Home Categories Thriller Killer·Fate of the Return

Chapter 18 Chapter 17

Killer·Fate of the Return 九把刀 3567Words 2018-03-23
"?" I looked at the dumpy, slightly bald old man in amazement. He speaks Chinese.And here is South Korea. The bald old man spoke a foreign language that wasn't native Korean the first time he met me. "Do I know you?" I glared at him, speaking Chinese of course. "Know?" The short, fat, bald old man laughed: "Don't make fun of me. Anyway, you found me after all. This time I really have nothing to say, haha." "Ok." "You look, as if...as if..." "Like what?" My hand holding the wine glass trembled a little.

"It's nothing, haha." The bald man was noncommittal. Oh my god my god what is he talking about? Finally, I really met someone who knew the "me from the previous life", but I felt inexplicably afraid. Think about it, there is a person in this world who knows me better than myself. I don’t even know what he knows about me, to what extent, and what our relationship was before. Suddenly I had the feeling of sitting naked in a bar and jerking off. "..." I looked at him, trying to be calm and indifferent. "At least..." The short, fat, bald old man sighed and said quietly, "Tell me how you found me?"

I didn't respond, I just drank the wine in my hand without turning my head: "Everyone has their own way." I definitely don't want to admit that I don't know him, and I don't want to put on a flustered look. I could actually pester the bald man, please, beg him to force him to tell me everything he knows about me, but maybe out of an unanalyzable awkwardness, even if I suddenly really want to know what I used to be" Who", I don't want to tell me through other people's mouths. absolute.don't want. I pretended to be indifferent on purpose. "It's really been a long time, how many years has it been? Two years? Three years? Has it been three years? Hahahahaha I almost thought you completely forgot about me." The bald man said As he spoke, he suddenly laughed to himself.

"It doesn't matter." I put on a drink and said ambiguous lines. "so?" "Damn it, it's nothing." "Ha ha." "..." "It's true, some things are always changing, no one can tell, right?" "You can say whatever you want, I don't care anyway." I continued this meaningless conversation to the end. What the hell? I slowly poured the wine into my mouth while thinking about the situation in front of me. I think of the first time I just stepped into this bar.Maybe it's because I've done so many bad things subconsciously. With just that one glance, I naturally grabbed the general situation of the whole store into my head and performed an analysis that I didn't even know.At this moment, I suddenly realized that, in fact, I paid special attention to the existence of that wretched bald man at a glance. Twenty minutes ago, he was sitting in a corner, drinking with two fat women who didn't look very good. And his eyes met mine once, and I saw that he seemed to be unable to hold the wine glass steadily at that moment.

Yes, he did know me, and he knew some strange secret about me, which was stuck in some relationship between me and him that I didn't understand.And that secrecy seemed to work against him.At least one secret that the "old me" wouldn't like. But the bald man took the initiative to come over and strike up a conversation with me, with a familiar tone, obviously he thought that the relationship between me and him covered a little friendship, at least the kind of friendship that can have a good drink and chat. But judging from the words of the conversation, it seems that the bald man deliberately hid from me for a few years for a certain reason. It seems that I have to find trouble with him for a specific position or motive that he agrees with?Hell, of course I can't remember anything.

The above are all guesses, no matter how reasonable the guess is, it may be nonsense, but the only thing that is certain is that of course I did not come to this bar to trouble him, but the bald man thought that I came here deliberately to block him, That bloody eye contact I had just stepped into the bar confirmed his suspicions. so what?There's really nothing so.I just want to get out of here. "Is there anything in particular you want to say to me?" The bald man poured himself a glass of wine. "Not yet." I looked at his face reflected in the wine glass in my hand.

"It's really like your style." The bald man grinned. "..." I avoided his sight. After that I drank in silence.The bald man was also drinking and stopped talking. The two of us drink at different rates.I drank one, and he probably drank himself three.I've had three glasses and he's reached his eleventh.Just when I almost lost my patience and wanted to do something, he floated away from his seat and threw up after only one step. The store owner hurried over to clean it up, with a look of disgust on his face. The bald man ignored me, staggered towards the bathroom, and didn't come back for a long time.

I looked at the empty seat beside me, and a feeling rushed to my head with the alcohol.Heck, I absolutely can't bear the fact that there are people in this world who know more about me than I do, and there's no reason for that. So I stood up and went to the bathroom. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but I'm more likely to kill him in the toilet than to beat him up. Yes I don't have a gun, at least right now I don't feel the need to start anew, but I know I could easily snap the neck of this bald pig.I'm gonna have to reach out before he goes on with the shitty dialogue that doesn't make sense to me.As for what he owed me before, I don't want to know, that won't be the reason for me to kill him.

To be more precise, I just don't want to know that kind of stuff so I have to kill him! Unexpectedly, there was no one in the toilet, just a broken transom. There was a lot of blood on the frosted glass at the edge of the transom, as well as pieces of torn clothes. You can imagine how hard the bald man was trying to squeeze his fat body out of the small transom like toothpaste. Maybe even his ribs were damaged. Squeezed. How much is he afraid of me? Since he was so afraid that I would trouble him, why did he drink so much alcohol next to me? Am I an idiot?Was I so good at speaking before?

If I chase him right away, can I catch up with him?Can I kill him before he speaks? I didn't want to know the answer, so I just sat back in my seat and continued drinking. I wasn't bored at all, but rather relieved.If people who know my secrets are eager to escape from me, then I shouldn't have to worry about suddenly knowing anything I don't want to know, right? Very good, go away. Not long after, all the people in this bad shop left, and I was left alone, paralyzed by myself, drinking slowly while listening to old Western songs played on the jukebox. Not surprisingly, the bartender holding the mop walked towards me from the direction of the toilet with an angry expression on his face. He must have also found the broken transom, and I guessed the question he wanted to ask me next.

"Your friend escaped from the toilet, you know that?" the bartender said in a bad tone. "None of my shit." I hummed twice. "I don't know what's going on with you, but since it's your friend, you have to help him pay for the drinks." "...whatever." I sneered, if I had a gun, I would pay for it with bullets. Unfortunately not.I have no gun and no bullets. I paid the bill without wanting to talk nonsense, and the bartender at the counter handed me the briefcase that the bald man put on the sofa. I'm not interested in that kind of crap, but I don't want anyone who knew me before to have anything in someone else's hands.So I took the bald man's briefcase, which was heavy.I pray there's nothing in it that belongs to my old self. I opened it and looked at it as soon as I got back to my temporary rental. Inside were two thick stacks of hundred-dollar bills, and three 4×6 photographs, all three of which featured the same man, a very stocky black man with the build of a boxer. In the first photo, a black man in a suit is smiling and shaking hands.On the back of the photo was written the date, the name of a hotel in Seoul, and an English name, Neil, which I assumed was the name of the black man. The second photo shows the black man drinking beer on a private yacht. He wears sunglasses and has a small beard on his chin. The angle is not the same as the first photo. There is a string of Korean characters behind the photo, to the effect that the black man’s Living habits, simple and to the point, also mentioned the family and career background of this black man. The background of the third photo is in the gym. The black man is lifting weights topless. The photo is taken from behind. There is a large tattoo on the back of the black man, which is a woman's face.The back of this photo is densely marked with very special words and numbers: ⑴The tattoo pattern of the woman's appearance must be completely destroyed, the eyes are partially dug out, and the mouth is cut. ⑵Before Neil dies, he must be told that Elena wanted his life.But remind Neil that Elena still loves him deeply, as long as Neil confesses to the killer quickly, the killer will rush him to the hospital for emergency treatment. (3) Write down Neil's confession to Elena. (4) Tell Neil that Elena will never forgive him, so she will not send him to the hospital, and ask the killer to laugh at his stupidity. (5) Write down Neil's reaction to being laughed at. (6) Cut off Neil's genitals, smashed them in front of Neil with a juicer, and forced him to look at them. ⑺ Tell Neil that Elena still loves him very much, and I am sorry for what happened just now. ⑻ Tell Neil, it's no wonder, go to hell. ⑼ Did kill Neil. In addition to these three photos, there is also a plastic key.The shape of this key is very ordinary, and it is glued with red and white label paper. There is a series of numbers written on the label, which is probably the number of a certain cabinet at a certain station. These three photos plus a key, I can understand what is going on at a glance, isn’t it just killing people, what’s the big deal, I have done this kind of thing, and I have done it many times, I said it in Thailand. I clicked on the two stacks of banknotes, wow, this reward is quite generous, compared to the reward I used to do for the gang in Thailand, it was like a beggar, but the mother-in-law behind the photo is really funny, what the hell confessed to Elena , What's so strange, I'm really laughing to death hahahahahahahahahahaha. "So that bald man is a killer?" I just finished talking to myself when I laughed out loud. No, the dead bald man who escaped through the transom of the toilet is certainly not a killer. He is probably a small role that helps a certain mafia boss intermediary the killer or something, and these photos and keys must be given to a certain killer.Well, yes, he is going to put it in a locker at a station or an airport or in a department store for a killer to get the information. Repeatedly looked at the date on the back of the photo, it’s terrible, the planned date for the attack is actually the night after tomorrow, and the black man named Neil will leave Seoul by plane early in the morning the day after tomorrow, even if he is killed later, it is not in line with the call Elena's crazy woman's retarded request. Tsk tsk, it seems that Baldhead's case is extremely urgent, and all the documents accidentally fell into my hands. If he didn't save an extra copy first, he would eat shit. Is it possible for the bald head to keep an extra copy?No.The handwriting on the back of the photo is all handwritten, and what is the purpose of leaving an extra copy of the murder information?You will only make trouble for yourself. Alcohol kicks in.I threw the three photos on the table and the keys in the trash. Before falling asleep, I burst out laughing. This smile kept on laughing. "I really want to see Neil's expression."
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