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Chapter 29 Chapter Ten Surprise Encounter

wind and cloud 马荣成 7287Words 2018-03-12
How can it be called a dead end? There are many dead ends in the world, and I believe there is none more worthy of being called a dead end than the road Nie Feng slipped into now! Because this road, in addition to the danger of death, there are two dead people - Bai Suzhen and Fa Hai, waiting at the end of this road for those who come in to seek death! Just ask, is this road really worthy of its name? Is it a dead end? Nie Feng slid down this tunnel of death for another three sticks of incense, and it has not come to an end for a long time. The dead end of Kanye is much deeper and longer than the tunnel just now.

The more Nie Feng slid down, the more suspicious he became. This kind of slumping seems to be really endless. Is it really going to slide to the "center of the earth?" It is said that the "core of the earth" is the heart and lungs of the earth, full of fiery magma, which is so hot that it burns when touched, and nothing in the world can not be burned to ashes; the core of the earth may be the legendary Abi Hell. And Nie Feng felt hotter and hotter as he slid down, and there seemed to be hot air rising from his feet. He only needed to thrust the long-extinguished torch into the stone wall in the tunnel, and he would be able to stop and retreat; however, Nie Feng There is no intention of turning back.

Now that he has arrived at this time and place, he is determined to find out the truth, not to mention looking for the bowl is not his job alone, there are two other men in purple coveting this treasure; if he withdraws, the bowl will surely fall here In the hands of the two, given them this super weapon at this time, I don't know how chaotic the martial arts will be, maybe even more chaotic than Xiongba getting the bowl!Thinking of the two purple-clothed men just now, although he had never seen them before, Nie Feng was sure that they must be two of the two guardians under Wushuang City—Phantom and Heart Demon!

It is said that there are three great protectors in Wushuang City, the great protector "Shi Wuzun", said that the unique Buddhist knowledge "Tathagata Palm" has turned into a deity, and will not be dispatched in leisure time. He is only responsible for assisting the lord of Wushuang City "Dugu Fang" to handle the affairs of the meeting, and has a noble status . The other two guardians are the two men "Phantom Heart Demon". A set of "Phantom Obsessed Mental Techniques" can confuse the enemy's will in the mist until the enemy is killed! But why did the two come to Leifeng Pagoda to compete for Mengbo?Could it be that he came here at the order of Dugu Fang, the lord of Wushuang City?

Then, how did Wushuang City know that there would be Meng Bo at the bottom of Leifeng Pagoda?How did they know that Nie Feng was coming? Nie Feng thought suddenly. Could it be that there are... Mole? how?This time he came to look for Meng Bo, even those spies who would collect information for the world would not know about it.Apart from himself being the clearest about this matter, only Xiong Ba who ordered him to come know, of course Qin Shuang, Wen Chou Chou and... Just when Nie Feng thought of this, he suddenly slid to the end of the rain path, and slipped out of the rain path. He only felt that he had slipped into a wider space, and at the moment when he was falling straight down in this vast space, he had ignited the handle of his hand with fire at the same time, so this vast space suddenly lit up.

He has not yet fallen to the bottom of this space, but he has seen it clearly from mid-air! He saw that this was a gigantic cave that was more than twice as wide as the one above, and at the same time he saw seventy-two openings on the four walls of the cave, and a ten-foot-wide hole was engraved on the ground three feet from his feet. The circle; if he is falling at this moment, he will definitely fall above the circle. However, at this moment, Nie Fengmo doubted why there was a circle engraved on the ground of the cave for no reason. Does this circle have any specific meaning? He suddenly thought, if there is really a mechanism at the bottom of Leifeng Pagoda, then now is the best time to activate the mechanism to defend against the enemy.

The place closest to the truth is also the closest to death! Since if you fall down with the trend, you will definitely fall within the circle, Tingfeng thought, this circle is very likely to be a center for activating the mechanism, so there is no need to delay, mobilize all your strength to twist yourself in mid-air, your body is crooked, "poof" With a bang, he has fallen outside the circle! Is Nie Feng safe? No!Just the opposite!He was wrong!Big mistake! He is too smart, and his reaction and mind are too quick, but the mechanism at the bottom of Leifeng Pagoda is used to deal with quick people like him!

Being able to slide here without dying is definitely not an ordinary person. The person who designed the mechanism under the tower must have expected it, so he designed it very cleverly. He set up a very interesting layout! If the visitor falls safely within the circle, maybe everything will be fine, he can enjoy a moment of rest within the circle, and then take a closer look at the seventy-two holes to see which one will lead to the truth. However, if someone is extremely clever and quickly chooses to fall outside the circle, then... "Boom" a loud bang!The huge cave suddenly shook, as if it was about to collapse!

No!It's not a collapse!Nie Feng could hear the sound of "Boom" continuously, and he used "Bing Xin Jue" to listen carefully, it was not one "Boom" sound, but seventy-one "Boom" sounds! "This is..." Nie Feng was very surprised. He wandered around the seventy-two cave entrances, and there was only one cave entrance that did not hear the sound of "boom". On this cave entrance, there were five small characters "Bai Suzhen's Tomb" engraved on it. ! Bai Suzhen's tomb? Nie Feng couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw it, but at the same time, the sound of "booming" from the other seventy-one cave entrances was getting louder and closer, and Nie Feng couldn't stretch his body to look at "Bai Suzhen's Tomb" That hole, Huo Di, seventy-one boulders rolled out of the other seventy-one holes!

Seventy-one huge boulders with a width of one foot rolled towards Nie Feng who was trapped in the core from all directions, and they were bound to crush him into a meat paste; Swords are dense like rain, even if Nie Feng can jump over all the boulders in time, it is difficult to avoid countless daggers stabbing head-on, this time he really has no way to go to the sky, no way to land!This is indeed a must-kill mechanism! His only ending, one is to become meat sauce, the other is to become a stomachache! However, although the person who designed this mechanism is quite smart, it seems that he is not as smart as Ting Feng!Because the person who designed this mechanism didn't seem to have thought that there would be a leg move in this world, which can be used on Nie Feng's legs who are good at lightness and leg skills. The power is unimaginable to ordinary people, even if he is taught Fengshen leg skills Xiongba can't even imagine it!

That kick was the most powerful and powerful form of Fengshen's kick technique, "Thunder and Resolute!" The crisis is imminent, and facing the imminent disaster, Nie Feng still looks calm, he is still very calm! This killing mechanism, even if it is as strong as a god general, may not be sure to break it. At most, he can smash thirty-six thousand-jin boulders with the World Exterminating Demon Body, but he can't do anything about the remaining stones!But Nie Feng seems to have absolute confidence! Just when a boulder at Qizhi had rolled within five feet of him, and when the sword rain pierced him five feet above him, Nie Feng kicked out his legs in the air in a flash, The shape also swirls rapidly with lightning, and what it uses is "thunder and resolute!" This burst of swift and swift force has integrated the body skills that Nie Feng has learned from Ghost Tiger and Nie Renwang in the past, so this move "Shen Li Feng Xing" is used on Nie Feng's legs, and its power is different from Xiongba's. ;In an instant, Nie Feng turned faster and faster, the person has turned into a whirlwind, and his feet are even more like a huge praise... "Swipe" sound!Nie Feng's whole body has already jumped into one of the approaching boulders with lightning. At the same time, "Long" Suddenly there was a deafening bang! Seventy-one boulders finally collided together, and the shocking force and loud noise made the cave tremble and shake. At this time, the sound of "clinking" iron and stones also rang out incessantly. The sharp sword has been inserted like rain. What a Nie Feng!He actually came up with such a way to escape in this critical moment! good!As long as he can get into one of the boulders, that boulder will become his armor, protecting him from the unavoidable sharp sword stabbing down from above, and it will even relieve him from being crushed by other boulders. The risk of becoming meat sauce! What a way to be smarter than layout!It seems that Nie Feng has grown up in the past five years. His mind and martial arts have made more than a few leaps forward? In order to avoid repeated tricks, Nie Feng stayed inside the boulder for a long time, and finally praised the outside of the stone again.The torch in his hand was extinguished again, and the cave was filled with boundless darkness, so he lit the torch again with a torch... When the fire was lit up, he saw that the ground was full of sharp knives, and the seventy-one boulders were still as if piled up in a maze, and he also saw a green smoke filling the cave again... … "What? Is it the phantom fan's mind? They have come after them again?" yes!Just when Nie Feng avoided all dangers in the stone, the two of them chased after him like ghosts! Nie Feng didn't want to entangle with them any longer, but just as he was looking around, he wanted to find the "Bai Suzhen's Tomb" just now. At the entrance of the cave, Huo Di, ten figures jumped out of the mist! It's ten purple figures! Ten purple-clothed figures rushed towards Nie Feng like wolves and tigers. Nie Feng knew that this must be a masterpiece of "Phantom Fan's Heart Technique", but he was not sure for a moment whether all ten people were Ming, or there were really two purple-clothed men among them—Phantom Devil? All he could do was jump up and avoid the joint attack of ten people, but when he landed on the ground, ten people turned around and attacked him again.This time, Nie Feng felt that he could no longer avoid it for a long time. Just at this moment, he skillfully used the "Bing Xin Jue" to calm his mind, and listened quietly, only two of the strong winds came out. He definitely didn't want to keep entangled with them for a long time, it would only consume his time and energy, so he didn't show any mercy this time, he mustered 70% of his strength to tighten his legs, and suddenly kicked in the air, kicking his thunder strike! "Peng Peng" twice!Two of the purple-clothed figures had their chests straight on the spot. They didn't expect Nie Feng to be able to identify their real bodies with just a snap of their fingers, so they didn't defend with all their strength.These two legs were really hit hard, and the two of them heard the sound of "Gong Le"'s ribs cracking in their chests, and immediately spurted blood, they retreated and disappeared into the mist! Nie Feng couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, he knew that the two of them must have seriously injured their legs, even if they didn't retreat immediately, it would take at least an hour to recover. One hour is enough for him to walk into Bai Suzhen's tomb and find out the truth! However, just as he was looking for the entrance of the tomb in the green mist, he heard another strange sound, a creepy sound... That sound was like the sound of a beast sucking its slurry! The more Tingfeng heard it, the more strange he felt, and he walked towards the source of the sound unexpectedly. The sound, was behind one of the boulders. As Nie Feng approached, his whole body tensed up, and he focused his attention on guard, because his heart was beating suddenly for some reason, as if telling the owner of the heart that there was real danger behind this boulder! The real danger of death! However, Nie Feng still involuntarily stepped behind the stone, as if he wanted to see the truth come to light. He finally saw something he wanted to see, but after seeing it, he knew he shouldn't see something! After seeing the boulder, there was a strange man with half red and half black hair, who was lifting one of the phantom demons abruptly, and the blood red lips were imprinted between his brows, sucking his brains! And the other Phantom Heart Demon fell dead on the ground, was sucked out between his brows, and died tragically, his eyes were still wide open. Maybe he never imagined that there is such a terrifying demon in the world! Nie Feng's ability to kick the Phantom Heart Demon with seven successes is already extraordinary, but this person can kill two people in one fell swoop silently, and they didn't even have a chance to "hum". The skill of a person is so high that it is unbelievable. yes!He is a devil!demon!Crazy! He has a name that people in the world should remember forever, but he is so scared that he wants to forget it completely. His name is Shenjiang! Nie Feng stared at the general in a daze. Aside from his awe, another thought flashed through his mind: Could the terrifying scene in front of him be another trick of the Phantom Shadow?Will it be another confusing scam? The god general finally sucked out the brains of the second man in purple, and with a wave of his hand, threw his body on the ground like waste. The corners of his mouth were still oozing with brains, and he was dressed in an evil blood-red war robe, which made his face even more evil. His eyes stared coldly at the center of Nie Feng's brows, and said greedily: "Bai Suzhen's tomb scriptures In sight, the treasure hunt is coming to an end..." Nie Feng knew something was wrong. He gradually felt that what he was seeing was not an illusion, because he could feel the murderous aura of a peerless master covering him heavily. The murderous aura of the divine general gradually overwhelmed Nie Feng, but Nie Feng remained calm. He asked calmly, "Who are you?" The god general smiled evilly and said: "Hey, boy Nie, since you broke this mechanism for me that I have no way of breaking, I will let you know my name before you die..." "My name is--" "God general!" As soon as the word "Jiang" came out, the god general moved his body, moved his finger with him, and pointed at Nie Feng's eyebrows.But although the general is fast, Nie Feng is not slow!At this time, he didn't care about the torch in his hand, he immediately threw the torch on the ground and flew away!With one finger and one leg bumping hard, Nie Feng swept away the finger of the god, but Nie Feng was knocked back half a foot by the force of the god's strong finger, and suddenly! "Ah! Just now, I have used 50% of my strength in one leg. Although I have swept his finger away, he has such a powerful anti-shock force with just a light finger. The skill seems to be no small thing!" The torch was still burning on the ground, reflecting the face of the general even more ferocious! Knowing that a rare and powerful enemy is in front of him, Nie Feng can't help but pay more attention to his vigilance, his face is more calm, paying attention to every move of the general, so he knows that the opponent's internal strength may be much better than his own, so he must show up before the opponent makes a move. body attack! However, the god general was rather at ease, wiping the brains overflowing from the corners of his mouth with his fingers, and then lightly licking the brains on his fingertips with the tip of his tongue, and said horribly and strangely: "What a pity! With your aptitude, I believe that within five years you will definitely be among the top five peerless masters, but unfortunately, even if I want to let you go, my stomach won't allow it..." As he spoke, he stared at Nie Feng closely, and said word by word: "The brains of those two purple pustules just now are not delicious at all. My favorite food is the brains of a smart and calm person like you..." The god general didn't stop talking, and suddenly he jumped again, and he disappeared! Nie Feng is not too big at all, because he has always been known for his speed, he knew that if a person's speed exceeds the limit that the naked eye can catch, he will disappear like a god! But what the naked eye can't catch, my heart can catch!He had already used the "Bing Xin Jue" to listen carefully, and he had already heard that the general had circled behind him and was pointing at the back of his head to attack! God will be fast, but being fast is not his specialty after all, his specialty is the tyrannical internal force of the World Extinguishing Demon Body, and being fast is Nie Feng's greatest specialty, so he is faster than God! With a sound of "Fuck", Nie Feng leaned forward, and the finger of the divine general fell into the air, and stuck more heavily on a stone in front of Nie Feng. With a piercing sound of "Boom", the huge boulder was suddenly inserted and exploded under the finger of the god general, and it shattered on the spot! Seeing that God made this finger very important, Nie Feng couldn't help but jump into the green mist still lingering in the cave, and disappeared in an instant. God swept his cruel eyes left and right in the mist, and salivated, and said, "Boy Nie, I really underestimate you. I didn't expect you to be faster than me, but if you can take the initiative to come out and give me a good meal of the motherland, I promise, I will give you a comfortable death, haha..." Today, not only is the bowl coming soon, but also thinking of Nie Feng's delicious-looking head, the general's saliva can't help but flow out - dripping to the ground, making a terrifying sound of "tick tick tick" ! Startling at every step! However, at the moment when the general's eyebrows were ecstatic, a figure leaped out of the fog in front of him with lightning, as if mustering up all his strength, and delivered the most powerful and deadly blow to his chest—— "Right and resolute!" The deafening sound of "Dang"!Nie Feng's powerful leg kicked firmly on the general's chest, and he finally hit his vitals! With this kick, Nie Feng had predicted that it would break the battle armor on God's chest, and seriously injure his heart and lungs!In this leg, even if the general is not seriously injured, the blood and qi in the internal organs will rush, and the qi will become weak and out of balance, and he will faint. However, what is frightening is that all the results that Nie Feng expected did not happen. The general was just kicked a foot away, and then he stood still. No, and I don't know what kind of strange metal the battle armor on his body is made of! At this moment, Nie Feng suddenly regretted why he never went back to Lingyun Grotto to retrieve the snow drink he kicked into the wall of the Great Buddha. With his extraordinary speed, no matter how tyrannical the god will be, he must avoid three points to himself. Fighting with bare hands, besides being fast, the most important thing is the vigorous internal strength. Although Nie Feng's internal strength is not what it used to be, it is still extremely unfavorable to him compared to the gods. Nie Feng's true energy stagnated, and his figure fell from mid-air, and his reaction was slow due to the lack of internal strength, but the god will be full of energy! Taking advantage of Nie Feng's fleeting slowness, he shot forward like a lightning bolt, with one claw tightly around Nie Feng's throat, and one finger raised high, he said with a grinning grin: "Haha! Nie Xiao! You I still want to be my dinner! Accept your fate!" As soon as the word "ba" was uttered, God poked his index finger straight at the center of Nie Feng's eyebrows like a thunderbolt. But in that instant, he suddenly heard another man's voice: "Monster". What a direct and simple scolding!The sound from far to near is just a matter of lightning and flint, but this voice also contains a coldness, a coldness that Nie Feng seems to have known before... But the forefinger of the god general has already poked half a foot in front of his eyes like a thunderbolt. With such a short distance, he can't escape at all, and no one can save him! No!There is one more person who can save him! And this person is also a person who should save him! Because, Nie Feng and he were already doomed not to die at this moment, their fate was already doomed by a saying "the wind and the clouds will swim in shallow water", and they will fight shoulder to shoulder together in the days to come, dealing with the people they need to deal with! "Bo" sound!A pair of thick palms stood in front of Nie Feng's eyebrows, and the index finger of the general was abruptly shaken away; at the same time, Nie Feng heard "Gong Le" again, and the person who came sideways struck the general's arm with his palm again. On the bone, the god general loosened the hand that was clasping Nie Feng's throat. Nie Feng was out of danger on the spot, and then retreated! Because he wants to see clearly, who has such a strong internal force, who can block the index finger of the general with his palm in the face of danger, and even knock off the general's hand that is tightly wrapped around Nie Feng's throat? But when Nie Feng withdrew half a foot away, he still couldn't see who this person was, because this man was facing away from Nie Feng, facing the general, and he was carrying a bamboo tree on his back. On the bamboo frame, there is a man with a white shirt on his head and a white robe all over his body. I don't know if it is a dead body or a living person? All I know is that the white-clothed man is wearing feminine attire, obviously a woman. Seeing the man rescue Nie Feng, the god general seemed surprised by his strength, and said in astonishment, "Is it... you? You finally came too?" But the man said coldly again: "God general, today, I want you to be punished as you deserve!" The god general became even crazier when he heard the words, and Nie Feng noticed an inexplicable jealousy in the eyes of the madman, and he smiled like crazy: "Okay! If you dare to come to Leifeng Pagoda to die for her, you have finally lived up to her love for you!" Even if my god general is at odds with you, I will still be proud of having you as a rival in love!" Rival?Nie Feng was taken aback for a moment, so... this man is a rival in love with the general?Then, the woman in white on the man's back must be the person they like.Why hasn't she said a word yet? The man suddenly heard the words of the god general, but he still didn't respond.Nie Feng felt that this person's coldness was very familiar, but this kind of familiar coldness should never be in this world... Seeing that the man didn't respond, the general smiled instead of anger. He stared at the woman in white on the man's back, and said word by word: "I didn't expect you to bring her on and off the field today. They are such a pair who will never leave until death." Abandoned mandarin ducks with the same fate! It's a pity that you can't achieve this wish in this life, because today..." "I will definitely kill you! Then take her as my own! Everything between you will come to an end!" As the general said, he immediately used his palms and shouted suddenly: "Mie!" "World!" "Demon!" "Body!" Suddenly, two powerful palms shot out from his palms, and immediately twisted into a crimson aura, majestic, and blasted at the man heavily! "Be careful!" Nie Feng yelled, but the man didn't panic, he also waved his palms and drank violently. "Shift!" "Heaven!" "God!" "Spell!" In an instant, two palm strengths also shot out from his left and right palms, and then twisted into a dazzling white light cluster, rushing towards the oncoming red aura! The sound of "Peng" is enough to open up the world!The two air masses of red and white collided head-on, and a dazzling red and white light burst out immediately. The light shot to every corner of the cave, and instantly blasted all the remaining seventy-one boulders in the cave to pieces, and the whole cave was even shaken. It's in danger!Fortunately, Nie Feng had been standing within half a foot behind the man, under the cover of his energy, he was safe and sound! After the shock was over, the hole was filled with sand and gravel, mixed with the green mist left by the phantom fans, floating in the cold and silent space, and the atmosphere suddenly became desolate and chilling! Just as the green smoke from the gravel was slowly filling the air, Nie Feng could still catch a glimpse of blood oozing from the corner of God General's mouth; this blood streak, it seems, was not brains, but blood from God General himself! This powerful general who was bewitched like a madman was also injured!And the one who hurt him.Jing is the man who has been turning his back on Nie Feng!He actually has the power to rival a god general? The general and the man were still standing and facing each other, the atmosphere was tense, after a long time, the general finally opened his mouth. "As the 'Yi Body' of Yi Tian Shen Jue, your skill should not be as good as her who is the 'True Body' of Yi Da Shen Jue, but you are able to draw with me. What... is it for?" But when the man took a deep breath, he said: "That's only because... I have a wish that cannot be failed... I must win the bowl to save her!" He spoke so steadfastly that God will burst into a bitter smile: "Very good, then even if I fight with you until both lose, I will not lose this battle..." The two had gone through a fight just now, and both sides weighed their opponent's remaining strength. However, Nie Feng heard the man's voice at first, but immediately felt that the strength in his words was not sustained, and he seemed to have suffered internal injuries like a general. He stepped forward to help him heal his wounds, but when he moved, the man actually heard his inaudible footsteps, but he said in a calm tone: "I am very grateful if you want to heal my wounds, but there is an abnormality here. It's dangerous, you'd better leave as soon as possible!" The man turned his head to look at Nie Feng as he spoke. He finally turned around! Looking at it, Nie Feng, who has always been calm, felt as if he had been stunned on the spot, and his calm heart almost jumped out! sky! It's him? It's him? It's him? No!No way! How could the person in front of me be... he?
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