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Chapter 6 Chapter 6: The Coffin Under the Lotus Pond

The story is divided into two parts. One day, the fat man Li Daleng went to the funeral meeting. A rich family had a big funeral. I bought a cricket jar, thinking about going back to catch a cricket and put it in it to raise. When I took it back and looked at the bottom of the jar, my eyes immediately glowed. I saw Sanhe Liu's money under the cricket pot, which made Li Daleng very happy, because that time was very particular about this, especially in the late Qing Dynasty, when raising cages for birds and fighting crickets with fame, in the Eight Banners Princes It has become a common practice among the nobles. Thinking back to the time when the Manchu Eight Banners entered the pass with iron armor and swept the world, the Jurchens lived in deep mountains and old forests when the country was first founded. In the mountains and forests, there were many wild animals and few people. Dragons, horses are like tigers, go up mountains like apes, go down like otters in water, can ride and shoot well, and are extremely brave. , I returned all the skills of my ancestors, I can't even shoot rabbits, I only care about eating, drinking and having fun all day long, and I have ruined the Qing Dynasty. There are all kinds of things to play. To spend ten thousand taels of silver, a famous insect must be accompanied by a famous utensil. It is a joke to have a good cricket but not a good jar. The jar is a thing handed down from generation to generation, but it is more valuable than the cricket. The most famous jar is called Sanhe Liu, which is Sanhe. It was made by a master surnamed Liu. Master Liu is superb in craftsmanship. The cricket jars he made were highly sought after in Beijing and Tianjin. After the Republic of China, they became very valuable treasures.

In fact, Sanheliu’s real jars are not inscribed at the bottom, and the ones with the money are all imitations. I’m afraid that others will not know that it is Sanheliu. Li Daleng doesn’t understand this. How big eyes are there, it makes people laugh, the broken jar is worthless, Li Daleng was so angry that he threw the jar on the street, the fragments just fell on the forehead of a passerby, the cut was full of blood, that person is still a mess My poor master, it’s not enough to pay people a lot of money. These days, I am reciting words and waiting for the money. He asked Master Guo to borrow it, but Master Guo and Ding Mao were busy tracking down Lian Huaqing’s whereabouts. They can only go out but not in, and their bodies are completely ruined. The three of them are helpless, and they really can't afford to be idle, so they are forced to help the short one earn some money for emergency.

To put it bluntly, helping a short-term worker is a part-time job. There is always a group of people gathered by the North Canal, most of whom are masons. Any family will come here to hire a short-term helper. The wages are one day. For dredging, you need to hire seven or eight people to dig the mud, and you don’t need any skills. You can work hard and not be afraid of getting dirty. The wages are calculated by the day, one yuan a day, and two meals are taken care of. Those masons rely on their jobs The weather is stuffy, and I don’t want to do this kind of hard work. The three brothers are anxiously waiting for the money. Since they have jobs, they don’t choose more. Besides, the money given is really not small. Carrying big bags at the goods yard of Longtou Railway Station costs so much money for a whole day. Carrying big bags can exhaust people to death. Compared with dredging the lotus pond in Li Shanren Park, it is much easier. Three The man was elated, thinking he had picked up a bargain, so he followed his employer to dig mud that day, but unexpectedly, a coffin was dug out from under the lotus pond.

Li Shan's man-made garden in Bingjiao Hutong was first built around the Opium War in the late Qing Dynasty. It was built by a local salt merchant surnamed Li and named "Rongyuan". , built in imitation of Suzhou gardens, in the middle and late period of the Republic of China, it was already a park that was semi-open to the outside world. After liberation, it was officially changed to People’s Park. The entrance of the park was written by Chairman Mao himself. There is a large pond in the garden. It is full of lotus, surrounded by rockery pagodas, pavilions, pavilions and pavilions. Every night in midsummer, the lotus in the pond is in full bloom, the cool breeze is refreshing, and the frogs are singing on a moonlit night. It is said that when Li Shanren’s garden was just built, his family’s financial fortune was not going well. He once invited a Fengshui master to see it. There are two places, one is that there are many trees around the pond, and the horses cannot run because there are too many trees; On the surface of the water, a Buddhist scripture pavilion was built in the garden as a town. Later, it changed owners several times and became a park that can be entered and exited casually. The area is small, three miles long from north to south, and two miles wide from east to west. It is famous for viewing lotus in summer, but there is a place on the edge of this lotus pond that is always full of silt, and the lotus withers for no reason.

The garden had no choice but to hire people to clean up the mud. Master Guo and his two brothers included seven helpers in total. , Put it in a small cart and push it away, the money is not easy to earn, the sun is exposed to the sun, the mud is smelly, digging the mud under the poisonous dog days of the dog days, the body is full of sweat and mud, fortunately, the money is not small, two days a day For a meal, steamed buns and mung bean porridge were enough. When dug at noon the next day, the lotus pond was dug into a pit, and some ancient bricks were exposed at the bottom of the pit. The coffin lid of the coffin, the workers saw that there was an ancient tomb under it, and the news spread, attracting many people to watch the fun, the pool was full of mud, these people could only stand from a distance to watch, and Master Guo found that The lotus pond was full of excitement, not only people, but also attracted some very strange things.

All the onlookers stretched their necks and stared, all staring at the coffin made out of the mud of the lotus pond. No one noticed that there were other things to watch with them. Master Guo looked at it all the time, feeling very puzzled. In broad daylight, no one felt scared. Some people said that the digging of ancient tombs should be reported to the officials. Li Shanren came from the garden, but no matter what, he had to dig out the coffin first and then pay attention to it. Those who worked were very excited, and said that there must be valuable things in the coffin dug out of the dredging mud, and whoever took it would be the one Yes, immediately continued to dig the mud, Li Daleng and Ding Mao also wanted to do it, and they could share a share of the good things dug out.

Master Guo said: "I don't think this situation is right. Something may happen next. Let's stop digging. If you don't believe me, take a look in the lotus pond. What is that?" It turns out that at some point, a dozen small green frogs gathered near the lotus pond, and some frogs came out of the lotus pond one after another, jumping and jumping together, and the frogs gathered more and more. Heads all pointing in one direction, aiming at the coffin protruding from the mud pit, the group of frogs are silent and angry, the pond in Li Shanren's garden is not small, full of lotus, frogs are very common, But when the coffin was dug out of the mud pit, it was understandable for people to come and see the excitement, but it was abnormal if a large group of frogs gathered around it. The frogs looked like they were facing a big enemy, and they didn't know whether digging out the coffin was good or bad.

Master Guo felt that things were different, and told Li Daleng and Ding Mao not to dig down with those laborers, but the other four laborers thought that frogs and other living things were too common. There are no frogs in the large lotus pond. I am afraid that the corpse will not be blown up when I dig out the coffin in broad daylight. If you look at people who don’t do it now, don’t be greedy when you see something good in the coffin later. Four people are greedy together. Unable to persuade them anymore, the spectators around also followed suit, wishing they could dig out the coffin to see what happened.

It has always been beneficial to people's hearts. The four day laborers have never worked as hard as they are now in their entire lives. I saw the four of them digging mud with their arms bare, and the scorching sun was hot in the summer, and they were sweating like rain. Following the outline of the coffin and digging around, these four people were clumsy and could only use brute force. After digging for a long time, the coffin was only half exposed. There was a very narrow chamber in the ancient tomb under the mud of the lotus pond. There is a tomb made of stone bricks below. It looks like a tomb in the early Qing Dynasty. It is considered an old tomb for two hundred years. It is estimated that Li Shanren built a garden here in the early years, and the tomb was leveled. The tomb was covered with mud from the lotus pond, and was eroded by mud and water all the year round. The tomb bricks collapsed, and the coffin was soaked in water. The shape of this coffin is high in the east and low in the west. The golden patterns were not removed, and when the mud was wiped off, it could be seen that the water patterns supported the butterfly moths flying. There were water patterns on the coffin, which indicated that the woman was placed inside.

Li Daleng said: "There are so many frogs, maybe they want to eat the big moths painted with gold lacquer on the coffin?" It's not a moth at all, it's a butterfly." The three of them were discussing in low voices, and at this time, a little Zhang Banxian came from the crowd watching the fun, who had read several Yin-Yang classics and knew how to wait and see. Some wind and cloud climates, his family's ancestral tradition is to look at Fengshui. From his grandfather's generation, he was known as Zhang Banxian, and he is the sixth generation of Fengshui master. This person is not very old, in his twenties and less than thirty Today, when he heard that an ancient tomb was dug out in Li Shanren Park, he came here specially to watch the excitement. He recognized these people from the river patrol team and told Master Guo and Ding Mao: "The golden paint on this coffin is not a moth or a butterfly, but a butterfly." It looks like a moth, it is in between, it is called Qingfu. It is said that there are such flying insects in the south. In ancient times, Qingfu was also compared to money. If you draw a pattern, you will get rich at first sight. It is possible that the woman in the coffin was a southerner during her lifetime. , the pattern of green clam and water pattern on the coffin is the meaning of leaving wealth for future generations."

Master Guo said: "That's how it is. I've heard of green gnats. This kind of flying insect is divided into sons and mothers. The mother does not separate from the mother, and the son does not leave the mother. The blood of the mother insect and the sons are not separated from the mother. They smear the blood of the mother insect and the daughter insect on the copper coins. If you give the son money to others, the son money will definitely fly back to the place where the mother money is, so the mother money will never be used up." Li Da Leng said happily: "Is there such a good thing? I think we will also catch some green gnats, Put your blood on the money, and you will never worry about not having enough money in the future.” Master Guo said, “This may be something someone who is crazy about money figured it out by himself, how can he take it seriously?” He said again Asked Zhang Banxian: "Mr. Zhang, look at this coffin dug out of the mud pit. Why did it attract so many frogs? They took the paintings on the coffin as edible moths?" Zhang Banxian shook his head and said, "I just looked at it Unlike, how would the frog know whether the painting on the coffin was a clam or a moth." In the time it takes to speak, the four short gangs have already dug the coffin so that the five sides can see the sky. Why do you call it the five sides? The coffin lid is on one side, and the four sides are two short and two long. , only the bottom of the coffin was still in the mud, and dozens of frogs gathered in the lotus pond, big and small, made people's scalp numb. At first, some people threw stones over, and the group of frogs were driven away. Gathered together again, lined up like an array, squatting neatly on the ground, staring and puffing their cheeks, with angry faces, facing the coffin at the bottom of the pit without moving, as if waiting for battle, so far, the onlookers Everyone felt ominous, and kindly advised those helpers to stop digging, maybe there was something in the coffin. Those four short-term helpers were also motivated by money, and they couldn't listen to anything at this point. Seeing that the dredging was almost done, they used a shovel to pry the coffin lid. The coffin lid was very thick. These people didn't know what to do First, the long nails on the coffin lid were pulled out, and they couldn't be pried several times, but the bottom of the coffin was soaked in muddy water, and a large hole had already rotted in the bottom of the coffin, but the muddy water blocked it from being seen. The clumsy man pried the lid of the coffin vigorously on top, and even tore off the bottom of the lotus flower. There are two short and two long coffin clappers around. The pattern, the part facing the top of the head and the heart is the auspicious cloud pattern. The four gangsters used too much force. There was a hole in the lotus bottom of the coffin, and a large part fell off at that time, revealing two three-inch golden lotuses wearing embroidered shoes. Women in the old society had to bind their feet, pointed and thin, but the feet of dead people, even though they were wearing embroidered shoes and wrapped in brocade quilts, still made people feel hard at first glance, as uncomfortable as they were. Those people around stood on tiptoe. He stared at the two feet of the female corpse in the coffin, and there was no sound for a moment. The brocade embroidered shoes exposed in the coffin were soaked in muddy water and turned black, but the shoes were still embedded with gold threads and pearls, which made them shine brightly in the sun. He stretched out his hand to grab the two beaded embroidered shoes without caring about the public eyes, but he felt the little feet of the female corpse in the coffin moving. Li Shanren Park was looking for part-time workers to clean up the mud in the lotus pond. Unexpectedly, they dug up a coffin that was 200 years ago. One of the part-time helpers was brave enough to stretch out his hand by relying on the daytime. The two feet of the dead woman in the middle moved suddenly, and he was so frightened that he quickly withdrew his hands and fell into the mud puddle struggling. The other three helpers were from the same town as him. He couldn't help him up, and the man was paralyzed by fright on the spot. In the past, some people played pranks and pretended to be ghosts to frighten people at night, scaring people to sit on the ground for a long time. Sometimes it can be recovered after a few days, and sometimes paralysis can never be cured for a lifetime. This helper is so frightened that his legs go limp and he sits down on the ground, his legs are numb, and he can't say a word After he got out, his three fellow countrymen carried him out of the mud pit and handed him over to Master Guo and others, who then went down to pick up the embroidered shoes of the female corpse in the coffin. All the spectators stood by the pit. A big mud pit was dug out by dredging at the edge of the lotus pond. The bottom was full of foul-smelling mud. No one wanted to go in. Some people had sharp eyes and saw that the two little feet protruding from the bottom of the coffin seemed to move. I advise the remaining three helpers not to go anymore, I am afraid that they will be killed. How can those three people listen? Go, what is there to be afraid of at noon and day? It has always been said that the word poverty does not distinguish between family and family. Poor can make people poor. When people are poor, they are short-sighted. If they have no money, they are bound. There are everything delicious, delicious, and good things on the street. If you have no money, you can only watch and dream in the middle of the night. After a while, when I opened my eyes, I still had to work hard to eat cornbread. I needed money everywhere in my life, and I was embarrassed when I had no money. Small feet, wearing embroidered shoes inlaid with gold trim and gold thread, with a few small pearls inlaid on the shoes, the brocade quilt and trousers wrapped in them have deteriorated and turned black, so the gold thread and pearls on the embroidered shoes are still worth a few dollars Seeing this, the three gangsters were furious in their eyes. Although they couldn't help being afraid when they walked up to the coffin, they couldn't suppress their greed. They moved closer step by step, and tremblingly grabbed the pair of embroidered shoes on the little feet of the female corpse. . At this time, Master Guo was supporting the one who was frightened before by the mud pit. Hearing that this person kept mumbling something, Master Guo and Ding Mao seemed to be saying that the female corpse could move, and they were a little surprised , I have been fishing for river drifters in the river patrol team for so many years, but I have never seen dead people moving during the day. Although there was a zombie jumping on people in the goods yard of Laolongtou Railway Station a few days ago, I heard what others said, and there is no evidence to check. There is no evidence to test, and it is difficult to tell whether it is true or not. Even if it is true, it happened in the middle of the night. This person died like a lamp went out. The female corpse in the coffin under the lotus pond has been dead for more than two hundred years. The yang energy was the strongest, and they would never believe that the dead body could move in broad daylight, but today's incident was abnormal, seeing the group of frogs surrounding the coffin as if they were facing an enemy, there must be something strange in it. Master Guo made a mistake, and the three helpers had already stretched out their hands. Suddenly, there was a strange murmur and murmur in the coffin, which frightened the three brothers until their faces turned pale, and they were buried under the mud of the lotus pond. How could there be movement in the coffin?Could this female corpse really move?Don't look at the country people who haven't studied, don't know a lot of big characters, and have heard a lot of legends about ghosts and foxes. Just now, I only stared at the pair of embroidered shoes with gold silk and beads. Ghosts, ghosts, ghosts, and all kinds of frightening things came to mind. The three of them thought that the female corpse in the coffin was about to crawl out, they couldn't help the calf muscles, and regretted that they became greedy, and wanted to turn around and run away, but their legs were filled with lead and could not move. There was a puff of yellow smoke, and there was a strange hoarse sound in it. The people who were standing by the mud pit watching the excitement, smelled the stench of corpses from a long distance away, and their eyes were so hot that they were tearful. The three gangsters at the bottom of the pit Standing in front of him, when the smoky yellow mist collided, three wooden stakes fell to the ground. Master Guo felt that something was wrong before, seeing that the three helpers choked the yellow mist in the coffin, and the yellow smoke retracted into the coffin in an instant, he hurriedly covered his mouth and nose, took Ding Mao and Li Da Leng took this opportunity to save people, and dragged each of them to the edge of the pit like a dead dog, and then saw that the three of them had their eyes closed and their faces were ashen, as if they were choked by the breath of the corpse, and it was a moment later His life was gone, and the people around were all shocked, and hurriedly beat the back and rubbed the chest of the three helpers. At the same time, the frogs that jumped into the mud pit from the lotus pond suddenly groaned at the coffin, and the hole at the bottom of the coffin kept making strange groans, and then two concentric and strange heads poked out from under the lotus of the coffin. , with bumps on the outside, they turned out to be two surprisingly large ghost-headed toads, a male and a female, with colorful patterns on their backs, they opened their mouths after a few grunts, and they grumbled hoarsely in their stomachs. Spit out a yellow gas like smoke and mist. Only then did everyone understand that the tomb bricks under the lotus pond had collapsed, and the coffin had long been rotten in the muddy water. A ghost-headed toad crawled in through the hole in the coffin, and even regarded the ancient tomb coffin as a cave. The ghost king toad likes to hide in the cold Living in the damp mud hole, the more colorful the colorful patterns on the body, the more poisonous it is. This toad seemed to be unable to stand the noise of the frogs, and was forced to climb out of the coffin to spray yellow mist. The frogs did not dare to get too close. The two sides seemed to be at loggerheads After a stalemate in place for a while, the yellow mist spit out by the two ghost-headed toads gradually decreased, and the colorful patterns on their backs turned dim. At this time, a frog jumped out of the lotus pond, twice the size of the other frogs. It squatted on the ground and was as big as an ordinary person's outstretched palm. Fighting, the two sides were evenly matched, and the onlookers picked up stones one after another and threw them at the ghost-headed toads. The two ghost-headed toads almost spit out the poisonous mist, and fled helplessly. As soon as they reached the edge of the mud pit, they let Someone picked up a shovel and made two piles of meatloaf, and some people even said it was a pity that there was crisp on the toad's back, and they took it off alive, and then took out the internal organs and put them in the sun to dry. Very valuable things can be used as medicine. Then look at those frogs, jumping back to the lotus pond one after another, spreading the pond in an instant, and disappearing. Later, someone built a frog fairy temple next to the Buddhist scriptures pavilion in Li Shanren Park. The Frog God, however, is small in scale and has no incense. It was demolished after liberation, and the water surface was restructured after it was changed into a People's Park. However, no matter how it was cleaned up, there were no more lotus flowers growing as before. Besides, at that time, I don’t know who reported it to the government. The people in the government department arrived at this time. Master Guo and others took the money to leave the park and followed the crowd to leave the park. Afterwards, I heard that the coffin was moved to another place. It is said that Guo Deyou, the god of the river, saved a few lives in the lotus pond. It is not a big deal. I just said that I took the money and went out. , out of the gate of Li Shanren Park, happened to be on the same road as Zhang Banxian, and when we reached the intersection, we met a man selling Dutch water with a small cart. Dutch water is actually the most primitive soda drink. Mint powder and sucrose are added to cold boiled water, and some people put soda powder in it. It is an extremely simple refreshing drink. We don’t know if it was first invented by the Dutch. It’s called vulgar, it’s called Holland Water. It started to be sold in Tianjin Wei at the end of the Qing Dynasty. By the end of the Republic of China, there were already serious sodas for sale. The Dutch water I mixed, after drinking it, it is easy to get upset. In the early years, I drank it to death. The advantage is that the price is very low, cheaper than a large bowl of herbal tea. The light green soda is placed in a large porcelain basin with lotus flowers, and it is served with ice cubes , It looks so comfortable. Drinking a cup in the dog days can cool you down and quench your thirst. It was difficult, so Master Guo invited Zhang Banxian and his two brothers to stand on the side of the street and drink two glasses of Dutch water. While drinking, he talked with Zhang Banxian about the fight between frogs and toads in the lotus pond. Master Guo said: "I have been to this Li Shanren Park. How many times have I never thought that there is a coffin under this lotus pond." Zhang Banxian said: "It is not surprising that there are coffins in this place. I have known it since my grandfather's generation. His old man has long seen that Li Shanren Park is in good shape." Ding Mao smiled and said: "Banxian is from a family of Fengshui. We say this in front of Banxian. It is a sage who recites the names of hundreds of families in front of the door. I don't know that there is a sky beyond the sky." Li Daleng didn't believe Xiao Zhang Banxian, and said: "Why is there a sky beyond the sky? I think Zhang Banxian is a cloth seller who doesn't prepare scissors—tsk, there are toads living in the coffin under the lotus pond in Li Shanren Park, can it be considered a geomantic treasure?" Xiao Zhang Banxian said: "It's really not nonsense, what we say is true." Li Daleng said: "Hey, do you still have the book? Then you have to tell us, what book do you have?" How do you call it "You Ben'er"?This is also to put it bluntly, for example, what you said, if it is well-founded, which book or scripture is quoted, and which allusion is discussed, you can find out the basis. ", speaking without merit is nonsense. Xiao Zhang Banxian said: "Is it arguing? My Zhang family has passed down Fengshui for three generations to see the yin and yang. Mount Tai is not piled up, and it is not bragging. If there is no real thing, I dare to breed this in front of my dear friends." Urinate? Let me tell you that there are many river forks on both sides of Li Shanren Park, and the situation is natural, like a centipede worm, with a round head, a long body, and a thin tail. According to the book, it is in the shape of a golden-tailed centipede, with two holes at one head and one tail, which can be buried in the holes. People are either rich or noble, but these two acupoints are also very dark, which is easy to attract evil spirits to live in the ancient tomb, you have seen what happened when you dug the mud and opened the coffin, didn’t you?” When Master Guo heard this sentence, it was like hearing a thunderbolt in the clear sky. The Dutch water he had just drank sprayed Zhang Banxian's face, and asked quickly: "You just said that under the lotus pond in Li Shanren Park... what is it? hole?" Xiao Zhang Banxian thought that Master Guo didn't hear clearly just now, so he wouldn't have such a big reaction. He wiped his face, and repeated that sentence again, the grave in Li Shanren Garden is "Golden Tailed Centipede Cave". Some time ago, Master Guo and Ding Mao went to Chentangzhuang to look for the traces of Lian Huaqing. They lived in the Potu Temple on rainy nights and dark, and had a strange dream by chance. At that time, I was only surprised, thinking that I heard it wrong, why is the centipede so big that a big living person can fit in its head?At this time, I heard what Xiao Zhang Banxian said. In the situation of the golden-tailed centipede shape in Yin-Yang Feng Shui, there might be a golden-headed centipede hole. It seems that the capture of the river demon Lian Huaqing is likely to land in this golden-tailed centipede shape. superior. The main road is not a place to talk. Master Guo said: "We are usually busy with our own things, and it is rare to see each other once. There is a lot to say when we see each other. Why don't we let the three of us be hosts? Please, Mr. Zhang Go to the bathhouse to take a bath and drink tea, take this opportunity to have a good talk." Zhang Banxian was overjoyed, and said in his mouth: "Life is not easy these days, why do you have the nerve to let my brothers spend money for no reason..." A few polite words , half pushed and half followed. There is a Tianxing Pond in Laonan City, which belongs to the public baths of that era. There are two floors in the street. There is an old plaque left by the Qing Dynasty at the door. The first floor is a misty bath, and the second floor has an old-fashioned partition room Seat, the house guests feel comfortable after washing, and they will shout a few times in the bath pool. Services such as cupping, scraping, pedicure, back rub and so on are all available in the bath hall. The price is very cheap. You can spend money to wash a single room. People spend a few cents in this bath for a day, play chess, play cards and chat after taking a bath, so the bath is not only a place to take a bath, but also a special social place. The guests who come here have single goals and vague identities , When you enter the bath, you come to take a bath, but you have to take off all the clothes that show your identity. If you want to talk about something in private, it is best to go to the public bath. Master Guo took Ding Mao and others into Tianxing Pond. First, he went under the shower head to wash off the mud covered in mud, then soaked in the hot water pool until his face was glowing red, and then took a refreshment. Drying my body with a hot towel, I wrapped myself in a bath towel and leaned on a wooden couch in the corner. I was really soft all over. I was tired that day, and I fell asleep hazily. The buddy made a pot of Gao Mo. Gao Mo said that it was the scum of high-grade tea. He couldn’t drink the expensive tea. He could only drink the leftovers of the tea sold in the tea shop. The scent of tea, the bathhouse also sells "raw pears, green radishes, green olives, lotus seeds" and other snacks that are refreshing and refreshing. Drink tea, smoke cigarettes and eat carrots. Zhang Banxian said: "You don't get paid for nothing. Why did the masters invite me to take a bath and drink tea today? Is there something wrong? Let me tell you in advance, I don't have to borrow money. Not good, looking at the feng shui yin and yang house, this bowl of rice is getting worse and worse. I’m not afraid of being a joke for my brothers. I haven’t been to a restaurant for more than half a year. Open up and eat." Master Guo said: "Don't worry too much, just stay here and rest. We are all poor bachelors, who doesn't know who, and we won't ask you to borrow money." When Zhang Banxian heard that it was not borrowing money, he immediately felt relieved, shook his head and said: "The ancients said it well, the smell of copper is enough to trap people. In these days, there is no way to go up, and there is no way to go down. People like Zhang are not recognized for their talents, but they are not recognized for their talents." Is there more than one person named Zhang?" Li Daleng said: "Don't drag the words, can you do it? We are all rough people and don't understand this set of words. What do you mean by this?" Zhang Banxian said: "I mean, the three of you brothers are as poor as me, poor enough, but they are all capable people. I won't mention Mr. Guo and Mr. Ding. How many years have we all known each other?" Let's take you Li Da Leng Li Ye as an example, we met for the first time today, I immediately thought Li Ye you are a heroic and courageous man, you are a friend, you can make a daughter, if you don't talk about speculation, you are respectful and polite when you see King Wen , When you meet Jie and Zhou, you are such a straight-forward hero without rubbing the sand in your eyes." Li Da Leng grinned and said, "It's because you, a half-immortal, have vision. Do you know what those people on the street say about me? They don't say that I am chivalrous and benevolent, but those gangsters actually say that I put something wrong. In the car—it's not a fucking thing." Master Guo said to Li Daleng: "Okay brother, don't be modest, cut a radish for Banxian quickly, and ask the buddy to replace the pot of high broken pieces with fragrant slices." Li Daleng cut the radish and poured tea to Zhang Banxian: "Banxian, come here, wait until I tell the buddy to make a big pot of fragrant slices, the radish will heat the tea, and the doctor is so angry that he is crawling all over the floor." Zhang Banxian said: "Okay, Gao Sui has changed to fragrant tablets? Mr. Guo, you must have something to do with me. If you don't make it clear, I won't dare to eat your radish and drink your tea anymore." Master Guo said: "Come on, I won't go around in circles with you anymore. Our brothers and sisters invited you to take a bath and drink tea, just to ask you what is the golden tail centipede point?" Zhang Banxian said in embarrassment: "This... this..., didn't I tell you all just now, it's inconvenient for me to say more, the rules set by the ancestors, this thing is passed on from male to female, and not from inside." Rumor has it that our whole family eats at this." Master Guo said that we all understand those rules, you can rest assured that we are not trying to steal your job, but just to capture the river demon Lian Huaqing, and then he explained the whole reason, and Zhang Banxian must give some pointers. Zhang Banxian said: "Master Guo, if you ask me, you think highly of me. If I give you another hand, it will appear that I am too ignorant of flattery. I'll just tell you the truth today. How should I say it? It’s the same thing, it’s the head and tail of a centipede, let me tell you the secret of it.” Zhang Banxian talked with gestures. He said that the terrain of Tianjinwei is high in the north and low in the south, and there is a large open depression in the south. The depression is like a cornucopia, so the south is rich and the north is poor. This depression was formed, and the former river course became an earth ditch. Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, the urban area has continued to expand to the southern suburbs. Many houses have been built, roads have been paved, and electric poles have been erected. The tens of miles long earth ditch has been almost completely filled. , but in terms of Feng Shui, the situation of this dry river ditch is still there. According to Feng Shui, it is called a golden-tailed centipede shape, just like a big centipede shaking its head and tail and about to climb into the cornucopia. Its head holds gold, which can help make money. The tail is hung with gold, which can attract money. The centipede's tail is under the lotus pond in Li Shanren Park. As for the centipede's head of this golden-tailed centipede, it is not elsewhere. I found a cemetery, and that cemetery is the "Golden Head Centipede Cave". Thousands of years ago, Nanwa was a lake and swamp with deep earth atmosphere, so the place was full of trees, which was completely different from the desolate saline-alkali land nearby. A large stone tablet was suppressed, and the feng shui of the golden-tailed centipede was taken away from this stone tablet, and the auspicious acupoint became an evil acupoint, which was only discovered after a long time. At the beginning of the 19th century, the population expanded rapidly, and the Wei Family Tomb gradually turned into a large area of ​​tile-roofed houses. Badgers, lynxes, dogs, and the like are infested, and the residents are not at peace, so every household hangs mirrors on the roof to form arrays, and dead cats, dogs, and foxes can be seen in that area from time to time, not to mention which river floods, as long as it rains When it gets bigger, half of the tile-roofed houses of the Wei family will be flooded. Now the houses are half destroyed, most of which are empty and dilapidated, just waiting to be bulldozed and rebuilt. Can you care about demolishing the dilapidated house in Wei's tomb? After passing the Weijia Tomb, go south to the southern suburbs. The more you go, the more desolate you go. If you go north, you go to the city. The big stone tablet is located in the northwest of the Weijia Tomb. Whether it is true or not, there is no way to know, anyway, it is said so, the stone tablet is so big that several people can't reach the top when stacked up, and it can be seen from a long distance. For many years, roads and houses have been said to be moved away, and the golden-tailed centipede has its head facing south and its tail facing north, showing a posture that originally wanted to climb into the cornucopia, but this stone tablet was nailed. The stele is still there, and the centipede's neck is under the stele and cannot move. Therefore, near the stele must be the golden-headed centipede hole you are looking for. Those three people listened with wide-eyed eyes, waiting for Zhang Banxian's words. They never imagined that Lian Huaqing was hiding in Wei's grave. Looking at the person face to face, the features on this person's face are too obvious, with strange eyes and double pupils, you can't go wrong looking for someone with two eyes and four eyes. The Chentangzhuang iron box case and the sanchahe estuary case, these two cases alone are enough to shoot Lian Huaqing several times. Stolen, you said how many lives were lost on Lian Huaqing, where is the real evidence, you have to be arrested and interrogated to make a statement. In addition, Master Guo also thought of one thing, even Huaqing did not go anywhere, but hid in Wei Near the family grave stone tablet, the place itself is evil, so it can be seen that this person must have a plan, go there and take a closer look, even if you can't get the person, you can find some relevant clues. Zhang Banxian said: "The three of you are going to catch monsters in Wei's grave. This is an act of doing justice for the heavens and eliminating harm for the people. Normally, I shouldn't stop it, but I have to say something unpleasant. Now the golden-headed centipede The situation has become a veritable evil hole, and the big stone tablet has gathered a lot of evil spirits over the years, and now the situation is like a centipede with its mouth wide open, it is specially designed to eat living people, come and eat one by one, Come eat a pair for two, today I saw Master Guo Yintang turning black and reciting words, so it’s okay if you don’t go, but if you go, you’ll die, I’m definitely not talking nonsense, we have a basis for what we say.” The three brothers don’t believe it, and think that Zhang Banxian is playing tricks again. These feng shui fortune-telling specialists will be alarmist, otherwise they won’t be able to earn money, so tell him not to waste any more words. After the event is completed, you will definitely have a share of the reward given by the rich man.妖连化青的头功是张半仙你的,到时我们摆一桌谢你,四冷荤六热炒八大海碗,外带一个锅子,最起码也是这样。 张半仙说:“哥儿几个拿我当什么人了,我不是吓唬你们,郭爷要去魏家坟镇河碑,那是必死无疑,三天过后你要是还活着没死,我张半仙下半辈子再也不吃阴阳风水这碗饭了,列位,我话都说到这个地步了,你们还非去不可吗?” 他们哥儿仨听出张半仙也是一番好意,可还是觉得这话说重了,生死有命,哪是由人说了算的?张半仙无奈,别看郭爷平时挺好说话,脾气可是真倔,属牛的人都这样,只要他认准了的事儿,谁劝也不管用,何况旁边还有个李大愣不住蹿叨,李大愣这号人贪字当头,满脑子只想结了三岔河口沉尸案邀功请赏,根本听不进别人的话,张半仙该说的全说了,明知拦也拦不住,索性不再言语了,心想:“说不说在我,去不去在你郭得友,是要死还是要活,你自己掂量着办。” 郭师傅等人打定主意,要去魏家坟捉拿河妖连化青,但知道魏家坟那地方邪得厉害,当天白天在李善人公园挖荷花池挖出古墓,下午从澡堂里出来天色已晚,没敢直接去魏家坟,辞别了张半仙,转天早上起了个大早,天蒙蒙亮的时候,三人在南门外会合,动身前往魏家坟镇河碑。 那位说了,张半仙的话到底准不准?您问得好,我告诉您,魏家坟金头蜈蚣穴的风水形势变了,由以前爬进聚宝盆的金钱蜈蚣已经死了,变成了一只张着大嘴要吃人的蜈蚣,郭师傅正走背字儿,本身倒着霉,去魏家坟真是去送死。 您看到后边就知道了,张半仙说的话是真准,可河神的故事一直讲到解放后五六十年代,要是郭师傅这会儿死了,哪里还有后话?因此这是个扣儿,说书说扣儿,扣儿就是悬念,咱这扣子就扣在这了,来个下回分解。
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