Home Categories martial arts novel Guoshu Museum

Chapter 67 first quarter

Guoshu Museum 徐皓峰 2367Words 2018-03-12
My failure in the exam made my mother completely disappointed in me. I returned to the crematorium to be an honest cameraman.I told Director Bao about the death of the Second Master. He wept bitterly, bowed to the west, and screamed: "Master, go!" The teacher passed on the art and taught him martial arts.I persuaded him to dispel this idea, saying: "Why do people of your generation always have the problem of 'strive for the greatest results at the least cost'? If you cry twice, I will teach you the unique knowledge of martial arts, is it possible?" He asked She smiled embarrassedly and asked him what to do.Me: "Find out the cause of death." He analyzed the scene of the crime and found suspicious points on the hard soil platform. He believed that the distance between the second master's crutch and the small basket was three meters away. It was the situation where someone pulled the second master up and the crutches came out.

I have been shooting for the abnormal death investigation team in the city, so I went to ask them for help.They called the suburban abnormal death investigation team and got the following information: On the night when the second master disappeared, the second uncle stayed at home and did not go out to look for it once.The next morning, the second master's body under the bridge was found by passers-by. Many people gathered around to watch, but the second uncle and second aunt went to work, and the second aunt's daughter went to school. None of the three went to watch the fun. When the second uncle learned of the death of the second master, the investigation team called his unit.The team interrogated the second uncle's family of three in isolation and planned to detain the second uncle for two days.

At this time, the uncle's family arrived. The uncle was extremely suspicious of the second aunt, thinking that her son would have a place to live after the death of the second master. She was the biggest beneficiary and the biggest suspect. Make a breakthrough." The uncle scolded the aunt and said, "You still think that there are not enough dead people? You must destroy this house!" The aunt realized that she was too smart, and turned to the group. Although my uncle has a weird temper, he is kind-hearted in nature. He would never do something like kill his father. He kept shouting: "How could it be? How could it be possible?" The uncle was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and his temperament was elegant, giving people a sense of honesty and trustworthiness. He said: " The old man is already ninety, whether it was an accident or not, he has lived enough for his age." This sentence moved the group, and the second uncle was not detained, and the matter was settled a few days later with "drinking and slipping".

After the urban group conveyed the situation of the suburban group, they persuaded me: "Your uncle is right, ninety is already a long life, so why bother?" , Thinking of publishing multiple articles for the magazine, he called the editorial department and asked if he could send the second master an obituary. The editor who answered the phone said yes, and repeatedly regretted the death of the second master.He told me that the second master has gained fame in the martial arts world with a few articles, especially on the active Internet, where every article is a hot topic.I didn't believe it would be so famous, so he advised me to look online.

I went to the Internet cafe that night and saw the news of the second master's death posted on the Internet.Perhaps someone in the editorial department was enthusiastic and posted the news on the Internet before the magazine published the obituary. Someone opened a post and set up an online mourning hall for the second master. Many people followed the post to mourn, and praised his post as a lifeline for Chinese martial arts.I was so moved to see it, I stayed in this online mourning hall for a long time, and every new post made my forehead bleed. I stayed in the Internet cafe until two o'clock in the morning. When I was leaving, I had a sudden idea and searched for the name of the second master. Unexpectedly, I got more than a thousand pieces of information.I secretly made up my mind to read all these more than a thousand messages.

From then on, I stayed in the Internet cafe with bread every day from ten o'clock in the morning to twelve o'clock in the evening.I read very slowly, chewing word by word, and on the third day, I found a poem dedicated to the second master by a netizen named "Tuoxin": From this, I know that while the second master enjoys a great reputation, some people have been questioning his status as a direct heir, but it is only a few words.I continued to search, and saw that this kind of negative comment exploded from gossip into a tirade with nearly a hundred followers. The person who made the attack was a netizen named "Wuhu Sanren".

He said that the second master cheated the world and stole his name, and he was not Zhou Cunyi's disciple at all. He also said that he broke his leg in a mysterious place and was rescued by the second master, so he got along for a long time and knew the details of the second master. Some netizens reprimanded him for being favored by others and destroying his reputation, while he swore that he had materials about the second master's bad deeds, and mentioned Gobi in his words. Seeing this, I knew he was a prisoner who was also in a prison in Xinjiang.Next, Wuhu Sanren criticized the second master’s articles for being falsified, which had a bad influence on other factions of the Zhou family, making it difficult to distinguish between authentic and fake products. Although he and the second master have a deep relationship, he now wants to speak on behalf of the authentic Zhou family. , so that the second master retreated in the face of difficulties...

Check the time of his post, it was two days before the second master's accident. In martial arts novels, someone will die in factional disputes.I called the editor of a martial arts magazine and asked about the situation of real martial arts. The editor who answered the phone said that contemporary society is ruled by law, and martial arts does not exist.I told him the truth about the second master's death and asked him to publish it in a magazine. The more people who know, the more clues we can find. He was silent for a while, and said that based on what he knew about contemporary martial arts practitioners, it was possible to have fierce disputes online, but it was unlikely to kill people offline.He: "This is an era of excitement, and many people are looking forward to news. Do you want the old man to be someone's talking point? This matter should not be made public. It's called 'hiding the sage'." He also watched the dispute, whether it is authentic or not, don't worry about it.I don't know what tone I used to answer: "I spent nineteen years in prison for Zhou Cunyi, and ruined the rest of my life. If it's not his apprentice, who is it?" Back at the crematorium, I sat in the office for forty minutes Then ran to Director Bao's office.

Director Bao was playing chess with others, and seeing my strange expression, he winked and asked the others in the room to go out, and asked, "Why, have you found the murderer who killed Master?" I said, "No. To avenge the master!" He: "I am willing!" I taught the first secret of boxing in the office - holding the sky with the lungs.He was sweating profusely, humming and practicing, completely wrong way.I couldn't bear it anymore, so I stepped forward and knocked him down, and then dialed the number of the abnormal death investigation team in the urban area: "Please tell me, the skull is broken, this way of death is instant death, without any pain, right?" The group replied: "According to the report of the suburban group, your old man died four hours after the fall." The second master was seriously injured, lying on the cold stone, and suffered another four hours of night cold before he died.It can also be said that he died of freezing in the end.

The appearance of Director Bao lying unconscious on the ground is the appearance of the second master lying on the rock, right? I walked over and kicked the "Xie Xi" point on his leg, he gasped lightly, shook his head and woke up.I said, "This kick will not only cure dizziness, but also cure your constipation." Then I went out of the house and closed the door. That night, I arrived at a county town with reddish-brown land, walked to the archway west of the city, and met the person I wanted to see.He stood with his back to me, his shoulders were broad and his legs were thick, his sweat made a row of bristles behind his ears.

I stepped forward and extended my palm. After switching several times, I grabbed his left arm and forced him to squat down. I only waited for his upward resistance to take his life.This is the ultimate move that the second master passed on to me in the end—— "Searching bones in the shape of a dragon". But he suppressed his instinctive reaction, did not go up, and squatted quietly. As we held each other, the sweat on the hair on the back of his head dried and softened. He is a person who knows how to "search bones in the shape of a dragon".I let go of my hand, got up and walked, after walking more than 30 steps, I turned my head to look, and saw that he was still squatting motionless under the archway. ——I was lying in bed that night, and the above was just a dream.
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