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Chapter 5 Chapter 5: Iron Box Wraith

He said he wanted to capture Lian Huaqing, the river demon, but he didn't know where to find it. Wu Laoxian was an elderly man with almost no neck in the loess. For the old case, Master Guo and Ding Mao had to figure out their own way. Li Daleng wanted to help, he didn't get up early, he heard Wu Laoxian talk about what happened to Li Gongci's vegetable garden more than ten years ago, when he learned about the Sancha River estuary case, he ran away with Miss Shi's family and disappeared The timing was right, and nine times out of ten it was the same person. The case of Lian Huaqing would not be complete if he didn't catch him. He would have to risk his life for the bounty promised by Master Shi, or he wouldn't get the money.

Master Guo thought to himself that although Li Daleng was a rascal, he often wandered in the streets. He was a rat and burrowed around. There was nothing he couldn’t find out. It would be nice to have him as a helper, so I agreed, and started to search secretly from then on. Everything is difficult at the beginning, even if you only find a few clues, you may be able to catch Lian Huaqing by following the clues, but the old cases over the years are not so easy to solve. Find a needle in a haystack. After inquiring and inquiring, I learned that Lian Huaqing was born in Chentangzhuang, which is not far from the city. Master Guo and Ding Mao found a day when they were not on errands, and they went to Chentangzhuang to find clues. Chentangzhuang is a legend Chentangguan, guarded by Li Jing and his son, the king of Zhongtuota, was closed to the sea in ancient times. Later, the sea was returned to the land and turned into Chentangzhuang. Before liberation, there were Zhenhai Temple and Nezha Temple. Master Guo and Ding Mao went to the place Asked around, and when Lian Huaqing was mentioned, many people in the local area knew that the Lian family used to be a big family in the local area, but that family had died long ago.

But how did Lian Jiaman's family die, why did Lian Huaqing become the apprentice of that monkey joker, and where he went afterwards, few people in the whole Chentangzhuang can explain clearly. There are many people who say it. , couldn't take those words seriously, the two of them inquired for a day, but they didn't get any results. When they wanted to leave in the evening, suddenly the clouds closed and it began to drizzle. The past few days have been sweltering and rainless, and when the drought reaches a certain level, it should be waterlogged. In those years, the army was in turmoil, and God didn’t give him a good face. The two of them were tired and hungry. Seeing that the rain was sticky and sticky, the sky was also dark I had to go to a nearby earth temple to take shelter from the rain. If the rain stopped, I could go back and spend the night. If the rain stopped, I would have to leave at dawn. This earth temple has been dilapidated for a long time, covered with dust and cobwebs. There was also a beggar living there, and the temple was dark and dark. In addition, the beggar's unkempt face was darker than the Stove Prince's, so he couldn't see what he looked like at all.

The beggar saw two people entering the earth temple, so he quickly picked up a broken bowl and begged: "You two, please do me a favor. I will give you a stutter..." Master Guo and Ding Mao didn't bother to eat that day. , I carried a few sesame seed cakes with me as dry food, seeing that the beggar was pitiful, so I gave him a sesame seed cake.The beggar took it and huddled in a corner, gobbling it up. Ding Mao said: "Brother, don't let this beggar tell us that we are covered with fleas, stay away from him." But this earth temple is only surrounded by broken walls and a roof. Gathering up the hay on the ground, sat down in the opposite corner, gnawed sesame seed cakes to satisfy our hunger, and talked about the news we had inquired in Chentangzhuang during the day.

The beggar is also a talkative person. Hearing these two people mention Lian Huaqing, he hurriedly said: "The two masters want to ask about Lian Huaqing, the river demon? Don't hide it from you, I know a lot about the villain. I will give you a few more biscuits, and I will tell you all I know." Master Guo and Ding Mao thought that the beggar was just wanting more sesame seed cakes, so they said that we hadn’t eaten all day when we came out, but we only brought these few sesame seed cakes, and if we gave them to you, we brothers and sisters would starve. I'll give you another one, and after finishing speaking, I threw a sesame seed cake to the beggar. The beggar thanked me a lot, and said: "I don't know that there are not many people in Chentangzhuang, but there are not many people who really know the details. One, but I'm one, because I had dinner with Lian Huaqing back then, if you two don't think the villain's mouth is broken, and listen to the villain talking to you..."

On a rainy night, the beggar told Master Guo and Ding Mao about Lian Huaqing's origin in the earth temple. Lian Huaqing followed his mother's surname. , the family is very wealthy, the head of the family has two sons and a daughter, this daughter is called Qiu Niang, and when she is old enough to leave the court, she is betrothed to a family in Donggezhuang, which is also a big family, and the old marriage customs are too particular, such as worshiping the hall In the three days after getting married, the husband and wife should talk as little as possible. Talking more often shortens life. On the fourth day, the new daughter-in-law can go back to her natal home. Fourth, the sixth day is Huiliu, and Huisihusband and wife must see the sun when they come and go. It is very unlucky to see the lights in the mother's house when it is dark.

At that time, there must have been such an old practice, especially the wealthy families, who attached great importance to this set of superstitious marriage customs. If you want to get married, you must first order from your parents and the words of a matchmaker. Buying an old cow across the mountain depends entirely on the matchmaker's mouth and two sides. Go to the woman's house and say how good the man is, how much money the family has, and go to the man's house to say how virtuous and beautiful the woman is. Can't get engaged, because the next thing is posting. In the past, posting posts meant posting names. Posts related to marriage were also similar to exchanging famous posts. However, in addition to names, there were birth dates on the posts. The two families asked fortune tellers to approve them. There was no such thing as astrology in those days. It mainly depends on the zodiac sign, whether it is a ox or a horse, whether it is a gram, and some zodiac signs are not compatible, such as a white horse and a green ox, a dragon and a rabbit, a day born and a night child, a snake and a rat called a snake rat. Nest, the dragon belongs to the tiger and the dragon fights with the tiger, and the tiger matches the sheep is not good. What kind of life is it? Fate is divided into five elements, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, water can overcome fire, fire can overcome metal, and metal can overcome wood.

After the marriage is set up, the next step is to choose a good day, and the two families will send the dowry as a dowry. If it is a rich and powerful family, they will also hold a banquet for these two things, show off their wealth, accept the dowry widely, and get married through the door. The dates should be chosen on both dates, June 6th and August 8th, the more auspicious the better, all three mediators and six certificates must be invited in advance. At that time, there were also marriage certificates, which were called dragon and phoenix posts, and all three mediators and six certificates had to be written Putting up the name proves that this marriage is reasonable and legal. Chentangzhuang has a rich family, so these old rules are unavoidable. It is a show of wealth, and it is also to drive away evil spirits, to wash away all evil spirits, so as not to bring evil spirits into the house.

On the day of the bright sedan chair, one empty sedan chair will be carried. The highest standard is eight large sedan chairs carried by eight people. The gongs and drums team will play and beat, the horse team will clear the way, the flags and umbrellas will follow, and the flags will be unfurled along the way, and the gongs and drums will be loud. Once again, when the lanterns were lit, the sedan chair was carried to the door. Several strings of large lanterns had already been raised at the door, shining like daylight, and the boys were arranged to turn the sedan chair to drive away evil spirits. , turn five times forward and four times in reverse, no more than one turn, no less than one turn, it is said that children with clear eyes, if there are unclean things in the sedan chair, some children must cry when turning the sedan chair.

After turning the sedan chair, the eight boys were led by Quanhe people, and left the gate of the man's house, and went straight to the woman's house. Quanhe people are also called Xi Niang, and they are all women. , one is not lacking, one is not lacking, so it is considered a perfect combination. The Quanhe person is also looking for auspiciousness. She will lead the eight boys to the woman's house. And put a chair on the kang, on the chair is a fake bride, that is, a big duster bottle, which used to be in every household. The phoenix crown, the bottle body is covered with Xiapei, and a pair of dragon and phoenix embroidered shoes are neatly placed under the chair.

After liberation, these superstitious marriage customs were basically abolished, and now I feel irritated when I hear about it. I put chairs on the kang, put a phoenix coronet on the chairs, and sat there as if I were a person. There is a custom here, and there are all kinds of stories here. The bottle for dusting the bottle is the same as the word for peace, and the chicken for the feather duster is the same as the word for auspiciousness. In fact, it is far-fetched and hard to install. The chair turned around a few times, and it was dark at this time. If there was a ghost in the house, some of the eight children would be frightened and cry. Therefore, the day before the marriage, it is most taboo for children to cry when they enter the house. A child crying may not be because he saw something scary. Who doesn’t know that a child’s face can change at will. Is this kind of thing accurate? On the day when Lian's family lit up the sedan chair, Quanhe Rener and his boy finished turning the sedan chair and were about to run to Lian's house. Before they could raise their legs, a strong wind blew up, flying sand and rolling stones. I didn't bring the boy into the house that day. The next day is an auspicious day for marriage. The new daughter-in-law gets into the sedan chair and walks through the door. Along the way to the door of the man’s house, there are many marriage customs to exorcise evil spirits. People used to be superstitious. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or what happened. Lian’s Qiuniang got married, and there was no child in the sedan chair to transfer to the house. On the day of marriage, the door bolt must be opened before entering the door. The custom of stepping on the brazier is more common. When remarrying, before entering the house, you have to step over the brazier, light a pot of charcoal fire, and walk over the top. This is because you are worried that the ghost of your deceased husband will follow you into the house. In some places, you have to step over the brazier after going to the cemetery. On the day when Lianjia Qiuniang got married, a brazier was placed at the door of her husband's house, and some charcoal fire was placed in the copper basin symbolically, implying a prosperous life after entering the door. I don't know what kind of evil I have bumped into, and I can't step over this brazier. On the day of Lian Qiuniang's marriage, there was a brazier at the door of her husband's house, and she couldn't walk over it anyway. The old Tianjin Wei got married after lighting the lanterns. This is different from other places. Most of the marriages in other places are during the daytime. Here, the sedan chair is carried to the husband's house. In front of the door, usually when it is dark and the lights are on, the lanterns are lit in front of the gate. There are many superstitious talkers among them, and the preparations start from the morning. People make up the hair, but don't forget that the boy didn't come to turn the chair at home the day before. It is said that at dawn that morning, Qiuniang sat on a chair as usual, and invited Quanhe people to comb her hair. Before a woman gets married, she braids her hair. After she gets married, she has to braid her hair, comb her head and face, and apply rouge. Put on powder and trim eyebrows, groom and dress up, put on all gold and silver jewelry, wear a phoenix crown on your head, wear green silk trousers on your legs, and the newcomer wears red and green, which means red officials and green ladies. Stop, the green pants can't be exposed for people to see, and after the busy work is over, I still cry and yell not to go out, expressing that I don't want to marry and leave my parents, and then get on the sedan chair and carry it to my husband's house, it's time to hold the lights. Rich and rich families marry their daughters, and they bring a lot of things. There are special people who follow the sedan chair to see Qiu Niang through the door, carrying hair combs, jewelry boxes, some holding big roosters, some holding copper basins, and some carrying porcelain vases. In short, it is all kinds of accompanying things, let Qiuniang get on the sedan chair, the wedding sedan chair is also an eight-carried sedan chair, the inner and outer two layers of large sedan chairs cover the small sedan chair, and there is a core in the middle. The large sedan chair does not enter the courtyard, and the small sedan chair If you don't enter the house, the small sedan chair is carried to the door of the boudoir, the couple enters and carries it out of the yard, puts it in a large sedan chair and carries it up to set off, with gongs, drums and firecrackers along the way. The husband's house also made preparations early in the morning. Another Quanhe person groomed the groom. He was wearing a red dragon robe embroidered with the pattern of sea water and rivers, crossed red flowers on his chest, thick-soled boots on his feet, and wings on his head. The soft helmet with double illustrations, how the number one scholar in the ancient imperial list dresses up, how he dresses up, because getting married is a major event in life. In the old society, it was called Xiaodengke. In the wedding hall of worshiping heaven and earth, there are pictures of the two immortals and blessings, and blessings and longevity. The statues of the three stars and the old man under the moon, on the table, a pair of golden candlesticks are arranged on the left and right, a big red candle is inserted on the candlesticks, an incense burner is placed in the middle, and a grain hopper is placed behind it. The red sorghum is piled up in the grain hopper. The sky arrows were inserted on the grain pile, and a pair of large duster bottles were placed beside them, and a curved bow was erected, which also meant to keep the town house safe. The sedan chair was delivered to the door, but the husband's family didn't come out to greet them, but closed the door first. These old marriage customs are too much, red tape, dry meat - there are many examples, because there are too many, there are very few The house is fully prepared, and adjustments will be made depending on the situation of each family. According to the usual practice, the sedan chair is carried to the door, and the door of the husband’s house cannot be opened with the door plugged in. The new couple has to ask the mother-in-law to open the door outside. Even if he changed his mouth and admitted that he was from the mother-in-law's family, the mother-in-law came out and took off the door plug, that is, the door bolt, turned her head and hurried into the house, so as not to see the face of the daughter-in-law, and then the groom came out, picked up the bow and aimed at the sedan chair. Shoot three arrows, which means that the three arrows reach the first place, and then avoid evil spirits. The red carpet is spread on the ground before the bride is invited to get off the sedan chair. With the support of Quanhe people, she steps into the main hall with a brazier. It should be done according to the rules. It should be such a process , Called to open the door, the bridegroom officer drew his bow and set an arrow, and shot three arrows at the sedan chair, none of which hit. The bridegroom was not to be blamed for this incident. At that time, no one knew how to shoot arrows, and the bow could not be opened. He just picked up the bow and arrow and put on a brazier, and asked the newcomer to step over the brazier and enter the main hall, so as to block the evil spirits at the door. But the bride couldn't get past the brazier anyway.This is so unlucky, the Quanhe people stamped their feet anxiously, and kept urging the bride: "Little aunt, grandma, you should raise your legs and take a step!" The brazier was overturned. The bride herself wondered what was going on, she felt that someone was hugging her leg, and when she lifted the shackles, the people who were welcoming and seeing off their relatives were all dumbfounded. Under the shackles, there was a handsome child, three or four years old, One eyebrow, two pupils, hugging Qiu Niang's legs, no wonder he couldn't walk, but no one has seen this child before, the child is silent, and he can't ask where he came from of. The husband's family saw that they quit. First of all, the newcomer stepped on the brazier by stepping on the door. This is entering the house with evil spirits. Besides, there is a child of unknown origin. It must be Qiuniang who had an affair with someone at home. Let it go, and tell the sky that this marriage will also have to retire, and they fell out at that time, and there was no way to carry the sedan chair back as it was. Even the head of the family was furious when they heard about it. It seemed obvious. Qiuniang, an unmarried girl, suddenly had an extra child by her side. She must have had an affair with someone. It's not that there are such things in the gate of the mansion. It's just that the family is unlucky. It humiliated the ancestors. After going out, it can no longer hold up its head. The back is broken. The head of the house is so angry that he vomits blood. Qiu Niang She was also a fierce woman, she was overwhelmed with shame and anger for a while, in front of her parents and two brothers, she hit her head on the corner of the yellow rosewood table and died at home. Qiuniang's parents were sad about their daughter's tragic death, and regretted why they didn't stop them. Whether the child came here halfway, or whether Qiuniang gave birth secretly, no one can tell at this point, but the Lian family always thinks it's their own flesh and blood. Reluctant to be kicked out, she raised her as a member of her own family and named her Lian Huaqing, and her family members were not allowed to mention the matter again, but rumors arose because the child could swim, and many people said that when Qiu Niang went out to visit relatives Crossing the Yongding River on a ferry, the ferry capsized and fell into the Yongding River. All the people on the boat died. She was the only one who escaped the danger and became pregnant when she got home. It's true that it's hard to die. As for the reincarnation of the river demon, anyway, it's just one person talking about it, and what they say doesn't make sense. In the past, women wore wide robes and large sleeves, and even their home was a deep house. It was difficult for people to notice when they were pregnant with a child. In the last two months, they avoided being unwell and were recuperating in the room. No one knew when the child was born. Qiuniang probably entrusted the child Adopted by others, who would have thought that on the day of their marriage, the child ran to hug Qiuniang's legs to prevent him from entering, forcing Qiuniang to commit suicide at home. It seems that this river demon is a hooker. Anyway, there are all kinds of rumors and rumors, and even the family is inconvenient to publicize their ugliness. They never mention these things and live behind closed doors, but the more they cover up, the more rumors outside. After ten years, the old couple who headed the Lian family passed away one after another. , the two brothers in the family competed for the family property and took the opportunity to drive Lian Huaqing out of the house. The two brothers didn't recognize the child at all, and they didn't want to raise him for nothing. They had better starve to death in the wilderness, or let the wolves The dog was taken away and was cleaned up. From then on, Lian Huaqing lived on the street and settled down in the ruined temple cave every day, relying on begging and stealing to survive. Then on a dark and stormy night, Lian's house caught fire. Fengwei, this fire burned the huge house of Lian's family into a piece of scorched earth. Seventeen people including men, women, adults and children were burned to death, and none of them escaped. The door was locked from the outside. Even Huaqing's origin is really confusing, he doesn't have the date of birth that everyone has, and the people in Chentangzhuang stay away from him, thinking he is unlucky, he can only go to the city to beg for food, Come back after staying overnight, in order to survive, steal chickens and dogs to do anything, one day in the land temple, I met two other beggars, who were about the same age as him, and they were also half-teenage children, even Huaqing saw this. The two of them immediately became hostile. Lian Huaqing said to the two little beggars: "Both of us, we are both homeless and lonely. Why don't we learn from Taoyuan and become sworn brothers, so that we can take care of each other." The two little beggars were very happy when they heard that, and said, "That's great, Zhengchou has no one close by." The three of them immediately became sworn brothers. They had no money to buy incense, so they made a furnace with a pinch of earth, put a few grasses in it for incense, kowtowed to the face of the land master, and sworn brothers. Lian Huaqing was one or two years older than these two little beggars, and when he became the eldest brother, he said to the two children: "From now on, we will be brothers. We will share our blessings and share our difficulties. As the old saying goes - there is a father. Follow the father, follow the brother without a father, you two have no father and no mother, you have to listen to me as a brother in the future." The two little beggars agreed in unison: "What the elder brother said is that you will be the elder brother from now on, and we will all listen to you as the elder brother." From then on, Lian Huaqing stopped going out to beg for food, and slept in the ruined temple all day long, letting the two little ones go out and beg along the street, and he ate first every time, no matter how poor the begging was, the two little ones Beggar wondered how to say that even Huaqing is also a big brother, and it is only natural that we beg for something to let him eat, but you can't do this every day, although you are a little dissatisfied in your heart, it is inconvenient to say more. This year, just in time for a famine year, most of the crops died of drought, many people died of starvation, and there was nowhere to go for food.The two little beggars were lying in the ruined temple and were dying of starvation. Lian Huaqing had to go out to find a way to survive. He didn't know where he found some rice. A person can eat it all in two or three mouthfuls. He took the crock pot to the earth temple and lit a fire, and he had to cook the cold rice before eating. The two little beggars smelled the smell of meat and hurriedly got up and said: "It's still my brother who has the ability to find something to eat as soon as he goes out. If we have this food, we will not die of hunger." Lian Huaqing said: " Brothers, I risked my life and stole it from a restaurant in the city. I didn’t want people to bump into it. I was beaten with a stick for it. You lie down and sleep in the temple, and you are ashamed to eat what I bought in exchange for your life. ?” The two little beggars said: "Brother, why did you say that? We were too hungry to walk today, so we didn't go out. Usually, we beg for food for you?" Lian Huaqing said: "Today is different from the past. When encountering this rare famine, human life is worse than a dog. I might survive with this stutter. I can't survive if I share it with you two. Don't blame me Brother is fickle and ungrateful, if you want to blame it, blame yourself for your bad life. I ate this jar of food to save my life. I will never forget the benefits of you two. If there is a promotion in the future, I will take it well Wine and food are sacrifices to you, and you two can die in peace." There is also a rumor circulating in Chentangzhuang that when Lian Huaqing was still living in the Lian family mansion, a fortune teller passed by Chentangzhuang. Invite the fortune-teller over and ask him to show the child Lian Huaqing. The fortune-teller saw Lian Huaqing and saw that the child had vertical stripes on his head and had eyes with eyes. He only said that he was short-lived. He said that he would rather smash the signboard than tell the child's fortune. When people in Chentangzhuang talked about this incident, they all said that the fortune teller saw that the child was reincarnated from a river demon, so he dared not speak out. It's not in vain for people to praise and criticize you, don't look at Lian Huaqing's appearance is good, but his heart is really cruel. Not only did he not give food to his sworn brothers, but he also said that you two poor ghosts are also suffering if you live in this world. It's better to die than to live and suffer. When he said this, he didn't even lift his eyelids. He just added the fire under the crock pot. It was no different from the usual gossip. It showed that he didn't take these two brothers seriously at all. It's just that there are two wild dogs that are about to starve to death. In the past, when they said that they share wealth and wealth through adversity, they just let these two little beggars go out to beg for him. The hearts of the two little beggars were terribly cold, and they cursed secretly: "Well, you Lian Huaqing, we two only recognized you as the eldest brother when we were blind, no wonder people said you were transformed from a river demon, and you kowtowed and bowed to you." You treat my brothers like this, you are like living ghosts in human skin!" Lian Huaqing saw that the two boys were staring straight at the food in the crock, and dared to grab it if they didn't give it to them. After all, two fists are hard to beat with four hands. To deal with it, he said: "Brothers, what I said just now was a joke, brother, we are all kowtow brothers, brother, do you have the nerve to let you watch me eat alone?" The two little beggars were quite surprised when they heard the words, and wiped their tears and said: "Brother, you are benevolent and righteous, brothers have wronged you." Lian Huaqing said: "Benevolence and righteousness belong to benevolence and righteousness, and this is the only meal, as I said before, One person can live by eating, but three people can die if they eat it all, why don't we each talk about the treasure, and see who is the poorest and most pitiful, and the food will go to whoever eats it." The two little beggars said: "Okay, this is called the destiny of each. You are the elder brother, you should say it first." Lian Huaqing thought: "Two and a half-year-old children, can you talk better than me? I will shut your mouths up and then eat, and you two will starve to death." Back then, beggars would talk about counting treasures, also known as Nianqiongge, and make up temporary lyrics with the help of cattle bone boards. As a quilt, with a brick on your head, wearing rotten linen, you haven’t eaten meat for three years, and you only saw meat today.” After speaking, he stretched out his hand to grab the food in the crock. One of the little beggars stopped him and said, "Brother, wait a minute, what you said is not poor. Listen to me, brother. I have no place to live. I use rotten grass as a quilt, and my head rests on half a brick. My flesh is exposed all the year round. Drink cold water, I only see food today." This kid was much poorer than Lian Huaqing, it was the first time he saw rice, and he reached out to get the food in the earthen jar after speaking. Another little beggar stood in the way: "Big brother and second brother are not considered poor. Listen to me again. I have no foothold, my head rests on my elbows, my buttocks are bare all year round, and the blue sky is my bedding. I was born hungry. Waiting for this meal, the two elder brothers must be poorer than me, I am sorry to be brothers, I will eat some first..." At this time, the earthen pot had been on the fire for a long time, and the aroma of the hot food was rising. The little beggar was so hungry that his eyes turned green. He wanted to eat the food in the earthen pot in the past. The little beggar refused to agree and went to snatch it. The two were still arguing, one said: "Third brother, you are talking nonsense, how can you survive to this day if you were born hungry?" Starve from birth?" The two were arguing over there, when Lian Huaqing quietly touched a big brick, copied it in his hand, and slapped the two beggars hard on the back of the head, knocking down one at a time, the poor two beggars, they didn't After realizing what was going on, Lian Huaqing scolded the dead dog, dropped the brick in his hand, moved the two dead bodies away, then took the earthen pot from the fire, and blew away the hot air , grabbed the food and stuffed it into his own mouth, and suddenly heard a sullen voice saying: "How cruel, you dare to kill your sworn brother in order to fight for a leftover, aren't you afraid of retribution?" Lian Huaqing suddenly raised his head, and saw a head protruding from the temple gate. It was a thin old man with a scar on his face. Just looking at his appearance made people feel chills. Behind him was a big horse monkey. Even Hua Qing was a little surprised by the artist who ran around the rivers and lakes, but he pretended to be calm and said: "The two of them are small beggars who use their knives - the rebellion in the nest, in order to fight for leftovers, the two of them exchanged money. Fighting to death, what does it have to do with me?" The monkey joker took it for granted, he sneered twice, and said: "Okay, just stare and talk nonsense." Lian Huaqing said: "You monkey joker meddling in your own business, here Do you want to blackmail someone out of thin air?" The monkey said: "I'm not going to blackmail you, I just want to ask you to find something in the river." It turned out that while playing monkeys on a barren mountain, he got a book of Mogu and Dodges by accident. Those heretical tricks did not have the magic method of immortality, but some evil methods of summoning souls and walking corpses. Monkey-playing charlatans, with limited education and no ambitions, just want to use it to amass money, recognize the feng shui situation in Tianjin Wei, know that there are iron objects that suppress the river at the mouth of the Sancha River, and corpses can be raised at the bottom of the river. A living person drowns in the river, and the resentment persists after death. When they are fished out after years of floods and droughts, the dead person will be covered with river moss, like a hairy zombie. Anyone who sees it will be afraid, but only this monkey-player knows what's going on. When the time comes, he will claim to be an expert with supernatural powers, and use his magical powers to subdue the corpses here, and he will build a temple here to build the river eye of Tayong Town In order to ensure safety, from high-ranking officials and dignitaries to traffickers and pawns, these good men and women, don't they all have to donate money? Then you can take the opportunity to make a fortune, but this monkey tricker doesn't know how to swim, so he wants to find a water thief as his apprentice, and he will be his right-hand man. Hearing about the river demon's turning into green, he has good water skills. , so he came all the way to find Lian Huaqing and two little beggars fighting for a bite of food, then beat two people to death with a brick from behind, and then sat in a ruined temple to eat like a normal person, the monkey player saw that this kid was really good, Of course, brothers who can kill sworn brothers can also kill mentors, but right now this kid is in use, so he had to make a promise to Lian Huaqing: "If you are willing to be my apprentice, you will have food and drink in the future, and you will teach me as a teacher." You have mastered the holy law, and you will live and live in the future, and no one dares to bully you." Lian Huaqing was desperate, and after hearing what the old monkey-playing man said, he couldn't help being moved, kowtowed to his teacher on the spot, and twisted his neck behind the temple. He dug a hole, buried two small beggar corpses, and then followed the monkey player into the city. Later, the monkey player was punished by God and died in a dry well in the vegetable garden of Li Gongci. Lian Huaqing escaped by chance, but he had a criminal record He didn't dare to show his face easily in the city. If you want to take him, there is a golden-headed centipede... Master Guo and Ding Mao visited Chentangzhuang during the day, and found out a few old things about the river demon Lian Huaqing, but they were not as detailed as this beggar. I think the beggar claimed to have been begging with Lian Huaqing back then, so he knew the details, but according to what this person said, the two little beggars who were begging in the Earth Temple had already been beaten to death by Lian Huaqing with bricks. At this moment they suddenly realized: "Could it be that the dead ghosts in the ruined earth temple are complaining about their grievances?" Master Guo was startled when he thought of this, and asked the beggar: "How do you know so clearly? Who are you?" Just before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt cold, and he and Ding Mao suddenly felt cold. As if waking up from a dream, I heard the sound of a rooster crowing in the distance. I rubbed my eyes and saw that the wind and rain had stopped outside the temple. Look at the beggar sitting in the corner, but there is no one there, only the statue of the land master leaning against the wall. I don't know if it was the Qushi ghost who complained about his grievances, or the land god in the temple appeared. Maybe there was a beggar talking at night, and he left at dawn. The statue of the Lord of the Land straightens, shakes away the wormwood and dust, and inserts candles as if to worship a few times. Ding Mao said to Master Guo: "I heard what the beggar said in the middle of the night. Even Huaqing buried his body under the crooked neck tree behind the Earth Temple. I don't know if it is true." There was indeed a dead tree with a crooked neck, and the ground was soft after the rain. The two of them borrowed a guy from the village and dug under the dead tree for a while. Soon a large rusty iron box was exposed under the soil, containing two dead bones. . The iron box is an incense box used for burning incense in land temples in the past. According to folklore, ironware can ward off evil spirits and suppress ghosts. Lian Huaqing probably worried that the two little beggars would be entangled in their legs, so he put the dead body in the iron box. It can be seen that what happened back then In a hurry, the burial was not too deep. The two of them gritted their teeth at what Lian Huaqing had done, and swore in front of the statue of the Lord of the Land: "God has eyes, no matter where Lian Huaqing is hiding, spare us two I don’t want my life, I will definitely bring this person back and bring him to justice.” Afterwards, the two dead bones were sent to Yizhuang, and they also went through the procedure of filing a case. However, the world is in chaos, and the major cases in front of the police station cannot be solved. It can be seen that these two little beggars have been dead for more than ten years. No one cares about such old cases that have accumulated over the years, and they will no longer intervene after the case is filed, but Master Guo and others are determined to capture the river demon Lian Huaqing, and they are looking for this person everywhere. Now, in addition to the Wuhe Water Police Team, people including the Huoshen Temple and the Shandong Hook Gang also followed suit, plus those traffickers, thugs, rogues that Li Daleng knew, the net was cast, and the city There are eyeliners almost everywhere outside the city, so the first person to handle a case must be familiar with the boss, but he can know about any troubles, and after so much trouble, he can't find any clues. But Hegailian Huaqing was about to run out, and ghosts and gods would not tolerate him. It was no coincidence that a very accidental thing happened that day, and finally the river patrol team discovered the "golden-headed centipede", which led to the "Yinyang River" In distress, Evil Dog Village catches demons."
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