Home Categories Thriller River God·Ghost and Water Strange Talk

Chapter 16 Chapter Sixteen

Before talking about "Grave No. 209", we must first talk about "taking water pills to get treasure", because this incident is also related to the haunted house in Liangfang Hutong, and it happened in front of "Grave No. 209". It is said that there was a severe drought in 1958 The strange thing is that there was no rain in the summer, and two people were killed by digging river mud. Master Guo finished his busy work that day, and in the evening he and Ding Mao rode their bicycles to go home. There is a treasure in the haunted house in Fang Hutong, which was buried by the ancestors of the Bai family, but the walls of the two dilapidated houses are empty. When Bai Sihu was captured a few years ago, he dug three feet of the ground and searched all corners, but nothing unusual was found. Things, it seems that this matter is not enough to believe.

The speaker didn't mean it, but the listener meant it. Master Guo and Ding Mao were talking about the haunted house in Liangfang Hutong, when they suddenly noticed someone behind them. They turned their heads and saw that person was also riding a bicycle. He was a seller of Yangcun cakes. The peddler who sold Yangcun cakes followed the two of them not too far away. Seeing them turning their heads, he yelled: "Buy cakes, hot cakes, freshly made Yangcun cakes, do you want to buy cakes?" ?” After a day's work, Ding Mao was hungry and didn't have time to eat. When he heard the hawker's greeting, he stopped to buy some cakes.

Master Guo said: "It's such a hot day and there's no water. What kind of cakes do you eat? Your sister-in-law is making lo mein at home. Let's go home for dinner." Ding Mao said: "I'm so hungry that my chest sticks to my back, why don't I fill up two cakes first." Seeing the two of them stop, the peddler hurriedly took out the biscuit, wrapped it in lotus leaf paper and handed it over. Master Guo felt that something was wrong when he received it, and asked the peddler, "Didn't you say that the freshly made cakes are cold?" The peddler said: "Cold cakes are also delicious. On a hot day, how can anyone eat hot cakes?"

Yangcun cake is a unique steamed food in Yangcun, Tianjin. In the past, all the cakes sold in the city were from Yangcun, most of them were country boys. There are steamed hot dried cakes with bean filling inside, sprinkled with a few green and red silks, and cold dried cakes without fillings. No one sells cold dried cakes as hot dried cakes, but this hawker I met on the way, The accent doesn't look like that of Yangcun people, and the words are not sincere. Master Guo and Ding Mao are from the public family, with sharp eyes and sharp ears, and they found that there was something wrong with this person when they started talking, at least they were not telling the truth.

The peddler said: "Don't worry, you two. I'm used to yelling. Today's sale is cold dried cakes. I just said it's hot dried cakes." Master Guo looked up and down the peddler selling Yangcun cakes and asked him, "Are you from Yangcun?" The peddler said: "I was born and raised in Yangcun, and my ancestors were all cake sellers. You can try my handicraft, and you will remember it for a lifetime after eating one bite." Master Guo asked again: "Your surname is Du?" The peddler said, "Whether you want to buy biscuits or not, why did you check your household registration?"

Master Guo said: "Don't worry too much, the authentic descendant of Yangcun cakes is surnamed Du, and the cakes made by other families are almost meaningless, so I ask what your surname is. We two brothers are poor, and we only eat Duji Yangcun cakes. .” The peddler was relieved when he heard this, and said, "My surname is Du, and I am the authentic Duji Yangcun Cake from Du Ji, how many cakes do you two buy and go home?" Master Guo heard it, the peddler of the dried cakes was slick, and he didn't say a word of the truth. This person claimed that he was the authentic Yangcun Duji cakes. This may be able to deceive others, but it cannot be hidden from Master Guo. I have to insert an extra book to explain the origin of Yangcun cakes. According to legend, in the early Ming Dynasty, a Shaoxing man surnamed Du settled in the north and settled in Yangcun to sell steamed food. Yangcun is located by the canal. In fact, at that time, when grain was transferred from the south to the north, there were tens of thousands of peasants transported by water, and they had to rest their feet in Yangcun. Therefore, there were a lot of small restaurants and small restaurants. Most of the peasants transported by water were southerners who loved rice. Rice noodles are sprinkled with sugar and steamed into dry cakes. Over time, Yangcun cakes have been formed. When the Panama Canal was opened to navigation, a world product competition was held to exhibit and sell famous native products from all over the world. Yangcun cakes were selected to participate in the competition and won After the Japanese army occupied Pingjin, rice was the military ration, and ordinary people could only grow it but not eat it. Who would dare to eat rice? Once the Japanese devils found out, there is no second word. The bayonet was given. Yangcun cakes have always been made of rice. Flour was used as raw material, but the Japanese army refused to use rice, so they had no choice but to use cornmeal instead, which was in name only. After liberation, the traditional production method was restored, using high-quality Xiaozhan rice, soaking it in water, drying it, grinding it into flour, and passing it through a fine sieve. Come out, add sugar and knead the noodles, make the knife scribe into pieces, steam in the drawer, and the cakes made are flexible and delicate, sweet and refreshing. Later, there are not only Duji cakes, but also Zhilanzhai cakes, which are specially made by Duji Hot dry cakes with bean filling, Zhilanzhai mainly uses cold dry cakes, and dry cakes are very common in Weiyang Village, Tianjin. Master Guo and Ding Mao have eaten them before, how could they not know the difference between the two? The peddler sells Zhilanzhai cakes, but they say they are Duji cakes, taking advantage of the darkness to think that others will not be able to see, aren't you a fool?

It turned out that the peddler who sold Yangcun dried cakes was surnamed Wu, and had the nickname "Dawudou". Black beans are not black beans. After covering for a while, the broad beans are covered until they are soft and rotten, so it is called Wudou. The Tianjin Wei dialect speaks smoothly, and it is called Wudou, but it is actually broad beans. This person is nicknamed Wudou. It is conceivable that he looks crooked Jujube, clapper in the front and spoon in the back, with a protruding forehead and concave back of the head, a big pancake face, with melon seeds on the head like black beans, and another nickname is "Xingshuidan".

Tianjinwei in the old society was a large water and land wharf, with many gangs and gangs gathered from all directions, supporting a large number of idle people who were not doing their jobs. Da Wudou was such a person, greedy and lazy. In his words: "Greedy and greedy." Life is lazy, lazy life is lazy, and those who are not greedy or lazy have no good life", never willing to work hard, relying on a glib tongue to deal with food, a piece of the back of his head was sunken, not born in the womb, but let others He did it because he sold "Xingshuidan". There are quite a few people selling "Xingshuidan" in the old Tianjin Wei. Shui Dan, how can it be called Xing Shui Dan? After taking this elixir, you can walk on the water, and cross the river as if walking on flat ground. At first, no one believed it. Don’t look at people who usually talk about gods and ghosts. You may not believe it when you see it. It is believed that the old way is nonsense, what kind of panacea can make people cross the river like walking on flat ground?But the old Taoist vowed that he could write documents and establish evidence, and after eating his Xingshui Dan, if he couldn't walk on the ground after a hundred days, he was willing to pay ten times the amount of compensation.When a person with good deeds heard that it was a bargain, he wanted to pay for his Xingshui Pill, but he couldn't afford it even after asking the price.The old Taoist said that the elixir is not an ordinary thing. A water elixir costs one hundred taels of silver, which is not something a rich man can't afford.When the news got out, a rich master came to buy the elixir. He bought the elixir and ate it. After a hundred days, he went to the river to realize that he had been cheated. After a hundred days, it was winter and the river was completely frozen. , Isn't that like walking on the ground?Although there are documents and evidence, they can't account for it, so they have to suffer from this dumb loss.

In the old days, these schemes of swindling money to make people suffer dumb losses were called Xingshuidan, and Da Wudou made a living by doing this. He did all kinds of bad things by cheating and abducting. He was beaten a lot in those years, and the back of his head was crushed at that time I almost died, and I still don't know who did it. Dawudou's wife is not a good thing. She can speak better than him. She used to be a matchmaker, but she was not a serious one. She was a scammer. There are many immoral things. For example, I heard that there is a girl from a rich family who is almost thirty and hasn't married yet. Big Black Dou came up with a bad idea and asked his wife to talk about this marriage to earn some money. , you think that in those days, she was not married at the age of thirty, she was already an old girl, and her natal family was rich. If there was no reason, how could she not find her? From the mouth of the matchmaker who protects the matchmaker, she can also become Lin Daiyu. There is a saying that "as long as the matchmaker opens his mouth, the chishui can make waves", which is true, especially the daughter-in-law of Dawudou Said, she first found a man who carried water, entered the room and sat down, and said: "Big brother is not young, why don't you have a family yet, why don't you ask the sister-in-law to tell you a daughter-in-law, do you have the heart to want it? "

The water carrier said: "Sister-in-law, don't look at me as a coolie, but I have a high spirit. If I want to marry a good girl, I would rather be a bachelor all my life than a married widow. I will not marry a young girl. " Dawudou's daughter-in-law said: "Go out and inquire, your sister-in-law and I are people, one is one, the other is two, and we never say half a lie, a real girl with a yellow flower." The water carrier was overjoyed and asked, "Can the young girl like me look up to a poor bachelor like me? Does she look like a pig or a dog? Let's talk about it. I won't marry anyone who doesn't look upright. .”

Dawudou's daughter-in-law said: "Sister-in-law will give you a guarantee today, even if you have a hundred and twenty hearts, you are a decent girl from a wealthy family like a flower like a jade, and she looks so upright, but it's a pity... It's a pity that the mouth is not very strict..." When the water bearer heard that the girl's mouth was loose, that was not a shortcoming. There are few women who don't chew their tongues and gossip, so they immediately agreed and paid for the big black bean's daughter-in-law to come to the woman's house to propose marriage. Dawudou's wife is fooling around, she decided on the water carrier, and went to the rich man's house to tell your girl about the marriage, there is a water carrier, the young man is so good, he looks good, but there are few things right now .The rich family also moved the daughter-in-law of Dawudou. Although one of the two families is poor and the other rich, it is not right for the family to be inappropriate, but it is not a problem that the girl will not get married when she grows up. Since it is said that there are fewer water carriers now Something, of course, refers to the lack of money, so it's not easy to deal with. The rich family promised to spend a sum of money to help the future son-in-law of the village, and let the girl pass through the house as soon as possible.So we made a marriage, and we chose an auspicious day for worship. The bride and groom entered the bridal chamber, and the groom's officer lifted the bride's hijab.The bride has a gaping mouth, now it is said to be a hare lip, dare to say it is called "not tight mouth", and the groom's official is not much better, there is no nose on his face, or how to say "less things now", the two families will The mediator's daughter-in-law of Dawudou scolded her, and she lacked eight generations of virtue. Regardless of the fact that the newlyweds will not be able to live well in the future, Dawudou's daughter-in-law has already swindled the money, and then went on to cheat. The family said it was a marriage, and before the liberation, the couple lived in this way, and their lives were not bad, but they were hated. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the business of protecting the media has been impossible, and Tianjin Wei is no longer the rivers and lakes wharf of the old society. If you are caught, you will be sent to reform. The social security is getting more and more stable day by day. The year is different. You can't work without effort. Fortune tellers like Zhang Banxian have gone to three rounds, and the big black beans can't do anything. In addition to being greedy and lazy, it is inevitable to do some petty theft on weekdays. One day, Dawudou saw a person selling Yangcun cakes and put his car on the side of the road to go to the toilet. He took the opportunity to push the cake seller The car ran away, but the cakes couldn’t be taken home. Occasionally, it’s okay to eat two pieces. If you eat too much, you’ll get tired. The south is sweet, the north is salty, the east is spicy, and the west is sour. People in the north are not used to sweetness. Uh, Da Wudou wanted to take advantage of the darkness to yell out the stolen cakes and get two dollars to go home. He didn't know that Master Guo was a water policeman, so he stopped him with a few words. Da Wudou is a habitual thief , Halfway through the talk, he realized that the situation was not good, so Gu Lengzi dropped the cake selling cart and plunged into the small alley without looking back, but fell into a big ditch, and his scalp bleeds. He was not chased by anyone in the dark, and he thought to himself: "It's a bad luck today, I managed to steal a cart of cakes, but bumped into two mourning door gods, thanks to walking fast and not being caught, but How can I explain to my wife when I go back empty-handed?" He changed his mind and remembered that on the way, he heard that the two people said that there was a treasure in the haunted house in Liangfang Hutong, and no one had found it for many years. Is the corpse of a woman a buried treasure in a haunted house, or is it haunted by ghosts? In the early years, there was a superstitious concept of "treasure recognizes the owner". Da Wudou thought: "There is no wind without waves. People say that treasures are buried in the haunted house in Liangfang Hutong. There must be something in the house. Others can't find it, and I may not be able to find it either. Why don't you try your luck?" He was also afraid that there would be ghosts in the haunted house, and it would be a loss if he took his life and property, so he couldn't make up his mind for a while, and besides, he fell into the big ditch hard, as if his waist was twisted, he thought First go to Su Langzhong's house to ask for a plaster. There were two famous doctors named Su in the old Tianjin Wei. The same surname was Su. One had a good reputation and the other had a bad reputation. Doctor Su with a good reputation came from an ancestral family of traditional Chinese medicine. The ancestors of his family learned orthopedics from the French in the late Qing Dynasty. The art of bone setting is amazing, and Shanghuan is used to treat dislocations. There are a lot of gangsters. When gangsters pay attention to sex, if they commit a crime, they will be taken to the court. No matter how the government punishes them, the gangsters can't hum. Is it a trifle to suffer a severe punishment? There is no need for other punishments. Just hitting with a board can kill a person. If you hit fifty boards, you will inevitably have your skin ripped apart, your bones broken, your whole body crispy, and you can carry it in a soft bag. Go to Dr. Su and ask him to connect the broken bones all over the body one by one, and make sure you will be what you were before you were beaten in court, and what you will be like a hundred days later. Skills, from the brand name established in the late Qing Dynasty to today, when people go to the orthopedic hospital, they are all vying to be named Dr. Su. Whether they are descendants of the bone-setting Su family or not, as long as the surname is Su, everyone thinks that the level must be high enough. The one with a bad reputation is well known to everyone. In order to distinguish him, he is called Su Langzhong. Su Langzhong is a doctor who goes to the rivers and lakes to catch temple fairs and sells wild medicine. Boil plaster, what hurts tendons and bones, rheumatism and cold, headache, fever, vomiting and diarrhea, anyway, regardless of any symptoms, it is all plasters in Su Langzhong. Son, can only boil plaster. There was such a saying back then, Su Langzhong's plaster - looking for a disease.Because Su Langzhong can't boil the plaster well, he hasn't got the true instruction, and he can't control the heat well. It's either old or tender, and the viscosity of the plaster is not enough. I posted it on the nape of my neck, got home and slept all night, got up and touched the back of my neck, which was covered with plaster oil, it was black and sticky, I rushed to Su Langzhong to question him, Su Langzhong said that the person was seriously ill, and the plaster was strong When I was young, I couldn’t get rid of the disease, so I had to replace it with a strong plaster. I asked the man to buy another plaster, but the man still put it on the back of his neck. After sleeping all night, when he got up, the plaster was gone. It turned out that the plaster was not heated enough, it moved its place at night, slipped along the neck and onto the buttocks, and couldn't even peel it off. The man was so angry that he came to Su Langzhong for the second time and asked for a refund, but Su Langzhong refused to accept it. Eight people were not angry, and one hundred and twenty were unwilling. It must be said that the root of the person's disease was not in the neck but in the buttocks. His Su family's plaster was spiritual, and he could find the root of the disease by himself, so it slipped to the buttocks. How can there be a refund? reason?This incident became a joke when it was spread, so there was such a witticism as "Su Langzhong's plaster-looking for illness", which was later extended to mean asking for bad luck or looking for unhappiness. Da Wudou crawled out of the ditch. He saw that this place was not far from Su Langzhong's house, so he went to ask for plaster.Su Langzhong's reputation is not good, so it depends on who he compares with. After all, he has spent half his life on plaster. Although it is not a panacea, it will work to some extent. He put a plaster on the big black beans, and then asked for money.Big Black Dou played a rogue, slapped and stared, and got nothing.Su Langzhong also used to hang out in the rivers and lakes in the old days. He has never seen how to play a bastard. Slapped in the face.Big Black Dou was guilty of being a thief, fearing that the disturbance would attract people's eyes and ears, so he hurriedly pushed Su Langzhong away and rushed out the door.Unexpectedly Su Langzhong's temple hit the corner of the table, and he cried out on the spot. This quack doctor who boiled plaster and sold wild medicine died unexpectedly. Dawudou didn't know that this push would cost Su Langzhong's life. He saw the other party's head was bleeding, he hurriedly pushed the door out, and heard Su's wife crying and the child crying. Stopping, at this time plaster was put on his waist, and after running for a few more steps, the pain did not go away. He was obsessed with money, and an idea came to him, and he went straight to the haunted house in Liangfang Hutong. Adjacent to Beining Park, it was still a stinking puddle in the late Qing Dynasty, with sparsely populated houses. Yuan Shikai opened a lake and built a garden to build a railway station. In the 1950s, many residents lived around it. The North Station is a railway station, for the convenience of transporting goods. , the road in front of the station is very wide, and the board road is full of water. Before 1949, most of the residents living in the area around the North Station were poor people who lived on the railway. The women picked up the cinders that fell from the train along the railway, and those who had connections went to the railway yard to earn food. If they could become railway workers, the whole family would be able to chew grain all year round. In those days, gangs formed everywhere. Cliques are commonplace, people who have nothing to do with it should not even think about approaching, even if you are picking up coal slag on the railway, you will not be allowed to do it if you don’t know acquaintances. The situation of crowding out foreigners is very serious. As a large railway station for both passenger and freight, the North Railway Station is not only used for passengers getting on and off the trains from south to north, but also supplies transported by trains every day. The crowds in front of the station are crowded and the traffic is busy. Let’s say this in the summer of 1958. , is in Fuli, hot and dry, hot and stuffy during the day, surpassing the steamer, the lake in Ningyuan is also dry, there are not many people boating and playing, it is better after dark, people living nearby are eager to cool off, my lord All the children go to the side of the road to cool off, which is cool and saves electricity, but if they walk to the grain room alley, no one will be seen. Old houses where someone died can be found everywhere, but a haunted house is one where someone dies. At the beginning of liberation, the public security organs cracked the case of planing and robbery, and found a female body in the house of the murderer Bai Sihu. From that day on, the haunted house in Liangfang Hutong The legend spread like wildfire. Residents didn't think much of it before, but after discovering the female body, they became more and more afraid, and all that could be moved were moved away. In addition to the expansion of Ningyuan, some houses were demolished. By 1958 In 2009, there were few households left in the Hutong. The two rooms of Bai Sihu’s house were located at No. 72, Liangfangdian Hutong. Behind the house was the East Lake of Beining Park. In the 1950s and 1960s, the lake in Ningyuan was far from what it is today. There is no white pagoda in the garden, and it is dark at night, quite desolate. Dawudou had heard of the haunted house in Liangfang Hutong. After Bai Sihu was shot, the two rooms were sealed and unoccupied for several years. The wind and rain had already peeled off the seal. It was easy to find a place to get in. The walls of the room were empty, and there was no candle. He was a thief, and he didn't dare to light a lamp. Then, the moonlight coming in through the broken paper window could barely make out a rough outline. In the room, except for the sound of his own panting and heartbeat, There was no movement at all, and before entering the house, his mind was full of thoughts of taking treasures to make a fortune. He closed the door inside, and he was the only one who was in the dark, and he couldn't help but feel hairy on his body. When he was full, he was so hungry that he ate grass roots as a bachelor; when he walked to the grave, he met a widow who fell in love with him; when he got home, the widow offered them sesame seed cakes, and after eating the sesame seed cakes, he was stunned..." Back then, Bai Sihu committed adzes, robbery and murder, which spread all over the streets and alleys. People talked about how Bai Sihu took the female corpse home as a wife, hid in the house every day and talked to the dead all day, and how he was afraid that the neighbors would find the corpse. The dead bodies were brought home in bags full of salt, so that there were so many bats in the grain room alley. At that time, people thought that rats could turn into bats if they ate too much salt. The bats in the alley were all from Bai Sihu's family. Rats have changed, because Bai Sihu's house is full of salt, and it spreads like it has a nose and eyes, and everyone seems to have seen it with their own eyes, but the rumors in the society are like a gust of wind. For eight years, few people have mentioned it again. When Dawudou heard Master Guo and Ding Mao mention the buried treasure in the haunted house, he was fascinated. Want to hit the big luck and make evil money. There was a bad atmosphere in Tianjin Wei in the old society. Many people loved leisure and hated work. They paid attention to a confusing word. Unable to get rid of the evil spirits of the old days, instead of going on the right path, I came to the haunted house to hunt for treasure. The haunted house in Liangfangdian Hutong was originally a house built by the old shopkeeper of Baiji Coffin Shop in the late Qing Dynasty. It is said that there is a house in the house Hidden things, this is how the big families in the old days, when they have money, they don’t put it in the bank, because they don’t feel at ease, they often dig a hole in their own house, or bury silver or some treasures, and keep it for future urgent use. The world is rolling, the years are rushing, the house where the treasure is buried has changed its owner several times, and finally met a lucky person, unintentionally digging for a fortune, such a good thing like getting rich overnight, Big Black Dou dreams of encountering it once. All his hopes for half a lifetime had been placed on the haunted house in Liangfang Hutong. He tiptoed, groping along the wall bit by bit, more meticulous than a grouter and putty. The two rooms are all made of polished brick walls, and the outside is plastered with white plaster. Some of the walls have peeled off, and the first time he touched it, he could feel the coldness inside. The old bricks are solid when you knock them with your hands. There is no interlayer in the walls. I searched all over the walls, and then searched on the ground. Under my feet are the bricks of the sea, which have been loosened in many places. After working for a while, he couldn't find any broken bowls. He sat leaning against the wall, panting from exhaustion, moaning and cursing himself, when he suddenly heard a "click" sound above his head. The haunted house in Liangfang Hutong is like most old houses, with brick walls on four sides and beams and purlins on top. The house is not big, with beams but no columns, and the roof is tiled. The tiles are covered with a layer of felt to prevent rain. The beams cannot be seen, and the old houses of that era had to be papered, otherwise they would be uninhabitable, and the walls were plastered with white and gray surfaces. The traditional saying is that the four whites are on the ground, and the ceiling should be pasted with kraft paper to prevent dust from falling. In less than half a year, it will be damp and yellow, and then it will be covered with a layer of paste. This is the case in every household of ordinary people. Taking advantage of the moonlight, the big black beans look up and listen to the sound like rats on the roof. At that time, there were many mice and there were The rat ran around on the beams of the house, accidentally fell on the kraft paper ceiling, and made a "click" sound. It couldn't fall to death, and ran away after rolling. In the dead of night, such noises are often heard in bungalows. , and two rats fought and played somersaults on the ceiling, making people unable to rest. Some even were fat and reckless, and stepped on the kraft paper ceiling out of the hole and fell directly into the cooking and boiling water. In the pot, that’s not uncommon. It’s okay for the cook to see it, but it’s a big deal not to eat dinner. Mouse didn't take it seriously, but he was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of the things in the haunted house in Liangfang Hutong, could it be on the roof? There was a rat noise in the haunted house in Liangfang Hutong in the middle of the night. It sounded like two mice fighting. One of them fell on the kraft paper ceiling and made a "click" sound, which just reminded Da Wudou. He thought about the two houses. It has been turned over many times, and nothing has been found after digging three feet, but few people think of the roof. According to common sense, most of the silver and treasures of rich families are buried under the stove. The one on the ceiling of the beam is the one who is unaware, and he secretly rejoices. Since ancient times, it has been said that people live for a lifetime, and the poor have their destiny, the rich and the poor, and the high and the low, like the clouds. It happened that a mouse fell on the roof, presumably he was lucky to have such a windfall, and he always thought that he should make a fortune, but he didn't know that "the future is so dark that he can't find it in the dark", so he couldn't imagine that there was something waiting for him on the roof. The haunted house in Liangfang Hutong faces south. There are two rooms, one bright and one dark. The one with the gate is the outer room, the corner is the stove, and the inner room has a kang. , the house has been vacant for a long time, the kraft paper ceiling has a piece of tide marks, the color is dark yellow, and mold has grown in some places, and there are several holes in the ceiling of the inner room. His hands were too high, and he could barely reach the kraft paper on the roof. In desperation, he had to find something outside the house to put his feet on. To expand Ningyuan, less than half of the alley was demolished, and there were bricks everywhere. He moved in a pile of bricks and stacked them on the kang. , Now I can stick my head into the ceiling, raise my hand to grab the hole and tear off a piece of kraft paper. The kraft paper pasted on the ceiling is full of dust, and it will fall down when I touch it. Big black beans have suffered, old man How many years of dust has accumulated in the house, it is black and sticky, not to mention the taste in your mouth, you get lost and can't open your eyes, and it gets stuck in your nose, choking and sneezing, worrying that people will hear it , forcibly held back and did not dare to make a loud noise, and in the end it took a lot of effort to tear a big hole in the roof. The roof of traditional houses is mostly a zigzag structure, and the inside should be beams, purlins, mortise and tenon. An iron nail is all joined by mortise and tenon joints between beams and columns. It is said that using iron nails in the halls of houses is not good for offspring. There was such a taboo in those days. It was the middle of the night, and although there was moonlight in the house, one could look inside the roof, but what was it? I can't see it either, only the smell of damp and decaying mildew hits my nose and my brain. Big black beans are addicted to cigarettes. I smoke cigarettes every day. Wherever I go, I always have matches on my body. He strikes a match and holds it in his hand. The matchstick, holding the light with his hands, stuck his head into the roof, and when he saw what was in front of him, he couldn't help but want to vomit. Layers of gray nets hung down from the roof beams, accumulating dirt as thick as a finger. Even without the gray nets, he couldn't see what was half a foot away. In front of him was a dead rat, which had already rotted and stinks. All kinds of wood bugs, cockroaches, and wall bugs are disturbed and crawl around without thinking. Most of the roofs of old houses are like this. They usually don’t feel disgusting when they can’t see them. Once they see them, no one can stand them. I retched for a long time with my mouth retching, and I still thought that seeing a wall stringer at night is a good sign, and I am about to get rich. The wall stringer is a gnat, which looks like a centipede, and often hides in the roof and wall cracks. The folks call it "Wall Stringer". ", also known as "money strings", because ancient copper coins were threaded into strings with hemp ropes, and the strings were used to represent wealth. If you see wall strings in your house, you will have good luck for wealth, but it is not always good to see them, as the saying goes." It’s good fortune early, wealth late, and evil neither early nor late.” That is to say, if you see the wall strings in the morning, you will have good luck, if you see them at night, you will be lucky, and if you see them at noon, you will be inauspicious. Nowadays, no one believes that using wall strings to determine good or bad luck In the past, some people really believed that when Dawudou saw the wall strings on the roof in the middle of the night, he thought that his hope of getting rich was a little higher. As long as he could find the treasure in the haunted house in Liangfang Hutong, a little dirt is nothing , He held back his nausea, struck another match, and looked inside with his eyes wide open. At this moment, he suddenly realized that there were two eyes in the dark place, and they were also staring at him maliciously. Dawudou only knows that treasures are buried in the haunted house in Liangfang Hutong, how could there be someone hiding on the roof?The ceilings of these two houses were pasted decades ago, from the year of Gengzi when the city was demolished to pick up bricks until 1958, and they have never been touched. Although the kraft paper ceilings had a few holes, the openings were also torn open. That's the only way to get in the head. No one can hide on the dusty beams of the roof for decades, unless it's a god who doesn't eat or drink, or a haunted ghost in a haunted house. The latter, besides the pitch-black roof, can only see two eyes on the opposite side. Those two black eyeballs are unbelievably big, and there is no face as big as a tea tray. Eyes, the question is, who has a face as big as a tea tray?If this person's face is as big as a tea tray, how big must his body be?Scared the big black bean half to death, his hands and feet were no longer his own, he couldn't close his mouth when he opened his mouth, he couldn't retract his tongue, he stuck his head out in place. When Dawudou saw the things in the haunted house, he was so frightened that his three souls could not be seen, his crotch could no longer be clamped, feces and urine flowed together, and suddenly a gust of wind blew up, as if "blowing the soil in front of the gate of hell, blowing the top of Fengdu" "Shangchen", the match in his hand went out, his eyes went dark, he shivered from head to toe, he leaned back involuntarily, forgetting that there was a pile of bricks under his feet, his footing was unstable, and he fell on the kang with an ah On the road, fell on all fours, smashed open the door and ran out, coming like riding a dragon and driving a tiger, leaving like a bereaved dog, fled home and was held down before entering the house. It turned out that Mr. Su's wife reported the case. Tell Dawudou not to pay after putting on the plaster, and to cause death by hand. The police station saw that the person was dead, so it was fine. Come to the door and catch him right away. Dawudou was terrified and confessed at the police station. From how he stole things, how he fell into the ditch, how he went to ask for plasters, how he got into a dispute, and how he overthrew Su Lang and accidentally injured someone, he dared not hide anything. He also explained that he heard that there was a treasure in the haunted house in Liangfangdian Hutong, so he became greedy and wanted to take advantage of it. He went in while it was dark, tore off the kraft paper pasted on the roof, and poked his head in to see if there was anything in it. There are ghosts under the beam. It is an established fact that Dawudou stole Yangcun cakes and accidentally injured people's lives. When it comes to stealing treasures from the haunted house at night, it is not easy to convict him of this crime. The haunted house in Liangfang Hutong has been sealed off since 1954. The house is about to be demolished, and the house is full of rats and woodworms. There is nothing out of the ordinary. After all, it is not a great crime to go into the empty room of the dilapidated house. People think that the big black beans are on the roof What I saw was a mouse, but the mouse's head could never be as big as a tea plate. The public security agency sent people to check the house during the day, and saw a big hole in the kraft paper ceiling. The situation he explained was consistent, but between the beams and purlins was covered with dust, and there was really nothing else. It must be that Da Wudou misunderstood what he said. No one believed what he said, but Da Wudou was frightened into a fool from then on. , I have been locked up for a few days without waiting for a retrial, and started talking nonsense incoherently. As for how to deal with him in the future, that is not a problem. Master Guo learned that Dawudou was a thief selling Yangcun cakes. He and Ding Mao chased after him for a long time that night, but failed to catch up. He insisted that there was a ghost in the house, and Master Guo felt puzzled, but he was a water policeman, so he couldn't handle such a case, so he didn't ask any questions, and just kept an eye on it. He continued to dig mud by the river during the day, and was busy carrying earth and rocks. Limited, the progress of digging the big river is slow, and there is still a drought and no rain. Every year, there is a three-volt period between the major summer and the minor heat of the lunar calendar. In the blink of an eye, in the middle of July in the lunar calendar in 1958, the five towns of Haizhang have been dug out. The tower base of the demon tower, the upper half of the stone tower has been chiseled away, and the base of the whole huge stone is still left. The weather is still so hot. There are two festivals in the seventh month of the lunar calendar. One is "Qiqiao" on the seventh day of the seventh month. According to legend, on the seventh day of the seventh month, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl will meet in Tianhe. Worship, pray that you can have the skillful hands like a weaver girl, and you can cut clothes that fit, and the maids and concubines in the palace are no exception. I heard from the elders that at noon on the same day, put a needle into the water bowl In the book, the needle will float on the water without sinking. Girls use the shadow of the needle for divination, which is commonly known as "stick needle". It is said that at night, when I was alone under the melon shed, I could hear the cowherd and niece whispering in the sky. Although it is a legend, it is scary enough to listen to. No one’s children dare to hide under the melon shed in the middle of the night. On the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, the gates of ghosts are wide open, which is the day when river lanterns are released to save the dead. In the year when the big river was dug, it was dug until the 15th day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar. On that day, everything was fine as usual. Those who should be digging should be dredging, and those who should be bulldozed, but they can’t do it until the 16th day of the lunar calendar. Then I dug, and I didn’t dig it again for several years. The river workers who dredged the mud said in private: “God forbids the digging.” At that time, when people talked about the difficulty of digging the big river, it was also because of the incident of "Tomb No. 209", which happened to happen on the night of July 15th.
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