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Chapter 9 Act V - 2

Wolf and Spice I 支仓冻砂 7265Words 2018-03-12
The problem is the number of people watching Holo.The other party also knew that if they arranged too many people, they would be spotted by Miron Trading Co., but they felt unreliable if the number was too small.All Lawrence could do was pray that they would arrange numbers with Holo hiding first. If there are too many people watching, there will be a fight. The people who start the assault may not have blindfolds and ropes, but sharp knives and blunt weapons. In this way, an already complex problem becomes even more complicated.Lawrence hopes to avoid such a thing from happening as much as possible.

Lawrence thought about these questions, and he didn't know how long he waited.Although he remained calm at first, unconsciously, there was a sound of water at his feet because of the trembling of his body.This seemed to express the great anxiety in Lawrence's heart. He tried desperately to stop the trembling of his feet, but it was in vain. Lawrence tried to squat down and get up several times, but his heartbeat continued to speed up. He looked up and wondered why the door hadn't been opened yet. Lawrence's spine froze suddenly. He thought to himself that he must have gone to the wrong place.

[How is this possible. " It made his uneasiness even more high and uncontrollable. Just when Lawrence was about to confirm whether he was at the end of a dead end, he heard someone say "Hey." The voice of Zhu came from directly above, and then the sound of cracking the floor was heard.Then there was another "La Hey", so Lawrence replied [Numa]. The moment the door opened, the voice of answering [Pirion] was transmitted to Lawrence's ears along with the light. "Holo!" Seeing Holo's face, Lawrence cried out unconsciously. However, Holo raised her face as if she didn't hear Lawrence's call, and spoke to the people beside her.Then he looked down from the hole again, and said curtly to Lawrence: "If you don't get out of the way, how do we go down?"] If Holo spoke in the same manner as she used to, it seemed that there was nothing wrong, but Laurence After listening to Holo's words, Lawrence realized that he was expecting to see Holo's happy face and hear her excited tone. Lawrence stepped aside according to Holo's words, and waited for Holo to come down. However, at this moment, Laurence Instead of the joy of seeing Holo, what Si felt in his heart was the disappointment of not being able to hear her excited voice.

Of course, Lawrence knew that this was entirely his wishful thinking, so he couldn't say anything.However, watching Holo reach out.Accepting the burden passed down from above, he looked as if he didn't care about himself at all, which made Lawrence even more dissatisfied and difficult to vent. "Why are you in a daze? Here, it's your part. Quickly pick it up and go inside. " "What...uh, oh." After Lawrence hugged the bundle that was forced into his arms, Holo pushed him into the depths of the aisle. The bundle in his arms made a rattling sound. some treasures.Another person came down from the hole immediately after, and the door was closed immediately.The underground passage fell into darkness again, and this was also a signal to start.Lawrence strode forward without being able to speak to Holo.

The next route is to go to the end and turn right, hold on to the wall on the left and go forward to the end.Then climb out of the ground and sit on the waiting carriage, and then enter another underground passage. Everyone walked silently through the underground passage, and finally came to the end of the road. Lawrence climbed up the pre-set ladder as instructed, and then knocked on the ceiling three times. If something went wrong with the carriage and it wasn't here, it had to choose another way: before Lawrence could think about it, a hole appeared in the ceiling, and the carriage was in sight.

After confirming his identity with the passwords of "Lyon" and "Numa", Lawrence climbed into the compartment. "Things seem to be going well—" The man from the firm said while sitting in the carriage, pulling Holo up.Although he knew that Holo was the incarnation of a wolf, the exposed wolf ears seemed to startle him. "There are always surprises in business." However, the person in the business said with a smile, and quickly pushed back the stone slab to cover the hole with his hands and feet. "There's another person down there." "It's okay, he has to pack up the ladder first and then climb out of the ground from other places. He will tell the other companions about Medio before leaving the city."

Their astonishing work efficiency must be based on the careful and careful countermeasures they have been constantly formulating.The people from the trading firm covered the carriage floor, said "Well, I wish you success", and then got out of the carriage with the burden brought by Lawrence and Holo. The carriage began to move forward following the signal from the driver. , everything seems to be going according to plan. Except for Holo's reaction in front of her. "Great, you're fine." Lawrence managed to say this without stuttering.However, this is his limit.He couldn't say anything to Holo, who spread the cloth around his neck and put it on his head like a hood, and sat in the opposite seat.

Lawrence heard Holo's answer after Holo put the hood back on with displeasure, and nervously adjusted the position of the hood, "It's good that nothing happened?" Lawrence was about to answer "Yes," but swallowed the words again.Because Holo was glaring at him from under her hood with a gnashing of teeth. Is she not safe? "Let's see our names!] However, Holo would say that, which means that things are not what Lawrence feared. However, Holo's courage made Lawrence nearly twice as tall as her Feeling cringe, Lawrence couldn't figure out the situation, but he could only answer according to the answer he thought of: "Holo...well."

"We are Holo the Wise Wolf." At this moment, Lawrence seemed to hear Holo's wolf growl from the depths of his throat.However, he didn't understand the reason for Holo's anger. If Holo asked him to apologize, he would do it many times. After all, Holo had been captured for him. Or did Holo suffer some unspeakable treatment? "We have lived until now, as long as it is someone who makes us feel ashamed, we can name that person. A new name must be added to these names, and that is Ru!" Sure enough, Holo encountered that kind of treatment.Although Lawrence thought so in his heart, Holo's angry look was different from the reactions he had seen in the villages of girls who were attacked by thugs or bandits in the past. Moreover, if he accidentally said the wrong thing at this time, I'm afraid It just adds fuel to the fire and makes Holo angrier.

Therefore, the time of silence continued to lengthen, not long after.Perhaps Holo was annoyed by Lawrence's silent attitude. She stood up from her seat and approached Lawrence. The trembling fist lost its color because it was clenched too tightly. Lawrence had nowhere to go, and Holo stood right in front of him. Perhaps because the faces were at the same height, Holo's gaze pierced Lawrence's eyes in an unprecedented straight line.Holo let go of her small fist and grabbed Lawrence's chest.Holo's strength was as weak as her appearance, but Lawrence didn't push Holo away.

Such long eyelashes: Somewhere in Lawrence's mind, this idea couldn't help reappearing. "Did we tell you that we want you to save us?" Lawrence nodded immediately. "We...we thought it must be you who came to save us...uh...just thinking about it makes us feel hateful!" Lawrence suddenly felt as if he had woken up from a dream. "If you are a male, you should grit your teeth and go to the battlefield bravely! It is because of you that you hide in that kind of black hole, because you made us feel ashamed——" "Aren't you safe and sound?" said Lawrence, not letting Holo finish.As a result, Holo twisted her mouth in extreme displeasure, and ignored Lawrence. After that, Holo hesitated for a while, then nodded painfully as if drinking bitter water. Maybe Holo was blindfolded: maybe she thought it was Lawrence who came in to save her from Myron and Co., and said something.It's just that Holo said angrily that she was humiliated, so she must have said something like that. Lawrence was simply happy about it.Because he knew that if he was the one who went, Holo would definitely show his expectant expression. Lawrence slowly grabbed Holo's slender arm that was gripping his chest, increasing the strength a little. Although Holo resisted awkwardly, she relaxed all of a sudden.It can be clearly seen from the outside of the scarf that the straight pair of wolf ears are gradually drooping. Holo's originally distorted expression due to anger gradually turned into an awkward expression. Even if you travel all over the world and accumulate more savings, there is something that you can't get. "It's good to see you're alright." Hearing what Lawrence said, Holo, who had widened her eyes angrily a few seconds ago, slowly lowered her eyelids and nodded slightly.It's just that she still pouted slightly. "As long as you carry this wheat with you, we will not die." Holo didn't push Lawrence's hand away, she put her finger on Lawrence's breast pocket and said so. "For girls, even if they don't die, they still have the same pain and torture." Lawrence took Holo's hand, and Holo slowly moved closer, resting her chin on Lawrence's shoulder.Lawrence felt that Holo's light body was heavier than the heavy sack full of wheat. After that, Holo whispered mischievously, "Heh. After all, we're so cute, human males would fall for us too. But hey, there aren't any males among humans who are qualified to be our targets." Holo moved away from Lawrence, already with the malicious smile that so often hung on her face. "If someone dares to touch us, we just need to warn him to "be careful of your life", and anyone will turn pale with fright.Hehehe. " Holo smiled, two fangs showing from under her peach-colored lips.Everyone would be terrified when Holo said that. "However, there are exceptions." The smile on Holo's face suddenly disappeared and she became expressionless.Lawrence seemed to sense that this was a different kind of anger than before.Is a quiet anger. "Guess who among those who caught us?" Holo's expression at this moment can only be described as hateful.The angry expression accentuated the fangs that poked out from under her lips.Lawrence unconsciously released Holo's slender wrist and said, "Who is there?" Who is the character who can make Holo so angry?Did she see someone she knew before? Just when Lawrence guessed like this, Holo wrinkled her nose and said, "You know Yele Ru?" "How……" Lawrence didn't finish the whole "how is that possible" sentence.Because at that moment.Another thing popped into Lawrence's mind. "I understand! It turns out that the person behind the Medio firm is Earl Arondo!" Holo was ready to vent her anger wantonly, but when Lawrence called out so loudly, she could only widen her eyes in surprise. "If it is a large wheat producing area, you can ask the other party to pay in their preferred silver coins during the transaction. Also, if various customs duties related to wheat can be revoked, no matter for the Guideo Trading Company, the Earl, or all the villagers, It’s all a great favor. That’s right! This way, I can understand why some people know you are a wolf!” Holo looked at Lawrence with a puzzled look on her face, but Lawrence didn't care about her reaction, and threw himself towards the window of the driver's seat.After the small wooden window was opened, one of the grooms put on a gesture of listening. "Did you hear what you just said?" "Yes, I heard it." "The person behind the Medeo firm is Earl Allondo. Please inform Mr. Mahot. Earl-level merchants who trade in wheat are the window for collecting large amounts of silver coins." "I will handle it." After one of the grooms finished speaking, he immediately jumped out of the carriage and ran away. Presumably, the fast horse to negotiate with Trinity City has already set off. If the negotiation time will be prolonged, it can be proposed as an additional condition.If you know where the Medeo Company plans to recover the silver coins, I believe that relying on the name and financial resources of the Miron Company, it is not impossible to snatch the deal from it. If this matter is discovered earlier, maybe Holo to avoid the fate of being captured.In this case, the transaction will go more smoothly. Thinking about it like this makes me regret it, but it's no use regretting it now.Now that it can be found, it is considered good news. […Can't understand. " While Lawrence sat back in the chair, crossing his hands over his chest and thinking about these things, Holo sat in the opposite position.Said with displeasure.At this moment, Lawrence finally remembered what he had just interrupted Holo. [This will take a moment to explain.However, the information you provided clears all doubts. " [yes? ] I believe that relying on Holo's ability, it doesn't take much time to understand it as long as you use your brain.However, she had no intention of doing so. Holo nodded disinterestedly and closed her eyes. Sure enough, interrupting the topic seemed to break her mood. However, in Lawrence's eyes, although Holo's childishness about such a trivial matter was really cute, he also warned himself not to have such superficial thoughts. This might be a trap deliberately set by Holo in order to relieve her depression of being interrupted. "Sorry to interrupt your conversation." But Lawrence apologized bluntly for this point. Holo heard what Lawrence said, although she opened her left eye to look at him.He just said "nothing" briefly. Nevertheless, Lawrence continued to speak without flinching.Holo's temperament seemed to be either childish or cunning, two extremes of temper. "It stands to reason that Yele should be locked up in the barn because of the harvest ceremony. His presence in the city means that he is involved in this transaction. That guy knows the merchants who will come to the village to trade wheat. , the village chief also entrusts him to do transactions. Also, the most frequent period for wheat transactions is after the harvest festival.” Holo closed her eyes and thought for a moment, then opened them after a while.She seemed to be in a better mood. "That guy seems to have heard our name from that young merchant, Jelian. Yele, that guy is wearing clothes that can't be worn in the village, and he looks amazing." "It seems that he has a very close relationship with the Medio firm. So, have you talked?" "Just talk a little bit." After Holo finished speaking, she sighed and let out her anger.Maybe it reminds me of the conversation with Yele.It aroused her anger again. Lawrence wondered what Yeller would say to Holo.He thought Holo did have a grudge against the villagers but since they all decided to leave the village.It shouldn't be so outrageous. While Lawrence was thinking about these things, Holo said, "We don't know how many years we've been mayor on that land, maybe as many years as our tail hairs." The tail under the coat makes a "snapping" sound. "We are the wise wolf Holo. In order to make the wheat field harvest as much as possible every year, we sometimes let the wheat field rest, so there are times when the harvest is not good. Nevertheless, we believe that under our management, the wheat fields in the village should be comparable Other lands yield larger wheat." Although Lawrence had heard the same words before, he nodded bluntly, urging Holo to continue talking. "The villagers there do regard us as the God of Harvest, but rather than being worshiped, it is more appropriate to say that we are detained by the villagers. Wouldn't the person who cuts the last bunch of wheat be hunted down? After being caught, he will be tied up with a rope stand up." "I heard that that person will be locked up in the barn for about a week together with the delicacies and the seeds for next year." "The pork and duck are really delicious." Lawrence found Holo's speech amused.It seemed, he thought, that the people locked up in the barn didn't remember eating anything.The incident that also disappeared out of thin air is true, and the prisoner is right in front of his eyes, so it makes people feel funny. The fear that followed this ambiguous rumor has changed suddenly, and it has become a big bite of pork or duck. Wolf-shaped Holo, "But nah." Holo said emphatically, and Lawrence couldn't help standing up. The main cause of the anger came from Holo's mouth: "Do you know what that Yele guy said to us? " Holo bit her lower lip and paused in her speech. She wiped the corners of her eyes with the back of her hand and said, "When that guy said he heard our name from Jaylian, he thought it might be us. We. We I thought it was worthless, but I was really happy when I heard it..." Although she said so, Holo lowered her head, tears kept rolling down her face. "However, that guy said: The time when we have to judge whether you are in a good mood or not is over. There is no need to be afraid that you will be capricious. Anyway, you are also being targeted by the church... why don't you hand it over to the church and let me Let us bid farewell to the old days!" Lawrence has long heard that Earl Allondo communicated with naturalists and successively introduced new farming methods to increase the harvest. However, it is indeed wrong to abolish gods or spirits, which, however devoutly worshiped and invoked, are merciless and useless at the critical moment, and to introduce a method by which anything can be achieved by one's own power. A rather charming affair.Moreover, if it is said that after the introduction of new farming methods or the increase in work efficiency, the harvest volume really increases, it is not an exaggeration to think that the harvest god or the elves of the earth control the harvest based on their mood. Even Lawrence believes that manipulating the God of Fortune is to play with people's fate according to their mood. However, that didn't seem to be the case for Holo in front of her. She said that the reason for staying in Passrow Village was the close relationship with the villagers a long time ago.The friend asked her to take care of the wheat fields in the village, so she stayed.Anyway, at least Holo had a heart for the wheat harvest. However, after Holo stayed in that land for hundreds of years, people around her gradually disapproved of her existence.How would Holo feel when she heard that she wanted to say goodbye to her unilaterally in the end? Tears kept welling from Holo's eyes, and her expression was mingled with regret and sadness. Holo said she hated being alone. If God forces people to worship Himself, it may be because He is too lonely. Lawrence was able to think so ignorantly that it wasn't a big deal to reach out and wipe Holo's tears away. "How we view things is up to us. Since we want to go back to the north, we have to leave there no matter what. Since no one wants to hold us back, we just kick the sand with our hind feet and leave. This way we can give up. However, We can't just leave quietly like this." Holo finally stopped crying, but she still made sniffling noises from time to time.While stroking her head, Lawrence maintained the most moderate smile and said, "I, no! We are businessmen. As long as we have money, we can do anything. If you want to laugh, wait until the money comes in. If you want to cry, wait until you go bankrupt." Cry again. When we’re done crying, we’ll still laugh.” Of course, Lawrence deliberately emphasized the word "we". Holo glanced at Lawrence for a moment, then lowered her head, tears rolled down again. Holo kept her head down and nodded before picking up her head.Lawrence wiped Holo's tears away again, and she took a deep breath.And roughly wiped away the tears seeping from the corners of his eyes with his hands. "...Well, it's much more refreshing." He Luo wiped away the remaining tears on her face with one hand.While trying to hide his embarrassment, he smiled and lightly tapped his fist on Lawrence's chest. [We haven't had a good conversation with people in hundreds of years.Emotions become very fragile.Although I cried twice in front of you this time, even if it wasn't in front of you, we would still cry.Do you know what we want to say? ] Lawrence raised his hands, shrugged and said, "Don't get me wrong." "Ok." Holo said so, but seemingly happy, she kept rolling her fists on Lawrence's chest. Lawrence felt that Holo's behavior was extremely cute, so he smiled and said: "I also accompany you for the sake of making money."It's our job to escape until Myron's deal is done.Crying and crying on the way to escape will only get in the way.So even if it wasn't you who was crying in front of me, I-] Lawrence couldn't say the next thing. That was because Holo was watching Lawrence with a hurt expression. "...You are too cunning." "Well, this is the privilege of females." Hearing Holo's nonchalant words, Lawrence nodded her head lightly. The small window connecting the driver's seat opened as if waiting for the right time for the interaction between the two to come to an end, and the groom's lips appeared in the window with a wry smile. "We've arrived at our destination, have you guys come to an end?" "Well, everything is ready." Lawrence deliberately answered in a confident tone, and started to tear apart the floor of the carriage.Holo sneered from the sidelines. "Sure enough, people who come up with opportunities to make money are different." "Do you mean these ears?" Holo said jokingly, and the groom smiled and said, "Seeing you like this now, I can't help thinking of becoming a traveling merchant again." "It's better not to." Lawrence moved away from the flagstone, went down to the underground passage to check the interior, and returned to the carriage to let Holo get down first.Only then did he say, "It will be as unlucky as me to pick up someone like that guy." "How unlucky, the carriage seat is too spacious for one person. If you are like you, then you will get your wish!" The reason why Lawrence had a wry smile on his face was because he thought that every traveling merchant felt the same way. However, Lawrence didn't say anything more, and he jumped directly into the underground tunnel because Lawrence thought Even if he spoke again, it seemed that he would only say words that made him shy, and the main reason was that Holo was in the underground tunnel. "We are so unlucky to be picked up by you." Holo said in the darkness after the groom entered the carriage and covered the stone floor with a knocking sound. There was a faint neighing sound from the other side of the slab. Lawrence listened desperately, thinking about how to change the subject smoothly: But then he felt that no matter what he said, Holo must have the upper hand in the end, so he obediently surrendered. "You It's really too cunning." "We're so cute like this!" Holo said that as if it was a matter of course.How should Lawrence respond? No!It was because he thought about how to refute that that he fell into the trap set by Holo. Thinking so, Lawrence chose the most surprising answer.He planned to shake Holo's heart first.Then laugh at her again. Lawrence coughed lightly. Then, turning her back to Holo, she whispered in a shy tone, "Uh...it's cute...that's right." Lawrence thought Holo would never have expected him to answer like that. Lawrence tried his best not to laugh in the dark, but Holo kept silent as he expected. This is the time to give the final blow. The moment Lawrence was about to turn to face Holo, a soft touch slipped into his hand. Lawrence's mind went blank for a moment, and it wasn't until the next moment that he realized that the touch was Holo's slender hand. "...We are so happy." How could Lawrence not be shaken when he heard some shy and coquettish words in a girlish tone?Not only that, but Holo tightened her grip on Lawrence's hand, which was her reaction to being shy about speaking. Therefore, it was Holo who gave the final blow to the happy, "You are such a cute boy." Hearing Holo speak as if she couldn't stand Lawrence made Lawrence even more angry.He wasn't mad at Holo for saying that, but at himself for giving Holo the chance to say it. However, he didn't intend to push Holo's hand away, which made Lawrence feel a little worthless, and Holo didn't intend to let go, which made him happy. Even so, Lawrence still said to himself, "That's too cunning." The underground passage was silent. Holo's sniggering sounded in the underground tunnel. end of act five
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