Home Categories Thriller Killer·Fate of the Return

Chapter 40 Chapter 39

Killer·Fate of the Return 九把刀 1675Words 2018-03-23
The letter was written by a man named Wu Mingyu, very young, twenty-nine years old. It was a long letter to himself. Wu Mingyu, who was an orphan since he was a child, joined the apprentice of the thief Zhuobie at the age of eight, but he was the least successful of the six apprentices of Zhuobie. At the age of eleven, he made a big mistake in a group action and hurt his brother He was chopped off, so he was expelled from the division by Zhuo Bie. Helpless, he can only continue to rely on stealing to make ends meet. When he sneaked into a wealthy family's mansion to steal, he was bumped into by a child of the family who was studying. The rich child didn't take it seriously. Instead, he became the only good friend in his life.

Thirteen, an unlucky number, caused Wu Mingyu to kill two hooligans in an accident when he was thirteen. He used a wine bottle and a butterfly knife that one of the hooligans took out.The only eyewitness was his best friend, who of course didn't want to report him, so he wasn't arrested for it, and he didn't intend to feel guilty about it.His terrified best friend thought a lot about it, so he patted his best friend on the shoulder and said goodbye. For that accidental murder, he didn't intend to regard it as a memory or a nightmare. He quickly got used to it and enjoyed it, and finally received the first Cicada Castle in his life on his fourteenth birthday.At the age of sixteen, he learned to use a gun.

During a mission in Shanghai, in a bar in Tianzifang, he met the woman he loved the most in his life, a 20-year-old elder sister who sang British rock with a microphone. He fell in love with her, fell in love with her Rock, also fell in love with the rock dream she gave him. It was almost the happiest day in his life. He brought his beloved woman to live in Malaysia and lived a relaxed life of taking orders. He planned to take root in Penang, where there are many Chinese, and opened a restaurant in the downtown area that only played rock music. In the bar, wash your hands slowly. Perhaps it was the time when the golden basin was about to wash his hands, and his skills were slack. The next year, he missed a shot in a seemingly simple mission, and implicated his woman, who was hunted down by the Malay gang. Gang rape and strangulation.

With the timely rescue of the Chinese church, he escaped death, and it took a whole year to recover from his serious injuries.When he recovered, it only took three days to drive those bastard Malays into a desperate situation. In order to kill those enemies faster, he thought it would be more efficient to hold a gun in each hand and hit their bullets So he picked up the powerful Alter Python revolver and the Desert Eagle pistol to massacre Malay gangs.The piles of corpses of those Malays on the street also confirmed his idea of ​​dual guns. In order to remind himself that he must be ruthless to survive, he stabbed a black and white face on his chest.From that day on, he used "Black and White Impermanence" as his new name, and the literal meaning on the surface was as cruel as the symbolic meaning.

He is referred to as "black and white" in the world. With a long-distance mission, Black and White left the sad land of Malaysia and went to the United States to develop. After staying in the United States for two years, Heihei killed people while looking for opportunities to become a rock singer, but all he did was just think about it, Heihei couldn't even sing a song for passers-by on the street.The road of a rock singer has not even taken a step, and Black and White has already made a name for himself in Las Vegas with his exaggerated double-gun shooting, and even the local gangsters have given him a high evaluation.

But it's not just the gang boss who gave him a high evaluation, but also the gang boss's woman. Tragedy is always a woman's business. Black and white fell in love with the gangster's woman, but it was too late to take her away, and the women were left one by one in that luxurious desert.The woman was only the first sacrifice, and the gangsters sent mad dog-like assassins to chase him down, but those assassins became live targets for black and white practice guns. Later, things became so rigid that it had nothing to do with women, but a matter of the face of the gangster boss .

So an ace killer named Tommy Blue was dispatched. The confrontation between the invincible Tommy Blue and Black and White on Korea Street in New York was a crazy tragedy. More than 30 passers-by were sent to the hospital by stray bullets, four policemen who arrived were killed, and Tommy Blue, who was shot in the head, was rushed to the hospital. Doctor, survived and was sent to prison to serve his sentence. It is said that the bullet that could not be dug out of the head finally made Tommy Blue referred to the insane asylum. The black and white left in New York's Koreatown has become a legend.A tale of a mad waste of bullets.

It's a pity that Black and White is not a competent lunatic, he has been harassed by nightmares.The beloved woman who died, the dream I didn't have the guts to approach, the innocent tragedy on the street, tortured black and white day and night.Black and white became an alcoholic, alcohol paralyzed his hands, and in the end he was almost unable to hold a gun steadily, and sooner or later he would die on the street. As if it was the last chance given by the god of fate, he met an old friend who came to New York to hold an academic seminar in Manhattan, from Taiwan, his only, best, old friend.

His old friend has become a talented psychiatrist, determined to save Black and White's life, he proposed to use hypnosis to reset all Black and White's past memories to zero, so that Black and White can be freed from the painful memory hell. Black and white agreed. He wrote a long letter to record his messy life, as a ghost note to himself who is about to disappear. Black and white hope that in the "next afterlife", he can become a person who does not make others suffer.
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