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Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Weijiafen Mirror Formation

The year before the Sancha River estuary case, there was a flood. According to past experience, it was flooded in the first year, and it was prone to severe drought in the next year. Therefore, the summer of the year when the body was found at the bottom of the river was very little rain. , the weather was very hot, and the number of people swimming in the river was several times higher than in previous years. Several wild swimmers were drowned one after another, almost all of them were half-grown children who didn't know how deep they were. Distressed, ever since a woman's body sunk at the bottom of the river was salvaged, it was known all over the city, and the number of people swimming in the Haihe River suddenly decreased.

The case of sinking the corpse happened around June 28th of the lunar calendar, the day when the bald-tailed old Li cried at the grave. After more than half a month, only two people were drowned in the Haihe River, all of them were outsiders who didn't know it. Few people died, the river patrol team should be happy, but the money they get is also less. In the past, when the corpses were retrieved, there were charity donations, but when there was no work, there was no such reward. Mr. Guo is a single person. There is only one elder brother who does not eat or drink in his family. He has no other relatives, but he often helps the poorer neighbors and brothers and friends. He has never had a surplus. It got tighter and tighter, and I had to look for outside jobs everywhere, helping others with their daily affairs, making some paper dolls and paper horses, and earning a little money to make ends meet.

He has a junior brother in the river patrol team, surnamed Ding, named Dingmao, this young man is capable, alert and smart, especially able to deal with things outside, one day the two of them found a big job, and a man died in Loujiazhuang, south of the city. A wealthy old lady, a local gentry, has a big family and a big business. This funeral must be done with great splendor. First of all, the best papermaker in the city is invited. You want to ask what the papermaker does?To put it bluntly, it is a paper-making job. In the past, the inner layer of the roof of the house was all paper paste. This is also a craft. Most people can’t paste it by themselves. A few auspicious words such as "the house is safe and wealth enters the house", and you must be able to make paper man, paper, horse, and paper houses in this business. Any paper work that is burned to the dead during funerals, as long as the owner can say it Things, skilled craftsmen can paste them out.

The masters of the river patrol team have this craft. Master Guo and Ding Mao have learned it solidly, and the craft is also good. They do paperwork at night and letter horses during the day. In the mourning hall, filial sons and virtuous grandchildren knelt in front of the coffin and guarded it. Relatives and friends continued to come to express their condolences. There was an endless stream like a revolving lantern. On one side is written "Desolate Wind" and on the other side is facing "Leng Yue". There is a larger card archway in front of the door, with the words "Major Events" written on it. There were more than one person who came to attend the funeral, and there had to be two "trust horses" to welcome and send them off. After finishing the paperwork, the two brothers had to serve as "trust horses" for others.

What is "Xinma"?Now when it comes to trusting horses, few people may know about it. In the early years, there was such a custom. The wealthy family lived in a large courtyard with several floors. It was called a deep house courtyard. Ask the two young men to stand in the main gate and the other outside the second gate, wearing round-neck blue shirts, red belts tied around the waist, red cloth trousers, thin-soled fast boots, and big python whips on their backs. One, one with a red hat on his head, and the other with a black hat on his head, when a guest entered the gate, the one in the red hat led the way and shouted, behaving like a singer on stage, leading the visitor to the second gate, and wearing a black hat They are led to the worship platform, and then guided by the deacon to salute and kowtow to the spirit. These two servants, one with a red hat and one black hat, call them "believing horses". The more people care about ostentation, the more they don’t arrange trustworthy horses, they always feel less grand. I didn’t think of it in advance, and I wanted to find it temporarily, but there was no suitable person, so I let these two paper makers do it. There really is no one more suitable than these two. Now, you don't need to teach the rules, you understand everything, and the posture is good, the two pretend to lead the way, and follow the busy work, in addition to getting a due reward, mix a good meal every day, needless to say, there are four dishes and eight bowls. Being able to drink two blowing burning knives by the way, Master Guo and Ding Mao got this job, which is as beautiful as ascending to heaven.

In the old days, big families in Tianjin Wei used funeral services and paid attention to large funerals. Before the funeral, they first hang the funeral and see off the road. There are also various superstitious customs. Amidst the sound of mourning and mourning, the bearers carried the big coffin and left home. This is called the spirit, with the road and banners on the head, plus drummers, and experienced monks who recite scriptures. The filial sons and grandchildren followed behind in linen and filial piety. It’s a big way to go around the street, and finally carry the coffin to the cemetery and bury it. During the whole process of funeral and burial, there must be two people who spread paper money. Don’t think it’s easy to spread paper money, it’s a skill , There are quite a few doorways in it, and it really can't be done in a few moments.

According to the old practice, when the coffin wakes up from home, it sprinkles paper money for a while. This is to send away those "foreign ghosts", such as lonely souls and wild ghosts. On the way out of the funeral, passing through crossroads, crossing rivers, turning corners, and crossing bridges, paper money must be thrown out. This is road money. People who are worried about being haunted by ghosts and getting lost, who can throw paper money, grab a handful of paper money and throw them out. It is thrown high, and the throws are in an arc shape, followed by many but not scattered, falling one after another like a goddess scattering flowers, scattered but not chaotic, and the crowd watching the excitement all shouted "Hello", it was also a scene at that time.

Master Guo and Ding Mao often participated in funeral affairs, and all other work was done on the day of the funeral. The two of them helped spread the paper money. They worked hard for three days. There are extra rewards, this is the benefit of doing funeral affairs for rich and powerful families, at most three or five times a year, go to the cemetery with the funeral procession, bury the coffin and return to the city, there will be more in the afternoon It is still the custom to hold a big banquet. No matter what is important or not, there must be a banquet. The last day is extraordinarily rich. According to the old practice, it must be the traditional eight bowls.

In the afternoon, the host’s family came to attend. It is true that the eight bowls are the most important. The eight dishes in the eight bowls vary according to the grade, but there must be eight hot dishes. The eight bowls made by others In Tianjin Wei, it can be regarded as the first order, four steamed and four red stewed, chicken, duck, fish, sea cucumber, scallops and prawns, the same big bowl, the noodles with running water, open to eat casually. The drummers, bearers, monks, old Taoists, and housekeepers who were in charge of the funeral all ate and drank in the shed in front of the door. Master Guo and Ding Mao usually worked as errands in the river patrol team, so they couldn't eat anything good. The people of old Tianjin Wei are particularly particular about food. There is a saying in Tianjin Wei that "you can't live without eating seafood".The so-called seafood in Tianjin refers to seafood such as "sea crabs, prawns, and yellow croakers". In the past, only during the period from Qingming to Lixia, there were seafood on the market. You have to wait until next year, no matter how poor you are, when the seafood comes in, take off your clothes, pawn them in a pawn shop, and buy two catties of seafood for a few dollars to satisfy your hunger. , in Tianjin Wei is not considered not good at living.

The two of them sometimes take care of other people's white affairs, seize the opportunity to eat and drink, and occasionally can satisfy their cravings, but they still feel that they are short of mouth. Ding Mao is young and hopeless. Seeing that the food is good, he can't help but drink a few more bowls , his eyes were dizzy and his ears were hot, he didn't know what to say, and he didn't care whether he knew him or not. He caught someone talking nonsense with whom, and his tongue was half short. He said to a fat monk next to him: "We have to go together. , not for anything else, just because our relationship is unusual, my wife and nephew are your cousin, and your cousin's aunt is my daughter-in-law."

The fat monk didn't drink less, and Ding Mao was stunned. He couldn't recognize who was throwing the paper money, and said strangely: "Amitabha, who is the benefactor of the poor monk?" Ding Mao smiled and said, "I am your own father." The fat monk said angrily: "My dear father, who lacked eight generations of virtue, was buried in the loess long ago, what kind of onion are you?" Master Guo also didn't drink less, but fortunately he was still conscious. Hearing Ding Mao talking nonsense there to take advantage of the monks, he hurriedly dissuaded him, so as not to cause trouble and embarrass himself. This fat monk, whose real name is Li Daleng, and his Dharma name is Yuantong, by the way, when he mentions this name now, he knows it is the Dharma name, but if he doesn’t know it, he thinks he is a courier. The wine and meat monks who entered the temple, the market in Tianjin Wei is prosperous, and they support some social idlers who are not doing business. No matter how poor a person like him is, he still has a decent set of clothes. When he goes out in clothes, he is called Kaishang, or shopping clothes. It all means that this outfit is deceitful. He is not afraid of a fire at home. If he falls into the ditch and dirty his clothes, he will feel distressed. Terrible, for example, Li Daleng, who has a monk's robe and cassock, has a shaved head, is shaved, and has a few incense scars on the top of his head. When there is a funeral, he pretends to be a monk to chant scriptures for others. Ask for two dollars for a meal and drink. Li Daleng was also blushing from drinking, and was about to compete with Ding Mao. When he saw the familiar look of the person who was persuading the fight, he said, "Oh, isn't this the second master Guo, the god of the river?" He quickly stood up and saluted with fists . Master Guo wondered what kind of monk this was, eating and drinking while wearing a monk's robe, and even clasped his fists to salute, maybe he was an idiot, so he immediately returned the salute, and chatted casually with the fat monk Li Daleng. When the people around heard that it was Master Guo of the river patrol team, they came to toast one after another. This is called "the name of a person, the shadow of a tree". A few days ago, a female corpse was fished out at the mouth of Sancha River. Moss, five flowers tied on a pig iron lump, sank to the bottom of the river for many years. This incident was spread in the city, and everyone knew it. Everyone in the room said that Master Guo, the god of the river, is capable, and he deserves to protect the safety of the place. "River God". Master Guo is usually very popular. He speaks humorously and can attract a group of people to listen to him wherever he goes, but he is most afraid of being mentioned the word "river god". It's not early, I've had enough food and drink, I've taken the rewards I should have, socialized a few words with the people at the same table, took my junior brother Ding Mao to get up and say goodbye, and walked from Loujiazhuang to the place where they lived in the west of the city, this trip is not close, The two of them walked this night road after drinking, and went the wrong way in the dark. Unknowingly, they came to the road among a large tile-roofed house. place. Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, the scale of the urban area has expanded greatly. Most of the roads are equipped with pole lamps. Although the slums are not as bright as they are now, the roads can be seen clearly. Large tracts of bungalows are divided into fragments by roads and alleys. Except for the old city That area faced south from the north, and the residential houses and roads around Tianjin Wei did not say that it was east, west, north, south, and the roads and alleys were all slanted, and people who didn't know the way came in, like walking into a maze. When foreigners come to Beijing to ask for directions, where they want to go, and how to get there, Beijingers give directions very easily. If you go north to south, the person who asks the way can understand it. This is related to the layout of Beijing city. The buildings are all facing south, and there are not many inclined streets. Tianjin Wei is the opposite. If you want to ask for directions, don’t tell Tianjin people that east, west, south, and few people can tell the difference. The direction is the road, and the road is horizontal and vertical. For example, a certain road, from the place name, should be a north-south road, but this direction is not accurate. The roads of the old Tianjin Wei are more than spider webs, which is related to the distribution of rivers and The division of leased land in various countries is related. During the Republic of China, there were not so many high-rise buildings in the south of the city, and there were few electric lights and street lights. Fortunately, there were not many dead ends. If you cross the streets and alleys, as long as you don’t get the general direction wrong, you won’t get lost. Master Guo and Ding Mao drank this drink from the afternoon until it was dark before returning home. The two of them had no roots on their feet and swayed every step. They had to stop halfway to sober up. When they understood, they found themselves sitting on the side of the road, The main road was dark and full of lights, except for the two of them. There were many bungalows around, the houses were scattered high and low, there were electric poles and trees beside the road, and all the street lights were off. The bungalows are all empty, and there is a faint smell of dead bodies nearby. In such a large area of ​​bungalows, all the electricity was cut off, all the houses and street lights were not lit, and there was only dim moonlight in the sky. Those houses, trees and telephone poles showed black outlines under the moon shadow, and the chirping of summer insects could not be heard. Noise, but there is a stench of unknown origin, which seems to be the stench of corpses, but this is in the city, in the sweltering dog days, it is impossible to release dead people to stink in ordinary houses. The two finally came to their senses. They looked at the road and the surrounding houses carefully. They felt familiar. When they saw the street signs, they remembered that this place was called Weijiawafang. Said that we were wronged and left, but actually transferred to the tile house of the Wei family. Today, the tile-roofed house of Wei’s House is a large residential area outside the south gate, between the suburbs and the city. Twenty or thirty years earlier, the place was called Wei’s Armor or Wei’s Tomb. It was originally a large cemetery. It is not surprising that there are many cemeteries. The dead in the city are buried outside the city, and the dead in the village are buried outside the village. Therefore, as the old saying goes, "Where the loess does not bury people", the living people are surrounded by dead people. The cemeteries of the dead are everywhere. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, water transportation and salt transportation were developed, and the area of ​​Tianjin City continued to expand. Many houses built at that time were almost cemeteries in the past. Speaking of Weijialou, the tile-roofed house of Weijia, it was called Weijiafen at first. After it became a residential area, people avoided mentioning the grave. When they talked about where to live, if they lived in Weijiafen, wouldn’t it be a ghost?So it was renamed Weijialou. In fact, there was no such building at all, so it was later renamed Weijiawafang. At that time, when people of a certain age mentioned Weijiafen, they often thought of "hanging ghosts". To say that the Wei family grave where the hanged ghost is buried is not too old. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, there was a family named Wei in Tianjin Wei who made a living by selling cooking cakes. He died young and died very early, leaving the second and third brothers to divide the family property equally. The second brother inherited the ancestral business and picked up a burden to sell steamed food along the street. Steamed food is pasta such as steamed buns and pancakes. The third brother has high ambitions and is unwilling to make a living in steaming food. He chooses to work as an apprentice in a gold shop and learn how to make gold and silver jewelry from the shopkeeper. Carpenters and bricklayers can learn it after three years of learning, and gold and silver jewelry can be learned for at least six years. I have to work for the shopkeeper for three years. There was no tuition fee in those days, and I learned the craft and helped for three years. The third brother has been an apprentice for ten years, learned a lot of business experience, and also mastered the craftsmanship. He came out and opened a small jewelry shop. With genuine products, honesty and reliability, good craftsmanship, and excellence, he gradually expanded the business. The money is getting more and more, and after a few years, it expanded into a gold building selling jewelry. The second brother's business was also doing well. He married a daughter-in-law who was very virtuous. The couple did their own business and worked hard to save some hard-earned money. In addition to the ancestral pancakes and steamed buns, they also began to sell various pastries and pasta, and the number of stores increased to three in front and back. It was really too busy, so I hired a young apprentice to work as a salesman at the front. The second brother and his wife Working in the back, next to the third brother's jewelry gold building, taking care of each other, life is getting better and better. Who would have thought that good times don’t last forever? In the year of Gengzi, the Eight-Power Allied Forces broke through Dagukou and entered Beijing City. Tianjin Wei was the first to bear the brunt of the disaster. The rebels robbed it all, and the store was burnt into ruins. Since then, it has been closed down, and it has not been slowed down. devil. The pastry shop of the second brother was also ransacked by the rebels that day. Fortunately, it was pastry and food, and the money was not lost. You can continue to do business, and later expand the business. When you have money, you can buy a house and buy land. If you have status, you can't call the second elder brother the second master. up. Dear buddies, dear brothers, it is broken bones and connected tendons. There is a saying that brothers are like brothers and wives are like clothes. If the clothes are torn, you can mend them. People, parents can only accompany you for the first half of your life, and your wife and children can only accompany you for the second half of your life. Only your biological brothers will stay with you from childhood to old age, so it is called brotherhood. When the second master of the Wei family thought of his brother, he couldn't help but burst into tears. He invited eminent monks to chant sutras to save the souls of the dead many times, and bought a cemetery outside the city with good geomantic omen. His ancestors and elders were all moved to this cemetery for re-burial. The cemetery is the foundation of the family, and the descendants are the roots of the family. Only with the foundation can we be blessed. Wei Erye bought this cemetery because he hoped that his family would be safe and his business would be prosperous. In those days, the cemeteries of rich families were privately owned. This cemetery It is called the Wei Family Tomb. There is a ancestral hall in front of the grave called the Wei Family Ancestral Hall. The cemetery is surrounded by pines and cypresses, and the ancient trees are towering. It is a large area with very dense forests. The terrain in the southwest is very low, and it is connected with the Nanwa. It is a vast swamp that can't be seen at a glance. I asked Zhang Banxian, who specializes in yin and yang houses, to read Fengshui in advance, and Zhang Banxian matched Wei Erye. This cemetery is thought to have excellent geomantic omen, but there are many strange things in this place. The area around the Wei family grave is full of old trees, pines and cypresses. There are many foxes, yellow wolves, hedgehogs, and badgers hiding in the forest. The land is quite spiritual, and if it is a place with bad geomantic omen, there would not be such good things. As a result, the business of the second master of the Wei family was passed on to his son's generation, and he got involved in a big lawsuit. In the end, the family was destroyed and became extinct due to the epidemic. Since then, the Weijia Tomb has been abandoned and turned into a random grave without a home. After the Republic of China, with the expansion of the urban area, a large tile-roofed house was built on the Weijia Tomb, and the place name became Weijialou. After a few years, it was renamed Weijia Wafang. The old pines and tombstones have long since disappeared, but people still call this place Weijiafen. Master Guo and Ding Mao recognized that this was the tile-roofed house of the Wei family, and they had also heard that there were hanged ghosts buried here back then. Here, most of the residents here are ordinary people, and the alleys and roads are like spider webs. Last year, a flood flooded this large area of ​​tile-roofed houses. Now only some homeless beggars and scavengers live in some abandoned houses. , Most of them are dangerous and leaky empty houses. Although they are considered urban, they have not been demolished due to power and water cuts. Master Guo didn't dare to let others call him the God of the River, it's okay if he didn't mention it, it would be unlucky to mention the God of the River, the old master was right at the beginning, he couldn't help but believe in this evil, people have to start reciting words, drink Cold water can also stuff your teeth. Wei's tiled house is in two directions from theirs. How did you come here in the middle of the night? Master Guo wanted to go home quickly, found the right direction with Ding Mao, and walked along the road, thinking that the road outside the Weijiawafang would be easy, but the roads and alleys around were all slanted, bumping east and west. Head to head bumping head to head, walking back and forth in circles, the two brothers are now foreign devils watching Beijing opera - dumbfounded. Ding Mao said: "Brother, the tile-roofed house of the Wei family is really evil. We have been walking for a long time, and we should have walked to the main road outside, but why haven't we walked out yet? Can't we get out of the way?" Master Guo said: "Brother, don't talk nonsense in the middle of the night. Don't look at these houses all empty now. They used to be places where people lived. Where did the ghost come from?" Ding Mao said: "It's nonsense. There are two hanged ghosts buried in the Wei family grave. I didn't make up this matter. No one in the city or outside the city knows." Master Guo said: "When the hanged ghosts were buried in Wei's grave, there was still the Qing Dynasty. What year is it now? If there is a cemetery, it will be haunted. In the future, the living will have no place to live. Besides, people are three-thirds afraid of ghosts. Ghosts are 70% afraid of people, my brother and I have done a good job, we have never done anything in this life where someone pokes the back of the back, not to mention that there are no ghosts in the tiled house of the Wei family, if there are ghosts, it will hide from us." Ding Mao was working in the corpse hunting team, so he wasn't afraid of those unclean things. He said, "Brother, don't believe what I say. If there are no ghosts in the tiled house of Wei's house, what are those things on the roof?" In the sweltering heat of the hot summer night, you can sweat even if you stay still, but Master Guo felt a chill down his spine after hearing this sentence, and he was even more puzzled, and asked: "Brother, what did you say in the middle of the night?" You don’t think it’s too much, the house is full of tiles, what else can there be?” Ding Mao said, "If you don't believe me, look up yourself." Master Guo heard Ding Mao say that there was something on the house, so he looked up, but he didn't see any ghosts on the roof, but he could vaguely see some mirrors hanging on the eaves of the tiled house by the moonlight. Also, it’s not just one family or two. In this one-story house, eight out of ten families hang mirrors on the roof. After the residents of each household moved out, these mirrors were not taken down, and they were still hung on the eaves of the roof. It is impossible to be full and full, and put a mirror array on the room for no reason. Ding Mao said: "Brother, did you see that, whose family lives with mirrors on the roof? The Weijialou used to be a mass grave where the dead were buried. It is no wonder that there are no ghosts in this place. If I knew it, I would leave some paper money on my body during the funeral. Well, it’s said that if you encounter lonely ghosts entangled in your legs, you can just throw out a few handfuls of paper money and send them away.” Master Guo once saw two families arguing in the city, and almost killed them. The reason was that one family hung a mirror on the roof. He said that the house opposite was not well built, and the eaves and ridges of the roof were diagonally facing the gate of their house. , broke the feng shui of the house, so they hung mirrors on the roof to block back the evil spirits. The two families fought a lot because of this, but Wei's tile-roofed house is such a large house, and every family puts it on the roof. Mirror array, this kind of strange thing has never been seen, or even heard of. He found that the mirrors on the room were all tied to the roof with wires. They had not been wiped for many years, and the mirrors were covered with dust. Those mirrors were not bronze mirrors. They were very ordinary mirrors, some neat and some incomplete. Looking at the situation, Even if it is not used to suppress evil spirits, it is also a feng shui layout. Master Guo said to Ding Mao: "The mirror array is nothing but to ward off evil spirits, or to help Fengshui to increase the situation. With this kind of arrangement, it is even more impossible to be haunted. Besides, there were no people living in the area of ​​Weijiawafang until after the flood last year. I haven't heard of any strange things happening here before, I think we brothers should stop guessing suspiciously, if we believe in these things, how can we eat the rice of the corpse hunting team in the future?" Ding Mao thinks that Master Guo's words are justified. The mirror formation on the roof of the Wei family's tiled house may be just a kind of Fengshui formation, but there is another strange and unknown situation. There is a smell of corpses in the bungalows above. Is it possible that thieves killed people? The corpses were thrown into an empty house where no one lives. block. Master Guo thought for a while, and said: "Seeing is believing, let's go and have a look first." The two of them were so bold, they searched for the smell, and saw a white thing lying on the side of the road. Under the wall, the closer you get, the more it smells bad, and when you get closer, you find that this thing is still moving. There are no street lights in this one-story house, and the two of them couldn't see clearly what was on the side of the road. They smelled the stench of dead bodies. From a distance, it looked like a white mass. When they got closer, they seemed to be moving. I had to pinch my nose when I walked, because the smell was too stinky, so I walked two steps closer to a place where I could touch it with my hands, and leaned over to look at it, only then did I see clearly that it was a rotting corpse covered with white maggots. The two of them saw that it was disgusting. Maggots grew on the body of the dead body in the hot weather. They couldn't help feeling sick, so they quickly pressed their hands to hold their mouths, because they couldn't bear to eat the eight bowls of four red stews and four steamed ones. They couldn't eat it two or three times a year. It's a pity to spit it out, I forcibly held back and didn't spit it out. The stench I have been smelling before is all the corpse smell from this thing on the side of the road, but it is not a dead person, and I don’t know what kind of animal’s corpse it is. Judging from the size and outline, it may be a wild dog. I guess I can’t pass it. It rotted away in a few days, and there was nothing to see, but not far away, I saw two dead cats. When a person dies by the side of the road, it is called lying down, or roadside corpse. If it is in the city, no matter whether there is a master’s house or not, there are always good-hearted people who help to collect the corpse and bury it. Animals such as cats and dogs died on the side of the road, and there were garbage collectors picking them up. The vacant house in Weijiafen may be demolished and unoccupied. It's not surprising that it rots and stinks. Master Guo and Ding Mao saw what was going on, and they stopped thinking about it. At this time, the clouds in the sky moved away, and the moonlight was bright, illuminating the houses and roads very clearly. You can get out of the tile-roofed house of Wei's house in just one turn, why can't you get out after taking such a long time around this road? The two of them thought that they probably drank too much, their alcohol was not strong enough, and they were still confused. With the mirror buried in the moon and no lights on the side of the road, it was inevitable that they would turn around. Now hurry up while the moon is bright, brother The sons and daughters thought about it and walked away. Master Guo felt as if something was following them. He followed the two of them and turned his head to look back. There was nothing. He thought to himself: "I am here today. What's the matter, why are you always suspicious?" Master Guo was feeling restless, and he had already reached the intersection before he knew it. When he got here, he had found the tile-roofed house of the Wei family, but he still felt something following behind him, and the back of his neck was chilly. At this time, he saw the moonlight On the ground, apart from the shadows of him and Ding Mao, there was a small black shadow behind. Ding Mao saw it too. The two of them were startled, and then turned their heads to look behind them, only to see a shadow that was bigger than a cat and smaller than a dog. It was a fluffy thing with a long tail, and suddenly jumped out from behind Master Guo with a "swish", and fled along the wall like a smoke, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. The two of them stood on the spot, dumbfounded, and didn't understand what happened. Later, they found a person who knew these things very well. They lost their way in Wei's house in the middle of the night and saw dead cats and dogs on the side of the road. The passage of the mirror array on the roof, how it came and went, I described it in detail from beginning to end. I heard people say that there were many vultures and badgers in the tile-roofed house of the Wei family. There is no peace. According to Mr. Feng Shui, every household hangs mirrors on the eaves of the roof. The mirrors are not hung randomly, but arranged in a formation. Those spiritual things will often lose their way when they enter this bungalow. Do not go out until you are trapped in it to death. You can often see dead cats and dogs. The residents of the tile-roofed houses of the Wei family drowned many people in the year when the flood occurred. Nemesis. After the flood receded, the tile-roofed houses of the Wei family left a large area of ​​empty houses. Usually, no matter whether it was day or night, no one had any accidents. It may be that Master Guo was always called the "God of the River" during those days, and unlucky things happened one after another. , when the yang qi is strong, lonely souls and wild ghosts dare not come near. If the luck declines, it must be the disaster star, and the Yintang turns black, and the yang qi also weakens. There may be a civet cat trapped in that bungalow at that time Or something like a fox, it sees that Master Guo and Ding Mao have weak yang energy, and uses a blindfold to confuse these two people, and then escapes from the tile house of Wei's house. There is another possibility, the wild fox is trapped He couldn't get out of the tile-roofed house in Wei's house, because it was doomed to die, and it was able to avoid the doom by hiding beside Master Guo, the God of the River. Whether this is the case or not is hard to say. Master Guo couldn’t figure it out at the time, and the past passed away until after liberation, in the 1960s. One night, he rode an old-fashioned bicycle home from get off work. It's already the beginning of autumn, the autumn wind is bleak, the weather is getting colder every day, and it's late at night, and there are almost no pedestrians on the road. During the day, he salvaged floating corpses in the Haihe River. He had been busy all day long. He was so hungry that he was so hungry that he wanted to go home and have a warm meal. Suddenly he couldn't pedal, as if something was pulling his car from behind, preventing him from going forward. Master Guo had no choice but to stop the car, turned his head to look back, and saw a furry thing running past on the road, but he couldn’t see it in a blink of an eye. I don’t know where it came from. It looked like a civet cat. Black, I can't tell what it is. At this time, a young man on a bicycle came from behind, wearing the work clothes of the factory, with a lunch box in the back of the car. He looked like a worker on the night shift in the factory. This young worker was pedaling fast on his bicycle. The master passed by, picked up a gust of wind, and went straight ahead. Master Guo said in his heart: "This young man, is he riding so fast to go to reincarnation?" He saw that his bicycle was fine and could be pedaled again, so he got on the bicycle and continued walking, when suddenly he heard a "plop" in front of him. Noise, looked up and was startled. It turned out that the young worker who rode his bicycle very fast actually rode his bicycle into the river. There was a half-meter-high wall beside the river. The man was riding so fast that he hit the wall and turned over. When I got to the river, my head was down, and my head was sunk in the mud. Human life is at stake, how can it be trivial?Master Guo didn't dare to be negligent. He didn't even take off his clothes. He threw himself out of the car and jumped into the cold river. He desperately dragged the young worker to the bank. He was already out of breath just after being dragged up, and it might be half a minute later, this person would be hopeless, and it was really fate to meet Master Guo, if someone else encountered this situation, even if he wanted to save him, it would be too late. Master Guo rescued the young worker and sent him to the hospital. After his condition stabilized, he asked him what happened. Why did he ride his bicycle into the river on such a wide road? Doze off, it's too dangerous. The young worker said that he didn't see a river at all when he rode here. He could see clearly at that time that there was a road there, and somehow he rode his bike and fell into the river. When the doctors and nurses in the hospital heard these words, they all thought the boy was stunned. The lights on the side of the road were bright, and he was not night blind. How could he see the river as a road? Unexpectedly, a few days later, in this same place, another worker on the night shift rode his bicycle and crashed into the river. This time, no one saw him on the road. There is a shoe on one foot, but there is no shoe on the other foot, and it does not move. By the time it is pulled up from the river, this person is already hopeless. There were some things that no one dared to say at the time, but people knew in their hearts that there might be a water ghost in this place who used a stand-in to lure passers-by into the river. He was the one who drowned in the river. No matter how powerful he was, no matter how good his water skills were, he would not be able to survive if his head sank into the river mud. In addition, when Master Guo couldn't pedal his bicycle, he vaguely saw a black shadow behind him. Running over, maybe it was the little thing he rescued from the Wei family grave back then, and came back to repay his kindness.
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