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Chapter 17 Chapter 17 Three Swords Gathering at Mount Hua

Datang Yufengji 2 金寻者 7605Words 2018-03-12
Tang Dou fought secretly with the Longmen Nian Gang in front of the Xiyue Temple, and Feng Luoyang fought with Song Wuhen on Huashan Road.Song Wuhen's Qinglin chopping body technique is good for running on mountain roads and galloping over thorns. On the rugged and steep mountain roads of Mount Hua, the power of this light work is even more displayed. I saw the wind blowing from the soles of his feet, and the sleeves of his robe fluttered horizontally. Like a big blue bird, between the stone roads in the mountains, it flutters and flutters, fluttering its wings and flying high, like a fairy flying on land, which makes people look up and sigh.Feng Luoyang's coming on waves is good at walking on the crests of the sandy land, and you are good at flying on grass, jumping on land, and running fast. On this uneven mountain road, coming on waves like this is often restricted by the terrain. Frustrated repeatedly, Feng Luoyang had to take frequent breaths, stop the strides of a wild horse, constantly change his posture, adjust the route under his feet, and after several delays, he has already drawn a distance from Song Wuhen.

Like two streams of green smoke and two flashes of lightning, the two of them passed through the Shimen Gate like lightning, walked through Shaluoping, passed through Maonv Cave, and arrived at Yunmen. Seeing the road ahead, Song Wuhen suddenly shouted loudly: "Young Master Feng, the rivers and lakes are turbulent, and drastic changes are just around the corner. As the number one sword in the world, do you have a good plan for this?" Feng Luoyang didn't expect Song Wuhen to ask him this question, he was slightly startled, and raised his voice, "I don't know what Mr. Song means?"

"Although Litai's swordsmanship is terrific, you can still deal with it. However, the demonization technique in the southern border has the ability to destroy the dead. No hero in the world can stand up to it. If the demon of the ghost tower affects the world, how can I ask Mr. Feng?" How to resist?" Song Wuhen asked Hong Sheng. "See tricks to break moves, see styles to break styles. There is no invincible swordsmanship in the world, only invincible swordsmen." Feng Luoyang replied loudly without thinking. "Well said, well said!" Song Wuhen laughed loudly when he heard Feng Luoyang's words, pretending to be extremely happy.

"Mr. Song...?" Seeing Song Wuhen being so ecstatic, Feng Luoyang felt strange, and couldn't help asking, but he was interrupted as soon as he spoke. "Mr. Feng, I'm afraid I'll have to trouble you to bear the responsibility of being the mainstay of the rivers and lakes!" Song Wuhen shouted, "This place has passed Qingkeping, and the Huixin Stone will be ahead, and this is the real Huashan Road. On the mountain, you need to go to the west peak, but there is no way to the west peak, so you can only detour from the south peak, remember it!" "There is no way to the West Peak...The South Peak is a detour..." Feng Luoyang muttered a few times, remembering this sentence.

At this moment, Song Wuhen had already used Qing Lin's chopping power to 100%, and after a few ups and downs of his body, he lost his image in the mountain road covered by huge rocks. Feng Luoyang also quickened his pace and rushed to catch up. The doubts that had arisen in his heart just now disappeared. After passing the Huixin Stone, the mountain road becomes steeper and steeper. In many cases, the only place where you can climb up is a few grooves carved out of the huge granite.Feng Luoyang held his breath, stretched his sleeves horizontally, and tapped stones on his toes, like a gray-winged roc flying with spread wings, galloping up and down the mountain road.

After arriving at the Qianchi Building, Feng Luoyang finally understood what Guo Chongjiu said meant that Huashan had been one way since ancient times.This place is trapped between two boulders, and there is only a narrow gap for climbing. It is a thin gap in the world of Huashan by a coincidence of God.If there is no such opportunity, Huashan Mountain is more than a thousand feet tall, and it is difficult for apes to reach it. Even if you know how to do light work, you have to go back home when you get here. Feng Luoyang scratched his cheek lightly with his hand, and couldn't help sighing at the wonder of creation: No wonder it is rumored that Mount Hua is a place where gods gather. If there were no cracks between the rocks, the top of Mount Hua would be really isolated from the world , as unattainable as the clouds in the sky.Maybe Huashan is the Lingxiao Palace in the world.

"Chengxian's attainment of Dao is illusory, let alone him, but since he has attained Huashan, if I, Feng Luoyang, can't make a difference in the world, wouldn't I be ashamed of the great river and mountains in front of me?" Thinking of this, Feng Luoyangsi and Song Wuhen's ardent anticipation for him just now gave rise to a surge of pride in his heart. He only felt his heart burning and full of ambition, as if his whole body was filled with inexhaustible vitality. The following Baichi Gorge, Laojungou, and the ear-clearing wind in Luoyang, if there is divine help, climb and leap, as if walking on flat ground, and pass by in an instant.When he was on the ladder, Feng Luoyang didn't even think about it, and followed Song Wuhen's parting instructions, using both hands and feet, he climbed up and went straight to the South Peak.Passing through the Nantian Gate, going up Luoyan Peak, and crossing Yangtian Lake, Feng Luoyang's lightness kung fu is so strong, he can't resist the non-stop climbing and trekking along this road.At a pool of water under the south cliff of Yangtian Lake, he couldn't help but stop, bent down to pick up a handful of pool water, and drank it with his head down.After drinking the pool water, he raised his head and looked around, but was surprised to find that there was no trace of Song Wuhen around.

Although Song Wuhen's Qinglin chopping waves were stronger than Feng Luoyang's treading waves in terms of climbing, Feng Luoyang was confident that he was young and powerful, and his running speed with a big heart just now had far exceeded his original level.He thought that he could catch Song Wuhen's tail dust at least on the South Peak, but he didn't expect that there was such a huge difference between rushing and rushing. "Senior, you really have profound skills." Feng Luoyang was sincere and sincere. He didn't expect many key points. He just admired Song Wuhen even more. He didn't dare to be negligent. Get up and look for the way to the West Peak on the South Peak.

There is indeed a thousand-foot-long ridge between the south peak and the west peak of Huashan Mountain. It is shaped like a curling cloud dragon. People call it Quling, and it is also known as Xiao Canglong. The surface is steep and slippery, without any man-made stone steps or concave holes on it, and it depends on the climbers' own footpower and luck to survive.Although Feng Luoyang had traversed the dangerous peaks at this moment, this Xiaocanglong Ridge still made him terrified. He sank into his dantian, his feet were strong, his body was tense, and against the bitter wind of Mount Hua, he walked slowly on the ridge step by step.Although it was only a thousand feet away, it took him at least two sticks of incense to finally successfully set foot on the South Cliff of the West Peak.

Until this moment, Feng Luoyang finally breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and looked back and forth, and saw the beautiful peaks of Huashan Mountain, the lonely cliffs, green pines and cypresses, the sea of ​​clouds fluttering, the sunshine shining on the mountains and rocks, and the brilliance is gorgeous. The beautiful scenery, the mind is free for a while, the exhaustion accumulated from climbing the mountain just now is instantly dispelled by the refreshing mountain scenery in front of you, leaving only a satisfied heart. The place where Song Wuhen and him agreed to a decisive battle was the Sacrifice Cliff on the northwest side of West Peak. Feng Luoyang should have taken advantage of the time when he arrived at West Peak to slow down and make some adjustments before going to Sacrifice Cliff and Song Wuhen who was already there waiting for work. Scars compete with swords.But Feng Luoyang couldn't wait for a moment at this moment, he just wanted to see this Mr. Song whom he admired more and more as soon as possible, and say what he wanted to say in one breath.So he couldn't catch his breath, and ran towards the northwest of Xifeng at an accelerated speed.

Song Wuhen's blue clothes appeared and disappeared between the endless clouds and mist of Sacrifice Cliff.Apparently, the sword god of the South China Sea, who had a high lightness skill, had been waiting on the edge of the cliff for a long time. Seeing his back, Feng Luoyang stopped galloping immediately, took a few breaths, and said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Song is really good at lightness. Feng has been left behind for so many steps, and his strength is exhausted. I don’t need to fight this sword fight, I’m already doomed to lose.” After he finished speaking, he felt a burst of relief all over his body, as if a burden that had been carried for thousands of years suddenly left his body, and his whole body seemed to be floating in a pool of warm water, feeling indescribably comfortable and freehand. Seeing that Song Wuhen didn't turn around, Feng Luoyang thought that he hadn't made his words clear enough, so he continued: "Mr. Song, you are truly worthy of the title of the best sword in the world. This title is the best sword in the world. From now on, it will be yours." Speaking of this, his thoughts suddenly returned to ten years ago, when he and Zheng Dongting first met in Wutong Ridge, Senior Zheng also said similar words to him.At this moment, he finally fully understood the mood of Senior Zheng back then. "Should I also laugh three times?" Thinking of Zheng Dongting's demeanor laughing and drifting away, all kinds of bitter, spicy, sweet tastes came to Feng Luoyang's heart at the same time, which made him endlessly aftertaste. At this moment, Song Wuhen's figure suddenly moved slightly, his head slowly turned around, and he glanced at Feng Luoyang.Seeing that Song Wuhen finally reacted, Feng Luoyang quickly raised his eyes to wait and see. A meaningful smile suddenly appeared on Song Wuhen's face, and his body suddenly shrugged slightly towards the edge of Sheshen Cliff. "Mr. Song..." Feng Luoyang vaguely heard Song Wuhen say something, he quickly walked a few steps towards him, hoping to see the shape of Song Wuhen's mouth clearly so as to judge what he said.A strong mountain mist rolled over, and light blue clouds rushed up from the edge of Sheshen Cliff to the West Peak, wrapping Song Wuhen's figure. "Mr. Song!" Feng Luoyang wanted to rush into the clouds, but a strong wind blew past, and the clouds were blown away in an instant, and Song Wuhen's body had disappeared on the edge of the sacrifice cliff. "Mr. Song—!" Feng Luoyang turned pale with shock, rushed to the edge of the cliff, and bent down desperately to look, only to see Song Wuhen in green clothes circling with the mountain wind, like a blue kite with broken strings , Floating towards the end of the mountain. "Can the name of the best sword in the world be given back and forth?" A cold and deep voice suddenly sounded from behind Feng Luoyang, and a murderous aura that pierced his bones was like invisible ice that instantly held him firmly in place. Trapped to death on the edge of the cliff. Yu Shao and Zu Jing walked slowly along the dangerous road of Mount Hua with their own concerns, so as to leave enough time for the decisive battle between Feng Luoyang and Song Wuhen. Yu Shao was in an extremely relaxed mood, and his tenderness was uncontrollable. He couldn't help turning his head and said to Zu Jing, "Jing'er, do you think this time the Huashan sword competition will be won by Brother Luoyang or Mr. Song?" Hearing Yu Shao's words, Zu Jing giggled: "Of course it's Mr. Song. Isn't the little uncle coming to Huashan this time just to give up the title of number one in the world?" "What?" Yu Shao was startled when he heard Zu Jing's words, "Brother Luoyang did not make any preparations this time, but he should have absolute confidence in his swordsmanship, how can he say he failed lightly?" "It's true that my uncle likes to practice swords, but the title of the best sword in the world is a huge burden for him. He has had enough. This time it is rare that Mr. Song is willing to seal Huashan with his sword. Give up this title?" Zu Jing said with a smile. "Brother Luoyang is so confused!" Yu Shao shook his head repeatedly when he heard this, "He has devoted half his life to being the number one in the world, and he has been blamed by the children of the rivers and lakes for ten years, and now he can finally rectify his name. It's really stupid to give up the fame that is so close to you." "Fame and wealth are like floating clouds, my little uncle doesn't care about it, so what is he fighting for?" Zu Jing said indifferently, tilting her head. When Yu Shao heard her words, he felt a shock all over his body, as if he was suddenly locked out of an invisible gate, unable to enter the world belonging to Feng Luoyang and Zu Jing for a while.This made her flustered: "Unexpectedly, she turned out to be Brother Luoyang's confidant." At this moment, the sound of hurried footsteps suddenly came from behind the two Zuyu. "Master Yu, Miss Zu!" The familiar call came to their ears, making them both look back at the same time. On the way he came, Xiao Ran, a Dinghun swordsman who had left the stage, was running towards the direction of Zu Jing and Yu Shao, with a burly man with a drooping head on his back.
Yu Shao and Zu Jing stared closely at the same time, and suddenly found that the big man on Xiaoran's back was the swordsman Jie Shuai from Kunlun. "Brother Jie Shui!" Yu Shao was the first to react, and immediately flew down the mountain road of Huashan, jumped and landed next to Xiaoran, helped Jie Shui off her shoulder, and laid it flat on the side of the mountain road on the bluestone, "What happened?" "After I recovered from my injuries in Yangzhou Town's evil hall, Brother Jie led me out for a walk, but who knew that I found the contact code for leaving Taiwan and staying in Yangzhou..." Xiaoran took a deep breath when she said this. At this time, Zu Jing had also come to them. Seeing that Xiao Ran was exhausted and her face was pale, she immediately grabbed her plain hand, channeled the three pure qi from Tianshan Mountain, and injected a pure internal force into Xiao Ran's body . "Huh, thank you, Miss Zu..." Feeling the coolness and comfort of Tianshan's zhenqi, Xiaoran lifted her head and smiled weakly. Pointing to Mount Hua, I was worried that Mr. Feng was in danger, so I begged Brother Jie to let me go to Huashan to call the police. Brother Jie insisted on coming with me, so the two of us set off overnight and followed the direction indicated by the signal to leave Taiwan. We arrived at the foot of Mount Hua. Who knew that we would meet the crowing of the cock, the sunrise, the eclipse, and the four swords in the corner. These four people are the four most fierce swords in Litai. Brother Jie and I fought desperately and finally escaped In order to cover me, Brother Jie led three swords in a row, and I wanted to report the news and find someone to heal him, so I had no choice but to carry him to Mount Hua to find two girls." Although Xiaoran simplified the process of the battle as much as possible, Yu Shao and Zu Jing could immediately imagine what a thrilling and fierce battle it was.Even Feng Luoyang and Tang Dou suffered a big loss when Li Tai's five swords were shot at the same time.This time, although it was four strikes from the stage, but the martial arts were higher and the swordsmanship was more ruthless, Xiaoran and Jieshou were able to escape with their lives, which is really a blessing from heaven. Yu Shao quickly straightened Jie Sui's body, tore open his skirt, and carefully examined his injuries. "Sister Ah Shao... what should I do now?" Zu Jing was still inexperienced in the Jianghu world, and at this moment she was experiencing a sudden change, and her mind was in a mess. She didn't know what to do, so she hurriedly asked Yu Shao for help. "The attack from Litai was not aimed at Brother Luoyang, but at Mr. Song. Brother Luoyang once said that Mr. Song revealed the news of Litai's assassination of Tang Dou, so that their first assassination failed. The master of Litai wanted to kill Tang Dou. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the sword competition in Huashan, I want Mr. Song's life." At this critical moment, Yu Shao's mind was undisturbed, and he immediately saw the ins and outs of the matter, "Jie Shuo's injury is a flesh wound, I use the black from Chengfenghui Zeyao combined with acupoints to stop bleeding can stabilize his injury. But he has lost too much blood, and I need to use my powers to recover his vitality, Jinger, you should immediately go to Brother Luoyang and Mr. Song, and defend against the enemy with them if necessary!" "Yes, Sister Ah Shao!" Hearing Yu Shao's words, Zu Jing immediately had the backbone, and immediately shook her hand and drew out her long sword, and rushed to help her. Yu Shao turned around and said to Xiao Ran: "Please find Tang Dou in front of the Xiyue Temple, and let him come to support immediately." "Yes!" Xiao Ran nodded vigorously, took a deep look at the unconscious Jie Rate, turned her head and dashed down the mountain. The mountain mist pervading the Sheshen Cliff was blown away by the strong wind little by little, and five figures slowly emerged from the light mist lingering in the mountains. Among the five, a stalwart man was dressed in gray clothes, with a pair of gray eyes, and a blue-gray bamboo hat on his head, with his hands behind his back, staring coldly at Feng Luoyang, who was full of shock and anger at this time, but it was these days that brought the whole Jianghu together. The master of Litai who disturbed the situation.Around him, each of the four swordsmen in black was holding a shining famous sword in their hands. The point of the sword's edge could be Feng Luoyang's vital point.A pale swordsman closest to the host had a trace of blood on the sword in his hand, and his eyes were not only cold and murderous, but also excited and excited like a fire, like a wild wolf eager to drink blood. "The master of Litai?" Feng Luoyang said in a muffled voice with his eyes showing sharp coldness and his lips twitching slightly. The host from the stage smiled coldly and did not speak. "Mr. Song was killed by you?" Feng Luoyang asked sharply. The master Litai still sneered and didn't answer, but nodded slightly at the white-faced swordsman beside him. The white-faced swordsman immediately said: "Song Wuhen leaked the secret of my leaving Taiwan. It is an unforgivable crime. We have already killed him with our joint efforts. It was my chicken-crowing swordsman who stabbed him to death." When he said his name At that time, a bright red tide suddenly rushed to his face, his eyes were shining brightly, it seemed that Song Wuhen's death had sublimated his life to the peak. Feng Luoyang looked at Master Litai's right hand and found a deep scar on the back of his hand.On the right shoulder of the chicken crowing swordsman, there was a faint trace of wet water, as if he had suffered a heavy sword wound.He looked around and found that apart from the crowing of the cock, the only remaining assassins who left the stage at Sunrise, Morning Eclipse, and Yuzhong all had wounds of varying degrees of severity.Apparently, when they raided Song Wuhen, they were attacked by the South China Sea Excalibur, and everyone was injured, even the Lord Litai was no exception. "You teamed up to assassinate Mr. Song?" Feng Luoyang's voice was hoarse and deep, like a wounded lion. "Not bad!" There was a sneering smile on the face of the chicken-crying swordsman, as if he wanted to satirize Feng Luoyang's Jianghu Taoism, but compared with Feng Luoyang's hoarse and deep voice, his voice was fragile and insignificant, and had no similarity The imposing manner, as if the rooster crows before the tiger, adds to the ridiculousness.He seemed to be aware of this too, and his expression was slightly flustered. "On the top of Mount Hua!" Feng Luoyang yelled angrily, his voice was like a bell, piercing into people's hearts. As soon as the sound came out, the rooster crowed, the sunrise, and the eclipse, all the four swordsmen in the corner were shocked to take two steps back.Mount Hua is a place of pilgrimage on the rivers and lakes. It is a place where people with lofty ideals flourish and where knights and sages rest their souls. To assassinate on such a sacred soil is a blatant desecration of the entire rivers and lakes of the Central Plains.Thinking about Song Wuhen's earnest teachings to him before, at this moment Feng Luoyang's heart was already burning with anger. "Huashan to me is just a place to do things. What sword seals Huashan and what is famous all over the world is just a series of jokes to me." The master of Litai looked at Feng Luoyang coldly, "Song Wuhen broke me and left He will never survive today." "Today, hey, today!" Feng Luoyang revealed a ferocious smile, "Today, even one of the five of you will not give birth to Huashan!" "How courageous!" Hearing Feng Luoyang's harsh words, the swordsman in the corner, dressed in black and holding a phoenix-tailed sword, yelled loudly, his hand trembled, and the phoenix-tailed sword's brilliance surged wildly, rolling up a blue-white light The tide aimed at Feng Luoyang's head and chest. The sword style of the swordsman in the corner, whether it is the momentum of the move, the angle, the precision between attack and defense, and the direction of the thrust, are all extremely precise. There is a light streak that fluctuates up and down, as if the strength is not very coherent.Feng Luoyang had ten years of experience in sword fighting, and he could tell at a glance that the left leg of the swordsman in the corner was slightly injured, and the strength of his legs was uneven when he was running. Seeing the sword light of the swordsman in the corner rushing to his chest, Feng Luoyang leaned back to let the sword light go, kicked his legs, and flew up into the air, as if he was about to jump into the cliff behind him. Seeing that he wanted to die by himself, the swordsman in the corner certainly didn't have the consciousness to die with him, so he quickly retracted his body and retracted his sword, keeping his weight back, lest he would fall off the cliff of sacrifice with this fool.But at the moment when he closed his posture, Feng Luoyang Hengfei turned sideways, stretched his legs, and pinched the Fengwei sword in his hand so delicately, then retracted his legs, and thrust the sword towards the edge of the cliff. With a jerk outside. The phoenix tail sword was the sharp weapon used by the swordsman in the corner, Ai Ruo Zhen Bao, he was willing to give it up easily, and quickly snatched it back with all his strength, pulling Feng Luoyang's body back from the cliff again invisibly.Taking advantage of this tension, Feng Luoyang shrank and turned sideways in the air, raised his right leg and kicked the swordsman in the corner with his left leg.The swordsman in the corner was standing on the edge of the cliff at this moment, and he was kicked in his left leg. He suddenly lost his center of gravity, and jumped forward, screaming, baring his teeth and claws, and fell down the cliff of sacrifice.Feng Luoyang made a wonderful roundabout kick in the air, his left leg kicked on the back of the swordsman in the corner, and with this kick he jumped back to the edge of the sacrifice cliff, standing tall, the Qingfeng sword was safely sleeping in its sheath, and there was no chance to show it Feng Mang, and Li Tai, a breezy and invincible divine sword, was killed by Feng Luoyang on the top of Huashan in two moves. "Yuzhong!" The other three swords from Litai exclaimed in unison, but everything happened too fast, no one had a chance to save Luoya's companion, they could only glared at Feng Luoyang together. "Good skill, it's no wonder that Brother Feng's reputation has been preserved for ten years with his sword across the rivers and lakes." Master Litai saw the death of his capable men, without blinking his eyelids, he just said indifferently, "It's a pity, with your sword and martial arts , I’m still not sure about fighting against me alone, let alone me and four people joining forces. What’s your last word, you can say it now.” "Hmph..." Feng Luoyang snorted coldly, but did not answer. The master of Litai smiled slightly: "Song Wuhen had already expected that I would attack him when he sealed Huashan with his sword, so he pretended to you that there is no way to the west peak and asked you to go around the south peak, hoping that you could escape this disaster. It's a pity , he counted that you missed your Feng Luoyang's technique of stepping on the waves, which has a long energy, and the more you run, the more vigorous you are. I just got it, and you have already arrived at the cliff of the sacrifice. Originally, I have a lot of pity for you, but you Since Litai is regarded as an enemy, I can't let you leave this place alive and fight against me in the future. Killing Song Wuhen today is already a loss-making business, so why not do another one." As soon as he finished speaking, the rooster crowed and the sun rose, the sword glowed in the hands of the Chaoshi Three Musketeers, and they took three steps forward at the same time, and the overwhelming murderous aura instantly surrounded Feng Luoyang's body. A sword cry of "Zheng" resounded impressively. Feng Luoyang glanced at it in a blink of an eye, and saw the blue-gray long sword worn by Master Litai's waist at this moment, as if pulled out by an invisible hand at this moment, out of the sheath five inches out of thin air. A strange seal character came into Feng Luoyang's eyes - ghost axe. Facing the siege of the four evil spirits from Litai, Feng Luoyang only felt that the vitality that overflowed his body was gradually weakened and dispelled, and he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.At this moment, a blurry fiery red image suddenly flashed in his mind. It seemed that in this world, there was something still obsessed with his mind, which made him reluctant to part, and couldn't bear to wave goodbye to the world.He pursed his lips tightly, calmed down, and slowly pulled out the Qingfeng sword from his waist. He raised his left palm and pointed straight ahead, raised his right arm high, and raised the long sword horizontally over his head. The master's whole body is like drawing a bow, his muscles are tightly tensed, only the muscles of his arms are loose and soft, like a beast waiting for an opportunity, and it will explode an earth-shattering counterattack at any time. "Okay!" Even the master Litai, who is an opponent, couldn't help secretly praising Feng Luoyang's sword style at the moment, and secretly lamented that a young man under the age of thirty could have such amazing sword skills. Lai Tiancheng, therefore, was even more eager to get rid of Feng Luoyang's heart.His gray eyes flashed brightly, his right hand slightly raised, and the blue-gray ghost ax sword in his waist seemed to be summoned, and it came out of its sheath and fell steadily into his right palm.As soon as the ghost ax sword entered Litai's master's hand, Feng Luoyang suddenly felt an extremely strong chill piercing into his heart, his whole body was icy cold, his joints and muscles were full of sluggishness, and his blood couldn't flow freely. At the moment when Feng Luoyang and Master Litai were about to fight, a powerful and powerful evil spirit suddenly spread from the southeast of Xifeng, like a raging black sea tide, instantly swept all the masters who were about to start a fierce battle in front of Sacrifice Cliff. Litai master, Feng Luoyang, rooster crowing, sunrise, and Chaoshi five people looked southeast at the same time, only to hear a burst of evil and wild laughter approaching from far and near, and a big shadow suddenly appeared in the light The top of the misty West Peak.This group of shadows seems to be composed of a slender human-shaped shadow and a huge rocky shadow like a fan. "Who's here?" the chicken crowing swordsman shouted sharply. "Nobody! There is no place for you to stand on the top of Huashan Mountain!" A magnificent and loud shout came from the clouds, followed by the rumbling sound of breaking wind. Before everyone had time to react, a huge gray granite with a radius of one foot twisted and twisted in the air, rolled and hit it head-on.Feng Luoyang and Litai's master reacted quickly, leaping high at the same time, each dodging this unimaginable surprise attack with the momentum of pulling green onions from the dry land.The cock crowing, the sunrise, and the eclipse were caught off guard by the Three Musketeers. When the boulder approached, it was too late to dodge. In desperation, the three swung their swords at the same time, and the three swords intertwined into a trident shape. They worked together to block the boulder's attack. hit. With a loud "Canglang", the blades of the three swordsmen in Litai were broken by a boulder at the same time. The head of the second swordsman Chaoshi was cut off by the upside-down sword blade in the air, and his body was hit by a huge boulder and fell into the Sacrificial Cliff.The chicken-crying swordsman tried his best to block the flying broken sword blade with the hilt of his sword, but his body was hit hard by the rolling boulder. He was covered in blood and flew out, roaring unwillingly and rolling into the abyss together with the boulder. The bitter mountain wind blew past, and the mist dispersed slightly, and a figure in black martial arts uniform appeared majestically in the sight of Feng Luoyang and Master Litai. "Yue Huan!" Feng Luoyang and Master Litai gasped at the same time.
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