Home Categories martial arts novel Eagle Claw King

Chapter 54 Chapter 54: The Miaoshou Immortal Ape Using the Sky Ruler Secretly

Eagle Claw King 郑证因 6926Words 2018-03-12
Sima Shouchang said: "It's not that I sincerely fight with them, but I always feel that he should understand a little bit. What he sells can be understood by others. We can't make him take it too lightly if we don't fight the enemy. " While talking, Escort Jiang had come back from the outside, Sima Shouchang saw that he didn't buy anything, it didn't look like he was going out for a stroll, and it was not easy for him to ask, so he only looked at Escort Jiang suspiciously. Escort Jiang then smiled and said: "Brother Sima probably doesn't understand what I'm doing when I go out? To be honest, I have a friend who lives in this Baifu Station and is also a member of the Jianghu Road. Because he wanders around all the year round, when he is at home There are too few, so it is not easy for anyone to find him. Although this person is not very powerful in this area, there are no people in the green forest roads in this area who he does not know. Unexpectedly, I saw him, and he has only been back for two days I asked him who all the green forest roads in this area are "going online and climbing"? Since he is no longer engaged in escorting, he has opened up the green forest roads in this area without any concealment, and is at the helm and gang. Say it. And from his mouth, he said Wu Erdi Zhenwei's brand name, which has a face with all these. No one would dare to move Zhenwei's darts on this line. After hearing what he said, I was even more puzzled. So come back quickly. From this point of view, the gangster who was hanging the dart with the second brother Wu may be the new green forest road on the springboard. Anyway, it has been determined that from Shizhuguan to Hangzhou, all the green forest roads are hard-picked. None of the hard-pressed helmsmen are implicated, so we can let go and say hello."

Liu Fengchun said: "Then it doesn't have to be that he is new to the springboard, just now he had a match with this gangster, I think he looks like an old Jianghu, don't you just follow him from the start of the dart?" Sima Shouchang said: "Mr. Jiang said that he is a new springboard. If he is an old Jianghu, where can he do it? How dare he pick up the business on other people's online? The fault is not that Chuji dares to do such a foolish thing. How can the old Jianghu do it?" Can you do something like this?" Wu Zongyi said: "Mr. Jiang, who is your friend? Do we know each other?"

Jiang Enbo hesitated for a while, and said to Wu Zongyi: "My friend's surname is Hou, but he is just an unknown person on the road carrying the lake. I hope everyone will not know." Taiji Liu Fengchun and the others heard this, and knew that this friend of old security guard Jiang must be from the Green Forest Road, so he refused to say anything. Liu Fengchun is an old man with deep experience, so he may ask too much questions and make it difficult for old security guard Jiang to answer. Then he said to Wu Zongyi: "Boss Wu, it is a great help for us to have Mr. Jiang get this kind of rare information. We can let go and deal with the enemy, so that we don't have to worry about offending the friends in the Jianghu area for nothing. "

Sima Shouchang said: "But what Teacher Jiang said, the matter is even more bizarre. If it is true that there are green forests from other places coming to this area, it is really unheard of. Don't worry about how the opponent gets in the way, or retreats in the face of difficulties, anyway, we have to face him early. We have to face the ladle handle among the people, and know where he is the leader of the kiln and cabinet. If We are really moved by the person who is new to the springboard. No matter whether he succeeds or not, we will not be able to fall. Therefore, we must pick up all the comers, so as not to throw away this line later. Teachers, please think about it. Yes or no?"

After Sima Shouchang finished speaking, Deng Qian, the escort in the seat, hurriedly replied: "What the head of the escort Sima said is extremely true. We are in this line of work. If we are in this line of work, we can show our faces, and we can't fall into trouble. If we can make a fortune, it's not bad Luckily, this is the inevitable way of doing darts. No matter which way we go, we are all the same! So now that this incident has happened, no one can be honest and benevolent again. Let us make people move Cao Kazuki, it can be regarded as throwing away the reputation accumulated on the tip of the sword after all the hard work. So at this time, we can only quickly attack the gangster who stepped on the plate, and find out the origin of this kid first no matter what. so that all their lord and messenger may be held out of him."

Everyone nodded their heads and said good-bye, and immediately agreed to lure the undercover gangster out of the shop that night to pick him up. At this time Jiang Enbo, the head of the North Road escort, took out a bunch of goose feathers from his bosom, and said to Wu Zongyi: "When we came from the Green Bamboo Pond of Qingfeng Castle, because we followed the plan of the master, this time the Twelve Links went to the meeting as promised. There are bound to be many obstacles in the slightest; the wings of the Fengwei Gang are all over the place, but our Huaiyang faction also spread chivalrous invitations, and our fellow teachers and friends of the Huaiyang faction came one after another to fight for honor and disgrace for the sect. It has been handed down from the Huaiyang school, because there are now three generations, and there are quite a few families scattered all over the place who don't recognize the family. I'm afraid I may have a misunderstanding with myself. In the daytime, all members of the sect must first When the gate is set up, whether it is an enemy or a friend, you must show your origin to the other party. It is not easy to identify everything at night, but you can only wear a white goose feather on the left wing, so it is easy to identify at night. At that time, we came from Qingfeng Castle When Lv Zhutang got up, each person was given a goose feather, so that they would not accidentally hurt their own people even at night. This time we encountered such an accident, we had to use it according to the secret notes of our Huaiyang sect. I just Go out and find this bunch of goose feathers for us to use at night. Brother Wu, what do you think?"

Wu Zongyi said: "Mr. Jiang is really considerate. It's very good to handle things like this, so as not to rush things, and if you don't have time to say hello, let yourself make a joke of yourself." While speaking, he took the bunch of white goose feathers and handed them over to Sima Shouchang, asking him to distribute them to everyone quietly. At this time, it was almost dusk, and the shop became more and more chaotic. This store is actually doing very well, and it actually sends out two or three groups of customers. Following the palm lamp, I felt a little quieter after dinner.

Wu Zongyi asked Mr. Jiang, the North Road bodyguard head, to assign guards, wind patrols, and hands-on personnel, and the assignment was made, so that everyone would avoid panic. Teacher Jiang said: "Second brother Wu, don't be polite, I don't dare to be so presumptuous. I have been in the north for a long time, and I don't even come to the Green Bamboo Pond in Qingfeng Castle on the Huai River, and I am not familiar with this area. I am People are unfamiliar, asking me to be the leader, is it not a question of blindness? But I am not being polite, we are because of close relatives, because of friends and close friends, we are all our own people, there is no politeness. We are gathered together now, It's just a whole family, everyone will show their faces, and everyone will fall down! If this group of green forest bandits are here for dart cutting, we should do a little favor. If they are members of the Fengwei gang, come to us Yes, we have nothing else to say, Second Brother Wu and Younger Sima have to help us deal with powerful enemies. If we are polite, we will feel uneasy with each other. Please hurry up and assign the two brothers, don't be humble. Let's do it now Like sitting in a small boat that has already encountered storms, safety and danger are connected, and no one can stay out of it. No matter where the trouble happens, no one can recruit it. I will talk about it, so as not to Doubt me, Jiang Enbo, pretending to be petty, and sincerely doing this kind of worldly behavior is impressive."

Wu Zongyi smiled and said: "Mr. Jiang, this is a joke. No matter how ignorant we are, we can't just do it like that. Except for a few brothers who have friendship, most of the rest here are martial arts seniors. How can we be so self-sufficient?" Big? It’s all the masters who forgive my brother for being young, and let the outside friends hear that they must despise my brother’s actions. I don’t think Teacher Jiang should resign modestly. How about letting everyone say that Teacher Jiang is temporarily in command?” Taiji Liu Fengchun and others all smiled and said: "I am willing to obey Teacher Jiang's order."

After Liu Fengchun finished speaking, everyone smiled and said hello: "Old Escort Jiang, please take the commander-in-chief seat!" Jiang Enbo said: "It's a joke! It's a joke! How can one's fellow disciples praise one's own people? This is really nonsense." Lu Jiantang said: "It's not that Mr. Liu deliberately made fun of you. You have to think about the two escorts. No matter what you do, they don't assign people like that. According to the situation, they are the masters, and we are the guests no matter how close we are." Well, how can the two of them dispatch guests casually!..."

Speaking of this, suddenly the door opened, and a shopkeeper came in, entered the room, and walked straight to that room. Zhu Longxiang was sitting on a stool next to the door of the inner room. Seeing the shopkeeper bow his head and barge in, he asked He said: "What are you doing, man?" The guy still bowed his head and took a step inside, and agreed vaguely, but Zhu Longxiang didn't hear what he said clearly. Unexpectedly, when the clerk barged in, there was someone standing on the other side of the soft curtain, and bumped into the clerk. The people in the room said "Ouch" and said, "What are you doing so recklessly, you stomped on your feet!" Only then did Zhu Longxiang hear that the two Cantonese merchants in the room had eavesdropped on the conversation outside the door curtain, so he winked at everyone. But Sima Shouchang gestured to Zhu Longxiang, telling him to look at the situation in the room. Zhu Longxiang understood, lifted the soft curtain a little bit, looked inside, and saw the two Cantonese merchants retreating gently. The man surnamed Jin had a smile on his face, while the man surnamed Jian Yueshang frowned and glared at the shop assistant. But the shop assistant went to the table and reached out to touch the teapot and said, "The guest hasn't finished drinking this pot of tea, if you don't use water, the stove will be closed soon." Just saying this in his mouth, but looking around the room with his eyes. Seeing that the shopkeeper's eyes were in the wrong direction, Zhu Longxiang quickly nodded to Wu Zongyi and pointed into the room. Wu Zongyi stepped on his feet and gently landed on the door. Wu Zongyi wanted to peek at the curtain for a while, but Zhu Longxiang picked up the soft curtain violently. This time, escort Jiang could no longer stand here in a daze, so he walked towards the house. The escort Jiang saw the clerk stretching his waist, stretching out his arms, and yawning. Wu Zongyi angrily said, "Where did you learn the rules to run into the guest's room to stretch?" The guy even said with a nonchalant expression: "Master, I'm exhausted from earning a day, so can I intentionally be rude to the guests?" While talking, he has already turned sideways from Jiang's escort and walked out of the room. Wu Zongyi's heart moved, he felt that this guy was very eye-catching, but he couldn't think of any reason. I thought of how abruptly I came in, so I wanted to answer the two guests and say a few words, but the guest surnamed Jian whispered to Wu Zongyi: "Boss Wu, when did you find out that there are strong men trying to plot against us, please don't Behind our backs, so that we can also be on guard." Wu Zongyi said: "It's okay, you two can rest assured! People in our bodyguards have always preferred to be prepared rather than used, and we can't tell him to be unprepared when he uses it. On the road, I found a person in the green forest. We have to be on guard for a while, but the fact It is not certain whether it is for us or not, so no one dares to decide. We can only be cautious. We can’t talk about it casually. If there is nothing wrong, won’t people laugh at us? There is no basis, we can't just assume that someone is going to cut the dart, how can we come and tell the two of you about such invisible things?" Jin and Jian, two Cantonese merchants, nodded and said: "We just hope that as the head of the escort said, there will be no disturbances." Wu Zongyi walked out of the house because this kind of wealthy businessman was the most timid and fearful, and he had nothing to discuss with them. Before Wu Zongyi returned to his seat, when the damper opened, a shop assistant came in with a pot of water, poured boiling water into the teapot in the main room, and walked in with the pot, saying, "You two shopkeepers also need to add some boiling water to the tea." Bar?" Wu Zongyi was stunned and said, "There is no need for water in the room. Your partner saw it just now. Didn't he tell you?" The shop clerk was also stunned and said: "No one of our guys came in. Of the four of us, two of us just changed shifts to eat, and the one was sent by a customer to go shopping. Who came in?" Wu Zongyi wanted to say: You came in and went out. The old bodyguard Jiang Enbo understood everything, and quickly stopped him with words: "You heard wrongly, our bodyguard leader also said wrongly, what we said was before dinner, hurry up and do your work! " The shopkeeper agreed to go out. Old Escort Jiang nodded to Wu Zongyi, and when Wu Zongyi came closer, Old Escort Jiang said in a low voice, "Second Brother Wu, if you ask any more questions, you will immediately raise your voice. That shop boy is obviously a gangster pretending to sneak in and step on the road." Wu Zongyi said: "Oh! I don't think his expression is right!" Jiang Enbo said: "Did he do anything in the back room?" Wu Zongyi said: "In addition to inspecting the whole room, he stretched himself before leaving the room. This kid is simply contemptuous of others." Jiang Enbo and Deng Qian couldn't help saying "Hey" at the same time: "How dare they use this kind of quackery in the house! Oh! The people who come here are definitely not easy to deal with. We have to make good arrangements for this, don't really Put it all here!" But Jiang Enbo and Deng Qianquan were astonished and Wu Zongyi hurriedly put on guard. Wu Zongyi hurriedly asked: "Mr. Jiang, Mr. Deng, has this gangster left any signs?" Jiang Enbo pulled Wu Zongyi to the corner, and said in a low voice, "Second brother Wu, although you are an old Jianghu, you probably don't quite understand these secret organizations and another method of committing crimes in the Green Forest Road? This fake shopkeeper is not only a gangster, but also a gangster." The top of the world, they are not in charge of hanging signs on the top of the mountain, setting up kilns and cabinets, or leading the big gangs. This group of gangsters is unexpectedly the gangsters of the underworld. Snitch, this person is actually using the 'Measurement Ruler'. There are very few people who know this kind of martial art. This kind of measurement ruler is the place where the bandits keep their treasures when they step on the road. The victim has been guarded strictly. , all the places that are clearly visible to enter the kiln are guarded by people, so they have to use the method of swans to lay eggs to enter the kiln. However, this gangster is too bold. With our group here, they ride alone It's too deceiving to break in and use the tricks of the rivers and lakes to come under our noses. They think that among our group, none of them understand their tricks of stealing, but I know a little bit about it. Two. Now the soldiers are coming to block, and the water is coming to the soil! Since he dares to use this kind of quackery to step on the road, he must do it tonight or tomorrow night. Let's see how capable this quack is!" At that time, Escort Wu heard that Jiang Enbo, the North Road Escort, had finished speaking, and there were burglars trying to plot against him. Even Sima Shouchang was very angry, so he said to Escort Wu in a low voice: "This is really unexpected! Very unexpected! Well, our brother is an unknown person, but there are burglars visiting us, we want to compete with this underworld friend, let's see what extraordinary skills he has!" At this time, the disciples of Zhao Longyun in Lincheng, brothers Sun Yukun and Sun Yugang, didn't understand this kind of quackery, so they quietly asked Lu Jiantang, the flying knife in Fenghuanggang, Hengshan, "Mr. Lu, how is this measuring ruler used? We brothers have very little knowledge and experience, so we don’t quite understand, Teacher Lu must know?” Flying knife Lu Jiantang said: "There is no mystery in saying this kind of measuring ruler. As long as the user uses his hands and eyes, he can try to enter the place where the owner puts the treasure. Pretending to be stretched in the room, he stretched out his arms and gestured horizontally and vertically to measure the size of the room. He also showed where the work could be done, where there was no obstacle, and where the belongings were placed in the room. At night, he stretched out his hand When committing a crime, you can start the kiln on the roof without any mistakes, and you will never be alarmed. Lord, this is called the "measurement ruler". Do you understand?" Sun Yugang and Sun Yukun nodded and said, "Thank you, Teacher Lu, for your advice." Whispering here, Jiang Enbo, head of the North Road bodyguard over there, has negotiated with Jiangnan bodyguards Wu Zongyi and Sima Shouchang. At this time, everyone had an accident, and the head of the escort Jiang no longer gave in to the two escorts and said: "After the shift is scheduled, the guards in the shop are quiet. Let's touch the gangster who just entered the house and stepped on the road. Let's see what amazing art and skills he has. He dares to look at the world like this, he must be unique in the green forest road." After discussing it with everyone, they were divided into two groups. Wu Zongyi, the old North Road escort Jiang Enbo, Flying Dao Lu Jiantang, Cangzhou martial artist Ji Xiaochuan, and escort Deng Qian went to search for the whereabouts of the burglar. Sima Shouchang, Taiji Liu Fengchun, Tiejie Jia Yutang, Shuangdao Jinhe, Zhao Longyun's disciples Sun Yukun and Sun Yugang, and Yanzhao Shuangxia's disciple Zhu Longxiang, these seven people stayed behind to protect the two Cantonese businessmen and the eight boxes of red goods. After the distribution in this way, each of them got ready immediately, and each tidied up neatly. When the time comes, each will split up to deal with the thieves. Those who search just go to search, those who guard the guards just guard the guards, and no one needs to call anyone else. At that time, everyone had finished the assignment, but immediately fell silent. Ask the shopkeeper to prepare all the tea and tell him: "Our class is too tired on the way to join the regiment. We need to take a rest earlier. Don't bother us." The clerk replied: "The guests don't need to tell us, as long as the guests don't greet us when the time comes, they will never disturb us." The shopkeeper immediately left the house. A group of martial artists and bodyguards here are all finished and stopped, there is not much time, already at the second watch, the shop door has been closed, and most of the guests in each room are asleep. The storekeeper suddenly heard someone knocking on the door outside the store, and when he asked the reason, it turned out that he was looking for the guest from the wing, so the storekeeper had to open the door. When the bodyguards here checked through the door, they saw two bandits. One was about 30 years old, with a red face and a large scar on his forehead, and the other was about 20 years old, as thin as a stick. Very thin, looks like skin and bones. The two people had sharp eyes in the flickering lights. Following the shop assistant into the gangster's house, he couldn't hear what they said when they met. The shopkeeper then went back to his room to rest. Here, Wu Zongyi secretly told the two Cantonese businessmen that no matter what happened, they must not worry about it, and everyone had their own means of dealing with it. At that time, although the two guests were afraid, but when the situation came to an end, they had no choice but to listen to the escort's instructions. At this time, Wu Zongyi turned all the lights in the outer room down to only a faint light, and then he was about to split up, but there was a slight noise in the courtyard. There are nocturnal people. He held his breath and looked outside, only to see a person jumping up from the aisle of the store, wearing a blue short suit, with a single knife in his back, and a dart bag on his side, his figure was very agile. The man arrived at the side room, and lightly slapped three palms downwards, without waiting for the people in the room to come out to meet him, the pedestrian floated down to the courtyard at night, without even a sound from his feet, reached the door, pushed the door open And enter. At this time, in Jiang Biao's first-class calculation shop, there were four bandits gathered. From this point of view, how many bandits are there? At this time, everyone greeted together, Jiangnan bodyguard Wu Zongyi, North road bodyguard Jiang Enbo, flying knife Lu Jiantang, Cangzhou martial artist Ji Xiaochuan, bodyguard Deng Qian all tiptoed into the courtyard. The head of escort Jiang pointed with his hand, Lu Jiantang and Ji Xiaochuan ran to the back window of the wing room, Jiang Enbo and Wu Zongyi looked at the door in front of the window respectively, and asked Deng Qian to watch the wind from the roof. Cover up. Flying Dao Lu Jiantang and Ji Xiaochuan respectively performed lightness kung fu raising vertical technique, flew up to the wing room, and turned to the back of the room. This is an aisle behind the wing room, the wing rooms and the rear window are all in this corridor, the two martial artists saw the dim light in the rear window, and the shadows of people. The flying knife Lu Jiantang and Ji Xiaochuan leaned on the left and right sides of the rear window, fortunately there were many holes in the paper of the rear window, so it was easy to look into the house. I saw that there were two connected rooms, and there were two bandits sitting on the front eaves, and the bandit by the gable was the one who had come earlier. On this side against the back wall, there was the one who had just come down from the room with a sword and dart bag in his back. These four people were whispering and discussing things in secret. Wu Zongyi, the bodyguard in front, and Jiang Enbo, the North Road bodyguard, stood on the side of the window in front of the door, peeping in, and saw the fake shopkeeper, the gangster who used the "measure of the sky" quack, to the newcomer. The three gangsters said: "It is said that we will arrive at Baifu Station tonight, but we haven't arrived yet. That can't be said. We can't miss this opportunity, but we will follow suit." The gangster with a single knife in his back quickly replied: "Senior brother, I think we should wait for the ladle to act. There is a mistake, and we can't forgive it. Besides, this time, this group of Huaiyang faction martial artists suddenly joined forces with them." We have joined forces, and we have added a dozen more powerful enemies. We should wait for the scoop to come and make a plan. We are good at taking care of it, but it’s not good if we can’t! We stretch out our hands to make this deal, and the scoop arrives. It's just to reward us, but none of us can take down the opponent, it's nothing for us to be planted here, it's ruined if we are planted here, what face do we have to see again?" The scrawny bandit sneered, "Senior Brother Ye, why do you only build up other people's aspirations and destroy your own prestige? They are a bit difficult to deal with, but it's not like what Senior Brother Ye said, you can't touch them The disciples of the Huaiyang faction are even more careless. I heard that the head of the Green Bamboo Pond in Qingfeng Castle has led a group of martial artists to the Twelve Links of Yandang Mountain in South Zhejiang. All those who came this time were left behind. Yes, there are no outstanding figures, I haven't put them in my eyes yet. No matter whether the deal is won or not, we have to make a gesture with them. Even if it is about to fail, we can still follow the stake They, wait for the ladle to move him a second time." At this time, the gangster who pretended to be the store said: "Since we have squeezed here, we can only take a look at it for a while! We can't think about winning or losing. Let's try this first. How many tricks are there? Can it be done?" If we pick up the deal in a smooth manner, it will be regarded as the "Wan Er" of our comrades. If it is too difficult, we will retreat as soon as possible, and simply wait until the handle arrives, and then we will make up our minds." At that time, these gangsters argued with each other for a while, and they were all very happy. Finally, it was agreed that after the third watch that night, the gangster who pretended to be the shopkeeper would lead the attack together. Wu Zongyi, a Jiangnan escort, gestured to Jiang Enbo, the head of the North Road escort, and left under the window. Wu Zongyi said to Jiang Escort: "How is it? Shall we do it?" Jiang Enbo said with a smile: "Second brother Wu, haven't you seen this kind of green forest road scissors business? Fortunately, we have already set up the formation, and we are not afraid of him getting out of control. Let's just watch how he enters the kiln, how about it, Second brother Wu?" Wu Zongyi nodded and said, "Okay! I want to open my eyes too." The two discussed it, and then Wu Zongyi quietly notified Feidao Lu Jiantang and Ji Xiaochuan, telling them to be careful of the thieves in the house, and as soon as they left the kiln, they should disperse quickly and let them do it. The people in the house don't move them, so we must not be busy doing it outside. Feidao Lu Jiantang and Shenquan Ji Xiaochuanqi replied: "We will never make mistakes." This is to show each other's skills and compete with each other.
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