Home Categories martial arts novel Su Kuang Legend: Reorganizing Rivers and Mountains to Wait for Future Generations

Chapter 33 The first chapter is a suave person back then

"The Spring and Autumn Period of Sima's Rivers and Lakes Volume 27 Yunnan Fengdi Record": Yunnan and Guizhou are full of high mountains and dangerous beaches, poisonous insects and miasma, and the folk customs are sturdy. They have the name of kings and ministers, but there is no reality of kings and lands. The ceremony cannot be achieved.In the seventh month of the Jiashen year, the father and son of Jianggu and Jiangzhong entered Yunnan by way of western Hunan, and they reached the center of the lake. They carved a boat as a record and called it the Jiangjia Ship Gang.The Jiang family's boat gang is self-reliant, and its influence spreads all over northern Yunnan. There are several states with powerful weapons.General Huben He Hongshan deeply felt that there was a problem, saying that if things go on like this, disaster will inevitably happen.When Jiang Zhongliu was a teenager, he forged his own Sword of Shocking Waves. He walked about with all his hair on his back and he could see nothing else.Tried driving a small boat for three thousand miles upstream, fought sixty-one fierce battles, fought all over the Yangtze River, and the Water and Land Gang did not meet their opponents, and it was also amazing.

"Beautiful scenery on a good day, broad daylight, it's a good time to flirt with women from good families—" In the afternoon of early spring, at the Panlongdu Wharf in Hubei Province, Kunming, the withered grass that paved the road had been trampled into black strands. A group of men were bare-chested, and the mud and sweat on the bags were mixed into black streams, winding into the Buza. waistband.They raised their heads together, shocked by this extremely presumptuous son, speechless. More than a dozen servants surrounded a colorful figure—the long red placket inlaid with gold was open, revealing a stone green jacket, and a pair of pink blue boots under a pair of sapphire blue trousers.But there are still a lot of miscellaneous things on the body, and the jingle dingling keeps ringing.This man looked like a big ladybug, dressed in vulgar clothes, with the words "dude" written all over his face.

The fat white man was squinting his eyes, with a tired expression about to yawn at any time, and reached out to touch the face of the little girl in front of him.The girl is not very old, and she doesn't look amazing at first glance, but when she looks carefully, she is everywhere.A pair of dark brown eyes are embedded in the slightly sunken eye sockets, like two small pools of dancing light, no matter which side you look at, they are shining with aura.No matter who it is, they can't help sighing secretly when they see her: How come such a pair of peerless eyes grow on the face of an ordinary fish girl?

The men on the pier became angry-is there any law for this?Since when can it be so justifiable to rob people's daughters? The young man raised his fist and wanted to strike, but someone in the crowd shouted in a low voice: "That's the young master of the Jiang family!" For a moment, everything was silent, only the bare feet of the men were embedded in the mud soup, gray and white. From time to time, there was a sound of baji baji between the toes. Ever since Jiang's boats entered the Dianchi Lake, the forty-nine piers, large and small, have been booming in business year after year.The goods from Chuanba and even the Central Plains gathered here in an endless stream. Thousands of box ships were rich in oil and water, and they fed tens of thousands of people up and down.The Jiang Family Boat Gang treats people generously and generously, but if someone offends and comes to the door, they will never survive the early morning of the next day.

No one wants to be against their livelihood business. The girl was already frightened to death, she didn't realize it until the frivolous hand touched her face, she turned her head and ran away with an "ahhh".Young Master Jiang grabbed the end of her braid with one hand, and slammed it into his arms, laughing obscenely. The girl kicked and bit, like a frightened fawn.Young Master Jiang was obviously irritable, and he pulled the hand that was holding the braided end: "What's the noise!" He picked up the girl by the waist, turned around and walked away, leaving behind crying all the way.

When they got to the side of the boat, the girl who was screaming all the way suddenly quieted down, her eyes flickered slyly, and she found a comfortable place in Young Master Jiang's arms, and pressed her cheek against his chest: "Hey, Zhongliu, you Haven’t played enough yet? I’ve dressed up twice this month, and I’m getting tired of it!” "Just talk and don't move around!" Young Master Jiang also scratched her nose secretly, "There are still people watching from behind, laugh!" "The Spring and Autumn Annals of Sima's Rivers and Lakes Volume 27 Yunnan Fengdi Record": Feng Xiao'er, suspected to be a pseudonym, and people at the time did not know where it came from.He loves wine immeasurably, every time he drinks he will get drunk, singing Qu Zi's poem wildly.Miao Renyun: Sound curbs the water of Lancang.Later, he met Jiang Zhongliu in Dianchi Lake and sang "Fisher Father", "National Martyr" and "Eastern Emperor Taiyi". The river went away in horror, and the girl was angry, and she chased and sang "Mrs. Xiang" with the line "Yuan Youzhi". "right……

The official ferry had already left early in the morning, and it was not the time for the ferry, so there were not many people watching from behind, only the boss of the boat with his arms open and his neck stuck, a few fishermen dragging their nets and preparing to launch into the water, and more than a dozen people on their backs. Husband, and there are three or five poor guests who are about to squeeze the cargo space.If you save money, you will naturally lose more smiles. "You are dragging your bag! Does the imperial court have kingly laws!" "You're a bloody bully, little girl!"

There were vague and gnashing of teeth shouting and cursing from behind, and they became more and more fierce in cursing, as if they wanted to let out the suffocation just now. Jiang Zhongliu smiled slightly. Too strong hearing didn't seem to be a good thing. He tightened his arms around Feng Xiao'er's waist: "Look, those people are venting their anger on you." Feng Xiao'er rolled her eyes: "They are just venting their anger for themselves, what does it have to do with me, girl?" Jiang Zhongliu patted her on the head: "Women need to be stupid!"

"Aren't you stupid enough for me to find you idiot..." Feng Xiaoer angrily bit Jiang Zhongliu's waist, and the flower picker almost yelled out in front of the crowd. "You! Speaking of you, what do you look at? Don't you have a knife on you? You brought the knife to give the wife a pedicure? Aren't you a fool? Are you a quack? You still use your knife to help when you see injustices every day. Sun monsters! Are all the heroes dead!" The extremely rough shouting and cursing must be that the boss of the boat has found a scapegoat. This is so ironic that it makes one cry.Jiang Zhongliu couldn't listen anymore, he was a self-proclaimed arrogant person, but he was asked to do such nasty things in front of people who looked down on him.

The "jianghu man" who was scolded was really self-restraining, and after a long while, he replied softly: "Aren't everyone the same? Bringing a knife is just for courage." The voice was very familiar, Jiang Zhongliu heard it in his ears, like a lightning strike, he turned his head suddenly - behind the crowd, stood a young man, his green robe was washed white, but he was still straight and stretched on his body.Twenty feet away, you can still see that he is a very bright-eyed and firm person.He smiled, a little teasing in his frankness.The boat boss also seemed to feel embarrassed and stopped talking.

Feng Xiaoer jumped off the ground and looked back following Jiang Zhongliu's eyes—well, this person is really good-looking, he doesn't seem to have any arrogance at all, giving people a very reassuring feeling, that is to say, from asking for directions to Tuogu, Anyone who sees him wants to throw the worst hot potato at him. Jiang Zhongliu had already greeted him politely: "I knew that brother Su would move to the southern border, so I should lead the crowd to the north for three hundred miles. Capital punishment, capital punishment!" The boat owner was taken aback. Feng Xiao'er smiled. She knew that Jiang Zhongliu was the kind of person who was too excited, so he would inevitably say some polite words to ease his mood, and there were not many friends who could make him excited. She followed behind and clapped her hands, her face full of joy: "I have admired you for a long time, Brother Su Kuang." She was indeed happier than Jiang Zhongliu - her fiancé-in-law really needed a friend now. Jiang Zhongliu has indeed been silent for too long.After so many years of drunkenness and dreams, how many people still remember that incomparable Jiang Zhongliu? Unexpectedly, the boy's head turned white. When it comes to the spirit of youth, it is always inevitable to ride a horse.How many people think that the Jianghu is so small, and the world is full of people who have gained fame and fame. As long as they see me make a move, they must use an unknown sword to gain a great reputation.If you meet a few more friends who are sincere and daring, then naturally you need not say a word of sympathy. Nine out of ten people compare themselves to Cao Liu. As time goes by, but every time I think of those years when I was naked and carefree, I feel ashamed of being young and frivolous, but I can't help but my blood surges up, and I sigh: I miss those days! Back then, these three words were enough to shock many people in the world? Straight as the water of Dianchi Lake five hundred miles away, it is pungent and cleanses the mind. Jiang Zhongliu was lying in the boat, he didn't know how much he drank, he only knew that he hadn't been this drunk for many years.The spring breeze is blowing on the hot chest, and everything is like a teenager again.He gently held Feng Xiao'er in his arms, and said with drunken eyes, "Su Kuang is still the same Su Kuang, Jiang Zhongliu...but not the Jiang Zhongliu of the past. Old, old!" Su Kuang raised his head, glanced at him with a half-smile, and drank the wine in his glass. Jiang Zhongliu was silent for a long while, drunk, but he really had the desolation of a hero with a three-point red scarf and green sleeves, and continued on his own: "I'm old! Su Kuang, do you know that since I returned to Yunnan, Everything is limited, and the age is too long, I'm afraid——what are you laughing furtively?" Su Kuang put down his wine glass, squinted at the fat on Jiang Zhongliu's belly, and said leisurely, "How dare you? Brother Jiang's words are very true. People are worthy of self-knowledge." Jiang Zhongliu's white face suddenly turned red. And this seemingly generous and benevolent Su Daxia was already smiling and whispering: "You dare not compare pictures with me, just say it straight, why bother to make such a big circle?" This sentence really still rings in my ears... It was a late spring morning many years ago, Jiang Zhongliu, a young man in white, jumped onto Tie Ao's official ship with his Jingtao sword in his arms to provoke a contest.At that time, Su Kuang's temper was not very good, and he hated people wearing white clothes to win snow, but he ignored them, and only said that he had business to do and asked Jiang Zhongliu to get out of here.Jiang Zhongliu pushed forward with a smile like this, and said word for word-you dare not compare pictures, just say it.So the two teenagers had a good fight in the middle of the Yangtze River. No one knew the outcome. Both sides insisted that they had won, and scolded each other for being mean and shameless... But these did not stop them from becoming friends in the future. Jiang Zhongliu stared at Su Kuang, as if something cold in his chest gradually came to life.He raised his fist and said, "Sure enough, you kid still deserves a beating like you did back then." Feng Xiaoer fanned the flames: "That's right, you and Brother Su haven't seen each other for a long time, so it's time to exchange ideas." Su Kuang understood: "Don't worry, younger brothers and sisters, I have my own sense of proportion." A long-lost spirit flowed in Jiang Zhongliu's chest. He jumped up, and the Jingtao sword was out of its sheath by turning his wrist. He opened the cabin with one sword, stood tall, and shouted: "Who wants you to show mercy!" The corners of Su Kuang's mouth also turned up—this guy is old, fat, and tired, but once the sharpness in his eyes is revealed, he is still as sharp as before. However, the light in Jiang Zhongliu's eyes suddenly went out... He looked at the sky, his hands were already trembling, and he said a devilish name between his lips: "Amamangong..." Su Kuang also raised his eyes to look at the starry sky - at the far end of the sky, a brook with golden light meanders, like a meteor, but brighter; like a spark, but longer.The dark blue sky draws a rainbow just like this, which is too beautiful to behold.He wondered: "This is?" Feng Xiao'er came up, raised her head, gently took Jiang Zhongliu's arm, and smiled: "It's the Lord's Firefly Flying Gu, she... she's still here after all." Jiang Zhongliu lowered his head and put Jingtao Sword back into its sheath inch by inch. He raised his eyes to look at Su Kuang, and his voice suddenly became hoarse: "Brother Su, my gang has some housework to do, so it's inconvenient to greet outsiders. Please go ahead—— Smile, let's go." The fat man plunged into the water all at once, but there was not even a splash, his water skills are amazing.Feng Xiao'er jumped into the water with a bitter face, and before leaving, she blinked at Su Kuang slightly, her dark eyes gleaming with ghostly spirits. In an instant, everything is quiet, only the torrent of water, like a good time gone forever. "The Spring and Autumn Annals of Sima's Rivers and Lakes Volume 27 Yunnan Fengdi Record": On September 11th of the Bingxu year, Longzhao, the Gu king of Miaojiang, died suddenly, and Baiyue was shocked.The princess Amamangong succeeded to the throne, named Baizhao.The Baizhao revived the ancient tea-horse road, cultivated culture and education internally, introduced Chinese rituals externally, respected Taoism and Confucianism, and popularized scholars to promote a hundred schools of thought.Not long after, the fear of the northerners disappeared, and disturbances occurred repeatedly, and the hatred of the Han people suddenly arose among the Miao and Miao, and the evil magic was restored.Today, a great Confucian thinks it's a different story, and sneered: "He is a savage with a woman, with tattoos on her hair, and her lips are still bloody, and she talks about the holy religion. His heart is pitiful, and his behavior should be punished. The so-called monkey bathing is crowned, but that's all." . Sitting on the bow of the boat, Su Kuang took out the golden shell nematode from his left hand.Xiaojin also hadn't seen meat for a long time, and he burrowed into the big bone, gnawing until the bone marrow rattled. Amamangong...Although he has only set foot in southern Xinjiang, Su Kuang has heard this name countless times. The Miao people said that Amamangong is their lord and saint, who is invincible in the world. The Han people said that Amamangong was the leader of a cult who was spying on the Han family, and he should be on guard at all times and always be careful. The merchants said that Amamangong rebuilt the tea-horse road. Since she came to the throne, southern Xinjiang has become more and more prosperous... Su Kuang thought, what kind of person is this Jiang Zhongliu, the Amamangong in his heart? Five years ago, the leader of the Jiang family boat gang, Jiang Shangu, went to the Moon Peak to pay respects to Longzhao, and asked his son Jiang Zhongliu to marry the princess Baizhao. That was a world-shaking event.The Jiangjia Ship Gang dominates the north of Yunnan and controls the main water transportation routes; the Moon Peak is alone in the southwest and is a sacred place in the hearts of the Miao people. This move of the two families is undoubtedly the harbinger of the first break in the defense between the Han and Miao from the north to the south. Some people are jealous, some are secretly delighted, some are delighted, countless people are waiting for that grand wedding... However, the wedding didn't come, but they waited for the news of Long Zhao's sudden death and Bai Zhao's succession to the Gu throne. Baizhao, which is the Chinese name of Amamangong.According to the legend, this woman has the ambition to change the world. She studied Gu art since she was a child, and she was known as the "Little Gu King" when she was eleven years old. harmful thing.She repeatedly went down to the poisonous miasma to study the method of resolving it; at the age of twelve, she went to Tibet alone along the tea-horse road, and visited several national teachers and Dharma kings, seeking esoteric medical skills.The Dharma King Zang Dabao praised her very much, and gave her the golden suanni, the sacred beast of Dharma protection.At the age of fourteen, she went to the Central Plains in Han dress, passed through Chang'an, Luoyang, and the capital, and started promoting Sinicization when she returned to the mountains.Gu King Longzhao has six sons and five daughters, but the six sons compete for the throne, and they all try to win over Amamangong. But at this time, Amamangong seldom stayed in Gaoligong Mountain. Instead, he took his followers to rebuild the tea-horse road, traveled through the six major water systems, and studied the method of setting up boats and building suspension bridges... The throne of southern Xinjiang is passed down from generation to generation, but not to daughters. Amamangong is not only the first woman to succeed, but also the youngest Gu king in all dynasties. She was only nineteen years old that year. With such a broken marriage, it is no wonder that Jiang Zhongliu is increasingly depressed and unhappy. There are very few people in the martial arts who don't talk about Gu's discoloration, and Su Kuang is no exception.If possible, it is best not to deal with people from Moon Peak for the rest of your life.He has Xiaojin by his side, which is enough. When Xiao Jin jumped back into Su Kuang's arms again, Su Kuang's thoughts were completely interrupted.He pulled out Xiao Jin with one hand, flicked its head and humiliated it: "How many times have I taught you? Come back after eating and wiping! Returning the spirit Gu... stupid as a pig." Xiao Jin turned his head to show disdain. Su Kuang shouted: "Go—or you will be fined to eat steamed buns for a month!" Xiao Jin's body suddenly tensed slightly, as if he was about to let go.Su Kuang was furious at first - he didn't change many clothes at first, and he was rubbed greasy by this bug so many times along the way. Could it be that he got angry after scolding it?But he understood immediately——Xiao Jin must have seen something he couldn't see. He glanced at Xiao Jin, and Xiao Jin stretched his head towards the stern of the boat as a signal.It seemed even more excited—it wasn't the excitement of fighting, but the joy of a puppy seeing a bone, as if eager to jump over it. Could it be... there is a bag of snacks hidden behind the deck? Su Kuang frowned, strode over, and tore off the entire back cabin with his hands—— A pitch-black corpse stood upright in front of him, the whole face was like a rotten pear swollen by water, and the whites of the eyes were pus-black... Su Kuang didn't even think about it, he channeled 100% of his internal strength and threw the deck across. The deck was like a knife, obliquely folding the half-rotten corpse in two, and piled it softly on the ground. Xiao Jin struggled to jump over, he suppressed the desire to vomit and said: "You fucking bastard... If you dare to eat that thing, we will never see each other for the rest of our lives..." Wait!Su Kuang was taken aback for a moment—how did that watery corpse move to the back cabin?He looked at the water stains under the moonlight, and at the crooked claws on the corpse, and suddenly felt a chill on his back—it seemed...it had climbed up by itself. Su Kuang held his breath, tore off a piece of his skirt, wrapped his hands, and turned the body over. The face of the corpse has long been unclear, but it can be vaguely seen that he was a Lianjiazi before he was born. There is still a scabbard attached to his belt, but it is only two fingers wide and half a foot long. between.The tail of the sheath has a bamboo-like post, which can be connected to the handle of the knife. There is no doubt that this is a disciple of the Jiang family's boat gang. It is the only one in the whole country to use this kind of water knife. The moon disappeared at some point, far and near, and everything as far as the eye could see was darkness.With the soles of the feet separated by the cabin, the remote sense of the ups and downs of the water is unsteady. For a moment, I only feel that the world is vast and the world is insignificant. Su Kuang picked up the oar and rowed in the direction where the golden light disappeared just now.Whether it is a black edict or a white edict, whether it is poison or sorcery, he must take a look. Someone spends his whole life chasing the light in the dark night, and after chasing and chasing, he becomes a lamp himself.
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