Home Categories Internet fantasy Kyushu · Qiulin Arrow

Chapter 3 Bo Shang Deng · 2

Kyushu · Qiulin Arrow 斩鞍 4695Words 2018-03-12
With these two people guarding the tower, Dai Liting didn't have to worry about it this night. It was dusk, and the sky should have been a brilliant sunset, but it was raining heavily today, and there was still some light when I walked into the house. At this time, it was completely dark, and I could only see the rain shining little by little, like whips. slapping the ground.The city guards laughed wildly in the dark, and Haihu said loudly: "Okay! Let them guard the tower, let's eat crab... pimple, where is the fire?" Lan Ziyong went to the door to look around, and said softly, "Wait a little longer."

Haihu was stunned for a moment, and then he understood.It turned out that the lighthouse was invisible from the barracks, but when the lamp was lit, it took about half a meal to burn vigorously, and the entire sky in Yanzibo could be lit up.Haihu wanted to say that Lan Ziyong was more worried than Dai Liting, but he didn't say it out for some reason.He had never seen such rain since he arrived at Yanzi Bo. Lan Ziyong is a very special existence in Yanzibo.Everyone knows that his secret technique is actually very pitiful, but there is an indescribable aura about him, which makes people irresistible to his unreasonable intuition like those beasts. Zi Yong's face.

It was so dark that Haihu couldn't see Lan Ziyong's expression, but his heart was beating a bit, and the soldiers were silent, looking up to Boshang.In the confused rainy night, Yan Zibo was an incomparably huge black shadow, swallowing everyone's sight, even the sky on the top of Bo did not leak. "Bo" is the unique topography of the Huaishui estuary. This section of the coast in Wanzhou is rugged and rough like a jagged.The mouth of the Huaishui River is about fifty miles wide, with mountains on both sides.Huangyang Ridge in the north and Nanmu Mountain in the south extend all the way to the sea.The short section of tongue where the mountains go deep into the sea is called Bo.The water out of Bo is quite high, a slender and long strip, and the place close to the land and the mountain is particularly eroded by the waves, as if the mouth of a sack was suddenly closed.

Swallow Bo is a tongue protruding from Nanmu Mountain, and it got its name because a large group of white sea swallows lived on Bo.Yanzibo is only twelve or thirteen miles away from the mouth of Huaishui River.The bad water river is deep, and the Yanshan Ferry outside Qingshi City can park large ships, and Qingshi is on the throat of China-Wanwan traffic. Although water transportation is not prosperous, it has a long history.If it weren't for the complicated water conditions at the mouth of the Badwater River, Yanshan Ferry would probably have been renamed Yanshan Port early in the morning.

Originally, it was up to the boss of the ship to go to the mouth of the Badwater River. If he could walk the channel of the Badhui River, there was no place he couldn't go in the three seas—until the lighthouse at Damengzui was built.The legend of the lighthouse was repaired by a shipwrecked ship owner many years ago. The location was chosen very cleverly: as long as the ship coming from the south drives towards the lighthouse, it will not hit the rocks. We went to the main channel at the mouth of Badwater River. When the lighthouse was first built, it was not what it is now. It was just a bonfire surrounded by a few stones.After the death of the boat boss, the fishermen in Damengzui took care of him one after another. Sometimes they lit up the lamps, and sometimes they disappeared.It's worse than nothing at all, and no one knows when the lights will come on except the people with the big guns.I don't know how long it has been like this, and finally one day, someone from Qingshi City came to take over the lighthouse.The merchants wanted to make the sea transportation from Huai'an to Qingshi serious, and they were quite willing to invest in it. So Yanzi Boshang erected a five-foot-seven-foot white stone pagoda, and built two huts for tower keepers under the pagoda.Guarding the tower was lonely, and Yan Zibo was really remote, the people hired by the chamber of commerce fled one after another, and when Xiao Qianxia became the city lord, he simply sent soldiers.However, the north has been turbulent in recent years, the land route from Qingshi to Zhongzhou is sometimes closed, and the boats simply go all the way to Yunmoquanming, and it is rare to see boats that break the water.The city guards guarding the blog were joking, the city lord Xiao probably forgot about the big Yanzi Bo, why else would he send someone to guard a useless lighthouse?

There are iron-clad camps and flowing soldiers, and the city guards who have lived in the three thatched huts in Boxia for who knows how many rounds. The history of Yanzibo is the first lesson for every city guard after their arrival.The story was passed down from generation to generation, and Dai Liting didn't know how much water was mixed into his mouth. "Is that what happened at the time of the old bull?" Haihu asked when he heard the story. Dai Liting scratched his head: "When the old boss came, the barracks under Bo had been built for a long time." The terrain on Bo was long and narrow, and there was a strong wind blowing all night, so that people could hear whistles in their ears.Bo itself is slightly curved, and there is a good sandy beach at the foot of the cliff to the south, and the wind is also blocked by the towering cliff.The city guards finally built the barracks close to the cliff to the beach, not to mention shelter from the wind, and they can also grow some vegetables and fruits to raise some chickens and ducks.With such a strong wind, even the grass could not grow a foot long.

The current lighthouse is not as casually dealt with by the ship's boss as he burned two wildfires: the fine whale blubber is placed in a copper basin; It is twisted with the stems of sea anemones produced in the town, and it burns slowly, but when the stems are lit into charcoal, it emits a pure white dazzling light, which can be seen from seven or eight miles away in foggy days.If it's sunny, even the entire Yanzibo will be covered with white light. Today's rain is heavy and the clouds are deep, but the lights are enough, at least it can illuminate the cloud above the head. "It's bright, it's bright!" Gu Shengrong pointed at the blog and shouted.Sure enough, the sky above Bo was getting brighter. Under the light of the lighthouse, the tumbling clouds could clearly see the surging veins. The gray raindrops fell from the sky, like feather arrows.

Haihu breathed a sigh of relief: "Let me tell you! There will be no problem. Pimples will scare people." He glanced at the dark room and shouted, "Light up the lights! It's so dark that I can't see anything..." Before he could finish speaking, the room suddenly became brighter. Lan Ziyong walked into the kitchen with the dancing flames in his hands, the hood of his cloak drooped to one side, and his ferocious face looked warm and docile in the firelight.The city guards watched him calmly slip into the kitchen, dumbfounded and speechless.It took a long time for Haihu to smack his lips: "The trick of Geda is so beautiful, I can't get tired of watching it so many times."

Sha Wanqing smiled and said, "I don't get tired of talking about it so many times, do you have any fresh ones?" Rolling up her sleeves, she also walked towards the kitchen. There are many famous seafood restaurants in Huai'an City, each of which has its own famous dishes, and the cooking methods are naturally secret.But to be honest, where does fresh seafood need any complicated cooking?Wash the fish and crabs that have just come out of the water, throw them into a large pot of boiling water, whether steamed or boiled, as long as the heat is properly controlled, it will be supremely delicious.

Boiling crabs has always been Sha Wanqing's job.He usually doesn't even bother to wash his face when he gets up, but he is most willing to work hard on fishing and boiling crabs.When he first bought that sampan, in order to learn the cooking skills of fishermen, Sha Wanqing was able to walk several miles every day for a month to Damengzui to seek apprenticeship from fishermen. At this time, there was a huge grass basket on the table, bright red and bright, full of good blue crabs, and white lumps of jelly under the abdomen, neither scattered nor broken nor overflowing, it was just right, it was Sha Wanqing's handicraft.

The oil lamps in the house were lit.Yanzibo's whale blubber was brought in by Qingshi's soldiers, and it could only be used for the lighthouse. The city guards had to use their own pay to ask the soldiers to buy some soybean oil for cooking and lighting.Over the years, I have never heard of anyone who dared to steal whale blubber.The lamps in the barracks are only for lighting, but the lamps on the board involve human life.Although there have been few boats these years, who knows when a boat will emerge from the sea fog? Soybean oil lamps smoke heavily and are dimly lit.Haihu complained to Gu Shengrong: "You are so poor, you have to save one wick." Gu Shengrong scoffed disdainfully, and responded: "What do you know? We only have half a tank of soybean oil left. This time the soldiers were half a month late, and I don't know if they will come. If Qingshi City My gentlemen have forgotten us, and will not even see this wick at night." "It's always coming." Dai Liting sighed, it is common for Qingshi City to delay the city guards' pay, but this time it looks a little strange, "But Xiao Gu is right, let's save as much as we can. Seeing that the rainy season is coming, it is difficult for the soldiers to leave, and it may be really delayed." "That's right..." Gu Shengrong said in a prolonged voice, "If you don't send off the good sunny days, it's raining now, so isn't it just more delay?" "But, but," the sea tiger's egg-sized eyeballs rolled around, "you say, why did it take so long this time? Is there really a war?" When the soldiers came last time, they said that there might be a war, and three of the six armies left Qingshi City to go north.But that soldier is a fool, and he will not know anything if he asks more questions.It was Zong Jiwu who asked left and right to find out a general idea. It turned out that Xie Wang Jiye from Jiuyuan City sent a letter to the Huai'an Chamber of Commerce, borrowing the name of Tianqi to take care of Wanzhou.King Xie had a big heart, and without waiting for Huai'an's reply, he sent a team of envoys to make a long list of rent and tax.The merchants were making noise at first, but when they saw the list, they immediately exploded.Not to mention money and food, King Xie also wanted ten Dings from Wanzhou to go to the Xie army to serve in the army.This important person is really troublesome. The heart of King Xie is well known in the world. Serving him as a soldier is naturally a battle against the Eastern Land, and his life is on the knife head; The state is different. It is actually under the jurisdiction of the Chamber of Commerce. There has never been such a thing as slave labor. Wanzhou's wealth is mainly due to the freedom of commerce, industry, agriculture and fishery. If the population is forced to be recruited, it will shake the foundation of Wanzhou.Originally, the state of Xie was not even 20% as large as Wanzhou. Every year, King Xie sent tens of thousands of money, food, and laborers. This was tantamount to annexing Wanzhou. How could the chamber of commerce agree?In this way, King Xie must send troops to the south.Qingshi City is the gateway of Wanzhou. King Xie went south, and the battle of Qingshi was inevitable. It is because of the special geography that the Chamber of Commerce is not in full control of Qingshi City. The Xiao family is the hereditary city lord and has private soldiers. It is the only military town in Wanzhou.It's just that Xie country is a wild and wild land, and Xie's army is unmatched. They crossed Leiyan Mountain and defeated the real and merchant countries in one year. They claimed to have 200,000 soldiers from all over the world.Although Xiao Qianxia claims to be a Southwest Bingjia, how can she withstand the murderous Xie army? "It's really a shitty talk!" Gu Shengrong scolded Haihu, "It's been hundreds of years, who would dare to take Wanzhou's idea?" "It's been hundreds of years, and there is no such troubled world!" Dai Liting shook his head, "King Xie can ignore Tianqi's annexation of Zhenshang, so why can't he take Wanzhou's idea?" The truth couldn't be simpler, but Wanzhou has been peaceful for hundreds of years, and has always relied on wealth and conflicts between princes to stay out of war. It is too difficult for Wanzhou people to suddenly accept war.Thinking of the situation of the war, the faces of the city guards all sank. "War in Qingshi?" Sha Wanqing came out of the stove with a cauldron in hand, "Who will give us food and wages in the battle of Qingshi?" "If there is a war in Qingshi, what do you expect to pay?! Worry about your head first." Dai Liting said angrily, "Stop guessing, peel the crab and peel the crab!" "Qingshi can still fight Yanzi Bolai?" Sha Wanqing muttered unconvinced, and his men didn't stop, and picked up a big crab. The eyes of the city guards were brighter than the lights, and they sat around the big table holding their breath, staring at Sha Wanqing peeling the crab. With a soft "click", the fat blue crab was broken into two pieces by Sha Wanqing. He squinted his eyes and held the crab under the oil lamp to look carefully for a while. The intoxicating crab fragrance flowed from the white and slippery crab meat, attracting Everyone's stomach growled.Sha Wanqing sighed, and said with a little regret: "The fire is still a little bigger." "Can I eat it?" Haihu couldn't hold back anymore. "It's okay to eat..." Sha Wanqing only said half a sentence, and before he could continue to express his opinion, he saw hands reaching into the straw basket in front of him.He froze for a moment, shook his head, and without further ado, brought the crab shell overflowing with red paste to his mouth. After eating the sixth crab, Haihu's speed finally slowed down.He picked up a pebble and started working on the dozen or so crab claws stacked in front of him.At first he felt that the crab paste and crab belly were enjoyable. After eating this time, he felt that the crab claws were more delicate. "Pfft", the crab claws that were half the size of a fist shattered in response, Haihu burped in satisfaction, raised his glass and took a sip of the bad wine brewed by the city guards themselves.He squinted at Dai Liting next to him, and the deputy city guard stared at the blue crab, seeming a little dazed. "Boss," Haihu laughed, "Are you full?" The room suddenly became quieter, and the city guards who were busy dealing with the blue crab stopped and looked at Dai Liting with a smirk.Dai Liting has a poor stomach and is greedy, often eating seafood until he has diarrhea. Dai Liting sighed, looked around, and said, "Are you all full?" Without waiting for everyone to answer, he said, "Well, not all of them are full." Haihu turned his eyeballs, and suddenly lost his color.Dai Liting has no official airs and is easy to get along with. He likes a bowl of water to be flat when doing things, and he is trusted by the city guards.Speaking like this now, I probably think of the two on the blog. Sure enough, Dai Liting carefully weighed the half crab in his hand, and said leisurely, "Who should it go to?" It is an unwritten rule of Yan Zi Bo that when killing chickens, fishing and meat, he always gives a crab to the tower guard. This job of delivering food is rotated by the guards who are not on the tower. Recently, they have gone to sea a lot, and the food delivery business is also booming. Everyone is eating happily, but suddenly they start to figure out whose turn it is to deliver the food, obviously they are all at a loss.After a while, Gu Shengrong raised a hand hesitantly at the table, and said with a bitter face: "Boss, it's raining so hard!" Everyone knows that this guy is timid, and delivering food at night is something he hates to do. What's more, it's so dark outside today, wet and slippery, it's really killing him. Dai Liting said with a smile: "Listen." It turns out that cooking crabs and eating crabs is a big deal, and everyone has forgotten the time.It was almost midnight now, and although it was still raining, the sound of the rain was no longer as violent as before. Gu Shengrong looked out of the dark door with a look of fear on his face, as if he was going to spit out the blue crab he just ate. After being frozen for a moment, Dai Liting sighed: "Forget it, I'll go this time. Next time it's my turn, you go." Haihu stopped him immediately: "Brother Ting, the rules are always rules, why are you making such a mess?" He squinted at Gu Shengrong, "Xiao Gu, how can you say that you are also a seven-foot man, and you can be afraid of the dark for the rest of your life?" Gu Shengrong's face was flushed, but he didn't speak. Lan Ziyong couldn't see it, and said: "Xiaogu is afraid of the dark, and he didn't just change it just because he said it. The lieutenant is the commander. It's not good to take the lead and break the rules. I will go." Haihu stared hard at Gu Shengrong, and said in a flattering tone, "The road is slippery today!" The mountain road from the barracks to Boshang was narrow and slippery, and Lan Ziyong was a charm. Worst of all, it is very hard to climb up the mountain with food in such weather. Gu Shengrong felt bad for him, and he also understood that it would be wrong to ask Lan Ziyong to go, so he decided to bite the bullet and said: "Go and go, so much to talk about." Dai Liting smiled and said: "Who said Xiaogu is timid? He dares to walk on such a night road. Xiaogu, you can bring some wine up, it may be cold on the pagoda today." Gu Shengrong looked at Yan Zibo intertwined in the rain, but he couldn't help trembling without answering.
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