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Chapter 11 Act Six - 2

Wolf and Spice I 支仓冻砂 5334Words 2018-03-12
Lawrence looked up when he heard Holo's weeping voice. Even with his head down, the eyes that are used to the dark underground tunnel still feel the light coming in is dazzling.Therefore, after Lawrence raised his head, he couldn't open his eyes normally for a while, and after he got used to the light, he understood what was going on. What I saw in front of me was a well that was no longer in use, and it must have been installed as an underground waterway.The light is coming in through the circular hole. However, the sky looking up through this well from the underground passage is so far away.Lawrence straightened his back and stretched out his hands, perhaps barely touching the ceiling, but the outlet of the well was higher up the ceiling.

Without a rope or a ladder, the two could not climb up the hole at all. Holo and Lawrence were silent like a loan shark despairing of the distance to heaven. Then, the sound of footsteps finally appeared from around the corner, as if they were sure that they had pushed them to the end. "found it!" After hearing the shout, the two finally turned their heads. Holo looked up at Lawrence, and Lawrence drew out the short sword on his waist with his still strong right hand, and slowly blocked Holo. "Stand back." Lawrence originally planned to stand a little further in front, but the strength of his feet seemed to have been exhausted.Can't move half a step. "Your body can't do it like this."

"What nonsense, I can do it." Although Lawrence had the means to pretend to say it lightly, he didn't have the extra strength to look back at Holo. "Even if it wasn't for our ears, we could tell it was a lie." Holo said angrily, but Lawrence ignored her and stared straight ahead. As far as Lawrence could see, there were five employees of the Medio firm, each holding a stick or a knife.Not only that.There were many footsteps behind them. However, they were supposed to be in an overwhelmingly favorable situation, but they didn't approach right away. They just watched Lawrence and the two from around the corner.

Although it was guessed that they were waiting for reinforcements, five people should be more than enough to deal with the two of Lawrence.After all, no matter how you look at Lawrence, you can tell that he is not a fighting force, and Holo is a weak girl. Even so, they did not move forward, and the footsteps of several people finally came around the corner.The five people who were confronting each other turned around to make way. "what." Holo couldn't help screaming when she saw the person who appeared around the corner. Lawrence almost cried out too. The person who appeared around the corner was Yele.

"When I heard the appearance described in the report, I thought it might be you. But I didn't expect it to be you, Lawrence.] It is different from the residents who live and work in peace under the protection of the city wall, and it is also different from walking around covered in wind, sand and sweat. A traveling businessman, Ye Le's body was colored with the colors of the earth and the sun, and he walked to the front with a sad expression on his face. "I was taken aback. When it comes to the smell of metal, you can only think of sickles and hoes in the village of Paslow. How dare you plan such an arrogant silver coin transaction."

"Very few villagers understand this deal." Ye Le spoke as if he was not a villager, but after seeing the clothes he was wearing, he could understand why he reacted like this.Just by looking at the color and material of the clothes, one can understand how deep his relationship with the Medio firm is. He was dressed in clothes that villagers living a simple rural life could not afford. [Let's find a chance to talk about this later, we don't have time. " "You are too indifferent, Yele. I rarely go to the village, and I haven't been able to see you.] "In contrast, have you seen someone else?"

Ye Le shifted his gaze to Holo behind Lawrence, and continued, "Although I can't quite believe it, this is too similar to the one described in the legend, like living in the wheat field of the village for a long time. The incarnation of the wolf who freely controls the harvest." Although he knew that Holo flinched slightly, Lawrence didn't look back. "Give that guy to us! We're going to give that guy to the church and bid farewell to the old era." Yele took a step forward and said, "Lawrence. As long as you have that guy, you can bring down the Miron Company. If In addition, if the tariff is abolished, the wheat in our village can create great benefits. This is the same for the merchants who trade wheat with our village. There is nothing more profitable than a product that is not taxed, right? "

Holo grabbed Lawrence's clothes as Yeller advanced two paces away.Even though Lawrence couldn't even stand on his feet, he could feel her hands trembling. "Lawrence, all the villagers are still grateful to you for your willingness to buy the wheat that was unpopular in our village due to heavy taxes. It is not difficult at all to give you the priority to buy wheat. Besides, As far as our friendship is concerned, there is no problem. I said Lawrence, since you are a businessman, you should know how to calculate profit and loss, right?" Ye Le's words slowly seeped into Lawrence's mind bit by bit.Wheat that does not have to pay tariffs is like gold growing on the ears of wheat. As long as you accept Yele's deal, I believe that the wealth will continue to multiply.

When the funds are sufficient, he may be able to open his own store in Pazio. In this way, he must be able to use the priority right to trade wheat with Paslow Village as a weapon to expand his business step by step. Yele's words bring infinite dreams. "Of course I know how to calculate profit and loss." "Oh, Lawrence.] Yeller's expression brightened, and he opened his hands. Holo tightened her grip on the clothes. Lawrence turned his head back with the remaining strength, and Holo also looked up at Lawrence. Holo's amber eyes gazed at Lawrence sadly, then dropped them.

Lawrence slowly turned his body forward. [However, abiding by the contract is the first condition for being a good businessman. ] "Lawrence?" Ye Le questioned Lawrence in a suspicious tone, and Lawrence continued: "The strange girl I picked up for some inexplicable reason wants to go back to the north. I made a contract with her to travel together. Ye Le, ask me to violate Contract, I can't do it." "You...] Hearing Holo's surprised voice, Lawrence stared straight at Yele. Ye Le shook his head in an incomprehensible manner, and sighed deeply.He looked up and said, "Then, I can only execute my contract."

Ye Leshao raised his right hand slightly, and the subordinates of the Medio firm who were silently watching the conversation.Take a fighting stance. "Lawrence, our friendship was short-lived." "Traveling merchants are always bound to be separated." "It doesn't matter if you kill the boy, but the girl has to be captured alive!" After Ye Le finished speaking in a nonchalant tone, the men of the Medio firm immediately approached. Lawrence's right hand firmly grasped the silver dagger, and managed to move his feet that seemed to be attached to the ground forward. As long as they can buy some more time, maybe people from Myron Trading Company will come here to rescue them.Lawrence waved his short sword in embarrassment while holding such hope. At this moment, Holo wrapped her slender arms around Lawrence's body. "Uh, Holo, what are you doing?" Holo's slender arms hugged Lawrence tightly, forcefully pulling Lawrence's body down. Although Lawrence wondered where Holo got so much strength, he thought it must be because his body had completely lost the strength to resist. In fact, Holo didn't seem to be able to fully support the weight of Lawrence's body, so Lauren almost fell off his ass. The impact of falling to the ground sent the dagger flying out of Lawrence's hand. Lawrence hurriedly tried to stand up and retrieve the dagger, but he couldn't stand up. He didn't even have the strength to support the outstretched arm.Lie down on the ground with the body forward. "Holo... pick up the dagger." "Enough is enough." "Holo?" Holo ignored Lawrence, who dropped her hands forward and lay down on the floor.On Lawrence's left arm, which could not move. "It may hurt a little, bear with it." [Do...] Holo untied Lawrence's left arm before he could finish speaking.He put his nose close to the exposed wound and took a sniff. Lawrence remembered.He remembered the conversation he had had when he first met Holo.That's when he asked Holo to transform.To prove to him that Holo is a real wolf. At that time, Holo answered him very naturally: The things needed to change back to the original form could be: the things needed to change back to the original form could be some wheat - or it could be blood. "What are you waiting for! Hurry up and grab it!" Ye Le's voice sounded, and the men of the Medio firm, who had stopped because of Holo's weird behavior, came back to their senses, raised their weapons and approached. After this, Holo closed her eyes.Immediately, the two fangs under the lips were exposed, piercing towards Lawrence's wound. "I-I'm sucking blood!" There were shouts. Holo opened her eyes slightly at the sound, and she glanced at Lawrence. Seeing Holo's sad smile, Lawrence knew what kind of expression he was showing. Blood-sucking is something only demons and monsters do. "Don't back down! She's just a girl possessed by the evil dawn! Catch her!" Yele's yelling couldn't compel the men to move forward. Holo slowly released her mouth from Lawrence's arm, as her body began to change. "We will..." Holo's long hair swished into hair that was obviously not human.An arm protruding from a torn cuff.It also gradually becomes the forefoot of the animal. [Always remember that you chose us in the end. " Holo licked the blood dripping from the corner of her mouth with her fiery tongue instead of her hands.That vision remained vivid in Lawrence's mind. "You." Holo stood up and faced Lawrence, still with a sad smile on her face.Finally she said softly, "Don't look any further." Holo's body swelled up in the next moment, and with the sound of the fabric being torn, brown hair gushed out from under the fabric as if it exploded.A leather bag full of wheat fell among the broken cloth. Thinking of Herotho sleeping in the wheat, Lawrence almost reflexively reached for the leather bag, and when he raised his head, a huge wolf appeared in front of him. The huge brown wolf that suddenly appeared, shook its head left and right as if waking up from a deep sleep, and stepped on the ground with its front feet several times to check the condition of its body. There are sickle-like claws on the soles of the wolf's feet; huge teeth are exposed, so big that the shape of each tooth can be clearly seen; the mouth is so big that it can easily swallow humans in one bite. The weight of the wolf's body made the surrounding air heavy.The heat that emanates seems to melt as soon as it gets close.However, the wolf's eyes are extremely calm and clear, unable to escape. As long as human beings think so. "Wow, wow ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!" Just after someone yelled, almost everyone at the scene dropped their weapons and fled.Two people should be because of excessive panic.So much so that he threw his weapon at the wolf. The huge wolf nimbly grabbed the weapon thrown at it with its mouth, easily smashing the iron weapon into pieces. This is God. In northern countries, things that humans cannot handle are described as gods. In the past, Lawrence didn't understand why he described it like this, but now he couldn't understand it better. There is no way to deal with it, this kind of wolf really can't deal with it. "Woo!" "Oh!" The two who threw their weapons made such a short sound that one even suspected that it was not a sound at all. The two were swept away by the wolf's huge front legs and crashed into the wall.That sound is like the cry of a frog when it is crushed. Then the wolf ran out as if sliding on the ground. "Wait, don't think you can get out alive." A rough and low voice sounded, followed by the sound of claws colliding with metal.and a sudden wail.Lawrence braced himself desperately and chased after him. However, the tragedy was over in an instant. As soon as the wolf stopped moving, the voice of what must have been the last man came, "God, God is always like this. Always... always so unreasonable.] That was Yele's voice. no answer.In its place was the sound of a huge mouth opening.Lawrence couldn't help yelling: "Holo, stop!] There was a clang, probably the sound of closing the huge mouth. Lawrence couldn't help but see the image of Yele's upper body being eaten. It is impossible to think that Ye Le can escape, which is the same as the reason why a bird targeted by hounds can never fly into the sky. However, after a moment of silence, Holo easily turned around in the narrow passage, her mouth not stained with blood. However, the exhausted Yele hooked on her teeth and passed out, "Holo..." Lawrence called Holo's name and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.Holo dropped Yeller to the ground, but her eyes didn't move to Lawrence. She said briefly, "Bring the wheat." Hearing the deep voice that matched his huge body, Lawrence was startled, and immediately shrank back. Even knowing it was Holo, Lawrence just couldn't handle it.Lawrence didn't dare to assert that he would be able to maintain his sanity if Holo took a look at him like this. After all, this wolf is too awesome. "Bring the wheat." Hearing the same words again, Lawrence nodded subconsciously, intending to hand out the leather bag in his hand. At this moment, Lawrence suddenly thought of something, and an ominous premonition came to him. "What are you going to do with the wheat?" Hearing Lawrence's inquiry, Holo was silent for a while, and suddenly stepped forward. At that moment, Lawrence felt a heavy pressure towards him, and couldn't help moving away. When Lawrence saw Holo's mouth full of teeth twisted a little, he realized that his actions were completely wrong. "That's the answer, bring me the wheat." Although Lawrence understood that Holo was going to take the wheat and leave, Holo's words seemed to have a powerful force, making him stretch out his arms involuntarily. However, Lawrence's body no longer had the strength to support his arms and hold the small leather bag. The leather bag fell from Lawrence's arm that was stopped in mid-air, and the arm also fell to the ground suddenly. Lawrence didn't even have the strength to pick up the leather bag. He stared at the leather bag with despairing eyes. "You've taken care of me." Holo approached as she said this, deftly picking up the leather pouch that fell from Lawrence's hand with her huge mouth. The amber eyes didn't look at Lawrence until the end, Holo took two or three steps back, then turned around skillfully again, planning to leave. Holo had white hair on the front, and her proud tail came into Lawrence's eyes.The neat hair hangs down sadly, dangling back and forth and gradually receding. Lawrence suddenly yelled.Maybe his voice didn't sound like a shout, but he had given up all he could. "Wait, wait a minute!" Still, Holo didn't stop. Lawrence hated himself for reflexively moving away when Holo stepped forward.Holo has said it many times, that she hates the look of fear in other people's eyes when they see her. However, Lawrence's body reflexively feared Holo.He was completely unable to cope with humans, and Holo, who was obviously a different kind of creature, shivered in fear. Still, Lawrence was unwilling to give up.Still, Lawrence wanted to keep Holo "Holo!" He shouted in a hoarse voice. Lawrence thought "It's useless?" But Holo stopped at that point. Only now.He could only find a way to make Holo change his mind now, otherwise he would never see Holo again. But what should I say?Many words flashed and disappeared in Lawrence's mind. It is not convincing at all to say that he is not afraid of Holo. Lawrence still looks afraid of Holo.Still, Lawrence wanted to keep Holo, and he couldn't find the words to express his conflicted feelings. However, Lawrence was still thinking desperately. From the poor vocabulary that Holo ridiculed, he desperately pieced together words that could retain Holo. "How much do you think... for your torn clothes?" These are the words that Lawrence finally pieced together. "I don't care if you're a god or anything...you have to compensate me, the seventy silver coins you earned are not enough." Lawrence tried his best to show anger, no, half of him said these words out of anger. Lawrence felt that even if he asked Holo not to leave, he would never be able to keep her. Therefore, Lawrence thought that even if he was afraid of Holo's appearance, this was the only reason why he wanted Holo to stay. . The businessman's hatred for money is deeper than the valley, and the businessman will pursue debts more closely than the bright moon floating in the night sky. In order to convey this awareness, Lawrence yelled in a hateful tone, Lawrence was not trying to prevent Holo from leaving before his eyes, but telling Holo that it would be useless even if she left. "How many years do you think it took me to save my savings...to buy all those clothes? I will chase after all... all the way to the northern forest!] Lawrence shouted, his voice was weak in the underground tunnel resounds until it disappears. Holo had just stood there quietly, when suddenly her huge tail flicked. Will Holo turn around? Lawrence had exhausted all his strength, and his unsupported body collapsed, but the almost anxious sense of anticipation made him so nervous that he could hardly breathe. However, Holo started walking again. Da.Da, Holo made small footsteps and walked forward. Lawrence found his vision blurred. I am not crying.In the consciousness of gradually falling into the bottomless abyss.Lawrence could only try to think so. end of act six
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