Home Categories martial arts novel Guoshu Museum

Chapter 29 Section VII

Guoshu Museum 徐皓峰 1869Words 2018-03-12
My breathing is deep and long, and I have entered the battle state.When I got home, I didn't turn on the light, and went straight into bed. The most important thing at this moment is to have a good night's sleep. In a daze, my younger brother stood by the bedside and said, "Shhh, brother, it's me. Don't you think it's strange that Dad is not at home today?" Dad actually got up——I was still surprised and fell asleep. Some time later, my father entered my room. He was fully dressed and had obviously returned from a trip. Although he was still sluggish, there was a look of cheer on his face, and he told me sonorously: "The second master is a bad person." He and his mother went to the grandfather's house because the second master beat the grandfather.

The second master lives in the small south house of his grandfather's house, which is where their mother lived before her death. This afternoon, grandma went out to buy vegetables, and grandpa looked up the dictionary in the house.Grandpa has collected countless dictionaries all his life, and is most proud of knowing uncommon characters. When he looked up the word "pi" (pi), the second master walked in and said, "How did my mother die?" Their mother followed grandpa all the time. Life, when she died, the second master found that there were black blood in her nails-this is the trace of poisoning.The second master suspected that the grandfather had not treated his mother well, which made her think about it for a while and drank dichlorvos.

Grandpa said: "You are really stupid." The second master stroked grandpa's arm, and grandpa rolled off the chair and fell to the ground.For a moment, the two brothers were dumbfounded, and it was the second master who regained his senses first and walked out of the house quickly.When the sound of opening the courtyard door sounded, the grandfather reacted and shouted: "Don't go! Speak clearly!" But the second master left. Grandpa suffered such injustice when he was seventy-five years old, and it took him a long time to stand up.He stood and thought for six hours before finally calling my mother.

In my grandfather's conception, my father was still an official. My grandfather thought that being an official could uphold justice, and asked my father to judge.The mother gave up hope that the father would get up, but the father sat up suddenly. My father went to my grandfather's house to inquire about what happened in an official's friendly tone, and commented: "The mother of both of you passed away 24 years ago. Why didn't the second master bring up the issue of bloody nails at that time? So the nails were not bloody. He is You're making trouble for no reason." Father's words made grandpa angry, and mother also thought he was doing things beautifully.

Eight years after my father lay flat, he was reaffirmed in the world and was very excited. He said to me: "As long as you work hard, your father's present is your future." Too lucky. I just felt sleepy and put the quilt over my head.I thought: "It would be great if I didn't think about anything." Looking forward to omitting time like when I was nine years old, it has been many years since I woke up again. But when I woke up the next day, history did not repeat itself. Mother made porridge for breakfast, and put a few pieces of pumpkin in the porridge, which was the pumpkin that the second master hadn't finished eating.She told me: "You were raised by grandpa and grandma since you were a child. Seeing the second master again is ungrateful." I went to school for two classes and then played truant.

In the promenade of Zhongshan Park, the second master was dozing off with his leather bag on his knees.I stepped forward and his hand was buckled into the strap of the leather bag. I stepped forward and he put the bag in his arms. I called: "Second Master." He opened his eyes, and because I had been witnessed by him, I quickly avoided his eyes and looked at each other five or six seconds later.His eyes were not murderous, but full of kindness, and he smiled and said, "You are here." I thought he was afraid of seeing me, afraid that I would ask him why he beat grandpa.But he didn't seem to have such worries, and he looked very happy to see me.He took me to no man's land behind a rockery in the east of the park, and instructed me to punch until five o'clock in the afternoon.

Then I send him to work.He went into the store and I rode west.After riding for 20 minutes, I think I still have to ask him why he beat my grandpa, otherwise everything will be messed up. I went back to Xidan.The store has a glass door, and after knocking on the door, footsteps can be heard inside.The footsteps did not go directly to the door, but to the side of the door.The door light above my head turned on, and the second master appeared behind the glass. The light outside the door was meant to illuminate me, but it also illuminated him.The pale light exposed the fine wrinkles on his face, and it was the first time I saw his age.

Me: "Why did you hit grandpa?" He stared at me, his whole body blackened. He turned off the light. Five minutes later, I called, "Second Master, are you still there?" There was no response. I knew he was still there, but I turned and left. Riding on Chang'an Avenue, I patted the handlebars with my hand.The car jumped up and slid violently after landing.I thought: Today, there is another contest. When we arrived at the east gate of Yuyuantan, there was a figure standing alone at the gate.Me: "Sorry, I'm late. Shall I buy tickets?" K: "No, I bought it." After entering the park, K and I walked along the river, surrounded by old people walking after dinner.There is no one at the end of the river, and at the end is a sluice, silted up with aquatic plants and garbage of unknown shape, exuding a foul smell.

K asked me why I didn't bring a wooden stick, I patted my waist and said, "No, I brought a knife." He sneered and said, "You'd better throw the knife away, because I might beat you to death. "I waved my hand to show that I would not throw the knife. He sighed, covered his face and lower abdomen with his hands, and slowly approached me.I don't have a knife at my waist, so to speak, trying to force him to the highest level.Facing him, I was full of curiosity about my potential. A step away from me, he let go of his hand and said: "You go, I don't want to kill people." I quickly explained: "I don't have a knife in my waist." He stared at my waist, his eyes became firm.

He: "Can you promise me not to look for Q again?" Me: "I promise you." He turned around and left, I panicked immediately, chased after him and asked, "Why did you leave as soon as you agreed?" He said, "My goal has been achieved." Me: "Wait, I really want to compete." He : "Contest is the most noble thing for martial arts practitioners, and it is especially necessary to be honest with each other. Your act of pretending to have a knife has ruined this contest. If I fight with you again, I will insult my master." He went without looking back. gone.I stood for a long while, still unable to understand the logic in his words, but felt that I was despicable, exuding the smell of water.

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