Home Categories detective reasoning torn dream

Chapter 19 Chapter 10 Leaving

torn dream 兰思思 9786Words 2018-03-12
The rainy season in this city always comes on time as soon as autumn comes, and it lasts for more than a month. It makes the hearts of the people in the whole city wet and sticky, like mildew, and they can't be washed clean. Luo Jun was sitting in Tianqi Cafe, the cup of coffee in front of him was left at the bottom of the cup, the coffee tasted very astringent. Someone was still playing the piano in the corner, and naturally it couldn't be Haitang, a girl who was as young as her, but much mediocre in every way—at least in Luo Jun's opinion—replacing her. The look of being intoxicated, however, Luo Jun felt that the taste was not good at all, just like the cup of coffee in front of him, it was too bitter, he remembered that it didn't seem to be so bitter before.

He was so irritable that he lit up a cigarette and took a deep puff. At the moment when the blue smoke rose, he suddenly felt a little confused. He hadn't felt this way for a long time. Since his parents passed away, he rarely tortured himself. What is right and what is wrong.As far as he is concerned, as long as he can survive in this world well, it is the right choice. The sky is getting dark, he can no longer hesitate, he must make up his mind, he has lost too much, and now the only thought is to keep what he still has. Raising the cup, he resolutely drank the last sip of coffee, letting the bitter taste fill his mouth, and then shouted for the bill in a hoarse voice.

When I came out, the rain hadn't stopped, but it wasn't too heavy. It was a bit like a fluffy bug. Once it fell on a person, it found a gap and got in without a trace. A long-handled umbrella in his hand was lighting back and forth on the ground like a cane. Luo Jun didn't bother to open it, stood on the side of the road, and stopped a taxi on the opposite side. This is not a downtown area. very. The taxi turned around on the street, and the headlights slid past Luo Jun's face. He subconsciously reached out to block it, and the driver hurriedly made an adjustment. Not far away, someone turned his head inadvertently and glanced this way.

Luo Jun got into the car, reported the address, and then curled up in the back seat to take a nap. "Hey! Go to City D! Then we have to drive!" The driver was complacent about picking up a long-distance business by accident. Luo Jun casually gave a "hmm" and continued to doze off. The driver turned on the radio, breaking the silence in the car. Luo Jun wanted him to turn it off, but when the news came from the radio, he didn't say a word, just closed his eyes and listened silently. He listened to the news of L City purely out of professional vigilance, even though before that, he had thoroughly understood all the information related to that night through newspapers and magazines: that night, the Zheng Mansion was really turned upside down, because the shocking At the scene of the death, the case was named with the date, and the headline 4.26 was shockingly typed out in large black fonts on large and small newspapers and magazines, and all kinds of lurid speculations were used to attract readers' attention.

However, the case ended up falling apart.There are many reasons for this in the outside world, but no one can truly understand it.Soon after the unimaginable sloppy closing of the case, Zheng Qun and his family left for the United States, leaving an empty house that no one dared to take over because someone died inside. "Are you talking about the 4.26 case?" The driver immediately became elated when Luo Jun mentioned it. This case was once the focus of discussion among people in L City. "There are many sayings!" He really told several "truths" like a cannonball.

In the end, I would like to present my opinion, "I think this matter has nothing to do with Zheng Qun. Think about it, a businessman, why can he hide guns? This alone can punish him. Of course he won't admit that the gun is his own! How many good people do business?!" The driver sighed, and there was no reaction from the back seat, so he couldn't help but add: "But having said that, Zheng Qun is still relatively generous among the businessmen, I heard that he throws away a lot of money every year just for charity, which can be regarded as Accumulate Yin Virtue! I usually burn more incense, and the Buddha will still bless me when I am in trouble. No, I took my daughter for a walk smoothly."

In all the "truth" versions, there is nothing about Luo Jun and Haitang. They seem to be shadows added to this incident, purely for decoration. They dangle on the background wall and pass by, while the audience All the attention is on the main character. Luo Jun smiled mockingly in his heart, how much truth is there in the world's so-called "truth"? In the Linhu Hotel in City K, Haitang had been waiting impatiently. As soon as she heard the door open, she immediately jumped out of the sofa, almost jumping towards the door. The moment Luo Jun opened the door, the irritability on his face was completely wiped off, he forced a warm smile, and reached out to catch Haitang who was rushing towards him out of nowhere.

"How is it?" She lay in Luo Jun's arms, staring at him eagerly, "Is there anything wrong? Can I go see my mother?" Luo Jun locked the door with his backhand, walked into the room with Haitang in his arms, "Tomorrow, I will take you there tomorrow." His tone was very certain, and he finally stopped dodging and hesitating. Haitang was ecstatic, and hooked Luo Jun's neck at once, "Thank you, Luo Jun! Thank you..." With a lump in his throat, Luo Jun smiled dryly. It has been two days since they sneaked into K City, which is close to L City. Every day, Luo Jun went out to investigate alone, leaving Haitang in the hotel to wait for news.

People's endurance is actually very subtle, and they are far less strong in the face of "hope" than in the face of "despair".Her home and her relatives were not far away, but Haitang couldn't see her. This kind of suffering was driving her crazy. "Did you find out something? Did you see my mother?" Haitang eagerly wanted to find more information from Luo Jun's eyes. "Your mother is fine, don't worry." After a short pause, Luo Jun said again: "Zheng Qun took Rongrong to America." Haitang was stunned. Just a few months ago, she and Rongrong were together carefree. Unexpectedly, they have gone their separate ways now. Haitang couldn't help but feel sad. Maybe in this life, she will never see Rongrong again.

"This case is a big one. Although Zheng Qun managed to suppress it with his wrist, I heard that the police did not really give up the investigation in private. Therefore, we have to be careful." Haitang's eyes revealed understanding, and then confusion. Luo Jun looked at her tenderly, "I mean, you can see your mother tomorrow, but you can't talk to her, let alone let her see you." Haitang's chest suffocated. This result was far from her expectation. Not only did she want to see her mother was safe and sound, but she also wanted to let her know that she was fine!

"I said that as long as we don't show up, your mother will be fine, but if she sees you, the police and Feng Qiyun's people will smell it. Not only will we get out of trouble, but your mother will also be harassed by people on both sides. It is, even, very likely to be in danger." Haitang frowned in pain. "Haitang, don't be sad, these are only temporary, after we go out, we will take your mother over as soon as we settle down." Luo Jun patted her on the back in relief. "Luo Jun." Haitang called him in a murmur, "I can only rely on you." The black car slowly parked at the periphery of a parking lot in the eastern suburbs of City L. Haitang sat in the car, staring at the familiar city through the window. Now, she can only shrink in an unknown corner, looking at her former hometown like a passerby. The hurried footsteps of pedestrians on the street are no different from the past, just like time, they always only know to go forward and never look back. But, before he knew it, everything changed. Luo Jun put his hands on the steering wheel, his brows were frowned, as if he was full of thoughts, and the lighter was clutched in his palm, opening and closing it from time to time, making a rattling sound. Haitang stared intently at the road that her mother must pass outside the window—she always liked to go to the nearby vegetable market at this time of the morning, but Haitang was not sure that her mother's habit would continue as always, especially after she left home. As time went on, her sense of uncertainty grew stronger. "Luo Jun." "Huh?" Luo Jun put away the lighter, turned his head and glanced at her. "Do you think my mother will come out today?" "Yes." Luo Jun's concise tone revealed a bit of laziness and an imperceptible coldness. Haitang's heart full of anticipation cooled down a little, but after thinking about it, Luo Jun didn't want such an adventure, and she forced him to come. She pursed her lips, said nothing, and continued to wait patiently. Finally, the mother's figure appeared in her vision! I haven't seen her for a few months, she is haggard and older, she walks staggeringly, and her head is covered with gray and white.Haitang stared at her eyes all of a sudden, and before she could see her mother clearly, tears had already filled her eyes! How she wished she could open the door and get out of the car immediately, throw herself into the arms of her dear mother, and suffer a lot! When mother walked to the entrance of the alley, her footsteps suddenly slowed down, her head turned slowly, the eyes that were once filled with kindness and smile were now only dazed and chaotic, as dim as dead beads, Haitang's heart suddenly Tightening, causing a tingling pain, she whispered, "Mom." As if by telepathy, the mother's eyes suddenly turned directly to the parking lot, as if she knew that Haitang was there. Haitang was stunned for a while, dizziness flashed through her mind, her hand was already on the doorknob, just press it hard, and she could run out and appear in front of her mother. However, before she could do so, a strong hand had reached out from behind and grabbed her hesitant wrist. "Haitang!" A voice reminded her clearly and calmly, "Don't do anything stupid." Haitang lay on the window of the car with tears in her eyes, let Luo Jun start the car, and backed away slowly, the shadow of parting gathered more and more like this! The longing is as uncontrollable as the flood that pours out of the gate. It turns out that she loves her mother so much, and can't do without her! "I want to get down, I want to get out of the car." She began to cry, "Luo Jun, I beg you, let me say a few words to my mother, I beg you." Luo Jun's face was livid, and he hugged Haitang who had already been weeping with one hand, ignoring her request, and turned the steering wheel with the other hand, the car adjusted the angle, and was about to set off for a long distance. However, before he could let out a breath, a black figure suddenly flickered in the rearview mirror, and he looked back in horror, his complexion immediately changed, a curse rolled on the tip of his tongue, he let go of the hand that was holding Haitang, Concentrating on driving, he stepped on the accelerator hard, and the car roared and rushed out! Haitang, who was in a daze, heard something strange, and stopped sobbing all of a sudden, and rushed to the back seat of the car, wanting to see what was going on behind her! "Sit down, don't move!" Luo Jun almost yelled at her! No matter how fast he drove, however, the clear scene in the rearview mirror was unavoidable. A small silver-gray car crashed into Haitang's mother with lightning speed. It was captured that the mother's body was bounced to the open space five meters away by the intensive impact force. Even the scene captured for a moment is enough to make Haitang go crazy and collapse! "No! No! No! Stop! Stop! Mom—" She yelled hoarsely, completely ignoring the speed of the car, and reached out to break the handle, but the door had been locked by Luo Jun just now, and she couldn't push it open . The red-eyed Haitang pounced on Luo Jun, grabbing the steering wheel in his hand without hesitation. Her face looked as calm as a lunatic, no matter how Luo Jun drove her away, she just refused to give up! In a fit of rage, Luo Jun ruthlessly slapped her with all his might, and Haitang fell on the seat in silence like a fallen leaf. The car slowed down, Luo Jun separated his right hand to push Haitang, "Haitang, are you okay? Haitang?" Haitang tilted his head, unconscious, with a thread of blood hanging from the corner of his lips, he regretted that he had shot too hard. But he was already riding a tiger, he had no other choice but to take Haitang to a safe place to soothe his emotions before talking. The car had already driven out of L City, he didn't dare to take the high speed, and chose to walk on a remote path.When the field of vision gradually widened and the surrounding vehicles became rarer and rarer, he suddenly found that the navy blue car was still biting him not too far away. I couldn't help but tremble, the situation has changed! The car drove unobtrusively, as if there was nothing wrong with it.At the next intersection, Luo Jun suddenly turned left quickly and slipped into the side road hidden in the dense forest!The speed is as silent and odorless as a fish submerged in water. The navy blue car that was following behind was slightly stunned, and immediately followed quickly. The man in the driver's seat had a stern face that was exactly like Luo Jun's, but was sharper and calmer than Luo Jun's. Not long after, Luo Jun The black car appeared in front of him again, and he sped up to follow, a cold smile gathered at the corner of his mouth. This fork road is not very long, and twists and turns, along the way, there are many dangers. Gradually, there is no green in front of you. It turned out that you drove into an abandoned garbage dump. No matter how hard Luo Jun tried, he couldn't get rid of the "tail" behind him, his eyebrows became tighter and tighter, he lowered his head and glanced at Haitang, a little thankful that she didn't know anything. The two cars finally came into close contact, chasing each other in the field where the garbage remained, and the dust and debris were stirred up, filling the muddy world. When he was forced into a dead corner, Luo Jun suddenly reversed his car and slammed into the opponent! The other party did not show any weakness, and did not intend to dodge at all. When the two cars were about to collide, both of them stepped on the brakes, and the bodies miraculously stopped before they collided, and the distance between them was no more than three centimeters. Luo Jun suddenly understood who was sitting in the opposite car! Holding the gun, loading it, and pushing the door to get out of the car, this series of actions was completed in just a few seconds, and the speed of the opponent was obviously no less than him. The two rivals who were chasing after each other finally faced each other, and the two shiny guns also shot at the same time. On the opponent's head! "Luo Jun, it really is you." A rustling voice sounded in Luo Jun's ear. Luo Jun looked at the other party and smiled slightly, "You have improved a lot, Axiu." The man named "Axiu" is in his early twenties at most, with rough and dark skin, wide forehead and bulging cheeks, and a stud on his left ear. The difference - only the subtropical sea breeze can blow out such a strong and dark skin. "Thank you for your training." Axiu smiled measuredly. When he was in Thailand, he had repeatedly asked Luo Jun for marksmanship and fighting skills. "We're all brothers, why are you being polite?" Luo Jun still smiled. The smile on Ah Xiu's face was completely suppressed, "If you are a brother, you won't kill your eldest brother." "Brother Feng was killed by the undercover agent." Luo Jun's voice didn't have a trace of ups and downs, it was somewhat hollow. Axiu sneered, "Do you think you can hide the truth by pretending to be a sloppy scene?! You can deceive others, but not us! Brother Feng treats you well. Are you worthy of him if you do this for a woman?" Ashiu's tone became more and more harsh. Luo Jun was speechless. In front of the old brothers, he was indeed wronged, but if time passed and he returned to the moment before the shooting, he thought he would still choose to shoot without hesitation! "He shouldn't force me to do things I don't want to do." He replied indifferently, the smile on his face disappeared, and the gun on Ashura's temple became more powerful unconsciously. It shows that he has murderous intentions. Although Axiu is self-confident, but Luo Jun usually hides his secrets, and he rarely finds out his flaws. Axiu is somewhat jealous of him. With such a slight distraction, Luo Jun has already taken the lead, and immediately raised his hand that was not holding the gun, and slashed at Axiu! The confrontation broke up, and the two fought back and forth in the chaotic arena! When life and death were at stake, Luo Jun did not dare to be sloppy. He used to be Ah Xiu's master, and all his moves were aimed at his weakness. Ah Xiu dodged left and right, and gradually felt exhausted. Finally, Luo Jun Grabbing the opening, he swung his left hand down, and grabbed it forward with his right hand——by the time Ah Xiu came back to his senses, the gun in his hand had been handed over, and Luo Jun's gun was on his head. Pressed on the car! "Compared to you, after all, it's still a little bit worse." Ah Xiu, who was in the wind, didn't have much panic. Maybe he had expected this result when he chased him out, but his tone was still not without regret. "You think you can escape if you kill me? You have the guts. Our brothers searched you for half a year, but found nothing. Something happened in Thailand recently, and we were invited back. It's today's flight, who knows you It’s God’s will to choose today to come back! If they can’t meet me at the airport for the plane at eleven o’clock in the evening, they will definitely follow it.” "It's a big deal to die together." Luo Jun was not frightened by him, he shrugged his shoulders easily, "Besides, I may not be unable to escape." "If you died here, wouldn't that little woman be saved in vain?" He looked up, and he could just see the dying Haitang lying on the chair. Luo Jun's complexion changed dramatically. Axiu sneered, "You escaped last time because no one expected you to rebel, but there will be no next time! Mr. Zheng said, 'Don't let me find them!'" "Don't let me find them." The eight simple words were conveyed from Axiu's mouth, and Luo Jun's heart trembled, as if he saw Zheng Qun right in front of him, staring at him with gloomy eyes, and said each word by himself. In fact, since the first acquaintance, Luo Jun's intuition told him that Zheng Qun is a more ruthless person than Feng Qiyun. Compared with Feng Qiyun, he is more terrifying because he wears a bright coat and covers his eyes with light. His ugliness—half of Feng Qiyun's business is owned by him!But even if things were revealed, he could still clean himself up. "Also," while Luo Jun chewed on Zheng Qun's cold words, Ah Xiu continued: "Do you have the heart to let your friend Hans suffer for you?" "Hans?!" Luo Jun was stunned, "Hans has nothing to do with this matter!" "It doesn't matter, but who told you to leave after the incident? Mr. Zheng can't take your revenge, there must be an outlet to vent..." "What happened to Hans?" Luo Jun held back his anger and asked in a low voice. "You want to hear? Okay, let me tell you! At first, Mr. Zheng wanted to use Hans to lure you out. He just tied him up and did nothing else, but you didn't show up for a long time. He lost his patience..." Ah Xiu paused, "A week ago, he was locked in the dungeon." Luo Jun's goosebumps stood up all over his body. Of course he knew what the so-called "dungeon" was. It was a small prison similar to a basement. Rats and cockroaches were companions, and people who entered there usually did not survive for two weeks, and when they came out, they were completely unrecognizable—it was the place Feng Qiyun used to torture his old enemies. Luo Jun's hand holding the gun trembled, and a strong sense of guilt engulfed his heart! This result was something he didn't expect, no!Maybe he should have thought about it earlier, but since the accident, his attention has been 100% on Haitang, and he has no time to care about the safety of his old friend. Luo Jun's face is surprisingly calm, every time he has the urge to kill, he will be calmer than usual, only the sound of the bullet being loaded can reveal his inner anger. Ah Xiu, who was under his gun, did not beg for mercy. He has always understood Luo Jun's strength. Feng Qiyun escaped from death several times because of him. in the hands of bodyguards.Axiu is one of Feng Qiyun's most loyal subordinates. His death in the hands of Luo Jun today can be regarded as fulfilling the word "loyalty". He slowly closed his eyes and waited quietly for the gunshot... Piaoyuan Her consciousness swung back like a cloud, reconnecting with Haitang's mind. She opened her eyes, and the back of her head gave her some pain first, followed by her mouth. Wherever he looked, a pair of strange, slightly weird eyes were fixed on her face intently! Haitang started in horror, and saw Luo Jun pointing a gun at a completely strange man on the front car!A posture that is about to pull the trigger! She didn't have time to clear her mind, she stumbled and pushed the door to get out of the car, instinctively wanting to stop him, he can't kill anymore!In other words, she couldn't bear him killing someone in front of her again! "No, Luo Jun, don't!" She made a dissuading voice indiscriminately, but her throat seemed to be blocked by mud, so vague that even she couldn't hear clearly. Luo Jun saw Haitang crookedly appearing in front of him, Senbai's face was dull. "What are you doing out here? Come in!" He yelled forbearance, but his voice couldn't hide his pity. Axiu's half-smiling eyes flicked across the available space, and of course he would not let go of Haitang's frightened face. He was unavoidably surprised that Luo Jun would hurt Feng Qiyun for this girl who was as fragile as a porcelain doll in front of him. It's unbelievable to be a killer! Haitang was not repelled by Luo Jun's words, she stood by the car, stretched out her hand to Luo Jun, her eyes were full of pleading, Luo Jun understood what she meant, and responded quickly with sullen face, "He is Feng Qiyun's man! " These words pierced Haitang's forehead like a sharp sword, she trembled, and she immediately became sober. At the moment when her memory came back, the scene of her mother falling to the ground was forced into her mind again! In her confused consciousness, Haitang always thought that it was a dream stemming from her worry.But now, when Luo Jun was besieging a real life-seeking killer, she suddenly realized that it was not a dream, it was real! Her mother is no longer here. This thought made Haitang weak in an instant, her lips trembled violently, her eyes fixed on Axiu, and the knuckles holding the car mirror began to turn white due to the force. "My mother, my mother..." Haitang struggled to organize the sentences, and her thoughts became confused again. "Your mother is dead." Ah Xiu finished for her neatly. "Shut up!" Luo Jun couldn't bear it any longer and yelled at her. Haitang covered her mouth with her hands, raised her powerless fists, and punched and kicked Ah Xiu indiscriminately. Luo Jun was shocked, and tried to pull her away with one hand, "Haitang, calm down! Get out of the way!" But it was too late, this chaotic scene gave Ah Xiu an excellent opportunity, Haitang was the handle that came to his door, it not only distracted Luo Jun, but also was the easy prey of Ah Xiu. Her sharp fingers had easily pinched Haitang's throat! Luo Jun's gun was still firmly pressed against Ah Xiu's head, but his forehead was covered with a layer of sweat. He knew that if he was not careful, Ah Xiu could easily break Haitang's neck. neck. "Now, can we have a good talk?" Ah Xiu said to Luo Jun with a smile. Luo Jun didn't want to talk nonsense with him, "You can kill me, but you must let her go. This matter has nothing to do with her." "Irrelevant?" Ah Xiu thought it was funny, and lowered his head to glance at the trembling Haitang in his arms, "If it wasn't for her, would you treat Brother Feng like that? Besides, it's not so easy for you to want to die now, you don't know Brother Feng's rules, right?" His face elongated all of a sudden, and even the fake smile disappeared, "Both of you have to go back to Thailand with me." "I can go back with you, but you have to let her go first." Luo Jun insisted in a calm tone. "Otherwise, we will all die here today, and we will die anyway when we go back. You know better than me how this pays off." The hard gun barrel on his forehead obviously made Ah Xiu very uncomfortable, he sneered, "Okay! I don't plan to go back alive, I die for Brother Feng, I deserve it! If you have the guts, shoot!" The situation of not giving an inch made the atmosphere suddenly tense. "My mother...was it, did you kill it?" Haitang, who was pinched by Ah Xiu, suddenly opened her mouth with difficulty. Withdraw from the world bit by bit. Axiu was stunned, "So what?" His expression was like a cat teasing a mouse. Haitang gritted her teeth, "Luo Jun, you... shoot him and kill him!" It was the first time she uttered such a cold voice, Luo Jun's heart trembled suddenly, and the gun in his hand subconsciously clenched. Ah Xiu suddenly laughed wildly under Luo Jun's gun, as if he had heard a big joke. He lowered his head and whispered playfully in Haitang's ear, "I've never seen a more stupid woman than you. You still Do you want to follow him?" He quickly glanced at Luo Jun with a cold smile in his eyes. "Don't you know you guys? He is a evil star, and none of the people who follow him have good results! How do you think your mother died? Me? It's ridiculous, what does she have to do with me?!" He suddenly raised his head and stared into Luo Jun's eyes with a half-smile, but he said to Haitang, "I'll tell you who killed your mother, he—" "Bang—" the gun went off.Deathly silence. Blood quickly flowed down Ah Xiu's forehead and into his half-open mouth, his eyes were still fixed on Luo Jun, those eyes seemed to know everything, but he didn't have time to say it! Almost at the same time as shooting, Luo Jun stretched out his hand, trying to pull Haitang over, but Haitang let out a scream that was caught off guard, threw off his control, and rushed forward crazily! The sun is no longer visible, and the twilight rises thickly, like a suffocating net, sweeping towards it with claws and claws, trying to swallow everything... On the table, the three-color meals have not moved at all, and the heat has long since dissipated.Haitang sat on the bed, her eyes fixed on a certain point on the opposite wall, she had maintained this position for almost an hour. The door was pushed open with a click, Luo Jun hurried in, glanced at the table, frowning slightly, and saw Haitang's lifeless appearance, his heart softened again. "If you don't eat all the time, your body will not be able to hold on." He bent down and persuaded her patiently. "How did my mother die?" Haitang didn't look at him, and asked in a dismal manner, as if she didn't have any hope of getting an answer. From the night when Axiu died two days ago to now, she kept repeating Just ask this sentence. Luo Jun sighed, sat down beside her, picked up the rice bowl, and wanted to feed her, "Come, eat some." The spoon was already raised to her lips, Haitang turned her head to the side, with a disgusted expression on her face, which made Luo Jun very sad. "How did my mother die?" "It was an accident, you saw it too, didn't you?" Luo Jun closed his eyes, he had explained it to Haitang several times, but her brain couldn't input it, or she didn't believe it at all. Haitang froze and didn't move, and didn't ask any more questions, Luo Jun heaved a sigh of relief, "Hey, come and eat something." With a bang, the bowl in his hand was knocked to the ground by Haitang. Luo Jun was unprepared and was taken aback, with sullen eyes flickering. However, Haitang's eyes were more piercing than his. In a few seconds, she gathered such an aura out of nowhere, and stared aggressively at Luo Jun. "It was you, it was you who killed my mother? Right?" The question that had been smoldering in my heart for a long time could no longer be suppressed, and finally blurted out. Luo Jun smiled wryly, "Haitang, will I harm you? Why should I have trouble with your mother?" Haitang was refuted by him, and the look of sadness in his eyes made her feel like a knife. That's right, he saved himself desperately. Isn't it all because of himself that he got to this point?How could she doubt him like that? Like a basin of cold water poured from head to toe, it also extinguished the anger in her heart for a long time. Luo Jun dragged her into his arms, stroked her back and comforted her, "Haitang, everything I do is for you, for our future." Haitang's tears rolled down her cheeks. But now she can't feel the existence of happiness at all, only the pain is always in her heart.Even snuggling in Luo Jun's arms, she could no longer feel the warmth of the past. She felt cold, and her whole body was cold. Ah Xiu's meaningful expression and that incomplete sentence lurked in her heart like a poisonous scorpion when he was dying, crawling out from time to time to sting her, causing her unbearable pain. Could it be that she will spend the rest of her days in this kind of torment?Could it be that she can only live in hiding like a mouse from now on? She felt a burst of suffocating despair, her tears stopped suddenly, and a horrifying thought quickly rushed into her mind: The person holding her is actually a devil! Haitang shivered loudly, as if waking up from a nightmare. "Begonia." Luo Jun's gentle and joyful voice sounded in her ears, "I went out just now, and I have already completed all the necessary procedures." As he said, he took out a stack of things from his arms and showed them to Haitang one by one, "Originally we could fly directly to Canada from here, but because of Axiu...but it doesn't matter, we can go to Hong Kong by boat first, and then fly from Hong Kong Change plane. We'll leave early tomorrow morning." Luo Jun hugged Haitang again, wanting to give her hope and strength, "Forget everything about the past, tomorrow, we will start again." A tragic smile appeared on Haitang's face, starting over, maybe he could, but she couldn't, she even lost her mother, what face would she have to start over? ! Luo Jun gently pushed her away, and solemnly examined her expressionless face, "Haitang, for you, I will take any risks. Please also, for me, live well." Haitang stared blankly at him, his face was still as handsome as when they first met, she used to long so much to be with him, but now, sitting in front of her, she felt that he was so strange. He did do a lot for her, however, the more he did, the deeper she felt in the darkness, the closer she was to sin. His dark eyes were still on her face, waiting for her reply.Perhaps, he sensed her "disagreement", so at this time, he asked her for a promise so solemnly. Haitang's heart was filled with bitterness, and the atmosphere of parting was so thick over them, no matter which way it was, she knew very well that she had to leave him. With tears in her eyes, Haitang nodded to Luo Jun. After a while, Luo Jun showed a gratified smile, which was very light and faint.He reorganized some food and persuaded her very persistently. This time, Haitang didn't refuse any more, and ate it all with a sullen head. Tears fell into the bowl without making any sound. Luo Jun was cleaning up the broken items on the ground, and didn't notice anything strange about Haitang. In the middle of the night, Haitang woke up in the dark. Luo Jun beside her was breathing evenly. She leaned slightly and called Luo Jun's name twice, but he didn't respond. After a moment of hesitation, Haitang fumbled out of the bed, walked barefoot to the bathroom, turned on the aisle light near the door, found her shoes and changed them, then glanced around hurriedly.In the narrow guest room, Luo Jun had already tidied up his things, and he was just waiting for his departure tomorrow morning. She didn't take anything because she didn't need anything. She didn't have much time to stay. She put a sleeping pill in Luo Jun's drinking water. It was the first time she did this kind of thing, and she was not sure at all. Once Luo Jun woke up, it would be very difficult for her to leave. The moment she was about to open the door to leave, her footsteps suddenly became heavy again. She turned around and looked at Luo Jun on the bed. He was fast asleep. Under the dim light, his brows, eyes and solid figure were indistinct. Haitang walked over slowly, stood still in front of him, bent down, and knelt gently in front of him, she didn't dare to make any movement, didn't even dare to take a deep breath, just looked at him quietly, taking one last look. In this life, maybe we will never meet again. Half a year passed leisurely, and it turned out that apart from relief, there was still reluctance after all. Still unable to hold back the tears, she raised her hand to cover her mouth, suppressed sobbing, leaned over, and gently pressed her cheek against his bare arm, leaving a piece of tears wet. Then, she stood up suddenly, without any hesitation, and walked out quickly. The door closed quietly behind him.From then on, she left his world.
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