Home Categories detective reasoning Celestial Chrysanthemum Murder Case

Chapter 10 Chapter 7: The Celestial Kikushima

Chicun Wharf, Baisha Township, Penghu County.January 31st, three thirty in the afternoon. The quiet fishing village suddenly became lively.Perhaps because of the arrival of our group of strangers from outside, the fishermen couldn't help but look at it curiously. The 20-member baseball team of University B School of Medicine was divided into several groups, each using different means of transportation, and arrived at Chicun Wharf from all over Taiwan at 3:30 pm on this day to report for duty. A Nuo and I are two of the 12 freshmen participating in the training camp. We departed from Kaohsiung this morning and arrived at Magong, Penghu by a transportation boat.

We signed a report to a senior who looked a bit like Lu Mingci, and received jerseys, ball pants, baseball jackets, sandproof sunglasses, training plan booklets, etc. Later, I found out that this senior was the school team's head fielder and dentist Lin Jinjun, a second-year senior.With the qualifications of the second grade, he can squeeze into the main position of the first team of the school team. Without two brushes, it is impossible.It is said that he played for the school for the first time last year, and he won the season batting champion of the medical baseball league in the spring and fall. He is a very promising candidate to succeed the president.

I opened the training booklet, which mentioned the origin of the Tianren Judao training camp, the purpose of the previous training camps, the training timetable, and the matters that each member should observe and pay attention to in this training camp. In addition, there are some sporadic regulations.I randomly flipped to the last two pages of the player list, and to my surprise, I found my name on the first page, which is mostly the list of seniors. I originally thought that even if my physique was far inferior to a "behemoth" like Arnold in medical school, it could at least be regarded as a rare sports "wonder". Who knew that in the first player data sheet for the baseball club training, Judging by the physical standards of athletes, I am just an ordinary, small character with no outstanding features.

Finding out that my back number is 20, I can't wait to unfold the jersey I got and admire it. At this moment, the seniors are all dressed in neat and well-fitting baseball uniforms. From the baseball uniforms, caps, and even the blue baseball jackets, at a glance, the white and brand-new substrates are marked with bright blue lines, and the back of the jackets is ironed. The eye-catching logo of the School of Medicine of B University, the seniors are all heroic. This is the new jersey ordered by the team this semester, and it is also an exciting welcome gift for rookies. At the pier, men, women and children with healthy skin are weaving and arranging fishing nets, and they seem to be looking at us with interest.There is a small warehouse for fishing gear on the left side of the assembly point. After receiving the jerseys, we undressed in the warehouse and put on new jerseys.

Just like the seniors who were making the final preparations before departure, everyone who had finished dressing put on the fashionable pair of windshield glasses given to him as required. Penghu is a famous windy island, and the strong monsoon is its characteristic natural phenomenon. At this time, the northeast monsoon roars past, and the wind is even stronger.Therefore, the winter in Penghu is often shrouded in the harsh monsoon, and the sharp weapon to protect the eyes under the flying sand and rocks in the sky is this kind of windproof glasses besides the face scarf of the masked girl.Of course, the chances of conjunctivitis or keratitis caused by wind and sand are less.

For players, it is a common experience to wear sunglasses to fight on the baseball field under the scorching sun, but now they wear windproof sand glasses, not to mention that the "windy city" Hsinchu has also been a favorite of college baseball games over the years. In important towns, most of the senior team members have experience in wearing sand-proof glasses. After reporting for duty and changing our costumes, senior Lin Jinjun gathered us together and waited for President Zhao Weixin and Captain Zhang Jitian to make an announcement.At the moment, everyone is standing on the sidelines, although they can move their muscles and bones a little, but there is no noise (although I try my best not to talk to Arnold or make fun of him), and the discipline is strict. If other college team members can Seeing this scene, 80% of them will have the same admiration as me: "It is indeed a first-class team with a long-standing reputation in the University League!"

However, on the whole, our group of training visitors who came from Taichung still had a particularly abrupt and obvious target, and that was the burly figure of my roommate Anuo, who stood out from the crowd.Among players of similar stature, Arnold has a tall and strong physique. Just thinking about his posture in the strike zone is enough to bluff people, and the pressure on the opponent's pitcher on the pitcher is even more conceivable. Know. After I joined the school baseball club with Arnold, I heard the rumors that "Arnold, a freshman, will be cultivated to be the most feared fourth hitter in the baseball team of the University B medical school in the next few years."Perhaps in terms of batting skills and experience, Arnold may not be as good as senior Lin Jinjun in the short term, but he is definitely predictable and terrifying in terms of long hitting rate.

To these rumors, Arnold's reaction was just a smirk, and then he went on a "campus beauty chase" with Xiao Li and the others.At the beginning of medical school campus life, perhaps in terms of attractiveness, if you choose between beautiful women and baseball, I think Arnold will definitely choose the former immediately like me! Thinking of this, I glanced at Arnold again.Wearing windshield sunglasses, he looks very much like the cool Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie poster of "The Terminator Sequel", which was popular all over the world a few years ago. During the extremely boring waiting time, I picked up the list of players in the training booklet and compared the back numbers of my teammates one by one to get to know them.

At this moment, apart from Senior Lin Jinjun who is watching the roll call and Wu Qi and Xia Ming who are counting the ball equipment, President Zhao Weixin and Captain Zhang Jitian are talking with a man who looks like a boatman at the port not far away. , there is a fancy yacht painted with the word "Black", parked not far from the harbor at their feet, it seems to be our means of transportation to the training ground. The figure of senior Guo Dafu was at the window of the Hong Kong Police Station in the distance, and he seemed to be going through the formalities.Mo Keji and senior Chen Zhongxiong were cleaning aluminum rods and helmets.

Senior Lin Jinjun glanced at his watch after reading the roll call, and I followed suit to check the time, January 31st, 3:55 p.m. "President! Senior Yoshida!" Senior Lin Jinjun shouted loudly.Senior Lin Jinjun made an OK gesture, and then the two walked back quickly from two directions. Senior Guo Dafu then ran back, and the others immediately finished the work at hand and surrounded them. I found that everyone's spirits were restored. "Dear students and younger students, I am very glad that you all came to report on time. The purpose of this training camp, I think everyone should know, is the self-adjustment of the baseball team's starting lineup and the twelve freshmen who passed the first The cold training for the stage physical fitness test will last for ten days." President Zhao Weixin announced loudly, and pointed to the line of blue sea and sky outside the pier behind him.

"The location of this training camp, as written in the training manual, is about a 30-minute voyage from Chi Wharf, passing through Dangerous Reef Islet and Baisha Islet, and then going to 'Tianren Ju Island'." The senior opened the prelude to the training camp in a serious tone. I finally became a member of the baseball team of the University of B Medical School. I felt the exciting atmosphere of the team and couldn't hide my joy. The destination of this training camp - Tianren Judao, has a different meaning for each member of the baseball team of the B University School of Medicine.Although some people regard "Heavenly Man Judao" and "Chrysanthemum Island" as synonymous with Penghu County, the "Heavenly Man Judao" mentioned by President Zhao Weixin just now refers to another uninhabited island hanging in the sea off Chigang. deserted island. Celestia chrysanthemum is native to North America, and was introduced to Taiwan in 1911 for viewing. Now it has multiplied in large numbers, and the number and population are amazing. It is the county flower of Penghu County! Penghu has two nicknames, "Wind Island" and "Chrysanthemum Island". It is gentle and does not have a natural barrier structure. Under the interference of these external forces, God still does not forget to give it a charming and pleasant side. The characteristics of the chrysanthemum, which is resistant to drought and can bloom brilliantly without care, are just like the people of Penghu County. The same indomitable spirit in the environment, so this is why it was selected as the county flower.According to the "Plant Illustrated Book", Gastronomy chrysanthemum blooms in spring and autumn. The diameter of the head is about five centimeters. The surrounding head is usually yellowish brown or reddish brown, the base is purple, and the center is dense tubular flowers. Has slender purple hairs. Therefore, celestial chrysanthemum can be planted in large quantities in seaside recreation areas. The seeds are collected after autumn and sown around the beginning of spring, and you can wait for the flowers in early summer. Coming to Penghu in the cold winter is not the season to appreciate celestial chrysanthemums, but it doesn't make much difference to us, because we are here for team training, not for fun. Every year, the Big B baseball team always chooses a period of consecutive vacations to hold training camps. Although the time to hone their skills at school is not short, since there is a tradition of training camps, of course the goal is completely different from the usual training. For example, this training camp, as mentioned earlier, is the self-adjustment of the seniors to prepare for the upcoming Spring Competition of the Medical Cup and the College Cup, as well as the initial training of our group of rookies.Last summer, it was the team's pitcher group training (of course, the starting catcher group also had to participate) and the cadre meeting of the reorganized baseball club.Going back to the winter training last winter vacation, it was a devil training camp for first-team players with poor physical performance. Will you choose "Heavenly Man Judao" as the location for each off-campus long-term training, when did it start?The senior said that it is no longer possible to test, but from the archives of the club information, it seems that several years ago, a famous member of the baseball club was born in Penghu County, and later became one of the cadres of the ball club.Once he entertained members to visit Penghu during the winter vacation, and a group of them accidentally found the deserted island of Judao.Although I found that the geographical environment of the island is good, I didn't think of using it as a training place for the team at first, but occasionally a group of people camped on the island for a few days and played baseball by the way.Maybe because it feels good, it has become a tradition in the baseball club of the University of B Medical School over time. As for the funds required for round trips, although the baseball club is the largest club in the school, the medical school of B University is private after all. Of course, it is impossible for the college and the student activity center to allocate this fund to sponsor, so the seniors have participated in training camps over the years. It is paid out of pocket, and only half of the subsidy is given to new students. Regarding the quality of the members of this training camp, basically players who can squeeze into the starting lineup of the first team have a certain level of physique and technology, especially the seniors who came this time. The innate condition of the player.And our group of freshmen are also good players who have passed the team's physical fitness test (the senior who took the physical fitness test did not come this time), it is rare to stand with the senior, and our group of rookies is not much inferior in terms of body size (especially Yes, there is still Optimus Prime—Arnold), and he is also very self-controlled in mental discipline (although the new teammate standing next to me has a stuffy nose, coughs, and sneezes from time to time, which seems to be a cold).The others pursed their lips and lined up to listen to the president and captain's announcement.I thought, if someone took a look at our group of horses from a distance, the neat and uniform baseball uniforms must be really beautiful. Although the weather suddenly became colder and darker later, every rookie teammate should have infinite longing for the upcoming journey to Tianren Judao! "Thank you Xia Ming, Mo Keji, and Chen Zhongxiong for helping with the chores and preparations for this training camp. Although I am the person in charge of coordinating the Tianren Judao training camp, from now on, Tianren Ju The training camp on the island is about to enter the official stage, and the entire activity will be handed over to captain Zhang Jitian to coordinate the actual drill. During these ten days, as the president, I only have a few requirements: first, pay attention to personal safety, Avoid unnecessary sports injuries. Second, please complete the training items in the training plan, do not be lazy or too reluctant. Third, during these ten days, the training members, including me, must obey the leadership of Captain Zhang Jitian. Fourth , seniors, please complete the part of leading the juniors. If the juniors don’t know or don’t understand, just like schoolwork problems, you should ask the seniors more. Fifth, the common goal of the whole club is to win any championship cup in the annual competition. I will leave the rest to Captain Zhang Jitian." After President Zhao Weixin, senior Zhang Jitian walked in front of everyone amid applause. In addition to senior Zhao Weixin, Captain Zhang Jitian can be regarded as the senior baseball club senior I have met several times on campus.At this moment, he still looks energetic and full of youthful vitality. He looked around everyone with a smile. "Everyone, let's relax! Although you need to be mentally armed, there is no need to be too tense. I have just met all the good new players according to the training manual, and I don't think there is any need to waste time introducing each other one by one. Regarding the various matters of this training camp, the training manual and the president’s explanation just now are very clear, and I don’t need to talk nonsense. In addition to winning the Champions League in the next few years, the most important thing for our team is the formation of the lineup. It is well known that the team has only 20 first-team rosters over the years, and I hope that everyone can go all out and try to squeeze into the first-team roster." Hearing what the senior said, I recalled what Arnold said to me before departure.Because most of the players stayed in Taichung B University Medical College for training, and the senior who was in charge of our rookie physical fitness test was in charge, but after all, the twelve freshmen who passed the test were all on the training list of Tianren Judao, if the seniors were deducted They have identified 15 first-team spots, and the remaining five first-team spots will be contested by 12 first-year players, so everyone has hope, and everyone is not sure.Arnold and I encouraged each other and hoped that both of them would stand out in the end, but we were not familiar with other freshman teammates, and we had to take the physical fitness test separately, so we didn't know what level of baseball skills other people had. "Therefore, this training camp is very important for all the new students. What moved me was that I heard that some people put aside their personal affairs and even moved away from their rare travel plans to participate in the training camp; Come on. This is the fighting spirit and spirit of our team, and I hope everyone will keep it going. Of course, don’t forget, don’t be brave!" Captain Zhang Jitian spoke passionately, and looked up at the sky where the dark clouds passed by. "It seems that the weather in the past few days may not be the good weather we expected for practice, and the weather report may have been misread. But, stop talking nonsense, cheer and get ready to go!" The seniors yelled and took the lead to surround them. Everyone stretched out their right palms and overlapped, cheering vigorously! The drizzle fell like a goddess scattering flowers, and the time was 4:27 in the afternoon. After cheering and cheering, the president and captains gathered to assign tasks. I heard it clearly and was quite curious. "Xiao Xia, Lao Mo, Yoshida and I have just discussed with Captain Black that he can take us three times in the past two days. As for the Hong Kong Police Station, Guo Dafu has completed the formalities, so Xiao Xia, you can leave first and rush to Tongliang Village Continue to purchase the planned food, water, and vegetables. Heihao can help us transport to Tianren Judao early tomorrow morning at any time, so in order to save time, you should leave first! Lao Mo, Xin Shuzhen will arrive in Magong City tomorrow afternoon, It is up to you to meet this great chef, so when the black number arrives on the island tomorrow, please come back to Chi at that time, because the skill of setting up a tent is not enough without you! Tonight we will set up a part first... Wu Qi , These juniors have troubled you to take care of them these days..." As a result, the seniors got on the boat first, and senior Wu Qi was in charge of assigning us the work of moving things.Some of the teammates first went to the small warehouse where the clothes were changed to retrieve their luggage, and some rushed to a private house near the port to borrow the bathroom... After rushing back one after another, they carried the team's belongings onto the boat.Although it was a short period of confusion, after Senior Wu Qi counted the number of people correctly, the black number set off for Tianren Judao in the gradually increasing rain. On the other side of the line between the sea and the sky, Judao, the Heavenly Man, stands ethereal and lonely in the deep blue sea. The sea breeze is cold and strong, and the waves are rolling. In addition to the sound of wind and waves, it is the sound of the engine carrying our "Black Number" swaying forward through the waves. The sky was cloudy, and the raindrops kept falling on the sea surface. The dark night was accompanied by dark clouds, gradually hitting half of the sky without knowing it.In the direction of the stern of the black number, the setting sun is shining, and Yuxia looks bleak. I was throwing up dizzy. A few freshmen who didn't know each other, who didn't know which department, compared their wrist strength with Arnold in the cabin.I glanced at them, and Arnold looked calm, while his opponent was blushing and thick-necked, with beads of sweat rolling down his forehead. The sound of cheering, applause, and applause surrounds them. The other freshmen in twos and threes sat or lay down, all with unfamiliar faces, and a few of them had a relationship on campus, but if they didn't compare their names and back numbers in the handbook, they couldn't be called by their names.I didn't bother to pick up the training manual to compare. Anyway, I will stay on the island for ten days, and everyone will get familiar with it by then. The few people lying next to me also seemed to have symptoms of seasickness. After boarding the boat in a panic in the rain just now, they entered the cabin and fell down and fell asleep with their heads covered.However, dizziness is also an acute infectious disease. When I vomited in a mess, the others also vomited. Suddenly, the cabin was filled with the smell of stomach acid.As the instigator, I am quite self-aware and stay away from everyone.I found the figure of a teammate leaning against the corner of the door, which gave me a feeling of sympathy. He has been curled up in the corner of the cabin since he got on the boat, with a baseball cap covering his eyes and forehead, exposing the back of his head with a three-pointed head like a clear sign, and he looks like he doesn't want to talk to people.Judging from his body shape and jersey number, he should be Liu Chanfa, a freshman in the Department of Psychology who was following me in the manual.He was the sick player and the coughing teammate standing next to me mentioned by the seniors during his speech. Liu Chanfa seemed to be suffering from severe wind and cold, and the mask on his face heaved and fell from time to time due to coughing. Although he was wearing a scarf around his neck and wearing heavy clothes in addition to his baseball uniform, he straddled his legs. On the handbag with his name embroidered on it, trembling slightly.Perhaps the cold wind not only rushed into the cabin, but also found an opportunity to drill into his pores. He seems to be a person with a cold personality, so I don't bother to visit him, otherwise I will be discouraged if I hit a soft nail, not to mention that I can't take care of myself at all. At this time, Arnold had already overwhelmed the crowd, and he mingled with the others, laughing heartily. A Nuo came to visit me, and two teammates who had just gotten to know each other also leaned over together, I shook my head and said with a wry smile, "I'm about to die." I looked outside with my head, and the bean-sized raindrops were sandwiched with waves, and fell on the deck with a "tap". "It's unlucky to have this kind of weather on the training day." I said. "I heard that on rainy days, the team's training camp will still be held. The seniors seem to be amiable at the moment, but when they arrive on the island, it is said that they immediately changed their faces. No matter what the weather is, they will still go to the devil's training." A Nuo said with a smile . "Stop talking so horrible!" "Hey, the sky is getting darker and darker, and the rain seems to be getting heavier and heavier." "This kind of weather is not a typhoon day, but it is not the weather to go out to sea. If the president has no way, and the owner of the black ship is an old acquaintance of our school team every training camp, he is willing to continue to carry us. Let the team go to Tianren Kikushima as usual, otherwise the rare training camp will be wasted?" "I don't think so! Only inexperienced people will come here to play in this kind of cold weather, so ah! Those who specialize in yacht business like Hei Hao wish we could patronize his business! Otherwise, how could he Don't you drink the northwest wind at home all winter? Ah! It should be the northeast monsoon." "Actually, what you said is not quite right. Winter tourism in Penghu has a special flavor, and some people come for the sea breeze as cold as a knife. Like 'Xiao Bi', a fourth-year medical student (author's note: ' "Xiao Bi' refers to an informal graduation trip before the graduation trip, which is usually held during the winter and summer vacations of the fourth or fifth year of medical school), and it is a visit to Penghu." "Senior Zhao Weixin, aren't they also from the Fourth Medical School? Have they participated in 'Xiao Bi'? It seems that the date of the trip and the training camp are very close, isn't it?" "It's very close, yes, but there is no collision date! Their nearly four-day and three-night trip ended at noon yesterday. This is what Mo Keji told me at Chi Wharf. The senior sister of the fourth-year medical department these days They are taking boats and planes to leave one after another! Or they will continue to stay in the travel place to have fun, or like the seniors of the baseball team, they will come to Red to prepare for the training camp." We moved again, and a group of rookies leaned against the glass window of the cabin and looked out at the scene of raindrops splashing on the sea. I found that, except for the new team members and senior Wu Qi staying in the cabin, the other seniors were busy on the other side of the ship. Senior Wu Qi didn't seem to be used to the swaying on the boat, and he also showed a pale face like seasickness as soon as he got on the boat, but judging from the way he immediately got into the cabin and fell asleep with his head covered, this should be his way to deal with seasickness. I propped my heavy eyelids and looked towards the front of the ship from the side of the glass window. I saw Zhao Weixin, Guo Dafu, Mo Keji, Lin Jinjun, and Chen Zhongxiong seniors were discussing and gesticulating under the awning on the front deck.Senior Lin Jinjun took out a set of rain gear and a raincoat from a large backpack. It seems that they will be used when they land on Judao Island! I didn't see Captain Zhang Jitian, he should be chatting with the captain in the cockpit.Because when I was about to board the ship, I saw him in the cockpit with the captain from afar. "We're here! The Celestial Judao is here!" It didn't take long to hear Captain Zhang Jitian's voice coming from the direction of the cockpit. Several seniors looked back towards the bow of the ship. Senior Wu Qi stood up and repeated: "Everyone, we've arrived." He took the lead to leave the cabin and went around to the bow. Arnold wanted to support me, but I waved my hand bravely to show that it was okay, and a group of rookies crowded around excitedly and squeezed out of the hatch.Regardless of the size of the rain, everyone leaned on the railing of the deck and looked forward. The hull was heaving and it was getting dark.The rain is still falling like a curtain. In the hazy field of vision, the image of an isolated island gradually became clearer, and the basalt cliffs on the island stood facing the sea.The boat slowed down and approached Judao, the celestial being. Looking up, the indifferent faces of the cliffs stared at us coldly. Regardless of the bad weather and the unrelenting rain, everyone cheered. "Senior Wu Qi, can you help me distribute the raincoat to my junior?" Senior Lin Jinjun said. "Okay. Juniors, pass on the raincoats..." Senior Wu Qi ordered with a loud voice. I finally saw the other side of Judao, the celestial being, although the pitch black night has covered everything. The hull is steady. "Get ready to disembark!" Captain Zhang Jitian jumped out of the cockpit and announced in the rain. "Students! According to the distribution before boarding, everyone should be responsible for the luggage, remember to take it off the boat." Senior Wu Qi continued. In a slightly chaotic situation, under the leadership of the seniors, we set foot on the land of Judao, the celestial being. Along the docking port is a white sandy beach extending along the edge of the island, and the waves come ashore rapidly.Even in the rain, you can still smell the salty sea water. We disembarked from the docking port located on the southeast side of Tianren Ju Island, and a group of people stepped on the beach with the sound of "squeaking" and made chaotic footsteps. On the other side of the beach is a large stretch of seaside miscanthus and cactus that is waist-high, and it is not easy to pass through. Attached to the training manual is a sketch of the Celestial Kikushima. The basalt cliffs we saw on the boat just now are the sun hills that span the northern part of Tenjin Kikushima like a screen.Surrounded by Sun Hill, Moon Hill, and Chen Hill, which are not allowed to be climbed, is a flat platform. It seems that the legendary training ground and our foothold should be here. But from the beach near the low-lying docking port, it is impossible to see the vastness of the several-storey terrace. Miscanthus clusters spread all the way to the beach, near the upper edge of the steeply rising platform and the raised moon hill above it. To go up to the platform, you have to go through the beach, and then it seems to be the only passage, that is, the arc-shaped corridors located on the moon hill and the big and small star hills. At the junction of the corridor and the beach is a rough ax-hewn ladder, and we climbed up the stairs.The black horn behind it had already weighed anchor and left. Except for a narrow fork between the big and small star hills, everyone walked on the arc-like corridor, and the whole journey was fairly easy. After getting off the boat, everyone packed their bags. Guided by the light of the senior's flashlight, they walked for about ten minutes and came to the end of the corridor. The whole field of vision suddenly opened up, and a platform the size of a baseball field appeared in front of everyone. The senior led us across the platform, and I found that there were infields and infields on the ground, and there were faint traces of seniors practicing here on the pitcher's mound. There is an old log cabin that is fairly spacious on the west side of the course, and it seems to be soaked by rain. Not far from the wooden house, facing the direction of the platform, the bottom of the sun hill was sunken inwards to form an open space under the cliff. The seniors pitched five single tents in the open space.Soon one of the tent campfires started to burn, and the senior was busy preparing meals for everyone, and the smell of dinner spread into the wooden house from time to time. Our new team members set up six double tents and one single tent in the wooden house. The whole wooden house was a bit crowded, but we still lit a fire in the stone oven to keep out the cold and serve as lighting. Senior Wu Qi was in charge of directing and taking care of us rookies that night. He led the work of tidying up the wooden house, cleaning, nailing piles, camping, tidying up the equipment, and allocating work.Everyone was sweating profusely, as if they had forgotten the harsh weather outside. The heavy rain poured down, and the bean-sized raindrops mixed with the whistling north wind raged crazily in the dark night.Unexpectedly, after nightfall, the weather in Judao, the Celestial Man, would be even worse. If the weather is still the same in the next few days, I doubt whether the training camp can be carried out as scheduled, but the seniors don’t seem to be worried about it. Maybe the first few days of the training plan are at most physical training, or there are other countermeasures ! Looking out from the long window of the wooden house, one can barely see the heavy rain falling on the field, but what is surprising is that there is no puddle of water on the infield land. So despite the constant rain, the course was in good shape.So as long as the rain stops, after a little tidying up, it can be used as scheduled. It seems that I was just worrying about it. After Wu Qi's rectification work on our side came to an end, he announced loudly: "It's time to eat, everyone come with me!" At around 7:20 in the evening, we felt hungry after hearing what Senior Wu Qi said. Of course Arnold ran first. Several new teammates asked Senior Wu Qi for directions to the toilet, and went around to wait in line for a urinate.The others wore rain gear and ran quickly to the open space under the cliff. The seniors have already finished the work of washing vegetables, cooking rice, cooking soup, and setting up the stove, and the fragrance of the dishes is overflowing all of a sudden, which shows that the seniors are all masters of picnicking. "When Xin Shuzhen comes tomorrow afternoon, everyone will have a good time! They will be more energetic in practicing!" Captain Zhang Jitian said with a smile. We only brought about two or three days' worth of coarse food. At around 7 o'clock tomorrow morning, Senior Xia Ming will bring enough food and come to the island to join everyone on the black number. A group of people gathered together in twos and threes after dinner like locusts crossing the border to chat or rest. At 8:30, senior Wu Qi was going to give indoor lessons to our new players, so we went back to the wooden house, the captain went to the east of the island through the corridor, and the other seniors stayed in the open space to organize their equipment.
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