Home Categories detective reasoning Celestial Chrysanthemum Murder Case
Celestial Chrysanthemum Murder Case

Celestial Chrysanthemum Murder Case


  • detective reasoning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 105731

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Chapter 1 guide

In my classification, readers of reasoning in Taiwan can be roughly divided into three generations if counted from the 1980s.First of all, of course, it was the "paper generation" around the "Reasoning" magazine founded in 1984; in 1996, entering the Internet age, the interactive field of reasoning readers also shifted to the Internet, and thus ushered in the BBS (a kind of In the 21st century, it turned into a "broadband generation" dominated by blogs and websites. I am probably the last batch of the "dial-up generation", but Lan Xiao is a solid "paper generation".When he was still in the third year of high school, he already had an article "The Butcher Knife" published in the 14th issue of "Inference" magazine. The creation at that time was obviously quite jerky. It can be seen that the author was deeply influenced by the martial arts novels of Gu Long and other authors. In terms of tone and plot All have similarities.However, the "Dr. Qin series" that he later attracted attention was not until "The Murder at the New Year's Party" in the 72nd issue of "Inference" (1990.10), which revealed for the first time the series of detectives Dr. Qin and Dr. Supporting actors.

In 1990, I hadn’t read any of his novels, and I didn’t know him. I didn’t get to know him until after 2000.At first, I just thought he was a very quiet person, even if he showed up at the party, he didn't often speak.But who knew that after his doctor level was upgraded, he would have more free time, and he would burst out the enthusiasm he had accumulated before. Not only did he talk and laugh at the party, but he even established a "Taiwan Medical Center" in 2004, which we jokingly called at the time. Regional Reasoning Portal" for "Blue's Reasoning Literature School of Medicine".

It was at this time that he successively published three of his novels: Misplaced Objects (2004), Light and Shadow (2005), and (2005).Interestingly, the order of publication and the order of completion of the works are completely reversed: "Misplacement" is a completely new work; "Light and Shadow" was originally written to participate in the fifth "Crown Popular Fiction Award", but unfortunately it only entered the second round of selection. It was published by the publishing house later; only it is outright old, written completely before 2000 (the author of the version I see now has added the beginning and the end).

Generally speaking, writers of mystery novels in this case will be divided into "trick-oriented" and "mystery-oriented" by me privately. As the name suggests, "trick-oriented" focuses on tricks, emphasizing the artificial limit that human intelligence can reach, and allowing the detective and the prisoner to start an extreme mental duel; while the author of "mystery-oriented" is curious about the cause of this mystery?What kind of people are involved?Is there a way to shock the readers when the mystery is revealed? I don’t know if it’s because he’s getting older, and Lan Xiao has gradually changed from the past “trick-oriented” to “mystery-oriented”. In his new works, he rarely sees the emphasis on tricks. This can be said to be his A representative work of the last and highest stage of trickery career.

In the novel, the six members of Dr. Qin's detective team have not yet grown up, so they still have a strong youthful atmosphere, and the story is light and unreal.But in such an atmosphere, the emergence of the "secret room" has become a pure existence. As long as the secret room is cracked, the rest of the problems can be solved easily. This should be some kind of romance of mystery novels!In the later two novels, the characters in the book gradually entered middle age, and encountered more and more realistic shocks, and it was almost impossible to shape this pure trick. Here, just by publishing in the mainland, as an "admission ticket", you can enter the world of Lan Xiao, and then you may understand how a serious writer continues to grow.

I think it should be me who is the happiest at that time! Commentator Qu Chen: Born in 1981, a famous reasoning critic in Taiwan, a member of Taiwan Reasoning Writers Association and MLR Reasoning Research Association.He has written introductions, explanations, recommended prefaces and book reviews for many mystery novels published by many publishing houses.
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