Home Categories martial arts novel Guoshu Museum

Chapter 25 third quarter

Guoshu Museum 徐皓峰 2749Words 2018-03-12
The seat of Q has a beautiful upturned arc, which stands out from the whole carport.My martial arts improved by leaps and bounds, and I lived on the track I planned. My father lost the courage to get up, but people still kept him.The door of my house opened as soon as it was knocked. One evening, a young man of twenty-eight walked into my house.He brought a kitchen knife, ready to chop up some valuables. My house only has one tea table and it’s not too old. He sighed, squatted down, and chopped it wholeheartedly.When I got home, he was sweating profusely.He asked me: "Is there anything new in your house?" I pointed to the corner: "That bench is new." He was too lazy to stand up, moved to the corner in a squatting position, and swung the kitchen knife to chop three times.When he walked out of my house, I remembered: I know martial arts.

Cutting low things made his waist sore. He supported his waist with one hand and carried the kitchen knife in the other, and walked out of the building tremblingly.There are three concrete tables in the open space in front of the building, and each table is equipped with four small concrete stools—these are my father’s ideas when he was young, full of yearning for leisure life.On the three concrete tables, people played cards all day long, leaving behind endless sweeps of cigarette butts and melon seeds. My father built the building ten years ago and won the respect of the people.He rejected the Soviet-style unit offered to him by his unit, and settled his family here. He felt comfortable living among grateful people.

The building is centrally located in an upscale neighborhood.After the wooden house area was pulled down, the local people were required to move to the suburbs according to regulations.The father found the misunderstanding of the leadership's thinking, quickly got the building approval, built a new building, and let them live back where they were. The father's courage won the praise of the people at the bottom.But time proved my father wrong—the men in this building squatted in rows on the side of the road with their shirts off in summer, making the well-dressed community unbearable.

The father corrupted the community and his own life.He swears and smokes a lot.He was trapped in officialdom when he was young, and he was always cautious. Perhaps only a vulgar life could relax him.He regards this building as his home, but everything is counterproductive. I hate squatting people because they are good at hitting people.After the father was dismissed, he became the object of ridicule, and all the grievances they suffered in their lives would be vented on the father.Because my father is an official. The kitchen knife youth said a few words to the card player in front of the building, put the kitchen knife away from his waist, and walked towards the door of another building.

Forty seconds later, I followed into the building door. The kitchen knife youth walked to the fifth floor, and when he took out his key to open the door, he found me walking up the stairs. Him: "What's the matter?" Me: "something." The twenty-third straw rope records the secrets of the bones. As long as the right angle is found, the human skeleton can be used as various weapons.I use the movement of going up the steps to adjust my spine. My spine is a hidden machete. Stepping up the last step, I slashed at him with my whole body—— I hit the wall with a fit of nausea.

He sat on the ground, his eyes were dull, and he stretched out his hand to me: "You—you really hit my brother, come on, help me up!" I pulled him up, rubbed his forehead and asked him, "Did I hit you?" He said: "It's done! Let us brothers sit down." We held hands and sat on the steps.He told me about a major difficulty in his life: The building built by my father was cramped, especially the toilets had no windows, so it was fine to urinate, but defecating would suffocate people to death.He is twenty-eight years old this year, and he has never had a bowel movement for a long time...

He smiled embarrassedly, told me several times "don't look down on brother", got up and walked into the house.I asked, "Will you still come to my house to chop things?" He said, "Today, I'm a bad person, but I'm usually a good person." The weak always bully those who are weaker than them, and the weak often turn evil pregnancy.When I walked down the stairs, I suddenly realized that I had been living in danger. People's malice would erupt collectively at any time, and my father would be brutally killed. Q suddenly becomes secondary. Forty straw ropes embody all the violence at the beginning of human beings. I want to learn it as soon as possible to protect my family.The second master gets up at 3 o'clock in the afternoon every day, and I come home from school at 4 o'clock. He will hold me with one hand for an hour, so that I can feel the changes in the strength in his body.

His palm can reach all parts of his body, the first thing he feels is his feet, the bottom of his feet is surging with the undercurrent of the deep sea. His head is a piece of void, and I can feel his thoughts.His mind was very quiet, and there was a sudden change in the situation. At this time, I felt like I was shocked by electricity, and my whole body flew up from his hand and fell to the wall. The history books are wrong.In the face of beasts, humans in the Paleolithic Age not only invented tools, but also invented themselves. They invented the method of exerting force with their bodies upright, which can compete with beasts whose spines are parallel to the ground.Although the muscle strength of beasts is greater than that of humans, the vertical spine of humans has an advantage in mechanics, so humans can fight against ligers with bare hands.

Stone knives and stone axes were not hunting tools at first, but meat-cutting utensils. After they were used in hunting grounds, although they were somewhat convenient, human beings have forgotten the most precious inventions, and the subsequent history is a matter of waiting. After the spine hangs, the top of the head is unobstructed to the sky.There is a secret current in the sky, which penetrates into the human skull, and over time, intelligence is formed.Human civilization was born in upright, and the starting point of this civilization is now forgotten.Although the sky is still above the head, it has been cut off from the world.Inventing and using tools is the beginning of all mistakes, which have been irreversible so far.

Humanity could have gone another way, just like I could have loved another woman. Q was wearing red shorts, her shoulders were a light brown from the summer sun, and her face was the same color, making the whites of her eyes shine. The lights of her house printed a light blue square on the ground outside the building, standing in that square for a while would bring happiness.I, like all boys, have a wandering window.This window determines the temperament of your life. I must be an eccentric person. The second master's hand is also a window, hiding the original civilization of human beings. Just a slight movement makes me lose weight. I can imagine the magnificence of this civilization.It's a pity that human beings have embarked on another track, the world is running steadily according to another program, and my martial arts can't solve any problems in my life.

Example: Killing everyone in the building doesn't get Dad out of bed. One day on the way home from school, my hand holding the handlebars shook quietly, and the bike jumped five meters forward - this is the initial effect of martial arts.I let the bicycle continue to slide, and there was no joy in my heart, but sadness, as if I was in a primitive barrenness. Since then, I no longer use my feet when riding a bicycle, and I can complete the journey from home to school by exerting force on the handlebars seven times with my hands.On the thirteenth day after the appearance of martial arts, on the way to school, a man jumped on the back of my car and said in a friendly tone: "Dude, I'm tired, please take me by bike. My name is Fengshi." Rheumatism?This person has instigated a group fight of 60 to 70 people, stole a TV set from Yuying Middle School, and entered a juvenile correctional center twice—it is rumored that he often robs students' bicycles now, and a bicycle can be bought for fifty-two yuan. I turned my head and saw that he had withered facial features and thinning hair. The well-known ruffian looked stunted. Me: "I'm going to be late for school." He: "If you still want to go to school in the future, send me off first." Me: "Where are you going?" Him: "Tiananmen Square." I clapped my hands on the handlebars, and he bounced off the back seat, falling two meters away. Pedal hard and go fast. Two weeks passed without incident.My family has undergone tremendous changes: the second master said that in order to speed up the cooking in the cafeteria, he always stir-fries at high temperature and quickly, which is too hot and bad for the health. Since then, my family has started cooking. He likes porridge and wants to add pumpkin to the rice.Pumpkin is the easiest vegetable to grow. It can be stored for five months. The skin will slowly turn red from blue, giving it the texture of pottery. I went to the farmer's market to buy two pumpkins and put them on the back seat of my bicycle. I was about to get up and pedal when suddenly a knife was inserted into the pumpkins. The handle of the knife is black plastic, the blade has a slight saw cut, and the person holding the knife is rheumatism.His pupils were yellow, and his teeth were fine and stained with smoke.He smiled at me and pulled the knife out of the pumpkin with a breath of fresh air. Him: "Follow me." I followed him out of the market and into a Shanxi noodle restaurant on another street full of shabby restaurants.He sat down by the window and ordered two bowls of sliced ​​noodles. I stayed calm and waited for him to strike first.When the noodles were served, he said politely: "Eat." After eating, he took out a crumpled book from his trouser pocket and handed it to me: "This is Wang Shuo's novel, which is about my life." The title of the book is "Half Sea, Half Fire". I took it, thinking that I was in a dangerous situation, he might make a knife while I was reading.I turned the pages slowly, keeping an eye on him out of the corner of my eye.He waited for me to read a page, knocked on the table, and said, "Brother, can't you see that I want to make friends with you?"
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