Home Categories martial arts novel Legend of the Dead

Chapter 8 Chapter VII

Legend of the Dead 碎石 12920Words 2018-03-12
At noon, a small boat came and threw some sesame seed cakes to Xiao Jin to make dry food for the day.Knowing that no one could come in, Xiao Jin jumped up and cursed, thinking that it would be better for that person to scold him than to sit alone.Unexpectedly, the man didn't fart any more, he glanced at him coldly, turned around and left.When Xiao Jin came back to his senses, the world was insignificant, and he was the only one left. He ate a few mouthfuls of pancakes with cold water. He didn't know what was mixed with the coarse grains. It was bitter and astringent, and it was hard to swallow. He had to wash it down with water to fill his stomach.After eating, I sat in front of the cell door to be bored, watching ducks eat fish and white cranes running wild.

Seeing an old tortoise leading a group of young tortoises swimming by, Xiao Jin hurriedly stood up and greeted each of them cordially: "Oh, hello everyone! Old turtle Xiao? Little turtle Xiao? Haha! Oh, Jiangnan The first iron-haired tortoise, you are here too, hehe, your head is so green, you are really extraordinary. Yo, He Lao Liu, Boss Lu, you also came to see me? Ouch, you are so polite!" Just messing around like this, the sun also ran fast as if afraid of him, and in the blink of an eye, the sky was dark again.Xiao Jin quietly leaned against the cell door, pricking up his ears to listen carefully, but when he listened, except for the occasional chirping of birds, there was only the sound of hunting wind, and the familiar sound of kicking water was no longer there. sounded.

Xiao Jin thought for a while that Ah Qing would probably not come again, for a while he thought it was better not to come before the rescuers came, and for a while he wondered if this stinky girl came and hid... I don’t know how long it has passed, but it’s still a little There was no movement.Xiao Jin sat until his eyelids twitched, and finally took a deep breath, crawled back into the cave, curled up on the rock, and fell into a deep sleep. "You... have you been here?" "Damn it, Mr. Ghost just came here." Xiao Jin muttered angrily, turned over and went back to sleep.

"It's here... I smell... your breath..." The hairs on Xiao Jin's body slowly stood up one by one, his crotch loosened, and the heat in his crotch rolled again.But is the title of the world's number one god dealer a waste of money?He remained motionless at the moment, allowing urine to trickle silently into the water along the cracks in the stone. He thought in his heart: "Is it the ghost from the past? Damn, I'm afraid there are many unjust deaths in this place... Could it be that he wants to kill me when he sees me? No, no... I can't die here! With it Lala often talks heart-to-heart at home, maybe we don't know if we feel sorry for each other..."

I only heard something outside panting heavily, crawling around on the stone wall, coughing painfully from time to time.Xiao Jin was lying on the cold rock, his heart was getting more and more hairy, and he thought: "This... this thing is still angry, it is not a ghost, is it a monster? This... this is really troublesome. I Little Jin's tender skin and fresh meat, isn't it right in its arms?" With a "plop", the thing jumped into the water.The sound of the water kept rushing, and the thing paced back and forth in front of the prison door, saying, "Ah... ah... it's you... it's you..."

Xiao Jin couldn't shrink any smaller, wishing he could stick into the crevices of the rocks.He squinted one eye and looked out. Under the moonlight, there was a crooked shadow swaying in front of the door. The night wind blew, and some tattered clothes fluttered. "It's a person... maybe a monster..." Xiao Jin thought, covering his mouth and nose with one hand, breathing as lightly and slowly as possible.The thing turned around for a while, jumped up, squatted on the rock where Ah Qing had been sitting, stared at the moon in a daze. After a long time, the thing remained motionless.Xiao Jin's limbs were tense due to nervousness, and by now his whole body was stiff and numb.Just as he was about to try to unfold it secretly, he heard the thing outside ask with concern: "Are you cold lying on the rock?"

"It's not cold...ah..." Xiao Jin's scalp went numb, and he was stunned for a moment, and suddenly he heard who it was - such a hoarse and cold voice, who is it not the old monster in the forest? "Isn't it cold?" The old monster said, "But I'm here, but it's too cold." "Why, why?" Knowing who it was, Xiao Jin felt relieved, since he couldn't run anyway, so he simply turned over, stretched his arms and legs, and asked cautiously. "Because I want to die, but I can't die; I want to live, but I can't live... Look how warm the moonlight is; how cold the water in this lake is, but I... I don't feel it at all." No. I can't feel anything in this immortal body."

Xiao Jin's heart jumped wildly, thinking: "Damn, it really is a thousand-year-old zombie! It's so immortal, it makes my brain go bad, and I say it's cold to death, and I don't feel it at the next moment. Could it be that I didn't do the Taoist crossing?" Transformation?" Immediately said: "Really, hehe, this is not very good... But I know a monk, why not invite him..." Just as he was about to introduce Daozeng to the condom, the man suddenly yelled loudly, like a thunderbolt on the ground, Xiao Jin was caught off guard and fell to the ground with his ears buzzing.

With a "bang", the man slammed into the cell door, shaking the cave, and some loose gravel fell down and splashed into the water.Xiao Jin hadn't recovered his sanity yet, so he got up instinctively and ran back, hitting the mountain wall head-on with a "bang", only to make gold stars flash in front of his eyes, and his mouth and nose became hot.He stretched out his hand in a daze to touch it, and it was all sticky and wet with blood. This time he finally regained consciousness, he looked back, the man hit him hard again, the cave wall trembled as usual, but the cell door didn't break through.The man bumped into him three or four times, and finally stopped, but he was still trying his best to squeeze against the crack of the door, shouting hysterically: "Don't say monk! Don't say monk! Monk Guang!"

Seeing that he couldn't break open the prison door, Xiao Jin was half relieved, and hurriedly shouted: "Yes, yes, monks deserve to die! Damn, I have hated monks all my life! I like long-winded lectures when I have nothing to do. Listen to them!" Reciting the scriptures is simply torture. They recited so much that their saliva flowed all over the place, but their merits and virtues have been consummated. Those of us who listen to the scriptures are in great pain, as if we have entered the realm of animals. I was just about to tell you that we saw a monk burn one. When I saw two monks, I put them together and burned them. Some of them are so powerful, they still scratch and bite, bah, let’s pour dog’s blood on them first, and then burn them. Oh, it’s burning like creaking noises..." He kept cursing Go on, talking so loudly.

The man was a little surprised to hear him scolding the monk so much that his tongue burst out of his tongue. After listening for a while, he turned around and went back to squatting on the rock in a daze. Xiao Jin washed his face with cold lake water, spat out the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said to himself, "Mom, it looks like I'm going to spend time with this old lunatic monster today. I don't know if the prison door can be guarded, but even if he If you don’t come in, use that ice palm to freeze this place, and I will become a mouse in the ice cave. No, I have to hold him steady.” He immediately laughed and said: "Your old man is blessed and safe. What were you looking for just now? Is your dog gone or the cat disappeared? The little one rested here for a day, and there are no distinguished guests to visit, haha." The man sighed, and said faintly: "It's the girl who was with you, I smell it. That's right," he reached out and stroked the stone deeply, and said, "It's here, her smell is the strongest. It's really good It smells." Xiao Jin thought for a while, and the cold sweat dripped down his face like running water.I lay down without a single movement, this person knew who it was, and it turned out to be based on the smell! Could it be that this old monster really cannibalized people? The man then said to himself: "She is Xuhong's disciple, so good, so good." He kept repeating the word "really good" like he was reciting scriptures. Xiao Jin walked slowly to the prison door, wanting to see what he was doing, when suddenly his eyes blurred, his whole body was almost pressed against the prison door, and a smell of corruption and blood rushed towards his face.In the darkness, the man's eyes glowed with green light, and he said, "You are also Xu Hong's disciple, right?" A piece of wood in front of him was covered with a layer of frost in an instant. "I'm not! I'm not! There's a thunderbolt!" Xiao Jin stepped back, scratched his hair with both hands, and shouted at the top of his voice, "I swear! If it's really Xu Hong's disciple, I will be caught by these water rats Caught and locked up like a chicken? You, you think it over yourself, can Xu Hong have such a useless apprentice? If I say a word, I... I... I will cut off my sons and grandchildren!" "I don't think so. She...she is such an arrogant person, how could she have a disciple like you? I don't think so..." The man couldn't tell whether he was relieved or disappointed, muttered a few words, and finally once again Back on the stone, the frosty air also disappeared.Xiao Jin sat down in the water and took a long time to recover. His chest and back were soaked in sweat. "But... that's great. She is Xu Hong's disciple." After he said this, he stretched his limbs and lay on the rock in a daze, motionless. After almost half an hour, the man remained motionless.Xiao Jin was overly frightened, his mind became more and more confused, and his eyelids became heavier.He thought: "Damn it, there really is a monster on a moonlit night. This old guy came to me to play and go crazy, and then he lay down there with his dead body. I stood by the side, why should I serve him with shit and urine? Anyway, this cage If he can't run out, he can't come in either, damn it!" He thought about it, wiped off his sweat, and quietly hid in the deepest part of the cave to sleep, and soon snored loudly. In his sleep, he faintly heard the sound of someone wailing and crying bitterly.Xiao Jin reluctantly turned over and squinted to look out.I don't know when there was a big fog outside, it was so gray that I couldn't even see the door of the cell. "Damn... is it really a ghost?" Xiao Jin turned over and continued to sleep. wrong…… Xiao Jin listened intently again, this time he heard it more clearly, it was vaguely the voice of the old monster. I only heard him crying intermittently: "Master...I'm cold...I'm so cold...I have no face. I...I can't die, I can't live...I'm really cold, Master... In my heart... here... there is a piece of ice that will not melt for thousands of years, and I will never see the sun for eternity... No matter how I sit in meditation or recite scriptures, it is useless... I can't see the other side, I, I can't understand... Master, I, I... can I spit you out? I will spit you out... woo... I can't spit it out, ah..." Xiao Jin covered his ears with his hand, thinking in a daze: "This old monster, did he get stuck in the neck while eating fish? It's good if he gets stuck, so as not to be ashamed in this world." Although he was a little scared, after all, he was very sleepy when he was young, no matter how the crying outside became more and more shrill, he would fall asleep completely in a moment.
In the early morning of the second day, the fog had not cleared away, Lao Lao and his family worked all night repairing the cabin. Although everyone was exhausted, they still took advantage of the fog to set sail.Ah Qing was worried about Xiao Jin's life and death, so she couldn't sleep, so she came to the bow of the boat early in the morning to watch the people maneuver the sails skillfully. After a while, someone said: "Sister Ah Qing, did you wake up so early?" Ah Qing looked back, and saw a girl in emerald green clothes bouncing towards her.Ah Qing knew that this was the old man's granddaughter, Lao Xin, who was only nine years old this year, but she had already traveled many places with her grandfather. Lao Xin came over and pulled Ah Qing's sleeve and said, "Sister, can't sleep? Is the bed uncomfortable?" Ah Qing smiled and shook her head.Lao Xin tugged at her collar again, and said in surprise, "Ah, why is my sister wearing so little? It's very cold in the early morning, so be careful of catching a cold. Didn't Mama Li find clothes for you? I'll ask her." Turning around to run, Ah Qing hurriedly held her back and said, "No. I've been doing this all the time, so it's really not cold." Lao Xin touched her hand, stunned for a moment, and said in surprise: "Sister's hands are really not cold. Can you do magic?" Touching her face with her hand that had been tucked into her sleeve, she still felt icy cold , even more surprised. Ah Qing said: "It's not so easy to learn fairy arts in this world. It's just that I used to swim in the water when it was freezing and snowy, so I didn't feel the cold." Lao Xin opened his mouth wide and said, "Really? Ah, grandpa often talks about kung fu. What can a good person know... what internal strength? My sister will know it. That's great." She shook her head enviously, and said: "With martial arts, you don't have to be afraid of bad people anymore. You can kill one when you see one, and kill another when you see a pair. .” Seeing that she was shaking her head and shaking her head, Ah Qing was really cute, so she patiently said: "Kung fu is not necessarily used to kill people. My master said that the original purpose of martial arts is to strengthen the body and explore one's own potential. But the worldly people use It comes to fight for fame and fortune, bully the weak, and fall into inferior positions. Isn’t the person who came to attack you yesterday a master of martial arts.” When Lao Xin heard Ah Qing mentioning that person, his whole body trembled, showing a look of incomparable fear. He approached Ah Qing, and said in a low voice: "Then...is that really human? I think it's a monster. His face... I had nightmares last night, which scared me to death. Besides, he wants to eat people. How can anyone eat people?" Ah Qing's eyes jumped suddenly.She turned around and looked at the cold lake. After a long time, she said coldly: "Do people eat people? There are quite a few in this troubled world. When the eight Han kings were in trouble, Chengdu Wang Ying was in the river. With the help of Wang Yong, the capital Luoyang was taken down, and the two younger brothers, King Changsha, were captured and roasted and eaten in front of everyone. Later, a general named Zhang Fang took the opportunity to burn and kill more than 10,000 court ladies in the city. On the way back, Zhang Fang's troops were in a food shortage, so they killed and ate the women they robbed, starting with the old ones, and then eating the younger ones after they were finished. Just keep eating, eating, and eating When they arrived in Chang'an City, there were only thirty or so court ladies left. Later, Wang Jun of Youzhou couldn't understand Sima Ying, and wanted to fight to the capital. He couldn't beat him himself, so he contacted the Xianbei tribe in Wuhuan Kingdom The cavalry helped the battle, but before the Xianbei cavalry arrived, Wang Jun had already lost the battle. The Xianbei cavalry looted property in Yecheng, and also arrested many women. When they reached the edge of Yishui, Wang Jun sent people to prevent them from taking them away. They said that even if they die, they cannot be brought to the Hu people. That is natural, how can a Han woman be the slave of the Hu people? The Xianbei people set up a pot next to Yishui to cook for people to eat. After three days, they could not finish eating, so they put The remaining 8,000 women all drowned in the river. It was spring at that time, and Yishui was shallower than this lake, and people could stand up in the river, but the Xianbei people used rattan to wrap the women's necks around their necks, and they fell below. At this moment, on the edge of Yecheng, the heads of Jie people are piled up like a mountain, and many corpses have disappeared, because people swarmed in to snatch them one by one. Go back to eat, even the wild dogs can't grab it..." Speaking of this sentence, I couldn't help but choke my throat. Suddenly feeling someone shaking his arm violently, Ah Qing turned around, but it was Lao Xin who was pulling her desperately.Her small face was already pale, and there were still small beads of sweat dripping down. She said in a trembling voice: "Sister, sister, stop talking, stop talking! I'm so scared." Ah Qing looked at her delicate appearance , I couldn't bear it in my heart, I swallowed reluctantly, and stopped talking. Lao Xin leaned on the railing and stood beside her for a while, and couldn't help but asked again: "Sister, you... Is what you just said true? Why haven't I heard of it before?" Ah Qing stretched out his hand to caress her cold face, and said: "It's better not to know these things. Don't think about it, this messy world, everyone can't escape, that is also fate. My master said that everything is only in the world." People’s hearts, I have never understood. But thinking about it now, if everything is really empty, that would be great, you don’t have to care about who you are, and you don’t have to think about how to go in the future.” Lao Xin turned his big eyes around, carefully pulled Ah Qing's clothes and said, "Sister, I really don't understand. What do you mean by these words?" Ah Qing felt desolate, but she didn't know how to tell her about it, so she shook her head and didn't answer.After a while, he asked: "By the way, there are water bandits in this lake. Have you often attacked here?" Lao Xin said: "Grandpa said that this waterway is relatively safe. At least there is no fire. If you encounter bandits, you can go up and down. After a few years, I have become very familiar with water bandits, so Grandpa said He would rather take us on the road than let us stay in our hometown." Ah Qing nodded, and said in his heart: "That guy Xiao Jin is also sure. But he didn't think of it until he got here, hmph, what Dongping Shuangjie, I think he is the most cowardly and stupid businessman in the world." Just as he was talking, his eyes lit up. It turned out that the fog was gradually dissipating, the sky was windy and the clouds were moving, and a few beams of sunlight shone down.Lao Xin exclaimed in surprise, "It's so beautiful." A Qingyi saw her on the railing, and felt her chest widen. Lao Xin suddenly said: "Sister, you are not Han Chinese, are you?" Ah Qing was startled, then nodded and said calmly: "Yes, I'm from a Jie. Why, you also saw the notice offering rewards to Jie people?" Lao Xin said happily: "Sure enough, Grandpa is right. My sister's eyes are blue when she looks at the sun, so beautiful. I don't like Han people. They are too cunning and fickle. Oh, I forgot to tell my sister. We It was originally from the Tuoba tribe of Xianbei, who herded and raised horses for generations. Later, the grandfather followed Emperor Wu of Wei to conquer the south and was defeated in Chibi. He took his tribe to the south of the Yangtze River, started business, and settled down in Qingzhou for a generation. We look a lot like the Han people, right? But I don’t like them. Hmph, if the Han people hadn’t betrayed me this time, my family’s ancestral property wouldn’t have been burned and looted.” After finishing speaking, he sighed like a grown-up. Ah Qing smiled lightly, and said: "Han people... There are good and bad people everywhere. It's just that in the current world, there are too few good people..." Just as he was talking, several small boats sailed in front, and it turned out that water bandits came to collect tolls.Old man Lao greeted him with a smile and greeted him as brother and brother, and he really knew each other very well.After checking in this way, the water bandits also sent two shuttle boats to escort them.Ah Qing thought: "These desperadoes are more trustworthy than officers and soldiers." She didn't want to show her face, so she went down to the cabin with Lao Xin.
"Why, was he really eaten by bastards?" Xiao Jin leaned weakly on the cell door, waiting for the food delivery person to come.But it was already past noon, and not a single ghost appeared.When he got up in the morning, the old monster spit out fishbone somewhere. At this time, the sky was cloudless, the sun was scorching hot, and he didn't even see a single bird.Xiao Jin even thought a few times that maybe it would be more lively with that old monster by his side. After a while, Xiao Jin's stomach was full of thunder, and he couldn't help thinking: "If the water mice are all dead, what should I do? Do I really want to turn into a little turtle and escape?" I was thinking wildly, and suddenly felt cold hair on my back When I stood upright, I could faintly hear a beast biting something on the top of the cave.He put his ear against the cave wall to listen, and there was indeed a sound, and occasionally there was a rattling sound, could it be... With a "splash", something fell into the water, and the splashed water fell on Xiao Jin's face. He stretched out his hand to touch it, and it was red... blood. "Wow wow wow!" Xiao Jin stepped back sharply, only to see that slowly floating up in the water was a human thigh.The voice of the old monster came from outside the cave: "Eat. Didn't you eat?" Xiao Jin turned around and opened his mouth to vomit, but his stomach was empty. After vomiting for a long time, he only vomited some bitter water. He was so uncomfortable that he almost passed out—it turned out that the food delivery person sent himself to this guy's five internal organs temple! Hearing another sound from outside the cave, the old monster jumped down, holding some part of a person in his hand, his face was covered in blood, his mouth was tearing and biting, and he was struggling with an old muscle.Seeing that Xiao Jin was holding on to the precarious state of the stone wall, he said, "Why don't you eat it? I bought this for you specially. Come, come eat." Xiao Jin wanted to scold your mother for wanting to eat your sliced ​​tenderloin, but he didn't dare.Looking back at him for a few times, he was startled suddenly, only to feel that the old monster's expression was extremely sincere, which was the same as when Dao Zeng persuaded himself to be kind.He carefully tore off a piece of meat and passed it through the door. Xiao Jin felt his throat was dry, so he didn't dare to say a word.He didn't move, and the man didn't leave. He kept stretching out his hand, waiting patiently for Xiao Jin to come and take it.After a while, Xiao Jin said hesitantly: "I... I'm not hungry." The man let out a groan, then withdrew his hand, picked up the human leg in the water, sat on the rock and continued to eat. Xiao Jin lost his appetite, his stomach turned upside down all afternoon, and he retched many times.Seeing the blood pouring in, I didn't even dare to drink water.The man was full, and picked up his two unfinished legs, but he didn't know where he went. At night, Xiao Jin was so hungry that he fumbled in the water, but the water in the cave was shallow, so he managed to touch a few small fish and swallowed them raw.Seeing the moon come out again, he thought to himself: "This old monster seems to be a child of a starving ghost. He can eat whatever he catches. Don't be stupid and come here tonight, Miss Hu." Through the crack of the door, he stared at the lake with his eyes wide open. Several hours passed, and there was still no movement.The moon hid behind the clouds, and the sky and the earth were pitch black.Xiao Jin stood with backache and leg pain, yawned, and was about to go back to sleep, when suddenly a light flashed from the corner of his eye, and a little light appeared on the distant lake. The light flickered, appearing and disappearing from time to time, like the light of an oil lamp.Xiao Jin knew that Ah Qing would never come here so ostentatiously, so he didn't dare to yell, and watched the light getting closer and closer nervously. After a while, I heard the sound of oars, and it turned out to be a small boat.Someone shouted: "Niu Er, Zhang Lao San—what's wrong, they haven't come back yet!" Xiao Jin thought in his heart: "It turns out that the water mouse came out to find a companion. I don't want to be dumb because of the relationship, just say I went back early." He quickly retreated into the cave and pretended to sleep.The boat drew close to the entrance of the cave, and the person who called out just now held up a lamp to shine it on, knocked on the cell door, and shouted: "Little bastard, where is the person who brought you food this morning? Where did he go?" Xiao Jin opened his eyes, stretched his waist vigorously, and said in surprise: "What, you mean Big Brother Niu? Did you leave early? By the way, big brother, I only delivered two cakes at noon, which is not enough. You are here to deliver dinner ?” The man snorted, and said, "Dinner? You can wait until you have your head cut off. Our boss has sent people to search for it for two days, but there is not a single ghost of Xiao Qi and Xiao Ning. The boss said, wait another two days. God, if I can't find it, I will sacrifice you to my brother." Turning to the other person, he said: "It seems that the two of them have been here before, and they have gone somewhere to fool around. We have to send them off tomorrow." Another person in the boat laughed obscenely and said, "The little widow newly acquired by Zhang Laosan has big breasts and round buttocks, but she is very coquettish, still have the energy to go out and fool around?" Turn around slowly again. Xiao Jin said in his heart: "Go quickly, don't let the old monster see you. You two have small heads, and my meal tomorrow has a lot to do with it." Seeing the lights gradually fade away, after turning around two reed bushes, they were about to disappear.Xiao Jin let out a long breath.But before the breath was exhausted, suddenly the lights suddenly went up by more than ten feet, and after waiting for a long time to fall, they came towards the cave again. Xiao Jin's heart was full of hunger and anger, and when he saw the old monster wading over with an oil lamp, his eyes almost glared with blood.He turned his head and said, "Hey, you killed two more people? It's really invincible, hehe." The man was overjoyed when he heard him praise his martial arts, he threw the oil lamp and nailed it to the door, leaned towards the door and said, "Really? Hehe, my martial arts are invincible in the world!" Xiao Jin took two steps back and said: "Is the world invincible? That's not necessarily true... Don't just bang your head around, listen to me! Isn't it easy to kill people? People are so big with a pile of flesh and big bones. There are a lot of internal organs, no matter what kind of palm you have or your fist, as long as you are strong enough, you can kill anything. If you use a knife, let alone, for a person like you, there are hundreds of thousands of knives If you chop it up, it will still be chopped into pieces, right? That’s why you killed a lot of people, this... this... can’t be said to be the best in martial arts in the world." Hearing that he might not be the best martial artist in the world, the man was furious and slammed on the prison door desperately, but after hearing it, he was startled, thinking that what Xiao Jin said seemed to have some truth, so he stopped without realizing it Listen carefully. Seeing that he believed him a little bit, Xiao Jin's confidence increased greatly, and he continued: "I heard that real masters use energy to control strength, and what they pay attention to is to win with a single blow. But this thing is easy to say, but it is difficult to do. There are thousands of difficulties. Like a fish, it is easy for you to catch it with a net or a net, but it is very difficult to kill it with a palm from a distance. Because the fish is slippery and does not slip away, its internal strength is insufficient, or it is impure. Don't even try to rub off a piece of fish skin. Or if the fish is not soft enough to overcome the fish's bones, or if the masculinity is so strong that the fish's body is broken, it can't be considered complete. All in all, if you can make such a palm out of thin air Hey, if you catch a fish with crispy skin, crisp bones, fresh meat and shape, you can get a glimpse of the master's tricks. If the fish is still a little mature, hehe...but I'm sorry you don't have that ability. " These words were originally said to him by Dao, and at this time he added more oil and vinegar to him, and the man really listened to it, and murmured: "Is it true? Is it true?" , so that the water splashed two or three feet away, and several fish writhed and jumped.Xiao Jin said loudly: "Oh, this is also called the world's invincible palm technique? How embarrassing to kill people." The man was so ashamed that he jumped up and turned to the back of the cliff.Xiao Jin couldn't help hearing the sound of water, and said loudly: "Hey, let me have a look at the fish you caught, don't fool me by catching the fish yourself." He went back to sleep soundly. In the early morning of the second day, he heard the prison door thumping in a daze. Xiao Jin opened his eyes and saw the man yelling outside the door excitedly holding two big fish.Little Jin Fei jumped up, rushed to the door with a few strides, snatched the fish no matter what happened, and took a bite.The man anxiously said: "How? How?" Xiao Jin said vaguely: "...Not yet, the fishbone is too hard. Look, there are still a few broken places here, and it doesn't look authentic enough. Go beat it again." The man Rubbing his hands together, he said annoyedly, "Sure enough, it's a bit heavy. Many, thank you for your advice!" He nodded in ignorance, and went to the mountain to practice again.Xiao Jin ate two fish and finally alleviated the famine, and he felt very proud. The man's endurance was astonishing when he practiced Kung Fu. He didn't sleep or eat for a whole day, and when he caught fish, he sent Xiao Jin advice.At the beginning, I was still practicing behind the mountain, but later I simply circled around the prison door. Xiao Jin saw that when he hit with his palm at the beginning, he shot with great force, which would always arouse Lao Gao's water column, so he couldn't help sneering and mocking him in every possible way, thinking that this guy would get annoyed and go away.Unexpectedly, that person didn't care at all, the harder Xiao Jin scolded, the more focused he was on training.Before he knew it, the sun had moved to the west of the mountain, and there were more than ten or twenty big fish piled up in Xiao Jin's cave. It seemed that it would not be a problem to eat for ten days and a half months.The problem now is that the old monster has become addicted and refuses to leave. Whether it is the water bandit who comes to pick him up or Ah Qing who comes to save him, it will be a problem. Xiao Jin had a big headache, but he had talked too much before, and it was no easy task to deceive the old monster into believing that he was invincible and unparalleled in the world at this moment.He watched the old monster go down with his palm, and gradually stopped splashing the water, only heard the muffled sound of "bobo", and the fish he hit was really becoming more and more complete. He was secretly startled and thought: "Dao Zeng Randomly blowing, saying that the highest state should be like this, but no one has ever seen it, it is just a legend. This old monster is crazy, and he is unambiguous in his actions. What if he continues to practice like this and really becomes the best in the world? Bah! Damn it, I can't take advantage of you for nothing." Just as he was thinking, the man caught another fish, presented it to Xiao Jin respectfully, turned around and practiced again.Xiao Jin looked at it for a while, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and hurriedly said: "Hey, do you know that doing this is harmful and not beneficial? Like you, you only know how to charge and kill, but don't know how to maintain your energy. If your internal energy is lost, it will be too late to regret it. .” The man was startled, it made sense after thinking about it, and he stopped his hand unconsciously.Xiao Jin greeted warmly: "The number one palm technique in the world, how can it be practiced in a day or two, right? Come, come, eat two fish first, and then practice Qi. It's not too late. Pigs don’t make up, but fortunately this is fish, not pigs. There is another saying that raw food produces phlegm, and cooked food gets angry, but unfortunately there is no fire here..." The man was stunned for a moment, and said: "Fire...there is fire! You...you wait!" Turning around, he went to the back of the mountain and dragged out the boat that the two of them were on yesterday. After a while, the boat was chopped into pieces and piled on the rocks.He broke the oil lamp again and poured the oil on the firewood. Feeling that there was no flint on his body, he casually grabbed a handful of firewood in his hand, rubbed it together, and smoke came out from between his palms, and then the flames shot up, shot up Xiao Jin's heart skipped a beat, and he shouted, "Hurry up, give me a piece of firewood!" The two lighted the fire hand in hand, and Xiao Jin used a few sticks of firewood to pierce some fish, and taught the man to burn them on the fire. After a while, the smell of fish was very strong. Boiling inside, spouting saliva, can't stop.Seeing that the man was also looking eager to try, he hurriedly said: "The smell of fish is quite harmful to martial arts practitioners, especially a kind of mud fish abounds in this lake, which is the most destructive thing. If the firepower is not enough, it will be terrible. I didn't It doesn't matter what kind of internal strength. I'll try it first." The man said "Oh," and took the biggest bunch and handed it to Xiao Jin.Xiao Jin took it with trembling hands, and without hesitation, he wolfed it down immediately, and he ate everything in half a stick of incense.Because I ate a little too fast, my tongue was bitten several times and almost got stuck.He clutched his chest and said in pain: "What a fishy fish! Sure enough, it was raised in a thousand-year-old cold pool... You can't eat it right now... That one seems to be okay, bring it, I... I will try it reluctantly .” The man served Xiao Jin to eat two or three more, which made his stomach round, and he burped inadvertently, and quickly covered it with his hand, saying: "Well...it's okay, you might as well try it, it might help your skills Unknown." The man took the last burnt and small fish, sniffed it carefully before his nose, and began to eat it boldly. After eating the fish, Xiao Jin led the fire into the cave, which immediately warmed up and swept away the haze.He was in a good mood, and said: "You can practice after rest. You must know that what is damaged is what is repaired, and the law of nature is also in harmony." These are all Tao Zeng recited on weekdays. The man nodded when he heard it, and said: "Okay... Good." Sitting on the rock, he went to rest silently. Xiao Jin lay on the hot stone, raised one leg leisurely, used a fishbone to dig out his teeth, and suddenly sighed with emotion—it was the joy of the gods!While he was enjoying it, a piece of firewood crackled, and the flames soared high, printing brilliant lights on the stone wall above his head.Xiao Jin glanced out of the corner of his eyes, and faintly felt that there were a few lines of writing on it.Curiosity arose, he stood up and held up a piece of firewood to take a picture. Sure enough, it was a piece of text, and it seemed that someone had carved it with a sharp object. Unconsciously, Xiao Jin stood on tiptoe and took a closer look. It turned out that the writing was more than a few lines, and everything that was a little flat on the top of the stone wall was filled with writing.These words are engraved on the top where the sun can't reach all day long. If it weren't for the fire today, no one would have noticed it.He searched for a while, found the beginning, and read it softly: "Yu was trapped by Bandit Xie and the old thief Sima, and I have been imprisoned here for seven years. The agreement in Yangzhou is approaching, and the two thieves will not be tolerated. Practicing this magical skill, I wanted to avenge the hatred of my master, but I was eager for quick success and instant benefit. Walking in the sky, the yang of the hand and the yang of the foot will be damaged in the end, and the internal energy will be lost. It is no different from a disabled person. This battle is only about death. However, it is a pity that the master's masterpiece was ruined by the unfilial hands of my generation. Therefore, it is remembered This mentality, I only hope those who are destined to learn it, let the world know me..." At this point, a large piece of the stone wall has peeled off, and the words behind it cannot be seen.Xiao Jin said in his heart: "Hey, I want others to know that the sky wants your sect to be extinct, why?" I looked to the side again, and it turned out to be a series of internal skills, such as "the tail raises the qi, and the dantian refines the qi. The qi goes down to the sea, and the light gathers in the heart of the sky", what "there is a dantian inside, the qi shrinks, inhale and exhale, don't make a sound ", and there are also sayings that "the chest should be lifted up, and Genshan is similar; the ribs have breathing, if they are tight or loose", "first understand the trend of advance and retreat, and then study the root of movement and stillness"... All these, three or four hundred words, can be counted. It's a very long article.Xiao Jin thought: "It turns out that this place used to be not a cage for water mice, but a place where people practiced kung fu. This 'Yu' is also true. How far is it from Yangzhou? I made an appointment with someone, but I was framed by others first, and I became a cripple after training. After that, don’t try to be brave. Hmph, there are always such uncivilized old antiques in the martial arts world who want to save face, and they are really not blessed by God.” He was too lazy to look at these things, and lay down to rest again, thinking about how to make the old monster outside the door go away earlier.After much deliberation, he was at his wit's end, and when he was about to fall asleep, he suddenly slapped his forehead, jumped up and cried out, "I'm stupid!" It turned out that he remembered a passage that Dao once said.That's what Dao Zeng said when he taught Xiao Jin the method of internal energy: "The transmission of internal energy is very true. If you don't know the context, use it reluctantly. It will be useless and detrimental. The more profound the internal energy, the more you must follow the meridians and follow the collaterals. It is dangerous to do it, or force it through." Xiao Jin was born lazy, and the last thing he could do was to concentrate on practicing a kung fu, so after a few days of practice, he stopped.If it were other masters, they would have been dragged out and beaten to death to feed the dogs, but Daozeng was rare and kind. If his disciples didn't learn from him, he not only didn't beat and scold him, but instead said cheerfully: "Okay, I know that I will follow my heart and not fight with the sky." Compete. Life is in vain, but persistence gives birth to appearance." Let him go, so Xiao Jin doesn't know martial arts at all.It's just that this formula is already familiar. He thought: "Although this old monster used to be crazy, he seems quite shrewd. He has been stimulated by some kind of stimulation these days, and has become stupid and dumbfounded. He believes everything I say. Is this movie so clever?高明不知道,不过能把一个老古董练成废人,这个老妖怪就算没那么糟,练回原来的失心疯应该没什么问题吧。嗯……道曾说内功心法一旦练错,极易入魔。老子把这篇心法背上一两段,关节之处漏点添点,谁能知道?骗他来练,再趁他修炼时乱岔几句,让他走火入魔,岂非妙计?嘿嘿,最好练着练着,口吐八升……不,十几升血,那就精彩了!” 当下说干就干。小靳偷偷走到门边,见那人坐在不远处的岩石上闭目打坐,当下举着火把,找到其中写得稍多的一块石头,默念一两段便背上一阵。他记心甚好,只看了几次便背熟了,但仍不放心,深怕那人突然抽问一两句,自己稍有犹豫便被看穿,是以下了番苦心,直背到滚瓜烂熟的地步方止。接下来是于关节处增减的问题了。只是他其实也不知道什么是关节之处,只好拣一些自己念得拗口之处删了,把道曾平日里念的一些心法杂七杂八加进来,再硬着头皮改一些道曾教过的重要穴位,将少海改作神门,将大陵改作劳宫…… 忙了一两个时辰,终于完成。小靳正着反着背了两遍,自觉天衣无缝,便灭掉火,走到门口,叫道:“喂,老……喂!” 那人一震,从冥想之中清醒过来,道:“你……你叫我?” 小靳道:“对啊。你叫什么名字?你我一见投缘,相识恨晚,总不能一直喂喂地叫吧。我叫作道靳。” 那人道:“我啊……我……我……我没有名字。”小靳道:“没有名字?怎么可能,你妈生你下来,至少阿宝啊旺财之类的叫过吧。” 那人痛苦地抱着头道:“我……我真的……我想不起来了……叫什么呢?” 小靳深怕他想啊想的,突然想清楚不疯了,忙道:“算了,不过就是个称呼罢了,值得那么想吗?我以后叫你……老黄罢。这名字雅俗共赏,好不好?”心想:“老黄是以前猎户的狗,后来疯了乱咬人,倒是挺配你的。” 那人果然欣喜地连连点头:“好,好好!” 小靳咳嗽两声,正色道:“老黄,你这是在练功吧?见你姿势奇特,这个这个……面相庄严,一定是在练一门极高深的内功,对不对?” 老黄道:“是极是极,你也看出来很高深了?哈哈,哈哈!我是天下无敌呀!” 小靳道:“那是自然,你不是天下第一谁是?小弟这里有个疑问,咳咳,也不是什么大问题了。只是不久前有人也号称他是天下第一……你别急呀听我讲完再撞门好不好?他说他拳脚比不上须鸿——是,是,你比须鸿厉害,我知道的。谁要敢说不是,老子第一个跟他拼命!他既然这么说,那当然比不过你了——刀剑比不上'一剑穿云'谢云,暗器比不过万云峰千松院的司马老儿。不过他说,习武之人,最根本的还是内气。内功不好,管你招数千变万化通通无用;内功天下第一了,随便使什么都比别人练了十几二十年的强。他这话到底对不对呀?” 老黄皱眉沉思一下,道:“对、对的。这人很得武功精华。” 小靳见他神智略有恢复的样子,忙长话短说,道:“是吧?然后他就跟我说有一套内功,天下无双,修炼者世所无敌!” 老黄大声道:“不信!我不信!他在哪里,在哪里?你叫他来跟我比过!”气势汹汹地跳起来,全身骨骼咯咯乱响,四下里张望。 小靳两手一摊,道:“我也不信啊!我说真有那么神,你自己练出来,早成高手了,怎么还在这里混——当时他跟我同在一座庙里,靠善粥度日,看起来比老子还要落魄,似乎还是躲赌债才进来的。妈的,那种样子,任谁也不信呐。” “可是他并不着恼,只说什么'这门神功修炼极复杂繁琐,且稍有不慎就有走火入魔的危险,轻者手阳、足阳脉络俱损,四肢残废,重者可就要老命,所以修炼而成者少之又少。最好本来就是一位内家高手来练,才可游刃有余地控制真气流动,混入四骸之中。我不是不想练,而是不敢练啊。'” “我说这是放狗屁。”小靳看了一眼老黄,见他眯了眼听得越来越专注,舔舔干涩的嘴唇续道:“天下第一那是多少人拼死都要争到的东西?你个老乌龟居然还好意思说不敢练,摆明了在这里吹牛哄小孩子骗吃骗喝。我个头是小,心眼可不小,少来唬老子!” “那老乌龟听了我的话不禁满脸紫涨,汗如雨下,跺脚发誓,差点没把他自己的老子娘抬出来担保。我哪里信他的,就说要到方丈那里去出首,告他为老不尊、欺诈行凶、妖言惑众、贻害人间,当立马抽了脚筋,打出山门去。他逼急了,把我生拉活扯拽到一僻静之所,传了我这套心法,还说什么公道自在人心,叫我自己试试。我哪里懂这些?什么炼形而能坚,炼精而能实,什么纵横者肋中开合之式……” 老黄突然道:“等等!……你说炼形而能坚,炼精而能实,后面呢?” “后面?后面有什么?” 老黄一手抚额,苦苦沉思,道:“炼形而炼精……不对,后面应该还有。你是不是记错了?” 小靳脑门暴出层冷汗,因这句话恰是这一段最后两句,后面的确实不知道了,忙道:“啊……是,后面应该还有的,等我想想。哎,这个……太多太复杂了,我一时也……怎么头有些痛?” 老黄忙道:“你别急,慢慢想,这……这种东西可错不得的!” 小靳点点头,捧着脑袋退回洞中。他不敢生火,生怕老黄见到自己看石壁,只悄悄用手在石上摸着,摸了好一阵,突然摸到“炼气”这个词。他也管不得是否正确,摸完全句跑出来叫道:“我想到了,是炼气而能壮,炼神而能飞!” 老黄双手一拍,道:“是了!正是这一句。由形而精,而至气至神,方是一轮回。师父果然没说错。看来这部心法确实还有些门道……你还记得全不?可、可不可以说来我听?”说到最后,眼中竟流露出乞盼之色,抓紧了牢门,深怕小靳不答应。 小靳犯难地道:“这个……他跟我讲已是迫于无奈,我也答应了他绝不告诉第三个人的……” 老黄果然好生失望,想了一下道:“师父说门有门规,不可轻传与外人,也不可随便偷学别人的。哎,我总是定力不够,险些又犯了门规。” 小靳见这出戏演过头了,慌忙道:“不不不,哪里的话!你我不仅是一见如故,简直就是手足情深啊,我做小弟还有什么话说?这不过是切磋切磋,怎么是偷学呢?我记得第一段是——”不等老黄犹豫,大声念了出来:“内功之传,脉络甚真,不知脉络,勉强用之,无益而有损。前任后督,气行滚滚。井池双泉,发劲循循。千变万化,不离乎本,得其奥妙,功乃无垠……” 那人略一迟疑,但小靳不断口地连下去,他不知不觉间已竖起耳朵用心默记,待小靳念完了,立即在心中重复一遍,看记住了多少。小靳见他嘴唇微动,咳嗽一声道:“这心法是长了点,我也不知道是否记对了……”当下又从头念了两三遍方停。他见老黄眼睛怔怔地盯着前方良久不动,忽而一动,精光四射,知道已经背下来了,嘿嘿笑道:“这种心法,骗骗小孩子还可以,怎能骗过老黄你呢?它的名字也可笑,什么'碧石心法',哈哈,哈哈,还石壁呢!就当是个笑话吧。哈……”长长打个哈欠,道:“不早了,我也要睡了。”自进洞中睡下。 他眯了眼偷偷瞧去,只见老黄又呆站了一阵,突然间手舞足蹈,乐不可支,跳跃而去,心知事已成矣,终于甜甜睡去。
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