Home Categories martial arts novel Stabbing Heart 1·Bronze Sparrow Spring Depth
Stabbing Heart 1·Bronze Sparrow Spring Depth

Stabbing Heart 1·Bronze Sparrow Spring Depth


  • martial arts novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 139794

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Chapter 1 foreword

I remember that some scholars who study history once said that ancient Chinese history is nothing but the cyclical history of feudal dynasties.When I heard it, I thought it made sense.Later, it was gradually discovered that any system in human society is nothing more than the result of the concentration and solidification of certain aspects of human nature. If this is the case, human beings have been carrying out a cycle since their appearance—the cycle of human nature. Human nature is difficult to predict, so history is colorful, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, nothing else. For five thousand years, China has a wonderful history.This time I am writing the new history of the Northern and Southern Dynasties—572 AD.

It's been a tumultuous year. I chose this year not only because it was a good time to write novels, but also because many events that happened in this year reflected certain characteristics of human nature. Hundreds of years before this, China was in a dark age. Separation, separatism, and wars... the ancient cities have been overgrown with grass and civilization has been annihilated. I don't want to talk too much about the darkness, because from another perspective, darkness always corresponds to light, and light means hope.The year 572 AD was a promising year for the Central Plains, and the collision, fusion, and convergence of ideas became the general trend.

When I started writing, I hesitated, because for many friends, the Southern and Northern Dynasties were a chaotic and complicated dynasty, and the impression was hazy.Although we are a new history, we still have history after all, and we have to mention the cause and effect of some things when writing. Simplifying complicated things is what historians do, such as Chunqiu's subtle words and great righteousness. Complicating simple things is something that critics do, such as the modern ancient school. But to make simple and complex things interesting, logical, and attractive to read is the direction that a novelist is committed to developing.

Although I am committed to this direction, I still want to do a historical warm-up with my friends before the beginning, and ask a question first. Who is the father of King Lanling? If a friend quickly answers, the father of King Lanling is Gao Cheng, Emperor Wenxiang of Qi State.Congratulations, your historical knowledge has reached an extraordinary level. If a friend answers, the father of King Lanling?Let me ask you first, who is King Lanling?Oh - when I hadn't asked this question. Of course, this question is dismissive for historians, but if I ask one more question, who is the mother of King Lanling?I'm afraid few people can answer it.

This is a difficult problem that even historians have a headache, because this person has never been recorded in history books. The questions that historians scratch their heads are the ones that interest novelists. Before my friends officially read this book, I will add one last sentence-the whole text begins with this question.
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