zaixing is popular all over the mountain, and what he said is reasonable.People's hearts are the most important thing, this kind of barbarian has either received the benefits of Fengzhu, or has heard of it for a long time.Zaixing people are smart, careful, and thoughtful.Originally living a happy life, no one wanted to cause trouble for no reason, his worries disappeared, and he listened to his wife as the leader of the remote control. Although Meng Long is the owner of the village, he has lost a lot of authority compared to before.According to what Zaixing said, in the future everyone will be the master, he just has a higher status, so he will naturally be willing after hearing this, and he couldn't help cheering in unison.Zaixing saw that everyone was convinced, the most rare thing was Meng Long's tyrannical temperament, and now he has become a sick tiger without minions, knowing that he is incompetent and cannot go against the will of the people, although he feels that his authority has been greatly reduced, it is more fearful than day and night, like ordinary people. It is much better for old people to stay in the stronghold and not know when harm will happen.何况自己人少,以前老寨还可应援,如今已成仇敌,除却点头,无计可施。再兴事前又曾背人婉言劝告,非但答应,并还当众声言,从此改了脾气,与大家听命夫人,共谋安乐,众心自更欣慰。 再兴第二日召集全山蛮人,先问何人愿助夫人开荒?不料众人儿子异口同声,除老弱妇女外,无不争先欢呼。后才问出同回来的八人昨日回时,无心谈起凤珠和再兴夫妇待人如何宽厚周到,本身又是那么智勇双全,恶鬼一般的妖巫师徒才一照面全被杀死,所开辟的新地物产风景又多又好。最令人感佩的遇事都是三人当头冒险,寻了好几十年的地底秘径,夫人一到,便自发现,将来好处也说不完。除王翼勾结蛮人暗算凤珠一节,经再兴再三密嘱不曾泄露而外,说了一个天花乱坠,因此全都愿去。再兴极力分说两面一样,这里更是根本之地,你们业已安居多年,如其都去,非但暂时无法容纳,还有好些不便,体力能否胜任也要考查,于是当众订出规条,合格则去。 因有不少女兵尚无配偶,再兴事前想好,去的人第一要年轻,体力健强,并是未婚男子,上来能够吃苦耐劳等等。就这样严挑选,因准少年夫妻同去,初次算计,竟有四百余人。老寨逃来的旧人还有好些不在其内。最后才把人分成三起,先尽那些老寨逃来的壮男,再在原有蛮人中挑选了一些,将去的人所留房地交与老寨逃人接替耕种,自用衣物送人带走各听其便。第一起选了八十多人,连同先回来的八个和二女兵,带了水云洲需用的农具牲畜、大批食粮即日起身,第二、三起由自己带走,或看凤珠需要再定。且喜盂龙性情大变,自知以后孤立,须靠凤珠等相助才能无事,所送之物甚多。众人又对三人感激敬爱,想得样样周到,都挑好的送来。再兴却被留住,知道盂龙虽说王翼一回就放他走,但这两个男女凶人决不会再回来,孟龙又是年老多病,昔年暴力已使不开,只得暗中考查,多选拔几个聪明胆勇的人,由自己教导,令其分掌事务,以为将来自己走后合力管理全山之用。并和二女各写了一封长信,叫二女兵带来。 二女看完好生悲愤,凤珠对于王翼、幺桃更是恨毒。一问来人途中可曾发现这两人,还有蓝山、猩人与一受伤妖徒踪迹,二女兵说:一路无事。为了再兴去时料知洞中还有途径,便照那日蓝山追赶妖徒去路向前探索,果然发现二条道路通往快活树的东面,乃是一个石穴,只有两三尺方圆,外面便是森林,四面大树包围,隐僻非常,须由树隙缝中穿出,走上一段才是归路。已快走出,回顾还有两个壮汉落后未来,呼喊不应,重回搜寻,又发现一条秘径通往归路,离地较深,入口更小,人须蛇行而过。隐闻前面呼喊之声,过去一看,内一壮汉已被打倒在地,前面不远还有一具女尸,用灯一照,正是幺桃。 闻知方才原是分途觅路,见洞就钻,走出不远再用信号招呼。二人一前一后,业已听到众人信号,因见前面有路,一路寻来,常有寻到路径遇阻折回之时,同时发现地上留有一滩血迹,想起前杀妖徒之事,贪功心盛,打算往前走上一段再赶回来。刚发现入口,用灯往里探照,看出内里洞径宽大,地上卧倒一具死尸,用镖打去,没有动静,当先钻进,刚看出那是幺桃,忽见前途有一黑影,一闪不见。心疑受伤妖徒尚在洞内,胆大心粗,未发信号便急追过去。正走之间,头上忽然中了一下重击,昏倒在地,跟着同伴赶到,再兴等也寻了来,看出那条路宽大平直,便追过去。再兴当先急驰,众人在后,遥望再兴正走之间,忽遇一个敌人,双方动手,刚一照面,灯光一闪,那人已被打倒,忽然纵起,飞驰逃走。再兴追上那人,双方说了几句,那人仍被逃走,再兴不曾追上,发了两镖,均打在石壁之上,越追越远。等众赶到,人已不见。再兴忽说此是一个疯人,前面恐有危险,仍带众人退回,由先发现的出口纵出。路上嘱咐众人说那疯人已被打中要害,不久必死,到了小金牛寨不要提起。二女兵还是来时听说。 凤珠、姬棠听完,便将那两山人喊来,问那疯人形貌。一个答说赶到时人已逃走;另一个说,那人满头乱发,身上围着一片兽皮,手中好似拿着一个树骨朵,力大身轻,凶猛非常,满脸乌黑,还有血迹,形态可怕,从未见过,刚用灯筒一照,便被打倒。醒来时,二爷当先飞跑,走得极快,灯筒已照不清楚。那人好似暗中埋伏,想要行刺,被二爷看破,业已打倒,不知怎会被他逃走。后来追去,双方脚程都快,语声又急又低,也听不出说的什么。二女便问:“可像王翼?”山人力说:“当时虽未看清,但那貌相神情全不相似,非但满头乱发、周身污秽,并还咬牙切齿连声怪叫,凶睛怒凸,头蓬如鬼,像要吃人神气,实像一个疯子。”二女先疑王翼无家可归,藏身洞内,又做了丧尽天良之事,问心不过,激成疯狂;但听山人所说又觉不似。心想:再兴回来,一问即知。虽觉来信未提有些生疑,谈了一阵也就放开。 这九十多人只有十九个少女,都是聪明胆勇,各会一点技艺,因有情侣,强请同来。下余七十多人也都经过再兴细心挑选,各有各的专长,人手一够,便快起来。过不几天,又有四十多人赶到,内有十几个均是前回八人的亲友,业已入选,因不耐久候,又听八人说过路径,互相约好,打算偷走。被再兴看破,力劝不听,只得又选了二十几个勇士,将日前不曾想起的一些小牲畜和水车风车等物一同送来,并带口信,说盂龙再三挽留,选了几个帮手,还要细心指教。本打算一劳永逸,再住些日,日前接报,好党勾结外族又在山口叫骂,恐有变故,也须坐镇。现离下月十五只有二十多天,请二女格外小心,连将当地情形写上一信,交壮汉带回,以便放心。下月月圆以前就不能离开,也必抽空回来看望,共商应付鬼头蛮之策等语。 凤珠本定下月月圆以前,可将耕地开出,建好房舍,忽又添上多人,全都努力争先,无一退缩,内中并有好些土木工人,在众人通力合作之下,先后不到二十天,便将田亩开出,下好种子,两边房舍均已建成。起初还恐洞径宽厌、高低不一,牛马牲畜无法运送,不料再兴已先想好地势,头一起人便由杀人崖绕来,中间只有那日被困之处一条斜坡深居地底难于通过,已经再兴指点,将那险处打通,尽头地穴虽是上下高悬,四面壁立,牲畜也可设法吊上。为使凤珠惊喜,事前不令通知,突然人和牛马全数赶到,内中只伤了三猪一羊,余均安然送到。所以连耕带种样样方便,完成之后,众人自是喜极。
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