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Chapter 16 Chapter Fourteen The Trap

Suddenly a thunderbolt fell from the sky, tearing the sky, and then rain fell like beans, crackling on the window lattice, bringing a bit of coldness to the hot night. Ran Keqiu was alarmed by the sound of horseshoes, and for a moment put all doubts behind him, opened the window a little and looked out into the street. I saw a dozen of healthy horses standing in front of the Wan'an Inn, all of them were wearing coir raincoats and straw hats. At first glance, I didn't know who those people were. After those people reined in their horses, the leader got off his horse and strode into the inn.

The rest of the people are still on their horses, standing in the rain, none of them move, like cast iron. When Ran Keqiu saw this, he felt that these people were tough and stern but also strange, so he shrank back and said, "Sir, I don't know where they came from, I'll go find out the situation?" Sun Simiao was silent for a moment, and said: "Today, I want to explain something clearly to you two... As I said earlier, I am taking a road of no return. This road is extremely dangerous, and the opponent is even more unpredictable. I In it, there will be a disaster of death at any time. The city gate is on fire and the fish in the pond are affected. If you follow me, I will not be able to guarantee your safety. You have thought about it, and there is still time to leave now."

Murong Wanqing lowered her eyelashes when she heard this, and thought to herself, if I leave now, it may be too late. "Sir, the road is dangerous, why don't you just walk?" Ran Keqiu asked puzzledly. Sun Simiao didn't reprimand, but just sighed softly and said, "Keqiu, I chose this path thirteen years ago, and it's too late to say no to it now. But you don't have to." He was rarely solemn, and under the lamplight, his face was covered with a layer of halo. Murong Wanqing looked over and felt that this seemingly humble but mysterious man suddenly became indescribably determined and persistent. She thought to herself, what kind of person is he and what path is he walking?Why is his performance completely different from what I thought?

The room is quiet and quiet, and the wind and rain are swaying outside the window. Ran Keqiu saw Sun Simiao's expression, for some reason, his heart was full of passion, and he said loudly: "Sir, you are right. No matter what, there are some roads that men must walk. I am afraid that you will not take me." "Then what does the girl mean?" Sun Simiao's eyes turned and fell on Murong Wanqing. Murong Wanqing bit her red lips lightly, but her face turned pale, she said quietly: "Don't you understand what I mean?" "I don't understand!" Sun Simiao answered bluntly.

Ran Ke pleaded, this gentleman is not bad in anything, it's just that his emotions are a little dull.The situation was so clear that he kept asking questions.If the other girl didn't like you, why would she act like this? Murong Wanqing's face turned even paler, and she suddenly looked at Sun Simiao and said, "What I mean is that one day I will persuade you to help me eradicate King Lanling. My relatives are gone, and revenge with my own strength is harder than ascending to heaven." , now I have no hope but you. Therefore, I must be with you, no matter what!" A thunderbolt struck from mid-air, shaking the world like a heartstring.

Ran Keqiu secretly smiled bitterly.He thought to himself, no wonder Die Wu doesn't like me, it seems that I won't understand women's thoughts in my life. Sun Simiao sighed softly and said after a long time, "Okay, let's go downstairs for dinner." The three of them left the room, and when they reached the stairs, they saw a person from downstairs looking up. When Ran Keqiu saw that person, he shivered tremblingly. The man was wearing a coir raincoat, he was the visitor who had just entered the inn, and he was extremely burly.But Ran Keqiu had also seen a more burly man, and it was that man's face that made him chill.

He has seen countless people, but he has never seen such a weird face. From Yintang to the crowd, the man's face was divided into two colors, the left face was as black as ink, and the right face was as pale as snow.Seeing this kind of face during the day would cause chills in the heart, if seeing it in the middle of the night, the timid would probably faint from fright on the spot. The man just glanced at Ran Keqiu, and Ran Keqiu felt like being stared at by a wolf in a deserted cemetery in the dead of night, cold from his toes to the tips of his hair. Who is this man?It's so weird, could it be the monster who plotted against them?

Ran Ke begged to change his mind, but felt that it was not the same.Although he had seen that monster in Liyang back then, he only paid attention to that person's eyes, as for that person's face was black and white, he didn't remember it at all.Although this person is weird and his eyes are quite serious, but he lacks the sternness of that monster. Sun Simiao didn't seem to see the strangeness of that person, he just went downstairs, chose an empty table in the corner to sit down, and said, "Shopkeeper, is it time to eat?" The shopkeeper stood there without moving, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

The yin and yang face walked over slowly and stood in front of Sun Simiao's desk. The lights in the inn flickered on and off, illuminating the man's face in black and white, strange and unspeakable. "You can't eat, you go!" The yin and yang face finally opened his mouth, he paused every word, as if there was a plug in his throat, and it took great effort to utter every word. Sun Simiao looked puzzled, and before he could ask any questions, Ran Ke begged to pat the table and shouted, "Why?" He had held back his anger early on, seeing that the other party was here to find fault, and thought to himself since there was going to be a fight sooner or later, why be polite?As soon as he patted the table, the bowls and chopsticks on the table moved together, which was quite powerful, and shocked the shopkeeper almost to sit down.

The yin and yang face's eyes turned cold, and suddenly he hit the table with his palm. If the trembling bowls, chopsticks, and cups have spirituality, they will fly up suddenly. Murong Wanqing's face changed slightly, I don't know if that person is extremely strong, or he can use weird magic spells, I'm afraid that after the bowl and chopsticks are struck, the person's attack will follow, and his hand is already on the hilt of the sword at his waist. "It's good to have something to say, why bother to pat the table?" Sun Simiao said these eleven characters, and suddenly reached out and took out a chopstick from the chopstick holder, and with a wave of his wrist, the chopstick hit the cups and bowls.

Only a few sounds of "ding, ding, ding" were heard, the tune was monotonous but melodious, the cup that was about to fly suddenly did not move, and calm was restored. The eyes of the yin and yang face flashed again, his right hand was clenched into a fist, the veins on his hand were bulging, but he never swung it out again. Murong Wanqing saw that Sun Simiao's movements looked slow, but the moment he flicked his fingers, it was like using chopsticks to move a sword, and he struck out dozens of swords, the speed of the sword was unheard of.I don't know why, my heart is pounding, I just think, if I am really against him, how many moves can I take against him? The sound of cups and cups in the inn continued to linger, and suddenly there was the sound of horseshoes outside the inn. This time the sound of horseshoes was not rushing like rain, but just as elegant as knocking chess pieces and picking off lanterns.The horseshoe stopped in front of the inn, and with the sound of footsteps, several people walked in. At that moment, the lights in the inn seemed to be a little brighter. Murong Wanqing looked over, her gaze was slightly strange. Although there were several people who came, no matter who looked at it, the first thing they noticed was the gentle and refined young man among them. The young man was wearing a coir raincoat, and when he entered the inn, he lifted the coir raincoat, revealing a handsome and graceful face. Murong Wanqing felt strange.At the first glance, she felt that this young man was pampered and his status was luxurious, but how could such a person come here on a rainy night? When the young master saw Sun Simiao, he frowned and said in a low voice, "Xiao Da... why is there still someone here?" The yin and yang face flashed in front of the young master, whispered a few words, and pointed at Sun Simiao. The young man had a strange expression on his face, he looked at Sun Simiao carefully, and when he seemed to be about to step forward, the stairs sounded, and two people came down from the top and said: "Shopkeeper, here is a menu, you can do it according to what is written on it. There is a reward for doing it well.” Ran Keqiu looked up and saw that the two people were the attendants of the woman in the carriage, and he thought that there would be a good show. Sure enough, that yin and yang face stopped in front of the two of them, and dryly said: "Don't do it." Those two attendants looked fierce and fierce, they were slightly taken aback when they heard the words, although they were shocked by the strange yin and yang face, they still asked, "Why didn't you do it, where are you from?" Yin Yang said indifferently: "Go away!" He stretched out his hand and pointed out of the inn, it seemed that he was going to throw the two of them out of the inn. Ran Keqiu finally understood, he thought that the yin and yang face was obviously the subordinate of the young master, and the young master seemed to want to live in this inn, so the yin and yang face wanted to drive out all the guests in the inn first.He was angry and curious, but he didn't understand what the origin of this young man and that strange man was. The two attendants snorted coldly, and also saw that Yin Yang Face was coming with bad intentions, they suddenly put their hands on Yin Yang Face's shoulders, and shouted in unison: "Get out!" Everyone saw only a flash of a figure, followed by a loud bang, but they couldn't help being surprised to see the two attendants hitting the wall. Only Sun Simiao's eyesight was sharp, and in the flash of lightning, he saw that the yin and yang face came out at the same time as the two followers, and unexpectedly grabbed the collars of the two followers first, and threw them out. As soon as Sun Simiao saw the yin and yang face and made a move, he knew that this person had a strange appearance, but his moves were not strange at all. He was actually a master of both internal and external cultivation. After he saw this, he felt strange, and thought to himself that the person who invited me was proficient in spells, and there should not be such a master of martial arts under him. Then this person's coming to Xiangshuiji probably has nothing to do with me, but he and that young master came here , obviously not for no reason, but I don't know why? The two followers hit the wall, their muscles and bones were about to break, but they were able to turn over and jump up.At this time, there were footsteps on the stairs, and several attendants rushed to the stairs, shouting loudly when they saw this. The yin and yang face just waved his hand, and the iron-cast knight outside the inn suddenly dismounted, rushed into the inn, and stood in front of the young man like spears. Sun Simiao was very surprised. He felt that these coir raincoat men might not be considered masters, but their movements were neat and mighty, and they had the courage to maneuver and line up troops on the battlefield. Are these people originally from the army? Thinking of this, Sun Simiao's eyes brightened slightly, thinking of something.He suddenly had a feeling, he glanced at Murong Wanqing, and saw Murong Wanqing was looking at him. When Murong Wanqing saw Sun Simiao looking over, she looked away, and said in a low voice, "That yin and yang face is called Xiao Da... Xiao Da? Could it be him?" Although her voice was soft, Ran Keqiu heard it, and asked in a low voice, "Do you know him?" Murong Wanqing shook her head, seeing that she was hesitating, she wanted to break her neck and squeeze out the words she had hidden, but fortunately she said again: "Does Mr. Sun know how to say big characters in Sanskrit?" "The big character is called Maha in Sanskrit..." Sun Simiao said immediately. "Xiao Da...Xiao Mohe?" Ran Keqiu couldn't help but muttered over and over again, his face changed, and he lost his voice, "Xiao Mahe? Could it be him?" While the three of them were whispering, swords were on the verge of going up and down the stairs of the inn. The dozen or so people in coir raincoats stood side by side in front of the young master. Kill all eight attendants downstairs and upstairs. Although the eight attendants showed fear on their faces, they refused to show weakness, they had already drawn their weapons and were waiting to fight. At this moment, a person upstairs said: "They want us to leave, just leave, don't do anything." The voice was flat and weak, but it was full of melancholy, which made people feel pity in their hearts. After Ran Keqiu heard it, he knew that it was the woman in the car who had asked for directions before. Looking up, he saw a woman in a light blue shirt standing on the railing of the building, looking down. The woman's face was covered with a veil, and only a pair of clear and soft eyes could be seen. She stood there, the lights in the inn and the sound of rain outside the inn all softened, as if she was afraid of disturbing the woman's state of mind. Ran Ke begged to see the woman standing there pretty and alive, like an orchid in an empty valley, helpless, suddenly her chivalry rose in her heart, and she thought to herself that even if the yin and yang face was Xiao Mahe, she shouldn't be so bullying.His grandma's, why didn't the husband beat them up? Suddenly felt that the building was astonishingly quiet, Ran Keqiu looked towards the yin and yang face, saw those people were all silent, seemed to feel apologetic for what happened just now, and the graceful and handsome young man looked at that The woman actually has admiration in her eyes. Seeing the expressions of the crowd, Murong Wanqing had an extremely weird expression on her face, as if a woman's natural jealousy broke out, and she couldn't see other beautiful women stealing her limelight. Suddenly feeling that Sun Simiao was looking at her, Murong Wanqing's face turned pale again, she glanced at Sun Simiao, and saw him slowly look away. Sun Simiao observed carefully and discovered Murong Wanqing's strangeness. He was thinking in his heart, why did Murong Wanqing have such an expression on that woman? Although he guessed in his heart, he didn't pursue it, and only kept his confusion in his heart. The eight followers heard the woman's order, immediately put away their weapons, retreated upstairs, packed up their bags and went downstairs, it seemed that they wanted to find another inn to avoid this unnecessary trouble. That Mr. Yong Rong turned around, and suddenly said to Yin Yang's face: "Why do you have so much trouble, there are so many guest rooms, we can all live in them, why do you want to drive them away?" The yin and yang face frowned slightly, thinking that this was originally your order, and besides, we are not here to visit the mountains and rivers, but we have something important to do, how can we let others know?But he had always spoken little, and he didn't say anything after all. The young man saw the woman walking down the stairs gracefully, and when he was about to pass by him, he hurriedly said: "Miss, please stay." "What are your orders, Master?" The woman stopped, her eyes fell on him. "How dare... How dare you order?" The young man was originally romantic and calm, but he was a little dizzy when he saw the clear eyes, and stuttered, "It's like this...it's dark and rainy outside, and the girl is like this." Going out, how can I bear it? My...slave misunderstood what I mean, and it is so unreasonable. I also ask the girl to stay here, and I will apologize for...the...slave's unreasonableness." After speaking, he bowed his hands and bowed to the ground , It was a big gift to make amends. The woman stood there quietly for a moment and said: "My lord, you are being polite. Since it was a misunderstanding, don't worry about it." After saying this, she turned and went back upstairs, closing the door. The eight attendants immediately followed back upstairs, obviously obeying the woman. The young master stood there dumbfounded, but he didn't dare to make a sound to persuade him to stay. After a long while, seeing that the woman was gone, he came back to his senses, went to the ground to pick up the menu that the attendant left behind, with a happy face, he called the Yin Yang face to come over, and gave some instructions. The yin and yang face showed reluctance, but still called the shopkeeper over and said: "Do as you want! Good news! Please, my lord!" He only said seven words, and the shopkeeper was not stupid, so he immediately understood and rushed to the back kitchen to order preparations. Ran Ke begged to see him, and couldn't help but sneer.Of course he also understood what the young master meant. The young master was very fond of the woman, so he tried his best to please him, and asked the shopkeeper to prepare dishes according to the menu, and use Song Bo to win the woman's favor. Although he disdained it, he was more curious in his heart, and said in a low voice: "Sir, is Xiao Mahe the same Xiao Mahe?" His words were strange, but Murong Wanqing understood, and whispered, "It's not the one from Chen Guo, who else? He's really daring! What is he doing here?" This sentence was obviously a question to Sun Simiao. Ran Ke asked for an exact answer, and his heart trembled slightly. He has been in Yecheng for many years, but he had heard of Xiao Mahe's name as early as his childhood.It is said that Xiao Mahe was taught martial arts by a stranger since he was a child. At the age of thirteen, he followed his brother-in-law Cai Lu and led troops to fight for the Liang Kingdom, but now he is General Chen Tong. It turned out that Xiao Mahe's grandfather was originally an important minister of the Liang Dynasty.After Chen Baxian replaced Liang with Chen, Xiao Mahe once fought fiercely with Chen Baxian in Nanye. Riding alone, Chen Jun was invincible.It's just that although Xiao Mahe was brave, he couldn't save Liang Guo, who was at the end of his life, and finally surrendered to Chen Baxian after Liang's subjugation.Chen Baxian was magnanimous, and he didn't think he was disobedient, so he recruited him. Since then, Xiao Maha has been working for Chen, resisting the invasion of Chen by Qi and Zhou in the north of the Jiangbei, devoting himself to it.Even Hulu Mingyue once praised: "Xiao Mahe is indeed the number one brave general in the Chen Kingdom!" In the legend of Chen Guo, Xiao Maha has almost three heads and six arms, and is unparalleled in might.Ran Keqiu used to idolize Xiao Mahe when he was young, but he didn't want to see him in Xiangshuiji, let alone almost fight with this person, so he was naturally worried. But Ran Keqiu was also as puzzled as Murong Wanqing, this Xiangshuiji was originally a Qikuo area, now Qi and Chen are not friendly, there are often disputes, if Xiao Mohe's identity is discovered, the danger is self-evident.Why did Xiao Mahe take such a risk to come here? What is his purpose? Sun Simiao obviously didn't know about it, and slowly shook his head and said, "If it has nothing to do with us, don't ask for trouble." Ran Keqiu analyzed: "This Xiangshuiji is not a place where birds don't shit, but it's not a big place either. They came here with us, so it may not be unrelated." For the first time, Sun Simiao felt that Ran Ke's begging was justified, and saw the young master's eyes turn, and he suddenly walked in this direction. The yin and yang face frowned in displeasure, but still followed the young man to the three's table. Murong Wanqing thought to herself, I heard that Xiao Mahe is a mighty general, how could he act like a follower?Am I mistaken?But if it wasn't for this person, who else would have such a strange appearance and such kung fu?Oh, it's probably because this young man has a lot of background! The young man sat down, his eyes flicked from the faces of the three of them, and fell on Murong Wanqing, he said with a smile: "The young lady invited you. Can I ask the young lady one thing?" He is handsome, polite, and looks like he is from an extraordinary background. He is the dream lover of countless women, but for some reason, Murong Wanqing seems to find this person annoying, so she said, "No." The young master was suddenly embarrassed, he usually responded to every request, how could he expect to run into two obstacles in a row in this Xiangshuiji.Ran Ke begged to see that young master was deflated, he cried out in his heart, rolled his eyes and said: "Young master wants to ask about this girl, I know." The yin and yang face changed slightly, and there was tension in the expression. "This...brother knows?" The young master was very surprised. "Master, do you want to ask about that woman's background?" Ran Keqiu glanced upstairs. The young master was startled again, and after a while he said: "I don't think you are so smart, can you enlighten me?" Hearing the words, the yin and yang face looked slightly relieved, but it also showed a sense of dissatisfaction and loss. Sun Simiao watched carefully from the side, and said in his heart: If this person is really Xiao Mahe, then this young master must have a very high status in Chen Guo. Otherwise, with Xiao Mahe's prestige, how could he be called a domestic slave by this young master?Xiao Mohe was nervous at first, but later became disappointed, obviously he was afraid that the young man would speak out and reveal his purpose.But to hear that the young master gave up on important matters and inquired about an irrelevant woman, he was inevitably disappointed. He observed carefully, and deduced a lot from it in a short while, but it was still difficult to understand, what made these two people take the risk to come here? Ran Keqiu laughed and said: "Well... there are so many people around, it's inconvenient to talk about it. Sir, I'm full, so I'll go back to the guest room and rest first." He pretended to be unfathomable, stood up and went upstairs first. If the young master lost something, he didn't stop him. When they got to the front of the room, Ran Ke begged to see only Sun Simiao and Murong Wanqing followed, and frowned. Murong Wanqing said: "Your method of leading the snake out of the hole is no longer effective." "Do you know how to be a servant?" Ran Keqiu showed a mysterious smile. Murong Wanqing said calmly: "I really don't understand anything, but I can see what you want to do at a glance. You just want to trick that young master into telling the purpose of this trip, but you know, as long as Xiao Mahe is around Besides, you will never let that young master reveal the secret, so you want to trick that young master to be alone with you. However, that young master has a noble status, and Xiao Mahe treats him like a treasure, so why would he leave the young master's side? Besides, if the young master Ask the girl about her background, if the meal is ready and delivered, just go and ask, how could he be so condescending and beg you with his status?" Ran Keqiu was dumbfounded when he heard this, thinking to himself that I don't understand women, but this woman analyzes me clearly, it's really scary. He still defended himself: "You are very wrong. Even if the young man asks, he may not be able to find out the whereabouts of the woman. Didn't you see that the woman was extremely indifferent to him? Not all women like the little boy. " Seeing that Murong Wanqing seemed to have nothing to say, Ran Keqiu regained his self-confidence: "Who said that young master can't ask for help? Didn't he ask me for advice just now? He just can't save face now." While speaking, he looked towards the young master downstairs, only to see another person entered the inn. The man walked unsteadily, wore a hat crookedly, and had a wretched smile on his face.When Ran Keqiu saw him, he immediately felt that the man was a rascal, and he felt kind of friendly. Knowing that Xiao Mahe is here, that street rogue might be thrown out of the inn in an instant, Ran Keqiu is a little worried about that person. Unexpectedly, the man walked up to Xiao Mahe in good health and delivered a letter with both hands. Xiao Mahe didn't seem to be chasing people in the slightest. He reached out to take the letter and opened it for a look, his face changed again, he looked up upstairs and met Sun Simiao's eyes. Sun Simiao was taken aback when he saw the fierceness in that gaze.Although he had conflicts with Xiao Mahe, but there was not much conflict. It can be seen that Xiao Mahe looked at him at this moment, and there was a lot of hostility in it. Xiao Mahe slowly received the letter, reached out and took out an ingot of silver and handed it to the rascal.The rascal smiled happily, turned around and left the inn.But Xiao Mahe waved his hand, and the dozen or so people in coir raincoats immediately gathered downstairs to seal the exit of the inn. Xiao Mohe whispered a few words to the young master, and the young master showed surprise on his face, and also looked at Sun Simiao, but Xiao Mahe went up the stairs step by step, walked in front of Sun Simiao, and suddenly stretched out his hand. Ran Keqiu and Murong Wanqing were startled, thinking that Xiao Mahe was about to make a move, they took a step back one after another. Sun Simiao stood still, and asked slowly: "What do you want to do, Your Excellency?" He had already seen clearly that there was a huge package in Xiao Mahe's hand. Xiao Mahe let go of his hand and let the package fall to the ground with a loud "boom". When Ran Keqiu heard it, he felt that the package contained gold, silver and jewels, and couldn't help being surprised.Xiao Mahe said dryly: "Here is what you want, where is what I want?" Sun Simiao couldn't help but ask back, "What?" Xiao Mahe's face was icy, and he said word by word: "You know what you are asking! Take it out, it's fine. If you don't take it out, hum!" He looked terrified, obviously ready to strike at any time, and the dozen or so coir raincoats downstairs also held knives in their hands Handle eyeing. Ran Keqiu was annoyed in his heart, and immediately felt that there was a misunderstanding. Sun Simiao's mind changed, but he realized that the matter was not as simple as a misunderstanding. Smiling slightly, Sun Simiao squinted at the package on the ground and said, "Your Excellency, please rest assured, since we are here, the things will definitely be given to you..." As soon as he uttered the words, Murong Wanqing and Ran Keqiu were amazed. They wondered how Sun Simiao got involved with Xiao Mahe, and what were they talking about? Xiao Mahe's expression changed, he stretched out his hand and said, "Then... bring it." Sun Simiao said: "It's not on me, it will be delivered tomorrow." Seeing Xiao Mahe's angry expression, Sun Simiao smiled and said: "That thing is of great importance, how dare I carry it with me, am I not afraid that you will die if you steal it? Don't worry, I will find a safe way to hand it over to you, just This money..." Xiao Mohe said: "Money is not a problem. If you keep the promise, I will keep you safe!" He was obviously very nervous about the whereabouts of the thing, and he doubled his promise to Sun Simiao's request. Sun Simiao smiled, leaned down to untie the package and had a look, a golden light hit his face for a moment. Ran Keqiu thought about it for a long time, and knew that the property inside was priceless.He always dreamed of becoming a rich man, but he didn't want this opportunity to always fall on Sun Simiao for no apparent reason. Xiao Mohe paid attention to Sun Simiao's every move, but did not stop Sun Simiao from checking the package. Sun Simiao finally stood up and said, "That's right, the money has arrived, and the goods will arrive soon. I'll see you again in the morning." Said leisurely, he entered the room, closed the door, and shut everyone out . Ran Keqiu had thousands of words to ask Sun Simiao, but seeing Xiao Mahe beside him, he couldn't utter a word.Seeing Murong Wanqing returning to the room silently, he could only follow Sun Simiao's example and return to the room calmly. After closing the door, he listened through the door for a while, and when he heard footsteps coming down the stairs, Ran Keqiu immediately rushed to another door in the room.There are two doors in his room, one leads to the corridor, and the other door leads to Sun Simiao's room. He knocked lightly on the door and said in a low voice, "Sir?" Hearing no answer, Ran Keqiu's face immediately changed. Of course he knew that Sun Simiao had very good ears, and it was impossible to sleep peacefully at this time. Sun Simiao didn't answer, did it mean that something happened to him? Stretching out his hand to push the door, the door opened unexpectedly, Ran Keqiu felt awe-inspiring, entered the room with full vigilance, and stayed there suddenly. The room was empty! Ran Keqiu panicked and felt abandoned again. These days, he followed Sun Simiao. Although he has gone through hardships, he has unprecedented stability in his heart.Sun Simiao didn't ask him to be a teacher, but in his heart, he regarded Sun Simiao as his master, friend and even his father and brother. But Sun Simiao actually left without saying goodbye? Was he afraid that Ran Ke would be a burden, or did he think he couldn't deal with Xiao Mahe's entanglement, or did he come and leave without any worries? Ran Keqiu couldn't figure it out, stood in the room for a moment, then immediately turned around and went out from his own door, and arrived in front of Murong Wanqing's door.At this time, he felt that Murong Wanqing might be able to give him an idea. Gently knocked on the door, felt that Xiao Mohe and others from downstairs seemed to be looking up, Ran Keqiu held back his panic, but couldn't hear Murong Wanqing's response, and was even more frightened.Pushing the door, the door was locked, Ran Keqiu gritted his teeth, flipped his hand, pinched a wire with two fingers, inserted it into the crack of the door, and pushed it twice, pushing the door open. He hadn't used this trick for a long time, so he couldn't care less at this moment.Knowing that Murong Wanqing was ruthless, Ran Keqiu had already prepared his speech before waiting for an explanation, and suddenly stood there in a daze. The wind blows on the window lattice, crackling softly, and there is a chill of autumn in the room. But Ran Keqiu felt even colder because there was no one in the room, and Murong Wanqing was also missing. The rain is thinning and the wind is cold. Sun Simiao was on the roof, looking far and wide, paying attention to the pedestrians on the long streets. At this time, when the night was thick, there were a few lights floating in the night, illuminating the rain like red dust, but it couldn't illuminate my own loneliness. Sun Simiao was still smiling, but the smile also seemed to have different colors.He knew that Ran Keqiu would definitely look for him, but he didn't have time to explain the truth to Ran Keqiu. It turned out that as soon as he entered the room, he slid to the window without a sound. After pushing the window and seeing no one outside the window, he went out to the roof from the window, then ran to the left, and reached the intersection of the long street. He knows that there is a net that is shrinking, and he is in the net right now. If he wants to break through the net, he must gain the initiative. Maybe Ran Keqiu didn't know what was going on, but he already knew that it must be the letter sent by the rascal who pointed Xiao Mahe's finger at him. Who wrote that letter? Is it the person who assassinated him outside Liyang City?What exactly did Xiao Mahe want from him?The person who wrote the letter wanted to provoke the relationship between him and Xiao Mahe, and reap the benefits?
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