Home Categories Thriller River God·Ghost and Water Strange Talk
River God·Ghost and Water Strange Talk

River God·Ghost and Water Strange Talk


  • Thriller

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 189756

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Chapter 1 Chapter 1 The Water Monster Under the Gate Bridge

Jiuhe Xiashao Tianjinwei, two pontoon bridges and three passes; Outside the south gate is called Haiguang Temple, and outside the north gate is Beidaguan; In the south gate is the Jiaojun Field, and the Drum Tower and Fort are built in the middle; Three stacks and four cannons, the yellow card tram goes to the customs. This jingle refers to the scenery of Tianjin in the old days. At the time of the Republic of China, there was Shanghai Beach in the south and Tianjin Wei in the north, which were the most prosperous places.Most of the stories about the God of the River happened in Tianjin. First of all, I have to explain it clearly to you. I can’t guarantee that all of them are real people. , don't go into details.

Older people often refer to Tianjin as "Tianjin Wei". What do you mean by Tianjin Wei's Wei?At that time in the Ming Dynasty, King Yan swept the north, and Ming Chengzu Zhu Di set up guards in Tianjin. Like the Xiaoling Guards at that time, it was a military unit and a place where troops were stationed. The emperor of Ming Dynasty stationed his soldiers from his hometown in Anhui. He was in charge of guarding the capital, so he called this place Tianjin Wei. By the end of the Qing Dynasty, Tianjin had been leased by nine countries, and the city was unprecedentedly prosperous. Tianjin City is adjacent to Yanshan Mountain in the north, Bohai Sea in the east, Baiyang Lake on the top, Bohai Bay on the bottom, and located at the bottom of the Jiuhe River. In fact, there are mainly five rivers. Many people drown in the river every year. A corpse-hunting team was established to be responsible for salvaging floating corpses in the river. After entering the Republic of China, the corpse-hunting team was included in the police department and named "Wuhe Water Police Team".

The police station in the old society was equivalent to the yamen gate. The first corpse-hunting team was not a water police, but a spontaneous non-governmental organization. All of them were good swimmers. Because the floating corpses in the river rotted and stink, they would pollute the river water, and it was scary to watch. Therefore, the people in the city have the money to contribute money and strength, and ask people with good water skills to salvage the floating corpses. Hundreds of people are drowned every year in the various rivers, mainly those who drowned in wild swimming in summer, and those who committed suicide by falling into the water. There are so many victims of the murder case that destroyed corpses and traces in the river, there are so many people who died, so it is inevitable to be haunted. No matter how you look at this kind of thing now, anyway, people in the old days were very superstitious about ghosts and gods. Anyone who salvaged floating corpses from the river usually If it is sent to Yizhuang for storage, someone will be responsible for watching the corpse at night until it is finally carried to the cemetery for burial. From the beginning to the end, members of the corpse recovery team will be in charge. These people, apart from being good at water and courageous, also have their own set of methods. Exorcise ghosts and eliminate evil spirits, otherwise I can't do this job.

Of course, these old calendars are all old superstitions. Since the Republic of China, the corpse-hunting team has become the "Wuhe Water Police Team", but the common people still used to call them the corpse-hunting team, also called the river patrol team, until after liberation. The "river god" mentioned in our book refers to only one person. His surname is Guo and his name is Deyou. He ranks second in his family. Mr. Guo's water quality is surprisingly good. Frozen, you can dive down by digging the ice hole, the two eyeballs are very bright, and you can see the characters in the painting. He works in the Wuhe Water Police Team and deals with river drifters all day long. He has experienced countless shocking and strange cases, and saved the lives of many people who fell into the water. His life experience is full of legends. Tianjin people like to give people nicknames, which are catchy, easy to remember, and pleasant to hear. People in old age When mentioning Master Guo, they all say that he is the "God of the River", not a god like the Dragon King that is enshrined in the temple.

"River God" is all about listening to the stories told by the elders. "Ghost Water Strange Talk" is just the most exciting part of it. The content is very bizarre, and the plot is one after another. , let's talk less, let's start with the "water monster under the bridge". It was before liberation, around the Spring Festival of a certain year in the Republic of China, the old master who led the corpse hunting team died for some reason. Master Guo was born and bred in the local area. He was familiar with the head and the ground. At that time, there were not many people in the team, and they all relied on this errand to make a living. These people are not official policemen, and now they are similar to temporary workers. They can't earn a few yuan a month, and their income is not even as good as that of the street. The stinky foot patrol on the road usually has to find other jobs to support the family. Let's say that the "water monster under the bridge" happened in the summer of the new year.

The incident occurred near the Zhaqiao. The Zhaqiao used to refer to a sluice near the mouth of the Sancha River. There is also a bridge beside the gate. It was built in the late Qing Dynasty. It can pass people and vehicles. In fact, the gate is a gate bridge or a bridge. Well, the gate and the bridge are two different things, but they are very close together, and people are used to calling them "gate bridges" together. At that time, it was so hot that Zhaqiao Riverside was full of traffic all day long, people came and went, and there were many people doing business and selling. Tianjin Wei was a cornucopia, feeding the poor as well as the rich. When there were more rich people, thieves would Many, nowadays, thieves are often confused with stealing, but in the old society, there is a big difference. Stealing generally refers to taking out people's wallets on the street, and stealing sheep in shops is also considered stealing. There are also several types of thieves. There are burglars who burrow into the sky, jump over houses, go to thousands of houses, twist doors and locks, and steal property; there are even soil thieves who dig into the ground, dig graves, and make a fortune from the dead. Thieves, since they are water thieves, it is conceivable that they cannot do without water.

There is a water thief living in Xitou, he is not big, he has a nickname named Yu Si'er, he is not a big thief, he is a bird fart in Tianjin Wei's old saying, not worth mentioning, but there is another sentence As the old saying goes, "A bird's fart turns into a spirit, and an eagle dies when it is pissed off." Yu Si'er has a bit of the same meaning. Let’s first talk about what is Juehu net. Usually when fishing on the river, a net is stretched out, surrounded by a circle of bamboo grate, stretched into the river to sink for a while, and then lifted up, so that fish and shrimp can be fished out of the river. , Sometimes the fish can be fished out, sometimes it can’t be fished out. It is also common to catch a net of broken shoes at the bottom of the river with aquatic plants and silt. In the river, piles are driven with bamboo poles, and the fishing nets are wrapped around the bamboo poles for several layers, forming a maze surrounded by net walls, with only one opening left outside. How could he know it well? He just swam along the net wall to the opening, and when he entered, he was trapped by heavy fishing nets, as if he had entered an enchanted circle. If you don’t pass, it’s called Juehuwang. This trick is too cruel. There are fish in the river one after the other, but it doesn’t matter if they don’t come.

Yu Si'er sets up a net secretly every night, and removes the net before dawn. In the morning, he goes out to sell the fish caught at night, all kinds of river fish and shrimps in different sizes, and put them in wooden basins and barrels. Shouting out, the official is not allowed to fish with extinct household nets, boats are usually sailing in the river, and it is easy to cause accidents if they get entangled in the net wall, the fish are afraid of being caught, so they have to change places, the sky is cloudy and the moon is dark After dark, he went to the bottom of the sluice bridge to insert nets. After finishing his work, it was already midnight, and he was squatting on the bridge alone, smoking a cigarette.

At this time, there was a cart puller, who had just returned from delivering the guests and collected the cart, and happened to pass by the bridge. The cart puller knew Yu Si'er, and the two had been neighbors for many years, so he kindly told him: "The water under the gate bridge is deep, and there are often people at night. I saw a water monster under the bridge, its eyes were like two small lamps. It is said that a woman threw herself into the river a few years ago, but she has not found her body so far. People who usually swim are afraid to come here. Be careful. Hold on."

Yu Si'er spat: "Don't your mother scare fourth master, fourth master has caught fish for so many years, but he has never seen anything unusual in this river, if a female corpse is really brought up, fourth master will hug the dead person Go home and be a daughter-in-law, don't plan to use it to make fun." The cart puller came over while talking, and asked Yu Si'er to smoke a cigarette, and the two chatted without saying a word on the bridge. Yu Si'er asked: "What kind of style are you smoking today? Why did you pick up the car so late? Are you afraid that your wife will steal the man at home?"

The man pulling the cart looked smug: "I did a good job today and paid a lot of money, but the road is a bit far away, so I just finished the job." Yu Si'er didn't believe it: "Why is there a lot of money in this thing? Have you ever seen money, you stinking rubber-pocket?" The driver of the cart also scolded: "It's awesome to brag about your mother, as if you've seen it before, let's catch your fish." Talking about leaving, Yu Si'er also wanted to go back and take a nap, and then come to remove the net in the middle of the night. At this time, there was a movement on the river, as if someone was shaking the bamboo poles supporting the net. Curious, the two got up and looked under the bridge. The river surface under the bridge was pitch black, and the bamboo poles inserted in the river kept shaking. Yu Sier was overjoyed, he must be carrying a big guy, and when he struggled, he could shake the whole net. no. In the early years of the Republic of China, someone once caught a river turtle as big as a millstone at the mouth of the Sancha River. Yu Si'er thought to himself: "It may be a big turtle in the river. I heard that there is a meat lump in the head of the turtle. Dig it out and soak it." water, and then wash your eyes with this water, it has the effect of improving eyesight, blind people can see things after washing their eyes, it's time for fourth master to turn around, today your mother will get rich." Thinking of this, he hurriedly asked the cart puller to follow the helper, and the two of them set up the net on the bridge. It was dark at this time, and they lifted the whole fishing net onto the bridge. It was hard to see what was in it, but it was quite big anyway. Look at the outline, it is neither a fish nor a turtle, it seems to have arms and legs, and it exudes the smell of dead fish, which is unbearable. The timid man who pulled the cart was a little scared at this time, and said to Yu Si'er: "Fourth brother, you should be busy first, my wife is still at home waiting for me to go back, it's getting late, I have to Let's take a step first..." While talking in his mouth, he turned his head and started to run. Yu Si'er was so cowardly that he stretched out his hand to grab the puller and saw that there was a lantern hanging in front of the rickshaw. He took it off and said, "Where are you going? Let me borrow your lantern to light it first, and I have to take a look at it." What is this fished out of the river?" The person pulling the cart didn't want to borrow it, but Yu Si'er was quick, so they had to go to see it together. The two of them walked up to each other and carried a lantern to inspect the things that were entangled in the net. What's inside, Yu Si'er didn't dare to untie the net completely, opened a slit to look in, and saw it, he was so frightened that he yelled: "Oh my mother, it's a dead child! " Yu Si'er cast a net at the mouth of the Sancha River and fished out a dead child in the middle of the night. The child was not big, with a black body, and looked almost like a long-haired monkey, but it terrified the man pulling the cart. Isn't this the water monkey in the Haihe River? It is said that there are water monkeys in the Haihe River. This kind of monster looks like a child, covered with hair, and has a tail behind the buttocks. It occasionally goes ashore, afraid of the light, and has great strength in the water. That's how people drown. Don't look at the nose and eyes, but I have never believed it. I don't think there are water monkeys in the Haihe River. If there is such a thing, the history of biology should be rewritten. Later, I learned about it after listening to the master of the water police. The story is not out of thin air. There are really monkeys in the Haihe River, but it is different from the rumors. As the saying goes, "No wind, no waves", the root cause, what is going on? It was also before liberation. Someone indeed found a monster corpse in the Haihe River. The corpse was similar in shape to a child, with arms and legs, covered in hair, and a tail behind its buttocks. It looked clearly like a monkey. As we all know, the corpse in the river There can be no monkeys, the common people spread rumors, calling this monster a water monkey, saying that it was changed by a child who drowned in the river. Published photos, people can not believe it or not. In fact, the dead body fished out of the Haihe River was a monkey, but it was just an ordinary monkey, not a water monkey. There were some monkey-playing artistes who passed by here before, leading a few live monkeys to make money. The monkey didn't know what it ate wrongly, and it died. In those days, when people died, they were thrown into mass graves in the wilderness to feed dogs. Of course, if a monkey died, it would be impossible to set up a grave. Wicked and trying to save trouble, he threw the dead monkey into the river. Two days later, the corpse of the dead monkey was fished out in the Haihe River. Regarding the rumors about water monsters, although the rumors have been refuted by the authorities, people are still willing to believe that there are water monkeys in and out of the Haihe River. With the reminder from the cart puller, Yu Si'er also remembered the rumor of the water monkey. The two of them were afraid, and they didn't want the lantern. , Let the patrolman be caught as a thief, if it wasn't for the thief who did evil, why would he run away in the middle of the night?The police first beat them up, and then forced them to ask where did they commit the crime?Yu Si'er cried to his father and asked his mother to beg for mercy repeatedly, and told the story of catching a water monkey by netting at the mouth of the Sancha River, and someone who pulled the cart could testify. The patrolman asked about the situation, and took the two of them back to the bridge to check. At this time, the sky was getting brighter, and by the light of the sky, we could see that the thing caught by the fishing net was not a water monkey, but a dead child, but it was covered with a lot of water plants and mud , Yu Si'er saw it right at first, but let the cart puller bluffed beside him, his mind was completely dazed, and he couldn't see clearly in the middle of the night, and mistakenly thought that he had encountered a water monkey, and his guts were frightened. When it was dawn, people saw the dead child clearly, probably because it was entangled in the water plants at the bottom of the river and did not float up. The body had already grown dark green moss. I don't know why it hasn't rotted yet. The police judged that it wasn't Yu Si'er and the man who pulled the cart who killed them. They made a statement, prepared a case hastily, extorted a few money, and released the two when they saw that there was no money. The floating corpse in the Haihe River was too Many, many dead and drifting children are unclaimed, there are dead children, some can't be born, and they can't be raised after birth. Things like this have never been reported by the people, and no one has reported the case. I was so happy that the dead body was salvaged from the river, and it was usually handed over to the river patrol team for disposal. The officials called Master Guo of the river patrol team and asked him to sweep the child's body with grass, and use a straw to clean the child's body. Tie it with a hemp rope and carry it back to Yizhuang for disposal. It doesn't matter if you carry it back, but it will be haunted. According to local customs, death by water cannot be buried in the ground. Death by drowning is considered violent death, not a good death. It must be burned to ashes. Once the owner comes to report and claim, it is necessary to identify the identity of the deceased. However, it is hot in summer and the smell of dead bodies is too strong for anyone to bear, so this rule is useless. The Yizhuang is equivalent to today's funeral home. The Yizhuang used by the river patrol team is called the Helong Temple Yizhuang. The first human body, the folks call it Dragon Five Lord, is the Dragon King of Guangji who is in charge of the rivers and rivers, and ranks fifth among all the dragon kings, so he is called Dragon Five Lord. It is the main temple of the Dragon King of Guangji. It has been conferred by the emperor and has a lot of incense. There are many legends. Master Guo once heard his master say this. As early as hundreds of years ago, before Tianjin Wei, there was a severe drought that had never happened in a century. , that drought was terrible. There was no rain for ninety-nine or eighty-one days. The fields were torn apart, the crops were withered, the trees were smoking, and the stones were on fire. The villagers in the surrounding villages were helpless. I had to invite a Feng Shui master to come and see. After hearing about the incident, the Feng Shui master knew that the zombie in the old tomb must have become a drought man without looking at it. The heaviness of the demonic aura is truly unprecedented, but it is not as simple as Hanba. The ancient corpse has become a corpse demon, and no one can hold it back. In order to survive, the villagers had no choice but to build a temple to worship the Great Immortal of the Drought Demon. They were also forced to prepare live sacrifices of boys and girls. Boys and girls were selected by lottery. There is an old lady in the village who eats the Buddha of Lent Year all the year round. Unfortunately, her granddaughter was chosen as a living sacrifice. The old lady was reluctant to part with her little granddaughter, but she had no choice. Had a dream, a person who claimed to be the fifth came to the door and asked the old lady to advise the villagers not to use boys and girls to sacrifice to the drought demon god. There will be a big thunderstorm tomorrow, and he will come to catch this corpse demon. , so there are two things to ask for, one is to ask the villagers to beat gongs and drums to boost their power, and the other is that the drought demon cannot be killed, because the blood on the corpse demon can spread the plague, and beheading the corpse will make people within a hundred miles There are no humans or animals left, so we can only tie it with the well rope from the well at the head of the village. That rope is tied to the pulley to fetch water. I don’t know how many years and generations it has been used, but there is no half wear and tear, and it is always as good as new. What is unusual is that the villagers must untie the well rope in advance so that the fifth child can tie the corpse with a precious rope. After speaking, the person who called himself the fifth man disappeared. The old lady woke up from her dream and told the rest of the villagers about the incident. Everyone half-believed, hesitated, and followed what the old lady said. Suddenly, there was a thunderstorm, without warning, shaking the house , the ground trembled, followed by howling winds and heavy rain. A brave villager peeked outside the house, and saw a white dragon more than ten feet long in the dark clouds covering the sky. The dragon's body wrapped around a whole body. A monster with horns on its red-haired head. The monster's eyes were like two red lanterns. The villagers hurriedly beat gongs and drums to cheer and cheer. The sky was dark and the sky was dark. After a full hour, the Drought Demon Immortal was finally tied tightly with well ropes. Let a thunder strike into the dry well at the head of the village, and then the ground shook, and the dry well collapsed and filled to death. The villagers suddenly realized that Lao Wu was not an ordinary person, but the Dragon King of Guangji who manifested his holiness, so a Helong Temple was built on the well. To suppress the drought demon, burn incense and worship from generation to generation, and offer endless offerings. There is such a history of Helong Temple, which belongs to folklore. After entering the Republic of China, the incense was cut off. The statue of the Fifth Lord of the Dragon still exists, and all other buildings are gone. In 1923, it was rebuilt into a cemetery. Most of the floating corpses salvaged by the river patrol team were put in this cemetery. Master Guo’s master knew some Taoism and often took care of funeral affairs for others. He is good at paperwork. Usually, two masters and apprentices live in this dilapidated temple. The front hall is separated by two huts as a paperwork shop, and the back hall is used as a righteous village. After the master passed away, Guo Er My grandfather lives here alone, and the income from collecting dead bodies for vigil is not much. In addition to working as an errand in the river patrol team, he also makes paper work next to the Yizhuang of Helong Temple. Make it as if it were alive. That day, a dead body of a child was fished out at the mouth of the Sancha River. As usual, Master Guo brought the dead body back to Yizhuang, and something happened as soon as it got dark. Let’s bring this up now, but we can’t tell when it will be. It is roughly around the 28th of the sixth lunar month. People say that the 28th of the sixth lunar month is the day when the bald-tailed old Li goes home to cry for his mother’s grave. According to legend, Once upon a time, a woman named Li gave birth to a little black snake, and when she closed the door, she pinched off the snake's tail. This little black snake was reincarnated from a black dragon in the river. The black dragon is gone too. Every time around June 28th of the lunar calendar, the bald-tailed old Li always comes back to cry for his mother's grave. It must be rainy these days. It didn't rain that day, but the sky was also gloomy. By the time Zhuang was about to hold the lamps. There were no other dead bodies in Yizhuang in those few days. Master Guo used a cart to push the child's body into the back room. This back room used to be the back half of the main hall of Helong Temple. Light the oil lamp, and then burn two sticks of incense next to the child's head. According to superstition, the hungry ghost can satisfy his hunger by smelling the incense, and lighting incense for the dead is equivalent to letting the ghost eat. one column. After finishing the work of the dead, it's time to go to the front room to cook for the living. People call Master Guo Erye Guo. If they know each other and know how to do it, they will be called the second master, the third master and the fourth master. Master Guo is not the second official, but actually ranked second. His elder brother also lives in this house. This makes people panic. Just after I said that Master Guo lives alone in Yizhuang, why did someone suddenly appear in the house? Brother?Dead or alive? It turns out that Master Guo’s elder brother is a clay doll. This is called Brother Doll. In the old society, there was a custom of tying dolls. If the couple had no children for a long time after getting married, they could go to the Mazu Temple of Tianhou Palace to make a wish for a child. There are many clay dolls on it, all of which have been illuminated and have different appearances. Some are bright and lively, and some are naive. Couples who are begging for children have paid enough incense money, and which clay doll they like will be tied with a red string and taken home. , raised the mud doll as their own child, and after the couple had a child, the clay doll was the eldest child in the family, and the child born was the second child, so the clay doll was called the big brother doll, and they had to wash it every few years. Doll, that is to invite clay sculpture artists to change clothes for the clay doll, and the appearance will also change greatly with age, and even the elder brother of the doll has to marry a wife, that is, invite another clay doll in the form of a woman to come into the house, and put it with the elder brother. One piece, make a pair, because the second child in the family, if the eldest brother is not married, but the second brother gets married in advance, it seems against the rules. No one believes it anymore. In the old society, there were too many stories here. Because the clay dolls have been exposed to the atmosphere of fireworks in the world all year round, they can’t help but make some supernatural stories. The old people often like to tell such stories. For example, a certain family's doll elder brother came alive in the middle of the night and secretly drank sorghum rice porridge. There is such a doll elder brother above Master Guo. His parents left early and took this clay doll as his elder brother since he was a child. Every day when he entered the house, he would say that I am back, and he did not forget to set a pair of chopsticks for the doll elder brother during the meal. If there is something unpleasant, or encounter any difficulties, regardless of good or bad, I always talk to my elder brother when I get home. This day is the same as usual, after eating in front of the clay dolls, the sky is almost dark, and it is a hot and sweltering day. On a rainy night, he packed up the bowls and chopsticks and turned around to look, only to find that the big brother doll on the table was gone. At that time, Master Guo was young and bold, benevolent, righteous and upright. He was born with a warm heart. If he did not do anything wrong, he would not be afraid of ghosts coming to his door. Otherwise, how dare he live alone next to Yizhuang?To say that it was really evil at that time, Brother Doll was clearly placed on the dinner table, clearing up the dishes after dinner, and wanted to make some paperwork after dinner. Seeing that Master Guo talks to this doll brother every day, it is just to relieve boredom. Could it be that this clay doll has become a spirit? He thought to himself that Big Brother Doll was placed on the table neatly, and he couldn’t just say it’s gone, so he took a closer look at the door and it’s impossible to go outside, so he looked around in the house and searched it all. There was no sign of it, and I accidentally looked up, and found that the clay doll was lying on the cabinet, face down and motionless. Master Guo wondered, this kind of strange thing had never happened before, even if this thing really became a monster, what was it doing on the top of the cabinet?He comforted himself, maybe he had misremembered it, or else he was blindsided, even though he said that, he couldn't help but mutter, there must be a reason for it to be called leather trousers and cotton-padded jacket. I couldn't figure it out for a while, so I still put the baby brother in the high place in the house and said to myself, "If you want to stay on it, you can stay there." It was hot, and the smell of corpses in Yizhuang was getting worse and worse at night, and I couldn't stop it even if I pinched my nose. He thought again, he couldn't wait for dawn, the weather was too hot, and the child's body should be burned overnight, but the dead body was wrapped in a straw mat, wet and dripping, so it couldn't be burnt, there was The smelting box is a copper box with the outline of a human being. It used to be a thing in the temple. The dead body was put into the box and burned. No, so I need to light a brazier and dry the corpse first. Master Guo prepared the brazier and took out a match to light it. Just as he struck a match, a gust of wind blew in from outside the door, and the match in his hand went out immediately. Then click again, but it won't light up. The matches were struck one by one, but none of them caught fire. It seemed that the box of matches was damp, and my hands were wet with water. It was cloudy outside the house and there was no rain, but I felt that the humidity was very strong. , There were traces of water soaking on the wall, looking up, it seemed that water would seep out of the wall at any time, and then there was a cloudy wind, and the wind had no direction, west wind for a while, south wind for a while, It seems to be going around the Yizhuang of Helong Temple. Master Guo was horrified, goosebumps appeared on his body, and he felt cold from the inside out. Don't even think about lighting the brazier, and said secretly: "Is it going to be haunted?" The old master left behind a portrait of Emperor Guan, which painted "Guan Gong watching the Spring and Autumn at Night". In the painting, Guan Gong wears a master's helmet and a parrot-green war robe. , looking at the divine light, it is really majestic, a candle is lit beside Guan Gong, on one side is Guan Ping holding the big seal, on the other side is Zhou Cang holding the Qinglong Yanyue sword, Zhou Cangguan is standing on the left and right, and Guan Gong is still standing behind him. There is a red rabbit horse with four hooves that blows the wind and is eager to run. This picture of Guandi has been hanging in Yizhuang. The portrait is facing the gate. It is said that Guandi picture can protect houses from evil spirits It has been a long time since the temple was changed to Yizhuang, and there has never been such a thing as ghosts and ghosts. Master Guo looked up and saw the picture of Emperor Guan, which was well hung in the room, and thought to himself: "It is said that I have not done anything to deceive the heart. Lonely ghosts should not come to look for me. There is a statue of Emperor Guan to ward off evil spirits. On the wall, even if there are ghosts on the wall, they dare not enter the room. They don’t blame the monsters, and the monsters defeat themselves.” Let’s talk about superstition or not, anyway, as soon as this idea comes out, I feel more at ease in my heart. I am impatient and think about it. While making paper figures and horses under the electric lamp, he hummed a few little tunes to relieve himself. From the time when the lights were turned on until the dawn of five o'clock, sitting in the yizhuang of Helong Temple and waiting all night, when he heard the roosters crowing in the distance, a stone fell to the ground in Master Guo's heart, and the waterlogging marks on the wall were very obvious , as tall as a person, the bedding and clothes in the room were all damp, and even the portrait was blurred, it's a pity for this picture of Guandi. At this moment, he suddenly understood that the reason why the baby brother hid himself on the top of the cabinet was because the clay sculptures were afraid of getting wet, but it didn't rain, so how could the room be so humid?Could it be that a water ghost from the river came to the door last night. The water ghost wanted to enter the house, but it was blocked by the statue of the relevant emperor. The question is where did the ghost come from? Master Guo's mind was spinning fast, sitting in the room thinking about this matter, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, most likely it had something to do with the dead body of the child, he got up early in the morning and didn't have time to eat, so he hurried out of the house and went to the city to find a few patrolmen. With the help of the people from the river team, he felt for the row under the bridge at the mouth of the Sancha River. He believed that there was something in the river, and he would not believe anyone who told him. Going down to the bottom of the river, paddling in the deep water one foot at a time, if there is any foreign object at the bottom of the river, you can tell it by feel. From dawn to noon, a female corpse was found sinking at the bottom of the river, but no one picked it up. If you don't come up, the dead seem to have taken root at the bottom of the river. It was daytime at this time, and there were some social idlers watching the excitement around. The common people saw that the female corpse was fished out from the bottom of the river, and rushed to watch it. Most of the dead were men, and most of them were drowned by swimming in the wild. Women rarely went swimming in the river. It was not proper for women to swim in the old society, so there were not many female corpses in the Haihe River, but not absolutely none. Once a female corpse appeared in the river, They are usually murdered, thrown their bodies or committed suicide by throwing themselves into the river. This kind of news spread very quickly. After a while, the crowd by the river was full. You see, the young and old in Tianjin Wei love to watch the excitement, and when they encounter excitement while walking halfway, even if there is a big urgent matter at home, he has to watch enough before going home. Several members of the river patrol team went into the water, and some people on the bridge dragged it with rope hooks. After a long time of effort, they finally fished out the female corpse at the mouth of the Sancha River. Everyone, including Master Guo, felt Strange, how could the female corpse at the bottom of the river be so heavy? The river patrol team salvaged the woman's body. Looking carefully, the body was covered with river moss, which couldn't be peeled off. It was completely integrated with the body. The flesh covered by the dark green river moss was as hard as iron, and the dead body was stiff. It was hard to distinguish her face, and it looked horrifying. What was even more horrifying was that the female corpse was tied up in a big knot, and the tendon ropes were tied with hemp ropes. After soaking in water, it became tighter and tighter. A big iron lump with a strange shape, so it sank at the bottom of the river and did not float to the surface. The river patrol team also fished out the iron lump. The crowd of onlookers witnessed the entire process of recovering the corpse with their own eyes. Anyone who saw the appearance of this female corpse was not afraid. It was impossible to tell that it was a dead person like that. It was simply a monster with green hair all over its body. This incident spread all over the city. Every family burns incense sticks to pray for auspiciousness. The benevolent masters and big businessmen in the city have raised money to invite monks to recite scriptures on the bridge. People linger and cannot go to the underworld, but become ghosts soaking dead. It will be trapped in place. During the day, the sun shines, and ghosts hide at the bottom of the river and cannot move. It's like cutting flesh with a knife. The situation is extremely miserable. Whenever someone passes by the river and the ghost leads the person into the river, even if the person can swim, the ghost will grab the ankle under the water and drag it down. It was drowned when it was opened, and the water ghost found a scapegoat in doing so, so that it could re-enter reincarnation, leaving the one who had just died to suffer at the bottom of the river. People in the old society had deep superstitions. They believed that ghosts who soaked the dead would look for substitutes every year, and they often attributed people who drowned in the river to this reason. It's different, because I don't know where I drowned, so I have to invite monks to recite the mantra of rebirth to save this water ghost, otherwise people will die under this bridge in the future, and this regulation will be gone after liberation. Master Guo, as a Wuhe marine policeman, saw the situation that day, and knew that it was a murder case, and it was a case of double corpses. A few years ago, two mothers and children were killed and drowned at the bottom of the river. The dead body of the child was brought out in the middle of the night. There was a return of tide in the house in the middle of the night. Maybe it was the water ghost in the river who came to ask for the child. However, this kind of lingering ghost cannot be confirmed. The souls of the dead in the river were rescued. Anyway, the mouth of the Sancha River has never been haunted again. The case of the two dead bodies, one big and one small, was ignored by the authorities, and it once became an unsolved case. In the several rivers of Tianjin Wei before liberation, plus some dirty puddles and smelly puddles, two or three hundred people were drowned every year. Chengli can only solve more than three-tenths of the cases, which is not too low to be honest. The case of the sinking corpse at the mouth of the Sancha River caused a sensation in the whole city. Whoever solves this case will be promoted and rich. However, experienced people know that this case cannot be solved, mainly because the two dead bodies have been at the bottom of the river for many years. But the body did not rot, nor was it eaten by fish. The dead person became a zombie at the bottom of the river. It cannot be explained logically. According to superstition, it may be that he died too unjustly, and his clothes and shoes were soaked in the mud at the bottom of the river. I can't identify my identity, and there is no owner to claim it. In those years, there was chaos and chaos, and human life was like nothing. The affairs of the living were ignored, and there were countless murder cases that could not be solved. People pay attention to it, and don't care about preparing individual cases. The river patrol police usually don't participate in solving cases, so they shouldn't think too much about it, but this unsolved case, like the iron lump tied to the woman's body, weighs heavily on Master Guo's chest, and he can't move it or let it go. He didn't tell anyone. , I went to burn a few pieces of paper money by myself under the bridge. Later, Master Guo finally dug up the case, leading to a paragraph of "Evil Dog Village Arrests Lian Huaqing". At that time, there will be more evil things, you should remember this first. , we have to continue with the document later. Let’s start with the discovery of a female corpse at the mouth of the Sancha River. People onlookers all said that Mr. Guo was a god. How could he know that there was a female corpse at the bottom of the river in advance?队的老师傅,往往被百姓们送个“河神”的绰号,大伙从此就传开了,也管郭师傅叫“河神”,一提起来都说是“河神郭得友”,群众的嘴,赛过广播报纸,传得那叫一个快。 郭师傅听到别人称自己为河神,立刻出了身冷汗,想起师傅生前再三叮嘱:“将来谁管你叫河神你都别答应,不然准出要命的事。” 然而为什么不能叫河神,师傅好像没提过,他记起这番话,挨个告诉那些熟人,可不敢这么称呼。 至于那个泥娃娃塑像,仍和以往一样摆在屋里看家,一九四九年全国解放之后破除封建迷信,这一类东西,大多落得打破砸烂的下场,郭师傅家的娃娃大哥,也在那个时候莫名其妙的不知去向了,这次丢了可就再没找回来,不过郭师傅倒不怎么担心,他认为自己家中这位娃娃大哥有灵性,准是又躲出去避难了。
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