Home Categories martial arts novel Guoshu Museum

Chapter 51 first quarter

Guoshu Museum 徐皓峰 3034Words 2018-03-12
In 2006, my girlfriend married to the UK, and my savings were almost exhausted, so I could no longer stay in Shanghai. Whenever there is a major turning point, my younger brother will appear and give me inspiration.But this time I waited for a long time, and there was no sign of my brother.My younger brother likes to stay in dark corners, so I wandered the streets in the middle of the night. Walking to Tibet Middle Road, a man with a travel bag came to meet him and called out "brother".Hearing the Beijing accent, I stopped, and he said: "The truth of history is only grasped by a few people. Do you want to be one of them?" He patted the travel bag, indicating that it was full of books.

Me: "I'm a commoner, just live scribbled." He hummed: "Hollow people." He continued on his way. Five minutes later, he turned his head angrily and said, "Man, why are you still following me if you don't buy books?" Me: "I haven't seen a Beijinger for a long time." go forward.After bargaining, finally five yuan a deal.The group left, and the book seller leaned relaxed against the railing. I went up and said, "You're selling it too cheap, right?" He snorted, "What do you know? Modern people don't care about history, so it's good to sell it at this price. History is like TV. When it's broadcast, it's broadcast. Let’s take the Hong Kong version 20 years ago as an example. The actress who played Huang Rong was so popular at the time, how many people know about it now.” Yokozo from more than ten years ago appeared.He continued: "I'm afraid you can't even say her name?" Seeing that I bowed my head and said nothing, he became emotional, stopped a passerby, and shouted: "Do you know?" Three o'clock", he simply shouted: "Who knows what Huang Rong's name is?" His eyes were bloodshot, like mad.

It must be Hengsan—I was about to recognize him with tears in my eyes, when I heard the sound of rapid brakes, and a BMW car stopped close to the railing of the road, the windows slowly lowered, and there was a low Voice: "I know, her name is Weng Mei Ling." The one in the car is Heng San. He has a small crew cut, black and strong, with a sturdy face.More than ten years ago, he rode a bicycle to Hong Kong to avenge Weng Meiling, and when he arrived in Shanghai, he couldn't ride anymore, so he stayed there. He now owns more than 30 warehouses, which are rented out at a price ranging from 80,000 to 120,000 a year. After he has enough food and clothing, he still has a spiritual life: he takes a warehouse manager to take pictures of the night scene of Shanghai once a month, and uses a DV camera, the administrator is a 29-year-old unmarried woman with an average appearance.

His instruction to the administrator is: "Wherever we go, when we see something, let us take a picture of 'hey-' in our hearts, and shoot it; let us think of 'um--' in our hearts, and don't take pictures." His expression It is concise and clear, and the administrator basically does not shoot anything. He finally lost his temper and said, "Sister, why don't you look down on everything? Let's stroll around night after night, should we take some pictures?" The administrator: "Don't blame me for being too high-sighted. , My grandfather was a capitalist back then." He: "Then what happened to your grandfather?" The administrator: "Jumped off a building." Hengsan has a good heart, seeing what the administrator said about this, he doesn't want to force her anymore.The nature of the matter changed, and Heng San went shopping with the manager once a month.Unexpectedly, I ran into me tonight.

The person Yokozo is most interested in is not me, but the book seller.He invited us to eat crabs, accompanied by the administrator.We ate from nine o'clock to one o'clock in the morning, and Heng San and the book seller were still chatting witty words. The administrator said to me: "What is Weng Meiling? I admire Zhou Xuan." After speaking, he fell asleep on the table. I was very bored, and saw the kitchen door open, and a fat-headed master was leaning against the door to smoke, I walked over and said, "It's delayed your get off work." The master: "Listen to the accent, are you from Beijing?" Me: "That's right." The master said happily: "I like listening to Beijingers the most. They are crunchy, and they can speak very well about a little thing." I smiled: "That's poverty." He: "Where Where, you have eloquence." He laughed with a kind face.

At this time, the sound of beer bottles falling and chairs falling to the ground sounded from behind, and Heng San yelled: "Let's fight!" I reacted instinctively, and punched the chef in the eye. Turning around, he saw that the administrator was full of energy, and he pressed the book seller on the table with the Shaolin style of "Small building blows through the cold jade", and stood there humming three times. His words "Start fighting!" It was shouted to the administrator. Looking back at the master, he covered one eye, the other eye was full of grievances, and said: "You Beijingers, you can turn your face when you turn your face!" Just as I was about to apologize, he went back to the kitchen and rushed out with a kitchen knife .

I knew I was wrong, and I didn't want to fight with him, so I turned around and ran away.Seeing this scene, Heng San and the manager also panicked and ran towards the door.The master shouted: "Want to eat for nothing? Don't go!" Kicked over a table, rushed to the door first, and stood with his knife horizontally. Heng San and the administrator looked at each other with deep eyes, and then slowly approached the master, as if he was about to attack the master with nothing. I sweated for him, but unexpectedly he knelt down and shouted sincerely: "Brother! You have to forgive me for what happened tonight. I'm not human, and I have the heart to die!" Looking up, already It was tearful.

Master: "How many years have you been in Shanghai?" Hengsan: "It's been more than ten years!" The master: "It's been more than ten years, why do you still come to Beijing to be a ruffian? Shanghai doesn't take this, I want to call 110." After the police car came, we were all taken back to the branch.The interrogator was a young policeman who explained the cause of the fight three times. He and the book seller were chatting with great interest. The female Chen Yulian is also more temperamental than Weng Meiling." It caused Heng San to go crazy.

Hearing this, the young policeman slapped the table and said, "Guys, I'm twenty-four years old, but my teeth are loose—it's because I stayed up late on the night shift. You are so boring, my teeth are loose." It’s really not worth it, you are older than me, can’t you do something meaningful?” He trained us so hard that we couldn’t lift our heads, and he blushed and said: “I’m really sorry, you are right , I should kill him." After speaking, he stared at the book seller viciously. The policeman slapped the table and shouted: "Shut up! Why, you don't understand what I said?" We kept saying, "Yes." We blamed Heng San.Hengsan figured it out, plopped down on his knees, raised his head with tears streaming down his face, and said, "You kindly educate me, and I'll... I'm really not human, and I'm ready to die." The master whispered to the administrator Said: "People in Beijing are really cheap." The administrator: "Don't understand? This is called being able to bend and stretch. People who do big things are like this. I have seen it a lot since I was a child." Finally, a smooth mediation was reached, and Heng San paid the fine.The book seller was detained because Heng San confessed to him about selling unnumbered books.

When we walked out of the police station, the master asked Heng San: "That person and you are both from Beijing, why bother?" Heng San: "You don't understand, people are not divided by location, but by position." Heng San I drove the master back to the restaurant, and I had to get off at the entrance of the restaurant. Heng San said: "Why are you going down? I went to the bar with me. Chatting in a restaurant is a special thing. Only people in Beijing do it. In Shanghai They all go to the bar. I was happy today, and I forgot about it. I chatted in the restaurant for half a night, and I feel ashamed when I think about it. Let’s go! Let’s go to the bar.” I declined and said, “It’s been more than ten years. The people in the film and television industry killed me. Seeing that you are living well, I feel relieved." He was moved, held my hand tightly, and said, "I understand, people, no matter how good they were when they were young, they will separate when they grow up. You don’t want to be with me anymore, right?” Me: “What…” Heng San: “Stop talking. I only have one request. We were close buddies before, so I can talk to you again. Would you like to speak your mind?" The manager Zhiqu got off the car.

Standing under the street lamp, she took out a bag of broad beans from her pocket and ate them.Heng San looked at her outside the window and asked me: "What do you think of this girl? To tell you the truth, I have liked her for a year." Me: "Generally, what do you like about her?" Heng San: "She is loyal She was beating the book seller in a restaurant, haven’t you seen it yet?” Me: “Be careful, she’s practicing Xiao Tianxing from Shaolin School. There may be a conspiracy in it.” Heng San: “Bullshit, That's Aikido in Japan. Aikido is popular among girls. I gave her a card, and she smiled at me. Well, a smile is enough. You know, I grew up Just to women...too fierce, I am not human, and I have the heart to die." Me: "Over the years, have you ever touched a woman?" He: "Hey, I have touched a lot, like bowling, early There is no psychological barrier. But she is not a woman in my eyes, she is... a daughter-in-law." Both of us shuddered, feeling that this word was terribly disgusting. After a long while, I asked cautiously, "Where did you fall in love with her?" Heng San: "Her grandfather is a capitalist. When bumpkins like us have money, the first thing we need to do is to improve the bloodlines of our descendants." Me: "Pretty There are plenty of female college students, so why do you feel wronged yourself?” He: “Educational qualifications can’t be used as a standard to measure people at all, and capitalists in the past were all real talents, so it’s safer.” Me: “Okay, now that it’s decided, Just do it." He: "But how can I say this? I feel inferior when I see her. Tonight, I talked about Weng Meiling mainly to stimulate her. But she is indifferent." Heng San was in unbearable pain, and rubbed his head window.Me: "This is a favor, I helped." I got out of the car. She chewed on broad beans, looking sleepy.I said, "That guy in the car has no good intentions for you. If you can find another job, change it as soon as possible." There was a "crack" in her mouth, and her eyes brightened. I walked along the side of the street, turned around five seconds later, and saw her walking towards Hengsan's car, with all manners.
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