Home Categories martial arts novel Datang Yufengji 3

Chapter 30 Chapter 30 Ending

Datang Yufengji 3 金寻者 1918Words 2018-03-12
Zeguo is full of fragrant grass and green grass, and yellow plums are in the misty rain.When the four of Fengtang Yuzu revisited Poyang Lake, they encountered the most charming season of misty rain in Poyang.The four of them bought two jars of fine wine from Raozhou, sat in a grasshopper boat with a black awning, and let the light boat drift aimlessly in the emerald green lake, enjoying the brisk plum rain that didn't stain your clothes, and breathing in the crisp and refreshing air on the lake. The fishy smell of water, hitting the altar to make songs, screaming up to the sky, indescribably free and easy.

"Look, Luoxingshi, we climbed up that boulder on the first night of Poyang Lake, drinking and screaming all night, so unhappy." Yu Shao raised his hand and pointed to a boulder several feet in the middle of the lake, excited said. "Let's see, let's see!" Feng Luoyang and Tang Dou seemed to have turned back into the young youths they were back then, scrambling to look at Luoxingshi. "Really, really! The first night of our Three Musketeers in Poyang, from then on, we are the Three Musketeers of Poyang." Tang Dou said with emotion. "Hey, Young Master, do you still remember the first time we saw Ah Shao's lakeshore?" Feng Luoyang watched Luoxingshi drift away, and suddenly said.

"Hmm... It's been too long, my memory is a little fuzzy." Tang Dou scratched his head and said. "I remember it should be on the shore not far ahead, it should be like this." Feng Luoyang pointed to the shore shrouded in light mist and said, "There are a few big and lush banyan trees, and the trees are full of water birds." "The big banyan tree in the southern country, full of water birds, must be beautiful. I want to see it, I want to see it!" Zu Jing jumped up and down excitedly, causing the boat to churn, "That's where Lao Feng met A Dou and A Shao sister , is the beginning of all legends, it must be a dreamlike place.”

"Oh, the boat is too slow, let's step on the water to see, okay?" Feng Luoyang said excitedly. "Okay, let's go together!" Zu Jing happily jumped into the water, stepping on the turquoise water and rushing forward.Feng Luoyang shook his hands, and landed beside her like a big bird, and flew away side by side with her. "Hey, you two!" Tang Dou yelled loudly, shaking his head with a wry smile, "Oh, after getting together with Xiao Zu, Lao Feng seemed to be ten years younger and completely degenerated into a brat. " "Hmm..." Yu Shao beside him answered absent-mindedly.

"Are you okay? What are you thinking?" Tang Dou turned his head to look at Yu Shao, only to see that she was staring straight at a dilapidated Dragon King Temple hidden in thick willow shade not far from the lake. go. "Dragon King Temple?" Tang Dou asked in bewilderment. "Back when Liu Qingyuan practiced the soul-stirring method, Brother Luoyang once said that he wrote a memory of himself on the inscription of a temple. I was wondering if it would be near the shore where we first met. I was thinking, Suddenly I saw this Dragon King Temple." Yu Shao tremblingly said.

"Why don't you go and have a look?" Tang Dou encouraged. "Yeah." Yu Shao nodded as if making up his mind, raised his hand to push the boat with bamboo wormwood, and the grasshopper boat parted the water like an arrow off the string, and slid towards the shore. This forgotten Dragon King Temple is firmly covered by a field of willow branches in Nagano, exuding a rust-like smell and fresh earthy fragrance.Tang Dou and Yu Shao had to lift the thick willow branches to get closer to the temple gate.In front of the temple gate, there is a dilapidated stele carried by a stone bully. The inscription on the stele has been blurred and covered by the pale green moss and peeling stone skin due to years of disrepair.Tang Dou and Yu Shao approached the stele and looked at the remaining words on the stele line by line.The inscription above seems to be praising the achievements of Dragon King Ao Bing, full of admiration for good weather and good harvests.The two used their hands to draw along these blurred characters, and suddenly found a clear inscription at the end of the inscription, which was the newly prosperous regular script in the Tang Dynasty.

Yu Shao and Tang Dou looked at each other, with excitement in their eyes. That line of regular script neatly wrote: "Feng Luoyang likes Ah Shao." "Feng Luoyang likes Ah Shao..." "Feng Luoyang likes Ah Shao..." Tang Dou and Yu Shao spoke at the same time, and looked at each other at the same time. "Old Feng...he..." Tang Dou said this, his throat choked up, "He really buried his heart here." "Brother Luoyang... He really liked me once." Yu Shao gently stroked the newly engraved mark on the stone tablet, tears rolling down his snow-white cheeks.

"Have you noticed?" Tang Dou suddenly said in a hoarse voice. "Huh?" Yu Shao pressed his hand to his mouth and asked with a sob. "He asked Xiao Zu to call him Lao Feng, but he didn't ask her to call him Brother Luo Yang." Tang Dou said quietly. "What do you mean..." Yu Shao lowered his head slightly. "Well, maybe, deep in his heart, there is still a part of himself that deeply remembers his feelings back then. He doesn't allow anyone except you to call him Brother Luoyang." Tang Dou took out a handkerchief from his arms and handed it to him. Give it to her, said softly.

"I know." Yu Shao took the handkerchief, wiped his eyes, and raised his head refreshed. "You know?" Tang Dou was a little surprised. "Well, now I finally know for sure that brother Luoyang did fall in love with me back then, and that's enough." Yu Shao stood up from the ground, took a long breath, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, It was as if a slit in the cloudy sky suddenly opened, and a brilliant sun pierced through the clouds and fog, shining on the mountains, rivers and land in front of us.This smile made Tang Dou look mesmerized, not knowing where he was.

"We have all been frivolous, in love, and longing, and have such precious amber-like youth, what more can we ask for in life?" Yu Shao looked at the floating clouds and mist on the lake in the distance, and smiled. . "That's right, life is alive, what more can a husband ask for?" Tang Dou looked at Yu Shao's faintly radiant face and sighed sincerely. "Ah Shao, Young Master! I found it, come and see it!" "Sister Ah Shao, Ah Dou, come quickly, we found the old banyan tree." The voices of Feng Luoyang and Zu Jing came from the front, full of joy like sunshine.

Tang Dou and Yu Shao looked at each other, smiled brightly, held hands with each other, and jumped side by side in the direction where Feng Luoyang Zujing's voice sounded. Their figures turning like lightning flashed into the snow-like clouds by the lake, and disappeared in an instant, leaving an indelible but indelible mark in the world. (End of the book)
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