Home Categories martial arts novel Guoshu Museum

Chapter 12 first quarter

Guoshu Museum 徐皓峰 3174Words 2018-03-12
She has a beautiful face, which is in great contrast to her heart that is eager to kill and set fire.My evening chats didn't win her over, and two months later she fell in love with a computer hacker and became addicted to sending viral emails ever since. I actually lost interest in women, and after she moved away, I felt much more relieved and started my bar career.I've been at bars where Filipinos sing, and I've stayed to the limit of sleepiness every time. One day when I was almost asleep, a woman came up to me and asked if I could go home and sleep.I asked: "Which home?" She: "Your home." I refused.

After she left, I fell asleep.When he woke up, an old man sat in front of him, his old eyes full of sympathy.He: "Did you break up with your wife or your girlfriend just now?" Me: "Break up with the lady." He: "No matter who you broke up with, you can only relax with us." I thought it was a pornographic place, he Shaking my head: "It's not pornography, it's violence." He charged 1,300 yuan for the ticket and took me away from the boring Shanghai. The death rate of junior fighters is 23%, the mortality rate of intermediate fighters is 49%, and the mortality rate of senior fighters is 72%-two hours later, I saw such a match in a hot spring resort.

Without any protective gear, without any rules, spectators must place bets and gamble.I chose a player in black shorts and bet two thousand dollars.Seven minutes later, he was kicked with a broken neck bone. Forty minutes later, the second game started. I chose a player in red shorts and bet a thousand dollars.The dealer smiled gently and said, "So little?" I bet another thousand, and three minutes later, the red shorts were broken. There are many howling girls in the stands, as well as red-faced rich men.I was extremely frustrated - as the curator of the Chinese martial arts academy, I couldn't tell whether I would win or lose.I'm not as smart as I thought.

In the last match, I chose a player in yellow shorts. He persisted for ten minutes and died on the spot.Completely disappointed in myself, I approached the old man who brought me and asked to enter.The old man said to me kindly: "All the boxers are young men in their 17s and 18s. I think you are over 30, right? You are already too old for us." I found the director of the resort and said that I would pay 7,000 yuan and asked to go on stage and fight.The supervisor smiled and said, "Don't pretend, I've already seen that you are a reporter." I have repeatedly stated that I am a traditional martial arts enthusiast and I really want to experience modern fighting.He said, "Are you really a Lianjiazi? Then give me a punch." After being punched by me, he kept squatting on the ground, but he still didn't agree to my request.

From then on, I stayed in the resort, hoping to have a chance to be on stage. The supervisor has a face like a hyena, and when he is drunk, he likes to say that he is a descendant of Tang Taizong Li Shimin.His ancestors married the most beautiful woman in the world, but from his appearance analysis, his family has long since declined, and he has not been in contact with a decent woman for a thousand years. I often bought him a drink, and one day I said, "Man, if you don't want me to be on stage, find me something to do." He said, "It seems that you really want to wear it down? Well, I'll hire you as a special supervisor." My job was to oversee thirty-seven women.Half of the thirty-seven women came from the Northeast, and all of them were educated above high school, representing the distant industrial age;They love to chat with me, and they talk about the sexual eccentricities of contemporary people. They say that contemporary people have no sexual ability, so there are many eccentricities.

My supervision task is to prevent them from escaping, and to catch them if they escape. But they never run away, and I am baffled by this, thinking there is no use for heroes. I live next door to the supervisor.This resort was renovated on the basis of an old house, which was said to be a stronghold of the Revolution of 1911 a hundred years ago, completely in Western style.One day the supervisor came to inspect my room and accidentally found an iron hook on the wall, and was immediately fascinated by the exquisite European craftsmanship. For this iron hook, he changed rooms with me.There, he always sat cross-legged on the bed, took a sip of wine, and glanced at the iron hook with a flushed face.

The supervisor remained celibate, and the old man who brought me had a girlfriend.The old man's girlfriend is fifty-five years old, a cleaner in the resort, and smells like mustard.They were like wolves and tigers at night, and their complexion was very bad during the day. Everyone thought that they would not live long. I could only sleep until two in the morning, when the water pipes would jingle.Someone must have knocked, but since the water pipes connected the thirty-five rooms, it was really difficult to detect who knocked, and this was also an annoyance to the entire resort. Who exactly knocked it?This is the only suspense in my life.I wishful thinking it was the tenant of number fifteen, because she had long legs.I have sworn not to be close to women, but I still can't help but look at her figure. I secretly call her "the long-legged girl" and am proud of my literary talent.

Strictly speaking, I only saw her twice, both from the back.She is a rare single guest in the resort, never watching the night group arena, and is always locked in the house alone.One night when I couldn't sleep because of the noise of the water pipes, I rang her room. She was wearing light yellow pajamas, her belly was protruding. I regretfully said, "Congratulations. Is it a few months away?" She shook her head and said, "It's over." She pursed her lips in joy, and told me a common sense of biology: After a woman gives birth, , it takes six weeks for the distended uterus to shrink back.

Seeing my skeptical expression, she motioned for me to touch her belly.Her stomach is full of elasticity, I thanked her repeatedly, and was about to leave, but she rolled her eyes and said, "Is there anything interesting? Let me tell you." Walking into her room, I sat down solemnly, showing that I In fact, he is the curator of the National Art Museum.Panicked by the arrival of a martial arts master, she let out a burst of laughter.I said that I was extremely dangerous, and I had experienced at least forty women. She held her stomach and suppressed a smile, and motioned for me to open the door and go out.

When she closed the door, she said, "I'm really sorry, I had a caesarean section, the wound is not healed, and I can't laugh now. Are you really a rascal?" I nodded seriously.She also looked very serious, and said, "Okay then. When my stomach gets smaller, I'll try who you are." After I returned to the room, the water pipe stopped ringing, and I regretted it very much, because her belly was shocking, I forgot to remember her appearance.It should be pretty. Ushering in a new day with blank eyes, I was told that eleven people have been disabled in the ring in the past week, and today there are not enough boxers.I volunteered to go on stage, but the supervisor kindly warned me: "I treat you as a friend, so I won't let you go on stage." So I still wandered under the ring.Today, two middle-level boxers were brought in from other places. The resort usually has low-level fighters with an appearance fee of 3,000, and middle-level fighters with an appearance fee of 50,000.I humbly asked them how to practice Kung Fu. One said: "Kick the iron fence 5,000 times a day."When the corpse was collected, the supervisor said to me: "How about it, I am a buddy." I am over thirty-two years old, and my martial arts have reached the limit, so I have to admit that the supervisor is my friend.After drinking two cans of beer, I knocked on the door of the girl with long legs again.She opened the door sleepily, and I said, "I just want to remember your face." She yawned, said, "Remember?" and closed the door, leaving me with a bad impression.

The resort has grass species imported from Russia, more than two feet high, like a reed in the night wind, and wild cats and dogs often come and go. Sitting on this piece of Russian lawn, I looked up at the moon, and someone beside me yelled twice.The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, and I turned my head to see that it was the supervisor. The supervisor came out of the grass with a case of beer and said, "My friend, it seems that you are dissatisfied with reality." dissatisfied. The two of us sat and looked up at the moon, and the resort under the moonlight was peaceful and peaceful.A stray cat walked gracefully in front, and the supervisor said to me: "Actually, this is the best place." He told me about the outside world, the resort is full of dangers, and there are all kinds of vulgar characters. At the resort, a simple shed of blood is enough to satisfy a man, while the outside world needs more. He must have a sad past, or a poignant love.But he was beyond my imagination. He said he was a born wise man who saw through everything without going through anything.Maybe he is really a descendant of Li Shimin, the experience of his ancestors is miserable enough. I was silent, and he kindly asked me: "On the contrary, you should have a sad past, otherwise you wouldn't commit suicide in the ring." I told him sincerely: "You think wrongly, I am really the curator of a generation of Chinese martial arts." He was deeply impressed. He gave me a serious look and said: "There are beautiful things in life, such as the moon in the sky. For the moon, you have to live." I asked: "What else is there besides the moon?" He thought for a while and said: " Sadly, no more." We both admit that humans are bad after the sun rises.At this time, moans of men and women sounded in the distance, and we both knew it was the soliciting old man and the cleaning lady.The supervisor told me that in fact, both of them have reached their age, and their groaning is an illusion, the purpose is to save a little hope for the world. I didn't expect them to be so great, and I was so moved that I shed crystal tears.The supervisor patted me on the shoulder kindly and said: "I'm talking nonsense, this couple is as happy as a male and female dog." I asked the supervisor why he didn't find a woman, and he said that people only look human when they fall asleep. I really don't want to be defiled by women anymore. After finishing speaking, he passed out drunk, and declined me to move him back to the room.In the vortex of the grass, he is as pure as a baby.Perhaps he would freeze to death in the morning, so I bowed to him, turned and walked towards the house.I know, I will knock on the door of the girl with long legs for the third time. As she opened the door, my eyesight wandered on her face.I said: "You knock on the water pipe every night!" She sighed and said: "I knew that I would be caught one day." Unexpectedly, the guess was right.I interrogated her for two hours and she still hasn't explained her motives clearly.At dawn, she said, "Actually, I was just bored." Satisfied with that answer, I passed out drunk on the floor.
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