Home Categories martial arts novel Hiding in the Back of the Sword·Xu Haofeng's short stories of martial arts
Geng Liangchen sat in front of the bookstall, looking at the messy street.Yesterday, he did something wicked. His teeth have grown stronger, and the old man who is sleepy during the day has not gone away.At noon yesterday, I asked Miss Chatang to read the bookstall, and went back to take a nap, but didn't go back to Guan's house, and went to Xishuiao. Master is from the south, so he only knows that crabs are caught in the river, but he doesn't know that the best crabs are caught in the fields.There is a sorghum field in Xishuiao. When the sorghum is ripe, crabs come ashore in batches, and four or five crabs can be hung on a sorghum stalk.

Xishuiao crabs are fat and good both in the water and on the shore.Geng Liangchen bought eighty of them. The master's home is in Nannigu, and when he went there, the master was not there, and his wife was sleeping in the house.People in Tianjin generally don't sleep on earthen kangs that burn fire, and use boxes and bed boards to build earthen kang-shaped wooden kangs.People who can sleep five or six side by side are called "kang". During the day, the table is placed on the kang, and eating and doing work are all done on the surface of the kang. The window is two feet high, the upper frame is one foot five, covered with translucent Goryeo paper, the lower frame is five inches, and inlaid with glass—it is old cut glass, where did Master cut it, the old window of the closed shop?A wine cabinet discarded by foreigners?The wine cabinet has glass doors.

Her face is fully filled in this piece of glass. Geng Liangchen fled in despair.Eighty crabs were thrown to children playing with dirt on the side of the road. It was only after returning to Guan's residence that he dared to think about her sleeping appearance.She is in the deep sleep of a baby, secretly developing.There is a hidden smile on the corner of her mouth, not the pride of a little girl, but the quiet smile of the Queen of Heaven in the Palace of Heaven, a great blessing to all living beings in the sea... He lay in bed, as if mutilated, and the night came without knowing it.

After the street lights were turned on for a while, the tea soup girl brought up his seventy books.Although most of the booklets are one silver dollar thick, I still have to sigh, she is so energetic. This is not the first time she has helped him close the stall, as a couple for many years, he always takes advantage of her.She threw a stack of books in her left hand at the door: "Get up quickly! Clean it up yourself!" He remained motionless: "You should do it for me." She came to the bed with a stack of books in her right hand and gave a drink, expecting him to dodge and hit him on the head.

He didn't hide.The book was a little heavy, and he raised his hand to cover his mouth, as if his teeth were loose again.She rubbed his face in a panic, almost getting into his arms.The pupils that were originally very dark became darker, like the ink developed from famous inkstones and ancient inkstones. He propped her shoulders with the heels of his palms: "It's okay. It's fun for you to see." Go to the door, open the door a little more, lift off a torn woolen blanket by the wall, take out the stacked wooden frame, put it on the top of the door, and hang down from left to right.

The thickness of the door is facing his face, and four sticks are placed horizontally at three points of the vertical line.The highest point is two side by side, pointing directly at his chest.One point at the bottom, straight to the lower abdomen.A little further down, a slanted stick, pointing down the calf. The four sticks represent the four types of attacks of the enemy, and counterattack techniques can be practiced against them. The one with four sticks fixed on the wooden pile is called "pile driving", and the one that is hung on the door at any time is called "demolished pile".Pile driving also needs to be tied with a semi-wet towel to hone the strength of the blow; the piling is loosely hung, and it is impossible to use force on it, and the practice is to change the angle of attack.

Playing for a long time to remove piles: the body turns and turns as cleverly as a snake. It is the secret of Wing Chun. Because it is hung on the half-open door, Geng Liangchen only practiced it late at night when there was no one in the corridor, touching lightly and being silent.Calling her at this moment, speeding up on purpose, touching the stick with the bones of the hand, there is a crisp sound of knocking walnuts. Alarmed by the second daughter of the Guan family, she walked down the stairs and shouted: "Silly brother, what are you doing?" "Get out of here!" He lifted the pile, closed the door, and faced the dark eyes of the tea soup girl.

Just to please her.He didn't know much about women, he just touched the second daughter of the Guan family without a hug, and suddenly wanted to hug her firmly. His hands were quick, first he pressed her right waist eye, and second he grabbed the spine between her two shoulder blades - this is a grappling technique, is he trying to hit her?She jumped on the spot like a deer, crossed her hands, and grabbed his throat. Due to her anger, her pupils darkened beyond the limit of flesh quality, showing the texture of jade. His hand slipped.She rushed out the door, but the second daughter of the Guan family was still outside.

With a sore throat, he thought seriously: This is the scissors of Wing Chun, how could she do it?After watching the pile demolition, did you learn it?Master said that "the way of heaven is not unique to secrets", could it be that women are born to know it... The second daughter of the Guan family seemed to scold him.He closed the door. Sitting in front of the bookstall, Geng Liangchen judged that he had done something immoral yesterday, and looked at the tea stand.She stared at him, she didn't know if she was looking at him all the time, or she had a premonition that his gaze was coming, so he stared over for a second.

Her pupils are not the jade hardness of yesterday, but like two wet ink dots on the rice paper. He knew that two ink spots had shattered the old cut glass and penetrated him.
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